circuit modules for broadband cmos six-port systems

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Recommended CitationLi, Chaojiang, "CIRCUIT MODULES FOR BROADBAND CMOS SIX-PORT SYSTEMS" (2010). All Dissertations. 632.


A Dissertation

Presented to

the Graduate School of

Clemson University

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Doctor of Philosophy

Electrical Engineering


Chaojiang Li

December 2010

Accepted by:

Dr. Pingshan Wang, Committee Chair

Dr. Chalmers M. Butler

Dr. L. Wilson Pearson

Dr. James R. Rieck




This dissertation investigates four circuit modules used in a CMOS integrated six-

port measurement system. The first circuit module is a wideband power source generator,

which can be implemented with a voltage controlled ring oscillator. The second circuit

module is a low-power 0.5 GHz – 20.5 GHz power detector with an embedded amplifier

and a wideband quasi T-coil matching network. The third circuit module is a six-port

circuit, which can be implemented with distributed or lumped-element techniques. The

fourth circuit module is the phase sifter used as calibration loads. The theoretical

analysis, circuit design, simulated or experimental verifications of each circuit module

are also included.



I thank my Lord for guiding me and giving me faith. When I was weak, my

mother, Yinzhi Wu, always told that she would pray for me and then my heart was filled

with faith and hope. Without the love, trust, and support of my mother, I do not know

where I would be at this time. My wife, Fei Gong, has been my partner throughout this

work, and her love and understanding was invaluable.



I would like to gratefully acknowledge the members of my committee for their aid

in preparing this document. I would especially like to acknowledge my advisor Dr.

Pingshan Wang for the guidance and the freedom that he has given to me generously

during my time as a graduate student at Clemson University. I would like to acknowledge

Dr. Chalmers M. Butler, Dr. L. Wilson Pearson, Dr. James R. Rieck, and Dr. James E.

Harriss, whose comments, suggestions, and experiment equipment aided greatly in the

progress of this work. I would also like to acknowledge Professor John J. Komo, who

enthusiastically helped me improve my English.

I would also like to acknowledge my fellow graduate students who have spent a

great deal of time listening to me and have offered their welcome advice. I would

especially like to acknowledge Hanqiao Zhang and Chunrong Song in this regard. Their

advice and help with experiments aided greatly in the progress of this work.



1. C. J. Li, F. Gong, P. Wang, ―A Low-Power Active Inductor with Improved Q-

factor and Its Application to Phase Shifter,‖ Analog Integrated Circuits and

Signal Processing (In press).

2. C. J. Li, F. Gong, P. Wang, ―A Folded, Low-Power Ultra-Wideband CMOS

Power Detector with an Embedded Amplifier,‖ IEEE Trans. on

Instrumentation and Measurement, 2010 (in press).

3. C. J. Li, F. Gong, P. Wang, ―Analysis and Design of a High-Q Differential

Active Inductor with Wide Tuning Range,‖ IET Circuits, Devices & Systems,

2010 (in press).

4. P. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Gao, Y. Geng, George Thomas, C. J. Li, ―A High-

Speed Sample-and-Hold Circuit Based on Integrated Transmission Lines,‖

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2010 (in press).

5. P. Wang, Y. Geng, H. Zou, H. Wang, C. J. Li, ―An on-chip Power

Modulator,‖ IEEE Int. PMHVC, 2010 (in press).

6. H. Zou, Y. Geng, C. J. Li, P. Wang ―A Comparison Study of On-Chip Short

Pulse Generation Circuits Based on Transmission Line,‖ IEEE Int. PMHVC,

2010 (in press).

7. C. J. Li, F. Gong, P. Wang, ―A Wideband LNA Matched with Quasi T-coil

Networks in 0.13 µm CMOS,‖ IEEE 53rd Int. MWSCAS, pp. 926-929, 2010.


8. H. Zhang, C. J. Li, Ralu Divan, Axel Hoffmann, P. Wang, ―Broadband Mag-

noise of Patterned Permalloy Thin Films,‖ IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol.

46, No. 6, pp. 2442-2445, 2010.

9. C. J. Li, H. Zhang, P. Wang, ―A Novel Six-port Circuit Based on Four

Quadrature Hybrids,‖ Int. J. RF and Microwave CAE, Volume 20 Issue 1, pp.

128-132, 2010.

10. C. J. Li, P. Wang, ―A High Frequency Tunable Differential Active Inductor

and Its Application to Power Dividers,‖ IEEE 51st Int. MWSCAS, pp. 285-

288, 2008.





TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................... v

PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... xii


I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1



INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 8

NONLINEARITY IN HIGH FREQUENCY RO .................................. 10


VERIFICATION OF DERIVED EQUATIONS ................................... 17

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 22

REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 22


WITH AN EMBEDDED AMPLIFIER ................................................. 25

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 26

WIDEBAND MATCHING CIRCUIT .................................................. 29

POWER DETECTOR DESIGN ............................................................ 36

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS............................................................... 43

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 51

REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 51



INDUCTOR WITH WIDE TUNGING RANGE .................................. 55

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 56


INDUCTOR ........................................................................................... 57


CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 77

REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 77


HYBRIDS .............................................................................................. 80

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 80

PROPOSED SIX-PORT CIRCUIT ....................................................... 83

EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS ........................................................ 84

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 95

REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 96


AND ITS APPLICATION TO PHASE SHIFTER ..................................... 99

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 100

PROPOSED ACTIVE INDUCTOR STRUCTURE ........................... 101

DESIGN REALIZATION AND SIMULATION ................................ 103


SHIFTER ............................................................................................. 107

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ................................................. 109

REFERENCES .................................................................................... 110

VII. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 112

VIII. APPENDIX A ............................................................................................ 114



Table Page

2.1 Oscillation frequency vs. W/L [2.14] .......................................................... 18

2.2 The frequency tuning range vs. Rload ........................................................... 21

3.1 Circuit design parameters ............................................................................ 44

3.2 Performance comparison with recent published PD .................................... 50

4.1 Device sizes of the optimized circuit ........................................................... 73

5.1 Comparison of the reflection coefficients for DUTs measured with the

proposed SPR and an HP8510C at 4 GHz ............................................. 88



Figure Page

1.1 A six-port system. .......................................................................................... 2

2.1 (a) Schematic of a basic differential delay stage, (b) the equivalent circuit of

(a). ............................................................................................................ 9

2.2 Simulated results of (a) Vp variation ratio versus stage number N, (b) delay

time per stage variation ratio versus stage number N with N=3 as

reference. ................................................................................................ 11

2.4 Comparison of simulated and calculated result with (2.13) and (2.1). ........ 18

2.5 Comparison of simulated and calculated results with (2.16) and (2.19) for 6

different W/L ratios................................................................................ 19

2.6 Comparison and simulated and calculated results with (2.16) and (2.19) at 5

different stage number 3-7. .................................................................... 13

3.1 Schematic of a six-port for communication or measurement system. ......... 26

3.2 (a) A T-coil network. (b) Proposed quasi T-coil circuit. ............................. 31

3.3 Calculated and simulated voltage transfer coefficient from source to Zload2 in

Figure 3.2(b). ......................................................................................... 34

3.4 Monte Carlo simulation depicting the process variations and parameters

mismatch effects on (a) the voltage transfer coefficients from the source to

Zload2 and (b) input matching s-parameter S11 of the proposed quasi T-coil

matching network for a 10 GHz sinusoidal input across 500 runs. ....... 35

3.5 (a) A power detector matched with resistors, (b) the proposed self-biased

power detector with quasi T-coil matching network and an embedded

amplifier... .............................................................................................. 38

3.6 (a) Die microphotograph of the circuit in Figure 3.5(a), (b) the circuit in

Figure 3.5(b)... ....................................................................................... 44

3.7 Measured and simulated S-Parameter |S11| of the circuits in Figure 3.5(a) and

in Figure 3.5(b) with quasi T-coil network... ......................................... 45


3.8 Measured output voltage versus input RF power of (a) Figure 3.5(a), (b)

Figure 3.5(b)... ....................................................................................... 46

3.9 At different Vdd power supplies, measured output voltage versus input power

of the circuit (a) Figure 3.5(a), (b) Figure 3.5(b); power consumptions

versus input power of the circuit (c) Figure 3.5(a), (d) Figure 3.5(b).... 50

4.1 Proposed differential active inductor... ........................................................ 58

4.2 Noise model for the DAI structure shown in Fig. 4.1(a)... .......................... 63

4.3 Simulated results of noise and (a) Imag Z, (b) Real (Z), (c) Quality factor Q...

................................................................................................................ 64

4.4 (a) Differential cascade Transconductance amplifier, (b) common drain

amplifier... .............................................................................................. 66

4.5 Variations of Imag Z and DC bias voltage with input power for var1=0.80 V

and var2=0.80 V.... ................................................................................. 69

4.6 Possible DAI with nonlinearity compensation transistors... ........................ 70

4.7 Proposed DAI with current reuse consideration... ....................................... 71

4.8 Microphotograph of the basic DAI... ........................................................... 74

4.9 Inductor measurement arrangement... .......................................................... 74

4.10 Measured smith chart with maximum self-resonant frequency... ................ 74

4.11 The measured relationship between var2 and (a) Imag Z, (b) Imag Z, (b)

quality factor Q... ................................................................................... 75

4.12 When var2=0.85 V and var1 is tuned from 0.55 V to 1.2 V, measurement

results of (a) Imag Z, (b) quality factor Q and (c) noise... ..................... 76

5.1 A six-port network.... ................................................................................... 81

5.2 Schematic of the proposed six-port circuit.... .............................................. 83

5.3 (a) A photo of the prototype, (b) calibration loads.... .................................. 85

5.4 Measured S-parameters magnitude.... .......................................................... 86


5.5 Q points (a) magnitude, (b) phase.... ............................................................ 87

5.6 Lumped-element quadrature.... .................................................................... 90

5.7 Measured results of lumped-element quadrature.... ..................................... 91

5.8 Simulated results and expected results of reflection coefficient at (1) 1 GHz,

(b) 4 GHz, (c) 6.8 GHz.... ...................................................................... 93

5.9 CMOS six-port with active inductor.... ........................................................ 95

6.1 (a) Active inductors in [6.3], (b) proposed high-Q active inductor with NMOS

feedback, (c) inductor with PMOS feedback, (d) an equivalent inductor

model.................................................................................................... 103

6.2 Simulated results..... ................................................................................... 106

6.3 Monte Carlo simulated results of process variation effects on inductance of

the circuit shown in Figure 6.1(c) with 500 runs at 8 GHz.................. 107

6.4 (a) A phase shifter, (b) a phase shift cell (D), (c) the switch (c)..... ........... 108

6.5 Simulated results of tunable phase range with digital control (V3, V2, V1).....

.............................................................................................................. 108



The six-port measurement system was introduced at the National Institute of

Standards and Technology [1.1]-[1.2]. Based on the linear assumption, the following

equations exist in a six-port network shown in Figure 1.1(a):

3 2 2b Aa Bb , (1.1)

4 2 2b Ca Db , (1.2)

5 2 2b Ea Fb , (1.3)

6 2 2b Ga Hb , (1.4)

where A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are complex coefficients.

A six-port measurement system includes a source generator which is connected to

Port 1, a six-port circuit, and four power detectors which are connected to Port 3, Port 4,

Port 5, and Port 6. The power response Pi (i=3, 4, 5, and 6) of the power detectors at port

P3-P6 can be obtained from equations (1.1)-(1.4) and are given as:

2 2 2

3 2 3LP A b q , (1.5)

2 2 2

4 2 4 1LP D b q , (1.6)

2 2 2

5 2 5LP E b q , (1.7)

2 2 2

6 2 6LP G b q , (1.8)







, 3



, 4



, 5



, 6



. (1.9)




Detector, P3


Detector, P4


Detector, P5


Detector, P6



b3 b4

b5 b6a5

a3 a4



Port 1 Port 2

Port 3 Port 4

Port 5 Port 6


Phase ShifterMismatched



Figure 1.1 A six-port system. (a) A six-port network. The parameter ai, bi, pi are incident

waves, reflected waves, and power at port i, respectively. (b) Calibration loads.

If port 4 is treated as a power reference port and is isolated from port 2 (it means

q4=0) [1.1], then the power ratio Pi/P4 (i=3, 5, 6.) are given as:





P Aq

P D , (1.10)





P Eq

P D , (1.11)





P Gq

P D . (1.12)


qi (i=3,5, and 6) are complex constants, and







are three real

constants, and then there are nine unknown parameters which are only determined by the

six-port physical structure. The nine unknown parameters can be obtained through

calibration with calibration loads depicted in Fig. 1.1(b) [1.3]-[1.5]. With all those

parameters, the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient for a Device-Under-

Test (DUT) can be determined through power readings which are scalars and are easily

measured. Compared with the heterodyne network analyzer, the six-port measurement

device is significantly less expensive, and is useful for reflection coefficient

measurements. Due to the robustness and simplicity of the six-port measurement device,

it can be used for other applications, such as transceivers in communication systems

[1.6], complex permittivity measurement devices [1.7], vector voltmeters [1.8], and

cancer detectors [1.9].

At present, the theory of six-port measurement is fully understood and complete,

and the calibration methods are close to optimum [1.10]. Current activities concentrate

mainly on new six-port structures, new applications, and new implementation methods.

