cns stimulants&cognitive enhancers

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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The CNS stimulants mostly produce a generalized action which may, at high doses, result in convulsions.

They are drugs which increase the muscular (motor) and the mental (sensory) activities.

Their effects vary from the increase in the alertness and wakefulness (as with caffeine) to the production of convulsion ( as with strychnine) and sometimes lead to death in over dose.


1. Convulsants: Strychnine,Picrotoxin,Bicuculline,

Pentylenetetrazol (PTZ).2. Analeptics: Doxapram3. Psycho stimulants: Amphetamines, Methylphenidate, Atomoxetine, Modafinil, Armodafinil, Pemoline, Cocaine, Caffeine.

Many other drugs are capable of causing CNSstimulation as side effect or at high doses.


CONVULSANTS1. Strychnine: It is an alkaloid from the seeds of

Strychnos nux-vomica, and a potent convulsant.Example Strychnine.Site of action Spinal cord.

MOABlock the postsynaptic inhibitory

response to glycine by blocking glycine

receptors. Glycine is the main inhibitory

transmitter acting on motor neurons.

End point Tonic convulsion.

Picrotoxin :

Obtained from ‘fish berries’ of East Indies Anamirta cocculus. It is a potent convulsant— convulsions are clonic, spontaneous and asymmetrical. The convulsions are accompanied by vomiting, respiratory and vasomotor stimulation.

Examples PicrotoxinSite of action Medulla oblongata.

MOA1. It inhibits the presynaptic inhibition →decrease GABA.2. Noncompetitive GABAA receptorsblocker which is a chloride dependent →no hyperpolarization → excitation.

End point Clonic convulsion.Removed by Decapitation.

Bicuculline :This synthetic convulsant has picrotoxin like actions. It is a competitive GABA-A receptor (intrinsic Cl¯ channel receptor) antagonist. It is only a research tool.

Pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) It is a powerful CNS stimulantLow doses cause excitation, larger doses produceConvulsionsAntagonism of PTZ induced convulsions is anestablished method of testing anticonvulsant drugs in laboratory animals


ANALEPTICS (Respiratory stimulants) These are drugs which stimulate respiration and

can have resuscitative value in coma or fainting. Mechanical support to respiration and other

measures to improve circulation are more effective and safe.

Situations in which analeptics may be employed are:

(a) As an expedient measure in hypnotic drug poisoning untill mechanical ventilation is introduced.

(b) Suffocation on drowning, acute respiratory insufficiency.

(c) Apnoea in premature infant.(d) Failure to ventilate spontaneously after

general anaesthesia.

Doxapram:It acts by promoting excitation of central neurones. At low doses it is more selective for the respiratory centre.

Respiration is stimulated through carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors.

Continuous i.v. infusion of doxapram may abolish episodes of apnoea in premature infant not responding to theophylline.

Uses : Post-anaesthetic resp. depression COPD i.e. hypoxemic,hypercapnic Apnoea in premature infants

Dose- 2-5mg/min(max 4mg/kg) slow i.v infusion. Contraindications: due to neurological & muscular diseases. Epilepsy

Side effect: Restlessness, Tachycardia High doses: convulsions & arrhythmias



Amphetamine group: Amphetamine Dexamphetamine Methamphetamine Methylenedioxy Methampheta(MDMA) Methylphenedate Fenfluramine

Non-Amphetamine group Modafinil Atomoxetine Sibutramine PemolineCocaineMethylxanthines: Caffeine Theophylline Theobromine


MOA: Drug enter N endings by active transport

Displace DA(also NE) from vesicles by altering pH

↑DA conc. In synaptic cleft

Also inhibits MOA-B, ↓DA metabolism & DA

Release to synaptic cleft

Amphetamine & Non- Amphetamine:

Pharmacological effects: (central) ↑ motor activity Euphoria & excitement Anorexia

PERIPHERAL EFFECTS ↑ BP, inhibition of GI motility Fatigue both physical & mental reduced. Amphetamine psychosis on repeated use-

hallucinations.PK: Well absorbed orally Freely penetrates BBB Unmetabolised drug excreted in urine

USESADHD with minimal brain dysfunction: Characterised by-

Hyperactivity Inability to concentrate Impulsive behavior

Dexamphetamine, Methylphenedate, Atomoxetine quite effective.

Narcolepsy: Characterised by- Sleep attacks during day time Night mares in awakening state

Methylphenedate is still usedModafinil- devoid of abuse liability

APPETITE SUPPRESSION Fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine used earlier to

treat obesityDiscouraged due to:-

Tolerance Insomnia, Pul.HTN, Abuse potential.Sibutramine new drug used now Blocks neuronal uptake of mainly NE & 5HT

(also dopamine) at hypothalamic site that regulates food intake.

