committee on foreign affairs subcommittee on security and ... · der leser wird in diesem bericht...

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Committee on Foreign AffairsSubcommittee on Security and Defence

Report on Activities2004- 2009





Vorwort von Herrn Karl von Wogau______________________________________________ 5Preface de M. Karl von Wogau __________________________________________________ 6Foreword by Mr Karl von Wogau ________________________________________________ 81. Introduction: The role of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence ______________ 102. Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP __________________________________________ 12

2.1. Political oversight _________________________________________________________ 122.1.1. Collecting information and exchanging views __________________________________________122.1.2. Financing of civilian ESDP operations and related instruments ____________________________132.1.3. Delegations_____________________________________________________________________142.1.4. ESDP operations under scrutiny ____________________________________________________142.1.5. Issues related to ESDP operations under scrutiny _______________________________________15

3. The European Security Strategy ____________________________________________ 153.1. Reports and meetings related to ESS__________________________________________ 16

3.2. Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management ___________________________________ 16

3.3. Regional stability and geopolitical questions ___________________________________ 16

3.4. EU cooperation with international organisations________________________________ 163.4.1. EU-NATO cooperation: ___________________________________________________________163.4.2. EU-AU crisis management _________________________________________________________163.4.3. EU-UN crisis management _________________________________________________________17

3.5. Security and development policy _____________________________________________ 17

3.6. Criteria for use of force, responsibility to protect and human security ______________ 17

3.7. Fight against international terrorism and homeland security______________________ 17

3.8. Cyber security ____________________________________________________________ 17

4. Arms control and disarmament_____________________________________________ 174.1. Arms exports from the European Union_______________________________________ 17

4.2. Non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) ______________________ 17

4.3. Common Position on Arms Exports and Arms Trade Treaty______________________ 18

4.4. Clearance of landmines, unexploded ordnance, ban of cluster munitions ____________ 18

4.5. Non-Proliferation and ban of Weapons of Mass destruction ______________________ 18

5. Capabilities_____________________________________________________________ 185.1. Common ESDP command and control structures : ______________________________ 18

5.2. Military and civilian capabilities _____________________________________________ 19

5.3. Equipment _______________________________________________________________ 195.3.1. Civilian and military capabilities and equipment________________________________________195.3.2. Defence procurement and transfers of armaments within the EU ___________________________20

6. Other topics ____________________________________________________________ 206.1. Missile defence ____________________________________________________________ 20

6.2. Space policy and security ___________________________________________________ 20


6.3. Regulation of private security and military companies ___________________________ 20

6.4. Environment and security___________________________________________________ 21

6.5. EU Member States´ national security and defence policies ________________________ 21

6.6. EU institutional aspects in relation to EU security and defence ____________________ 21


1 - European Parliament - Subcommittee on Security and Defence __________________ 232 - Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP military operations (2004-2009)_______________ 24

3 - Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP civilian missions (2004-2009) _________________ 254 - Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP - Meetings with Heads of civilian missions and military operations (2004-2009)________________________________________________ 265 - Parliamentary scrutiny over capabilities (2004-2009) ___________________________ 28

6 - Meetings with PSC chairs (July 2004 – June 2009) _____________________________ 317 - Public Hearings and Conferences (2004-2009) _________________________________ 32

8 - Workshops (in cooperation with the DG EXPO Policy Department) (2004-2009) ____ 379 - Annotated resolution that originated in SEDE_________________________________ 39

10 - Studies (framework contract)______________________________________________ 4611 - Studies and written expertise (outside the framework contract) _________________ 49

12 - Visiting Speakers: 2004 - 2009 _____________________________________________ 53


VORWORT VON HERRN KARL VON WOGAUVorsitzender des Unterausschusses für Sicherheit und Verteidigung

Fünf Jahre sind vorbei, seitdem ich in dieses Amt gewählt wurde. Ich glaube, wir haben in diesen fünf Jahren eine gute Arbeit geleistet. Wir haben viele Themen behandelt, von den zivilen und militärischen Einsätzen der Europäischen Union über die Weltraumpolitik bis hin zu Missile Defence. Wir haben unsere Debatten in einer sachlichen Atmosphäre durchgeführt, was den leidenschaftlichen Ausdruck unserer Meinungsunterschiede nicht ausgeschlossen hat.

In diesen fünf Jahren haben wir zuerst versucht, eine parlamentarische Kontrolle über die ESVP zu entwickeln und zu stärken. Dazu haben wir uns über die Einsätze der Europäischen Union an Ort und Stelle informiert, sei es in Bosnien-Herzegowina, in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, im Tschad, in Kosovo und in Georgien. Wir haben immer versucht, bereits vor der Entscheidung des Rates über die Entsendung eines neuen Einsatzes eine Stellungnahme des Europäischen Parlamentes herbeizuführen, um dem Einsatz eine demokratische Legitimität zu geben.

Wir haben auch versucht, im Bereich der Finanzierung der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik auf mehr Transparenz und parlamentarische Kontrolle zu drängen. Dies hat uns ermöglicht, die zivilen Einsätze besser zu kontrollieren, wie etwa jene in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, in Afghanistan, in Kosovo und in Georgien. Diese Methode hat sich sehr bewährt, so dass sie eines Tages auch für die Militäreinsätze Anwendung finden könnte.

In diesen fünf Jahren haben wir die verschiedenen Aspekte der ESVP mit den jeweiligen Vorsitzenden des Politischen und Sicherheitskomitees erörtert. Wir haben des weiteren die sehr kompetenten Beamten des Generalsekretariats des Rates, den Vorsitzenden des EU-Militärkomitees und die jeweiligen Direktoren des EU-Militärstabs, der Zivilen Planungs- und Führungskapazität (CPCC), der Europäischen Verteidigungsagentur, des EU-Satellitenzentrums und des EU-Instituts für Sicherheitsstudien befragt.

Zum Beispiel haben wir die Entwicklung der Kapazitäten (wie die Battlegroups, die satellitengestützte Aufklärung, die Ausrüstung, usw.), die Kommandostruktur, die Regionalaspekte der Sicherheit und die Rüstungskontrolle (inklusiv die Kontrolle der Waffenexporte) besprochen.

Der Leser wird in diesem Bericht alles finden, was der Unterausschuss in dieser Legislaturperiode von 2004 bis 2009 geleistet hat.

Da ich nicht mehr bei den kommenden Europa-Wahlen kandidieren werde, lassen Sie mich am Schluss meine Wünsche für die Zukunft äußern. Meiner Meinung nach ist die Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik nach der Währungsunion und der Einführung des Euro der nächste Grundstein für den Aufbau Europas.

Seit 2003 haben wir eine Europäische Sicherheitsstrategie, die 2008 ergänzt wurde. Wir müssen jetzt noch einen Schritt weiter nach vorne machen, indem wir jetzt ein Europäisches Weißbuch über Sicherheit und Verteidigung zustande bringen.


Die Erarbeitung dieses Weißbuch soll einen demokratischen Prozess einleiten, wobei die Europäischen Bürger selbst einbezogen werden müssen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass in der EU eine öffentliche Debatte über die Rolle der Europäischen Union in der Weltpolitik stattfindet. Es ist an der Zeit, dass die EU ein strategisches Denken entwickelt. Sie muss gemeinsame Interessen definieren und sie gemeinsam verteidigen. Dabei werden wir neue Kapazitäten brauchen, aber es wird nicht darum gehen, mehr Geld auszugeben sondern das Geld, das wir heute haben, alle zusammen besser zu benutzen.

Die Europäische Union ist ein Friedensprojekt. Seit nunmehr fast 60 Jahren sichert sie den Frieden zwischen den Völkern unseres Kontinents und ermöglicht es uns, diesen Friedengemeinsam zu gestalten. An die Stelle von Konfrontation sind Kooperation und Dialog getreten. Dieses Modell wollen wir als Beispiel für andere Länder und Regionen entwickeln und auch gemeinsam verteidigen.

Zum Schluss möchte ich all meinen Kollegen Abgeordneten des Unterausschusses, den Vertretern des Rates und der Kommission und den Mitarbeitern des Sekretariats des Unterausschusses und der politischen Fraktionen für ihre Unterstützung während dieser fünf Jahre ganz herzlich danken. Gemeinsam und fraktionsübergreifend haben wir diesen Unterausschuss sichtbar, glaubwürdig und effizient gemacht.


PREFACE DE M. KARL VON WOGAUPrésident de la Sous-commission de la Sécurité et de la Défense

Cinq années se sont écoulées depuis mon élection à cette fonction. J'estime que durant cette période, nous avons accompli un bon travail. Nous avons abordé de nombreux thèmes, depuis les interventions civiles et militaires de l'Union européenne jusqu'à la défense anti-missile, en passant par la politique spatiale. Nous avons conduit nos débats dans une atmosphère objective, ce qui ne nous a pas empêchés de mettre de la passion dans l'expression de nos différences d'opinion.

Au cours de ces cinq années, nous avons tout d'abord tenté de développer et de renforcer le contrôle parlementaire sur la PESD. A cette fin, nous sommes allés, sur place, recueillir des informations sur le déroulement des opérations de l'Union européenne, que ce soit en Bosnie-Herzégovine, dans la République démocratique du Congo, au Tchad, au Kosovo et en Géorgie. Nous nous sommes toujours efforcés, avant que le Conseil ne prenne la décision de lancer une nouvelle opération, de faire en sorte que le Parlement européen prenne position de façon à conférer à l'opération une légitimité démocratique.

Nous avons aussi essayé, en ce qui concerne le financement de la PESD, de pousser à davantage de transparence et de contrôle démocratique. Ceci nous a permis de mieux contrôler les missions civiles comme celles qui se déroulent en République démocratique du Congo, en


Afghanistan, au Kosovo et en Géorgie. Cette méthode a fait ses preuves et un jour, elle pourra aussi s'appliquer aux opérations militaires.

Durant cette période, nous avons débattu des différents aspects de la PESD avec les présidents successifs du Comité Politique et de Sécurité (COPS). Nous avons aussi interrogé les fonctionnaires très compétents du Secrétariat général du Conseil, le Président du Comité militaire de l'UE ainsi que les directeurs respectifs de l'Etat-major militaire de l'UE, de la Capacité civile de planification et de gestion des crises (CPCC), de l'Agence européenne de défense, du Centre satellitaire et de l'Institut d'Etudes de Sécurité de l'UE.

Par exemple, nous avons examiné l'évolution des capacités (comme les groupements tactiques, la reconnaissance satellitaire, les équipements, etc.), les structures de commandement, les aspects régionaux de la sécurité ainsi que le contrôle des armements (y compris la question des exportations d'armes).

Le lecteur trouvera dans ce rapport tout ce que la sous-commission a accompli durant la législature 2004-2009.

Comme je ne me représente pas aux prochaines élections européennes, laissez-moi formuler quelques vœux pour l'avenir. Dans mon esprit, la politique européenne de sécurité et de défense constituera le prochain chantier de la construction européenne, après l'Union monétaire et l'introduction de la monnaie unique, l'Euro.

Depuis 2003, nous avons une Stratégie européenne de sécurité qui a été complétée en 2008. Il s'agit maintenant de franchir une nouvelle étape à travers la préparation d'un Livre Blanc européen sur la sécurité et la défense.

La préparation d'un tel Livre Blanc a pour but de lancer un processus démocratique qui associera les citoyens européens. Il est grand temps qu'un débat public sur le rôle de l'Union européenne dans le monde soit organisé. Il est grand temps que l'Union européenne développe une pensée stratégique, définisse des intérêts communs et soit prête à les défendre collectivement. Dans cette perspective, nous aurons besoin de nouvelles capacités mais il ne s'agira pas de dépenser plus pour notre défense mais de mieux utiliser, tous ensemble, nos ressources financières.

L'Union européenne est un projet de paix. Depuis presque 60 ans, elle a assuré la paix entre les peuples de notre continent et nous a permis, tous ensemble, de bâtir la paix. La confrontation a été remplacée par la coopération et le dialogue. Notre souhait est de développer ce modèle et de le donner en exemple à d'autres pays et régions et, si nécessaire, de le défendre.

En conclusion, je désire du fond du cœur remercier mes collègues députés européens, les représentants du Conseil et de la Commission, les collaborateurs du Secrétariat de la sous-commission et des groupes politiques du soutien qu'ils m'ont apporté au cours de ces cinq années. Tous ensembles, au-delà des clivages politiques, nous avons contribué à la visibilité, à la crédibilité et à l'efficacité de cette sous-commission.


FOREWORD BY MR KARL VON WOGAUChairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Five years have now elapsed since my election to this office. I believe that we have done a good job during this period. We have addressed many issues, ranging from civilian and military EU missions to space policy and missile defence. We have conducted our debates in an objective atmosphere, which has not prevented the passionate expression of differences of opinion.

Over these five years we first endeavoured to develop and reinforce parliamentary scrutiny of the ESDP. In doing so we have informed ourselves on the spot about the EU’s various missions, in particular in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Kosovo and Georgia. We have endeavoured to ensure that the European Parliament issues an opinion before the Council takes decisions to dispatch a new mission, thereby giving missions democratic legitimacy.

We have also endeavoured to press for greater transparency and parliamentary scrutiny as regards the funding of security and defence policy. This has enabled us to better control civilian missions, such as those in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Kosovo and Georgia. This method has proved very effective, and could in the future be used for military missions.

We have discussed the various aspects of ESDP with successive Chairs of the Political and Security Committee. We have also consulted the extremely competent officials of the Council's General Secretariat, the Chair of the EU Military Committee and directors of the EU Military Staff, the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC), the European Defence Agency, the EU Satellite Centre and the EU Institute for Security Studies.

For instance, we discussed the development of capabilities (such as the Battlegroups, satellite-based intelligence, equipment etc.), the command structures, regional aspects of security and arms control (including controls on arms exports).

The reader will find in this report a complete account of the Subcommittee's activities during the parliamentary term 2004-2009.

