class catalog spring 2020 - 07, 2020  · dear friends, happy new decade!...

Post on 15-Mar-2021






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Creating Community Through Art

COVER: Pam Collins

Upcoming WBCA Events and Exhibitions

Northern Lights

Northern Lights Opening Reception

Northern Lights

Heart 4 Art

High School Visual Arts Contest

Heart 4 Art

Northern Lights

FORD FAMILY GALLERY EXHIBITSGALLERY HOURS:Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 AM-8:30 PM Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Saturday, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Call 651.407.0597 for additional hours

Northern Lights 46th AnnualJuried Art Exhibition Northern Lights Juried Art Exhibition will feature some of Minnesota and Wisconsin’s finest artists chosen by a panel of judges. OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, March 5, 6:30-8:30 PM

High School Visual Arts Contest

OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, April 23, 6:30-8:30 PMSHOW DATES: April 23-May 15 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, February 28, 11:59 PM


2020 WriteNow! Awards Ceremony Reception: Thursday, May 7, 2020, 7:00-9:00 PM White Bear Center for the Arts sponsors this annual writing contest for 9th-12th grade students in the Greater Northeast Metropolitan area. The 2020 award winners will be honored and will read their work at the awards ceremony on Thursday, May 2, 7:00-9:00 PM.

Heart 4 Art 2020 Thursday, May 14, 2020Save the date for our most important fundraiser of the year. Please join us at this not-to-be-missed inspirational event! Guests must register by April 23 at 651.407.0597. Check the back cover of this catalog, visit, or email for more information. Table hosts needed! Contact Lori to become a table host.




































Dear Friends,

Happy New Decade!

White Bear Center for the Arts (WBCA) welcomes 2020

with renewed energy and excitement as we stand on the

threshold of transformational change.

Through tremendous support and goodwill, WBCA has

acquired four adjoining properties to our west. We are

very fortunate, to say the least. It was these developments

that caused the board to put the expanded parking lot on

temporary hold. In order to gain deeper understanding of

the growing needs within the community, the board and

staff needed time to assess how WBCA programs and

facilities could, and should, be prepared to serve. Now, following a year of comprehensive

strategic planning (see page 3), we are ready.

I am delighted to announce that White Bear Center for the Arts will be expanding its

campus and building in 2020.

Our commitment has always been to provide the best possible resource, based on values of

respect, creativity, quality, integrity, hospitality, and growth. We are committed to building

systems that both support the creative journey and celebrate the human experience.

Through ensuring children have access to the arts, to supporting the needs of professional

artists, our vision remains focused on a world where both the arts and the artist thrive.

WBCA stands behind the importance of long-term sustainable relationships built on genuine respect for the creative, social and cultural spirit of each individual.

Our future will continue to be guided by these values, demonstrated by investing in

programs and facilities that ensure a creative community that is open and accessible to all.

In preparation, we’ve added some much-needed staff and several new board members.

This new talent and creative energy add to our team comprised of experienced and

dedicated staff and board members alike. We are so excited!

Over the years, the Center has been built link-by-link, by a beautiful chain of board

members, volunteers, instructors, students, members, donors, and staff. Every step of

the way, we have been supported by you, our beloved community. Together, we will carry

the collective vision of a vibrant, creative community establishing an Arts District second

to none.

It’s an honor to be a part of this amazing story. Thank you for sharing the journey.


Suzi Hudson, Executive Director




VICE CHAIR Karen Kepple

TREASURER Judith Benham


Jessi Aakre Heidi Brophy Mitch Cooper (Active Military) Robert Cuerden Katherine Curran Kim Ford Mary Gove Bob Hartzell Cindy Ihlenfeld Wayne Kazmierczak Karl Sevig Jalai Shelago-Hegna Bon Sommerville Bill Weigel Steve Wolgamot

EMERITUS DIRECTORS Sue Ahlcrona Donna Bruhl Mary Levins


















This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota througha Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to alegislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

4 l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

“White Bear: Center for the Arts” Strategic Planning for WBCA’s FutureFrom 2019 Strategic Planning Co-Chairs Judy Benham and Alex Legeros

Strategic planning has been core to WBCA’s success and growth. Two good things come out of strategic planning. First, the Strategic Plan sets specific goals to achieve within a set timeframe and plans for measuring results. The Plan is a management tool that helps WBCA’s Board and staff reach long-term goals.

A second and equally important outcome of strategic planning may be less obvious: consensus. The process of strategic planning involves sharing big ideas, which often come from the heart. Everyone has dreams, and strategic planning brings to light how much these dreams are shared. Discussions bring people together around creating good in the world, and get to the core of why a nonprofit exists in the first place.

In 2019, WBCA brought together a group of Board and staff members to shepherd the strategic planning process for its next five years, with consultant Al Watts of inTEgro, inc. In January 2019, we outlined a 9-month process to nurture the Strategic Plan from conception to adoption. In phase 1, dubbed “Strategic Intelligence Gathering,” the working group conducted over 45 personal interviews and nine focus groups (with 84 participants), and Board member Katherine Curran devised a survey to reach each of WBCA’s 1350 household members.

In June, Al presented a 15-page report on these preliminary findings. Over the next four months, the Board included 60-90 minutes at every Board meeting for a deep dive into key questions and strategies, as well as talk-back meetings with WBCA’s staff. One of the most difficult questions to answer was WBCA’s “unique value proposition,” or in other words, the recipe for WBCA’s secret sauce. This answer was integral to shaping WBCA’s Mission, updating our Core Values, and charting “Vision 2025.”

The final Strategic Plan adopted in October 2019 is a reflection of the needs, aspirations, and values we heard from the WBCA community. This is a welcoming art center, one that does not prize one medium over another, or prioritize the skill level of its students. “Creativity is at the heart of what we do,” and by emphasizing opportunities to learn and grow, the Center ignites our minds, opens us to new ideas and cultures, and connects us with people in our community.

WBCA’s 2020-2025 Strategic Goals

1. Imbed the White Bear Center for the Arts further in the community through community arts programs, increasing awareness of the Center and new or enhanced relationships with community segments and organizations.

2. Increase engagement of under-represented community segments, including next generation artists and supporters and those who can broaden the diversity of Center arts experiences.

3. Be a proactive participant that facilitates collaborative development of the White Bear Arts District, resulting in facilities, design and experiences that make the District and White Bear Center for the Arts a regional destination.

4. Generate sufficient financial resources to fund WBCA’s strategic goals and operations, and to assure the Center’s financial sustainability well into the future.

5. Assure a Board and staff infrastructure that is aligned with the Center’s vision, strategic goals and operating requirements.

Throughout the process, we found three themes in the dreams for WBCA’s future. First was the call to increase engagement of under-represented people, including among culturally diverse students, instructors, and arts experiences, and also for youth and emerging artists – and reflect that diversity in WBCA’s staff and Board. This arena is where the arts can have the greatest impact in shaping people’s lives, benefitting the future of our community.

WBCA is also called upon to serve a regional audience as a premier destination for celebrating the arts. Recent studies show growing cities like White Bear Lake will continue to age, while others like Hugo will see an influx of families with young children. You may have noticed however, perhaps at an exhibition’s opening reception, that WBCA is already past the capacity of its parking lot.

Creating Community Through Art










3 l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Remembering Robbie JohnsonThis winter, White Bear Center for the Arts said goodbye to dear friend and board member Robbie (Roberta) Johnson. Robbie joined the Board

of of Directors in 2007, serving as Treasurer, Co-Vice Chair, and Chair over her many years. She brought with her 30 years of experience as an En-glish teacher and a passion for building community.

When fellow Board member Mary Gove joined the team, she noticed right away the dedication that Robbie brought to the Board. When it came time to organize Heart 4 Art, WBCA’s annual fundraiser, Mary

always hoped that she was on Robbie’s team. Every year Robbie’s competitive spirit would come out as she raced to fill as many seats at the fundraiser as possible. Famous for making elaborate outfit changes throughout the day, she brought a sense of joy to this special event.

With her background in English, Robbie was particularly passionate about writing, and championed WBCA’s annual high school writing contest, WriteNow. According to Emeritus Board Director Sue Ahlcrona, “She was a natural to take over the high school writers contest and she did it with tireless energy and enthusiasm for emerging young writers. It truly was what gave her that twinkle in her eye and such encouragement to these students.”

Utilizing her passion for writing, Robbie contributed articles to WBCA’s catalog during the organization’s 50th anniversary year, highlighting each decade of WBCA’s life. “I believe this would never have come to fruition without her leadership,” Sue said. This dedication to the community and her generous spirit endeared her to all. In the words of fellow board member Karen Kepple, “What a wonderful, creative, unstoppable energy she had. We’ll miss her.”











The last call we heard time and again was not to lose the culture that has made WBCA such a welcoming place. As we expand programs, add staff, and welcome more people, growth cannot trade away the hospitality, respect, and quality found at the Center.

These deep and meaningful discussions took time. Ultimately, not only did the Board adopt a new Strategic plan, we also reached a consensus about the most integral parts of WBCA’s mission and special role in the community. As Co-Chairs, we are thankful that everyone continued to participate, support, and dig into the process, which helped us form a clear vision for the future of this Center for the Arts.

Little did we know when we started, but as we head into 2020 and beyond, the vision, values, and mission in the Strategic Plan will be driving full steam ahead as part of an expansion to WBCA’s building, programs, and grounds. Made possible by the energy and generosity of our community, WBCA will inaugurate a major expansion to its campus in spring 2021.

Peter Kramer, the architectural visionary for WBCA’s building opened in 2013, is working with WBCA and New Studio Architects to finalize the design of the new building and maximize the potential of the grounds. You can expect to learn more about this in our Summer catalog.

If this sounds exciting to you, it should! Now is the time to bring big dreams to life. We continue to seek and welcome financial support to fully embrace this opportunity to support White Bear Lake’s Arts District. From our beating hearts, thank you to every single person embracing this Center for the Arts: You are an inspiration for the next 50 years!

The 2020-2025 Strategic Plan is available in full at

Jessi Aakre, Board MemberHeidi Brophy, Board MemberBob Hartzell, Board MemberDr. Wayne Kazmierczak, Board Member

Kyle Frederickson, Youth & Outreach Director Ellie Fuelling, Development & Marketing AssistantJudy Hensley, Finance AssistantKarna Holub, Program AssistantSieng Lee, Artist in ResidenceAlex Legeros, Development & Marketing Director Sara Nephew, Managing Director

Announcing New Members of WBCA’s Team!Meet the new (and familiar) faces WBCA welcomed to its staff and Board of Directors for 2020:

2 Providing a Gateway to Diverse Arts Experiences: Educate. Cultivate. Celebrate. 5

Ballet West in EmeraldsPhoto by Beau Pearson




& L




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An Invisible History – Trailblazing Women of Animation Mindy JohnsonFrom the earliest pioneers of hand-rendered animated films, to the advent of digital technology, women have been at the forefront of the animation medium, yet their extraordinary contributions have largely gone unrecognized or undocumented, until now. Join Mindy Johnson, award-winning author of the landmark volumes Ink & Paint – The Women of Walt Disney’s Animation, and Pencils, Pens & Brushes – A Great Girls Guide to Disney Animation, as she raises the celluloid curtain on the remark-able ‘her-story’ of women in animation - from Walt Disney Studios and beyond. Filled with rarely seen photographs, film clips and imagery, Mindy’s groundbreaking volumes and game-changing presentations redefine our collective history.