Most published six-port structures are based on transmission line technology or a

Wheatstone bridge with lumped elements (such as resistors) [1.11]-[1.15]. Even though

the loss in the six-port circuits based on transmission line technique is low, the drawbacks

of them are narrowband and a large area [1.11]. While the six-port circuits based on

resistors can provide much larger operating frequency ranges, their loss is high, even up

to 75% [1.12]-[1.13].


Considering the requirements for a large operating frequency range, small area,

low loss in the six-port network and high measurement accuracy, this dissertation, for the

first time, focuses on the integration of the six-port measurement system with CMOS

technology. There are four circuit modules, a signal generator which can be a ring

oscillator, four power detectors, a six-port circuit, and a phase shifter as depicted in Fig.


In Chapter II*, a platform to estimate the oscillation frequency and waveform

amplitude for a high frequency differential ring oscillator in deep submicron CMOS

technology was developed. The nonlinear characterizations are specially analyzed. In

Chapter III [1.17], a 0.5 GHz – 20.5 GHz CMOS low-power power detector with an

embedded amplifier and a wideband quasi T-coil is proposed, analyzed, designed, and

measured. In Chapter IV [1.18], a differential active inductor with 10.2 GHz self

resonance frequency for a lumped-element six-port circuit is proposed, designed, and

measured. The noise, self resonance frequency, nonlinearity, and power consumption of

the proposed active inductor are also analyzed. In Chapter V [1.19], a new six-port circuit

is proposed, simulated, and measured. In Chapter VI [1.20], a phase shifter with high Q-

factor active inductor is proposed and simulated for calibration usage.

* Chapter II is a manuscript submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II on August 13,

2009(Control Number: 6829). Since this independent work was partially similar to a paper appeared in the

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers December 2009[16], it might not be

published in future.



[1.1] ENGEN, G. F.: The Six-Port Reflectometer: an alternative network analyzer. IEEE

Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-25, no. 12, p. 1075-1080,

Dec. 1977.

[1.2] ENGEN, G. F.: An improved circuit for implementing the six-port technique of

microwave measurements. IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.

MTT-25, no. 12, p. 1080-1083, Dec. 1977.

[1.3] Glenn F. Engen, ―Calibrating the Six-Port Reflectometer by Means of Sliding

Terminations,‖ IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. MTT-26,

No. 12 p. 951-957, December 1978.

[1.4] Ulrich Stumper, ―Finding Initial Estimates Needed for the Engen Method of

Calibrating Single Six-Port Reflectometers,‖ IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and

Techniques, Vol. 38, No. 7, July 1990.

[1.5] Frank Wiedmann, Bernard Huyart, Eric Bergeault, Louis Jallet, ―A New Robust

Method for Six-Port Reflectometer Calibration,‖ IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and

Measurement, Vol. 48, No. 5, October 1999.

[1.6] Hyung-Sun Lim, Wan-Kyu Kim, Jong-Won Yu, Hyung-Chul Park, Woo-Jin Byun,

and Myung-Sun song, ―Compact Six-Port Transceiver for Time-Division Duplex

Systems‖, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, VOL. 17, NO. 5,

MAY 2007.


[1.7] A. L. de S. Rolim, A. J. B. de Oliveira, M. T. Melo, ―Measuring Complex

Permittivity with the Six-port technique,‖ IEEE International conference on MTT-S

Microwave and Optoelectronics, 2005.

[1.8] Marek E. Bialkowski, Amin M. Abbosh, Norhudah Seman, ―Compact Microwave

Six-Port Vector Voltmeters for Ultra-Wideband Applications,‖ IEEE Trans. on

Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 55, No. 10, October 2007.

[1.9] Norhudah Seman, Marek E. Bialkowski, ―Design of a UWB 6-port reflectometer

formed by microstrip-slot couplers for use in Microwave Brease Cancer Detection

System,‖ IEEE International Symposium Antennas and Propagation, 2007.

[1.10] Vladimir Bilik, Six-Port Measurement Technique: Principles, Impact, Applications.

[1.11] Ji Yun Yao, Swee Ping Yeo, ―Six-Port Reflectometer Based on Modified Hybrid

Couplers,‖ IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 56, No. 2,

February 2008.

[1.12] V. Bilik, V. Raffai, J. Bezek, ―Miniature Broadband lumped six-port reflectometers,‖

Journal Communication, 42, p. 7-14, 1991.

[1.13] X. Z. Xiong, V. F. Fusco, ―Wideband 0.9 GHz to 5 GHz six-port and its application

as digital modulation receiver,‖ IEE. Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propagation, Vol. 150,

No. 4, August 2003.

[1.14] Jan Hesselbarth, Frank Wiedmann, Bernard Huyart, ―Two New Six-Port

Reflectometers Covering Very Large Bandwidths,‖ IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation

and Measurement, Vol. 46, No. 4, August 1997.


[1.15] Frank Wiedmann, Bernard Huyart, Eric Bergeault, Louis Jallet, ―New Structure for a

Six-Port Reflectometer in Monolithic Microwave Integrated-Circuit Technology,‖

IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 46, No. 2, April 1997.

[1.16] Payam M. Farahabadi, Hosscin Miar-Naimi, Ataollah Ebrahimzadch, ―Closed-Form

Analytical Equations for Amplitude and Frequency of High-Frequency CMOS Ring

Oscillators,‖ IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, Vol. 56, No. 12,

December 2009.

[1.17] Chaojiang Li, Fei Gong, Pingshan Wang, ―A Low-Power Ultra-Wideband CMOS

Power Detector with an Embedded Amplifier,‖ IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and

Measurement, 2010 (In press).

[1.18] Chaojiang Li, Fei Gong, Pingshan Wang, ―Analysis and Design of a High-Q

Differential Active Inductor with Wide Tuning Range,‖ IEE Trans. on Circuits,

Devices and Systems, 2010 (In press).

[1.19] Chaojiang Li, Hanqiao Zhang, Pingshan Wang, ―A Novel Six-Port Circuit Based on

Four Quadrature Hybrids,‖ International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-

Aided Engineering, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p. 128-132, 2010.

[1.20] Chaojiang Li, Fei Gong, Pingshan Wang, ―A low-Power Active Inductor with

Improved Q-factor and Its Application to Phase Shifter,‖ Analog Integrated Circuits

and Signal Processing, 2010 (In revision)





Abstract—In this chapter, analytical equations for oscillation frequency and

waveform amplitude of a high frequency differential ring oscillator are derived with a

new platform. The obtained equations describe the nonlinear dependence of amplitude

and frequency on the number of delay cell stages and transistor sizes. The accuracies of

the obtained equations are verified by the Cadence Spectre simulated results and

experimental data. Compared with currently available expressions, the obtained equations

show significantly improved accuracies; therefore they can be used to guide and facilitate

oscillator design. The derivation platform can also be used to analyze other ring oscillator



Ring oscillators (RO) are an integral part of phase-locked loops, clock recover

circuits, frequency synthesizers and ultra-wideband impulse-radios [2.1]-[2.4]. The

oscillation amplitude and frequency are two critical design parameters, which are also

prerequisites for the analysis of phase noise [2.5]-[2.9]. Yet, the current calculation

equations of oscillation amplitude and frequency are still inadequate to describe the

nonlinear dependence of amplitude and frequency on design parameters despite many

effects [2.9]-[2.13]. Therefore, more accurate equations are still needed to guide and


facilitate oscillator CAD designs, in which tradeoffs in terms of power consumption, chip

area, and noise performance are always needed for different applications. Deriving such

equations through a new method is the purpose of this work.

Differential ROs are often used for their superior common mode noise rejection

capabilities as opposed to single ended structures. The basic delay cell of a differential

ring oscillator shown in Figure 2.1(a), in which the PMOS transistors P1,2 are operated in

the triode region as a resistor Rload, as shown in Figure 2.1(b), will be analyzed as an

example through a new method in this chapter.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.1 (a) Schematic of a basic differential delay stage and (b) the equivalent circuit

of (a). Cp1, 2 are parasitic capacitors at corresponding nodes.

In this chapter, oscillation frequency and waveform amplitude equations are

derived under steady state conditions. The validity and accuracy of equations derived

with this method are verified through comparisons with Cadence Spectre simulated

results and experimental data [2.14], and they can describe the nonlinear dependence of

amplitude and frequency on design parameters. This chapter is organized in five sections.

Section II presents the nonlinear dependence of waveform amplitude and oscillation


frequency on design parameters in high frequency ring oscillation design. The derivation

of new oscillation amplitude and frequency equations is described in Section III. Section

IV is the verification of the equations obtained in Section III. Section IV concludes this



The oscillation amplitude Vp is often calculated with [2.6], [2.9]:

/ 2p ss loadV I R , (2.1)

which shows that Vp is only controlled by Rload and tail current Iss. The Vp and delay time

per stage td variation versus stage number N can be defined as (2.2a) and (2.2b), when the

tail current, Rload, VDD, and MOS transistor sizes are fixed.

, , 3

, 3

varp N p N


p N

V VV iation ratio


, (2.2a)

, , 3

, 3

vard N d N


d N

t tt iation ratio


. (2.2b)

According to the simulated results shown in Figure 2.2(a), the assumption in (2.1)

that Vp is independent of frequency and stage number is far from accurate. Thus, this

independence needs further examination. Theoretically, the oscillation amplitude of a

ring oscillator changes with the operating frequencies for different charge or discharge

levels of the parasitic capacitors. There may be enough time to fully charge (or discharge)

the parasitic capacitors at a low frequency while there is not enough time at a high

frequency. Different number of delay stages yields different output amplitudes for

different oscillating frequencies.


For an N-stage ring oscillator, the often used frequency’s estimation equation is


1/ (2 )df N t , (2.3)

in which the propagation delay per stage td, obtained by assuming that the current Iss

charges and discharge the parasitic capacitor Cp is 2·ln2·CpVp/Iss, will not be affected by

N. However, Figure 2.2(b) shows large td variation with the varying of N. Simulated and

measured results also show that oscillation frequency depends on Iss nonlinearly [2.11]-

[2.12]. More accurate frequency estimations were achieved by considering the time-

varying parasitic capacitance, Cp, and gate resistance [2.12]-[2.13]. However Vp must

first be determined. Furthermore, there are no discussions about the nonlinear

dependence of the transistors’ dimension [2.13].

(a) (b)

Figure 2.2 Simulated results of (a) Vp variation ratio versus stage number N, (b) Delay

time per stage variation ratio versus stage number N with N=3 as reference. The

transistor size of N1, 2 is W/L= 6.5 µm / 0.12 µm.


In Section III, we will propose a new platform to derive some simple equations,

which can describe those nonlinearities in high frequency RO.


Figure 2.3(a) shows the simulated waveforms of a 3-stage ring oscillator with

Figure 2.1(b) as the delay cell, and the corresponding spectrum of the output waves.

Figure 2.3(b) shows that the power of the fundamental frequency, 8 GHz, is much larger

than those of the 2nd

or higher order harmonic components. That is the reason that the

output waves can be assumed as sinusoidal waves in [2.3]-[2.5] [2.11]-[2.12]. The

enlarged figure of the spectrum around the 8 GHz shows the nearby frequency has

considerable power, in other words, there is phase noise. So according to the spectrum in

Figure 2.3(b), the output wave can be assumed to be:

1 0

1 0

cos( ( ))

cos( ( ) )


o p

V V V t t

V V V t t

, 2 0

2 0

cos( ( ))

cos( ( ) )


o p

V V V t t

V V V t t

, (2.4)

where V0 is the DC bias, Vp is the oscillation amplitude, ω = 2πf and f is the oscillation

frequency, θ=π(1+1/N) is the phase delay per stage and Ф(t) is the phase (To simplify the

derivation, Ф(t) can be assumed to 0). Unlike the assumption in [2.11]-[2.12], both f and

Vp are unknown parameters to be determined.




Figure 2.3 (a) Transient simulation results, (b) Partial DFT of the output wave with

5000GHz sampling frequency of a 3-stage ring oscillator. Rload=5K, Iss=0.25mA, the

transistor size of N1, 2 is W/L= 6.5 µm/0.12 µm.

We assume that transistors N1,2 in Fig. 2.1 always operate in the saturation region

even though they may enter the triode or cutoff region some time in a period, especially

when Vp is large. To simplify the analysis, we will first use the long-channel drain

current model in the derivations and then modify the final results to include velocity

saturation effects in deep submicron transistors.

Applying the KCL at the common source node in Fig. 2.1(b), we have


1 2ss ds dsI I I and 1,2 2

1,2 1,2


( )2

oxds ss th



, (2.5)

where W1,2 and L1,2 are the width and length of N1,2, Vss is the voltage at the common

source node, μ is the charge carrier mobility and Cox is the gate capacitance per unit area.

The voltage at the common source node is obtained from (2.5) as

2 2



cos ( )2

ssss th p

IV V V V t

K , (2.6)

where K1,2=μ·Cox·W1,2/(2·L1,2).

To keep (2.6) valid, the term under the square root sign should be positive.