Since I will not be standing in the forthcoming European elections, allow me to conclude by expressing my wishes for the future. In my opinion, European Security and Defence Policy is the next building block in the construction of Europe, following monetary union and the introduction of the euro.

Since 2003 we have had a European security strategy which was further developed in 2008. We must now take one further step forward by producing a European White Paper on security and defence. The drafting of the White Paper should launch a democratic process in which European citizens themselves are included. It is high time that public debate took place in the European Union on the role of the EU in global politics and that the EU developed strategic thinking. It should define common interests and defend them together. For this, we shall need new capabilities, but it will not be a matter of simply spending more money, rather of collectively making use of the funds we have.

The European Union is a peace project. For over sixty years it has secured peace between the peoples of our continent and allowed us to develop this peace together. Where once there was


confrontation, now we have cooperation and dialogue. We wish to develop this cooperation and dialogue as an example for other countries and regions and if necessary defend it.

I should like to end by warmly thanking all my MEP colleagues on the Subcommittee, the Council and Commission representatives and the subcommittee secretariat staff and all the political group staff for their support over the last five years. Political interests aside, together we have made this Subcommittee a visible, credible and effective force.



1. Introduction: The role of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) was created in 2004 as a subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), whose role is described in the first paragraph of the Committee's mandate.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs is responsible for "the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and the European security and defence policy (ESDP). In this context [it] is assisted by a subcommittee on security and defence"1.

The Subcommittee itself comprises 36 members representing the political and geographic spectrum of the European Union (see Annex 1).

The powers and competences of the European parliament on CFSP and ESDP matters derive from Article 21 of the EU Treaty:

"The Presidency shall consult the European Parliament on the main aspects and the basic choices of the common foreign and security policy and shall ensure that the views of the European Parliament are duly taken into consideration. The European Parliament shall be kept regularly informed by the Presidency and the Commission of the development of the Union's foreign and security policy.

The European Parliament may ask questions of the Council or make recommendations to it. It shall hold an annual debate on progress in implementing the common foreign and security policy."

Within this legal framework the Subcommittee on Security and Defence has tried to define its role for the benefit of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the European Parliament as a whole. At the very beginning of the legislative period a gentleman's agreement was concluded between the Subcommittee and the main Committee according to which the Subcommittee could receive the Member States' ambassadors to the PSC, the Heads of Mission, the Chair of the EU Military Committee, the Director of the EU Military Staff, the respective Directors of the EU Satellite Centre and the EU Institute for Security Studies. On the contrary, prominent figures such as Ministers of Defence and any other Ministers, the High Representative, the President of the European Commission and the Secretary General of NATO were reserved for the main Committee.

Committees usually prepare reports either on the basis of a legislative proposal coming from the European Commission or they can decide to address a specific issue through an own initiative report.

On several occasions, the coordinators2 of SEDE proposed own initiative reports to AFET (see Annex 9 with the list of reports dealt with by the Subcommittee).

The procedure followed for own initiative reports3 is described hereafter: 1 Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament, 16th edition - March 2009, ANNEX VI : Powers and responsibilities of standing committees; I.Committee on Foreign Affairs2 A coordinator is the lead person in each political group. Together with the Chair and Vice-Chairs of a Committee (or Subcommittee), they form the 'Enlarged Bureau' and decide about reports to be drawn up, delegations to be dispatched and on any procedural and political matters relevant for the work of the parliamentary body


- Once the coordinators of SEDE have approved the title of an own initiative report, this proposal is examined by the coordinators of AFET. If the latter give their "green light", the request for this report, together with other proposals for own initiative reports is submitted

first to the Conference of Committee Chairs (in order to settle possible conflicts of competences between different Committees) and

once approved by this body, to the Conference of Presidents4 for final approval.- The coordinators of AFET then appoint a rapporteur on the basis of a point system, in order to

maintain a balance between the political groups.- The report is then prepared by the rapporteur, very often with the assistance of the Secretariat

of SEDE, and the draft report is debated in SEDE. - In the meantime a timetable is set up by AFET (comprising a deadline for amendments and a

last discussion in AFET before the vote), taking into account the urgency of the matter and the constraints of the plenary.

- After the adoption of the report by AFET (as a Subcommittee cannot formally adopt a report), the very last debate takes place in plenary and the draft resolution it entails becomes a resolution of the European Parliament. Usually the resolutions are transmitted to the Council and the Commission and any other interested entities (like the UN, NATO, third countries, national parliaments, etc., depending upon the subject).

In the field of security and defence, there are very few pieces of legislation: the exceptions were the security research programme, the "defence package" relating to the establishment of a single market for defence products and the applications of space, like Galileo and Kopernikus. In suchcases the Committee of Foreign Affairs (and its Subcommittee) was not the lead Committee butwas merely asked for its opinion by the lead Committee.

In view of and despite these limitations SEDE has been trying throughout the 6th legislative period to improve and consolidate the parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP, including theoperations and missions conducted under this policy, the command structures and last but not least the capabilities.

A special mention should be made at this stage as how the Subcommittee scrutinised ESDP missions and operations. Usually when the Council (or rather the Political and Security Committee - PSC) was still debating the main features of a mission or operation, a delegation of SEDE - and sometimes its chairman alone - went to the country where the mission or operation should be deployed in order to assess the physical and political constraints on the ground. Based on this fact-finding mission, a short report was presented at the following SEDE meeting. Based on this the political groups very often prepared a resolution to be adopted by the European Parliament in its next session. In this way the European Parliament gave its support to the military operations under ESDP in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad/Central African Republic and in the waters off the coast of Somalia for the fight against piracy. It did the same for many civilian missions, the latest ones being EULEX Kosovo and EUMM Georgia.

In the execution of its mandate, the Subcommittee has successfully developed closer contacts with the Council, which has proved to be its main interlocutor, the European Commission, NATO and other international organisations and actors such as NGOs. It has also organised 3 A Committee has the right to prepare 6 own initiative reports in parallel. In addition, Committees with Subcommittees receive one supplementary report for each Subcommittee4 The Conference of Presidents is made of the President of the European Parliament and the respective Presidents of each political group


several hearings and workshops with academic experts and others, and has addressed a wide range of security-related policy issues.

2. Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP

2.1. Political oversightThree main methods of conducting parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP civilian missions and military operations were used by SEDE:

To collect information and exchange views about the developments in ESDP, To make use of the meetings dedicated to the implementation of the CFSP budget to

monitor the civilian missions conducted under ESDP, To dispatch a delegation to the operations or missions made under ESDP.

2.1.1. Collecting information and exchanging viewsCollecting information and exchanging views were the main instruments by which SEDE used to monitor the developments in ESDP. This occurred mainly within SEDE meetings (public or "in camera") which were held once or twice per month, public hearings, workshops, conferences and other events (official or informal).

Some of these activities were organised jointly with other official bodies of the EP, such as the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Development, the Committee on Budget, the EP delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, other EP delegations responsible for a specific country (such as Afghanistan) or a geographic region (e.g. South-East Europe), and the Parliaments of the EU Member countries.

Some examples can help understanding how SEDE has been trying to enhance parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP:a) Twice every six months, under each Presidency, SEDE met the Chair of the Political

and Security Committee. This was the occasion to debate the ongoing developments in ESDP and collect information about the missions and operations under way.

b) Regular exchange of views took place almost during every SEDE meeting with the Council General Secretariat at director level about military operations, civilian missions and command structures. In this regard the cooperation with the Council evolved throughout these years in a very positive way and the presence of Council officials in SEDE meetings has become rather the rule than the exception. In addition Mr Solana appointed Mr Matthiessen as his Personal Representative for Parliamentary Affairs in the area of CFSP: Mr Matthiessen together with his staff followed closely the debates in SEDE.

c) SEDE received at least once per year Mr Solana's Personal Representative for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the Chair of the EU Military Committee, the Director of the EU Military Staff and the Executive Director of the European Defence Agency. It was also in touch with the respective Directors of the EU Satellite Centre and the EU Institute for Security Studies, the EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator and the Director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC).

d) Once every six months the Chairman of the Subcommittee was invited to attend the Conference of Defence Committee Chairs of the EU National Parliaments, the European Parliament and the Parliaments of the candidate countries. This type of conference is organised by the Parliament of the country which exerts the rotating Presidency of the EU. This is the occasion to debate issues of common interests, to


meet the Minister of Defence and Chief of Defence (ChoD) of the Presidency and for the Chair of SEDE to liaise with his/her colleagues. As a matter of reciprocity it was not SEDE but AFET which invited the same together with the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the National Parliaments and the Parliaments of the candidate countries to debate external and security issues with Mr Solana, SG/HR and, in some cases, with the acting President of GAERC5 or the Minister of Defence of the rotating Presidency.

e) Finally we should mention the procedure of the Special Committee which is mentioned in Annex VII of the Rules of Procedure. An Inter-Institutional Agreement of 20 November 2002 regulates the access by the European Parliament to sensitive information of the Council in the field of security and defence policy. The respective Chairpersons of AFET, SEDE and DROI 6, together with two other MEPs chosen by the political groups, constitute this Special Committee. They all must have a security clearance given to them by their respective national authorities. This small group is informed by the High Representative about sensitive topical issues. If they so wish, they can have access in the Council premises to classified documents like the CONOPS and OPLAN in the case of ESDP missions and operations.

2.1.2. Financing of civilian ESDP operations and related instrumentsThe Community budget dedicated to the Common Foreign and Security Policy came under the scrutiny of SEDE through a procedure described in the Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA) of 20067.

Five times per year, a small delegation composed of the respective Chairpersons of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, the Committee on Budget and other Members meets 'in camera' the Chair of the PSC and experts from the Commission. These meetings give the EP delegation the opportunity of debating the way the money is spent in the civilian missions made under ESDP and to discuss the difficulties faced by these missions, whether they are of political or financial nature.

Unfortunately this procedure does not apply to military operations made under ESDP as the Treaty prohibits their financing through the Community budget (see Article 28 TEU). For this reason the EU Member States created the so-called "ATHENA" mechanism which is used for financing the common costs of military operations under ESDP. This mechanism covers about 15 % of the total cost of an ESDP operation. The difference is therefore financed by the Member States through national contributions based on the principle "costs lie where they fall". SEDE has been trying to collect more information about the ATHENA mechanism but this issue is quite sensitive. This means that there is room for improvement.

5 General Affairs and External Relations Council6 Subcommittee on Human Rights7 These meetings are held pursuant art. 43 of the Inter-Institutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management


2.1.3. Delegations8

The Subcommittee can dispatch delegations to monitor or get informed about the developments in ESDP. These delegations were made either by SEDE alone or in cooperation with other EP bodies (especially AFET and standing delegations). In some cases the Conference of Presidents decided to constitute an ad hoc delegation to which SEDE members participated.

The delegations sent to monitor the ESDP military operations in the country where the troops had been deployed or to contact the Operation Commanders at their respective Operation Headquarters (OHQ) inside the EU can be found in Annex 2.

In Annex 3, the same type of information can be found for civilian missions.

Annex 4 is a synoptic about the Heads of civilian missions and military operations who were met by SEDE during these five years, either in the country where the mission or operation had been deployed or in Brussels during Subcommittee meetings.

On one occasion the Subcommittee went to Paris under the French Presidency to meet Mr. Hervé MORIN, French Defence Minister and also Members of the Defence Committees of the National Assembly and the Senate.

2.1.4. ESDP operations under scrutinyFrom 2003 to 2009, 23 missions and operations have been carried under ESDP: 6 military operations, 16 civilian missions and 1 civilian-military operation.

From July 2004 to March 2009, 17 of them were scrutinised by SEDE (either in meetings or through SEDE delegations): Military operation in Bosnia-Herzegovina EUFOR ALTHEA and police mission

EUPM: 2 SEDE delegations sent in 2005 and 2007 EUBAM Moldova-Ukraine: visit on the spot by the Chair of SEDE together with

another MEP (they met Mr BANFI, Head of Mission). This visit was followed by anexchange of views with the Commission in a SEDE meeting

EUJUST THEMIS in Georgia: SEDE had an exchange of views with Mrs PANTZ,former Head of Mission

EU COPPS and EU BAM Rafah in Palestine (Occupied Territories): exchange of views with the Council General Secretariat in a SEDE meeting

EUPT / EULEX Kosovo: 2 delegations sent in 2006 and 2008; several exchanges of views with the Council in SEDE meetings; delegations sent to Kosovo in 2006 and 2008

EUFOR DR Congo, EUPOL Kinshasa and EUSEC DR Congo: a delegation to the Operations Headquarters was dispatched to Potsdam/Berlin in July 2006, and a

8 There are different types of delegation but Committee (or Subcommittee) delegations must be distinguished from standing delegations, which are responsible for a specific country or region. A Committee (or Subcommittee) has the right to send half of its Members in delegation trips (= quota). The delegations travel normally inside the EU but 1/3 of the quota can be used for travelling outside this EU, which is quite important for SEDE. In some cases the European Parliament, on request from a Committee (or Subcommittee), can create an ad hoc delegation usually consisting of 7 Members chosen according to the De Hondt system.


delegation to RDC-Kinshasa was sent in November 2006; in addition several exchanges of views with the Council in SEDE meetings

AMM Aceh: exchange of views with Mr FEITH, former Head of Mission, on the lessons learnt from this mission in Aceh

EU Support to AMIS (Sudan/Darfur): exchange of views with the Council in a SEDE meeting

EUFOR Tchad/RCA: several exchanges of views with the Council (incl. General Leakey, Director of EUMS; General Patrick NASH, Operation Commander; Mr Torben BRYLLE, EU Special Representative for Sudan and for the operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA). A SEDE delegation was received at the OHQ at Mont-Valérien (France), and a SEDE Delegation visited EUFOR Tchad/RCA in November 2008

EUPOL Afghanistan: 2 SEDE Members joined the standing delegation which went to Afghanistan in 2008

EU NAVCO/ NAVFOR ATALANTA (Somalia): Exchange of views with the Counciland the military commander of EU NAVCO (Captain Andrès A. BREIJO CLAUR); SEDE Delegation to Northwood, UK (OHQ of EU NAVFOR 'Atalanta' - rear Admiral Philip JONES, Operation Commander) in January 2009. The general security situation in Somalia and in the Horn of Africa was also debated with the Commission

EUMM Georgia: SEDE Delegation to Georgia (EUMM in Georgia) in February 2009; exchange of views in SEDE meetings

2.1.5. Issues related to ESDP operations under scrutinySEDE tackled other issues which are quite relevant for ESDP operations.

