communion sunday confirmation sunday may 3, · 5/3/2015  ·...

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MAY 3, 2015

248-349-0911 •

2 * Please rise in body or spirit.

Welcome Communion & Confirmation Sunday

May 3, 2015

Thank you for worshiping with us!

The front pews are reserved for children and their families so that they can

see and hear the worship service without distraction. We welcome their

participation with us this morning as we celebrate communion as a Church


We invite you to write your name and contact information on the

Friendship Pad and pass it down the pew for others to sign.

If you would like a children’s folder, large print bulletin, wireless hearing

assistance device or back pillow, the ushers will be happy to assist you.

If you are visiting with us, we invite you to stop by the Welcome Center

and pick up a gift. It is our way of saying thank you for spending time with us


Please join us for coffee, tea, and bread in Boll Hall after the service.


Welcome Announcements

*Call to Worship

L: In the wilderness, water brings life. A: Seek us out, O God, and take us to the water. L: In the Word of God, the good news gives light. A: Seek us out, O God, and fill us with understanding. L: In the bread and wine, the body of our Savior nourishes everyone. A: Seek us out, O God, and give us yourself. L: Here is the water of life, the word that feeds, the food of eternity. Come and praise the vine that gives all goodness.

3 * Please rise in body or spirit.

*Opening Hymn #177 “I Will Come To You”

Call to Confession


Call to Confession Prayer of Confession God of Mercy, we confess that we have not borne the fruit of the Spirit. We have not loved others as you have loved us. We have denied the promises of baptism and cut ourselves off from you. Forgive us, restore us, that we may abide in your love and live out your mercy, for the sake of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Silent Prayer (An opportunity to offer to God your personal prayers of confession.)

Assurance of Forgiveness Call to Offering Offertory Music “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name”

by Tom Fettke Chancel Choir

*Doxology: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures here below Praise God above, ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Thanksgiving Welcoming the Confirmation Class of 2015 Scripture Reading John 15:1-8

‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are

* Please rise in body or spirit.


gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.

Meditation Pastor Emma Communion

*Sending Hymn #450 “Be Thou My Vision”


* Please rise in body or spirit.


Leading worship this morning...

Rev. Emma Ouellette, Associate Pastor

Rev. Robert Allen, Pastor

Stephen Gusukuma, Music & Worship Associate

Carole Halmekangas, Organist/Pianist

Chancel Choir

Beth Heberlein, Liturgist

All hymns reprinted with permission: CCLI License #2509486

Congratulations to our 2015 Confirmation Class!

Alex Jones Ashlyn Doner Christian Peck-Dimit Grace Cracraft Jacob Danes Joseph Borthwick Julia Gessert Karina Moore Luke Collins Matt Jones Megan Lemke Olivia Harp Sam Byun Sarah Poulos Tess Spindler

Join us after worship in Boll Hall for a reception welcoming them into our church!

Today’s Sunday School Offerings ALL beginning at 10:30am

1) Faith Lessons, Volume 5. An in-depth video tour of the

buried, distant, or otherwise forgotten places where the stories of the Bible actually happened. Today, Pergamum—Where Satan Lives. Taught by Deb Sopo, in the Emeritus Room. No class May 10 or 24.

* Please rise in body or spirit.


2) Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture today. If you’ve ever been puzzled or troubled by something in the Bible, this class is for you. A discussion of videos by Adam Hamilton, a senior pastor and prolific writer and challenging teacher. Today, Questions about the nature of Scripture. Led by Wanda Moon, in the Music Center. No class May 10.

3) Middle School Sunday School in the Middle School Room. We will be using the Feasting Curriculum. 4) Kid’s Sunday School (K-5): in the Children’s Center. It’s a great time of energetic worship with Gretchen, interactive storytelling and weekly activities that allow our children to apply their hands, heads and hearts in an act of worship or missions. It’s 45 minutes of fun and fellowship. Join us!

New Horizon has invited Mr. Ellsworth Stout from the Yankee Air Museum to speak on Thursday, May 21st at First Presbyterian. Mr. Stout will take us on the museum’s journey “Past, Present, and Future” including their involvement with the former Willow Run Plant. Mr. Stout was an officer in the insurance business achieving the title of President/Chief Executive Officer. He also served in the military and has been a Yankee member for many years. The program will start at 10:30am and lunch will follow at Andiamo’s on Seven Mile Road. There is no fee, however, a donation to the Yankee Museum is requested. Should you have any questions, please contact Nils Karlson at 248/344-2111.

