common dermatological disease in paediatrics and homoeopathy medical science

Post on 21-Jul-2015



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Common Dermatological Disease in

Paediatrics Patients with

Homoeopathic Therapeutics:

By- Dr.Ankit Srivastav,

B.H.M.S. (Gold medallist), M.D. (PGR)


Introduction: Skin is the largest and most

superficial organ of the body. Nearly one third

(1/3rd) of the pediatric opd visits involve a

dermatology complaints. In addition to wide variety

of primary skin disorder seen during childhood, skin

is a marker of underlying systemic diseases and

many hereditary syndrome. Thinner, less hairy,

weaker intercellular attachment Paediatric skin in

compare to adult skin have fewer eccrine and

sebaceous gland secretions, increased susceptibility

to external irritants, increased susceptibility to

micro-coccal infection, depressed contact allergen

reactivity Percutaneous permeability increased only

in premature, damaged or scrotal skin.

Common Skin Disease in Paediatrics


1. Toxic Erythema of Newborn (Erythema

Toxicum Neo-natorum): Benign self–limiting eruption, Characterized by

erythematous macules and plaques, 2-3cm in size,

with a tiny 1-3mm central vesicle or pustule. Onset

mostly during first week of life, rarely at birth.

Site– mostly on trunk and proximal extremities.

Systemic symptoms are absent, Lesion

spontaneously disappear in 3 to 7 days.

Homoeopathic indicated medicines: Graphites is

a constitutional remedy that corresponds well to

children who are rather heavy, chilly, and who tend

to suffer from skin problems, In infants, with an

extensive red eruption (erythema) on the upper and

lower extremities1.,

Medorrhinum In the

family history there

are cases of cancer and

chronic rheumatism.

Medorrhinum infants

sleep flat on their

stomach, rear in the

air. They often have a

red rash (erythema) on

the buttocks.2

2.Miliaria Rubra

(Prickly Heat): Crops of superficial

vesicles resulting from

blockage of sweat

ducts. Tiny, papulo-

vesicle are on

erythematous base.

Site- flexural areas e.g.

neck, groins, axilla and

face, following

excessive sweating.

Secondary infection by

staphylococcus is

common. Treatment:

Avoidance of excessive

heat and humidity.

Light clothing, cool

bath and avoidance of

heavy blankets.,


indicated medicines:

Psorinum, Red miliaria

on the neck, beginning

with a stitching pain.

Pimples on the neck and

chest.2 Selenium

metallicum, Miliaria in



forearm, Tearing in hands at night, with cracking in

wrists. Itching at wrist, in palms; itching vesicles on

and between fingers. Dry, scaly eruption on palms,

with itching, having syphilitic base. 3

3. Acropustulosis of infancy:

Characterized by crops of intensely pruritic papulo-

pustular or vesico-pustular lesions appear for period

of 7 to 10 days remits for 2 to 3 weeks prior to

recurrence. Site - palm & soles, dorsal aspect of

hands, feet, wrists, ankles, face and scalp. Pustules

are sterile and contain eosinophil & neutrophils.

Homoeopathic indicated medicines: Adelheid

aqua, Hard pimples, with a red, inflamed areola,

itching somewhat, with a yellow, pustular apex,

somewhat moist on scratching it off (like small

boils), on fingers, toes and forearm.2 Ammonium

Carbonicum, Boil on right thigh, the size of a

child's fist, very painful, and not relieved by

poultices; the boil, cut open, discharged much pus

and blood.2.

4. Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis:

Characterized by transient, benign, superficial, non

inflammatory, vesicle-pustules that are extremely

fragile last for 24-48 hrs. Commonly present at

birth. Site- predominantly in clusters, under the

chin, forehead, axilla and nape of the neck. Lesions

disappear spontaneously by Day 5. Homoeopathic

Indicated Medicines: Sarsaparilla officinalis,

Black and blue spots filled with pus on backs of

hands, Eruptions following vaccination. Eruptions

agg. washing. Copper-coloured eruption, Small pus

boils with stinging pain on touch.4 Anthracinum, A

small red spot, sometimes with a blackish point in

middle, gradually becoming more sensitive, has to

scratch, it reddens more and more, swells and forms

a small pustule or blotch.5


Marmorata: Benign cutaneous

vascular phenomena

seen in neonates as an



vasomotor response to

the cold. Reticulate,

bluish mottling of skin

on trunk and

extremities. Usually

disappear as the

infants is rewarmed.

