codes and conventions in the horror genre

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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Codes and Conventions in

the Horror genreHorror films are unsettling films made to frighten and panic their audience but entertain them at the same time. Films have different codes and conventions that separate them into genres and sub-genres but most horror films have similar codes and conventions and specific symbols to make up the films iconography which allows the audience to identify the genre. Some horror films however, challenge these conventions to make the film original and unpredictable. 

Different aspects of media texts are made to set the horror genre: narrative, characters, settings, props, colours, costume, lighting and sound.

Narrative structure and themesNarrative structure and themes• Death and murder• Revenge• Religious beliefs• Survival • Supernatural e.g. curses

Todorov's narrative theoryThis is the theory which explains the order the narrative is shown:1)      Equilibrium2)      Disruption3)      Recognition4)      Attempt to repair5)      Equilibrium

In a trailer, there is usually a quick shot of the equilibrium shown at the start and the disruption is then the main focus. There will be some elements which show the attempt to repair, however usually there is no equilibrium shown at the end as this would revel too much to the audience as a trailer is all about creating enigma to make the audience want to watch the film and find out what happens.

CharactersThe main characters which feature in a horror film include:

• The protagonist- This is usually played by a female actor as they are stereotypical represented as intelligent and sensible. 

• The antagonist- In a lot of horror films, the antagonist is played by one main character which sometimes has a few 'helpers' with them to try and kill the protagonist for example in The Purge and in The Strangers.

• The sex appeal-  This is played by a good looking women who it usually the first to be killed e.g. in Cabin in the Woods

• The unlikely hero- The character which the audience think is the hero due to their skills and role in the film but then gets killed 

Example film: Cabin in the woodsThe Protagonist- Dana and MartyThe Antagonist- The Ancient OnesThe Sex appeal- JulesThe unlikely here- Curt

Like any other film, horror films try to use characters that the audience will be able to relate to as they are more likely to find it interesting and realistic.

Mise en SceneSettingsIn a horror film the setting could be located anywhere. However, the most stereotypical setting is usually in an abandoned or isolated setting for example in the woods or in a home in the middle of nowhere. These are the most used settings as it creates tension and suspense for the audience, knowing that something is going to happen as they know the victims are alone with the villain.

LightingLow key lighting is often used in horror films to create darkness and an eerie atmosphere. As well as this, darkness makes the audience feel more tense and vulnerable as they are unable to see into the darkness and people are scared of the unknown which is a purpose of a horror film/trailer. Also, artificial lighting is used to create shadows and silhouettes to create enigma for the audience so they carry on watching. 

CostumesCostumes should make the characters role recognisable for the audience. The antagonists in horror films are usually dark to fit in with the typical semantic field of mystery and the protagonists tend to wear light colours to represent hope. Some costumes become very iconic for example, the scream mask, where when we see the face outside the film, we automatically think of this film.

Props• Fake blood• Weapons to suggest danger and violence e.g.

knives, guns and saws. They also show fear of the victim and also make the audience feel scared as they represent violence so therefore danger e.g. in the film The Texas Chainsaw massacre.

• Masks- used to hide the killers identity e.g. in the film The Purge

ColoursHorror films usually use colours which connote death, danger and darkness e.g. the most stereotypical colours used are black white or red.Red- danger, the devil, blood, threats, violenceBlack- mystery, darkness, power, evil, fear, death.  However, black also links to the phrase 'black sheep' which is an outcast from a society, therefore this is often used in horror films to represent the villain as being neglected from society.White- isolating, empty, detachment, innocence, coldness

I researched into the text used in trailers and I found out that the colours used are usually white writing on a black background or red on a black background. However, no matter what the colour is, the same colour scheme is used throughout the trailer and text to create a semantic field of danger and evilness throughout.

SoundNon- diegetic sound is always used in the background of scenes and it is one of the most important conventions of the horror genre as it is what makes the film tense for the audience. Slow placed non diegetic sound, usually a piano or violin sound, is used to create creepy and eerie atmospheres, build suspense and change the mood for the audience.

Synchronous sound is also popular in the horror genre as it is sound which is exaggerated to help scare and make the audience jump as it is very sudden and loud. 

Example film: Woman in BlackWhen the girl steps on the china on the floor and it smashes- this makes the audience jump as it is unexpected

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