Mindy Johnson’s latest book Ink & Paint – The Women of Walt Disney’s Animation casts a light on the thousands of unsung female artists behind the creative and technical advances of twentieth century animation. She is an award-winning author, historian, and filmmaker. Disney+ is developing a forthcoming Ink & Paint documentary series.

CLASS ID: 3D1EDate/Time: Saturday, March 21, 1:30-3:30 PMTuition: FREE with Registration ($5 Suggested Donation)

Pomona Glass: Antique Art Glass Merrily Smith Beatrice Smith PhD was an expert in Pomona glass - an antique style of art glass characterized by its delicate stain and floral details. Her committed work ethic and appreciative personality shone through her in-depth knowledge of this niche! Her daughter, Merrily, has edited Beatrice’s magnum opus New England Pomona: Portrait of a Nineteenth Century Art Glass. Merrily is an Art Conservationist who worked for the Library of Congress and will present on her mother’s work on this unique art form!

CLASS ID: 5D1FDate/Time: Tuesday, May 12, 7:00-8:30 PMTuition: FREE ($5 Suggested Donation)

•••Dying to Stay What it Took to Secure a #1 Ranking on Amazon.comDenise MeyerSelf-published novelist and retired Creative Director Denise Meyer will offer insights into the exciting and challenging world of self-publishing. She has self-published 4 novels and will read from her latest creative non-fiction work, Dying to Stay.  A limited quantity of her books will be available for cash purchase and attendees are encouraged to bring in their own copies for signing. Q&A will follow.

CLASS ID: 3D1FDate/Time: Thursday, March 12, 7:00-8:30 PMTuition: FREE with Registration ($5 Suggested Donation)Age/Level: Adults, All Levels



Visit Mia with an ArtistDan MackermanJoin friends from WBCA for a fun day of art and food! Visit the Minneapolis Institute of Art with artist Dan Mackerman who will talk about brush strokes, color and art history. The group will stay for lunch afterward to chat about what they saw! Meet at Mia in coffee shop past ticketing entrance.

CLASS ID: 4D1JDate/Time: Wednesday, April 29, 10:00 AM-1:00 PMTuition: $10 Member/Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, TeensLocation: Minneapolis Institute of Art- 2400 3rd Ave S, Minneapolis

•••Split Rock Studios TourSplit Rock Studios is an interpretive museum display firm. Split Rock will be offering a fascinating behind the scenes tour of a working commercial art studio. Housed in a modern 40,000 square foot facility in Arden Hills, Split Rock Studios employs exhibit designers, graphic designers, muralists, sculptors, and talented wood workers. Artists, designers, and other experts will be on hand to answer your questions.

CLASS ID: 3D1JDate/Time: Tuesday, March 24, 1:30-3:30 PMTuition: FREE with registration Age: Adults Location: Split Rock Studios-2071 Gateway Blvd, Arden Hills l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Foci Glass Blowing: Glass FlowersFoci MCGA InstructorsMeet a group from WBCA at Foci Minnesota Center for Glass Arts, where a professional glass instructor will mentor you along in the process to create blown glass flowers. This hands-on experience is designed to provide you with an exciting introduction to working with molten glass. The thrill of shaping molten glass is unlike anything else available in the Twin Cities metro area. This is an excellent team building experience and truly a unique special event. You may bring food and drinks to enjoy, as there is some downtime while everyone takes turns making their glass. Finished projects can be picked up from Foci one week after the class. Please register at least 2 weeks in advance for this class.

CLASS ID: 5D1JDate/Time: Saturday, May 2, 1:00 PMTuition: $70 Member/$87 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 15+, Beginner and BeyondLocation: Foci Minnesota Center for Glass Arts- 2010 East Hennepin Avenue Building #10, Minneapolis

Fabric is PaintPam CollinsExplore how fabric can be used to apply colors, textures, and figures to a scene on canvas. You will examine a variety of fabrics and learn to transform them into mountains, water, trees, and more. This will be an exciting and inspiring exercise that will introduce you to new perspectives! You will learn from class demos and receive individual guidance. You may bring your own fabric or clothing scraps to work with. No experience necessary. Bring from Home: scissors.

CLASS ID: 3D1BDate/Time: Saturday, March 14, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $175 Member/$215 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

You Crack Me Up MosaicsPam CollinsRepurpose old dishes to make a funky mosaic. Showcase your sentimental heirlooms and hand-me-downs in a new, expressive work of art! This satisfying class will utilize broken materials for a mosaic wall hanging, mirror, or other decoration. All materials provided, but you may bring your own special pieces to work with.

CLASS ID: 4D1ADate/Time: Saturday, April 4, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $175 Member/ $215 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels














Pam Collins

Pam Collins

Foci Minnesota Center for Glass Arts

Creating Community Through Art

Calvin deRuyter

Kathleen Hope







SContemporary Modular CreationsKathleen Hope This workshop will explore the secrets and techniques of what makes these small paintings work together. We will use 8x8x2 wood panels and apply acrylic paint and collage techniques to create unique designs. We will experiment painting on drafting paper to add dimension and use a variety of tools to create lines and patterns. In this workshop you will learn why modular art has become popular at art shows and galleries. Kathleen Hope is a master at modular art and has created thousands of designs. * Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5D1ADate/Time: Monday-Wednesday, May 11-13,

9:30 AM-4:30 PMTuition: $275 Member/$330 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $75 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Drawing From Observation IIJim ClarkContinue developing your drawing skills with this workshop focused on working with ink. We will learn to use traditional and non-traditional tools to create ink drawings on different paper surfaces. Students will reinforce skills from level I, while building exciting new abilities and techniques for approaching observational drawing.

CLASS ID: 3D1ADate/Time: Saturday, March 7, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $74 Member/$95 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorPrerequisite: Drawing on Observation IAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Loosen Up: Shape Shifting!Calvin deRuyterEvery painting is built on shapes. How can we manipulate shapes to make more effective paintings and convey meaning? In this workshop you will explore the ins and outs of shape and how to use it effectively in your work. This class focuses on watermedia, but these principles apply to all two-dimensional work. This one-day workshop will be a playful approach to important concepts in painting.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5DWDDate/Time: Tuesday, May 26, 9:30 AM-4:30 PMTuition: $134 Member/$160 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Birds and Blooms: Painted Paper Collage Workshop Elizabeth St. HilaireThis workshop is a comprehensive class in which students are taught a unique figurative collage technique. Emphasis will be on developing form using light, shadow, and directional ripping– very similar to traditional painting techniques. No prior collage experience is necessary. Some painting experience would be helpful, but not imperative. Please register for this class at least 5 weeks in advance.*Visit for supply list.

CLASS ID: 8E1ADate/Time: Tuesday-Thursday, August 4-6, 2020, /

10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $445 Member/$555 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Pocket SketchingKath MacaulayThis is the perfect technique for travel journaling, hiking, biking, sauntering, or sitting in a café. Students will learn to capture what they think they see in 25 minutes or less using a water soluble pen, a 4 x 6 inch pad of paper, and a small paint set. This class is ideal for the timid beginner to learn to paint fearlessly in public, and for the advanced artist who wants speed and portability. $45 material fee covers paint set, paper, water soluble pen, manual, and water container. Please sign up at least 2 weeks in advance for this class.

CLASS ID: 8E1BDate/Time: Monday-Wednesday, August 24-26, 2020,

10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $350 Member/$438 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $45 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Kath Macaulay is a nationally-known artist based in Tucson, Arizona. She is the inventor of Pocket Sketching, a quick-draw technique that allows anyone to “journal” wherever they are in the world using only a 4 x 6” art pad, a pen, a small paint set, a brush, and a film canister of water — all neatly stashed in a portable kit, pocket, or purse.


Elizabeth St. Hilaire










The Creative Breath Watercolor Workshop in Chartreuse, FranceEscape to France and get inspired! Patrick conducts a 6 day workshop in which he teaches the Taoist approach to watercolors. Work in the atelier and outdoors in the inspiring Chartreuse mountains. Patrick instructs Qi Gong and the associated moving meditation of a unique brush stroke, the harmony of the earth with creativity and concentration through the breath. To register or learn more, contact Albert Butler at

Date/Time : August 10-15, 2020, 9:30 AM-5:00 PMTuition: $572Lodging: $316. Share Room. $433. Single Room. Includes

reception and departure - Grenoble Train Station, Room + Breakfast and Dinner at the Charmetière Guest House.

Lunch: $80-$150 depending on Restaurant or Picnic.Total Fee: $968 - $1085 for 6 Day Work Shop.

(Students must pay for their own travel expenses to Grenoble, France.)

Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Pareidolia Painting WorkshopJulia NoyesPareidolia is the phenomenon of seeing familiar images in common places such as clouds, wood grain, sidewalk cracks - and even abstract paintings! Work with patterns, hidden motifs, or obscure words to create mystique in your artwork. You can paint a hidden motif, or bring an existing image and collage it into your painting. Think outside the box and create 1-4 abstract paintings in this workshop. Bring a lunch. * Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 7E1ADate/Time: Thursday, July 23, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorTuition: $140 Member/$175 Non-Members Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

Kath Macaulay-Pocket Sketching

Creating Community Through Art

Studio Coffee Neil JohnstonCome to WBCA to discuss art, artists, techniques, and trends over coffee. Free with registration. Stay for open studio and put this inspiration into practice.

CLASS ID: 3D6ADate/Time: 12 Fridays, March 6-May 29, 9:30-10:30 AMNo Class May 22Tuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Levels: Adults, All Levels

Open Studio: Artist to ArtistNo InstructorGet to know other artists, grow in knowledge, and come create together in any medium. Work on your own project with your own supplies. No instruction will be provided. This is an opportunity for open studio with like-minded artists. Registration is required to attend this class.

CLASS ID: 3D6BDate/Time: 12 Fridays, March 6-May 29, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMNo Class May 22Tuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Levels: Adults, All Levels

Fundamentals of CompositionDebra DreslerLearn the 9 elements of visual design. We will explore each of these concepts by referencing pictorial examples of these principles to help you make your artwork shine! No more guessing about placement, spacing, texture, other foundations. These principles apply to all 2-D mediums.

CLASS ID: 3D6CDate/Time: Saturday, March 7, 10:00 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/ $27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginners

CLASS ID: 5D6ADate/Time: Friday, May 8, 10:00 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/ $27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginners




BECOME A MEMBERSupport Your Art Center see page 36 for details

Studio Coffee








NT l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM




CLAYMonday Morning ClayAdam GruetzmacherJoin potter Adam Gruetzmacher on Monday mornings in an open instruction studio setting. Students will help determine the trajectory of the class through their ideas and desire to explore new techniques in clay both on and off the wheel. Work at your own pace and learn through both individual and group demonstration. Open to all skill levels, we will enjoy a relaxed studio environment designed to nurture and explore our ideas. Materials are included.

CLASS ID: 3D3ADate/Time: 5 Mondays, March 2-30, 9:30 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $170 Member/$210 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults & Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D3ADate/Time: 4 Mondays, April 6-27, 9:30 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults & Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D3ADate/Time: 3 Mondays, May 4-18, 9:30 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $102 Member/$126 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults & Teens 17+, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $396 Member/$492 Non-Member

Beginning/Intermediate ClayClarice AllgoodRanging from elemental wheel throwing to gently guided independent study, this class is open to everyone. Each class begins with a brief demonstration covering basics, then builds upon these fundamental skills. Throwing and altering, assemblage and handles, this class combines wheel and hand-building techniques. Questions and special topics are strongly encouraged. Class time will primarily be devoted to working at your own pace, with Clarice providing one-on-one assistance. Materials included.