Gender mainstreaming into ESDPA draft opinion on women in armed conflicts was considered by SEDE. SEDE nominated its Vice-Chair Ana Gomes as its responsible MEP in charge of promoting gender mainstreaming into the work of SEDE. Subsequently an action Plan was adopted by its Enlarged Bureau. The topic was debated also with the Mr Solana's Personal Representative for Human Rights in the area of CFSP/ESDP.

ESDP rules of engagement/criteria for the use of forceThe subject was discussed in SEDE meetings and hearings.

ESDP and soldiers´ rightsA hearing on conscientious objection was organised. Soldiers´ rights werediscussed at another meeting with representatives of EUROMIL.

3. The European Security Strategy

The European Security Strategy (ESS) was endorsed by the European Council in December 2003. It serves as a political guideline for CFSP and ESDP. The ESS was updated in December 2008. The European Parliament is of the opinion, following the discussions which took place in SEDE, that the ESS should be prolonged by a European White Book on Security and Defence which should make it more effective and more accountable vis-à-vis the EU citizens.


3.1. Reports and meetings related to ESSThe implementation and review of the European Security Strategy was dealt with in 4 AFET reports, which were prepared by SEDE through debates with the Council General Secretariat and representatives of the EU Presidency, and through hearings and workshops on the subject. A summary of these reports can be found in Annex 8.

In the context of the ESS several other issues were addressed by SEDE during the last five years.

3.2. Conflict Prevention and Crisis ManagementThe subject was on the agendas of SEDE meetings. Discussions with the Council and experts were held.

3.3. Regional stability and geopolitical questionsSEDE held exchanges of views on security and stability in the following regions: Africa: (DR Congo - internal conflict; Sudan - arms embargo and the conflict in Darfur;

Horn of Africa - Somalia) the Middle East: (Iran - nuclear enrichment), Lebanon (conflict); Palestine/Gaza

(conflict); Israel - Exchange of views with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Knesset; Iraq - Exchange of views with Chairman of the Committee on Security and Defence of Iraqi Council of Representatives)

Europe: (Western Balkans -security aspects & arms trafficking; perspectives of the CFE Treaty)

the Arctic region: (Communication of the Commission on the EU and the Arctic region) Transatlantic security relations: (hearing with NATO-PA) EU countries´ military installations in third countries and their potential role for the

future of ESDP: this issue was addressed in a workshop.

3.4. EU cooperation with international organisations3.4.1. EU-NATO cooperation: SEDE held exchanges of views with high-ranking NATO officials on several occasions (e.g. NATO Summits, ministerial conferences). It also debated the EU-NATO cooperation with Council representatives (General Secretariat, EU Presidency). The debates mainly focused on the areas of operation, such as Kosovo and Afghanistan, where both the EU and NATO are engaged; missile defence plans. Joint meetings with either with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly itself or with the EP Delegation to NATO-PA were organised. Finally a report was debated in SEDE on the role of NATO in the security architecture of the EU in view of its adoption by AFET.

3.4.2. EU-AU crisis managementThe Special Advisor of Mr Solana for African peacekeeping capabilities was invited to an exchange of views on the matter. A workshop on African Peace and Security Architecture with the Committee on Development was organised. Finally the issue of peace and security in Africa was debated with the Ambassador of the African Union to the EU.


3.4.3. EU-UN crisis managementCooperation between EU and UN in peace keeping operations (EU support to AMIS in Sudan/Darfur, ESDP "bridging" operation like in Chad) and civilian executive missions operations (like in Kosovo) were debated in SEDE meetings.

3.5. Security and development policyThe EU concepts on security sector reform (SSR) and disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) and their implementation were scrutinised by SEDE. A hearing on security and development was organised jointly with AFET and DEVE committees. The EU response to failed states was discussed as well.

3.6. Criteria for use of force, responsibility to protect and human securityThese issues were discussed in SEDE meetings and hearings.

3.7. Fight against international terrorism and homeland securityThe Subcommittee met with the EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator. A draft report on theexternal dimension of the fight against international terrorism was prepared for adoption in AFET and a study on Homeland security was presented by its authors. The Commission's Green Paper on Bio-preparedness was debated as well.

3.8. Cyber securityA study commissioned by AFET was presented in a joint public hearing organised by AFET and SEDE. This issue had to be seen in relation with the cyber attacks against Estonia in 2007 and against Georgia in 2008, following the brief war which broke out during the summer.

4. Arms control and disarmamentThe Subcommittee devoted a lot of work to arms control and disarmament issues, as the proliferation of conventional weapons, small or big, and of weapons of mass destruction are recognised by the European Security Strategy as a major threat to peace and stability in the world.

4.1. Arms exports from the European UnionThe implementation of the Council ´s Code of Conduct on Arms Exports was under scrutiny several times through an (annual) AFET report prepared on the basis of the Council report on operative provision 8 of the Code. Exchanges of views with the Council General Secretariat and the EU Presidency of the Council Working Group on Arms Exports (COARM) were also organised under each Presidency. Finally SEDE debated with experts on the situation of the arms embargo in relation with the conflict in Darfur.

4.2. Non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW)SEDE discussed the EU Strategy on Small Arms and Light Weapons and held exchanges of views with EU officials and experts. A resolution with a view to the UN Review Conferenceon SALW was drafted and a delegation was subsequently dispatched to the UN in New York. This topic was regularly debated during in the framework of the draft report on the EU´s Code of Conduct on Arms Exports.


4.3. Common Position on Arms Exports and Arms Trade TreatyIn conjunction with these two issues, the European Parliament has always supported the transformation of the Code of Conduct into a legally binding Common Position of the European Union, which occurred finally in December 2008, and the adoption by the international community of an Arms Trade Treaty, an issue which is gaining ground in the UN.

4.4. Clearance of landmines, unexploded ordnance, ban of cluster munitionsA joint hearing on the subject-matter was organised with DEVE, INTA and AFET. Demining activities financed by the EU were put under scrutiny in exchanges of views with the Commission and experts. This issue was also looked at on the spot by the SEDE delegation which went to Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2005.

SEDE had discussed several times the possible ban of cluster ammunition with experts and EU officials, especially after the short war which broke out in Lebanon in the summer of 2006. The use and production of cluster bombs as well as bomblets dispersible by aircraft were banned by the Dublin Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) signed by the State Parties in May 2008.

4.5. Non-Proliferation and ban of Weapons of Mass destructionSEDE debated the issue on a very regular basis with Mrs Giannella, Mr Solana’s PersonalRepresentative for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Non-Proliferation. A report was adopted in AFET on the role of the EP in implementing the WMD EU strategy. A recommendation on the role of the EU in nuclear disarmament and the future of the NPT wasprepared for adoption in AFET.

Two oral questions to the Council and the Commission on CWC and BTCW Review Conference were tabled and the issue of CWC was also discussed with the Director of the OPCW.

Moreover, SEDE debated other issues relating to this subject: thee Commission’s Green Paper on Bio-preparedness; the Non-proliferation clause in agreements with third countries; the nuclear co-operation within the Nuclear Suppliers Group; Non proliferation issues and the Action Plan on WMD.

5. CapabilitiesIn the view of SEDE the building up of capabilities was a major issue: without appropriate political-military structures, manpower and equipments there cannot be any efficient ESDP -which is primarily about crisis management - but also any credible common foreign policy. The list of activities in this field can be found in Annex 5.

5.1. Common ESDP command and control structures : SEDE scrutinised the development of the EU command and control structures and pleaded for the creation of a single EU Headquarters which should replace the existing five national Headquarters which can be used by the EU for its operation under ESDP.

Throughout these five years SEDE looked at: The EU Operations Headquarters (incl. a visit),


The EU Military Committee (with its Chairma(e)n), The EU Military Staff (with its Director General) and its Civil-Military Cell (with its

Head; also presentation of study on civil-military cooperation, The Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC; with its Head).

SEDE also paid attention to other structures which support the development of ESDP: The EU Institute on Security Studies (with its successive Directors), The EU Satellite Centre (with its Director. SEDE sent also a delegation to the EUSC in


Finally SEDE supported the development of the European Security and Defence College(ESDC) which should play an important role in spreading a common security and defence culture amongst the civilian and military personnel of the Member States involved in ESDP.

5.2. Military and civilian capabilitiesSEDE regularly proceeded to exchanging views with the Council on the military and civilian Headline Goals. It highlighted the singularity of the comprehensive EU approach to crisis management, which is based on a mix of civilian and military assets.

As part of its scrutiny role, SEDE sent delegations to the Nordic Battle Group in Sweden, to the HELBROC Battlegroup Headquarters in Greece (Larissa) and Cyprus, to the European Gendarmerie Force Headquarters in Vicenza (Italy), as well as the EUROCORPS Headquarters in Strasbourg.

Furthermore, SEDE discussed the reinforcement of the EU´s disaster response capacity: it debated with Mr Barnier his scheme for Europe Aid.

5.3. Equipment5.3.1. Civilian and military capabilities and equipmentSEDE regularly exchanged views with the Council and the Commission on the harmonisation (standardisation or interoperability) of defence and civilian (also dual-use) equipment among the EU countries in order to provide for more efficient ESDP operations. The projects managed by EDA as well as their working programme were scrutinised.

SEDE met on several occasions the successive Executive Directors of the European Defence Agency and even paid a visit to the Agency’s premises in Brussels. SEDE drafted two oral questions on the shortfalls in ESDP (transport, satellites and communications) for possible adoption in AFET.

SEDE was presented with various briefings and studies on the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base, the Battle Group concept, and a variety of technological instruments which can be used in crisis management, such as: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), software-defined radio (SDR) and technologies for command and control (see Annex 5).

The role of satellite-based telecommunications, intelligence and Earth observation was under review on several occasions. A report drafted in SEDE on space and security contained recommendations for the EU Member States to reduce the cost of these critical tools by conducting common procurements. SEDE welcomed the future development of


MUSIS which will replace the current observation satellites Helios, SAR-Lupe and Cosmo-Skymed.

The importance of strategic lift as an asset for crisis management and humanitarian aid was highlighted in a meeting with the directors of the Athens Maritime Coordination Centre and the Eindhoven European Airlift Centre.

5.3.2. Defence procurement and transfers of armaments within the EUTwo opinions were prepared in SEDE for adoption by AFET on the so-called “defence package” comprising a draft directive on defence procurement and a draft directive on the intra-community transfers of defence products. A hearing on defence procurement was also organised.

In the preparation phase, SEDE held an exchange of views with Mr Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission (Enterprise and Industry) and with IMCO’s9

rapporteurs. Furthermore the interpretative communication of the Commission on Article296 of the TEC was debated by SEDE.

Before the above-mentioned legislative proposals were drafted, it must be noted that SEDE held a first debate on the Commission's Green Paper on defence procurement.

6. Other topicsSEDE finally addressed a whole range of issues which one day can be part of a European White Book on Security and Defence.

6.1. Missile defenceMissile defence was a hot issue when the previous US administration intended to put a radarantenna in the Czech Republic and 10 interceptors in Poland. SEDE tackled this issue in a hearing organised together with AFET (a study was also commissioned), as well as in other meetings (incl. with NATO-PA). This issue was also part of the broader discussion on space and security (in relation with the report on the subject).

6.2. Space policy and securitySEDE had been involved in discussions, hearings and even a workshop with experts, representatives of the European Space Agency (ESA), the director of the EU Satellite Centre and NATO officials on the subject. Focus was put on Galileo, GMES (Kopernikus), telecommunication satellites, space-based observation and space-based intelligence and, as it was said before, also on missile defence, space situational awareness, debris; etc.

A report on space and security was prepared by the SEDE chairman for adoption by AFET. A delegation went in 2006 to the European Space Port in Kourou, French Guiana.

6.3. Regulation of private security and military companiesFollowing the important role private security companies plaid in Iraq, SEDE decided to debate their role in crisis management and humanitarian aid with experts. On this occasion astudy on private security companies was presented to SEDE.

9 Committee on Internal Market


6.4. Environment and securityA joint Council/Commission communication on security aspects of climate change was presented by the Council and Commission to SEDE. This issue was mentioned in the updated European security Strategy of December 2008.

The consequences of climate change on the security of the Arctic region were tackled in a meeting with the Commission.

A workshop on war remnants and pollution of the sea with focus on the Baltic Sea took place with experts.

6.5. EU Member States´ national security and defence policiesSEDE held exchanges of views on the National Security Strategies of Germany and France and their relation the European Security Strategy. In particular SEDE met the Chairman of the Committee which prepared the French White Book on National Security and Defence.

6.6. EU institutional aspects in relation to EU security and defenceA workshop was held on the role, implications and use of the mutual defence clauses of NATO, WEU and EU (following the implementation of the Lisbon treaty). Another workshop on the Impact of the Reform Treaty on ESDP was organised.