K (2.7)

The frequency of Vss is about two times the frequency of V1,2 and also a source of


order harmonic waves. Use the KCL at the output node,

211 1,2 0( ) ( cos( ) )o

p o p ss th


VDD V dC V K V V t V V

R dt

. (2.8)

Putting (2.4) and (2.6) into (2.8) and rearranging, we have,


2 2



cos( ) sin( )2

2 cos( ) cos ( )2

pssp p

load load

ssp p



IK V t V t


. (2.9)

Integrating (2.9) over a period, the DC bias voltage can be obtained as




IV VDD R . (2.10)

Then (2.9) can be simplified as

2 2



cos( )sin( ) 2 cos( ) cos ( )


ssp p


ItC t K t V t


. (2.11)

Squaring (2.11), we obtain


2 2

12 122

2 2 2 2

1,2 1,2 1,2



( ) 1 3

2 2 2

1( 2 )cos(2 ) cos(4 )


( ) 1( )cos(2( )) sin(2( ))

2 2


ss p


ss p p

p p

load load



K I K V t K V t

C Ct t


. (2.12)

Integrating (2.12), Vp can be obtained as


2 2 2

1,2 1,2 1,2

(2 )2 1( ( ))

3 2 2





. (2.13)

This equation clearly shows that Vp dependents on f as discussion in Section II.

The term under the square root sign in (2.13) should be positive as well. The oscillation

frequency range is thus determined by


1,22 2

min max

1 12


2 2



load load

p p


R Rf f f


, (2.14)

which indicates that the tuning range of the oscillator increases when Rload increases. The

maximum value of (fmax - fmin) / fmin approaches 1 when Iss varies. By combining (2.12)

and (2.13), the following equation is obtained








2 2 1( ( ) )cos(2 )3 3 3

1 1 1( ( ) )cos(4 )6 6 3

( ) 1( )cos(2 2 ) sin(2 2 ) 0

2 2

p ss


p ss


p p

load load

C K I tR

C K I tR

C Ct t


. (2.15)

The integration of (2.15) over a full period is zero. An accurate method for

obtaining ω is to conduct an eight piecewise-integration and find the average values of ω

from (2.15). However, this method is quite tedious. We use the first order cosine power

series expression to obtain the following frequency equation,



sin(2 ) 16(20 12cos(2 ))

9 9

52 ( cos(2 ))



load load



R Rf


. (2.16)

Equation (2.16) closely approximates the piecewise-integration approach

according to our analysis. From (2.16), the relationship between oscillation frequency and

transistor N1,2 size (W/L ratio) can be approximated as



W L . (2.17)

Equations (2.16) and (2.17) are valid for circuits designed with long channel

transistors. While in deep submicron technology, velocity saturation effect should be

taken into account, the drain-source current of N1, 2 is [2.14]










, (2.18)


where 1,2 1,2


ssGST ss th


K and

2 satcE


Then K1, 2 in (2.13), (2.14), and (2.16) should be revised to:


1,21 2new

ss c



. (2.19)


A test bench, based upon CMOS 0.13 µm technology, was set up to verify the

validity of (2.13), (2.14), (2.16), (2.17), and (2.19). VDD is 1.2 V. The parameters used

in the following calculation are γ = 2.5, F = 6e-15

C, T = 300 K, υsat = 1.93e6 m/s. When

comparing the simulated and calculated Vp versus Iss and N, a factor of ×2 is needed to

compensate the calculation values from (2.13) for the initial assumption of a purely

sinusoidal waveform. Fig. 2.4 compares the estimated Vp from (2.13) and simulated

values for different Iss when Rload is 5 kΩ and the stage number varies from 3 to 7. As N

increases and other conditions remain the same, Vp increases as discussion in Section II

since there is more time to charge and discharge Cp. Nevertheless, Vp does not increase

linearly with Iss as estimated by (2.1). Analytical results by (2.13) are close to the

simulated results. Define the estimation errors as



simu value equation valueerror ratio

simu value

. (2.20)

The maximum error by (2.13) is about 6% as shown in Fig 3 when Rload= 5K,

while the error for (2.1) is approximately 50%.


Figure 2.4 Comparison of simulated and calculated results with (2.13) and (2.1). Five

different stage numbers are considered when Rload= 5 K and the transistor size of N1, 2 is

W/L= 6.5 µm/0.12 µm. ―S‖ and ―P‖ indicate simulated and predicted results respectively.

Table I presents the measurement data from [2.13] and m is the transistor

multiplicity factor with respect to the first transistor in table I. f0=4.47 GHz is the

reference frequency. Table I shows that (2.17) yields a good estimation of the

relationship between frequency and transistor size.





m Rload

(Ω) Iss



0 /f m

GHz 0 /f m


8.4/0.25 1 1K 1mA 4.47 4.47 4.47

16.8/0.25 2 1K 1mA 3.39 2.235 3.161

33.6/0.25 4 1K 1mA

2.24 1.1175 2.235

67.2/0.25 8 1K 1mA 1.19 0.559 0.873

Fig. 2.5 compares the relationship between frequency and W/L ratio of transistors

N1,2 from simulated and calculated results. It shows that the results from (2.16) and (2.19)

agree with simulated results reasonable well as W/L increases by a factor of 6 and the tail

current is tuned from 0.05 mA to 0.30 mA.


Figure 2.5 The comparison of simulated and calculated results with (2.16) and (2.19) for

6 different W/L ratios. ―S‖ and ―P‖ indicate simulated and predicted results, respectively.





Figure 2.6 Comparison of simulated and calculated results using (2.16) and (2.19) at 5

different stage number 3-7: (a) Oscillation frequency f versus Iss when Rload= 5 K and (b)

Frequency versus N when Rload = 5 K. (c) Delay time per stage td versus Iss when

Rload=10 K. The transistor size of N1, 2 is W/L= 6.5 µm / 0.12 µm. ―S‖ and ―P‖ indicate

simulated and predicted results respectively.

Fig. 2.6(a) presents the comparison of frequency f versus tail current Iss at 5

different stage numbers from simulated and calculated results with (2.16) and (2.19). Fig.

2.6(a) also shows that frequency f is not a linear relationship with Iss. Fig. 2.6(b) is the

frequency f versus stage numbers N and Fig. 2.6(c) is the delay per stage td versus Iss at

different stage number N. In Fig 2.6(a) and (c), for smaller Iss, theoretical predictions

agree with the simulated results very well, but the discrepancies grow larger when Iss

becomes larger. Larger Iss means larger Vp, and then there are more harmonic frequencies

components which is probably the reason of large discrepancies. In Fig. 2.6(c), td is

seriously affected by N as predicted by the analysis in Section II. Regardless, our

prediction curves in Fig. 2.6 closely approximate the simulation curves. When Vp is

given, according to the experiments in [2.11]-[2.12], the prediction error of frequency


with (2.2) is up to about 85%, (26) in [2.11] yields about 30% errors while (16) in [2.12]

have about 8%, while our prediction error is about 10% without knowing Vp.

Furthermore, the frequency tuning range of a ring oscillator can also be

determined. The measurement results in [2.14], shown in Table II, verified that the tuning

range increases when Rload increases as the prediction in (2.14). Fig. 2.6(a) also shows

that the maximum value of ( fmax - fmin )/ fmin ≈ 1 while Iss varies as predicted by (2.14).



W/L (μm/μm) Rload (Ω) Tuning Range

33.6/0.25 250 25%

33.6/0.25 500 32%

33.6/0.25 1K 58%

33.6/0.25 2K 67%

The analytical equations for the oscillation amplitude and frequency of a

differential ring oscillator in deep submicron technology were presented in this chapter.

The equations derived with this new method are verified through the simulated and with

experimental data from literature. These new equations describe the nonlinear

dependence of oscillation amplitude and frequency on the number of stage, and on

transistor sizes. The equations in this chapter can help designers make tradeoffs among

phase noise performance, power dissipation, and chip area.


The analytical equations for the oscillation amplitude and frequency of a

differential ring oscillator in deep submicron technology are presented in this chapter.


The equations derived with this new method are verified through the simulated and with

experimental data from literature. These new equations describe the nonlinear

dependence of oscillation amplitude and frequency on the number of stage, and on

transistor sizes, load resistors, and on tail current. Compared with currently available

expressions, the obtained equations show significantly improved accuracies. Therefore,

they can be used to guide the differential oscillator design. For other ring oscillation

topologies, such as single ended ring oscillators, corresponding equations can also be

derived with this new method.


[2.1] Kadaba R. Lakshmikumar, ―Analog PLL Design with Ring Oscillators at Low-

Gigahertz Frequencies in Nanometer CMOS: Challenges and Solutions,‖ IEEE Trans.

on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, Vol. 56, No. 5, May 2009.

[2.2] Zhinian Shu, Ka Lok Lee, Bosco H. Leung, ―A 2.4-GHz Ring-Oscillator-Based

CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with a Fractional Divider Dual-PLL Architecture,‖

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 39, No. 3, March 2004.

[2.3] Jafar Savoj, Behzad Razavi, ―A 10-Gb/s CMOS Clock and Data Recovery Circuit

with a Half-Rate Linear Phase Detector,‖ IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.

36, No. 5, May 2001.

[2.4] Bassem Fahs, Walid Y. Ali-Ahmad, Patrice Gamand, ―A Two-Stage Ring Oscillator

in 0.13-μm CMOS for UWB Impulse Radio,‖ IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and

Techniques, Vol. 57, No. 5, May 2009.


[2.5] Behzad Razavi, ―A Study of Phase Noise in CMOS Oscillators,‖ IEEE Journal of

Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 31, No. 3, March 1996.

[2.6] Todd Charles Weigandt, ―Low-Phase-Noise, Low-Timing-Jitter Design Techniques

for Delay Cell Based VCOs and Frequency Synthesizers,‖ PhD. Dissertation, Univ.

California, Berkeley, 1998.

[2.7] Ali Hajimiri, Thomas H. Lee, ―A General Theory of Phase Noise in Electrical

Oscillators,‖ IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 33, NO. 2, February 1998.

[2.8] Shweta Srivastava, Jaijeet Roychowdhury, ―Analytical Equations for Nonlinear Phase

Errors and Jitter in Ring Oscillators,‖ IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular

Papers, Vol. 54, No. 10, October 2007.

[2.9] Asad A. Abidi, ―Phase Noise and Jitter in CMOS Ring Oscillators.‖ IEEE Journal of

Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 41, No. 8, August 2006.

[2.10] Behzad Razavi, ―Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits,‖ McGraw-Hill Higher

Education, 2001.

[2.11] Bosco H. Leung, ―VLSI for Wireless Communication,‖ Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Prentice-Hall, 2002.

[2.12] Stephen Docking, Manoj Sachdev, ―A Method to Derive an Equation for the

Oscillation Frequency of a Ring Oscillator,‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I:

Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 50, No. 2, Feb. 2003.

[2.13] Stephen Docking, Manoj Sachdev, ―An Analytical Equation for the Oscillation

Frequency of High-Frequency Ring Oscillators,‖ IEEE Journal of solid-State Circuits,

Vol. 39, No. 3, March 2004.


[2.14] Ali Hajimiri, Sotirios Limotyrakis, Thomas H. Lee, ―Jitter and Phase Noise in Ring

Oscillators,‖ IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 34, No. 6, June 1999.

[2.15] Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, Robert G. Meyer, ―Analysis and

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Abstract— A self-biased, low-power CMOS power detector (PD) is proposed and

demonstrated in this chapter. The detector utilizes the nonlinear characteristics of short-

channel MOS devices operating in either saturation or subthreshold regime to generate a

DC current proportional to the input radio-frequency (RF) signal power. The operating

regimes of MOS devices depend on the input RF power levels. A quasi T-coil matching

network providing a 50 Ω matching from 0.5 GHz to 20 GHz is designed and analyzed.

An embedded amplifier is added to enhance the sensitivity of the PD when the input

power level is low. The circuit implemented in a 0.13 μm CMOS process occupies an

active area of 0.085 mm2. In the matched frequency range, the measured input dynamic

range is 47 dB with an overall sensitivity of 26.8 mV/dB. The output DC voltage

response is nearly frequency independent in the linear operating range, varying by less

than 1.9 dB for a given input RF power level as the RF frequency is swept across the

operating frequency range. With a standard 1.2 V supply, the static power consumption is

about 0.1 mW, which decreases to 2×10-4

mW with a 0.5 V supply while the operating

frequency remains unchanged.

Index Terms— CMOS, dynamic range, low power, low voltage, nonlinearity,

power detectors, ultra-wideband.



Signal power detectors are widely used in wireless communication systems,

which often use automatic-gain-control (AGC) circuits to minimize power consumption

and to optimize system performance [3.1]-[3.2]. The activation of AGCs is determined by

the received or transmitted signal levels obtained from PDs. Power detection is also

essential in the six-port system shown in Fig. 3.1, which has been developed for

reflectometer and communication receiver applications [3.3]-[3.7]. For a six-port

measurement system, when a load (i.e. device under test, DUT) is connected to port 2, its

complex reflection coefficient can be determined by power readings at the measurement

ports 3-6. For communication receivers, the received signal is connected to port 2. The

modulation states of the received signals are determined by the power information from

power measurement ports 3-6. These PDs require wideband operations, e.g. in six-port

broadband impedance spectroscopy or ultra-wide-band communication (UWB, 3.1GHz -

10.6 GHz) applications.

Figure 3.1 Schematic of a six-port for communication or measurement system.

