clackamas high school newsletter · 2017. 5. 8. · bring a resume and be prepared for an interview...

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December 2016/January 2017Clackamas High School Newsletteravaliers

JANUARY3 School Resumes16 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Day17 NO SCHOOL-Teacher Work Day

West Campus East Campus 14486 SE 122nd Avenue 14331 SE 132nd Avenue Clackamas, OR 97015 Clackamas, OR 97015 503-353-5812 Fax: 503-353-5815 503-353-5750 Fax: 503-353-5765

Interim Principal: Paul Cook

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Winter Rage...................................2 Counseling Office Info..................3-5 Aspire Info.....................................4 Clubs Info......................................6 Baseball Fundraiser.......................7 Senior Dates..................................8 Nurse’s Information..................9-11 NCEF Fundraiser................12-13

DECEMBER 10 Winter Rage Holiday Party, CHS Commons 13 JV Holiday Concert for Band, Choir & Orchestra 15 V Holiday Concert for Band, Choir & OrchestraDec. 19-Jan. 2 No School, Winter Break


Clackamas High School Newsletter


DONATIONS NEEDED. You can drop off your donations at Clackamas High School on

DECEMBER 5, 8:30 am – 3:10 pm

Winter Rage started as one student wanting to help one of their peers. As we approach the 20th anniversary of Winter Rage it has become a part of our Clackamas High School identity. It is what we do. Our goal is to help over 250 families during this Winter Rage. This is not an average canned food or warm coat drive. We go BIG and because we do, we are offering an opportunity for anyone to be a part of this project. Winter Rage provides so much for families within our North Clackamas School District. Your contributions will help not only in the holiday season but also throughout the entire year.

Link for donations:

OrClackamas High School Web SiteQuick Links: Click on: 2016 Winter Rage Donation

Clackamas High School Newsletter


COLLEGE PLANNINGCounselors continue to interview seniors regarding their post high school educational plans. We also visit Senior English classes every month with an updated edition of Senior Notes. Senior Notes may be accessed online through our web site. They are posted in the document library on the home page of Naviance. If you or your students have questions regarding the college application process, please call or make an appointment with their counselor. If your senior has not yet visited with his or her counselor about post high school plans and graduation credits, ask them to make an appointment to do so.

Tips for Getting the Most from a College Campus Visit

• Try to attend during a weekday when campus classes are in session.

Counseling CalendarDec. 1-18 Counselors continue Senior Interviews Recommendations due for early admits to collegeJan. 4-15 Counselors checking 2nd semester schedulesJan. 25-Feb. 4 Counselors enrolling new students for 2nd semesterFeb. 2 First semester endsFeb. 6 Second semester begins


FINANCIAL AIDIf you have general questions about college and financial aid, please contact your son or daughter’s counselor. If you have specific questions as to your unique financial situation, contact the colleges directly and ask to speak with someone in the Financial Aid office. Send your senior to the CAV Center for help on their OSAC scholarship application the first week in January.

Remember that seniors and their parents can file a 2017-18 FAFSA now. The application opened on October 1, so the sooner you ap-ply, the better.

You can find more information online on Naviance in the Docu-ments Folder and also on our school website under the Students tab and “College Planning.”

• Attend a group information session if possible. You will learn as much from the responses to questions posed from other students as from the prepared statements of the admission officer.

• Take a tour if possible and include the dormitories.

• Eat in the students’ cafeteria.• Check with the financial aid

office during your visit if you have questions about financial aid.

• Ask if you could visit a class or two.

• Ask if there are lodging arrangements available for visitors. Often campuses will arrange for students to stay overnight in campus housing.

• Have fun and don’t be afraid to ask questions.


There is information regarding general scholarships and scholarship searches on Naviance, accessible from our school website. Students log in using their last name and first initial or the first part of their school email address and 6-digit student number as password. Local Portland and Clackamas area scholarships will be listed and updated on the Naviance home page in the document library under “Scholarship Applications.” Scholarship search engines are listed under “Scholarship Web sites” in the document library. For a broader search of scholarships, you can complete the National Scholarship Search found under the college tab on Naviance under“Scholarships and Money.” We will post local scholarships that are only available to CHS seniors in Naviance in March. Check out college financial aid websites for additional information on scholarships they offer.

