coming events volume 23 issue june 5 08: june 07 … theme for 2019 “growing young in...

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College Theme for 2019 “Growing Young in Christ”

Prayer Blessed are you, God of all creation, and blessed is the communion into which you gather us. Your Son has called us to continue his mission and promised not to leave us alone, but to send us the holy spirit with wisdom and power. Amen

College Vision Thomas Carr College is a dynamic Catholic learning community, guided by the Gospel.

Excellence and opportunities to develop are pursued.

Through our hope and service to others we shine our light into the world.

Volume 23 Issue 08: June 07 2019

From the Principal Mr Holmes

“They Will Shine”

There is much to be proud of at Thomas Carr College. I have been incredibly impressed in the approach taken by our students undertaking the current Semester Examinations. The staff have conducted these very professionally allowing students to experience the discipline required to experience success. Examinations can cause some degree of stress, it is important that stress does not become anxiety, which we can avoid by building the necessary resilience in our students. Not all stress is bad for us. We are now entering the final weeks of our Pentecost Term. The Church will celebrate Pentecost on Sunday June 9 this year. Pentecost is a time where we acknowledge the gift of the Holy Spirit equipping us for ministry. It invites us to reflect on our mission including our mission in relationship – in relationships with one another, in our schools and our communities, and our gathering as Church. Yesterday I had the pleasure of announcing the appointment of our new Head of School (Middle School), Mrs Jacinta Sheridan who has been a long-standing and well-respected staff member of St Kevin’s College, Toorak. In her application, Mrs Sheridan wrote:

‘I bring to Thomas Carr College experience in relationship centered education practice which has at the foremost the students’ individual wellbeing. This encompasses the whole student’s emotional development, spiritual practice and academic growth. It nurtures the teenager in the most vulnerable stages with mentoring and care. Compassion and understanding balances clear guidelines of rights and responsibilities across all parties.’

During Term 3, Mrs Margaret Knurek will be on Long Service Leave, we wish her all the best. Mr Cameron Rowe will replace her for the Assumption Term as Head of Senior School. I had the pleasure of attending the Premier’s VCE Awards this week where Tayla Eckley received amazing recognition for her perfect Study Score in Product Design and Technology in 2018. Her teacher Ms Joanna Grujovski was there to share in the celebration. This is a perfect example of how such excellence can be achieved at Thomas Carr College by our students and we look forward to seeing this level of excellence across the board in future. You should have received a letter from me via CareMonkey at this stage. I hope you have taken the time to read it and followed the request to please access our Newsletter The Beacon, which you have now done, thank you.

Coming Events

June 5 – June 13: Year 10 and 11 Exams June 10: Queens Birthday Public Holiday June 10 – June 28: Country Experience for 9 Jade June 11: Jose Di Piro Orchestra Concert at the Fr Moran Performing Arts Centre, 7.00pm June 12: GAT Examination June 14: Professional Practice Day for Staff (student free day) June 17: Semester 2 Classes Begin June 19: College Tour (by appointment only) June 28: End of Pentecost Term (students dismissed at 3.20pm) July 15: Student Free Day (Staff Professional Learning Day) July 16: Students Return for Assumption Term July 17: College Tour (by appointment only) July 18: Student Free Day (Staff Faith Day)

From the Deputy Principal Ms Angelico Finalising Semester One and Preparing For Semester 2 As we approach the end of Semester 1, it is time for students to reflect on their strengths as well as the areas requiring further improvement. This helps students to set new goals for Semester 2, which begins on Monday June 17. It is important to reflect on study habits, attitudes to learning, self-belief and organisational skills. It is timely to remind ourselves of the importance of having a ‘Growth Mindset’, and a commitment to self-reflection and to continual improvement. Having specific SMART goals and putting our best effort into all we do helps to keep us on track. I take this opportunity to ask parents and students to notice their self-talk that relates to learning. The words we choose affect our perception of ourselves as learners. Carol Dweck has done much work in the area of Growth Mindset. However, mindset alone does not lead to success. It has to be supported by effort and a commitment to be ready for learning, which includes having all of the necessary resources and following school rules especially relating to punctuality, attendance, respectful relationships and school uniform. As we begin Semester 2, it is time for a fresh start! 10 Tips for Students:

1. Develop a weekly Study Timetable 2. Give yourself enough time to study/revise as well as completing set homework 3. Don’t leave your homework to the last minute 4. Organise your study space 5. Use flow charts, diagrams and voice recordings to help with study notes 6. Explain your answers to others – this helps you get concepts clear 7. Take regular, short breaks – develop a study routine that works for you 8. Snack on ‘brain food’ and drink plenty of water – choose nutritious foods 9. Get plenty of sleep – generally, 9 hours of sleep is recommended for

teenagers. 10. Over the school holidays, read each day, do set homework and revise – this

is especially important for VCE students. Uniform Sometimes parents and students ask, “how does wearing the school uniform correctly affect learning?” Wearing the school uniform correctly demonstrates pride and a readiness to learn. Not wearing the Thomas Carr College uniform correctly creates a distraction from our core business of Learning and Teaching for both staff and students. We ask parents to support us by ensuring that we keep our focus on learning by following school expectations in relation to the College uniform. Fast Food Deliveries A reminder that Fast Food deliveries of any nature will not be passed onto students. Please ensure that food is brought from home or purchased at the canteen. The Beacon Award The Beacon Award recognises achievements of our students. Selected students will be presented with a certificate of commendation and their names published in each edition of The Beacon. A maximum of 5 students per level may be recognised each fortnight. The criteria is:

Evidence of learning which is consistently exemplary or displays great improvement

An action performed by a student(s) that supports the Catholic ethos of the school

Evidence of behaviour which is consistently exemplary or displays great improvement

Active and purposeful involvement in a College or community event Congratulations to the following students:

Year 7 Aiden D’Souza, Stephanie Asiedu, Josh Ty, Tyrese Govou, Mark Agas

Year 8 Megdelawit Yohanns, Shreyaa Bharat, Sarah Quarantotto, Danny Pham

Year 9 Aaron Bratby, Zoe Brown, Ryan Mesman, Namsiga Sireskumar, Chantelle Williams, Imogen Pyers, Jasmine Noble

Year 10 Georgia Recek, Dinushi Bombuwelage Don, Aiden Morgan, Eliza Russell, Mia Bellet

Year 11 Pharell Peni, Manyang Manyang, Chytanya Bharat, Jemma Hodgson, Danielle Muscat

Year 12 Jett Mathews, Peter Tomelty, Christopher Widmar

From the College Board Ms Kruse (Staff Representative) The College Board met on Tuesday May 29 2019. During this time, we welcomed our newest board member, Mr Christopher Knaggs, our new Business Manager. Mr Holmes delivered the Principal’s Report and discussed the various events that have occurred at the College. Particular mention was made regarding the implementation of the Study Hall and the changes for Year 10 VET students. Dr Bryan Wood has been performing an extensive review of the curriculum and will present this at the next Board Meeting on Tuesday July 30 2019. Mr Knaggs discussed the Financial Reports for the period ending Tuesday April 30 2019.

From the Director of Learning and Teaching Dr Wood Examination period Students across the College deserve to be congratulated for the way in which they have started the examination period. It is pleasing to see the way in which students in Years 7 and 8 have embraced the significant opportunity that is provided by participating in an event such as this. For our Senior School students, it will be important to reflect on your examination results when they become available as well as finding time with your subject teachers to discuss what you can do to further improve. Semester Two Begins Next Week A reminder that Semester 2 commences on Monday June 17. Your child should have received his/her Semester Timetable, which will reflect timetable changes. Changes will mainly affect students in Year 7 - 10 whose semester subjects will be different. Semester Summary Reports and Grading As outlined in the earlier editions of The Beacon, the Semester Summary Reports contain assessment results for tasks completed during Semester 1. End of semester examinations do not have learning area feedback comments. Student academic progress is communicated throughout the Semester via the student’s Learning Areas. The summary reports will be release for parent to view on PAM on Monday June 24. Subject Selection Information The Assumption Term sees all students from Year 7 through to Year 11 making selections for their 2020 studies. Over the course of the next few weeks, information about our curriculum at each Year Level and what students will need to consider when selecting their courses, will be updated on our College website under the ‘Learning and Teaching’ tab. The Learning and Teaching team has worked very hard during the first half of this year to build an exciting curriculum for the years ahead. All students are encouraged to read through the material that will be provided, remain attentive during information sessions and attend the relevant Parent Information Night. A snapshot of the selection options for students from Year 7 to Year 11 is detailed below:

Current Year 7 students will only need to select one Language Pathway (LOTE) to continue into Year 8. The remaining subjects are compulsory.