There are several methods to implement on-chip PDs, such as Schottky diode

detectors, Joules-heating-based detectors, bipolar and CMOS detectors. Among those


candidates, Schottky diode detectors are good for RF signal detection. However, Schottky

diodes are not standard components in CMOS foundry processes. Their performance

depends on the process technologies provided by the foundries [3.8]. Joules-heating-

based detectors require special attention to packaging, which prevent them from wide

applications. Many efforts are also underway to develop bipolar transistor (BJT) power

detectors [3.9]-[3.10]. However, these are incompatible with CMOS processes which are

frequently used to fabricate other system parts. Though a PD based on MOS transistors

operating in the deep triode regime has been demonstrated [3.11], the use of a resonant

cavity limits the techniques to narrowband operations, and it is not amenable to

integration. Using the square-law nature of MOS transistors’ ID-VGS characteristics, the

PD in [3.12] achieved a 20 dB input dynamic range from 0.125 GHz to 8.5 GHz, but

multiple off-chip matching networks were used. Recently, a PD with NMOS devices

operating in the triode regime was proposed [3.13]. An average current proportional to

the RF input power level was generated and then was converted to voltage, which was

then amplified with a piecewise linear logarithmic amplifier. The PD achieved an

operating frequency range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz with an approximate 35 dB input

dynamic range. The maximum detectable input power was approximately -10 dBm.

Most of the recent PD research focused on the AGC applications, which require

low level power detections and low power consumption. However, for the six-port

system in Fig. 3.1, the power level in each power measurement port can vary

significantly due to load conditions in six-port measurement systems or signal

modulation conditions in communications systems. The minimum input power in a power


measurement port is close to 0, while the maximum power is close to the input power at

port 1, which may be 5 dBm with a standard 1.2 V power supply. Therefore, larger input

dynamic ranges compared with those reported PDs in [3.11]-[3.13] are desired.

Furthermore, the outputs of PDs in a six-port circuit are expected to only respond to the

incident waves in analyzing the q-point distribution, which determines the accuracy of a

six-port circuit [3.3]-[3.5]. Therefore, PDs with large input matching frequency range can

simplify the circuit analysis and facilitate the circuit design.

In addition, the output DC voltages of ideal PDs are expected to only respond to

the input signal power levels. In other words, it should be independent of frequencies.

However, in non-matching circuits, the reflection coefficients of PDs vary with the

change of the input signal frequencies in wideband applications, as do the PDs’ effective

input RF power levels. Thus, the output DC voltage changes significantly as do the

variation of input frequencies. The input matching networks of PDs can flatten the ratio

between the effective input power of PD and the incident wave versus frequency, so the

output DC voltage may remain constant for incident signals with a fixed RF power value.

However, no RF power detector with ultra wideband on-chip matching networks has ever

been reported as to the authors’ best knowledge. In this work, a self-biased, low-power

PD with an embedded amplifier is proposed and demonstrated for the first time with an

on chip quasi T-coil matching circuit which provides input matching from 0.5 GHz to

about 20 GHz. The MOS transistors in the self-biased structure operate in either

saturation or subthreshold regime depending upon the input RF power levels. As a result,

the input dynamic range is expanded. The embedded amplifier is used here to enhance


the sensitivity of the PD at low input power levels. The PD reuses biasing currents and

minimizes the power consumption.

This chapter is arranged as follows. Section II analyzes a new wideband matching

network. Section III details the operating principle of the MOS transistor detectors.

Section IV presents measurement results and Section V concludes the paper.


A T-coil structure, shown in Fig. 3.2(a) [3.14]-[3.16], is a possible choice for

broadband matching. Here, K’ is the mutual inductance between inductor L1 and L2.

Unfortunately, the T-coil is not a standard CMOS component in commercial foundry

processes. Moreover, controlling the performance of a customer designed T-coil is

difficult due to the lack of model parameters and also the process variations in a certain

foundry process. Furthermore, the following relationship is required for broadband T-coil






where ζ is the damping factor of the network transfer function and CL is the load

capacitance [3.14]. Part of CB is from the parasitic capacitance, Cp (not shown), between

the two terminals of the transformer. This structure fails when load capacitance CL is

much smaller than the parasitic capacitance Cp. However, to save power consumption in

a PD design, the parasitic capacitances of the transistors, which is the load of the

matching network, is usually very small, so the T-coil match cannot be used here. To

solve this problem, a quasi T-coil matching circuit, shown in Fig. 3.2(b), is proposed. To


simplify the analysis, only the parasitic capacitors of resistor R2 and inductors L are

shown and taken into consideration in calculation.




Figure 3.2 (a) A T-coil network. (b) Proposed quasi T-coil circuit. CPL and CR are the

parasitic capacitors of L and R2 respectively.

To design the quasi T-coil matching network for the self-biased power detector,

which is shown in Fig. 3.5(b) and discussed in Section III, Zload1 is used to represent the

gate capacitance of M1 and the resistance R1. The gate capacitor of M3 and resistor R3 is

represented by Zlaod2. The matching circuit can be treated as a three-port network, one

input port and two output ports. The input port is connected to the signal source, and two

output ports are connected to Zload1 and Zload2 respectively. In other applications with a

single load, the load can be added to either Zload1 or Zload2. To determine the components’

values in the proposed quasi T-coil circuit, a general case is considered in the following

analysis. If we assume the source voltage is Vs and resistance is Z0 as shown in Fig.


3.2(a), then the voltage transfer coefficient from the source to Zload1 in Fig. 3.2(b) can be

defined as:

11 2

2 02

2 0

1loadload in



voltage on ZT

incident wave from source



, sV V V . (3.2)

where V+ and V

- are the incident and reflected waves at the input interface [3.17]. When

input impedance, Zin2, is matched to Z0, the reflection coefficient Γin2 approaches 0, and

then Tload1 approaches 1 in the matching frequency range.

The relationship of R2 with the load resistor R1 and R3 can be obtained from the

condition Re (Zin2) ≈ Z0.

0 12

1 0




in which R1 > Z0 is required. From Im (Zin2) ≈ 0 in the matching frequency range, the

inductance L can be expressed as follows:

0 2 1 1

0 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 31 0

( 2 )1

( )( 2 ) ( 2 )



. (3.4)

Since the output DC voltage of the PD is proportional to the amplitude of the

input RF signals, the voltage transfer ability is important to the sensitivity of the PDs.

The voltage transfer coefficient from the source to Zload2 can be defined as






3 2

1 2( 2 )

1 1 1( 2 )( )

in loadload







sC sC sC sCR sL


sC sC sC sC sC sCR R sL

. (3.5)

To guarantee a reasonable voltage transfer coefficient from the source to Zload2,

since Tload1 approaches 1 at the designed center frequency, the capacitor C should satisfy

the following equation:




3 2

1 2( 2 )


1 1 1 2( 2 )( )



sC sC sC sCR sL

sC sC sC sC sC sCR R sL

. (3.6)

Thus, all parameters in the quasi T-coil structure in Fig. 3.2(b) can be determined.

To match the power detector discussed in Fig. 3.5(b), the following parameters

are chosen: R1 = R2 = R3 = 104 Ω, L = 0.894 nH, CPL = 0.7 pF, C= 60 fF, C1 = 1 fF, C3 =

7.5 fF, CR = 0.16 fF. The calculated and simulated voltage transfer coefficients with

Spectre from the source to Zload2 are given in Fig. 3.3. Under matched conditions, the

transfer coefficient equals the voltage gain, i.e. Vload2/Vin =Vload2/V+. Fig. 3.3 shows that

the simulated results agree with the calculated results reasonably. At the design center

frequency, 10 GHz, |Aload2| is close to 0.5. When the frequency is higher than 15 GHz, the

Q factors of the capacitors and inductors decrease, thus the voltage transfer coefficients

from the simulation does not increase as indicated in the calculation.


Figure 3.3 Calculated and simulated voltage transfer coefficients from the source to Zload2

in Figure 3.2(b).




Figure 3.4 Monte Carlo simulation depicting the process variations and the parameters

mismatch effects on (a) the voltage transfer coefficients from the source to Zload2, (b)

input matching s-parameter S11 of the proposed quasi T-coil matching network for a 10

GHz sinusoidal input across 500 runs.

As shown in Fig. 3.3, the voltage transfer coefficient from the source to Zload2 is

poor at low frequencies (i.e.500 MHz). This is due to the large impedance caused by the

capacitor C. It is also opposite to that of the T-coil matching structure in Fig. 3.2(a),

which exhibits poor voltage transfer characteristics at high frequency ranges. Thus the

important load (such as M1 and R1 in Fig. 3.5(b)) should be treated as Zload1, since the

voltage transfer coefficient from the source to Zload1 is reasonably constant in the

operating frequency range.

To demonstrate the effects of the process variations and the parameters mismatch

on the input matching s-parameter S11 and voltage transfer coefficient from the source to

Zload2, a series of simulations was run. Fig. 3.4 shows the output generated by the Monte

Carlo analysis in Cadence across 500 runs for the quasi T-coil network when the input

frequency is 10 GHz. Fig. 3.4(a) shows the distribution of voltage transfer coefficients


from the source to Zload2, the mean of the response is 0.53 V/V with a standard deviation

of 0.021 V/V. Fig. 3.4(b) shows the s-parameter S11, where the mean is -21.52 dB and the

standard deviation is 0.39 dB. Therefore, the variations of voltage transfer coefficient and

S11 are small.


Fig. 3.5 shows two power detectors configured for RF power detection. The

shared drain/source of MOS transistors M1A and M3A, and of MOS transistors M2A and

M4A are AC grounded by capacitors C0. Fig. 3.5(a) is a power detector matched with

resistors, the NMOS transistor M1A acts as the main contributor of the DC current which

is proportional to the input RF power level, M3A (can be N or P type) acts in a similar

function but as an auxiliary transistor and active load resistor to improve the output

sensitivity. This circuit is mainly used for comparison with the proposed self-biased

power detector matched with the quasi T-coil network discussed in Section II. The

NMOS transistor M1B in Fig. 3.5(b) is also the main generator of the DC current

proportional to the input RF power level. PMOS transistor M3B is also used as the

auxiliary transistor and active load resistor. Since transistor M1B is the critical transistor,

it is connected as the Zload1 in the quasi T-coil matching network. M3B and R3 are treated

as the Zlaod2. An amplifier comprised of M2B and M4B is embedded to enhance the

sensitivity of the power detector at the low input power level. Compared to Fig. 3.5(a),

the introduction of amplifier does not increase its DC power consumption.

In Fig. 3.5(b), when there are no RF signals, and if the secondary effects of MOS

devices are ignored, MOS transistors M1B, M2B, M3B, and M4B are all operated in the


saturation regime and the output voltage (Vout+-Vout-) is zero since the PD is symmetric in

DC operation. For a very low level RF power input, Vout- shows a small decrease. Though

it is difficult to detect the decrease directly, the embedded amplifier boosts the output

voltage (Vout+ -Vout-) and improves the sensitivity of the PD. As the input power level

further increases, Vout- will decrease significantly, while Vout+ will increase until it

reaches Vdd. Then M1B will enter the subthreshold regime when Vout- < Vth, M1, where Vth,

M1B is the threshold voltage of the MOS transistors. Thus, the power detector can operate

at both very low and very high input power levels. In this structure, the DC currents

through the transistors are very small. Particularly, when transistors operate in the

subthreshold regime, the DC power consumption is reduced dramatically compared with

that of the circuit shown in Fig. 3.5(a). Thus another advantage of the embedded

amplifier is to decrease the DC power consumption.




Figure 3.5 (a) A power detector matched with resistors. (b) The proposed self-biased

power detector with quasi T-coil matching network and an embedded amplifier. Cb is a

DC isolation capacitor.

The operation principle of a CMOS power detector has been discussed in [3.12]

with a long channel transistor model, but the results cannot describe the relationship

between the sensitivity and the gate DC bias voltage. Since the transistors in the proposed

structure may operate in saturation or subthreshold regimes at different input RF power

levels, a unified equation to describe the principle of operation and sensitivity of the PD

is necessary. For a general two-port system, one can write a Taylor series expansion

relating input and output variables, i.e. the gate voltage and the drain current of a short-

channel MOS transistor. The drain current versus gate voltage of M1A, B in an arbitrary

operating regime is then expressed as [3.18]:


0 1 2( ) n

DS OD gs gs gs n gsi V v A Av A v A v , (3.7)


( )

( )

( )1



DS OD gs

n n


i V vA

n v

. (3.8)

where VOD is the gate DC overdrive voltage and vgs is the input RF signal. Assume the

RF signal vgs = vrf ·cos (ωt+θ) where vrf is the amplitude of the input RF signal. When

two different RF input signals (any one of them can be zero also), vgs1 and vgs2, are sent

into a PD independently, the difference of the drain current between them is

1 1 2 2


0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

1 1 1


0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2

1 1 1 1

( ) ( )

cos( ) cos( )

cos( )

cos( ) cos( )

cos( )

cos( )

DS DS OD gs DS OD gs

rf rf


n rf

rf rf


n rf


i i V v i V v

A A v t A v t

A v t

A A v t A v t

A v t

A v t v

2 2

2 1 2

2 2 2

2 2

2 1 1 1 2 2 2

3 3

3 1 1 1 2 2 2

cos( )2

cos 2 2 cos 2 2


cos( ) cos( )

rf rf


rf rf

rf rf

A v vt

A v t v t

A v t v t

. (3.9)

The difference of DC component in the drain current for the two different RF

input signals is

2 2

2 1 2 4 4

4 1 2

5( )

2 8

rf rf

DS rf rf

A v vI A v v

. (3.10)

In Figure 3.5, the output DC voltage differences for the two input signals are

, 1 ,3 , 3

, 1 ,3 , 3

5( ) : ( ) ( )

5( ) : ( ) ( )

out out DS M A L M A DS M A LA

out out V DS M B L M B DS M B LB

Figure a V V I R r I R

Figure b V V A I R r I R

. (3.11)


where rm,3A,B is the channel resistor of M3A,B, and Av is the voltage gain provided by the

embedded amplifier. Equation (3.11) shows that M3A, B acts as an active load and

auxiliary DC current generator. M3A in Fig. 3.5(a) can be either P or N type. However, to

construct the amplifier in Fig. 3.5(b) and to keep the structure symmetrical, M3B in Fig.