Clackamas High School Newsletter


OSAC SCHOLARSHIPThe Office of Student Access and Completion compiles and helps distribute over $18 million in free scholarship monies to Oregon students. They have a listing of scholarships and an application on line. You can access this information from the home page of Naviance by clicking the OSAC link. OSAC’s early application deadline is February 15 and a final deadline is March 1, 2017. Counselors have instructed seniors about this scholarship opportunity through Senior Notes. Copies of Senior Notes can be found on the Naviance home page under “documents folder.”

SCAM ALERTThis is the time of year when financial aid and scholarship scams start rearing their ugly heads. As your students are researching colleges and worrying about finances, you may receive mailingsthat sound wonderful –e.g. a FREE seminar or information session, private access to scholarships and financial aid information, etc. Be wary of these services. You have access to all of this information for FREE at Clackamas High School, on the CAV Center website, Naviance, and through your student’s counselor. Call and ask us if you question the validity of a service.

SATURDAY ACADEMYWinter classes for Saturday Academy will be starting in January. Saturday Academy is an educational enrichment program for students grade 4-12. Tuition fees range from $45 to $295, with tuition assistance available. We have brochures in the counseling office. You can also access this information at:

Visit the CAV Center this winter! ASPIRE volunteers are ready to help all students with their post High School education plans. Student can drop-in with a quick question or sign up for an ASPIRE mentor for 1:1 assistance. Currently, the CAV Center just hosted 43 college visits and there are more visits scheduled for December. Last week was “National College Applica-tion Month” and about 60 CHS students completed college and scholarship applications with help from volunteers and counselors.

Now, Seniors are focusing on EA, FAFSA, and more college and scholarship applications. Juniors are researching careers/colleges and preparing for SAT and/or ACT testing. Sophomores and Freshmen are exploring careers, en-richment programs and community service, along with learning more about Naviance. There is always something happening in the CAV Center. It’s a great place to study and print assignments, and also to find a part time job.

Important Upcoming Dates for SeniorsDecember 15, 2016 - CHS Alumni Visit - Seniors and Juniors can drop in during lunch periods and ask a CHS Alumni about “college life.”January 6, 2017 - CHS Alumni Visit - same as above

Dec. to Feb. 2017 - OSAC scholarship help - CAV Center February 15, 2017 - OSAC Early Bird Deadline March 1, 2017 - OSAC Regular Deadline

April 1, 2017 - Oregon Promise -

For more information, contact Linda Chelsky, ASPIRE Coordinator at Students can sign up for ASPIRE in the CAV Center, West Campus, or find the ASPIRE permission form on the CHS website, To learn more about ASPIRE go to

ASPIRE is growing! As we grow, we need more volunteers. Please contact Linda Chelsky at to learn how to become a Men-tor or a CAV Center volunteer. No experience is necessary and training is available.

Clackamas High School Newsletter



Letters of recommendation:Counselors would like to remind you of the need to observe some important deadlines. Please give us at least three (preferably FOUR) weeks notice for a letter of recommendation. Any letters needed by January 1 should be requested as soon as possible. Bring a resume and be prepared for an interview with your counselor at least two weeks prior to the due date.

Transcripts:Transcripts can be requested through Naviance. See November Senior Notes for a detailed explanation. If the transcript needs to be mailed, please bring a stamped envelope to the Counseling Office and fill out a paper request form. Transcripts are generally available 24-48 hours after your request.


Students and parents can access college and career information online. Here are a few helpful addresses: (over 200,000 scholarships)

PSAT SCORESScores from the October PSAT test will be shared with students in January. Sophomores will receive scores in world history classes, and juniors will pick up scores in the CAV Center. October was the last chance for juniors to take the SAT practice test, so it’s crucial to get the score sheet and study it carefully. What they learn will help them this spring when they take an SAT for the first time!

A free resource to all PSAT takers is College Quickstart, an online career and college planning tool.available through the College Board, administrators of the SAT and PSAT tests. Information on accessing College Quickstart will be printed on student score sheets. Look for this resource information in January on your student’s score report.

ACT AND SAT TEST DATES ACT TESTDate Deadline Late DeadlineFeb. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 20April 8* March 3 March 17June 10 May 5 May 19Register: Cost $39.50, with writing: $56.50. *Test given at CHS

SAT TESTDate Deadline Late DeadlineJan. 21 Dec. 21 Jan. 10Mar. 11 Feb. 10 Feb. 28May 6 April 7 April 25June 3* May 9 May 24Register: Cost $45, with essay: $57

*Test given at CHS

STUDY HALL VISITSCounselors visited Freshmen Study Halls in November and met with Freshmen. Students were in-troduced to their counselors and the services we provide. We talked about how to schedule an appoint-ment and answered many ques-tions.

