cohort vii “service” the space cadets kathy alexander lynda daley barsch marie britt-sharpe...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Cohort VII “Service”

• The Space Cadets• Kathy Alexander

• Lynda Daley Barsch

• Marie Britt-Sharpe

• Khristian E. Kay

• Anthony Shafer


• The more you give, the more you get back

• Expenditure of resources

• Lots of customer service

• Sense of mission

• Raise humanity to an increased level

• Needs to be genuine (true to self)

• Internal, as opposed to external development

• Comes from the heart

• Outward vs. inward directed

• Is a way to make a difference

• Empathy, listening, caring

• Robert Greenleaf author of servant leadership

• Positive power of service learning

• Paradigm shift to service learning their own wealth vs. grant writing

• Must enjoy working with others

• Values diversity

• Is provided to enhance the quality of life

What I know:Service

The more you give,The more you get back.

Expenditure of resources

Lots of customer service …

Sense of mission.

Raise humanity to an increased level

Comes from the heart

Needs to be genuine (true to self)

Internal as opposed to external

Outward vs. inward

Is a way to make a difference.



Positive power

Paradigm shift

Values diversity

is provided to enhance the quality of life

• How to better balance life

• Why some people serve and not others?

• How can I (we) get more people to do service?

• Big Picture

• How to motivate people to do service?

• Types of service

• How to make ordinary work service?

• How to make service ordinary work

• How to help people see intrinsic vs. financial gain?

• How to motivate the individual

• How to motivate volunteers

• When to offer service

• Who are other authors that will help us to grow with the concept of “serving” with a purpose filled heart, not just mind?

• How to best implement service learning?

• How to say “no”

• How to be a servant to yourself.

What I want to know:Service

Help us to grow with the concept of serving with a purpose filled heart, not just mind

How to better balance life?

How can I (we) get more people to do service?

Hot to motivate volunteers

How to make service ordinary work

How to help people see intrinsic vs. financial gain

Why do some serve and not others?

(true to self)

How to make ordinary work service

How to say noHow to motivate people to do service

How to be a servant to one’s self

Big Picture

Types of service

How do I lead?

When to offer service

How to best serve the individual

What is Service?

The means but rather the journey


Individualistic Empowerment

A four letter word

Confined to written laws



“doing what is right regardless of

the status quo”

The status quo

The destination but rather the experience

Systematic scholarship

Color blind nor sugar coated

Controllable Directionless




The natural order of things

Linear Rewarding

(vs. self-rewarding)

Without conflict

Necessarily measurable

Hard to start but is hard to sustain

Service is not…

What is “Servant / Service Leadership?”

Why share the “Big


Why involve others?

How does servant leadership

Develop People?

How does service create an environment of success?

What motivates servant leaders?

How is “credit“ &

information shared?

Inserts humanism in leadership

Motivated by desire to serve others

Sensitive to what motivates others and empowers all to win with shared goals and


What motivates servant leaders?

Shared generously for

future participation

and individual growth.

How is “credit“ & information shared?

Buy-in and intrinsic motivation for extrinsic


Why share the “Big


Creates collaboration and interdependency.

Creates trust and breaks down hierarchy.

Why involve others?

Share the power!

Makes learning safe.

Trust on all levels.


Building a community.

How does servant leadership create an

environment of success?

Assisting people on their journey of involvement and enlightenment.

How does servant leadership develop people?

If service is to assist or benefit others, how do we know we have served?

What can our work do for


What is my mission, why am I here and who am I

helping?Alfred Rameriz

Operate with a

sense of urgency

Jeanette Mitchell

Don’t confuse effort with

resultGeneva Johnson

Do something that countsWilliam Shore

Service appeals to our …

Core Values

“Those aspects of life you hold dear.” (Buckingham & Coffman) “Values guide the choices you make in the future.” (Buckingham & Coffman) “Listen to that whispering voice within.” (Hesselbein) “Those things that grab me, drive me!” (Peterson) “Recognizes your passion, and passing it on.” (Johnson)

Service appeals to our …

Basic Human Needs

“We all have a need to do something that counts, not only something that makes a difference, but that has a lasting impact” (Shore) 

“Instincts, primal and fundamental to our species, to leave something behind, to make ourselves count.” (Shore) 

Service is inspired by …

Random Triggering Events

“Catalytic occurrences that push you to cross the line from concerned to committed, from talk to action, from individual expression to an organized action.” (Petersmeyer) “An internal event, learning something new about your own unique ability to contribute to a solution.” (Petersmeyer)   

Service is inspired by …

Defining Moments

“Those life changing, life shifting moments.” (Ramirez) 

“Asking why are you on this earth?” (Ramirez)      

Service is fueled by …

Caring Actions

“Energized by the knowledge that we are all in this together, the fate of others has implications for our own fate.” (Palmer) “You must be the change you want to see.” (Johnson)      

Service is fueled by …

Expressive Acts

“Ones taken to express a conviction, a truth that is within me.” (Palmer) 

“Everyone is called!” (Lyons)        

How can we inspire service in others?