CLASS ID: 3D3BDate/Time: 5 Mondays, March 2-30, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $170 Member/$210 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults & Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D3BDate/Time: 4 Mondays, April 6-27, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults 17+, Beginning to Intermediate

CLASS ID: 5D3BDate/Time: 3 Mondays, May 4-18, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $102 Member/$126 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults 17+, Beginning to Intermediate* Sign up for all three classes and save! $396 Member/$492 Non-Member

See page 15 for All Ages Ceramics

with Adama Sow!

Adam Gruetzmacher

Tuesday ClayAdam GruetzmacherCome explore the endless possibilities of clay! Although this course is self-guided, each class will start with a short demonstration or show- and-tell followed by time to work on individual projects from throwing techniques to hand-building to surface decoration and form resolution, etc. Adam will work with students one-on-one to discuss projects and troubleshoot conceptual and construction issues. Over the course of the quarter, you will build your ceramics vocabulary and develop work that is unique to you. All levels are welcome. Materials are included.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON CLAYCLASS ID: 3D3CDate/Time: 5 Tuesdays, March 3-31, 3:30-6:00 PMTuition: $170 Member/$210 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D3CDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, April 7-28, 3:30-6:00 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D3CDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, May 5-26, 3:30-6:00 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 17+, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $430 Member/ $534 Non-Member

TUESDAY EVENINGCLASS ID: 3D3DDate/Time: 5 Tuesdays, March 3-31, 6:30-9:00 PMTuition: $170 Member/$210 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D4DDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, April 7-28, 6:30-9:00 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 17+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D5DDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, May 5-26, 6:30-9:00 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 17+, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $430 Member/ $534 Non-Member

Creating Community Through Art




Clay Open StudioVarious ArtistsThis class is open to anyone who is enrolled in other clay classes and wants more work time. It is also open to those with clay experience who want to work independently. The instructor will be available to answer your questions and help with specific needs. Materials are included. Paying for open studio in advance reserves a space, after that it is filled on first come first serve basis. Class is limited to 12.

WEDNESDAYS 10:00 AM-12:30 PM-ALEX CHINNCLASS ID: 3D3EDate: March 4CLASS ID: 3D3FDate: March 11CLASS ID: 3D3GDate: March 18CLASS ID: 3D3HDate: March 25CLASS ID: 4D3EDate: April 1CLASS ID: 4D3FDate: April 8CLASS ID: 4D3GDate: April 15CLASS ID: 4D3HDate: April 22CLASS ID: 4D3JDate: April 29CLASS ID: 5D3EDate: May 6CLASS ID: 5D3FDate: May 13CLASS ID: 5D3GDate: May 20CLASS ID: 5D3HDate: May 27Tuition: $28 Member/$34 Non-Member per week, $10 per week if enrolled full-time in a clay courseAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner to Advanced

SATURDAYS 10:00 AM-12:30 PM- JOHNNE LAW MCMAHANNo class May 23CLASS ID: 3D3JDate: March 7CLASS ID: 3D3KDate: March 14CLASS ID: 3D3LDate: March 21CLASS ID: 3D3MDate: March 28CLASS ID: 4D3KDate: April 4CLASS ID: 4D3LDate: April 11CLASS ID: 4D3MDate: April 18CLASS ID: 4D3NDate: April 25

CLASS ID: 5D3JDate: May 2CLASS ID: 5D3KDate: May 9CLASS ID: 5D3LDate: May 16CLASS ID: 5D3MDate: May 30Tuition: $28 Member/$34 Non-Member per week, $10 per week if enrolled full-time in a clay courseAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner to Advanced

•••Clay Studio for All Skill LevelsAdama SowSenegalese teaching artist Adama Sow will assist potters with wheel throwing, hand-building, and glazing techniques. Demonstrations will cover hand-building and basic pottery wheel techniques as well as more advanced concepts upon request. Work at your own pace with both individualized and group instruction. No clay experience necessary, all levels are welcome. Materials are included.

CLASS ID: 3D3NDate/Time: 4 Thursdays, March 5-26, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D3PDate/Time: 5 Thursdays, April 2-30, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $170 Member/$210 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D3NDate/Time: 3 Thursdays, May 7-28, 1:00-3:30 PMNo Class May 14Tuition: $102 Member/$126 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $396 Member/$492 Non-Member

Pottery Wheel for All Skill LevelsAdama SowSenegalese teaching artist Adama Sow will teach beginning potters how to control the wheel, and show advanced students how to make a better pot. Demonstrations will cover basic wheel throwing techniques. No clay experience is necessary. Advanced students are welcome. Materials are included.

CLASS ID: 3D3PDate/Time: 4 Thursdays, March 5-26, 6:30-9:00 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D3QDate/Time: 5 Thursdays, April 2-30, 6:30-9:00 PMTuition: $170 Member/$210 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D3PDate/Time: 3 Thursdays, May 7-28 , 6:30-9:00 PMNo Class May 14Tuition: $102 Member/$126 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $396 Member/$492 Non-Member

•••Friday Morning ClayAlex ChinnEach class will begin with a demonstration followed by independent exploration. Students may throw on the wheel, hand-build and explore new techniques and clay bodies. All levels are welcome. Materials are included.

CLASS ID: 3D3QDate/Time: 4 Fridays, March 6-27, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D3RDate/Time: 4 Fridays, April 3-24, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D3QDate/Time: 4 Fridays, May 1-29, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMNo Class May 22Tuition: $136 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $396 Member/$492 Non-Member

Alex Chinn l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM



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Margaux’s Table Special Fish & Seafood ClassPeggy Doran Margaux will go to the fresh fish market and select seasonal fresh fish and seafood and show you how to make flavorful fish & seafood worthy of a dinner party or just a simple healthy weekday dinner. Great for hot weather cooking! Don’t eat before you come! Some items we will select will be: fresh seasonal fish fillets, octopus or squid, scallops or lobster, shrimp, and mussels.

CLASS ID: 3D6EDate/Time: Tuesday, March 10, 6:00-8:00 PMTuition: $60 Member/$73 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels Location: Margaux’s Table, 4742 Washington Square, White Bear Lake, MN

•••Bread MakingPeggy Doran Peggy Doran from Margaux’s Table in downtown White Bear Lake will teach students how to make a classic slow rise French country loaf of bread as well as a baguette and focaccia from one recipe. Please bring an apron to class.

CLASS ID: 4D6EDate/Time: Tuesday, April 28, 6:00-8:00 PMTuition: $50 Member/$63 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All LevelsLocation: Margaux’s Table, 4742 Washington Square, White Bear Lake, MN

Paella ValencianaPeggy DoranPaella is a Mediterranean dish named for the large pan used to cook it. This rice-based dish includes seafood, meats, vegetables, and rare spices. The communal preparation of this dish is as important as the ingredients. Learn about this festive, Spanish fare as you cook together in class! Please bring an apron.

CLASS ID: 5D6EDate/Time: Tuesday, May 19, 6:00-8:00 PMTuition: $60 Member/$73 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels Location: Margaux’s Table, 4742 Washington Square, White Bear Lake, MN


Clarice Allgood

Paella Valenciana

Adam Gruetzmacher

Introduction to Clay-Pottery WheelJohnne Law McMahanNew to the potter’s wheel or want to revisit the fundamentals of thrown pottery? Learn the skills and process to transform a lump of clay into incredible functional forms. No clay experience necessary.

CLASS ID: 4D3SDate/Time: 4 Saturdays, April 4-25, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $116 Member/$140 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults & Teens 17+, All Level

First time students receive a 15% discount.

Register now!

Creating Community Through Art 13





Photography for iOS Debra DreslerIn this class you will use apps on your iPad or iP-hone to paint your photos digitally using filters and your stylus or fingers. Transform your photos into stunning painterly pictures. Bring your iOS device with the following apps loaded onto it: Brushstroke, Paint Can, Aquarella, and Prisma. iOS/Apple only. No painting experience necessary.

CLASS ID: 3D5ADate/Time: Monday, March 23, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults & Teens 16+, All Levels

•••iPad/iPhone Painting: Big Abstract FlowersDebra DreslerUse your iPad or iPhone to create an O’Keefe inspired digital flower painting. You will photograph some flowers and use apps to create a beautiful painting. You will learn how to print this painting onto a canvas. The instructor will let you know what apps to download via email. Understanding your device is helpful. No experience needed. Apple/iOS only.

CLASS ID: 5D5ADate/Time: Thursday, May 21, 6:00-9:00 PMTuition: $32 Member/$41 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner and Beyond

DIGITAL ARTiPad Painting with Art SetDebra DreslerLearn digital painting on the iPad or iPhone. Art Set – Pro Edition is a powerful app which includes a broad range of tools, mediums, and surfaces for painting and also a dynamic color palette. A stylus is useful, but not required. Come to class with Art Set – Pro Edition loaded on your iOS device ($6.99 in the App Store). iOS/Apple only. No experience necessary.

CLASS ID: 5D5BDate/Time: Friday, May 8, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $32 Member/$41 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner and Beyond

iOS Digital Collage: Blender AppDebra DreslerGet creative with digital design by layering images to make an interesting collage. You will use apps to blend images and create textures. Please come to class with Image Blender ($3.99) and Distressed FX ($0.99) ready on your device - available from the App Store. iOS only.

CLASS ID: 5D5CDate/Time: Friday, May 15, 10:00 AM-1:00 PMTuition: $32 Member/$41 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Debra Dresler

Paella Valenciana



Please call 651.407.0597

for more information.

Cross-Out l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Drawing from the Paper Up Julie Erickson Learn the foundational concepts of drawing in this introductory class. Get comfortable with drawing if you have had little or no prior drawing instruction. This class will cover tools such as pencils, paper, erasers, and more. Composition will also be covered, and you will draw from provided reference photos. No ‘natural ability’ is required, so come and discover the joys of drawing!* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3D2ADate/Time: 4 Mondays, March 2-23, 5:30-8:00 PMTuition: $105 Member/$135 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

CLASS ID: 3D2BDate/Time: 4 Fridays, March 6-27, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $105 Member/$135 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

Portrait DrawingJulie EricksonLearn to capture emotion, expression, and personality in a portrait. First, you will focus on how to draw individual facial features. Then you will complete an entire portrait. Reference photos will be provided by the instructor. Shading and basic drawing knowledge required.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 4D2ADate/Time: 4 Mondays, April 6-27, 5:30-8:00 PMTuition: $105 Member/$135 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner

CLASS ID: 4D2BDate/Time: 4 Wednesdays, April 8-29, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $105 Member/$135 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner


DRAWINGPortrait Drawing




How To Draw Faces IISuzann BeckPractice drawing faces and receive support in this one-day workshop! The morning session will begin with a demonstration drawing from a live model while reviewing the structural mapping of the face, light and shadow, and tips for better likeness. Students will then start their first drawing, and continue drawing the model from different angles for the remainder of the workshop. Students should expect to complete roughly 2 to 3 drawings. Bring a lunch.

CLASS ID: 4D2CDate/Time: Wednesday, April 8, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $135 Member/$169 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Intermediate- Advanced

•••Introduction to Zentangle Inspired ArtSue SwansonTangling and doodling is a meditative drawing method that uses simple repetitive strokes to build patterns that are combined to make a small work of art. Anyone who can draw a straight line and a curve can learn to tangle. The process is very easy, relaxing and fun. Come and be surprised and delighted by the designs you create.