3.5(b) must be PMOS. The DC output of the PD is a special case when Vrf2=0 in (3.9)-

(3.11). The theoretical analysis of the unknown parameters A2, A4··· can be classified

into two cases: the velocity saturation regime and the subthreshold regime.

Velocity Saturation Regime

In a short-channel MOS transistor, velocity saturation is the most important

secondary effect in the triode and saturation regimes. The drain current including the

velocity saturation effect in a short channel transistor can be described as [3.19]:



2 3


( ) 12 2

5 71

2 4 4

oxDS OD gs



c c c

C W xi V v x


C W x x xx


. (3.12)

cosOD rfx V v t . (3.13)

where μ is the charge carrier mobility, Cox is the gate-oxide capacitance per unit area, W

and L are the width and length of the transistor, respectively, and Ec is the critical electric

field. Then the unknown parameters in (3.10) can be obtained from (3.7), (3.8), (3.12),

and (3.13) as

2 3


3 15 351

2 2 2

ox OD OD ODv sat




. (3.14)


If the higher order (n ≥ 4) terms in (3.10) are ignored, and putting (3.14) into

(3.10), the DC current difference of the drain current caused by the two different RF

input signals can be determined as

2 2

1 2


2 3

2 2

3 15 351

2 2 2

rf rfoxDS v sat



v vC WI




. (3.15)

To achieve the maximum sensitivity, (3.15) should be as large as possible when

RLA is fixed according to (3.11). In (3.15), when VOD > Ec·L, VOD should be as large as

possible. To keep the MOS transistor M1A in the saturation regime, we can estimate the

range of gate DC bias voltage Vb1 in Fig. 3.5(a) as


1,min 1 1,max


1 1 2 ( )

( )

dd L M ox

b th b th b

L M ox

WV R r C


R r CL

. (3.16)

In the 0.13 μm CMOS process for circuit implementation Vth = 0.45 V, μ · Cox / 2

≈ 297 uA / V2. If W / L= 1.3 μm / 0.12 μm, Vdd =1.2 V, RLA = 6000 Ω and rM,3 is ignored,

then Vb1, max = 0.67 V. The measurement results show that the circuit in Fig. 5(a) achieves

maximum sensitivity when Vb1 ≈0.6 V (equal to the case when rM,3 equals 8500 Ω).

Subthreshold Regime

When the input power is high enough, and Vout- < Vth, transistor M1B enters the

sub-threshold regime. Its drain current can be expressed as [3.19]



2 3

( ) 1 exp

1 11

2 6


mKT q DSDS OD gs S



vi V v I e


q x q x q xI


. (3.17)

where IS and m are empirical parameters, K is the Boltzmann constant, T is the

temperature, q is the electron charge, and VT is the threshold voltage. Then A2 in the

subthreshold regime can be obtained from (3.7), (3.8), and (3.17) as

2, 2 3

31 1 1

2 6/ /

ODsub S


mKT q mKT q

. (3.18)

Equation (3.18) also presents a positive relationship between A2 and the gate

overdrive voltage VOD.

The above theoretical analysis can be used to guide the PD design to achieve the

maximum output sensitivity. In the measurement applications, the unknown parameters

A2, A4··· can be obtained by calibration.

Theoretically, the minimum detectable input signal level depends on the noise

floor and bandwidth. Without considering the matching networks in Fig. 3.5, and if the

circuits are perfectly symmetric, the input noise floor caused by the source impedance is -

174 dBm/Hz. However, the input matching networks yields noise. If the noise from

inductors and capacitors is ignored and a 3 dB margin is added to the final calculated

results, the calculated input noise floor is about -159 dBm/Hz for the circuit shown in

Fig. 3.5(a) and -141 dBm/Hz for the circuit shown in Fig. 3.5(b). Considering the

operating bandwidth, the total noise power would be -58 dBm and -38 dBm respectively.

When used in six-port circuit [3.4], the minimum reflection coefficient at the DUT port is


-35 dB and the power loss from the DUT port to power measurement ports is around

6dB. If so, then the minimum input power to PD is -36 dBm if the input power at the

DUT port is 5 dBm. Therefore, the proposed PD is appropriate for most applications even

thought further work is needed to reduce noise for some applications, such as [3.20]-



The circuits in Fig. 3.5 have been implemented in a 0.13 μm CMOS process. The

critical design parameters are shown in Table I. The circuit layouts are arranged as

symmetrically as possible to minimize mismatch. In Fig. 3.5(a), M3A and M4A are chosen

as NMOS transistors since normally NMOS transistors respond faster than the PMOS

transistors, and Vb2 is connected to Vdd directly to reduce the number of controlling

terminals. The die microphotographs are shown in Fig. 3.6. The active circuit areas in

Fig. 3.6(a) and (b) are 170×320 μm2 and 250×340 μm

2, respectively. On-wafer

measurements were done on a Cascade Microtech Summit 9000 probe station. The input

pads were connected to a power source with GSG probes. The power loss in

measurement setup was taken into consideration through calibration. The DC output

voltage was measured by a Keithley 2600 SourceMeter. With a 1.2 V power supply, the

structure shown in Fig. 3.5(a) shows the maximum sensitivity to the input power when

Vb1 = 0.6 V. Thus, all of the following results are measured when Vb1 = 0.6 V. The static

power consumption of the circuits shown in Fig. 3.5 (a) and Fig. 3.5(b) are 0.12 mW and

0.1 mW respectively with a 1.2 V power supply.


(a) (b)

Figure 3.6 (a) Die microphotograph of the circuit in Figure 3.5(a). (b) The circuit in

Figure 3.5(b).



Device Unit Designed

Value Device Unit



M1, M2 μm / μm 1.3 / 0.12 M3, M4 μm / μm 13 / 0.12

C fF 60 C0 pF 20

R1,2,3 Ω 104 L nH 0.894

RL K Ω 6 R4 K Ω 20

Ra Ω 34 Rb Ω 16

The S11s were measured with an HP8510C network analyzer after on-wafer

calibration. Fig. 3.7 shows the measured and simulated magnitude of S11 for the circuits

in Fig. 3.5. Comparing the measured and simulated results, the measured results agree

with the simulated results reasonably in trends. The measured results show that the return

loss of the quasi T-coil matching network discussed in Section II is better than -14 dB in

the measured frequency range from 500 MHz to 20.5 GHz, and its performance is much

better than that of the circuit in Fig. 3.5(a) matched with resistors. Wideband input

matching means a reasonable voltage transfer coefficient (close to 1) transferred from the

source to the gate of transistor M1 and also ensures a high sensitivity of the PD.


Figure 3.7 Measured and simulated S-Parameter |S11| of the circuits in Figure 3.5(a) (with

R matched) and in Figure 3.5 (b) with quasi T-coil network.




Figure 3.8 Measured output voltage versus input RF power of (a) Figure 3.5(a), (b)

Figure 3.5(b).

Fig. 3.8 shows the measured output voltage versus input power at different

frequencies. Fig. 8(a) shows the measured results of the circuit in Fig. 3.5(a). When the

circuit operates from 2 GHz to 14 GHz, the output DC voltage response difference is less

than 3 dB for a given input RF power level as the input signals frequencies are swept.

Fig. 3.8(b) shows the measured results of the circuit in Fig. 3.5(b). This circuit can

operate from 500 MHz to 20 GHz. When the input RF power is larger than -10 dBm,

transistor M1B in Fig. 3.5(b) operates in the subthreshold regime and the output voltage is

almost linear as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 3.8(b). From 500 MHz to 20 GHz, the

output DC voltage response difference is less than 1.9 dB for input signals with a given

input RF power level in the linear operating range as the arrow in Fig. 3.8(b). The

optimal fitting curves with linear regression in the linear regime are


500 : 40 ( ) 885;

10 : 36 ( ) 711;

20 : 40 ( ) 775;

MHz output mv input power dB

GHz output mv input power dB

GHz output mv input power dB

. (3.18)

. .


calculated value measured valueerror ratio

calculated value

. (3.19)

The error ratios between the output and the optimal fitting curves are less than

±1% for the linear operating range (16 dB-21 dB depending on frequency) with the

definition in (3.19). When the input power is lower than -10 dBm, the MOS devices of

the power detector in Fig. 3.5(b) operate in the saturation regime. If 1 mV/dBm is the

minimum acceptable output sensitivity, the input power range of the circuit shown in Fig.

3.5(a) is -23 dBm to 9 dBm, and the input power range of the circuit in Fig. 3.5(b) is -38

dBm to 9 dBm. Thus, a 15 dB improvement in input power dynamic range is achieved for

the circuit shown in Fig. 3.5(b) as compared to that shown in Fig. 3.5(a). The negative

values in Fig. 3.8(b) are caused by the imperfect symmetric in the process and the

secondary effects of the transistors. This does not affect its applications in measurement

systems, since it can be absorbed during the calibration procedure.

When the power supply voltage is varied from 1.2 V to 0.5 V, Fig. 3.9(a) shows

that the input dynamic range of the power detector in Fig. 3.5(a) decreases by

approximately 10 dB, while Fig. 3.9(b) shows that the dynamic range of the power

detector shown in Fig. 3.5(b) does not change as the power supply voltage decreases.

When the power supply is varied from 1.2 V to 0.5 V, the linear operating range of the

PD shown in Fig. 3.5(b) expands at the expense of lower output sensitivity with a


decrease in the power supply voltage. Fig. 3.9(c) and (d) shows a dramatic reduction in

power consumption when the power supply is varied from 1.2 V to 0.5 V. The static

power consumption of the circuit in Fig. 3.5(b) is only 2×10-4

mW at a 0.5 V voltage

supply, which makes it promising for applications in portable terminals. The peak in Fig.

3.9(d) is caused by the amplifier.

Table II is the comparison of this work with recent publication results. Even

though, the published PDs were designed for communication applications, they also

require large input dynamic range, low-power consumption, and high sensitivity [3.12]-

[3.13]. Under the same definitions, Table II shows that this work achieves the maximum

sensitivity, minimum power consumption, the largest input dynamic range, and the

widest operating frequency range from 500 MHz to 20 GHz.







Figure 3.9 At different Vdd power supplies, measured output voltage versus input power

of the circuit (a) Figure 3.5(a), (b) Figure 3.5(b); power consumptions versus input power

of the circuit (c) Figure 3.5(a), (d) Figure 3.5(b).



[3.12]* [3.13] Figure 3.5(b)

Technology 0.13 μm CMOS 0.18 μm CMOS 0.13 μm CMOS

Power Consumption 0.18 mW 3.8 mW 0.1 mW @1.2 V


mW @0.5 V

Operating Frequency 125 MHz -8.5 GHz 3.1 GHz -10.6 GHz 500 MHz – 20 GHz

Input dynamic range 20 dB ~35 dB ~47 dB

Linearity Error For

Specified Input Range

±0.5 dB for 18 dB ± 2.4 dB for 20 dB < ±1% for ~20 dB

Flatness of Frequency


12 dB 1.8 dB 4 dB (0.5 GHz -20 GHz)

1 dB (10 GHz - 20 GHz)

Output Sensitivity ~6.5 mV/dB ~4.3 mV/dB ~26.8 mV/dB

*Multiple off chip matching networks were used in measurement [3.12].



In this paper, a self-biased low-power power detector is proposed, analyzed, and

demonstrated. Depending on input RF power levels, the MOS transistors of the PD

operate in either saturation or subthreshold regimes. To enhance the sensitivity and to

expand the operating frequency range, an ultra wideband quasi T-coil matching network

was designed and an embedded amplifier was used. The operating frequency ranges from

500 MHz to 20 GHz. The output DC voltage response is nearly frequency independent,

varying by less than 1.9 dB for a fixed RF power level in the operating frequency range.

The linearity error in the linear operating range is less than ±1%.

Though the linear operating range is 16 dB to 21 dB depending on frequency, the

detectable input dynamic range is up to 47 dB, which makes it very useful in both six-

port communication and measurement systems applications, where the input RF power

levels of the measurement port 3-6 may change dramatically as the input signal in port 2



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Abstract— The analysis and design of a high-Q differential active inductor with

wide tuning range is presented in this chapter. The self-resonant frequency (SRF) and

quality factor (Q) of the inductor can be tuned independently. The inductor was

implemented in a 0.13 μm CMOS process. The measured SRF is tunable from 0.5 to 10.2

GHz. The obtained maximum quality factor is as high as 3000. The analysis shows that

higher inductance corresponds to higher inductor noise while the correlation between

quality factor and noise is relatively weak. Measurement results confirmed these

predictions. The measured results show that this inductor structure is suitable for

broadband reconfigurable radio-frequency (RF) system development. Further analysis

and measurements show that the inductor is intrinsically nonlinear, so are gyrator-C

based active inductors in general. A compensation circuit is proposed to improve the

linearity characteristics of such inductors.