ANNEX 1European Parliament

Subcommittee on Security and Defence(Situation 24 April 2009)

Full Members SubstitutesCountry L PPE-DE Country L PPE-DE

Slovenia SL Mr BREJC Mihael UK EN Mr ASHWORTH Richard JamesGreece EL Mr DIMITRAKOPOULOS Giorgos Belgium NL Mr DEHAENE Jean-Luc

Romania RO Mr HĂMBĂŞAN Ioan Lucian (3rd VP) Germany DE Mr EHLER Christian

Sweden SV Mrs IBRISAGIC Anna Poland PL Mrs GACEK UrszulaEstonia ET Mr KELAM Tunne Czech Rep. CS Mrs HYBÁŠKOVÁ JanaLithuania LT Mr LANDSBERGIS Vytautas Germany DE Mr KONRAD ChristophAustria DE Mr PIRKER Hubert Netherlands NL Mrs MARTENS MariaPortugal PT Mr QUEIRÓ Luís Bulgaria BG Mr MLADENOV Nickolay


Italy IT Mr VERNOLA Marcello Hungary HU Mr SCHÖPFLIN GyörgyGermany DE Mr VON WOGAU Karl (PR) Finland FI Mr VATANEN AriItaly IT Mr ZAPPALÀ Stefano Country L PSE

Country L PSE Italy IT Mr CHIESA Giulietto

Italy IT Mr DE MICHELIS Gianni Ireland EN Mr DE ROSSA ProinsiasUK EN Mr FORD Glyn Hungary HU Mrs DOBOLYI Alexandra

Portugal PT Mrs GOMES Ana Maria (1st VP) Poland PL Mr GOLIK Bogdan

Bulgaria BG Mr KIRILOV Evgeni UK EN Mr HOWITT RichardGreece EL Mrs KOPPA Maria Eleni Bulgaria BG Mr PAPARIZOV AtanasGermany DE Mr KUHNE Helmut Romania RO Mr PAŞCU Ioan Mircea

Lithuania LT Mr PALECKIS Justas Vincas (4th VP) Estonia ET Mrs SAKS Katrin

France FR Mr PRIBETICH Pierre Poland PL Mr SIWIEC MarekNetherlands NL Mr WIERSMA Jan Marinus Austria DE Mr SWOBODA HannesSpain ES Mr YAÑEZ-BARNUEVO GARCÍA Luis Country L ALDE

Country L ALDE UK EN Mr DUFF Andrew

Romania RO Mr BUŞOI Cristian Silviu Finland FI Mrs JÄÄTTEENMÄKI AnneliItaly IT Mr DONNICI Beniamino Estonia ET Mr SAVI Toomas

Germany DE Mr LAMBSDORFF Alexander Graf Country L UEN

France FR Mr MORILLON Philippe Denmark DA Mr CAMRE MogensBelgium NL Mrs NEYTS-UYTTEBROECK AnnemiePoland PL Mr ONYSZKIEWICZ Janusz

Country L Verts/ALE

Germany DE Mr COHN-BENDIT DanielCountry L UEN


Latvia LV Mr KRISTOVSKIS Ģirts Valdis (2nd VP) Country L GUE/NGL

Country L Verts/ALE Spain ES Mr MEYER PLEITE WillyGermany DE Mrs BEER Angelika Italy IT Mr RIZZO MarcoNetherlands NL Mr LAGENDIJK Joost Country L IND/DEM

Country L GUE/NGL France FR Mr COÛTEAUX Paul MarieGreece EL Mr PAFILIS AthanasiosGermany DE Mr PFLÜGER Tobias


Country L NIBelgium NL M. CLAEYS Philip



Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP military operations(2004-2009)

Country Name of Operation SEDE delegations(within quota)

Other SEDE delegations or delegations with with SEDE Members


EUFOR ALTHEA FHQ in Sarajevoand regional command in Mostar5-7 April 2005

Potsdam (Germany)

EUFOR DR Congo OHQ EUFOR DR Congo10-11 July 2006

DR Congo EUFOR DR Congo Ad hoc delegation (FHQ in Kinshasa)6-9 November 2006

Chad Preparation of EUFOR Tchad/RCA

N'Djaména and Goz-Beïda27-30 August 2007


EUFOR ALTHEA (FHQ in Sarajevo and LOT in Gorazde)7-9 November 2007

Paris (France) EUFOR Tchad/RCA OHQ at Mont-Valérien (4 July 2008)

Chad EUFOR Tchad/RCA N'Djaména (rear FHQ), Abéché (FHQ) and Forchana (MNB-C)24-27 November 2008

Northwood (UK)

EU NAVFOR Atalanta OHQ in Northwood9 January 2009


ANNEX 3Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP civilian missions


Country Name of Mission SEDE delegations(within quota)

Other SEDE delegations or delegations with SEDE Members

Bosnia-Herzegovina EU Police Mission (EUPM)

Ad hoc: HQ in Sarajevo5-7 April 2005

Kosovo EU Planning team Ad hoc: AFET/SEDE/SEEPrishtina and Mitrovica20-23 June 2006

DR Congo EUPOL KinshasaEUSEC DR Congo

Ad hoc: Kinshasa6-9 November 2006

Bosnia-Herzegovina EU Police Mission (EUPM)

HQ in Sarajevo7-9 November 2007

Moldova/Ukraine EUBAM Moldova/Ukraine

Odessa (Ukraine)Palanca Border crossingChişinau (Moldova)17-19 March 2008

Afghanistan EUPOL Afghanistan Standing delegation for relations with Afghanistan25 April-2 May 2008

Kosovo EULEX Kosovo Prishtina and Mitrovica1-4 October 2008

Georgia In preparation of EUMM in GeorgiaTbilissi and Gori3-5 September 2008

Georgia EUMM in Georgia Tbilissi and Gori24-27 February 2009


ANNEX 4Parliamentary scrutiny over ESDP

Meetings with Heads of civilian missions and military operations(2004-2009)

Country Name of Mission/Operation

Head of Mission or Operation(in the country)

Head of Mission or Operation(in Brussels)

Bosnia-Herzegovina EU Police Mission (EUPM)

HQ in Sarajevo5-7 April 2005Assistant CommissionerKevin CARTY, HoM

Bosnia-Herzegovina EUFOR ALTHEA FHQ in Sarajevo5-7 April 2005Lieutenant GeneralDavid LEAKEY, Force Cdr

Kosovo EU Planning Team Prishtina20-23 June 2006CommissionerCasper KLYNGE, Head of EUPT

Potsdam (Germany) EUFOR DR Congo OHQ EUFOR DR Congo10-11 July 2006Lieutenant General Karlheinz VIERECK, Operation Cdr

Georgia EUJUST THEMIS 9 October 2006Sylvie PANTZ, HoM

Palestine (Occupied territories)

EU BAM Rafah 9 October 2006Commissioner Pascal SCHUMACHER, Head of operations

DR Congo EUFOR DR Congo FHQ in Kinshasa6-9 November 2006Major General Christian DAMAY, Force Cdr

DR Congo EUPOL Kinshasa Kinshasa6-9 November 2006Commissioner Adilio CUSTODIO, HoM

DR Congo EUSEC DR Congo Kinshasa6-9 November 2006General Pierre JOANA, HoM


Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM)

23 January 2007Pieter FEITH, HoM

Bosnia-Herzegovina EUFOR ALTHEA FHQ in Sarajevo7-9 November 2007


Country Name of Mission/Operation

Head of Mission or Operation(in the country)

Head of Mission or Operation(in Brussels)

Rear-Admiral Hans-Jochen WITTHAUER, Force Cdr

Bosnia-Herzegovina EU Police Mission (EUPM)

Sarajevo7-9 November 2007Commissioner Ari SARJANEN, Deputy HoM

Moldova/Ukraine EU BAM Moldova/Ukraine

17-19 March 2008Odessa (Ukraine)Ferenc BANFI, HoM

Afghanistan EUPOL Afghanistan 26April - 1 May 2008KabulBrigadier General Jürgen SCHOLZ, HoM

Paris (France) EUFOR Tchad/RCA OHQ at Mont-Valérien4 July 2008Lieutenant General Patrick NASH, Operation Cdr

Kosovo EULEX Kosovo Prishtina1-4 October 2008Mr. Roy REEVE, Deputy HoM

Brussels (Belgium) EU NAVCO 15 October 2008Captain Andrés A. BREIJO CLAÚR, Head of EU NAVCO Coordination Cell

Chad/CAR EUFOR Tchad/RCA FHQ in Abéché24-27 November 2008Brigadier General Jean-Philippe GANASCIA

Northwood (United Kingdom)


OHQ at Northwood10 January 2009Rear Admiral Philip JONES

Georgia EUMM in Georgia Tbilissi24-27 February 2009Ambassador Hansjörg HABER, HoMGeneral Gilles JANVIER, Deputy HoM



Parliamentary scrutiny over capabilities(2004-2009)

Country Capabilities/capacities SEDE meetings SEDE delegations: under quota (*) and out of quota (**)

Brussels European Defence Agency (EDA)

18 April 2005(with Mr Nick Witney, Executive Director)

Brussels Military Headline Goal 2010Civilian Headline Goal 2008

11 July 2005(with UK Permanent Representation)

Strasbourg (France) **

EUROCORPS HQ 5 September 2005(with Lieutenant General Charles-Henri Delcour, Corps Cdr)

Torrejon(Spain) *

EU Satellite Centre 19-20 September 2005

Brussels Battle Groups 21 February 2006(with General Perruche, Head of EU Military Staff)

Brussels European Defence Agency (EDA)

23 March 2006(with Mr Nick Witney, Executive Director)

Potsdam(Germany) *

EU OHQ in Potsdam 10-11 July 2006

Kourou(French Guiana) *

European Space Port(Centre Spatial Guyanais)

18-22 September 2006

Brussels CIV/MIL Cell and Operations Centre

1st March 2007(with Brigadier General Brauss)

Brussels Strategic Lift 19 March 2007(with-Athens Maritime Coordination Centre-Eindhoven European Airlift Centre-European Defence Agency)


Country Capabilities/capacities SEDE meetings SEDE delegations (under quota (*) and out of quota) (**)

Brussels Battle groups, command structure

20 March 2007(with General Bentégeat, Chairman of EU Military Committee)

Lund (Sweden) **

Nordic Battle Group 8-9 May 2007

Brussels EU Operations Centre 5 June 2007

Vicenza(Italie) *

HQ European Gendarmerie Force (EGF)

11-12 June 2007

Athens, Larissa, Thessaloniki (Greece) and Lefkosia (Cyprus) *

HELBROC Battle GroupEU OHQ in Larissa

5-7 December 2007

Brussels European Defence Agency (EDA)

10 January 2008(with Mr Alexander Weis, Executive Director)

Strasbourg(France) **

EUROCORPS HQ 16 January 2008(with Lieutenant General Pitarch, Corps Cdr)

Brussels European Security and Defence College

24 January 2008(with Mrs Claude-France Arnould, Council Secretariat General)

Brussels EUROCORPS 5 May 2008(with Lieutenant General Pitarch, Corps Cdr)

Brussels EU Satellite Centre 26 June 2008(with Mr Frank Asbeck, Director)

Mont-Valérien (France) **

EU OHQ at Mont-Valérien

4 July 2008

Brussels Development of capabilities

3 November 2008(with Mr Nick Witney, former Executive Director of EDA)


Country Capabilities/capacities SEDE meetings SEDE delegations (under quota (*) and out of quota) (**)

Brussels Galileo and Kopernikus (former GMES)

10 November 2008(with European Commission)

Brussels CPCC (Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability)

13 November 2008(with Mr Kees Klompenhouwer, Head of CPCC)

Saint-Louis(France) **

Institut franco-allemand de recherche de Saint-Louis

19 November 2008 p.m.

Brussels European Space Agency (Ministerial Conference of 25/26 November 2008)

8 December 2008(with ESA and European Commission)

Brussels European Defence Agency

19 March 2009(with Mr Alexander Weis, Executive Director)



Meetings with PSC chairs(July 2004 – June 2009)

Year Presidency Date of meeting Name of PSC Chair

2004(2nd half)

Netherlands --

Luxembourg -20 June 2005

Paul DUHR2005

United Kingdom 11 July


Sandy JOHNSTON (First Secretary)

Austria 26 January20 June

Franz-Josef KUGLITSCH2006

Finland 12 July27 November


Germany 22 January28 June

Clemens von GOETZE2007

Portugal 17 July19 December

Carlos PAIS

Slovenia 24 January25 June

Metka IPAVIĆ2008

France 16 July8 December

Christine ROGER

2009(1st half)

Czech Republic 29 January-

Ivo ŠRÁMEK(Election to EP)

It appears that the habit of meeting the Chair of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) started at the end of Luxemburg’s Presidency. There are usually two meetings every 6 months

CM\784112XM.doc PE 423.987v01-00


Public Hearings and Conferences(2004-2009)

Hearing title Date Experts/OfficialsAssociated committees

or other bodies

The non-proliferation of weapons ofmass destruction

17 March 2005 - Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA( Personal Representative of the High Representative for CFSP on non-proliferation of WMD)

- Presentation by the Center for Strategic & International Studies (Washington)

- International Physicians for the prevention of nuclear war


Landmines Information Day -'The European Parliament for a Mine-Free World'

16 June 2005 - Jody WILLIAMS (Nobel laureate for peace, 1997 on behalf of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)

- Ambassador Wolfgang PETRITSCH (President of the Nairobi Summit on a Mine-Free World on the Nairobi Action Plan 2005-2009)

- Stéphane KOLANOWSKI(International Committee of the Red Cross)

- Plamenko PRIGANICA (Landmine Survivors Network)- Ilene COHN(United Nations Mine Action Service)- Stephan NELLEN( Geneva International Centre for

Humanitarian Demining)


Defence Procurement in the Internal Market

23 June 2005 - Mr Burkhard SCHMITT(Institute for Security Studies in Paris)

- Dr Hartmut KÜCHLE ( International Centre for ConversionBICC)

- Mr Arturo Alfonso-MERINO (EDA)- General Nazzareno CARDINALLI (Organisation for Joint

Armament Cooperation)- Mr François LUREAU (Representative of Direction Générale

de l'Armement (France) - Mr Timm MEYER (Chair of UNICE's Public Procurement

Working Group)



Hearing title Date Experts/OfficialsAssociated committees

or other bodies

- Mr Percurt GREEN (Representative of a national defence industry (Sweden)

- Mr Jeremy MILES (Representative of defence industry SMEs (UK)