Current Year 8 students will move into the iD9 program, where they will need to select four Semester long elective subjects (two for each semester). Students will also need to select an appropriate level for their ongoing study of Mathematics.

Current Year 9 students may choose to apply for a VCE or VET study as well as a six semester long elective subjects.

Current Year 10 students may choose to continue their VCE/VET study as well as select their remaining VCE subjects. A number of Year 10 students will select VCAL as their preferred Senior School pathway.

Current Year 11 students will continue either their VCE subjects into Units 3/4 or continue with VCAL.

In the first few weeks of the Assumption Term, each Year Level will receive important information about the subject selection process as well as attend a Subject Selection Assembly where instructions on how to complete the online forms will be explained. During the subject selection period, Learning Areas will display and hold information sessions regarding their subjects and possible pathways into the Senior School and beyond. Below are important Subject Selection Assembly dates for students


Year 7 Thursday August 1

Year 8 Wednesday July 31

Year 9 Wednesday July 24

Year 10 Thursday July 25

Year 10 Course Advice Day Friday August 9

Year 11 Tuesday July 23

All Subject Selection material is due Teachers by no later than:


Year 7 Thursday August 29

Year 8 Wednesday August 14

Year 9 Friday August 16

Year 10 Friday August 16

Year 11 Friday August 16

Year 9 and 10 Parent Information Nights To facilitate the better communication and information sharing, two Parent information Nights have been scheduled, one each for parents of current Year 9 and current Year 10 students. During these PINs the full subject selection procedure and implications will be discussed and there will also be an opportunity to speak with different staff to get more specific information about each subject available. It is very important that all parents and students attend their respective night.


Year 9 Wednesday, July 24

Year 10 Thursday, July 25

Please note, PINs start At 7.00pm with Registration from 6.30pm.

From the Head of Middle School Mr Wilkinson

Year 9 City Experience Year 9 City Experience allows students to study the cultural, historical and sporting aspects of the City of Melbourne. The program recognises students’ increasing independence and requires them to develop their own transport plans in order to complete the set activities for each day. A City Experience ‘passport’ has questions, facts, maps and information on key locations that they will visit individually, with their small group and as a class. Year 9 Purple and Jade have recently completed their City

Experience week. We look forward to the positive reflections from the year 9’s! Stay tuned for the next edition! Click here for information on dates Year 9 Blue and White have just completed their City Experience this week. We look forward to the positive reflections from the year 9’s in the next edition. Year 9 Country Experience The iD9 curriculum aims to develop students who are independent, confident, and inquisitive about their world, work co-operatively, are socially aware and connected to others. The Country Experience aims to provide all students with an exciting and challenging program in an environment that is safe, caring, structured and engaging. The emphasis throughout the three-week experience at our Good Samaritan Campus, is on learning through doing. Activities and project work are based around the local Coragulac and Otway’s environments of lake, coast and forest. Complementing experiential learning in each of these environments will be a further focus on community living centered on day-to-day life at the Campus. Year 9 Blue are two weeks into their Country Experience, we look forward to their reflections upon the completion of their experience. Click here for information on dates

9 Gold recently completed their Country Experience. The students really enjoyed their time at our Good Samaritan Campus.

The thing I enjoyed most wasn’t all the fun and thrilling activities and the gorgeous views, it was bonding with my classmates and making new friends. There were people whom I didn’t make any contact with until GSC and now we’re closer than ever. One of the biggest challenges that I faced was not seeing my family and friends daily. Staying in a new environment scared me out at the start but I overcame this challenge by living in the moment and thinking positively rather than negatively. I managed to convince myself to give every activity a shot because I knew I wouldn’t be able to experience them again. This is an experience not to be missed by all future Year 9 students because we are so fortunate to have this program. You will have a wonderful experience with the activities and come away with some new inside jokes you will share with your friends. The Country Experience is a great chance to make memories that will last a lifetime. Julia Mercado

Year 9 Green have just completed their Country Experience. We look forward to their reflections in the next edition.

