common dental problems for older people

Post on 13-Aug-2015



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Common Dental Problems for Older People

These are the most common dental problems older people suffer from:

Missing Teeth: Tooth loss is one of the most common dental problems for older people. The passage of time can make the teeth become looser; if proper oral hygiene and dental treatments are not given in time, the problems can eventually lead to tooth loss. This problem is so closely associated to old age, that missing teeth can make a person instantly older than his or her actual age. Dental implants are ideal solutions for missing teeth problems, as the titanium roots are embedded into the jawbone to provide a secure anchor where teeth replacements can be connected to.

Teeth Discolourations: Teeth stains and discolourations can make a person look significantly older, because dark teeth are closely associated with advanced age. The darkening of teeth may occur as part of the natural ageing process, but the stains on the surface of teeth may also be caused by other factors such as: smoking or the use of tobacco products; regular consumption of teeth-staining drinks (tea, coffee, red wine); or as side effects of certain medications.

Gum Problems: Gum problems are mainly caused by poor oral hygiene. Older people are more susceptible to gum disease especially if they spend a lifetime not taking care of their oral health. Problems involving the gums can also be an effect of hormonal imbalances, which may occur during the latter part of a female’s life because of menopause. Gum disease may also be triggered by illnesses such as when the immune system is compromised, or when medications/ treatments cause the gums to become more sensitive to damage.

Dry Mouth: A dry feeling inside the mouth is common in older people who may not be getting the nutrition they need from food, and in those who may be dehydrated due to various causes. The dry mouth problem can also be a side effect of taking medications that cause a decrease in the production of saliva.

Jawbone Thinning: Jawbone thinning results when tooth loss is left untreated for a long time. The jaw area where the tooth loss is located will deteriorate with the passage of time, since the absence of tooth roots (which were lost along with the tooth) result to an absence of stimulation for the bone structure. If the bone is not continuously stimulated, it loses its healthy structure. Dental implants not only replace missing teeth – they also replace the lost tooth roots and continue to provide stimulation to the jawbone to help maintain its healthy quality.

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