CLASS ID: 5D2ADate/Time: Saturday, May 30, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $8 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 15+, All Levels

•••Keys to Drawing – With a TwistSusan Hartzell VannelliStart drawing or improve your skills in this class which covers key elements of drawing. You will learn about papers, tools, and basic techniques to create a beautiful drawing. Experiment with colored pencils, chalk, and pastels too!

CLASS ID: 5D2BDate/Time: 2 Mondays, May 11 & 18, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $70 Member/$87 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 15+, All Levels







Creating Community Through Art 15

FAMILY/KIDS/TEENSLearn Acrylic PaintingKatie SteineThis class covers everything you need to know to begin painting with acrylic. Materials and tools, such as paints and canvas will be introduced in this class. These lessons will also cover techniques for mixing paints and applying brushstrokes. You will put your new knowledge to use and create a finished piece in class!

CLASS ID: 4D7ADate/Time: 3 Tuesdays, April 7-21, 5:30-7:30 PMTuition: $63 Member/$81 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $12 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Ages 12-17, All Levels

•••Colored Pencil Abstract AnimalKatie SteineGet inspired by paper cut-outs and coloring book designs to design a brilliant abstract animal. You will work with an animal outline created from a template provided in class. Fill in your animal with dazzling patterns and textures!

CLASS ID: 3D7ADate/Time: Saturday, March 21, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Ages 8-15, All Levels

•••Decorate a Birdhouse!Katie SteineJazz up a wooden birdhouse for your outdoor feathered friends! All materials provided.

CLASS ID: 5D7ADate/Time: Saturday, May 9, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Ages 8-15, All Levels

•••Paper QuillingErika ArndtLearn techniques for rolling narrow strips of paper into 3D shapes that can be used to create larger designs. Create unique cards, gift tags, pictures, or box tops.

CLASS ID: 4D7BDate/Time: Sunday, April 5, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Ages 7 +

Preschool: Custom Labyrinth ClassCustom labyrinth classes for preschoolers available! Call 651-407-0597 for more information.








Dot Mandala PaintingErika ArndtImmerse yourself in the patterns and colors of these geometric designs that are as fun to make as they are to behold. Use acrylic paint to create dots of varying sizes on smooth stones, canvas, or found objects. Dress for mess.

CLASS ID: 3D7BDate/Time: Sunday, March 22, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $7 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Ages 7+

•••Teen Writing & Publishing WorkshopRachel AndersonThis special 2-day writing workshop with Sigma’s Bookshelf is an opportunity for teens to learn more about drafting their writing for publication. Sigma’s Bookshelf is a publishing company focused on teenage authors (ages 13-19). Hundreds of manuscripts are submitted to publishers, but only a select few are published. Sigma’s Bookshelf will address common issues and mistakes in manuscripts and help students to improve their novel writing skills. Day one will cover bringing your story to life, from plot and character development to outlining and starting a manuscript. Day two will cover editing, proofreading, and options for publishing. This workshop will include both lectures and writing exercises. Students will be given story ideas to get their ideas flowing or they may work with their own story ideas.

CLASS ID: 3D7CDate/Time: 2 Sundays, March 29 & April 5, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: FREE with Registration Material Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Teens, 12-19, All Levels

Painting with WoolErika ArndtExplore the world of wool fiber and create a needle felted “painting”. Learn how a simple cookie cutter shape can be transformed into a colorful 3D sculpture or hanging ornament. You’ll make 1-2 works in class and take home some tools for future interest.

CLASS ID: 5D7BDate/Time: Sunday, May 3, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/$27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $7 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Ages 9+

•••All Ages CeramicsAdama SowThis all-ages class with teaching artist Adama Sow is the perfect class for kids, teens, and adults, or for parents to take with their children! Demonstrations will cover basic wheel-throwing, hand-building, sculpture, and glazing techniques as well as more advanced concepts upon request. Work at your own pace with both individualized and group instruction. No clay experience necessary; all levels are welcome. Materials are included.

CLASS ID: 3D7DDate/Time: 4 Thursdays, March 5-26, 4:00-6:00 PMTuition: $116 Member/$140 Non-MemberAge/Level: All ages 6+, must be 9+ to use wheel, under 10 must be accompanied by an adult

CLASS ID: 4D7CDate/Time: 5 Thursdays, April 2-30, 4:00-6:00 PMTuition: $145 Member/$175 Non-MemberAge/Level: All ages 6+, must be 9+ to use wheel, under 10 must be accompanied by an adult

CLASS ID: 5D7CDate/Time: 3 Thursdays, May 7-28, 4:00-6:00 PMNo Class May 14Tuition: $87 Member/$105 Non-MemberAge/Level: All ages 6+, must be 9+ to use wheel, under 10 must be accompanied by an adult* Sign up for all three classes and save! $336 Member/$408 Non-Member l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM16




Felted Flowers for SpringLeslie GranbeckCreate colorful felted flowers using wool fibers and a little soapy water. Make flowers with stems for a bouquet, or combine a posie and a vine for a bracelet. Pin your flowers on napkin rings or use them to adorn packages or a wreath. These pretty flowers have a million uses. Make several in class. Bring to class: bag lunch, 2-3 old hand towels, 1 old bath towel, and a plastic bag to carry home wet items. Optional: Apron

CLASS ID: 4D4ADate/Time: Friday, April 3, 10:00 AM-3:00 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Nuno Felted Table RunnerLeslie GranbeckFelt a beautiful table runner or wall hanging using wool from local sheep. Learn to layer naturally colored fibers on a base of silk, then add texture and color with a variety of embellishing techniques, including silk paper you make in class. Add your own creative touches for a one-of-a-kind work of art. Bring to class: Bag lunch, 2-3 hand towels, 1 old bath towel, and a plastic bag to carry home wet items. Optional: Apron.

CLASS ID: 5D4ADate/Time: Saturday, May 2, 10:00 AM-3:30 PMTuition: $58 Member/$74 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $30 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Introduction to Bead EmbroideryNancy EhaIf you love clothing and decor with beads and fringe, this is your chance to learn all about it! You will learn five traditional bead embroidery stitches and create a sampler of stitch techniques you can refer to for future projects. This class will also cover bead types, tools, fabric considerations, and proper care for beaded wares. No prior beading experience needed. Bring from Home: small sharp scissors or embroidery scissors & glasses if needed.

CLASS ID: 3D4ADate/Time: Friday, March 13, 10:00 AM-2:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner and Beyond

•••Bead Embroidered Easter EggsNancy EhaCreate a beaded egg to celebrate spring! Learn several fabric beading techniques as you have fun beading these felt-based, decorative Easter Eggs. No prior beading experience necessary – all levels will enjoy this beading project! Class kit contains all materials for 4 eggs. Additional supplies are available in class. Bring from Home: small sharp scissors or embroidery scissors & glasses if needed.

CLASS ID: 3D4BDate/Time: Friday, March 20, 10:00 AM-2:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Bead Embroidery: Ruby Throated HummingbirdNancy EhaCreate a gorgeous hummingbird with luminous glass beads! You will learn to create opaque bead embroidery on fabric. The skills and techniques you learn from this project will enable you to create beaded motifs whenever you feel inspired to. No prior beading experience necessary.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5D4BDate/Time: Friday, May 29, 10:00 AM-2:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $25 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels


Creating Community Through Art





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Kim Bakken-Parr - Beginning Stained Glass

Fabric PrintingSusan SteinBring only yourself and an apron and get ready to play with all kinds of simple and exciting printing techniques using fabric paint. You can adapt these to paper or any type of textile so your home and wardrobe will never be the same as anyone else!

CLASS ID: 5D4CDate/Time: Wednesday, May 6, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $63 Member/$81 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $30 Payable to Instructor Age/Level: Adults, Adventurous Beginner- Intermediate

•••Let’s KnitDiane L. AugustinHave you always wanted to learn to knit? Have you knit before and think you’ve forgotten how? In either case, this is the class for you! Enjoy creating hand-knit gifts for yourself and the people you love. Learn how to knit, or, brush up on skills in this class. We will work on easy to knit cotton washcloths. The patterns will be provided by the instructor. The instructor will also provide the use of stitch markers and sewing needles. Come and join the fun! Bring to class: small scissors and a tape measure.

CLASS ID: 3D4CDate/Time: 2 Saturdays, April 18 & 25, 10:00-12:00PM Tuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 13+, All Levels

•••Needle Felted Spring ChicksKaren EngelbretsonCreate a sweet, spring chick with felt! You will make a three dimensional bird with wool and apply charming details including glass bead eyes, wire feet, and a paper daisy umbrella! Needle felting experience helpful, though not necessary. Bring to class: Students should bring a small, sharp scissors. Optional: chain nose pliers.

CLASS ID: 4D4BDate/Time: Saturday, April 11, 12:30-4:00 PMTuition: $55 Member/$66 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $30 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

SAORI WeavingChiaki O’BrienExplore this style of weaving which emphasizes freedom and creativity over technical skill and machine-like production. In SAORI weaving, individual style is valued, as well as the unique qualities of each and every textile. If you like you may bring materials from home to incorporate in your project, such as fabric scraps.

CLASS ID: 4D4CDate/Time: Wednesday, April 29, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $35 Member/$44 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Kaleidoscope Technique with Bengala DyesChiaki O’BrienThis earthy approach to fabric uses natural dyes made from soil. You will learn the history and cul-tural significance of this dye technique and create your own kaleidoscopic project. Please be aware: These dyes contain rubber latex, so this is not a good fit for students with a latex allergy.* Visit for supply list

CLASS ID: 4D4FDate/Time: Wednesday, April 29, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $23 Member/$29 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Three-Section Fused Glass Platter Kim Bakken-ParrLayer glass and design a gorgeous 5x17” platter. Your work will be fired, molded, and ready to pick up at a later date. You will learn the basics of working with glass, including materials, tools, and safety. Glass cutting experience is helpful, but not necessary. Please pull back long hair and wear long pants and close-toed shoes.

CLASS ID: 3D4QDate/Time: Saturday, March 14, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $73 Member/$94 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $45 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels

•••Round Fused Glass PlateKim Bakken-ParrLearn glass fusing and slumping techniques to create a 7” round plate. Select from a variety of colors and forms of glass to design your own. You will learn the basics of working with glass, including materials, tools, and safety. Your work will be fired and ready to pick up at a later date. Glass cutting experience is helpful, but not necessary. Please pull back long hair and wear long pants and close-toed shoes.

CLASS ID: 3D4RDate/Time: Sunday, March 15, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $25 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels





Chiaki O’Brien- Kaleidoscope Technique with Bengala Dyes l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Jewelry Basics Sue Swanson The focus of this class is repairing and refashioning jewelry that doesn’t fit or is out of style. In this class you will make earrings, a bracelet and a beaded necklace. Along the way, you will learn how to use tools including jump rings, stringing materials, wire guardians, crimp beads and a variety of clasps. Bring any jewelry you would like to repair or repurpose and any beads that you have. Other materials included.

CLASS ID: 4D4LDate/Time: 2 Saturdays, April 4 & 11, 10:00 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/ $54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14 +, All Levels

•••Star Spangled NecklaceSue SwansonMake the perfect accessory for summer parties! Learn to use a needle and thread to weave red, white and blue seed beads into tiny stars. They can be combined to make a necklace, earrings or hair ornament. This starter class is a good pre-requisite for the Beaded Peace Ring Project.