From the Head of Senior School Mrs Knurek Study and Examinations Years 10 and 11 students are in the middle of examinations and will shortly receive their results. It is an important part of the examination process for students to look at where they were able to deliver the correct information and the areas and strategies they need to concentrate and focus on for the future. Poor performance in an examination can affect subject choices and career opportunities. While exams are only one part of the assessment process, it is an important part of preparation for VCE. Please take the time to read reports from teachers carefully and to contact them individually if you require further information. In the remaining weeks of this Term, we commence work on Semester 2 subjects. Parents and students are reminded to check that all students have the correct books and subject material. If in doubt, please contact the Information Centre to check subject requirements and booklists. If students are to obtain good results, it is important that they have all required equipment. VCAL Activities Year 12 VCAL students have been undertaking various OH&S activities around the College and participating in a range of team building activities where they are required to problem solve as part of the preparation for work in the future. The activities required them to work in small and large groups and to explore different approaches to solving the one problem. Next term, they will work with Grade 3 classes at St Francis of Assisi

Catholic Primary School and present sessions on Healthy Food and Physical Activities and the importance of these for Health and Wellbeing. 2019 School Leavers Events While the end of Year 12 is an important milestone in young people’s lives, any celebration requires young people to plan ahead, consider appropriate safety measures and realise the impact their activities may have on the community they visit. I encourage all parents and students to have conversations about safe partying, respect for communities and ensure their registration details for the area they are visiting are up to date. To assist young people intending to travel to Victorian coastal resorts, parents should encourage them to register at the State and Local Government website for periodic updates and safety tips. Students intending to visit designated Victorian coastal areas including the Surf Coast Shire, Bass Coast Shire and Mornington Peninsula, should be aware that there is a one-week period when safety response teams will be on hand As part of our Pastoral Care Program, the Year 12 students will participate in a seminar on Safe Partying with the Red Frogs organisation in August. Suggestions and key tips will also be available to parents and students at the compulsory Year 12 Graduation Information Night on Thursday August 22.

From the Student Support Department Ms Sherlock Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) The College is required annually to submit the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD), for school students who require adjustments to their curriculum and Learning and/or Special Needs. This student-identifying information will only be provided to Catholic Education Victoria Network (CEVN) and the raw data then submitted to the Department of Education. For further information regarding NCCD, please refer to the link below: If you have any further queries, please send an email to

From the Health Centre Mrs Steele Winter has arrived, and with its onset we are experiencing many nasty cold and flu bugs. Already, many students have been presenting to the Health Centre with the common cold and flu symptoms. We all know that it is sometimes impossible to avoid coming into contact with others that have the cold and flu symptoms, so as a community, let’s try and reduce the spread of these bugs throughout our school. Here are some handy tips and a linked fact sheet to benefit the health and safety of your child and family throughout the cold and flu season.

Stay home when you are sick. If possible, please keep students home from

school, when they are sick. This will help the child’s recovery and will help

prevent others from catching their cold.

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw

the tissue away after use and always wash your hands.

Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or

sneeze. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.

Tissues. Please ensure tissues are always readily available in student’s bags.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs love to spread this way.

Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Clean and disinfect frequently

touched surfaces at home which have been touched by ‘the patient’ as this

will help prevent the spread of germs.

Do not share drink bottles, cups or cutlery.

Common cold and flu symptoms to be mindful of during this cold and flu season.

Runny or stuffy nose

Sore throat


Slight fever


Headache or body aches

Mild tiredness To help alleviate the symptoms of cold and flu here are some treatment options that will help speed up recovery time.

Paracetamol can be given in appropriate doses if fever/headaches are present.

Keep hydrated at all times. Ensure students have a drink bottle with them at school

Warm drinks with lemon will ease a sore throat and a dry mouth.

Nasal drops and spray will ease a blocked nose (seek advice from your pharmacist).

Lozenges – to help ease the pain of a sore throat and blocked nose

Mouth wash gargles will help kill the bugs that cause sore throats

Good sleep patterns

Regular intake of fruit and vegetable

At Thomas Carr, the College nurse can dispense a student’s own medication if left in the Health Centre and provided it is in original packaging with the student’s name attached, dose required and consent signed by a parent/guardian. The College nurse can also dispense Paracetamol to students when their own medication is not available.

For further information, please access: or call the Thomas Carr College Health Centre on 8734 2413.

From the Uniform Shop Midford The Thomas Carr College Uniform Shop will be closed on Wednesday June 12 June for stocktake. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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