Index Terms— CMOS integrated circuit, Differential active inductor, high quality

factor, radio frequency, wide tuning range



CMOS inductors have a broad range of applications in radio frequency integrated

circuit (RFIC) design [4.1]-[4.2], including filters [4.3], phase shifters [4.4], oscillators

[4.5], low noise amplifiers (LNA) [4.6]-[4.7], power dividers, and hybrids [4.8]-[4.10].

Unfortunately, passive CMOS inductors occupy large chip areas, and their quality factors

are very low. Furthermore, they can only provide limited inductance values in a certain

operating frequency range. Therefore, their applications are constrained. Besides, passive

inductors are also not tunable, which makes them inconvenient for reconfigurable circuit

design. Active inductors, on the other hand, do not suffer from these problems since their

inductance comes from emulating inductor impedance with active devices. As a result,

CMOS active inductors have attracted much attention [4.2]. Of the two types of active

inductors, i.e. single-ended and differential active inductors (DAI), DAIs have common-

mode noise rejection properties with better linearity characteristics [4.11]. These

properties make DAIs attractive. Thus, various DAIs have been proposed and studied

[4.2], [4.11]-[4.13].

The main figure-of-merits (FOM) of an active inductor include its operating

frequency range (represented by its SRF), quality factor (Q), noise performance, linearity,

and tunability [4.2]. For DAIs, a CMOS source-degenerated structure yielded a 7.85 GHz

SRF [4.12], which is the highest measured SRF reported so far to the best of our

knowledge. Yet higher SRF is needed for higher frequency applications, e.g. the FCC

ultra wideband (UWB) regime covers frequencies from 3.1-10.6 GHz. A Q of about 1000

was experimentally demonstrated in [4.13]. That Q is also the highest reported so far. The

high-Q inductor is promising for frequency selection applications. However, high-Q


operation of active inductors could dramatically deteriorate inductor noise performance,

which is already aggravated by the use of active devices. For many active inductor

architectures, it was shown that their noise is at least 2Q times higher than their passive

counterpart if both have similar frequency characteristics [4.3], [4.14]. Nevertheless,

integrated DAI noise characteristics need further investigations. Moreover, nonlinearity

properties of high-Q active inductors require detailed studies since exceptionally high

voltage could arise between the inductor terminals. For instance, when used in an RLC

series resonator, the voltage across the inductor terminals is Q times the voltage across

the resonator at resonance. Finally, frequency and inductance tunability are desired for

reconfigurable RFIC implementations, such as software defined radios [4.15].

This chapter proposes and analyzes a DAI with a focus on its main FOMs. The

experimental results of its noise and nonlinearity characteristics are also presented. The

results show that this DAI structure does not have a strong correlation between its Q and

noise. The DAI, gyrator-C based active inductors in general, is intrinsically nonlinear, i.e.

its properties (e.g. inductance values) depend on input power levels. Circuit techniques to

further improve the linearity of the DAI are also proposed. The paper is arranged as

follows: section II presents the analysis of the DAI, section III describes the DAI design

and experimental results. Discussions and conclusions are in Section IV.


The proposed DAI is shown in Fig. 4.1(a), in which the inverter pair is used to

provide negative resistance to boost the Q of the DAI. The voltage var3 is to provide

independent control of the negative resistor. Tuning Q with negative resistance has been


reported previously by using only NFETs or PFETs, but not inverters. The main

advantage of the cross-coupled inverter pair in Fig. 4.1(a) is that it establishes an

independent DC current path from var3 to ground for the negative resistor and provides

an independent control of the negative resistance. As a result, M5 (and M6) does not need

to carry all the DC current for the negative resistor. Therefore, it is possible to optimize

M5 (gm5) for higher Q and higher L. Moreover, higher operating frequency and larger

operating frequency range are possible since the full capacity of M5 can be exploited.

A. Inductance values, quality factors and self-resonant frequency

Figure 4.1 Proposed differential active inductor. (a) Schematic of the differential active

inductor (DAI). (b) The small signal model for DAI in Fig. 4.1(a). (c) An equivalent

circuit for the DAI in Fig. 4.1(a).


The small signal model of the DAI circuit in Fig. 4.1(a), without considering

MOS transistor channel resistances, is shown in Fig. 4.1(b). Assume the DAI structure is

symmetric, and then the admittance between terminals V1 and V2 can be obtained with

small signal analysis.

11 1 2

33 5 5

3 1 31 3 5 1 5

1 1 1 1

2 2 122

m Ags

gsgs gs gs

m m mm m m m m

gY sC sC

sCZ s C C sC

g g gg g g g g


where gmi is the transconductance of transistor Mi; gmA1 is the sum of the

transconductance provided by An1 and Ap1 (or An2 and Ap2); CA is the capacitance

between point A (or B) and AC ground; Cgs5 is the gate-source capacitance of M5 (or M6).

Equation (4.1) indicates that the DAI shown in Fig. 4.1(a) has an equivalent circuit as

shown in Fig. 4.1(c).

1 1 2 2

1 1 1p

s s

G j CZ R j L R j L


Compare (4.1) and (4.2), the equivalent circuit parameters in Fig. 4.1(c) are




, (4.3)

1 1





, (4.4)

5 3

1 2

1 5 1 3

2 2,

gs gs

s s

m m m m


g g g g , (4.5)


3 5

1 2

1 3 5 1

2 1,

gs gs

s s

m m m m


g g g g

. (4.6)


The addition of negative resistance only affects G. The main contributor of

inductance is Ls1, since Rs2 is a large resistor and Ls2 is small. Set the reactance of Z to

zero (i.e. Imag Z =0), the SRF of the DAI is


2 3 1 3 1 3

3 1 1 3 1 1 31 1 1



m m m m mosc

gs gs gs gs gss gs

g g g g g


. (4.7)

The DC current going through M1 and M3 is I1 , which is half of the tail current

(Iss), then


1,3 1



Wg K I

L and 1 1 1

3 3 3





g W L

g W L . (4.8)

where Wi and Li are the width and length of transistor Mi, respectively, and the parameter


n oxK C , in which μn is electron mobility and Cox is gate oxide capacitance per unit area.

Equations (4.7) and (4.8) indicate that the inductor SRF can be tuned through tuning gm3,

in other words, by tuning the DC bias current I1 which is controlled by the voltage

controller var1 in Fig. 4.1(a).

The quality factor Q can be calculated with



ag Z AQ

al Z B , (4.9)


4 2 2 2

3 5 1 1 5 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 5gs gs gs gs m m gs m gs m m mA s C C C C s C g g C g C C g g g (4.10)




3 5 1 5 3 1 3 1 3 1 5gs gs mA gs m m m mA m m mB s C C g sC g g g g g g g . (4.11)

Equations (4.10)-(4.11) indicates that high Q can be achieved by tuning the

negative transconductance gmA1. The tuning of Q does not affect SRF and inductance

value L. The tuning independence implies that high Q and high frequency operations are


B. Noise

To evaluate the noise performance of the DAI in Fig. 1(a), its noise model is

shown in Fig. 4.2, in which the noise model of MOS transistors in [4.16] is used. There

are two kinds of noise sources in Fig. 4.2, channel induced noise and gate induced noise.

They are


4 , 4 , 1, 6ngindi

mi gi


iiKT g KT g i

f f

, (4.12)


2 2

0 5

gsimii gi

d i mi

Cgand g

g g

. (4.13)

γ is the channel noise factor, δ is the gate noise coefficient, gd0i is the drain conductance

for transistor Mi, K is Boltzmann constant and T is temperature.

To simplify the analysis, we ignore noise contribution from the cross-coupled

inverter pair while considering all the gate-induced and channel-induced noise sources

for transistors M1-M6. The analysis, shown in Appendix A, gives the differential output

noise as


2 2

22 26 6

1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1

ngi ngitotal ndi ndi

i i

ngi ndi

s s s s


f f fM M

R sL R sL

. (4.14)

Equation (4.14) indicates that larger ωL1 will cause higher differential output

noise. On the other hand, there are no direct and explicit connections between noise

voltage and quality factor Q in this DAI structure. This is different from those

observations in [4.1], [4.14], in which the noise of active inductors is at least 2Q times

higher than their passive counterparts when both have similar frequency characteristics.

This property is very useful, especially in circuits that use T or π transmission line

models. For examples, in the designs of lumped-element power dividers and lumped-

element couplers, ωL is a constant which is related with the characteristic impedance

[4.17]-[4.19]. Then (4.14) may be used to guide noise performance considerations.


Figure 4.2 Noise model for the ADI structure shown in Fig. 4.1(a).


Figure 4.3 Simulated results of noise and (a) Imag Z. (b) Real Z. (c) Quality factor Q.


Fig. 4.3 shows the relationship between noise and Imag Z, Real Z, and quality

factor Q for different var2. The results are obtained from Cadence Spectre simulations.

Fig. 4.3(a) shows that larger Imag Z (i.e. larger ωL) corresponds to higher noise. Fig.

4.3(b) shows noise voltage and equivalent resistance R (i.e. Real Z) of the DAI. Fig.

4.3(c) shows that noise does not change linearly with Q values. It is clear that their

relationship is different from that of passive inductors, for which noise voltage changes

linearly with the square root of parasitic resistance R. Using the linearity correlation

analysis method in [4.20], the correlation coefficients between noise and Imag Z, Real Z,

and quality factor Q are approximately 0.96, 0.6 and 0.4 (1 represents strong linear

correlation and 0 presents weak correlation). Therefore, noise has relatively weak

correlation with Q, but strong correlation with Imag Z values as predicted by (4.14). The

weak relationship between Q and noise is important for active inductor applications since

difficult trade-offs between the two critical parameters can be greatly relaxed.

C. Nonlinearity

As mentioned in the Introduction section, the DAI is intrinsically nonlinear, i.e. its

properties, including inductance values, Q-factor, depend on input power. Usually,

nonlinearity occurs due to high input signal levels. Then signal distortion will happen in

the transconductance amplifiers and inductor characteristics will change accordingly.

High signal levels can do occur across inductors in a circuit, such as Q-times input

voltages in RLC series circuits as discussed in Section I.

If we ignore the negative resistor, the proposed DAI can be treated as three

amplifiers: a differential cascode transconductance amplifier shown in Fig. 4.4(a) and


two common drain amplifiers in Fig. 4.4(b), in which the active loads from the current

sources are simplified as resistors. An examination of the circuit in Fig. 4.1(a) shows that

the DC bias for M5,6 in common drain amplifiers is affected by the DC output of

transconductance amplifier composed of M1,3 and M2,4, and vice versa. The DC bias will

change with input signal levels due to the square law of transistor currents. Consequently,

the transconductance of M1 and M5 will change. So do the inductance values (and

inductor FOMs). Therefore, the active inductor in Fig. 4.1(a) is inherently nonlinear, even

for low input signal level. So are most other active inductors, which are based on gyrator-

C architectures [4.2]-[4.11]. This observation explains the nonlinearity issues observed in

[4.10] even when the input power was quite low.

Figure 4.4 Symbols used in the analysis are Va,b=VA,B+va,b, in which V1,2 and VA,B are

DC voltage, while va,b and vrf1,2 are RF signals. (a) Differential cascade transconductance

amplifier. (b) Common drain amplifier.


To quantify the inductance dependence on input signal level when the amplifiers

are in linear region, we ignore the cascode transistors (M3, 4) in the following analysis to

simplify the procedures since they do not change the current characteristics of the

amplifiers (i.e. M1, 2). When there is no input RF signal, the currents of both current paths

in Fig. 4.4(a) are


1,2 2

,0 1,2


( )2

ds GS th


L . (4.15)

where VGS is the DC bias of M1 or M2, Vthi is the threshold voltage of transistors Mi; Wi

and Li are the channel width and length of transistors Mi, respectively. Assume the

amplitude of the input wave is vrf, the transistors operate in active region and the effect of

feedback circuit in Fig. 4.4(b) is negligible, then the drain source current is:

2 2'

1,2 2



cos 2( ) 2( ) cos

2 2 2

rf rf

ds GS T GS T rf

V V tK WI V V V V v t


. (4.16)

Equation (4.16) indicates that the input RF signal induces a DC current variation,

ΔI, which will cause a DC voltage variation at point A (or B). The ration is


, 1


, , 1,22

rfA B load

A B A B GS th



. (4.17)

Similarly, this process happens in Fig. 4.4(b), and DC voltage variation ratio is:




1,2 5,6 5,62

v rf

GS th

A vV


. (4.18)

where Av is the voltage gain from input to point A (B).


The DC bias voltage variation ratios of the circuit in Fig. 4.1(a) were simulated

with PSS in Cadence Spectre and the results are presented in Fig. 4.5. When

var1=var2=0.8 V, the variation trends of V1,2 (increasing with the increase of input level)

and VA,B (decreasing with the increase of input level) are consistent with the predictions

of (4.17) and (4.18). The variation ratio of V1,2 is obviously smaller than that of VA,B.