CLASS ID: 4D4MDate/Time: Saturday, April 25, 1:00-3:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/ $27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $6 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14 +, All Levels

Beaded Peace Ring ProjectSue SwansonMake a ring and make a difference! The Toho Bead Company is sponsoring an international project to promote peace in the world. Take this class as a mindfulness practice and create breaded rings. These delicate rings are made with the brick stitch using a needle, thread, and Toho Aiko Cylinder beads. Showcase your work and support this project using #TOHOPEACERING on social media. Some experience with seed beads is encouraged.

CLASS ID: 5D4LDate/Time: Saturday, May 9, 10:00 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $21 Member/ $27 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $4 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14 +, Experienced Beginner-Intermediate

•••Tin Thread Necklace with Stone BeadsKatherine BuengerUsing fine tin thread, a fine wire made of pewter and 4% silver that is wrapped around a fiber core, you will learn to make a five strand braided necklace with stone beads and silver plated magnetic clasp. You will have a choice of several stones jade, amethyst, labradorite, bloodstone and others.

CLASS ID: 4D4NDate/Time: Friday, April 10, 12:00-4:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/ $54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $35 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, All Levels

•••Seven Strand Tin Thread NecklaceKatherine BuengerUsing tin thread, a fine wire made of pewter and 4% silver that is wrapped around a fiber core you will learn to make a 7 strand braided necklace with a silver plated magnetic clasp.

CLASS ID: 5D4MDate/Time: Friday, May 1, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $32 Member/ $41 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $35 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, All Levels



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Introduction to MosaicsKim Bakken-ParrCreate a 6x8” translucent mosaic to hang in a window. Come ready with a simple design idea to work with in class. You will cut glass, apply the pieces of your design, and finish with grouting. You will learn the basics of working with glass, including materials, tools, and safety. All tools are provided and no pervious glass experience is required. Please pull back long hair and wear long pants and close-toed shoes.

CLASS ID: 4D4QDate/Time: Friday, April 24, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $68 Member/$86 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $25 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels

•••Beginning Stained GlassKim Bakken-ParrThis introductory class will give students the opportunity to learn the copper-foil stained glass technique. Students will first decide on the pattern of their piece. Pattern sheets are available for use for students can design their own. Glass is chosen and the pieces are cut and cleaned students will colder their pieces together and attach rings for hanging. No previous glass-cutting experience is necessary. Students should wear long pants and close-toed shoes. Long hair needs to be pulled back and put into a binder. All tools are provided, just bring a lunch.

CLASS ID: 4D4RDate/Time: Saturday, April 25, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM & Sunday, April 26, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $100 Member/$127 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $30 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels


Kim Bakken-Parr- Introduction to Mosaics Diane L. Augustin- Crochet Beaded Bracelets











Creating Community Through Art




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Lure of the LabyrinthMary Silvaroli DaulNew to the labyrinth and curious to know why this ancient archetype has such contemporary appeal? Want to know if, why or how engaging on the path of the path of the labyrinth might empower and enrich your own life journey? This introductory class is designed to help answer these questions and provide time to walk, reflect, and share your experience with others.

CLASS ID: 4D9ADate/Time: Wednesday, April 15, 9:30-11:30 AMTuition: $10 Member/ $13 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D9ADate/Time: Wednesday, May 13, 9:30-11:30 AMTuition: $10 Member/ $13 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Celebrate World Labyrinth DayMary Silvaroli DaulThe intention of World Labyrinth Day is to create a rolling wave of peaceful energy around the world as people walk labyrinths at 1 PM in their local time zones. Last year over 5900 people in 30 countries took part in this annual global celebration of the labyrinth. Come just for the walk or stay for an afternoon of fun, family friendly activities.

CLASS ID: 5D9BDate/Time: Saturday, May 2, 12:45-3:30 PMTuition: FREE with Registration ($5 Suggested Donation)Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels

•••Colorfully Creative Labyrinth MakingLisa Gidlow MoriartyMake a tabletop labyrinth and follow the path with your fingers! Create something that is both beautiful and useful out of tissue paper and cord on canvas. Learn about labyrinths and choose a labyrinth pattern provided by the instructor. All materials provided - just bring your creative spirit!

CLASS ID: 4D9BDate/Time: Saturday, April 4, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $32 Member/$41 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Create a Custom Labyrinth Event!Whether you are looking to celebrate a special event or just a casual time out with friends, the labyrinth offers the perfect place to create meaning and memories. Call 651-407-05597 for more information!

Crochet Beaded BraceletsDiane L. AugustinCrochet a set of stackable, beaded bracelets. You will learn a basic crochet chain stitch to create a collection of funky bracelets. You will leave class with the skills to crochet these accessories for any occasion - make them in your favorite sports team or school colors! Bring to class: small scissors and a tape measure.

CLASS ID: 4D4PDate/Time: Monday, April 20, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $26 Member/ $34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 13+, All Levels

•••Sami Style Bracelet - Four Strand Braid with Sterling Silver BeadsKim Bakken-ParrThis advanced class used the same skills learned in other Sami Bracelet Class and added another technique. But never fear - if you have not taken the beginning class you are still welcome in this class! This bracelet uses four strand braiding and incorporates sterling silver beads into the braid. We will be using small items and doing hand sewing to attach the braid to the reindeer leather. All tools are provided, but students who need magnification for this close hand work should bring their own.

CLASS ID: 3D4LDate/Time: Wednesday, March 25, 10:00 AM-3:00 PMTuition: $53 Member/ $68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $45 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels

•••Sterling Silver Chain Mail BraceletKim Bakken-ParrCraft this modern take on a traditional chain mail Byzantine pattern. Each student starts out with sterling silver jump rings and ends with a sitcom bracelet. Pliers are provided, but you may bring your own. Bring magnification if necessary.

CLASS ID: 4D4UDate/Time: Tuesday, April 7, 10:00-3:00 PMTuition: $53 Member/ $68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $55 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels




STARTER CLASS l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM20





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Bienvenue à la Conversation FrançaiseCarolynn JohnsonJoin us for open-ended conversation amongst friends. Whatever your proficiency, we’d love to see you. If you’ve always wanted to be more conversational with your French, here’s your opportunity. Bring a notebook if you wish to take notes.

CLASS ID: 3D8CDate/Time: 6 Thursdays: March 12 & 26, April 9 & 23, May 7 & 21, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PMTuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

Italian Basics Romina MontanariLearn basic Italian language skills to make traveling and speaking with locals much easier! This is not a rigorous Italian grammar class, but rather it is designed to equip students with simple and essential communication skills for common and familiar situations during travel. You will receive instruction on Italian culture, too!

CLASS ID: 3D8DDate/Time: 6 Mondays, March 30-May 4, 10:00 AM-12:00 PMTuition: $120 Member/$150 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Italian Basics ContinuedRomina MontanariBuild upon the skills learned in Italian Basics and improve your functional Italian for travel. Further develop your speaking skills, as well as listening and reading comprehension. You will be taught more about contemporary Italian life and culture.

CLASS ID: 3D8EDate/Time: 6 Mondays, March 30-May 4, 12:15 AM-2:15 PMTuition: $120 Member/$150 Non-MemberPrerequisite: Italian BasicsAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Leather Wine ToteDan Horan of Merchant LeatherRefine and advance your leatherworking skills in this WBCA exclusive class! This tote is made for a standard wine bottle and has a rolled handle. Choose from a variety of leather types and colors in class. Previous hand-sewing/saddle stitch experience strongly recommended.

CLASS ID: 3D4SDate/Time: Tuesday, March 17, 10:00 AM-3:00 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $40 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, 101 or other hand-sewing experience is strongly recommended.

•••Hand Sewing Leather 101: Small GoodsDan Horan of Merchant LeatherLearn the basics of working with leather – from cutting, riveting, and snap setting to finishing and care. Choose from a wide array of projects provided by the instructor, including keychains, wallets, phone cases, and more. No sewing or craft experience necessary. Visit for samples.

CLASS ID: 4D4SDate/Time: Saturday, April 11, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterials Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/level: Adults, kids 8+, all levelsPlease bring reading glasses if you need them

Bienvenue à la Conversation Française




Creating Community Through Art

MOVEMENT/DANCEIntroduction to Tai Chi Aimee Van OstrandLearn about this beautiful and healthy art form during a free class. Just dress comfortably so you can move, no special outfits required! Aimee will let you know about the health benefits and give you a brief history before she guides you through the Yang Style short form.

CLASS ID: 3D9FDate/Time: Wednesday, March 25, 9:30-10:30 AMTuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5D9FDate/Time: Tuesday, May 19, 2:00-3:00 PMTuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels

Tai ChiAimee Van OstrandTai Chi is practiced by millions of people in the parks and squares of China. The practice of Tai Chi is a series of silent, fluid seamless slow-motion movements and studies show regular practice supports good health and longevity. It improves circulation, balance, mental focus and sense of well-being. It is low impact and can easily be modified to be practiced by those with mobility issues. Aimee Van Ostrand is a Licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Healing Within Acupuncture. No experience or equipment is necessary. Wear comfortable clothing. There is always something new to learn in Tai Chi!

CLASS ID: 3D9GDate/Time: 6 Thursdays, March 5-April 9, 3:30-4:30 PMTuition: $72 Member/$90 Non-Member or $12 Member/$15 Non-Member per classAge/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4D9FDate/Time: 6 Thursdays, April 16-May 28, 3:30-4:30 PMNo Class May 14Tuition: $72 Member/$90 Non-Member or $12 Member/$15 Non-Member per classAge/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels





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Hand Sewing Leather 201: Tote Bag, Laptop Case & Bucket BagDan Horan of Merchant LeatherThis advanced leather-working class will build on your sewing skills to create a larger, more complex project. You will work from custom patterns while being guided through the basics of leather design and construction and learn skills necessary to design their own goods. Project options include a tote bag, bucket bag, 13” laptop case or 15” laptop case. You will be required to choose your project at signup. A variety of leather choices will be available at the beginning of class. Previous hand-sewing (saddle stitch) experience is strongly recommended. The basics will be covered but the more experience you have, the happier you will be with your finished project. Bring reading glasses if you need them. Visit for samples.

CLASS ID: 5D4SDate/Time: Tuesday, May 5, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $63 Member/$81 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $40-$60 Depending on Project, Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults and teens 12+, 101 or other hand-sewing experience is strongly recommended.

Dan Horan- Leather Wine Tote l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Adult Continuing BalletJan ChamberlinJoin ballet and enjoy the physical and esthetic benefits of dance. Through a barre, centre work, turning, and jumping combinations, this class will provide opportunities for exercise, stretching, and toning the body. This is a wonderful class for those who danced when they were younger, and for those who never stopped.

CLASS ID: 3D9JDate/Time: 10 Mondays, March 16-May 18, 7:00-8:00 PMTuition: $133 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Experienced Beginner and BeyondLocation: White Bear Lake Armory, 2228 4th St, White Bear Lake, MN 55110

Ballet Barre Level 1 and 2 (Seniors Welcome!)Jan ChamberlinBallet dancers begin their day at the barre, and so should you! Using a barre for support we will learn traditional ballet exercises that will increase strength and endurance while also improving balance and coordination. Simple choreography will be taught so each student will feel the joy of dancing and be encouraged to express themselves creatively through the movements. Level 1, perfect for beginners and those wanting to dance at a slower pace, will spend the entire class at the barre. Level 2 is more advanced and will finish each class in the centre dancing without the aid of the barre. Whichever class you attend be pre-pared to feel lighter, stronger and more graceful when leaving. Whether you want to try ballet for the first time, return to class after years off, learn proper technique to apply to your Pilates barre class, or work on balance, this is the class for you!