- Mr Peter SCHAAF(IG Metall)Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Strengthening European Action onNon-proliferation and disarmament of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (WMD), Small Arms/Light Weapons and Explosive Remnants of War (SALW/ERW)

7-8 December 2005

- Amb. Alyson BAILES, Director of SIPRI, on WMD- Dr. Patricia LEWIS, Director of UNIDIR, on SALW/ERW

- Mr Julian KING, the UK Ambassador to the Political and Security Committee

- Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER, Commissioner for External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy

- Mrs. Annalisa GIANNELLA, Personal Representative of the EU High Representative for CFSP on non-proliferation of WMD

Inter-Parliamentary Conference

The EU and the use of force: criteria for intervention

23 February 2006 - Ambassador Dr. Franz CEDE, Council Presidency- Dr Martin ORTEGA, Research Fellow, EU Institute for

Security Studies (Paris)- Prof. Stefano SILVESTRI (President, Istituto Affair

Internazionali (Rome)- Prof. Roman KUŹNIAR (Director, Polish Institute of

International Affairs (Warsaw)- Dr Johannes M. BECKER(Centre for Conflict Studies

(Marburg)- Mr Stefano SANNINO (European Commission, Director in

charge of “Crisis platform and policy coordination in CFSP”)- Mr Jamie SHEA(Director of Policy Planning, Private Office

of the Secretary General, NATO (Brussels)- Prof. André DUMOULIN (attached to the Royal Military

Academy (Brussels)The European Security Strategy and the future of the European Security and Defence

13 July 2006 - Mrs Claude France ARNOULD, Director for Defence issues, Council of the European Union

- Mrs Nicole GNESOTTO, Director of the EU Institute for


Hearing title Date Experts/OfficialsAssociated committees

or other bodies

Security Studies, Paris - Mr Otfried NASSAUER, Director of the Berlin Information

Centre for Transatlantic Security- Prof. Michael COX, Professor of International Relations,

London School of Economics- Mr Simon LUNN, Secretary General, NATO Parliamentary

Assembly - Lieutenant General Jean-Paul PERRUCHE, Director-General

of the EU Military Staff, Council of the European Union- Mr Lars-Erik LUNDIN, Head of Unit, Deputy Political

Director, Security Policy, Relex, European CommissionThe Future of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

14 September 2006

- Prof. William C. POTTER, Director of the Centre for Non-Proliferation Studies and the Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA

- Dr Bruno TERTRAIS, Researcher at La Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris, France.

- Mr Jean-Claude BRUNET, Counsellor for relations with third countries, Council Secretariat General

- Mr Lars-Erik LUNDIN, Head of Unit, Deputy PoliticalDirector, Security Policy, Relex, European Commission

- Dr Bernd KUBBIG, Researcher at Hessische Stiftung Friedens und Konfliktforschung, Frankfurt, Germany

- Dr Pierre GOLDSCHMIDT, Former Deputy Director General of the IAEA and Head of its Safeguards Department, Fellow at Pole Bernheim ULB and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

- Dr Stephen PULLINGER, Director of ISIS Europe- Mrs Janet BLOOMFIELD, Honorary Vice-President of the

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK


Lessons learnt from ESDPOperations

9 October 2006 - Mr Pedro SERRANO (Director of DE9, Civilian Crisis Management, EU Council)

- Lieutenant-General Jean-Paul PERRUCHE, Director


Hearing title Date Experts/OfficialsAssociated committees

or other bodies

General, EUMS- Dr Antonio MISSIROLI, (Chief Policy Analyst, European

Policy Centre, Brussels).- Mr Juha AUVINEN, (Head of Unit CFSP/RRM Unit, DG

Relex, European Commission)- Ms Sylvie PANTZ, (Former Head of the EUJUST THEMIS

Mission in Georgia)- Mr Pascal SCHUMACHER (Former Head of Operations,

EUBAM Rafah, PalestineThe Contribution of Space to ESDP 2 May 2007 - Mr François ROELANTS DU VIVIER (Chairman of the

Committee on External Relations and Defence and of the Working Group on Space of the Belgian Senate; former President of the 8th European Interparliamentary Space Conference

- Lt. Cdr. Guillaume DANDRIEUX (Defence & Space issues specialist, EU Military Staff, Council of the EU)

- Mr Xavier PASCO (Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris)

- Mr Frank ASBECK (Director of the EU Satellite Centre)- Dr Paul WEISSENBERG (Director, European Commission,

DG Enterprise and Industry, Directorate H - Aerospace, security, defence and equipment) on GMES

- Mr Tim WAUGH (Leader IPT 7 (SATCOM & Deployable CIS, (NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency -NC3A)

- Mr Giovanni GASPARINI and Mr Jean-Pierre DARNIS (both Senior Fellows, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome)

- Dr Rebecca E. JOHNSON (Executive Director, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy, London)


Does Europe need an anti-missile defence shield?

28 June 2007 - Dr.Patricia SANDERS, Executive Director for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), Washington.

- Mr. Peter FLORY, Assistant Secretary-General for Defence Investment, NATO.



Hearing title Date Experts/OfficialsAssociated committees

or other bodies

- Mr. François HEISBOURG, Special Advisor, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris.

- Mr. Dave WEBB, Professor, School of Applied Global Ethics, Leslie Silver International Faculty, Leeds.

Security and Development 4 November 2008 - Mr João Gomes CRAVINHO, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Portugal

- Mr Koen VERVAEKE, EU Special Representative to the African Union and Head of the European Commission Delegation to the African Union

- Mr Klaus RUDISCHHAUSER, Director of Directorate C -ACP General Affairs; DG DEV

- H.E. Mr Mahamat Saleh ANNADIF, Permanent Representative of the African Union to the European Union

- Mr Roger MIDDLETON, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London

- Dr Damien HELLY, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris- Prof. Michael BRZOSKA, Director of the Institute for Peace

Research and Security Policy, Hamburg - Mr Martin LACOURT, Senior Delegate to Armed Forces,

International Committee of the Red Cross


Conscientious Objection 22 January 2009 - Mr Johan GALTUNG, Professor of Peace Studies, Transcend, Oslo

- Mr Andreas SPECK, War Resisters' International, London-- Mr Peter ROWE, Professor of Law University of Lancaster,

UK Transatlantic Security Relations 5 March 2009 - Dr Dan Hamilton, Director, Center for Transatlantic

Relations, Washington DC - Dr Marcin Zaborowski, Research Fellow, EU Institute for

Security Studies, Paris - Dr. Ian ANTHONY, Coordinator of the "Reviewing NATO's

nuclear policy" project, SIPRI, Stockholm




Workshops(in cooperation with the DG EXPO Policy Department)


Workshop title Date Experts/Officials Associated committee/s

The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on ESDP

11 February 2008 - Dr Antonio MISSIROLI, Director of Studies, the European Policy Centre

- Mr Christian MÖLLING, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Security Studies (CSS) - ETH Zurich

- Dr Thomas ROITHNER, Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR), Vienna

- Dr Hans BORN, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF)

Space Policy and ESDP 14 February 2008 - Tomas VALASEK, Director of Foreign Policy and Defence, Centre for European Reform (CER)

- Alexander BITTER, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP - German Institute for International and Security Affairs)

- Géraldine NAJA-CORBIN, Policy Office of Director-General, European Space Agency

- Alda SILVEIRA REIS, Deputy Director for Defence aspects, Directorate-General E - External Economic Relations, Politico-Military Affairs, Council

- Dr Xavier PASCO, Fondation Pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris (FRS)

- Enrico SAGGESE, Director for space activities, Finmeccanica

- Hélène DAGE, Space Policy and Coordination Unit, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission

The future of the European Security Strategy:Towards a White Book on European Defence

6 March 2008 - Professor Álvaro de VASCONCELOS, Director of the EU Institute for Security Studies

- Professor Mary KALDOR, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economic


Workshop title Date Experts/Officials Associated committee/s

- Professor Jolyon HOWORTH, Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics, University of Bath, UK

- Dr Jean Pierre MAULNY, Deputy Director, Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS), Paris

Cyber Security 9 February 2009 - Dr Paul CORNISH, Chatham House, UK - Mr Steven STURM, Director, Defence Policy and

Capabilities Directorate, Defence Policy and Planning Division, NATO

- Ms Helga SCHMID Director, Policy Unit, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union


War remnants and the pollution of the sea

16 March 2009 - John HART, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

- Jeffrey OSBORNE, Verification Division, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

- Marc KOCH, researcher, Evonik New Energies, Saarbrücken (Lüneburg University)

Geo-Strategy and the future of ESDP?

30 March 2009 - Prof. Dr. Sven BISCOP, Director, Security & Global Governance Programme, Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations

- James ROGERS , D.R.S. Scholar at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge

- Luis SIMÓN, Thomas Holloway Scholar and Fellow of the E.F.S.P.S Programme at Royal Holloway, University of London.

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Annotated resolution that originated in SEDE

1. Council's Fifth Annual Report according to Operative Provision 8 of the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms ExportINI/2004/2103 - AFET/6/22934, RomevaP6_TA(2004)0058 – 17.11.2004 (adoption in the EP plenary session)This resolution was based on the own-initiative report, drafted by Raül Romeva Rueda, concerning the 5th annual report on the implementation of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports, published by the Council.

The Parliament considered uniform EU rules on controlling arms brokering activities to be essential. Despite welcoming the EU's 2003 Common Position on arms brokering, the resolution highlighted the lack of operative provisions for Member States to control arms brokering, transporting and financing by EU nationals, when such activities (including deliveries) take place through third countries.

The arms embargo on China was recommended to remain until the EU had adopted a legally binding Code of Conduct on Arms Exports, and the People's Republic of China had taken concrete steps towards improving its human rights situation. Parliament went on to urge Member States to agree on a list of countries involved in armed conflicts to which arms exports should be banned in principle, drawing upon the reports and recommendations of the UN Security Council monitoring mechanisms on arms embargoes.

2. European Security Strategy2004/2167(INI), Kuhne P6_TA(2005)0133 – 14.4.2005 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The resolution welcomed the comprehensive understanding of the concept of ‘security’ as expressed in the European Security Strategy (ESS), and shared the view on the key threats to global security (which include terrorism, the proliferation of WMDs, unresolved regional conflicts, failed and failing states and organised crime). These threats can neither be primarily addressed nor exclusively resolved by military means. It underscored the importance of the Global Approach on Deployability, and welcomed the transport contributions made by the coordinating centres of Athens and Eindhoven. It was satisfied with the rapid creation of the European Defence Agency (EDA), whose activities are important for further developing defence capabilities in crisis management and rationalising research and development costs.

Furthermore, the resolution called on those countries defined in the NPT as nuclear-weapon states to review their nuclear policies in the spirit of the Treaty. It regretted the efforts made by the US administration over the last four years to promote the development of new nuclear weapons and its refusal to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Parliament also expressed its concern at Russia’s inadequate efforts to protect its nuclear stocks. It criticised China’s massive increase in military spending.

3. Security Research2004/2171 (INI), KlichP6_TA(2005)0259 – 23.06.2005 (adoption in the EP plenary session)Parliament felt that an efficient European Security Research Programme (ESRP) should be based on a coordinated reference framework, involving relevant security research stakeholders and rationalised funding, and should be built on existing Community experience in the management of joint research programmes.

The resolution underlines that the ESRP should respect specific elements of security research such as intellectual property rights, treatment of classified information and technology transfer. The activities of


the ESRP should be based on the codecision procedure. Parliament recommended that the future ESRP should include among its priorities the fight against terrorism, territorial monitoring, civil defence and control of the Union’s external frontiers. It shared the view that the ESRP should focus concretely but not exclusively on research activities and technological areas with common added value so as to successfully mitigate new security challenges, such as those related to bio-terrorism, cyber-crime and any other form of modern organised crime.

Parliament recognised that additional funding will be needed for an effective security research programme; the EUR 1 000 million per year proposed by the Group of Personalities Report could be reached by making use of funding from the Framework Research Programme as well as from alternative sources.

4. Weapons of Mass Destruction2005/ 2139(INI) - AFET/6/27801, Kristovskis PE357.843 - A6-0297/2005 - P6_(2005)0439 – 17.11.2005 (adoption in the EP plenary session)This resolution issued an urgent call for effective measures to combat the spread of WMDs, and expressed disappointment over the outcome of the 2005 NPT Review Conference. Parliament stated that we are approaching the dangerous possibility of a WMD arms race, especially in the Middle East, North-East Asia and South Asia. Parliament rejected the development of new-generation nuclear weapons (so-called mini-nukes or bunker-busting bombs) and changes in nuclear doctrines, calling on the US administration to permanently stop such developments. The resolution strongly states that nuclear disarmament activity will contribute significantly to international security and reduce the risk of plutonium thefts by terrorists.

Parliament welcomed the inclusion of clauses concerning non-proliferation of WMDs in the latest European Union agreements, which included third countries and action plans, but pointed out that such measures must be backed up by strict and unanimous implementation. However, Parliament noted that, as stated by Dr Hans Blix, the credible threat of the use of force has played an important role in facilitating the disarmament work of UNSCOM and UNMOVIC. It is essential that military strategy does not become detached from disarmament strategy in any given crisis, so that international verification teams can remain in place. Parliament underlined that nuclear weapons are for deterrence purposes and reiterated that there would be no winners in a nuclear war.

5. Council's Sixth Annual Report according to Operative Provision 8 of the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports 2005/2013 (INI) - AFET/6/25991, RomevaPE359.984 - A6-0292/2005 - P6_(2005)0436 – 17.11.2005 (adoption in the EP plenary session)This resolution points out that the unrestrained proliferation of arms exports poses a threat to human life and socio-economic development, and also undermines the EU's development cooperation policy and thus the Millennium Development Goals. Parliament welcomed the Council's Report but regretted that the review has not developed clear criteria. Furthermore, the Code must become legally binding.