CLOTHES DRIVE- Saturday May 16th (9am-2pm) and Sunday May 17th (9am-12am). This is your opportunity to clean out your closets and donate clean, gently used clothing to the needy in Detroit. Drop-off will be on the east side of the church (Starbucks

side) at the Mission Door. We also need volunteers to help with the clothing collections and sorting so sign up at the Mission Table.


Your Nominating Committee is hard at work on the process of determining God’s call for the new slate of nominees for the offices of Elder, Deacon, a single member of the Endowment Committee as well as next year’s Nominating Committee membership. It’s now time for the rest of the congregation to get in on the action. If you feel called to take a leadership role among next years nominees, by all means nominate yourself for the appropriate office, and/or if you have noticed leadership qualities in another congregant, please enter their name/names on the bulletin enclosure. These enclosures should be turned in following service in Boll Hall at the Nominating Committee booth. In order to give your committee sufficient time to research and pray over those nominated, please submit your referral forms no later than May 10th. Attention Everyone Eats (E1E) Volunteers! Volunteers meet the Second Wednesday of each month in the parking lot across from the pre-school doors on Cady St. We depart at 9:45am time and return around 1:30pm. Serving the homeless and less fortunate can be a very moving experience for those seeking to strengthen their faith. This is a great place to stretch your volunteer legs and a perfect place for new members and existing members to see what First Presbyterian Church of Northville is doing in the Detroit area community. All of those who desire to assist in this ministry on Wednesday, May 13 contact Diane Lahiff at (248)348-6019 or

We really need greeters for the Welcome Corps. The commitment is slight, and the rewards can be great in making our church a warm and friendly place. You can sign up at the Welcome Counter on Sunday, or online at Click on the How Can I Contribute tab, then click Volunteer from there click on the Welcome Corps link and sign up. An email reminder will be sent! Questions contact Anne Vetter Thank You!


There is an incredible opportunity for those who want to support young people in the foster care system. On Monday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m., the Western-Wayne Oakland County Faith Communities Coalition on Foster Care will meet at Faith Community Presbyterian Church--44400 W. Ten Mile Rd, Novi. The main speaker will be Brittany Bartkowiak. As someone who was in foster care, she knows the things that work and those that don't. She is working on her masters at U of M, is the support person for the college students at Eastern University who are in the foster care system, she writes a blog and interns at NPR's State of Opportunity program. (Check them out!) Among other topics, she will speak about the barriers former foster youth face when pursuing college/lifelong success, available supports for students in Michigan (campus based support programs, state and federal aid programs such as ETV), and ways supportive adults can assist foster care alumni in an appropriate way. After her presentation, she will answer specific questions we might have. You won't want to miss this!!!! Any questions, please contact Sheila Henderson or 248 756 4721.



The new Witness committee is constructing a bulletin

board in the narthex. When complete, it will contain

pictures and contact information for FPC leadership.

The leadership of First Pres wants to hear your

feedback, so we are trying to make it easier to contact

us with your constructive comments. Let the Elders,

Deacons and committee moderators know what’s on

your mind.


Photo Booth - The New Horizons group toured Channel 7 TV on April 22nd. Stay tuned, maybe we’ll see some new reporters!!



Sunday 5/3 Communion Sunday

Confirmation Sunday

8:15am Kerygma Bible Study, Library

9:30am Worship, Sanctuary

10:30am Sunday School Classes, details in Bulletin

10:30am Children’s Sunday School, Children’s Center

6:30pm Apex, High School Room

7:30pm Scout Committee Meeting, CLC

Monday 5/4 7:30pm Scouts, CLC

Tuesday 5/5 7:00am Men’s Small Group, Senate Restaurant

12:00pm Rotary, Boll Hall

6:30pm Praise Band Rehearsal, High School Room

7:00pm Membership Development, Middle School Room

8:00pm AA/Al-Anon

Wednesday 5/6 7:00am Men’s Small Group, Senate Restaurant

7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Music Center

7:00pm Men’s Evening Bible Study, Emeritus Room

Thursday 5/7 9:30am Women of Faith & Fellowship Book Club,

Emeritus Room

10:00am Prayer Group, Middle School Room

7:00pm Single Place, Boll Hall

7:30pm Stephen Ministers, Mission Room

7:30pm Pickleball, CLC

7:30pm Te Deum Handbells, Handbell Room

Friday 5/8 9:15am Agape, Emeritus Room

6:30pm TGIF

Sunday 5/10 Happy Mother’s Day

8:15am Kerygma Bible Study, Library

9:30am Worship, Sanctuary

10:30am Sunday School Classes, details in bulletin

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