Its persistence is seen

in Downs syndrome,




Indicated Medicines:

Croton tiglium,

"Rubbed upon the

skin, it brings out after

a few hours, an

eruption of minute red

pimples, which are

always numerous in

proportion to the

delicacy and

vascularity of the skin,

and which are

gradually converted

into pustules.6


sulphuratum flavum,

Eruptions; blisters;

bloody after

scratching, painful,

burning in nature.7



6.Milia: Multiple, pearly- white papules, 1-2 mm

in size particularly prominent on cheeks, nose,

nasolabial fold and forehead. May be present in oral

cavity –Epstein perls. Superficial epidermal

inclusion cysts that contain laminated keratinized

material. Usually disappear spontaneously during

first 3-4 weeks. Pulsatilla, nodular, white, hard

elevations on red base; nodules of irregular form,

round, elongated, and angular.2 Alumina, Nodules

on face and nose, nodule ass if white of egg has

dried on it.4

7.Diaper Dermatitis

(Nappy Rash, Napkin Dermatitis):

Acute inflammatory reaction of the skin associated

with the wearing of napkins. Irritant contact

dermatitis – due to occlusive contact of urine and

faeces with skin. Rash is usually bounded by the

margins of the nappy with sparing of the inguinal

fold. After prolonged contact, a papulo-erosive

eruption occurs with formation of multiple small

ulcers, called Jacquet’s ulcers. Secondary infection

by candida is common. 4 clinical forms , most

common is chafing dermatitis-over conva-xicities,

7-12 months age.. 2nd limited to perianal area,

observed in who have/had diarrhea. 3rd discrete

shallow ulceration throught the diaper area. 4th

beefy red confluent erythema-occurs after

secondary c. albicans infection. Homoeopathic

Indicated Medicine, Pulsatilla, Red rash over the

body, face, neck, back, chest, arms, legs, abdomen;

most on chest and abdomen; red blotches, and in

some places red points running together making

blotches.2 Gambogia, Red nates (dermatitis) in

infants with diarrhoea.8. Rosa canina, Skin disease

(atopic dermatitis - infantile eczema).9

Medorrhinum, He had a diaper dermatitis and

infantile eczema.10.



dermatitis (cradle

cap): Characterized

by erythematous,

scaly or crusted

eruption over the area

rich in sebaceous

gland. Etiology -

pityrosporum oval,

hereditary (genetic)

immuno- dysfunction,

atmospheric humidity

etc. Site - Scalp, face,


presternal and

intertriginous areas

etc. Homoeopathic

Indicated Medicines,

Lobelia Inflata,

Seborrhoea of scalp

smelling offensively

(produced in an infant

every time),3 Bryonia,

hot and painful.

Seborrhoea, Hair very

greasy, Slow

development or

sudden receding of

rash. Eruptions

characterized by

sensation of prickling,

esp. when parts are

touched. Skin

eruptions generally

dry. Burning-itching



cial inflammatory



dermatitis of apposed skin surface. Heat, moisture,

friction and sweat retention induce maceration and

inflammation. Secondarily infected by bacterial

(s.aureus, group A streptococci) or fungal (candida)

infection. Merc.Sol., Raw sore feeling. Useful in a

variety of skin diseases. Moist intertigo. COWPERTHWAITE A. C., Text book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

Camphora officinalis, Cold, pale, blue, livid. Can't

bear to be covered, dermatitis, with bright redness,

Skin rarely moist, dryness of skin, not a trace of

sweat. hot sweat on forehead, child will not be

covered. Skin of whole body painfully sensitive,

slightest touch hurts. Skin: flabby, leather-like;

burning; itching. Skin dry like parchment. VERMEULEN

F., Concordant Materia Medica

10.Measles: Caused by RNA – Para-myxovirus,

Erythematous, maculo-papular rash starts on 2-4

days after fever behind the ears & spreads over the

face, trunk and limb. Koplik's spots are diagnostic

and are visible before onset of rash as ‘‘tiny white

spots” like grains of sand on mucous membrane of

the cheeks opposite the lower molars.

Homoeopathic Indicated Medicines: Camphor,

It is a most important remedy in retrocession of

measles and scarlatina when the face is pale, cold

hippocratic, the child is restless and will not tolerate

any covers. BLACKWOOD A. L., A Manual of Materia Medica

Therapeutics and Pharmacology. Oenanthe crocata, Child

faint eruption like measles on body, which,

however, soon disappeared; continued working of

muscles and motion of limbs. HERING C., Guiding Symptoms

of our Materia Medica. Pulsatilla pratensis, Measles :

catarrhal symptoms prominent; coryza and profuse

lachrymation; cough usually dry at night and loose

by day; child sits up in bed to cough; earache; not

indicated in beginning when fever is high. HERING C.,

Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. Stramonium, Measles,

fever before eruption, great heat of body and

copious sweat; very great redness of puffed-up face;

peculiar delirium; full

of fear and anxiety;

children see frightful

figures, rats and mice,

attempted to hide;

spasmodic affection of

oesophagus. HERING C.,

Guiding Symptoms of our Materia

Medica. Chamomilla,

When a child with

measles takes cold and

a painful watery

diarrhoea sets in, this

drug should not be

forgotten. HOYNE T. S.,

Clinical Therapeutics.



Spirit of Homropathic


2. ALLEN T. F.,

Encyclopedia of Pure

Materia Medica.

3. CLARKE J. H., Dictionary

of Practical Materia



Concordant Materia


5. HERING C., Guiding

Symptoms of our Materia


6. BURT W. H.,

Physiological Materia


7. KENT J. T., Lectures on

Homeopathic Materia


8. SAMUEL, Keynotes.


BOEDLER C., Psychic

causes of Illness: Applying



Homeopathy and Bach flowers therapy to Psychosomatic


10. GEUKENS A., Homeopathic Practice.

11. Rook’s Text book of Dermatology.

12. Thieme Clinical CompanionsDermatology.

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