BALLET BARRE LEVEL 1CLASS ID: 3D9KDate/Time: 10 Tuesdays, March 17-May 19, 9:30-10:30 AMTuition: $133 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Experienced Beginner and BeyondLocation: 4th Street Dance Centre. 5350 Hwy 61, Suite #8

BALLET BARRE LEVEL 2CLASS ID: 3D9LDate/Time: 9 Thursdays, March 19-May 14, 9:30-10:30 AMTuition: $120 Member/$151 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Experienced Beginner and BeyondLocation: 4th Street Dance Centre. 5350 Hwy 61, Suite #8

TapJan ChamberlinStomp your feet, kick up your heels and make some noise! Tap dance encourages the development of balance, coordination, rhythm and style. Join us in a tap class and have a great time.

BEGINNING TAPLearn to brush, shuffle, dig, flap and other standing and traveling tap skills. Simple combinations will be taught and reviewed each week before added to a dance we learn. This is the perfect class for the absolute beginner to tap. Tap shoes strongly recommended although any hard sole shoe may be worn.

CLASS ID: 3D9MDate/Time: 10 Tuesdays, March 17-May 19, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AMTuition: $133 Member/$168 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Experienced Beginner and BeyondLocation: 4th Street Dance Centre. 5350 Hwy 61, Suite #8

OPEN TAPOpen Tap is designed for the dancer who has taken Beginning Tap or other tap classes. Basic tap skills (shuffle, flap, riff, etc) will be reviewed and combined to create complex tap steps. Each session we will learn a fun tap dance. Tap shoes required.

CLASS ID: 3D9NDate/Time: 9 Thursdays, March 19-May 14, 10:30-11:30 AMTuition: $120 Member/$151 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Experienced Beginner and BeyondLocation: 4th Street Dance Centre. 5350 Hwy 61, Suite #8

















Creating Community Through Art






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Bonnie Cutts

Encaustic Effects with AcrylicsBonnie CuttsLearn to create the wax-like look of encaustic painting with the durability of acrylics. Mimic the soft, luminous effects of beeswax by applying multiple layers of acrylic paints and gels. Cut paper images and/or stenciled patterns deep below the surface and create lovely soft translucent layers over them. You will become familiar with encaustic-like wax formulas, explore a variety of applications, and create new texture in your artwork. Open to all levels of painting experience.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DAADate/Time: Friday, March 6, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $95 Member/ $119 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Simplified Mixed Media Still LifeBonnie CuttsSpend the day working with acrylic materials, drawing tools and collage papers to create a simplified mixed media still life. Work on several different surfaces to draw your image with water-soluble pencils and crayons, then wash out the lines with water and define the forms with paint and/or papers for collage. Be playful, thoughtful and productive throughout the day. Your painting will be loaded with energy, color and texture.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 4DAADate/Time: Saturday, April 25, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $95 Member/ $119 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Acrylic PouringKit ArtigUse poured acrylic paint to create exciting, colorful paintings! Each person will pour 2-3 pieces and you’ll have left over supplies for future pours. Dress for mess and/or bring an apron. Please bring your own primed surfaces to pour on.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5DAADate/Time: Saturday, May 9, 12:30-4:00 PMTuition: $53 Member/ $68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

Hands-On Acrylic Ink LandscapesDavid BrowneUse uncommon tools and mediums to paint a vibrant, panoramic landscape. Acrylic ink is a versatile, new medium you will use on polystyrene, a plastic surface not typically used in painting. You will manipulate paints with your fingers (and brushes, too) to create a small landscape paint-ing. Though the technique may seem simple, it creates interesting and complex results! You will use protective gloves and rags to stay clean while painting. All materials included. Class is limited to six students.

CLASS ID: 3DABDate/Time: Monday, March 23, 6:00-9:00 PMTuition: $35 Member/$44 Non-MemberMaterial fee: $26 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults 18+, All Levels l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Introduction to AcrylicsSusan Hartzell VannelliHave fun learning the basics of painting with acrylics on canvas. Enjoy making beautiful brush strokes with this versatile medium. No experience necessary.

CLASS ID: 3DACDate/Time: 2 Mondays, March 30 & April 6, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $70 Member/$87 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

•••Portraits on Woodcuts in AcrylicsKatie SteinePaint an abstract portrait on a natural cut of wood, in your own colorful style! Bring an 8x10” picture of the face you’d like to paint.

CLASS ID: 3DADDate/Time: 2 Tuesdays, March 10 & 17, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $12 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

•••Whimsical ButterfliesSylvia BensonFlutter around with these colorful patterned butterflies. Design a favorite butterfly and add lovely shapes in detail. Using a large choice of acrylic colors for palettes and in tubes, bling your butterfly as much as it takes to make it whimsical.

CLASS ID: 3DAEDate/Time: Tuesday, March 24, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial fee: $5 payable to instructorAge/Level: All Ages 10+, Beginner and Beyond





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Studio Landscape Painting with Mike RadaMike Rada Whether you are just getting started or have painted for many years, this class has much to offer. You will work from your own studies, sketches, drawings, or photos and will learn what it takes to create a successful painting from start to finish. Mike will show examples of his work and give demos, short lectures, and lots of positive encouragement while you work on your own projects and style. The information provided applies to all mediums, so you may work in oils, acrylics, or pastels. Students cannot miss the first day of class, as Mike will be giving important lectures and demos. No supplies are needed the first day of class, except paper and pen to take notes.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DMCDate/Time: 6 Thursdays, March 19-April 23, 6:00-9:00 PMTuition: $192 Member/$240 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Art Journaling LabSue SwansonJoin a group of art journaling enthusiasts for an afternoon of sharing ideas and working together. If you are experienced at art journaling, this class will re-energize your practice. If you are new, join us and gain some ideas of how to begin. The instructor will have writing prompts and styles to try. Students will be invited to share their own projects.

CLASS ID: 5DMADate/Time: Saturday, May 16, 12:00-4:00 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, All Levels

Create a Custom Art ClassVarious InstructorsCreate a custom class and enjoy a creative activity with friends or family. Absolutely no artistic ability required. You are welcome to bring drinks and snacks for your class. Gather a group and call the office to set up dates. There is a 6 person minimum for a custom class.

Date/Time: Pick a date, 3 hoursTuition: Varies based on activityMaterial Fee: Varies based on activity






KIDS 10+


Creating Community Through Art

Mixed Medium Spring FlowersSusan Hartzell VannelliJoin us for a fun evening full of spring inspiration. Working from real flowers, you will create a unique painting using pastels, watercolor and collage. Bring a friend!

CLASS ID: 4DMFDate/Time: Monday, April 13, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $29 Member/$36 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Collage BasicsSusan Hartzell VannelliLearn to collage in this new class! For this project, you will experiment with texture, layers, and mixed materials.

CLASS ID: 3DMGDate/Time: 2 Mondays, March 2 & 9, 6:00-8:30 PM Tuition: $70 Member/$87 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

• ••Acrylic or Oil PaintingHolly StoneIf you’re brand new to painting, returning after an absence, or are an experienced painter looking for critique and support in refining your style, this is the class for you! You will be taught step- by- step exercises in value, color and color mixing, composition, brush handling, palette knife use, and more. You will design and complete a painting based on your own photo reference or instructor’s suggestion. Both oil and acrylic paints will be available. We will discuss the pros and cons of each, and you may try them both before deciding on the medium. This class offers lots of critiques, tips, playful learning exercises, and support. Holly has taught painting for over 20 years and is committed to helping you develop your own style and express yourself through art.

CLASS ID: 5DMCDate/Time: 5 Thursdays May 7-June 11, 1:00-4:00 PMNo Class May 14Tuition: $158 Member/$203 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels

Creating a Personal Travel JournalHolly StoneWould you like to be able to capture fun, quick images from scenes of your travels or right in your backyard? This class teaches methods to capture images quickly, create memories of a trip, painted “snapshots” of life around you, or illustrate a written journal. Students will do exercises sketching from life and photos as they develop their own personal style. Opportunities for journal writing, and making your own journal with cover will also be given. Class is designed to be fun, expressive, and supportive.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DMDDate/Time: 2 Thursdays March 12 & 19, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $63 Member/$81 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels

•••Soar! Mixed Media MentoringSusan Hartzell VannelliThis class is for those who would like to complete a piece of art, an unfinished painting, pastel, watercolor, drawing, collage, or whatever! This instructor will mentor and help you with a new way of seeing your creative abilities, get you started on a new piece of work, and inspire you to press on and work in a series. Please bring supplies and a project. The instructor will have demonstrations each week for optional projects.

CLASS ID: 3DMEDate/Time: 5 Mondays, March 2-30, 9:30-11:45 AMTuition: $130 Member/$165 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

CLASS ID: 4DMBDate/Time: 4 Mondays, April 6-27, 9:30-11:45 AMTuition: $104 Member/$132 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

CLASS ID: 5DMDDate/Time: 3 Mondays, May 4-18, 9:30-11:45 AMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate* Sign up for all three classes and save! $300 Member/$384 Non-Member

Mentoring for All MediumsSusan Hartzell VannelliThis class is for those who would like to complete a piece of art, an unfinished painting, pastel, watercolor, drawing, collage, or whatever! This instructor will mentor and help you with a new way of seeing your creative abilities, get you started on a new piece of work, and inspire you to press on and work in a series. Please bring supplies and a project. The instructor will have demonstrations each week for optional projects.

CLASS ID: 3DMFDate/Time: 5 Mondays, March 2-30, 12:45-3:00 PMTuition: $130 Member/$165 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

CLASS ID: 4DMCDate/Time: 4 Mondays, April 6-27, 12:45-3:00 PMTuition: $104 Member/$132 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

CLASS ID: 5DMEDate/Time: 3 Mondays, May 4-18, 12:45-3:00 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate* Sign up for all three classes and save! $300 Member/$384 Non-Member




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STARTER CLASS l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM26




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Alcohol Ink with Birch Trees and Flowers Sylvia Benson Paint beautiful florals and landscapes on tile in this exciting medium. Whether you have experience with alcohol ink or are brand new, you will enjoy this class. Instructor will apply varnish 24 hours after class and your work will be available to pick up within a week.

CLASS ID: 4DKADate/Time: Saturday, March 21, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM Tuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 16 +, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5DKADate/Time: Wednesday, April 1, 1:00-3:30 PM Tuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 16 +, All Levels

Alcohol Ink with Landscapes and StampingSylvia BensonExplore different techniques in painting landscapes using alcohol inks and stamps. Learn ways to control the ink and investigate letting the inks flow together to make blended colors. Q-tips help create texture and stamps of trees add the delicate final touch. You’ll have choices of different painting projects.

CLASS ID: 4DKBDate/Time: Wednesday, April 15, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 16 +, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5DKBDate/Time: Wednesday, May 20, 1:30-4:00 PMTuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 16 +, All Levels


Alcohol Ink Flowers on PaperDebra DreslerUse alcohol ink markers to illustrate fanciful flowers on heavyweight paper. See supply list and bring your own materials or pay instructor material fee.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DKADate/Time: Tuesday, March 3, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to Instructor or Bring Your Own SuppliesAge/Level: Ages 16+, All Levels

•••Alcohol Ink: Abstracts on VellumDebra DreslerDrip and paint alcohol inks on translucent vellum and use mark making, doodling, and painting to finish your masterpiece! Supplies available for a fee or bring your own. You will need some fine tip black, white, or gold marker pens like Micron, Pitt India Ink pens and Uni Posca pens for doodling, gold paint pens, scissors, paint brushes, a hair dryer, and 5x7 or larger Yupo if you’d rather work on it.