This is because the variation of V1,2 is alleviated by the negative resistor circuit since the

circuit operates in saturation region. Therefore, we need only consider the variation of

VA,B in the following analysis.

The transconductance variation of gm5 and gm6, caused by the variation of VA,B, is

2 2

1,2 1,2' '

5,6 , 1

1,2 1,2 2


m A B load

vW Wg K V K R


. (4.19)

According to the equivalent inductance (4.5), the inductance variation caused by

the small signal input power variation is


1,2' 2




11,2' 2

5,6 1






load rf



m load rf

WR K v


L Wg R K v


. (4.20)

The simulated Imag Z (i.e. ωLs) variation ratios of the inductor in Fig. 4.1(a) at

7GHz are presented in Fig. 4.5 for var1=var2=0.8 V. It is shown that bias voltage VA,B

decreases with the increase of input power level. Obvious decline occurs even when the

input is smaller than -10 dBm while V1,2 is almost constant. Inductance increases as

predicted by (4.17) and (4.20). When input power is larger than about 10 dBm, the

transistors are entering triode regions. As a result, there are dramatic changes in Imag Z.


To improve the linearity performance of the inductor, a compensation circuit can

be added as shown in Fig. 4.6. Mn1 and Mn2 are two NMOS transistors operating in

saturation region. From the square current law, the RF input -Av·vrf1,2 of the

compensation transistors will generate DC current ΔIC from VDD to point A and B,

which will compensate the DC current ΔI produced by transistors M1 and M2. Therefore,

the DC voltage drop ΔVA, B caused by DC current ΔI going through Rload1 will be

compensated. When the size of Mn1,2 is W/L= 7 μm / 0.13 μm and var1=var2=0.8 V,

Cadence Spectre simulations show that the addition of the compensation transistors

improves the linearity and the results after the addition of the compensation circuit is also

shown in Fig. 4.5.

Figure 4.5 Variations of Imag Z and DC bias voltage with input power for var1= 0.80 V

and var2= 0.80 V. The simulation is conducted with PSP in Cadence Spectre. The

simulated circuits are in Fig. 4.1(a) and Fig. 4.6.


Figure 4.6 Possible DAI with nonlinearity compensation transistors.

D. Power Consumption

DC power consumption of active inductors is a disadvantage compared to passive

inductors. The inverter pair in Fig. 4.1(a) dissipates more power and adds more parasitic

capacitance (C1, which will decrease the resonance frequency of the DAI.)

simultaneously when compared with active inductors that do not use negative resistors.

Fig. 4.7(a) shows a possible arrangement to reuse DC currents and save power. The loads

of two common drain amplifiers can be replaced by the negative resistors, a cross-

coupled pair. The disadvantage is that the quality factor and the inductance values cannot

be tuned independently. When the DC power supply voltage VDD is 1.6 V and Var1 is

1.2 V, the simulated results, shown in Fig. 4.7(b), indicate that both circuits in Fig. 4.1(a)


and Fig. 4.7(a) can obtain similar Imag Z when operating frequency is below 13 GHz.

But the SRF of the circuit in Fig. 4.7(a) increases to about 17.5 GHz compared with 14

GHz in Fig. 4.1(a). The circuit also saves more than 50% DC power consumption. The

simulated results in Fig. 4.7(b) agree with our analysis.

Figure 4.7 Proposed DAI with current reuse consideration. (a) Possible DAI with current

reuse consideration. (b) Simulated results of the circuits in Fig. 4.1(a) and Fig. 4.7(a).



The proposed DAI in Fig. 4.1(a) was fabricated in a 0.13 μm CMOS process.

Transistor sizing is guided by (4.3)-(4.7). Table 1 shows the specific transistor

dimensions. To save chip area and to facilitate differential measurement, one input

terminal (V1) was used as the virtual ground. Fig. 4.8(a) shows the microphotograph of

the circuit and the active die area is 50 μm 75 μm. In the measurement, var3 is

combined with VDD at 1.6 V. On-wafer probing was conducted to measure one-port S-

parameters (S) of the inductor with an HP8510C network analyzer. The RF G-S-G probe

was touched on the V1-V2-V1 pads. Noise performance was measured with an R&H

FSEK-30 spectrum analyzer. The measurement arrangement is shown in Fig. 4.9. The Z

parameters and Q are calculated using the obtained S-Parameter S with the following



1 Im( ),

1 Re( )



. (4.21)

The noise voltage is calculated with [4.17]:

2 2100 22

22 2


8 0.001 10 |1 | |1 |

|1 | | | 1 | |


L s inn

s L

Z SV sqrt


. (4.22)

where n is the measured noise power in dBm scale.

The measured result with maximum SRF (10.2 GHz) is shown in Fig. 4.10. The

maximum SRF was obtained when Var1 and Var3 are 1.6 V, Var2 is 1.0 V. Fig. 4.11


demonstrates that the inductance and quality factor can be tuned through var2 as the

prediction of (4.4) while keeping SRF almost unchanged as the prediction of (4.7). The

inductance has more than 80% tuning range at the frequency point (3.7 GHz) when Q

achieves the highest value.



Transistor W/L (μm/μm) Fingers

M1, M2 156/0.2 120

M3, M4 13/0.12 10

M5, M6 117/0.18 100

An1, An2 13/0.12 10

Ap1, Ap2 13/0.12 10

Fig. 4.12 shows the relationship between var1 and Imag Z, Q, and noise voltage.

Fig. 4.12(a) verifies that inductance decreases when gm1 increases as the prediction of

(4.5). The self-resonant frequency increases when gm1 increase (i.e. var1 increases) as the

prediction of (4.7). Fig. 4.12(b) shows that a high quality factor Q, up to 3000, can be

obtained. Fig. 4.12(c) shows the measured noise voltages. Compare Fig. 4.12(a), Fig.

4.12(b) and Fig. 4.12(c), the measurement results verify the prediction of (4.14) that the

noise voltage has strong correlations with Imag Z, but weak correlations with Q. As Imag

Z increases, the noise voltage also increases.


Figure 4.8 Microphotograph of the basic DAI.

Figure 4.9 Inductor measurement arrangement.

Figure 4.10 Measured smith chart with maximum self-resonant frequency.


Figure 4.11 The measured relationship between var2 and (a) Imag Z, (b) quality factor Q.


Figure 4.12 When var2= 0.85 V and var1 is tuned from 0.55 V to 1.20 V, measurement

results of (a) Imag Z, (b) quality factor Q, (c) noise.



We demonstrated a differential active inductor tunable from 500 MHz to 10.2

GHz. The obtained Q value is as high as 3000. The measured noise voltage does not

exhibit direct correlations with quality factors as our analysis. The nonlinearity analysis

shows that the active inductors are intrinsically nonlinear. A possible nonlinearity

compensation circuit is proposed and simulated. The experimental results agree with

theoretical analysis reasonably well. The inductor is a promising candidate for on chip

communication circuit design.


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Abstract: A novel six-port circuit is proposed and demonstrated. The circuit is

based on four quadrature hybrids. A prototype circuit is fabricated and characterized with

microstrip lines. Reflection coefficients for a few loads are measured with the fabricated

circuit to evaluate its performance. The results agree with those from an HP8510C

network analyzer reasonably well. Using active inductors and varactors, the six-port

circuit is also designed with a 0.13 μm CMOS process. The simulated results show that

the operating frequency is tunable from 1 GHz to 6.8 GHz.


A six-port circuit, shown in Figure 5.1, is an essential component of a six-port

reflectometer (SPR) [5.1]-[5.2], which measures the complex reflection coefficient of a

device-under-test (DUT) at port 2. The measurement is performed by measuring the

power Pi at the other four ports [5.2], where

2 2 2

2, 3,5,6

i i L iP K b q i . (5.1)

Ki is a coefficient determined by power levels, ΓL is the reflection coefficient to

be measured, and complex qi is SPR q-point, which determines measurement accuracy

[5.1]. Ideally, the magnitude of qi should be ~ 1.5; the argument differences between two


q-points should be ~1200 [5.1]. In practice, 45

0 or larger argument differences are

considered acceptable [5.3]-[5.4].

The simple power detection approach makes SPR an attractive candidate for

developing an on-chip vector network analyzer (VNA) [5.5], which is promising for

broadband dielectric spectroscopy analysis in micro total analysis systems (μTAS) [5.6]-

[5.7]. However, CMOS processes have limited chip area and large process variations

(e.g. up to 25% of resistance variation for resistors in addition to parasitic capacitance).

These constraints need to be considered in designing CMOS SPRs.

Figure 5.1 A six-port network. The parameters ai, bi, Pi are incident wave, reflected wave,

and power at port i respectively.

Various six-port circuits have been proposed and implemented with distributed

transmission lines, lumped elements or a mixture of both [5.2] - [5.4] [5.8] - [5.13]. For

CMOS SPRs, only lumped elements are possible due to dimension constraints, even

though distributed transmission line SPRs are conceptually straightforward to design with

little power loss. The resistor-based SPRs are compact with operating frequency ranges


which are much wider than that of distributed transmission line implementations, but

signal loss due to resistors is high. For instance, about 75% of input power is lost in the

network in [5.3]. The loss will degrade SPR sensitivity. Therefore, they are not optimal

for CMOS implementation.

In this work, we propose a new six-port circuit that only uses four quadrature

hybrids. Compared with Engen’s classic six-port [5.2], the new circuit uses fewer

components (i.e. without a directional coupler and two resistors) while keeping the

similar q-point distribution and providing higher sensitivity. Therefore, the proposed six-

port is more compact and suitable for integrations. The circuit is first demonstrated with

microstrip line hybrids to evaluate its performance and then designed in a 0.13 μm

CMOS technology with tunable lumped element hybrids. Our simulated results with

Cadence Spectre show that the CMOS SPR has an operating frequency tunable from 1 to

6.8 GHz.



The basic configuration of the proposed six-port circuit is shown in Figure 5.2.

At the designed center frequency, the waves at each port are


jbb and 2




b , (5.2)

3( ( 2 ))


bb j , (5.3)


bb , (5.4)


(1 )( (1 ))

4 2L

j bb j

, (5.5)


(1 )( ( 1 ))

4 2L

j bb j

. (5.6)

Figure 5.2 Schematic of the proposed six-port circuit


From Equations (5.1) to (5.6), the q points of the six-port are

32 2 270oq j , (5.7)

51 2 45oq j , (5.8)

61 2 135oq j . (5.9)

Therefore, the circuit satisfies the general six-port design criterion mentioned

above [5.3]-[5.4]. Its q-point distribution is similar to that of the circuit in [5.2].

Furthermore, the power transmission coefficients from source to port i (i=2, 3, 4, 5, 6.)

are: -6 dB for S21, S31, and S41; -9 dB for S51 and S61. The reflected power transmission

coefficients from port 2 to port i (i=3, 5, 6) are S32=S52=S62= -6 dB. Those coefficients

are important since larger coefficient values imply higher signal to noise ratio for the

detectors. Compared with the six-port in [5.2], the circuit in Figure 5.2 has 3 dB

improvements in S31, S41, S52, and S62.

At frequencies other than the designed center frequency, qi will deviate from the

value given in (5.7)-(5.9), and the performance of six-port will deteriorate since it is

determined by the qi distribution [5.1]-[5.2].


A: MIC Realization

To verify the functionality of the proposed six-port, a prototype circuit with 4

GHz center frequency is fabricated using Duroid RT/duroid 5870 substrate, shown in


Figure 5.3(a). For layout and measurement convenience, two phase shifters are used to

avoid the intersection of two microstrip lines, as illustrated in Figure 5.3(a), while

keeping the equivalent q-point distribution. This issue will not appear in CMOS

implementation since there are different metal layers which can be used for connections.

(a) (b)

Figure 5.3 (a) A photo of the prototype. (b) Calibration loads.

An HP 8510C network analyzer was used to measure the scattering parameters of

the prototype circuit after a full two-port calibration. The measured Si1 and Si2 are shown

in Figure 5.4. S42 presents reasonable isolation between port 2 and port 4. It satisfies the

design criteria [5.1]. The measured values agree closely with the predicted values. The q-

point distribution can be calculated from [5.14].

2 1 22 21

1 21

( ) /, 3,5,6


i i



S S S Sq i




Figure 5.5 shows the calculated q-points with S-Parameters from measurements

and simulations (with Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS)). If the phase differences

between qi are required to be larger than 450 [5.3]-[5.4], the operating frequency range is

from 3.8 GHz to 4.3 GHz according Figure 5.5.



Figure 5.4 Measured S-parameters magnitude. (a) Si1. (b) Si2.

The calibration procedures described in [5.15]-[5.16] were followed and

performed before measuring the reflection coefficients of 5 DUTs, which are made out of

microstrip lines. The calibration loads shown in Figure 5.3(b) supply similar function as

sliding loads. The six-port circuit is then used to measure the reflection coefficients of


DUTs, which are fabricated with microstrip lines. The power at port i (i=3, 4, 5, 6) were

measured by use of 4 Gigatronics 8651A power meters with 80421A power sensors.



Figure 5.5 Q points (a) Magnitude (b) Phase.