GRADINGThe first quarter ended Wednes-day, November 9, so you should have received progress reports by now. Remember that progress report grades are not permanent; they are a report of current prog-ress. First semester ends Thursday,

February 2, so students still have time to make improvements on their grades.

IF grades are low at this time, it is a good reminder to students to increase their efforts, go to their teachers for help, or attend After-School Tutoring. Final semester grades (early February) are the first grades entered on a student tran-script for this year.

The After-school tutoring pro-gram is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00 pm in Room 306 on West Campus. Transportation is provided. In ad-dition, many teachers are available to give assistance by appointment. Encourage your students to take advantage of all the help available to them.


As those grade reports come home at the semester, your student may need to make up a required class he/she has failed. There are sev-eral programs out there that we recommend that offer classes dur-ing the school year (fall, winter, spring) and during the summer. Please send your student to his/her counselor for more informa-tion on these programs.

Clackamas High School Newsletter


SNOWBOARD/SKI CLUBHey, winter is upon us and it is time to start thinking about the snow. Our Snowboard/Ski Club is gearing up for six trips to Mt. Hood Meadows starting in January. Enrollment info is available in the Athletic Office, in advisor Grant Raddon’s classroom (B-10). There are a variety of op-tions available, ranging from trans-port only (for passholders) to spe-cial packages for first-time skiers or snowboarders who want to give ski-ing or snowboarding a try (lessons and equipment included). If you have specific questions, please contact ad-visor Grant Raddon at Let it Snow!

NORTH CLACKAMAS RUGBYIs your son or daughter interested in playing rugby this spring? The North Clackamas Boys and Girls Rugby teams are seeking interested players. On the boys side, coach Grant Rad-don is a Spanish teacher at Clacka-mas High, and he can be contacted at For girls interested in playing rugby, the girls coach, Mary Salazar, can also be contacted via email at At Clackamas, informa-tion on the Boys Team is available in the Athletic Office. The organiza-tional meeting for the Boys team will be Wednesday, December 14 at 6:30.

EUROPE TRIPMr. Bushman is taking a group of students to Europe this summer. They will be visiting Paris, France and Barcelona, Spain. Contact Joe Bushman at for more information.


Students and staff on CHS’s campus have begun showing up with yoga mats in hand as they arrive to school each week. Spanish teacher Nichole Leger and Learning Specialist Kath-leen Madden, both veteran yoga teachers, have begun leading classes during club time on Tuesdays. Both

Leger and Madden have experi-ence teaching vinyasa yoga, which involves the flowing between poses, creating a moving medita-tion of the breath work and move-ment. Participants are invited to treat their experience as a practice, which encourages openness to the experience and benefits of yoga. Class begins at 3:30 and ends an hour later, aided by music on mostoccasions and silence on others. Everyone is welcome!

ALL-NW ORCHESTRACongratulations are due for FIVE of our CHS Orchestra students that were accepted into All-North-west Orchestra for 2017.Maggie Benware, ViolaJordan Catmull, Double BassSierra Ha, ViolinJiWoo Lee, ViolinLily Logan Goff, Double BassAll-Northwest Orchestra is an Audition-only Orchestra com-prised of the best Orchestra stu-dents from the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Wyo-ming, and Montana. Only the top musicians get selected. In the his-tory of CHS, we have never had so many selected. They will be meet-ing in Bellevue, Washington Feb-ruary 16-19. They will rehearse and perform in the concert under the direction of world-renowned conductors. All-Northwest group alumni include well-known musi-cians like Doc Severinson, Allen Vizzutti, and Kenny G. It is only through hard work and diligence that a student rises to this level.

Latino Heritage AssemblyThe Latino Heritage Assembly will be performed for parents and families on January 10th at 5:30 pm in the Clackamas High School Auditorium. This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate our La-tino students at CHS. All are wel-come. There is no charge.