Use: Severe obesity with risk factors like DM.Adverse effects: Dry mouth Headache Insomnia Constipation ↑in HR & BP CI in CVS diseases, withdrawn from market

ADVERSE EFFECTS Tolerance Psychic dependence, rarely physical.Amphetamine overdose: Euphoria, dizziness, tremors, HTN

Irritability, anorexia, insomnia Higher doses- convulsions, psychotic

manifestations, arrhythmias, coma Rx –diazepam(slow i.v), haloperidol

Gastric lavage, acidification of urineHTN-nifedipine/labetolol, arry-esmolol

Induces heat stroke like condition- rhabdomyolysis & renal failure

Methylenedioxy amphetamine (love drug)75mg- psychotomimetic effects150 mg-LSD like effects300mg- amphetamine like

SE: tachycardia, HTN, arrhythmias

METHYLXANTHINES Only caffeine if used as CNS stimulantPK: Oral- rapid but irregular absorption PPB:<50% Distributed all over the body Metabolism: in liver by demethylation & oxid. Metabolites excreted in urine T1/2: 3-6hrs

AE: Gastric irritation, Nause, Vomiting. Nervousness, insomnia, agitation Muscule twitch, rigidity ↑body temp, delirium, convulsions Tachy, extra systoles at high dosesUses: In Analgesic mixture for headache Migraine Apnoea in premature infants

PSYCHOTOMIMETIC DRUGS Produce changes in sensory perceptions,

thoughts, behaviour & mood. Actions mimic psychoses- psychedelics Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) Phencyclidine Cannabinoids

LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE Derived from cereal fungus ergot Hofmann synthesized & experimented on

himself. Act as agonist at 5HT2 receptors. Excitation threshold of retina ↓- visual

hallucinations, hyper arousal state Experiences may be bad or good trip.

CANNABINOIDS (Δ9THC) Extract of hemp plant-C.sativa, C.indica Bhang- paste of powdered dried leaves, used as

drink Marijuana- dried leaves & flowering tops, smoked in

pipes or rolled as cigarettes. Charas or hashish- resinous exudates leaves &

flowering tops, potent smoked inpipe.

THC content more in hashish


Initial CNS stimulation later sedation. Stimulatory phase- euphoria, ↑talkativeness,

↑appetite Felling of confidence, relaxation & well being Other- analgesia, antiemetic Peripheral effects- tachycardia, reddening of



Two types CB 1& 2 receptors CB1 in brain CB2 in periphery Anandamide-endogenous ligand CB1. Dronabinol, Nabilone- synt.analogues of THC Use: CB1 Agonists- ↑appetite in AIDS pts. Dronabinol-antiemetic in cancer chemo. Rimonabant : CB1 antagonist, used for obesity,

dose-20mg OD before Breakfast Smoking cessation



Cognition is "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.“ It encompasses processes such as knowledge, attention, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning and "computation", problem solving and decision making, comprehension and production of language,

COGNITION ENHANCERSIndications: AD, multi infarct dementia Mild cognitive impairment learning defects, ADHD in children CVA, Stroke Organic psychosyndromes Sequale of head injury ECT, brain surgery

MECHANISMS ↑ global/regional blood flow Direct support of neuronal metabolism Enhancement of neurotransmission Improvement of discrete cerebral functions

ALZHEIMERS DISEASE Main pathological features: Amyloid plaque Neurofibrillary tangles Marked ↓ in choline acetyltransferase

& loss of cholinergic neurons in brain.

CHOLINERGIC ACTIVATORS ACEs that cross BBB are preferred.Tacrine: Longer acting, reversible ACE Palliative for mild to moderate AD Orally active Improves memory, cognition, well being Facilitates Ach release AE: hepatotoxicity

DONEPEZIL, RIVASTIGMINE & GALANTAMINE Newer reversible Anti cholinesterase Better penetration in to CNS Better tolerated & less toxic than tacrine Clinical results modest & temporary Donepezil: 5mg OD orally evening ↑ max 10mg

after 4 wks Rivastigmine:1.5 mg orally BD ↑ to 3mg BD after

2 wks Galantamine:4mg BD orally ↑to 8mg BD after 2


Transdermal Rivastigmine patch –applied every 24hrs

SE:diarrhoe, N, V, ↑urinationAcetyl-L-carnitine: Structural analogue of Ach ↓ signs & symptoms of dementia in

AD ↑ cholinergic transmission Also have antioxidant properties,

slows progression of AD

MEMANTINE Excitotoxicity due to enhanced Glutamate

transmission via NMDA recp. Dose:5mg OD slowly ↑ to 10-20mg/day Non-comp. antagonist of NMDA recp. Better tolerated, less toxic.Miscellaneous : Nootropics- piracetam, aniracetam High doses of vit E(1000 IU B.D) Antioxidants-vit C, A, Zn, Se, bioflavonoids or

spirulina ↓ progression even in middle stage AD.


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