CLASS ID: 4DKCDate/Time: Tuesday, April 7, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 payable to the instructorAge/Level: Ages 16+, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5DKCDate/Time: Wednesday, May 27, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $26 Member/$34 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 payable to the instructorAge/Level: Ages 16+, All Levels

Debra Dresler







Creating Community Through Art

Still Life Painting in Oil Christopher Copeland Learn to organize a still life set-up and paint it. You will start by learning drawing and value structure, then review color temperature and its relationship to light, shadow, and form. We will finish with accents, controlled brushwork, and edges.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DOEDate/Time: 4 Thursdays, March 5-26, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $116 Member/$160 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults 18+, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 4DODDate/Time: 4 Thursdays, April 2-23, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $116 Member/$160 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults 18+, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 5DODDate/Time: 3 Thursdays, May 7-28, 1:00-3:30 PMNo Class May 14Tuition: $87 Member/$120 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults 18+, Intermediate to Advanced* Sign up for all three classes and save! $307 Member/ $428 Non-Member

Abstract Landscape Palette Knife Painting in OilSuzann BeckEnjoy the freedom and supple qualities of oil painting with a palette knife as you learn to paint an abstract landscape from one of your favorite photos. The workshop will feature technique and landscape demonstrations with hands-on explorations in the morning, and in the afternoon, students will work from photo reference. Bring a lunch.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DOADate/Time: Wednesday, March 4, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $135 Member/$169 Non-MemberAge/Level: Ages 14+ Experienced Beginner and Beyond





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Painting with EncausticSylvia Benson Experience an exciting medium of beeswax and resin. Encaustic is an ancient art form dating back to the Greeks, which was revived by Jasper Johns, and gained popularity in the 90s. Wax can be moved with a hot air gun, textured with tools, embedded with beautiful paper, and turned into a collage. Step-by-step instruction and individual attention will help you develop your painting in this wonderful medium. $20 material fee covers all materials to make one painting; students who wish to make more can buy extra materials for an additional fee. Classes are limited to 6 students; sign up early!

POPPIESCLASS ID: 3DMADate/Time: Friday, March 27, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $39 Member/$49 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate

ABSTRACTCLASS ID: 3DMBDate/Time: Saturday, March 28, 10:00 AM-1:00 PMTuition: $39 Member/$49 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate

ABSTRACTS AND OPEN STUDIOCLASS ID: 4DMDDate/Time: Friday, April 17, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $39 Member/$49 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate

BIRCH TREESCLASS ID: 4DMEDate/Time: Saturday, April 18, 10:00 AM-1:00 PMTuition: $39 Member/$49 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate

POPPIESCLASS ID: 5DMFDate/Time: Friday, May 29, 1:00-4:00 PMTuition: $39 Member/$49 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate

KOI & LILY PADSCLASS ID: 5DMGDate/Time: Saturday, May 30, 10:00 AM-1:00 PMTuition: $39 Member/$49 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate


Dan Mackerman


TEENS WELCOME! l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM28









Give it a try Oil PaintingJulie Dobson MinerThis is the perfect class to introduce you to this exciting medium. Julie will walk you through the painting step by step and encourage you along the way. This class is designed for those who just want to “give it a try”. Come dressed to paint. $10 material fee paid to the instructor the day of class.

CLASS ID: 3DOBDate/Time: Wednesday, March 18, 12:30-4:30 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

CLASS ID: 4DOADate/Time: Wednesday, April 22, 12:30-4:30 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

CLASS ID: 5DOADate/Time: Wednesday, May 20, 12:30-4:30 PMTuition: $42 Member/$54 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

Oil Painting for BeginnersDan MackermanThis class is for those with little or no oil painting experience or those who would like a review. Learn the skills that are fundamental to painting so that your imagination won’t be held back later on. In these courses, we will cover drawing techniques for measuring proportion and composing, color mixing tricks, and how to use them, and several easy methods to develop a painting. Each topic will be demonstrated so you can see how it’s done before you try it yourself. This class is taught in sequence, each section building on previous.* Visit for a supply list.

SECTION 7: PAINTING METHOD #3- PAINTING IN LAYERS: GLAZING AND SCUMBLINGCLASS ID: 3DOCDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, March 17-April 7, 9:45 AM -12:15 PMTuition: $108 Member/ $140 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

SECTION 8: OPEN STUDIOCLASS ID: 4DOBDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, April 14-May 5, 9:45 AM -12:15 PMTuition: $108 Member/ $140 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner

SECTION 9: OPEN STUDIOCLASS ID: 5DOBDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, May 12-June 2, 9:45 AM -12:15 PMTuition: $108 Member/ $140 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner* Sign up for all three classes and save! $312 Member/ $408 Non-Member

Intermediate/ Advanced Painting with Dan MackermanDan MackermanThis course is designed for intermediate and advanced painting students who wish to broaden their knowledge and experience. Work on your own projects while taking advantage of Dan’s 40+ years of painting. The purpose of this class is to improve upon what you already know, expose you to new possibilities and to make you a better painter. Dan will regularly give demonstrations, share references from his personal library, lead critiques, and give museum tours as desired. Solvent-free oil painting dating back to the time of Rembrandt is highlighted, but any opaque media such as pastel or acrylic are also welcome.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DODDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, March 17-April 7, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $108 Member/ $140 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 4DOCDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, April 14-May 5, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $108 Member/ $140 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 5DOCDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, May 12-June 2, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $108 Member/ $140 Non-Member* Sign up for all three classes and save! $312 Member/ $408 Non-Member


Dan Mackerman


Creating Community Through Art

Sumi-e: Spring in Our Hearts Susan FrameSpring is here! Learn to paint tulips and daffodils the sumi-e way: using ink, watercolor, rice paper, and bamboo brushes. In this class you will learn to refine your skills in a fun environment and receive encouragement as you develop your own person approach. Class includes demonstration plus open painting time. All levels welcome! Bring a lunch. * Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 4DWADate/Time: Saturday, April 18, 10:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $95 Member/$119 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $22 Payable to InstructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels

Susan Frame is the author of Japanese Ink Painting and A Beginner’s Art Guide: Sumi-e.





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Introduction to Pastels Susan Hartzell VannelliIf you like fresh, pure, vivid colors, you will open your artistic world to new possibilities and creative insights by working with pastels. We will learn about the materials and tools, explore basic pastel techniques, and learn to combine pastels with other mixed media.

CLASS ID: 4DPADate/Time: 2 Mondays, April 20 & 27, 6:00-8:30 PMTuition: $70 Member/$87 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $15 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Beginner and Beyond

Intermediate PastelChristopher CopelandThis indoor class will explore how to add color, depth, and vibrancy to pastel paintings by experimenting with various techniques using a variety of surfaces and textures. Focus will be on composition, light, and color value with individual attention and class demonstrations.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DPADate/Time: 4 Wednesdays, March 4-25, 1:30-4:00 PMTuition: $116 Member/$148 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 4DPBDate/Time: 4 Wednesdays, April 1-22, 1:30-4:00 PMTuition: $116 Member/$148 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 5DPADate/Time: 4 Wednesdays, May 6-27, 1:30-4:00 PMTuition: $116 Member/$148 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced* Sign up for all three classes and save! $336 Member/$432 Non-Member


Susan Frame


Christopher Copeland

STARTER CLASS l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM


Watercolor PortraitsSuzann BeckIf you like painting portraits, but watercolor makes you nervous, this workshop will give you confidence with a stepwise approach to layering transparent color. Suzann will teach you how to analyze light and shadow, mix naturalistic skin tones, and give you tips to achieve likeness. The morning session will feature a demonstration followed by hands-on student work from a favorite photo with one-on-one guidance. Bring a lunch.

CLASS ID: 5DWCDate/Time: Saturday, May 2, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $135 Member/$169 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Drawing Experience Suggested

•••WaterscapesCatherine HeardingThis watercolor course will focus on painting water and learning how to create a sense of texture and movement using shapes and values. Color solutions will be explored and students will work with reflections, moving streams, wave action and light reflected off of water.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DWCDate/Time: 5 Wednesdays, March 11-April 15, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMNo Class March 25Tuition: $131 Member/$169 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginners and Beyond

•••Cloudscapes in WatercolorCatherine HeardingIn this watercolor class, you will learn how to paint convincing cloud formations and skies. Focus will be on brushwork, edges and wet-into -wet work, creating soft and blended edges. Concepts covered will include blended washes, mixing colors, values and paint application.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 2DWEDate/Time: 4 Wednesdays, May 6-27, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $105 Member/$135 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Advanced Beginners and Beyond




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Lisa Fertig

Beginning Watercolor Lisa FertigCome and explore the wonder of watercolor by learning the fundamentals and techniques ofthis exciting medium. Basic class lessons will help you feel comfortable as you discover your journey using watercolors. Pay the instructor an optional material fee of $1 if you wish to keep the lesson plans.* Visit for a supply list, or notify the office if you prefer to use theinstructor’s supplies for $10 per week.

CLASS ID: 3DWADate/Time: 3 Mondays, March 2-16, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 per week or use supply list Age/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, Beginner

CLASS ID: 4DWBDate/Time: 3 Mondays, April 6-20, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 per week or use supply list Age/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, Beginner

CLASS ID: 5DWADate/Time: 3 Mondays, May 4-18, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 per week or use supply listAge/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, Beginner* Sign up for all three classes and save! $222 Member/$285 Non-Member

Moving Beyond the BasicsLisa FertigMoving on from a beginning watercolor class, explore a little more challenging subject matteras you start to develop your own individual style of painting. This class is designed to create a sound foundation from which to build, with lesson plans to help enforce the principles and elements of design. Demonstrations with a wide range of subject matter will help you gain self confidence.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 3DWBDate/Time: 3 Mondays, March 2-16, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 4DWCDate/Time: 3 Mondays, April 6-20, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, All Levels

CLASS ID: 5DWBDate/Time: 3 Mondays, May 4-18, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $78 Member/$99 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 per week or use supply listAge/Level: Adults, All Levels* Sign up for all three classes and save! $222 Member/$285 Non-Member

Creating Community Through Art

Masking and Pouring in WatercolorCatherine HeardingLearn how to mask and pour an entire watercolor painting and watch colors flow and blend in an exciting and different way to paint. This is a great way to learn how to let go and watch the paints do the work. You will learn a four-step value process to mask and pour a painting with minimal use of the brush. Class topics also include value studies and color solutions. Results are always exciting and you will learn a lot about values and color mixing in the process. * Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5DWFDate/Time: 4 Tuesdays, May 5-26, 6:30-9:00 PMTuition: $105 Member/$135 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Advanced Beginners and Beyond

•••Introduction to WatercolorSylvia BensonLearn to paint in watercolor and start from the very basics. You will be introduced to thematerials used in watercolor paintings and explore how water, pigment, and paper interact.You will explore brush techniques, mixing and manipulating color, texture, value, andcomposition. You will find a composition and recreate a larger, abstract version.