As part of the Children’s Book Proj-ect, Clackamas students from all different backgrounds and grades are working on writing and illustrat-ing original children’s picture books about challenges elementary stu-dents face as they grow up. These books, inspired by the students’ personal experiences, will cover topics such as: accepting your race as beautiful, how to handle parents who are divorcing, fitting in, speak-ing different languages at home and at school, and others. The books will be printed and then read to el-ementary school classes across the district.

AVIDCHS is proud to offer AVID to students in grades 10 and 11 this year, and for grades 9-12 for the 2017-18 school year. AVID is a national college readiness program in schools all over the United States whose mis-sion is to prepare students for col-lege and success in a global society.

The AVID elective at CHS sup-ports students so that they can excel in advanced level classes, facilitates the college application process, and gives students a set of study skills so that they enter college more pre-pared for the rigors of higher edu-cation.

Graduates of the AVID program accepted & enroll in college at high-er than average rates, receive more scholarship dollars than the average student, and take AP classes and ex-ams at higher than average rates.

If you’re interested in having your student apply to be in the AVID elective either for second semester this year or for the entire year next year, contact their counselor. If you have additional questions about AVID contact Andrew Gilford, As-sistant Principal.


Clackamas High School Newsletter

Price per Ticket = $45

Email with questions

OSAA 6A Baseball State Champions in 2008 and 2010

and 2nd Place in State in 2013.

TRL Champs in 2013Co-TRL Champs in 2014State Semi Finalist 2015

Mt. Hood Conference Champs 2016

Join us for a Fun Night!Crab Feed and AuctionJanuary 21st, 2017 – 5:00 PM to 11 PMCedarville Park/Club Paesano3800 West Powell LoopGresham, OR 97030

ANight of Dancing,

Prizes & Fun!

All Proceeds Benefit Baseball in the Clackamas High School Enrollment


Clackamas High School Newsletter


2017 Clackamas High SchoolSenior Dates to Remember

Date Time Event Location

April 4 & 5 Lunches Graduation Announcement Pick up Front of book deposit

April 3-May 5 Sign up for Walking Partners Main Office - Julie

April 21 12:58pm Senior Class Meeting CHS Stadium

April 27 3:30-5pm Graduation Auditions CHS Room 601 (Sign up w/Julie in the main office)

May 11 & 12 Lunches Cap and Gown Pick up Front of book deposit

May 24 Senior Checkout cards available from the bookkeeper Bookkeeper

May 31 7:00pm Baccalaureate TBD

June 8 7:00pm Senior Scholarship and Awards TBD (Invitation Only)

June 8 Last Day for Seniors @ SSC

June 9 Last Day for Seniors @ CHS

June 9 8:00am Seniors Report to Upper Gym

June 9 8:35am Senior Awards Assembly Main Gym

June 9 10:30am Graduation Rehearsal - Mandatory Main Gym

June 11 4:00pm Graduation Memorial Coliseum (Seniors report at 3:00pm)

REHEARSAL: All seniors are required to attend the Graduation Rehearsal after the awards assembly, in the main gym on June 9th. Rehearsal will be done around 12pm.

GRADUATION TICKETS: Graduation tickets will be available from the bookkeeper after seniors complete their checkout card . Each graduate will receive ten tickets. If you need additional tickets, please check with your friends first and then see Julie in the main office to put your name on a list.

Clackamas High School Newsletter


Notes from the NurseIf you haven’t ready done so, please take the time to get your student’s immunizations up-to- date. The annual state immunization report is due to the Clackamas County Health Department in January. This means that students not current with their immunizations and those with a previous religious exemption that has not been converted to a non-medical exemption will be excluded from school on February 15, 2017 until their immunizations are brought up-to- date. For a detailed listing of immunizations and non-medical exemption instructions, please check the dis-trict website (Departments, Nurses, Vaccination Requirements). For immunization clinic information, please call the Clackamas County Health Department at 503-655- 8471 or your health care provider’s office.

Share time, not the flu virus with your family

With the winter season upon us, families and friends often gather in close quarters. All of this can lead to more exposure to germs. So how do you stay flu free? The best protection against the flu is to get a flu shot. But there are other ways to keep you and your family healthy this winter season. Follow these simple steps to stop the spread of germs:• Wash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way.• Try to avoid close contact with people who are ill.• Practice good health habits. Get plenty of sleep and exercise, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat

healthy.• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away after use.

If your child does get the flu, please remember that students must be 24 hours free of fevers above 100.5° without the use of fever-reducing medications before returning to school and all related activities.