ModelingPath finding attitudes

Aligning supportsEmpowering


How can we inspire service in others?



“Am I a model of service?” (Covey) “How can I be a more visible model of service?” (Covey) “Your playing small, doesn’t play well for the world?” (Mandela) 


How can we inspire service in others?

Path Finding Attitudes


“Have I created a vision on how can I make a meaningful contribution to those in need?” (Covey) “How can I be more clear in sharing my vision?” (Covey) “My deepest belief is that only by giving our lives, do we find life.” (Shore) 


How can we inspire service in others?

Aligning supports


“Is my service supported?” (Covey) “How can I align the priorities and structures of my life to better support my service?” (Covey) “Service is, can be a self care!” (Mitchell)  

How can we inspire service in others?



“Do I empower others to serve?” (Covey) “How can I ignite that fire within the individual that will unleash the talent, creativity, and ingenuity to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission?” (Covey)  

•All of us are here because we want more out of our lives

•What was missing was probably not related to prestige or money

•We are hoping that the doctoral program experience invests our lives with meaning

•This meaning, for many, if not all of us, is connected with a spirituality closely related to…

Service, Spirituality, & the Creation of MeaningWhy did you get up this morning and come to

Cardinal Stritch these past two weeks?  

Service ..

“People who are quick at learning, have good memories, and are astute and smart and so on, tend—as you know—not to combine both energy and broadness of mental vision with the ability to live an orderly, peaceful, and stable life. Instead, their quickness carries them this way and that, and stability plays no part at all in their lives.”

As Plato Said…As Plato Said…

Service ..“Yet surely it would be thought better, or rather necessary (above all for philosophers) to refute,

in defense of the truth, even views to which one is attached: since although both are dear, it is right to give preference to the truth.”

Service ..

When considering service we must…

•See it as a valid academic pursuit

•Open our mind to non-traditional definitions of service

•Examine ourselves in relation to service


Service ..

• Our students, teachers, employees, colleagues, and families will feel better and perform at a higher level when they see their work and lives as meaningful

•We also will feel better and perform better when we see our lives as meaningful

•One strategy through which we create meaning is to serve our fellow human beings in an attempt to positively transform our planet and existence.

As servant leaders we must remember that…

Service ..


 “Lofty words do not make a man just or holy; but a good life makes him dear to God. I would far rather be able to feel contrition then be able to define it.”  Thomas A Kempis

“Tell me, where are now all those Masters and Doctors whom you knew so well in their lifetime in the full

flower of their learning? Other men sit in their seats, and they are hardly ever called to mind. In their lifetime

they seemed of great account, but now no one speaks of them.”

Service .. • People who “know a lot” and appear wise are often unsatisfied with their lives

•These people sometimes take action to add meaning to their existences

•These actions naturally incline themselves to service

•When we want to add meaning to our lives, our first impulse is often to help others

In other words…

Service ..

 •We could learn a lot of challenging academic material, but if we don’t connect the material to meaning and spirituality, we could leave this program not far from where we started.

What should you keep in mind about service as you progress through this program?

Service ..

 •Service is the bridge between the program’s academic material and the creation of personal meaning and spirituality

What should you keep in mind about service as you progress through this program?

Service ..

 •The service we live can create meaning and spirituality in others

•The service we live can bring peace and energy to ourselves

What should you keep in mind about service as you progress through this program?

Service ..

 You will know exactly why you get up in the morning. “We should probably be content if all the means that are supposed to make us good enables us to attain some portion of goodness.” 


So…in other words…

"You are never given a wish without also

being given the power to make it

come true"Not being known doesn't stop the truth from being


Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If

you're alive, it isn't

there is such a thing as perfection...and our purpose

for living is to find that perfection and show it forth

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time

like dew on the tip of a leaf.

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