CLASS ID: 4DWDDate/Time: 2 Fridays, April 3 & 10, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to InstructorsAge/Level: Adults, Teens, Beginner

Watercolor Koi and Water LiliesSylvia BensonLearn to paint the brilliant, natural colors of a koi pond. Koi come in a variety of colors and patterns and you may choose a reference photo to work from. Step-by-step demonstrations on com-position, color, and texture detail will be empha-sized. Use the movement and rhythm of Koi fish to create a beautiful, natural painting.* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5DWGDate/Time: 2 Fridays, May 1 & 8, 1:00-3:30 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate

Hydrangeas in a Terra Cotta PotSylvia BensonPaint unique hydrangeas and get creative with watercolors. You will explore techniques tocreate texture, including the use of salt and sandpaper, stippling, and watercolor pencils. Bring bright bunches of hydrangeas to life in this class!* Visit for a supply list.

CLASS ID: 5DWHDate/Time: 2 Wednesdays, May 27 & June 3, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberAge/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate P



G -







See page 7 for a workshop with

Calvin deRuyter!

Catherine Hearding

STARTER CLASS l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM32






Y / S



Stone Carving Made EasyGreg KraftUsually it takes a lot of time and effort to carve stone. A modern electric etching tool willreplace the hammer and chisel. You will produce a hand carved limestone coaster (or a set), orchoose a ceramic trivet. Join the ranks of the ancient masters and become a sculptor.

CLASS ID: 3D9SDate/Time: Tuesday, March 31, 6:00-9:00 PMTuition: $32 Member/$41 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $7 payable to instructorAge/level: Adults, Beginners

PHOTOGRAPHYiPhone Photography & EditingDebra DreslerMake your photographs more professional with Snapseed. You will learn exposure, focus, andcomposition, tips and tricks. Resolution, compression, and file types will be covered. You will also review options to show and sell your work online. Understanding your device is necessary. No photography experience necessary. A stylus is useful, but not required. Please come to class with Snapseed downloaded onto your device. Apple/iOS only.

CLASS ID: 4D5EDate/Time: Tuesday, March 31 & April 1, 10:00 AM-12:30 PMTuition: $53 Member/$68 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $10 payable to instructorAge/Level: Adults, Teens 18+, Beginner and Beyond

•••Camera ClubDebra DreslerThis group will provide an informal, friendly and supportive environment for photographers atall levels of experience. We will encourage growth of artistic vision and technical knowledge,exploring the connection between the eye, the camera, and the spirit. We will share ideas andknowledge with each other and help to promote interest in photography in the communitythrough exhibitions and events.

CLASS ID: 9B5GDate/Time: 3 Mondays, March 16, May 18 & July 20, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PMTuition: $30 Member/Non-Member (prorating not permitted)Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

Photographing Technique and CritiqueRobert Cuerden & David ParkerJoin Robert and David, along with an invited professional photographer for a critique and discussion. There will be an opportunity to do a photo walkabout at the art center and a critique of those images. Be prepared to complete assignments for following sessions. You are encouraged to bring a selection of up to 3 images (digital or prints), which will be reviewed by the instructors and class members in an open critique. Please email questions and/or requests to the instructors at and

CLASS ID: 3D5EDate/Time: 3 Tuesdays, March 10, April 14 & May 5, 7:00-9:00 PMTuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

Debra Dressler


Greg Kraft- Stone Carving Made Easy

Creating Community Through Art

Writing RoundtableMary Jane LaVigne Join fellow writers to talk about craft, try a short exercise, and share work. Bring paper, pen, and a writing sample of up to 400 words to read. Readers will have approximately 3-7 minutes to read their material. Bringing work is optional.

CLASS ID: 4D8ADate/Time: 3 Tuesdays, April 28, May 26, June 23, 7:00-9:00 PMTuition: FREE with registration ($5 suggested donation)Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

•••Writer’s WorkshopMary Jane LaVigneTake your memoir, fiction, or poetry collection to the next level. From rough draft to submission, we’ll step forward week by week with techniques, topics, and assignments tailored to your project. Each participant will have the opportunity to submit material weekly for critique as well as receiving a one-on-one consultation with the instructor. Appropriate for writers of all levels of experience and ability, commitment is the only requirement.

CLASS ID: 4D8BDate/Time: 4 Thursdays, April 2-23, 6:00-7:30 PMTuition: $120 Member/$150 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $5 Payable to Instructor Age/Level: Adults, All Levels

WOODCaricature Woodcarving WorkshopMorris AndersonThis woodcarving class will be use rough-outs from various Caricature Carvers of America carvers like PJ Driscoll, Gerald Sears, Harold Enlow, Phil & Vicki Bishop, and Stu Martin. Instruction will be given in the areas of physical anatomy, proportion, and proper techniques used in caricature carving. The rough-outs will vary from realistic to western caricatures. Bring from home: SHARP set of hand carving tools, normal run of gouges, Vs, veiners, and knives that you are comfortable using (no power tools).

CLASS ID: 3D9NDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $147 Member/$189 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20-$45 payable to instructor, depending on size and subjectAge/level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced

CLASS ID: 5D9NDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, May 16-17, 9:00 AM-4:00 PMTuition: $147 Member/$189 Non-MemberMaterial Fee: $20-$45 payable to instructor, depending on size and subjectAge/level: Adults, Intermediate to Advanced




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View page 15 to find an exciting writing workshop

for ages 12-19.

Consider submitting a piece of writing for the 2020

WriteNow! writing contest. Visit for

more information!

Morris Anderson-Caricature Woodcarving Workshop l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM



Steve Goranson Video


Schwieters Pottery


Creating Community Through Art


BRONZEAbbott Paint & Carpet

Crowley, White, Helmer & Sevig, Inc.

Ekblad, Pardee & Bewell, Inc.

Kowalski’s Market, WBL

Lakeshore Family Dentistry

MidWestOne Bank

Bill Weigel Signs

Designs by Mary

Kane’s Catering

White Bear Eye Clinic

White Bear Country Inn

Rudy’s Redeye Grill

Cities Credit Union

B&G Products Company


Kathy & Lisa Madore,Edina Realty

Cotroneo’s Wine and Spirits

White Bear Lake Lions Club

Auto Glass Express

Heraeus Medical Components

Widseth Smith Nolting

Blue Ribbon Bronze

White Bear Glass

Brave North Technology

35 l 651.407.0597 l OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM36

HWY 96 to Stillwater

HWY 96


Y 61



















St. PaulWhite Bear Center for the Arts4971 Long AvenueWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110

WBCA is for EveryonePlease notify the office if you have any special requirements.

Scholarships are available!Please call WBCA at 651.407.0597

for more information.

We will make every effort to accommodate individual needs.

Please notify the officeif you have any special


Muaj nyiaj pab them!Thov hu rau WBCA ntawm

651.407.0597 yog xavpaub txog.

Peb yuav ua txhua yam komhaum tus neeg txoj kev kawm.Thov qhia rau qhov chaw uahaujlwm yog tias koj muaj

kev tshwj xeeb.

Tenemos becas disponiblesPor favor llame al WBCA

al 651.407.0597para mayor información.

Haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzopara satisfacer sus necesidadesPor favor notifique a la oficina si

tiene necesidades especiales.

CLASS POLICIES• Refunds or WBCA credit will not be issued for cancellations less than 2 full

business days before class start date.

• Refunds or WBCA credit will not be issued for missed classes except in extraordinary circumstances.

• Material fees are payable directly to the instructor on the first day of class. Do not include the material fee with the class tuition. Please bring cash or check in exact change. Credit cards are not accepted for material fees unless otherwise noted.

• Check to see if your class has a supply list prior to class start date. If there is an option to use the instructor’s supplies instead of the supply list, notify the office when registering. Supply lists are posted online; if you are unable to access the supply list, notify the office.

• We will make every effort to accommodate individual needs. Please notify the office if you have any special requirements.

• Classes are held at multiple locations. Read the catalog description carefully to ensure you go to the right location.

• Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before class, instructors need preparation time.

• Students are responsible for cleaning up before class ends. If you make a mess, clean it up. The Art Center is for everyone, please treat the building with respect.

• WBCA reserves the right to remove a student from our programming if their behavior is deemed disruptive by the instructor and/or Art Center staff.

Join WBCA’s Legacy Endowment Circle and keep WBCA vibrant

for the next 50 years!Call 651.407.0597

How to RegisterClass capacity is limited and classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. You must register in advance through the office, mail or online. We do not assume that students will return to a class they are currently taking or took in the past. Early registration helps us reduce class cancellations. Instructors do not take registrations. Registrations require payment at least three business days prior to the first class start date. Reminders are sent to students via email. Late registrations will be taken if space permits. If a class is canceled, a full refund will be issued.• Mail the completed form below with your check or VISA/

MasterCard/ Discover information to WBCA, or fax us at 651.429.1569.

• Register over the phone by calling 651.407.0597.• Online registration is available on our website until 3 days

before the class start date. ° Discounts cannot be taken online, please call 651.407.0597 if you are using a discount or class credit. ° Please call the office at 651.407.0597 if your online registration is deferred.

MEMBERSHIP: WBCA membership is open to anyone and everyone. Discounts on classes will go into effect immediately upon receiving membership payment.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Call 651.407.0597 for details.

TAX ADVANTAGE: All or a portion of class fees for children and youth age five and up may qualify for a MN state tax deduction. Contact your tax accountant for details. Registration is not considered complete until payment is received.

Membership Information*Student tuitions cover direct costs of instructors and supplies, while memberships and other contributions help cover critical operating expenses.

MEMBERS RECEIVE A 20% DISCOUNT on all classes and workshops, invitations to our special events, news and updates by mail, and reduced fees on member art shows. Look for our Members FREE classes. Your tax-deductible contribution helps support our many programs, and all gifts, great and small are appreciated! Memberships are valid for one year. First time students may deduct a one-time 15% from their tuition fee.

Household $60

Adult $50

Senior 62+ $40

Student with ID $40Corporate Memberships are also available, please request information. Does your employer provide matching gifts? We are an eligible non-profit! Leave a legacy for your community. Include the WBCA in your estate plan. Call Suzi Hudson, Executive Director at 651.407.0597.

Registration and Membership FormAdult Name: ____________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ____________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

(We do not rent, sell, or trade personal information.)

Circle One: Current Member New Member Non-Member

Class ID# Class Title Student Name and Birthdate (if under 18) Tuition

_____________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________ $__________

_____________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________ $__________

_____________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________ $__________

_____________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________ $__________

I am a first time student (deduct 15% from total class fees) $ ______________

*YES! I want to become a member (Membership levels are listed above) $ ______________

*Please Renew my Membership (levels are listed above) $ ______________

TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ______________

Please charge my credit card: m Visa m MC m Discover # __________________________ Exp. Date: _______ CVV: ____

Name on Account: ______________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________

Please mail or fax this form with payment to:White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Avenue, White Bear Lake, MN 55110

Phone: 651.407.0597 Fax: 651.429.1569


Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDTwin Cities, MNPermit No. 3197

4971 Long Avenue

White Bear Lake, MN 55110

West side frontage road of Highway 61

PHONE: 651.407.0597



Creating Community Through Art

Save the Date!

Thursday, May 14 Heart 4 Art 2020

THREE TIMES AVAILABLE:BREAKFAST: 8:00-9:00 AM / LUNCH: 12:00-1:00 PM / DINNER: 6:30-7:30 PM

LOCATION: Vadnais Heights Commons, 655 East County Road F, Vadnais Heights, MN

Guest Registration Deadline: Thursday, April 23 Contact Lori Swanson at 651.407.0597 or

You can make a difference by hosting a table. For more information, contact Lori today! Heart 4 Art is WBCA’s most important fundraising event of the year.

Please join us at this not-to-be-missed inspirational event!

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