com2010 - functional programming higher order functions and computation patterns (i) marian gheorghe...

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Com2010 - Functional Programming

Higher Order Functions and Computation Patterns (I)

Marian Gheorghe

Lecture 10

Module homepage Mole &

©University of Sheffieldcom2010

• Teaching; weeks 7-9, 3h/week

• Project; weeks 10-12

• Topics: 1. Higher order functions, Algebraic data types, Lazy programming, Regular expressions, Abstract data types:

5 h – concepts

2. Lexical analysis and parsing: 3h – case study, Soft Eng approach

3. Demo Lex & Parse: 1h

1&2 links with other topics –machine, languages, distributed computation

• Project discussion: 1h (TBA)


Mon: 4.10-5.00pm; Wed: 10.00-10.50am; Thu: 12.10-1.00pm

Haskell II -Summary

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• Different (functional vs imperative)

• Natural constructs (implement TCS concepts: set, function, morphism, recursion)

• Easy to understand and use (?!)

• Useful…

Why Functional Programming?

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Python is an object-oriented language used in software development

It has the following characteristics

• Very clear, readable syntax

• Intuitive object orientation

• Natural expression of procedural code

• Full modularity and packages

• Exception-based error handling

• Similarities to C, C++, Java etc.


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we can write an initial sub-sequence of the Fibonacci series as follows:

# Fibonacci series:...

# the sum of two elements defines the next...

a, b = 0, 1

while b < 10

print b

a, b = b, a+b

Example – OO style

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but… we can define functions

>>> def cube(x): return x*x*x

and map them

>>> map(cube, range(1, 11))

[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]

it supports list comprehension

>>> vec = [2, 4, 6]

>>> [3*x for x in vec]

[6, 12, 18]

and membership testing

set(['orange', 'pear', 'apple', 'banana'])

>>> 'orange' in fruit # fast membership testing


Example – Functional style

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18. Higher-Order Functions and Computation


18.1 The function type a->b

18.2 Arity and infix

18.3 Iteration and primitive recursion

18.4 Efficiency and recursion patterns

18.5 Partial functions and errors

18.6 More higher-order on lists


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In any functional programming language that deserves its

name, functions are first-class citizens. They form a data

type and thus can be passed as arguments and returned as


Functions of type (a->b) -> c take functions of type

a->b as input and produce a result of type c.

Functions of type a -> (b->c) take values of type a as

arguments and produce functions of type b -> c as


HOF - Introduction

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Definition. A function is higher-order if it takes a function

as an argument or returns a function as a result, or both.

Higher-order functions we have seen in Chapter 16.2 map :: (a->b)->[a]->[b]

filter :: (a->Bool)->[a]->[a]

foldr :: (a->b->b)->b->[a]->b

merge :: (a->a->Bool)->[a]->[a]->[a]

mergesort :: (a->a->Bool)->[a]->[a]

Do you remember what they do?

HOF - Definition

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18.1 The function type a->b

(“Haskell is strongly typed” – PDG’s notes, p.7)

Objects of type a->b are constructed by lambda abstraction

\x->e and used in function application f e’.

Lambda abstraction: if e has type b and x is a variable of

type a then \x->e has type a->b

Function application: if f has type a->b and e’ has type a

then f e’ has type b

Expressions such as \x->e are also called lambda expressions,

or anonymous functions, in contrast to functions that are

declared and bound to a name by definition equations.

Function type

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The function definitiondouble::Int->Int

double x=2*x

defines the behaviour of double point-wise. i.e. for every

argument x. This definition has the same effect asdouble::Int->Int


defines double wholesale. The anonymous function \x->2*x

is an expression for the complete function.-> associates to the right. We may write a->b->c->d instead

of a->(b->(c->d)). Similarly, \x -> \y -> \z -> x + y + z

rather than \x ->(\y ->(\z->x + y + z)); \x y z->x + y + z

Function type: Example

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A simple example of an operator on functions is function composition:fcomp::(b->c)->(a->b)->a->c

fcomp g f x=g (f x)

Function composition - its own operator symbol in Haskell Prelude:(.)::(b->c)->(a->b)->a->c

(g.f) x=g (f x)

or(g.f)=(\x->g (f x))

This is called an infix operator definition

Function composition

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Type definitions in Haskell. A type definition for a function is foo :: a1->a2 …->an->t

where ai and t are type expressions.

The types in the list a1 a2 … an refer to the parameters.

Their number n is the so-called arity of foo.

A typical function definition for foo

consists of guarded equations foo p1 p2 … pn foo p1

| g1 = b1 | g1 = b1

… …

| gk = bk | gk = bk

Types and arity

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For functions of arity 2 we can use infix notation. For instance, (.)::(b->c)->(a->b)->a->c

(.)(g f) x=g (f x)

which is usually written as (g.f) in infix notation. Ex:eightTimes::(Int -> Int)

eightTimes=double . double . double

as abbreviation for(.) double ((.) double double))

ordouble . (double . double)

Infix operators

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The function ++ concatenates two strings:(++)"Name=" "Bill" ⇒ "Name=Bill"

Its type is String -> String -> String. According to the rules of function application we can also apply it to only one argument:

infixr 5 ++



The result (++) "Name = " is a one-argumentprefAll::[String]->[String]

-- prefix all elements in a list of strings

prefAll names = map((++)"Name=")names

prefAll ["Bill","John","Tony"] ⇒["Name=Bill","Name=John","Name=Tony"]

Partial applications- application of prefix definition

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Example. The function exp2::Int->Int could be mathematically defined (using double) as follows:

exp2(n)=2n=2*(2n-1)=2*exp2(n-1)=double(exp2(n-1)), n>0


We may define exponentiation with base 2 by a recursive computationexp2::Int->Int

exp2 n

| n==0 = 1

| n>0 = double(exp2 (n-1))

(the last line may be written differently)

Obs. For every (positive) n the expression exp2 n iterates the function double

Iteration - example

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The process of iterating a function is very general:myIter::(a->a)->a->Int->a

iterates a function of type a->a starting with an initial value (of type a), for a given number of steps (type Int)


-- 1st param: iteration function

-- 2nd param: initial value

-- 3rd param: iteration length

myIter f x n

| n==0 = x

| n>0 = f (myIter f x (n-1))

The polymorphic higher-order function myIter captures the abstract process of iteration.

Iteration - pattern

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Example -Exponentiation:myExp2::(Int->Int)

myExp2 = myIter double 1

Consider the problem of computing the exponent bn for arbitrary b. exp b n =bn, n>0; exp b 0 =1

All we do is replace double by the anonymous function \x->b*x:myExp::Int->(Int->Int)

myExp b = myIter (\x->b*x) 1

Example. Construct a list [‘c’,...,’c’]repChar::Char->(Int->[Char])

repChar c = myIter (\x->c:x) []

Obs. Note the conciseness of myIter and the use of anonymous function

Iteration. Example revisited

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