How do I get a flu shot? Many drug stores, the Clackamas County Health Department and your doctor’s office provide the vaccination.

Notas de la EnfermeraSi aún no lo ha hecho, por favor tómese el tiempo para tener las vacunas de su hijo al corriente. El informe estatal anual de vacunación se entrega al Departamento de salud del Condado Clackamas en enero. Esto significa que estudiantes que no están al corriente con sus vacunas y aquellos con una exención religiosa anterior que no se ha convertido en una excepción no médica, el 15 de febrero de 2017 serán excluidos de asistir a la escuela hasta que sus vacunas estén al corriente. Para obtener una lista detallada de instrucciones de exención de vacunas o no médica consulte la página del distrito (departamentos, enfermeras, requisitos de vacunación). Para obtener información sobre la clínica de vacunación, llame al Departamento de salud del Condado Clackamas al 503-655- 8471 o a la Oficina de su proveedor de atención médica.

Comparta tiempo, no el virus de gripa con su familia en esta temporada de días festivosCon la temporada de vacaciones acercándose, la gente viaja, va de compras y se reúne con su familia en lugares cer-rados. Todo esto puede conducir a una exposición mayor a los gérmenes. Entonces, ¿cómo se mantiene sin gripa?La mejor protección contra la gripa es vacunarse contra la gripe. Pero hay otras maneras de mantenerlo a usted y su familia saludable esta temporada de vacaciones. Siga estos sencillos pasos para detener la propagación de microbios:• Lávese las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón o con un desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol.• Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca. Los microbios se propagan de esta manera.• Trate de evitar el contacto cercano con personas enfermas.• Practique buenos hábitos de salud. Duerma lo suficiente y haga ejercicio, controle el estrés, beba muchos líqui-

dos y aliméntese saludablemente.

Clackamas High School Newsletter


Clackamas High School Newsletter


Notas de la Enfermera • Cubra la boca y nariz con un pañuelo desechable cuando tosa o estornude. Tire el pañuelo a la basura después

de su uso.

Si su hijo contrae la gripa por favor recuerde que los estudiantes deben estar sin fiebre de más de 100.5 ° por 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre antes de regresar a la escuela y todas las actividades relacio-nadas.

¿Cómo puedo obtener una vacuna contra la gripe? Muchas farmacias, el Departamento de Salud del Condado Clackamas y el consultorio de su médico proveen la vacunación.

Заметки от медсестрыВо время школьных каникул, пожалуйста, найдите время и обновите все прививки ваших детей. Годовой отчет штата по прививкам должен поступить в Отдел здравоохранения района Clackamas в январе. Это значит, что ученики, не имеющие последних прививок, будут исключены из школы 15-го февраля 2017 г до тех пор, пока они их не сделают. Для подробного списка прививок обратитесь к страничке на интернете (отделы, медсестры, требования к прививкам). Для информации о клиниках, в которых делают прививки, обратитесь в Отдел здравоохранения района Clackamas по телефону 504-655-8471 или к своему лечащему врачу.

Проведите время со своей семьей в эти праздничные дни, но постарайтесь не заразить никого гриппом

В преддверии праздников люди путешествуют, совершают покупки и собираются семьями в тесных помещениях. Больше контактов – больше микробов. Как же нам не заразиться гриппом? Самая лучшая защита против гриппа – это прививка от гриппа. Но есть и другие методы профилактики здоровья в эти праздничные дни. Придерживайтесь следующих советов по нераспространению микробов:

● Чаще мойте руки с мылом или средством содержащим спирт.● Не трогайте свои глаза, нос и рот – через них распространяются микробы.● Избегайте близкого контакта с больными людьми. ● Выработайте привычки здорового человека: уделяйте достаточно времени для сна, делайте

регулярную зарядку, позитивно относитесь к стрессу, пейте много жидкости и хорошо питайтесь.● Когда чихаете или кашляете закрывайте рот и нос салфеткой. Использованную салфетку

выбрасывайте. Если ваш ребенок все же заболел гриппом, помните, что должно пройти 24 часа после того, как у него спадет температура (выше100.5), и он не пользовался жаропонижающими лекарствами в это время, прежде, чем он сможет приступить к занятиям и другим мероприятиям.

Как же мне сделать прививку? Многие аптеки, Отдел здравоохранения района Clackamas, а также ваша клиника предоставляют эту услугу.