Parliament reiterated its call for Member States to agree on a list of countries involved in armed conflicts to which arms exports should be banned in principle, drawing upon the reports and recommendations of the UN Security Council monitoring mechanisms on arms embargoes.

6. Resolution: "Small arms and light weapons" (2006 Review Conference on the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects, and towards the establishment of an International Arms Trade Treaty)AFET/6/34296, Romeva Draft Res.PE370.164 - B6-0334/2006 - QO = B6-0225/2006 et B6-0226/2006 - P6_(2006)0274 -15.06.2006 (adoption in the EP plenary session)


In this resolution the Parliament calls on the State Parties to the 2006 UN Conference to agree a set of global principles on arms transfers. These should include a requirement not to transfer weapons that are likely to contribute to human rights violations or crimes against humanity, or that foster regional or national instability and armed conflict. The humanitarian and development dimension of the UN Programme of Action should be specifically addressed, in order to emphasise the interrelationship between trafficking, proliferation and misuse of SALW on the one hand, and development, poverty reduction and humanitarian assistance on the other. These principles should become a legally binding instrument in the form of an International Arms Trade Treaty, negotiations for which should begin within the UN directly after the Conference

The resolution stressed that arms transfer obligations that already exist under international law, specifically covering human rights and humanitarian law, should be codified. Similarly, national laws should be enforced to regulate private military and security services operating overseas; where no such laws exist, they should be developed and applied in order to improve regulation and accountability over this growing security sector. Very important is the call by the Parliament on all governments to prohibit the unauthorised civilian possession and use of SALW, automatic and semi-automatic rifles, and machine guns.

7. The implementation of the European Security Strategy in the context of ESDP 2006/2033 (INI) - AFET/6/33917, von Wogau PE372.113 - A6-0366/2006 - P6_0495(2006) 16.11.2006 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The resolution recognised that the ESS contains an excellent analysis of the threats to the modern world, but emphasised the need to monitor its implementation regularly in order to be able to react to geopolitical developments. It also noted that meeting "the geopolitical and geo-economic challenges of the increasing worldwide competition for sources of water and energy, as well as natural disasters and the security of the Union's external borders", must be included as a strategic objective in the future development of the ESS, which should be subject to revision in 2008 at the latest.

Although the report emphasised that, in the event of an attack by the armed forces of a third country on the territory of the Union, "NATO remains the guarantor of collective defence," it pointed out that the EU is "on the way to developing into a Security and Defence Union as well." In this field, the resolution calls for the EU’s ESDP capabilities to be strengthened by the creation of a common defence market, a common intelligence system and communications standards, and a European civil protection force. MEPs also stressed the importance of the Constitutional Treaty, especially the sections that would set up a solidarity clause in the event of disasters, and a clause on mutual assistance in the event of an attack on one of the Member States. It favoured the Constitution's plans to create the posts of European Foreign Minister and Deputy Foreign Minister in charge of security and defence policy. Other recommendations entailed in the resolution stated that the European budget should cover not only the civilian but also the military aspects of security, that the EU must take on a preventative as well as a reactive role, and that one aspect of this role could include the setting-up of a European standing naval force in the Mediterranean.

8. Council's 7th and 8th Annual Reports according to Operative Provision 8 of the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports2006/2068 (INI) - AFET/6/34915, Romeva PE376.419 - A6-0439/2006 - P6_(2007)0008 - 18.01.2007 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The resolution welcomes the emphasis placed upon transparency by the Council Presidencies (the United Kingdom, Austria and Finland), which has resulted in further cooperation between Member States in their consultation on denials for arms export licences and reporting on data collection, in their presentation of data in the Annual Reports, in their outreach activities with third parties, and in deepening their dialogue with the EP. It also welcomes the inclusion in the Annual Reports of a specific chapter on dialogue with the European Parliament.


The EP finds it unacceptable, however, that no steps have been taken to adopt the Code of Conduct as a Common Position despite the fact that a text was agreed by the COARM Working Group in June 2005, since this would play a decisive role in the fight against terrorism, conflict prevention, regional stability and the promotion of human rights. For the first time, the EP asked for steps to extend the Code to cover private security services. It urged Member States to exert stricter control over the licensing of arms production overseas, paying greater attention to the background of the recipient country, in order to avoid violating international law and letting arms fall into the hands of terrorists. Again, Member States are asked to agree on a list of countries involved in armed conflicts to which arms exports should be banned in principle.

9. External dimension of the fight against international terrorism2006/2032(INI), A6-0441/2006, Yañez-BarnuevoP6_TA(2007)0050, 15. 02. 2007

The resolution argued for more EU cooperation in the fight against terrorism, calling for a common definition, coordination with the United States, and clear and direct support for human rights within and outside the Union.

It concludes that the most serious threat to Europe at the moment is posed by violent radical groups claiming to defend Islam, such as the criminal Al Qaeda network and the groups which are affiliated to it or are inspired by its ideology.

Against this background, the resolution advocated a larger degree of coordination and cooperation at EU level. It regretted the fact that "some Member States have not yet signed and/or ratified some of the 16 United Nations universal instruments on combating terrorism," and urged those countries to do so. It also called on the Council to adopt a common position establishing a definition of terrorism, reiterated the need to exercise effective control over various Islamic charities," and said that it was essential to develop intercultural dialogue and other confidence-building measures within and outside the EU.

The need for greater cooperation and coordination with the United States in the fight against international terrorism was emphasised, while stressing the need for fundamental Human Rights principles to be protected." It also called on countries "with which the EU has commenced accession negotiations or which have expressed their intention of joining the EU to take immediate measures to disband nationalistic and fanatical organisations which are directly opposed to the democratic principles of the Union and stir up animosities and racial hatred."

Finally, the report called on the Commission and the Council, in order to make the International Criminal Court (ICC) more acceptable and realistic, to include acts of terrorism within its jurisdiction, as these constitute crimes against humanity. There is a need to continue defending human rights and fundamental freedoms in the fight against terrorism," since "their violation clearly jeopardises the fight against terrorism and constitutes a failure of democracy."

10. Annual report on the implementation of European Security Strategy (ESS) and ESDP2008/2003 (INI) - AFET/6/57996, KuhnePE400.569v02- A6-0186/2008 - P6_(2008)0255 - 05.06.2008 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The resolution invited the High Representative to assess in a White Paper the progress made in the ESS. A future assessment of the ESS must be carried out with greater Parliamentary scrutiny and democratic accountability. It encouraged the Council and the High Representative to pursue a direct security dialogue with the incoming US administration and the Canadian government, as well as to maintain close links with NATO.

The Parliament called on the Commission to examine the possibilities for the establishment of a specialised unit within the European External Action Service for civilian crisis management and civil


protection and urges the creation of an EU Civil Peace Corps for crisis management and conflict prevention.

The Parliament asked Member States to continue working towards an international ban on cluster munitions as well as the global ban on landmines and uranium weapons, and global control of conventional arms transfers. The Parliament labelled the uncontrolled arms exports from certain EU Member States “embarrassing”, and emphasised the promotion of nuclear disarmament. Parliament reaffirmed the danger of the Iranian nuclear programme to the international community, and that the EU can play a crucial diplomatic role here.

The resolution then reviewed the capabilities of ESDP:

Operations - the resolution criticised the lack of cooperation in arms production and procurement. It recommended that the Council upgrade the EU Operations Centre into a permanent planning and operational headquarters. It added that the Battlegroups concept should promote swiftly-generated forces, adequate to a mission’s circumstances.

Financing - the Parliament called on the Council and the Commission to make procurement procedures for ESDP civilian missions more flexible, and also to transfer the Athena mechanism to the CFSP budget.

Parliamentary scrutiny – the resolution stated that information exchange on emerging crises and EU responses to them must be improved.

11. Space and Security2007/2030 (INI) - AFET/6/58716, von WogauPE402.699v04- A6-0250/2008 - P6_(2008)0365 - 10.07.2008 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The resolution underlined the need for space assets in order that the political and diplomatic activities of the EU may be based on independent, reliable and complete information in support of various policies, for example: conflict prevention, global security (especially the monitoring of the transport of WMDs), combating the transnational smuggling of light weapons and small arms, protection of the EU’s borders, and civil protection in the event of natural and man-made disasters.The resolution stressed the necessity of Galileo for autonomous ESDP operations, for the CFSP and for Europe’s own security. The resolution pointed out the necessity of secure satellite-supported communication for ESDP operations, as well as satellite-based early warning against ballistic missiles.The Parliament recommended the urgent conclusion of agreements between the EU Satellite Centre and EU Member States, so that imagery for ESDP operations and force commanders can be provided whilst respecting Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) observation capacities. The resolution called upon the EU to set up an operational budget for space assets that support the ESDP, and it supported the potential launching of joint programmes by the Member States, which should be financed from the EU budget. The resolution underscored the vulnerability of strategic space assets and stressed the need for adequate protection by ground-based missile defence, planes and space surveillance systems. The EP reiterated the important principle of the use of space for peaceful purposes and urged that under no circumstances should European space policy contribute to the militarisation and weaponisation of space. MEPs expressed particular concern about the use of destructive force against satellites, such as the Chinese anti-satellite system tested in January 2007, and the consequences of the massive increase in debris for space security. They recommend, therefore, the adoption of legally binding international instruments focused on banning the use of weapons against space assets and the stationing of weapons in space. They also called on EU institutions to promote a conference to review the Outer Space Treaty, with the aim of strengthening it and expanding its scope.


12. European Security Strategy and ESDP2008/2202 (INI) - AFET/6/66876, von Wogau PE 414.030v01- A6-0032/2009 - P6_(2009)0075 - 19.02.2009 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The Parliament stressed the need to strengthen multilateralism and to reform the United Nations. At the same time, the plenary embraced the concept of the “responsibility to protect”, adopted by the UN in 2005, and the concept of "human security", which is based on the primacy of the individual and not of the state. Overall, the Parliament charged the EU with playing a more decisive role in boosting the legitimacy, transparency and effectiveness of the institutions of global governance.

Moreover, the Parliament underlined that these concepts entail strong political guidelines for the strategic orientation of European security policy. In order to combat the dangers facing the EU, the Parliament suggested an integrated European Armed Force, equipped with common weapon systems and closely scrutinised by the EP and parliaments of EU Member States. However, the plenary concluded that there is neither an automatic obligation nor the means for the EU to deploy ESDP missions, be they civilian or military, in all crisis situations. The Parliament supported the creation of a Council of Defence Ministers, approving of the dynamic development of cooperation between national armed forces. It proposed that this arrangement be given the name "SAFE" – Synchronised Armed Forces Europe.

The Parliament welcomed the launch of the operation “Atalanta” against piracy off the Somali coast. It also stressed the need for enhanced cooperation and coordination between EU Member States, the US and NATO in anti-terrorist policy and rescue missions. The Parliament outlined that the EU should not try to become a superpower like the United States, but instead concentrate on guaranteeing its own security and that of its neighbourhood (for example through the protection of its external borders, the improvement of its cyber security, the security of energy supply and sea lanes, the protection of its space assets and protection against the consequences of climate change). Other priorities must be crisis prevention and post-conflict management and resolution. In an amendment adopted in plenary, the Parliament reiterated the importance of the transatlantic relationship and stressed the need for a more balanced partnership, without competition and with mutual understanding where there are diverging strategic considerations.

13. The role of NATO in the security architecture of the EU2008/2197 (INI) - AFET/6/66637, Vatanen PE 414.153v01 - PE 414.030v02 A6-0033/2009 - P6_(2009)0076 - 19.02.2009 (adoption in the EP plenary session)The European Parliament recalled in this resolution that 94% of the EU’s population live in countries that are NATO members, and thus that NATO forms the core of European security and the foundation of collective defence. It was emphasised that the EU’s raison d'être is to build peace within its borders andbeyond. According to the Parliament, therefore, the future collective defence of the EU should as far as possible be organised in cooperation with NATO, and the US-EU bilateral relationship should be intensified and extended. Cooperation in elaborating the new ESS and NATO Strategic Concept is crucial, and likewise in better informing publics of the role EU and NATO missions play in creating global security and stability.

The resolution said that the EU and NATO should adopt concrete initiatives for the pooling of European defence capabilities. For example, Parliament supports the establishment of a permanent EU Operational Headquarters, under the authority of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative, having as part of its mandate the planning and conduct of military ESDP operations. It stresses that an EU Operational Headquarters would complement the current NATO command structures and would not undermine NATO's transatlantic integrity. The EU must develop its own security and defence capabilitiesso that it has sufficient potential to support NATO’s activities.

Lastly, the resolution deplored the fact that the Cypriot problem continues to impair the development of EU-NATO cooperation, and criticised Turkey’s hindrance of EU-NATO cooperation. Parliament recommended the EU and NATO to maintain a realistic and frank dialogue with Russia. Parliament’s


view was that if and when Russia becomes a genuine democracy, and reins in the use of military threats as political tools, the prospect of Russia's membership in all Euro-Atlantic structures would become very real.

14. Report with a proposal for a European Parliament recommendation to the Council on non-proliferation and the future of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)(Adopted in AFET on 31 March 2009, not adopted yet by the EP plenary), BeerThis report addresses several recommendations to the Council in the view of the 2010 Review Conference of the Non-proliferation Treaty. The Council should review and update its Common Position (2005/329/PESC) relating to the 2005 NPT Review Conference, to be endorsed at the December 2009 European Council meeting, in preparation for a successful outcome at the 2010 NPT Review Conference. This will further strengthen all three existing pillars of the NPT.The report calls upon the Council to actively support concrete proposals to bring the production, use and reprocessing of all nuclear fuel under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including the creation of an international fuel bank. Furthermore the EP welcomes the readiness of the Council and the Commission to contribute up to EUR 25 million to the creation of this nuclear fuel bank under the control of the IAEA. The report recommends strengthening the mandate of the IAEA, including the generalisation of the Additional Protocols to the IAEA Safeguard Agreements. The report is also in favour of early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).

EU dialogue with the new US administration and all nuclear-weapons powers should be deepened, by advocating a common agenda to progressively reduce nuclear warheads stockpiles. At the 2010 NPT Review Conference, the Council should work on strategies to procure agreement on a treaty to halt the production of fissile material for weapons purposes.

Finally, the report requests an evaluation study of the effectiveness of the use of non-proliferation clauses in agreements concluded between the EU and third states.

Opinions originated in SEDE, adopted by AFET

Opinion on the situation of women in armed conflicts and their role in reconstruction and the democratic process in countries after a conflict (Jana Hybašková) - adoption in AFET on 20. 04. 2006; AFET_AD(2006)370244 Opinion on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on simplifying terms and conditions of transfers of defence-related products within the Community (Angelika Beer) - adoption in AFET on 12. 09. 2008; AFET_AD(2008)406006 Opinion on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the coordination of procedures for the award of certain public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts in the fields of defence and security (Karl von Wogau) - adoption in AFET on 12. 09. 2008; AFET_AD(2008)406137

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Studies (framework contract)


1 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/01/SB

The Battle Groups : catalyst for a European Defence Policy

BOYER Yves (Société Française d'Etude Militaire (SFEM) FRANCE 2007 EN

2 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/03/SB Software defined radio PULLINGER Stephen (ISIS) BELGIUM 2007 EN

3 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/04/SB

The protection of the European Defence Technological and

Industrial Base

BRZOSKA Michael (University of Hamburg) GERMANY 2007 EN

4 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/05/SB

UAVs and UCAVs: developments in the European Union

WEZEMAN Siemon (Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute


5 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/06/S

Civil-military co-operation and co-ordination in the EU and in selected

Member States

EHRHART Hans-Georg (University of Hamburg) GERMANY 2007 EN

6 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/07/S

Pooling of the EU Member States Assets in the Implementation of


MAULNY Jean-Pierre (Institut desRelations Internationales et Stratégiques


7 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/08/S

Improving the coherence of crisis management: new technologies for

control and command systems

RINTAKOSKI Kristiina (Crisis Management Initiative CMI) - FINLAND

+Brigadier General Simo ALHO (former

EU military staff)

2008 EN



8 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/09/S

The increasing role of private military and security companies

BAILES Alyson (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI)

SWEDEN -HOLMQVIST Caroline (King's College


2007 EN

9 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/10/AH

Homeland security and the European Security Strategy


HELLER Regina (Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy IFSH -

University of Hamburg) GERMANY +KAHL Martin (IFSH) GERMANY +KNIGHT Jonathan (Chatham House)



2008 EN

10 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/11/AH

Euro-interoperability: the effective military interoperability of

European armed forces

BOYER Yves (Société Française d'Etude Militaire (SFEM) FRANCE +

LINDLEY-FRENCH Julian (UnitedKingdom Defence Academy) UNITED


2007 EN



11 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/12/AH

Missile Defence and European Security


GASPARINI Giovanni (International Affairs Institute IAI) ITALY +

NEUNECK Götz (Institute for Peace Research and Security IFSH - University

of Hamburg) GERMANY +PASCO Xavier (Fondation pour la

Recherche Stratégique FRS) FRANCE

2007 EN

12 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/16

An introduction to the political and technical challenges posed by sea-dumped chemical and conventional weapons: the case of the Baltic Sea

HART John (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)



ANNEX 11Studies and written expertise (outside the framework contract)



1 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2004/01 EU Actions and Policy in regard to Mine ClearanceDOVER Robert (University of Bristol) UNITED KINGDOM

2005 EN

Antiminenstrategie der EG 2005 DEAction communautaire en matière de lutte contre les mines 2005 FR

2 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2004/02 EU Actions and Policy in regard to Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disarmament

QUILLE Gerrard -International Security Information Service (ISIS) -BRUSSELS

2005 EN

3 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2004/03 EU Actions and Policy in regard to small arms and light weapons

HOLGER Anders (Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité -GRIP) BELGIUM

2005 EN

4 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2004/04 Conflict prevention: making the EU's talents work RUMMEL Reinhardt (SWP) GERMANY 2005 EN


5 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2005/13 The cost of non-Europe in the area of security and defence

KUECHLE Hartmut (Bonn International Centre for Conversion) GERMANY

2006 EN

6 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2005/14 Europe's space policies and their relevance to ESPD

JOHNSON Rebecca (Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy) UNITED KINGDOM

2006 EN




7 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2006/14 EU and NATO: co-operation or competition?CORNISH Paul -Chatham House -UNITED KINGDOM

2006 EN

8 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2006/15 The cost of non-Europe in the field of satellite based systems

GASPARINI Giovanni -DARNIS Jean-Pierre -PASCO Xavier -Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique de Paris (FRS)FRANCE +MARTA LuciaInstituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) -ITALY

2007 EN

9 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2006/38 Parliamentary Oversight of Civilian and Military ESDP Missions: The European and National Levels

BORN Hans -DAWLING Alex -FUIOR Teodora -GAVRILESCU Suzana -Centre pour le contrôle démocratique des forces armées (DCAF) -SWITZERLAND

2007 EN

Contrôle parlementaire des missions civiles et militairesdans le cadre de la PESD: les niveaux européen et nationaux

2007 FR

10 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2006/45 The threats facing the EU in its geographical neighbourhood

MISSIROLI Antonio -European Policy Centre -BELGIUM

2007 EN


11 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2007/50 The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on ESDPMISSIROLI Antonio -European Policy Centre - BELGIUM

2008 EN




12 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/04SEDE workshop 14/02/2008:The use of satellites in missile defence and European Security


2008 EN

13 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/05 SEDE workshop 14/02/2008:The use of satellites in space for security purposes


14 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/09SEDE workshop 11/02/2008:Permanent structured cooperation – a new corner stone or just yet another initiative ?

MÖLLING Christian -Center for Security Studies -SWITZERLAND

2008 EN

15 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/11SEDE workshop 11/02/2008:EU Between Peace Power and Military Power - Has the Decision Been Taken in Lisbon?

ROITHNER Thomas -Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) -AUSTRIA

2008 EN

16 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/15 SEDE workshop 06/03/2008:The Future of European Security

KALDOR Mary -London School of Economics (LSE) -UNITED KINGDOM

2008 EN

17 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/16SEDE workshop 06/03/2008:The Future of the European Security Strategy: towards a White Book on European Defence

HOWORTH Jolyon -Bath and YaleUniversity -UNITED KINGDOM

2008 EN

18 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/18 SEDE workshop 11/02/2008: Workshop Summary:The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on ESDP

QUILLE Gerrard -DG EXPO - Policy Department -BELGIUM

2008 EN

19 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/29SEDE workshop 14/02/2008: Workshop Summary: Space Policy and the European Security and Defence Policy

QUILLE Gerrard -DG EXPO - Policy Department -BELGIUM

2008 EN



20 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/32SEDE workshop 06/03/2008: Workshop Summary:The future of the European Security Strategy: towards a White Book on European Defence

QUILLE Gerrard -DG EXPO - Policy Department -BELGIUM

2008 EN

21 EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/2008/68The status and location of the military installations of the Member States of the European Union and their potentialrole for the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)

ROGERS James (University of Cambridge) UNITED KINGDOMSIMON Luis (University of London) UNITED KINGDOM

2008 EN



Visiting Speakers: 2004 - 2009

Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic

200428.07.2004 General Jean-Paul PERRUCHE, Director -General of

the European Union Military StaffPresent state of ESDP and the forthcoming take-over of the SFOR Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina by EUFOR (ALTHEA)

01.09.2004 Mr Paul Van den IJSSEL, Chairman of the COARM Working Group in Council (Dutch Presidency)

Mr Dick OOSTING, Director of Amnesty International

EU code of conduct on arms exports

Admiral Rainer FEIST, EU Operations Commander, DSACEUR

Mr Javier NINO PEREZ, Commission, DG External Relations


Dr. Reinhard RUMMEL, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

The 'ALTHEA'-Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina

2005Mr Narcis SERRA (former Spanish Minister of Defence) , Professor Mary KALDOR (London School of Economics), Mrs Christine CHINKIN.

Human Security Report 17.01.2005

Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director for Defence Aspects, Council)

EU military means in support of the UN-OCHA assistance to the victims of earthquakes and tsunamis in the Indian Ocean


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicMajor General Gennady SVOSTYUK, Russian Mission at European Union

Relations between EU and Russia on issues of ESDP

Mr Nick WITNEY, Director of the European Defence Agency

European Defence Agency


Mrs Veronica CODY, General SecretariatCouncilMr Thierry BAUD, Council

Police Mission EUPOL Kinshasa

20.06.2005 Ambassador Paul DUHR, Represent. Luxembourg to the Political and Security Committee

ESDP, Battle groups, Civilian Headline Goal 2008, CIV/MIL Cell, EDA, Fight against terrorism, Relations with US, Russia, African Union and NATO, Violations of air spaceNPT Conference (NY - 02-27 May 2005)

Mr Sandy JOHNSTON, First Secretary (Defence), UK Permanent Rep. to the EU

Civilian and military capabilities11.07.2005

Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director at the Council Secretariat

"AMIS II" mission in Darfur and the support of the EU

05.09.2005 Lieutenant General Charles-Henri DELCOUR, Chief of Staff, Eurocorps, Strasbourg

Balance 2003-2005; Lessons from ISAF VI, Preparing for NRF 7, ESDP Perspectives

Mr Peter FEITH, Head of the EU AMM, Council EU Monitoring Mission in Aceh (AMM)03.10.2005

Mr ANTHONY, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Sixth annual report on arms exports

13.10.2005 Mr Stefan LEHNE, Director, Head of the Task Force "Western Balkans", Council

Situation in the Balkans: political and security aspects (special emphasis on Kosovo and FYROM)


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicTrevor MOORE, Chairman of COARM Control and monitoring of arms trade

Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Personal Rep. on Non-Proliferation of WMD of Mr Solana, EU High Rep.

EU Strategy on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)


Mrs Rebecca JOHNSON, Executive Director, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy, London

US plans for the weaponization of space

2006Ambassador Franz-Josef KUGLITSCH, Austrian Presidency, PSC

Latest developments in ESDP26.01.2006

Mr Pedro SERRANO, Director DG E IX "Civilian Crisis Management", Council

EUPOL COPPS (Palestine) and EU BAM Rafah

21.02.2005 Lieutenant General PERRUCHE, Director of the EU Military Staff, France

Battlegroup concept and other ESDP related issues

23.03.2006 Mr Nick WITNEY, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency

Development of military capabilities in the EU

Mr Gijs DE VRIES, EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Fight against intl terrorism in the context of ESDP

24.04.2006 Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Personal Rep. on Non-Proliferation of WMD of Mr Solana, EU High Rep.

Small Arms and Light Weapons with a view to the 2006 UN Review conference in New-York (26 June - 7 July 2006)

Ms Margit BRUCK-FRIEDRICH, Head of the Export Control Unit of COARM

Ongoing activities and initiatives of COARM


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic04.05.2006 Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director of DG.E

VIII (Defence Secret.), Council SecretariatLatest developments in ESDP - EUFOR DRCongo

Mr AGATHONOS, representing the Austrian Presidency of the Council

Account of the conference on EU Conflict Prevention (3 May 2006 - Brussels)

08.06.2006 Dr Hans BLIX, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs Report on the UN WMD Commission to the UN Secretary General

20.06.2006 Ambassador Franz-Josef KUGLITSCH, Austrian Presidency, PSC

Latest developments in ESDP

04.07.2006 Informal meeting with Mrs Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE, Defence Minister, France


12.07.2006 Ambassador Teemu TANNER, Finnish Presidency, PSC

Latest developments in ESDP

12.09.2006 Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director DG VIII -Council Secretariat

Mr Christian BERGER (DG RELEX - Commission)

Mr Erik af HALLSTRÖM (Chairman of COARM -Finnish Council Presidency)

EUFOR Democratic Republic of Congo

Situation in the Middle East : Lebanon

Seventh annual report on arms exports

03.10.2006 Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Mr Solana's Personal Representative on Non-Proliferation of WMD

Mr Michel BARNIER, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Member of the European Commission

Review Conference on CCW and BTWC

Europe Aid


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic27.11.2006 Mr Teemu TANNER, Finnish Presidency, PSC

Mr Nick WITNEY, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency

Latest developments in ESDP

Activities of the European Defence Agency

19.12.2006 Mr Jamie SHEA, Director Policy Planning, NATO HQ NATO Summit in Riga on 28-29 November 2006

200722.-23.01.2007 Mr Clemens VON GOETZE, German Ambassador to

the PSC and Acting President-in-office of the CouncilLatest developments in ESDP

28.02.-01.03.2007 Ambassador Martin ERDMANN, Assistant Secretary General of NATO

Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers

Mr Hugh GRIFFITHS, investigations consultant European concept for support to disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration

Mrs Marina CAPARINI, Geneva based institute"Democratic Control of the Armed Forces"

Private security companies: their role in crisis management and humanitarian aid

Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Mr Solana's Personal Representation on Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Brigadier General BRAUSS, Director of the Civil/Military Cell

Civil/Military Cell and Operations Centre

19.-20.03.2007 - Captain Emmanuel VELONIAS, Director of the Athens Multinational Sealift Coordination Center (AMSCC)- Colonel Wolfgang LANGE, Director of the Eindhoven European Airlift Centre (EAC)

Strategic lift: an asset for crisis management and humanitarian aid


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic- Mr Pierre HOUGARDY, Director for Capabilities, European Defence Agency (EDA)- European Commission: Mr Michael DOYLE (RELEX)

Ambassador Rogelio PFIRTER, Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

The Chemical Weapons Convention

General Henri BENTEGEAT, Chairman of the EU Military Committee

ESDP operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ALTHEA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (EUFOR DRC, EUSEC DRC), Kosovo (future rule of law mission), and Afghanistan (police mission).