Clackamas High School Newsletter

Clackamas High School Newsletter


Mẫu tin từ Y TáTrongdịpNghỉMùaĐông,xinbỏchútthìgiờlochocácconemchíchngừađầyđủtheolứatuổi.ThờihạngởiPhòngYTếQuậnClackamasbảnphúctrìnhchủngngừahàngnămlàThángGiêng.Điềunàycónghĩalànhữnghọcsinhchưachíchngừađúngtheohạnđịnhsẽkhôngchotớitrườngtừngày15thángHai,2017chođếnkhinàochíchngừađầyđủ.Muốncóbảngliệtkênhữngloạichíchngừa,xinvàotrangmạngcủakhuhọcchánh(Departments,Nurses,VaccinationRequirements).Muốnbiếtthôngtinvềcácyviệnchíchngừa,xingọiPhòngYTếQuậnClackamassố503-655-8471hayvănphòngbácsĩgiađìnhcủaquývị.

Chia sẻ thời gian, không phải vi khuẩn bịnh cúm với gia đình trong mùa lễ hội này



● Rửataythườngxuyênbằngxàbôngvànướclạnhhaythuốcxoataytẩmcồn.● Tránhkhôngchotayđụngmắt,mũivàmiệng.Vikhuẩntruyềnđibằngcáchnày.● Cốtránhkhôngtiếpxúcgầngủivớingườibịnh.● Thựctậpnhữngthóiquentốtchosứckhoẻ.Ngủvàtậpthểdụcnhiều,điềuhoàsựcăngthẳng

tinhthần,uốngnhiềunướcvàdùngthứcănlànhmạnh.● Chemiệngvàmũibằngkhăngiấykhihohoặcnhảymũi.Bỏkhăngiấysaukhidùng.



Clackamas High School Newsletter


Clackamas High School Newsletter


Trail Blazers vs. Charlotte HornetsTuesday, January 31st | 7:00PM



Orders are filled on a first-come first-served basis and are subject to availability. No refunds or exchanges.



After deadline, please call for availability.Pricessubjecttochangeafterorderdeadline.


at the Moda Center

Trail Blazers vs. L.A. LakersThursday, January 5th | 7:00PM

Clackamas High School Newsletter

Clackamas High School Newsletter







¡Ven y únete a compañeros estudiantes y empleados del Distrito Escolar North Clackamas durante dos noches de beneficios para la Fundación de Educación North Clackamas mientras los Trail Blazers se enfrentan a los Lakers de LA y Los Charlotte Hornets! Una porción de cada boleto comprado será donado para apoyar a la Fundación de Educación North Clackamas.

1/5 vs. LA Lakers - ¡20 niños serán elegidos para saludar a los jugadores del equipo Blazers al entrar a la cancha antes del partido! 1/31 vs. Charlotte: Hornets – ¡Todos los que compren boletos a través del grupo NCEF entrará en el Centro Moda media hora antes de que las puertas abran en el para ver los calentamientos a unas filas de la cancha!

Trail Blazers vs. Charlotte Hornets Martes, enero 31 | 7:00PM

¡ORDENE EN LÍNEA DE INTERNET! Página: Código de Promoción: NCEF

. Las órdenes se llenan en base de orden de llegada y están sujetas a disponibilidad. No hay reembolsos o intercambios.

FECHA LÍMITE PARA ORDENAR para 1/5: DIC 2 FECHA LÍMITE PARA ORDENAR para 1/31: DIC 30 Después de la fecha límite, por favor llame para disponibilidad. Los precios están sujetos a cambio después de la fecha límite.

MIKE NORTH | 503.963.3978 |



Rojo Nivel 300 # de Boletos____ @ $ 24 $_____

Naranja Nivel 200 # de Boletos____ @ $ 46 $_____

Bosque Nivel 100 # de Boletos____ @ $ 75 $_____

Costo de Proceso $5.00

Total $_____

Trail Blazers vs. L.A. Lakers Jueves, enero 5 | 7:00PM

Rojo Nivel 300 # de Boletos____ @ $ 17 $_____

Amarillo Nivel 200 # de Boletos____ @ $ 47 $_____

Club 2 Nivel 200 # de Boletos____ @ $ 83 $_____

Costo de Proceso $5.00

Total $_____

Clackamas High School Newsletter

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