03.05.2007 Mrs Claude France ARNOULD, Director of GD VIII, Council Secretariat

The relations between EU and NATO

Dr. Antonio MISSIROLI, European Policy Centre Presentation of a study "The threats facing the EU in its geographical neighbourhood"

05.06.2007 Mr Michael PRAET, Head of the European Space Agency, Brussels Office

Results of the European Space Council on 22 May 2007

Mrs Etelka BARSI-PATAKY and Mr Norbert GLANTE, Rapporteurs of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Galileo: evaluation of the current status

Mrs Doris PACK, Head of the Delegation for Relation to the Countries of South-East Europe

Kosovo: current security situation and the preparation of the ESDP police- and rule of law-mission

Mr Peter DANSSAERT, International Peace Information Service (IPIS)

Situation of the arms embargo in Sudan and the conflict in Darfour


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic28.06.2007 Mr Clemens VON GOETZE, German Ambassador to

the PSC and acting President- in-Office of the CouncilLatest developments in ESDP

17.07.2007 Mr Ulf HAMMARSTRÖM, Director for Defence Industry and Market in the European Defence Agency

The European defence industrial and technological base

Mr Carlos PAIS, Portuguese Ambassador to the PSC and acting President-in-office of the Council

Latest developments in ESDP

10-11.09.2007 Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Mr Solana's Personal Representative on non proliferation of WMD

(in camera)EU-Iran and the nuclear issue: latest developments

(public)- implementation of the WMD and SALW strategies- the treaty on Conventional Armed Forces Europe: assessment of the situation from the EU arms control policy viewpoint- DPR Korea: lastest developments in the negotiations on nuclear disarmament- US-India nuclear agreement

Mrs Hildegarde VAN SINTJAN, Handicap International

Cluster bombs

Mr Karl von WOGAU, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, and Mr Josep BORRELL FONTELLES, Chairman of the Committee on Development

Situation in Sudan/Darfur, its consequences for the region and, in this context, the planned ESDP operation in Chad

Mr Michael GAHLER, draftsperson for the Committee on Foreign Affairs

Draft general budget of the EU for the financial year 2008, on the budget lines relevant for ESDP

Mr Pieter FEITH, Deputy Director-General for ESDP, Council Secretariat

The future ESDP operation in Kosovo


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic1.-2.10.2007 Mr Alvaro de VASCONCELOS, Director of the EU

Institute on Security StudiesPresentation of main elements of the Institute's working plan

Mr Pedro PEDREIRA, Executive Director, European GNSS Supervisory Authority


Mr Magnus OVILIUS (DG JLS) Green Paper on bio-preparedness

Mr Bruno DUPRE, DG RELEX Non-proliferation clause in agreements with third countries

Mr Tzachi HANEGBI, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Knesset

Security situation in the Middle East

5.11.2007 Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director DG E VIII, Council Secretariat

EUFOR Chad/Central African Republic

Dr Yves BOYER, Chairman of the "Société Française d'Etudes Militaires"

Presentation of the briefing paper "The Battle Groups: catalyst for a European Defence Policy"

Prof. Michael BRZOSKA, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg

Presentation of the briefing paper "The protection of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base"

21.-22.11.2007 Joint Meeting of Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) of the European Parliamentand the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO - PA)

in association with the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF)

Mr Mihail LUPOI, Vice-President, NATO Parliamentary Assembly


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicDr Philipp FLURI, Executive Director, DCAF Brussels

Mrs Victoria NULAND, Ambassador, US Mission to NATO

US plans for a Missile Defence Shield in Europe

Dr Stephen PULLINGER, Director, ISIS- Europe "

Mr David LAW, Senior Fellow, DCAF Security Sector Reform and crisis management operations

Mr Adrian KENDRY, Senior Defence Economist, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO


Dr Paul CORNISH, Head of the International Security Programme, Chatham House, London

NATO and EU: structures and capabilities

Dr Yves BOYER, Chairman, Société Française d´Etudes Militaire, Paris


Prof. Julian LINDLEY-FRENCH, Professor of Military Operational Science, Netherlands Defence Academy


Mr Luís FARO RAMOS, Portuguese Deputy Permanent Representative to the PSC, EU Council Presidency

" (discussants)

Mr Christophe CORNU, Deputy Head, NATO and Multilateral Affairs Section, NATO

" (discussants)


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicMr Pierre SEAILLES, Desk officer, Civ-mil relations & EU-NATO co-operation, European Commission

" (discussants)

Mr Daoud YAQUB, former Deputy Spokesperson & Foreign Policy Aide to President Karzai, on Afghanistan (Subject: Security in Afghanistan)

NATO-EU Co-operation in operations: Kosovo and Afghanistan

Amb. James PARDEW, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Operations Division, NATO

" (discussants)

18.-19.12.2007 Mr Günter VERHEUGEN, Vice-President of the European Commission

Defence procurements/Intra-community trade of defence products

Mr Bertrand CARSIN, Director for public procurement policy, Directorate C, DG MARKT


Mr Carlos PAIS, Portuguese Ambassador to the PSC Achievements of the Portuguese presidency in the field of ESDP


EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports

Mr Adrian WILKINSON (South-Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons)

(in camera) Arms trafficking from the Balkans

Mr Hugh GRIFFITHS (South-Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons)



Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic

200810.01.2008 Mr Alexander WEIS, Chief Executive of EDA Activities of the European Defence Agency (EDA)

23.-24.01.2008 Mr Michael D. MIGGINS, Head of the "Arms Control and Coordination" Section, Political Affairs Division, NATO International Secretariat

Perspectives of the CFE-Treaty

Mrs Metka IPAVIC, Slovene Ambassador, Chair of the PSC

Latest developments in ESDP

Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director DG E VIII, Council General SecretariatMrs Julia LIEB, Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Politik

European Security and Defence College

Mr Stefan SCHLEUNING, EC, DG RELEX EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine

14.02.2008 General LEAKEY, Director of the EU Military Staff Situation in Chad/deployment of EUFOR TCHAD/RCA

28.02.2008 General Henri BENTEGEAT, Chairman of the EU Military Committee

31.03.-01.04.2008 Helga SCHMID, Director, Head of the Policy Unit, Council and Andrew Standley, representative of the European Commission (DG RELEX)

Climate change and international security

Gilles de KERCHOVE, EU Counter-terrorism Co-ordinator

Fight against terrorism


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicKristiina RINTAKOSKI and Brigadier General (ret.) Simo ALHO, Crisis Management Initiative

Crisis management: new technologies for command and control - presentation of a study

Pieter De SMET from the Commission (DG ENTR) Security research

Uzi RUBIN, Rubincon defense consulting Ltd. Missile defence

14.04.2008 Ambassador Martin ERDMANN, Assistant Secretary General, Political Affairs and Security Policy, NATO

NATO Summit (Bucharest, 2-4 April 2008)

Emanuela BELLAN, Commission Representative The Union's Disaster Response Capacity (COM(2008)0130)

05.05.2008 Lieutenant General Pedro PITARCH, Commander of Eurocorps


- Ambassador Alyson BAILES, Professor, University of Iceland

- Mrs Caroline HOLMQVIST, London School of Economics- Mr Daniel KLINGELE, Swiss MFA- Mrs Anne-Marie BUZATU, DCAF

Presentation of the study on private security companies

26.-27.05.2008 - Mr Bill GILES, Chairman of the ASD External Affairs Commission- Mr Tomas BAUM, Director of the Flemish Peace Institute - European Commission representatives: Mr Ulf


"Defence Package": the ESDP perspective


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicEuropean Commission representative:Mrs Bettina MUSCHEIDT (RELEX)

Activities of delegations - Participation of SEDE Members to the delegation for relations with Afghanistan

- Mr Emmanuel JACOB, President of EUROMIL and Chairman of the Belgian ACMP-CGMP (Algemene Centrale van Militair Personeel/Centrale Generale du Personnel Militaire) - Mr Bernhard GERTZ, Vice-President of EUROMIL and Chairman of the German Federal Armed Forces Federation (Deutscher Bundeswehrverband e.V.)- Mr Anatol TICHONIUK (Colonel), Presidium member of EUROMIL and the Chairman of KONWENT (Konwent Dziekanów Korpusu Oficerów/Council of Senior Officers of the Corps of Regular Soldiers)

Multinational crisis management: a challenge for the European soldier

09.06.2008 European Commission representative:Mrs LIGUORI (DG RELEX)

The Dublin Conference on clusters munitions

Mrs Zorica BUKINAC CIMPERŠEK, Chair of COARM, Slovenian Presidency

The implementation of the Code of Conduct on armsexports

25.-26.06.2008 - Mr Mika-Markus LEINONEN, Director for Civilian Crisis Management (DG E IX), Council of the European Union,- Mr Juha AUVINEN, Head of Unit 'CFSP Operations', DG RELEX, European Commission- Mr Christian BERGER, Head of Unit 'Crisis Response and Peacebuilding', DG RELEX, European Commission

Civilian crisis management

Mrs Metka IPAVIC, Slovene Ambassador, Chair of the PSC

Latest developments in ESDP under the Slovenian Presidency


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicMrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Mr SOLANA's Personal Representative on non proliferation of WMD

Non proliferation issues and the implementation of the Action Plan on WMD (together with the delegation for relations with Iran) in camera

Mr Frank ASBECK, Director of the EU Satellite Centre

Space-based observation and space-based intelligencein camera

09.07.2008 - Mr Jean-Claude MALLET, Chairman of the Committee in charge of the French White Book on Defence and National Security - Mr François HEISBOURG, Special Adviser, Foundation for Strategic Research, Paris

French White Book on Defence and National Security

16.07.2008 Mrs Christine ROGER, French Ambassador, Chair of the PSC

ESDP and the new Presidency

10.-11.09.2008 - Mr Alexander WEIS (Executive Director, European Defence Agency)- Mr Jean-René LE GOFF (Counsellor for Armaments, French Permanent Representation to the EU)- Mr Daniel KEHOANE (Research Fellow, EU Institute for Security Studies)

Capabilities needed for ESDP operations

H.E. Mr Mahamat Saleh ANNADIF, Executive Secretary, Permanent Mission of the African Union to the EU

Peace and Security in Africa

Prof. Tom SAUER, University of Antwerp, Belgium The role of the EU in nuclear disarmament and the future of the NPT

13.10.2008 Mr Jamie SHEA, Director of Policy Planning, Private Office of NATO Secretary General

EU/NATO relations and the future Strategic Concept of NATO


Meeting date Visiting Speakers TopicMr Hadi AL AMERI, Chairman of the Committee on Security and Defence of the Iraqi Council of Representatives

(together with the permanent ad-hoc Delegation for relations with Iraq)

15.10.2008 - Mrs Claude-France ARNOULD, Director DG E VIII, Council General Secretariat- Capt. (N) Andrés BREIJO CLAUR, Head of the EU Coordination Cell EU NAVCO

EU military coordination action in support of UNSCR 1816 (2008) (EU NAVCO)

3.-4.11.2008 Mr Nick WITNEY, former Executive Director of the European Defence Agency

Development of capabilities

Lieutenant General David LEAKEY, Director General of the European Union Military Staff


10.11.2008 Mr Torben BRYLLE, EU Special Representative for Sudan and for operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA


Commission Representatives: Mr Valère MOURTARLIER, (DG ENTR) Mr Paul VERHOEF, (DG TRAN)

Galileo and Kopernikus

Mrs Riina Ruth KIONKA, Personal Representative of Mr Solana, SG/HR, for Human Rights in the field of CFSP

Mainstreaming Human Rights and Gender into ESDP

13.11.2008 Mr Kees KLOMPENHOUWER, Director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) and EU Civilian Operations Commander

Mrs Helga SCHMID, Director of the Policy Unit, Council General Secretariat

European Security Strategy


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic08.12.2008 Mr Michel PRAET (ESA) and Mrs Sylvia KAINZ-

HUBER (DG ENTR, EC) Outcome of the Ministerial Conference of the European Space agency on 25-26 November 2008

Mrs Pia LOCATELLI, Chairperson of the Delegation for relations with NATO PA

Outcome of the NATO PA Annual Session in Valencia (14-18 November 2008)

Mrs Christine ROGER, French Ambassador, Chair of the PSC

Latest developments in ESDP

200921.-22.01.2009 Commission Representative:

Mr Jonas HERMAN (DG RELEX)Communication of the Commission on the EU and the Arctic region (COM(2008)763)

Commission Representatives:Ms Laura LIGUORI (DG RELEX)Mr Torsten WOELLERT (DG RELEX)Mr Antoine GOUZÉE de HARVEN (DG AIDCO)

Guidelines on European Community Mine Action 2008-2013 (SEC(2008)2913)

29.01.2009 Mr Gilles de KERCHOVE, EU Counter-terrorism CoordinatorMr Pierre REULAND, Interpol's Special Representative to the EUMr Vasileios THEOFILOPOULOS, Specialised Officer Terrorism, Interpol's Public Safety and Terrorism Sub-Directorate

Fight against Terrorism

Ambassador Ivo ŠRÁMEK, Czech Presidency, Chair of the PSC

Commission Representatives:Mr Leonidas TEZAPSIDIS (DG RELEX)Mr Jean-Claude HEYRAUD (DG ECHO)

The Gaza strip and the EU response


Meeting date Visiting Speakers Topic9.-10.02.2009 Mrs Guadeloupe De SOUSA, Representative of OCHA

(Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)Commission Representatives: Mr Michele SCHIVO (DG ECHO)Mr Giorgio BALZARRO (DG DEV)Ms Henriette GEIGER (DG DEV)

Situation in Somalia and in the Horn of Africa

Mrs Annalisa GIANNELLA, Mr Solana's Personal Representative on non proliferation of WMD

Non proliferation issuesArms exports control and related issues

16.03.2009 Ms Katerina SEQUENSOVA, Chair of COARM, Czech Council Presidency

Implementation of the EU Common Position on Arms Exports

Mrs Claude France ARNOULD, Director DG E VIII, Council General Secretariat

ESDP military operations: EUFOR Tchad/RCA and ATHENA

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