Through calibration, the obtained q-point magnitudes are 2.06, 1.58, 1.37 and the

argument differences are 120.8°, 89° and 150°, which are close to the calculated values of

equation (5.10). The measured reflection coefficients with the fabricated six-port are

shown in Table 5.I. The results agree with those from direct measurements by an HP8510

C network analyzer reasonably well. Its operating frequency band is narrow due to the

use of narrowband quadrature.





SPR HP8510C Difference

-0.3871+i0.6268 -0.397+i0.614 0.0099+i0.01281

0.1014+i0.6353 0.1115+i0.6141 -0.0101+i0.0212

0.3153-i0.481 0.2875-i0.4653 0.0278-i0.0157

-0.0772-i0.5748 -0.071-i0.5551


-0.0359-i0.5872 -0.0439-i0.5874 0.008+i0.0002

B: CMOS Design

The proposed six-port circuit was also designed in a 0.13 μm CMOS process to

verify its applicability in CMOS technologies. The operating frequency band can then be

expanded by the introduction of tuning mechanism. The quadrature in Figure 5.2 was

implemented with lumped elements [5.17], as shown in Figure 5.6(a). The parameters are

given as


0 0


Z , 0


0 2


, 2 12

0 1

1C C

L , (5.11)

where ω0=2πf, f is the designed center frequency and Z0 is the characteristic impedance.






Figure 5.6 Lumped-element quadrature (a) Schematic of lumped-element quadrature.

(b) Microphotograph of lumped-element quadrature. (c) Test bench for lumped-element


Equation (5.11) shows that the center frequency of the quadrature can be tuned by

varying inductances and capacitances. Consequently the center frequency (i.e. the

operating frequency) of the SPR is tuned. As a result, the q-point distribution, i.e.

measurement accuracy, at the center frequencies will be little affected over the SPR

operating frequency range. To form the tuning mechanism, tunable active inductors

[5.18] and standard varactors are used. Our measurement results of the tunable active

inductors designed in the same 0.13 µm CMOS process as this chapter are close to the

simulated results with maximum self-resonance frequencies up to 10.2 GHz. The

microphotograph of the lumped-element quadrature is shown in Fig. 5.6(b) with an active

area of 340 μm × 325 μm. The measured matching and through S-parameters are shown

in Fig. 5.7 with a tuning range of 2 GHz-7.5 GHz.




Figure 5.7 Measured results of Lumped-element quadrature (a) Matching S-

parameter magnitude. (b) Through S-parameter magnitude.






Figure 5.8 Simulated results (×) and expected results (O) of reflection coefficient at

(a) 1 GHz, (b) 4 GHz, and (c) 6.8 GHz.

The two phase shifters which were used for connection in Fig. 5.3 are not used in

CMOS six-port design. Then, the active area of the CMOS SPR is 750 μm × 750 μm.

When different loads are connected to port 2 of the SPR, power at port i (i=3, 4, 5, 6) can

be obtained in post-layout simulation analysis. Reflection coefficients can be obtained

from the obtained power. The results are shown in Fig. 5.8(a), (b), and (c) for frequencies

of 1 GHz, 4 GHz, and 6.8 GHz. The reflection coefficients agree with expected values

reasonably well. The circuit was also implemented in a CMOS 0.13 μm process. The

microphotograph is shown in Fig. 5.9(a). Due to the test equipment limitation, we cannot

do on-chip test with G-S-G probe directly. A test bench shown in Fig. 5.9(b) was used.

However, the loss caused by the CPW is about 1.68 dB/cm. The measured losses from

port 1 to port 2 and port 4 are shown in Fig. 5.9 (c), and it shows that the loss is around

35 dB. Then the q-point distribution of the six-port was seriously affected. Furthermore,

considering the nonlinearity of the active inductor in Chapter IV, the maximum input

power should be smaller than -15 dBm. The maximum power reflected by DUT is about -

50 dBm and the maximum reflected power into port 3 (or port 5, or port 6) is about -85

dBm, which is too small for our existing power measurement equipment.




Six-port circuit



Figure 5.9 CMOS six-port with active inductor (a) Microphotograph (b) Test bench

(c) Measured loss from port 1 to port 2 and port 4.

Nonetheless, these simulated results show that the proposed six-port circuit is

appropriate for on-chip integration and can provide wide operating frequency range.


A novel six-port circuit based on four quadrature hybrids is proposed for CMOS

integration applications. A prototype circuit was built with microstrip lines to evaluate

the performance of the proposed structure. The reflection coefficients measured with the

prototype six-port agree reasonably well with the results obtained from a commercial

network analyzer HP8510C. The advantages of the proposed circuit include fewer circuit

components and no need for matched loads, which are important for CMOS SPR

implementations. The proposed circuit was also designed in a CMOS technology and

simulated with Cadence Spectre. The simulated results show that the operating frequency

range of the CMOS SPR can be tunable from 1 GHz to 6.8 GHz which is much wider

than that of MIC SPR 3.8-4.3 GHz, but, it is narrower than the operating range of an


active inductor 500 MHz to 10.2 GHz. We find that it is caused by the limited tuning

range of the varactors. However, the measurement results show that the loss in the test

bench is much larger, and then the q-points distribution of the six-port is distorted. So

further work is needed to improve its operating frequency range, input dynamic range,

and test bench for six-port system including power detection capability.


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Abstract— This chapter presents a low-power single-ended active inductor with

its Q-factor enhanced by feedback. Without sacrificing the self-resonance frequency and

increasing the DC power consumption of the main circuit, the feedback transistor

introduces a negative resistance; therefore, high Q-factors can be achieved in a wide

operating frequency range. The proposed inductor was designed in a 0.13 µm CMOS

process and simulated using Cadence Spectre. The active area is ~4 µm × 5 µm. With ~

0.1 mW power consumption, the designed active inductor shows a 17 GHz maximum

self-resonance frequency and a 1-8 GHz peak-Q operating frequency range. Using this

active inductor, a 3-bit digitally-controlled phase shifter was designed. The phase shifter

can provide a phase shift range larger than 180° from 1.5 GHz to 4 GHz and a return loss

better than 10 dB.

Key Words: Active inductor, feedback, high Q-factor, low-power, phase shifter



CMOS active inductors have attracted much attention in RF/microwave circuit

design because of their small chip area and wide tunability [6.1]-[6.4]. However, the

operating conditions for low power consumption, high Q factor, and high self-resonance

frequency (SRF) often conflict with each other. In other words, it is difficult to achieve

high Q-factors in a wide operating frequency range, especially at high frequencies with a

given power consumption constraint. To address this issue, a lot of work has been done.

A current reuse single-ended active inductor with low power consumption, shown in Fig.

6.1(a), was proposed, analyzed, and demonstrated experimentally in [6.3]. But its Q-

factor is intrinsically low since there is no self negative resistance generation mechanism.

Boosting Q-factor with additional an external negative resistance circuit increases power

consumption and lowers the SRF due to the increase of parallel capacitance in the

equivalent circuit [6.3]. A structure was proposed in [6.4] to improve the Q-factor of the

inductor in [6.3]. Simulations in [6.4] show that the improved inductor can operate up to

4 GHz with simulated Q-factors below 20. The resistor feedback technique increases the

Q-factor, but the operating frequency bandwidth is narrow [6.5].

In this chapter, a new feedback technique is proposed to improve the Q-factor of

the inductor in [6.3]. The proposed technique is analyzed with small signal models, and

verified by simulated results with Cadence Spectre. The proposed active inductor is

designed in a 0.13 µm CMOS process. It can achieve high Q-factors up to a few

thousands from 1 GHz to 8 GHz with about 0.1 mW power consumption. One application

example of the proposed active inductor, a 3-bit digitally-controlled phase shifter, is


discussed and designed. It can provide more than 180° phase shift from 1.5 GHz to 4



The proposed active inductor structure is shown in Fig. 6.1(b) with a variant in

Fig. 6.1(c). Compared with the conventional active inductor circuit in Fig. 6.1(a), a

feedback transistor M3 is introduced. Fig. 6.1(b) uses an NMOS feedback transistor, and

Fig. 6.1(c) uses a PMOS feedback transistor. The currents flowing through the feedback

transistors, i.e. I2, should be much smaller than the currents flowing through the cascade

transistors (i.e. I1) to save power. Fig. 6.1(d) is a traditional inductor equivalent circuit.

The performance of active inductor circuits shown in Figs. 6.1(a), 6.1(b), and 6.1(c) can

be estimated by comparing their parameters in the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 6.1(d).

The corresponding equivalent circuit parameters of the proposed active inductors

in Figs. 6.1(b) and 6.1(c) can be determined through small signal model analysis, and

they are depicting as (6.1).

1 2


2 2 3 3 2 3


2 2 2 3 2 3


2 2

2 2 3


2 2 1 3 3 2

2 2 2 3 3 2 3

2 2 1 3 3

1 1 1


R1 1 1



equ equ equ

equ gs

A o B o o m o o


m A o B o m o o


o A B o o


m o m m o o

o A o B o o m o o


m o m m o

sCZ R R sL


C r C r r g r r

g C r C r g r rr

r C C r r

g r g g r r

r C r C r r g r rL

g r g g r

21 1




where CA and CB are the parasitic capacitance at nodes A and B, respectively; roi and gmi

are the output resistance and transconductance of Mi, respectively. The self-resonance

frequency (SRF) can be estimated with

2 2 1 3 3 2

2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3

1 1 1m o m m o o

gs o A o B o o m o o

g r g g r rSRF

C r C r C r r g r r

. (6.1)

Equation (6.1) shows that, by introducing the feedback transistor M3, resistance

Requ1 increases and a negative resistance Requ2 related to M3 is generated. Equation (6.1)

also indicates that as gm3·ro3 increase, both the inductance Lequ and the absolute value of

the negative resistance Requ2 increase, so does the Q-factor. Furthermore, M3 does not

introduce any additional equivalent parallel capacitance, which would reduce the self-

resonance frequency according to equation (6.2). As a result, the proposed active inductor

can achieve a high self-resonance frequency and a high Q-factor with low-power

consumption. Additionally, the addition of M3 does not affect the input dynamic range.

The main drawback is the additional noise introduced by M3.


Figure 6.1. (a) Active inductor in [6.3]; (b) Proposed high-Q active inductor with NMOS

feedback; (c) Inductor with PMOS feedback; (d) An equivalent inductor model.


The proposed active inductor in Figs. 6.1(b) and 6.1(c) are designed and

simulated in a 0.13 µm CMOS process using the Cadence Spectre simulator. The widths

(W) of transistors M1, M2, and M3 are 2.6 µm, 2 µm, and 1 µm, respectively. The channel

length for all transistors (L) is 0.12 µm, and the active area is 4 µm × 5 µm.


When current I1 is 70 µA and power supply voltage is 1.2 V, the simulated results

in Fig. 6.2(a) demonstrate a maximum SRF up to 17 GHz. The maximum peak-Q

frequency, where the equivalent resistance Re(Z)≈0, FQmax, is 8 GHz. The simulated

results, Re(Z)≈0, indicate high Q-factors up to a few thousands. The FQmax can be tuned

from ~1 GHz to 8 GHz, which covers most of the present commercial communication

frequencies and is much wider than the peak-Q operating frequency range in [6.2]-[6.5].

The inductance LQmax corresponding to the FQmax is also shown in Fig. 6.2(a). It shows

that the inductance value of the active inductor is sensitive to the bias voltage V2, about 1

nH/mV. This provides sufficient inductance tenability. One the other hand, it indicates

that a stable voltage source V2 is required, such as on-chip voltage sources [6.6].

Simulations show that the sensitivity can be reduced by increasing the size of M3 at the

expense of self-resonance frequency and chip area. Therefore, tradeoffs among the

control voltage source V2, inductor frequency performance, and transistor sizes in Fig.

6.1(b) are needed.

Fig. 6.2(b) is the simulated Im(Z) and Re(Z) versus I2 with a power consumption

constraint of 0.12 mW for the circuit shown in Fig. 6.1(c). It indicates that the Re(Z) can

be tuned close to Zero through increasing I2.

To compare the performance of the inductors, Fig. 6.2(c) shows simulated results

of the circuits in Fig. 6.1(a) and 6.1(c) with the same current (95 μA) passing through

transistors M1 and M2. It clearly shows that the equivalent inductance increases and the

equivalent resistance decreases with the addition of M3 in Fig. 6.1(c), as indicated by our


small signal analysis in section 2. In other words, the Q-factor of the proposed inductor is






Figure 6.2 Simulated results: (a) The tuning characteristics of the circuit in Figure 6.1(b);

(b) The impedance of the circuit in Figure 6.1(c), (c) A comparison of the circuits in

Figure 1(a) and 1(c) under the same conditions, I1=100 uA, I2=5 uA, V2=0 V.

A series of simulations were conducted for the circuit shown in Fig. 6.1(c). Fig.

6.3 shows the output generated by Monte Carlo analysis in Cadence Spectre with 500

runs when I1 is 100 uA, I2 is 15 uA, and V2 is 0 V. Fig. 6.3(a) shows the distribution of

Im(Z) at 8 GHz. The mean of the Im(Z) is 929 ohm with a standard deviation of 145

ohm. The mean of Re(Z) across 500 runs at 8 GHz is 9.1 ohm and the standard deviation

is 5.6 ohm. Similar process variation effects on the circuit in Fig. 6.1(b) are expected

since its operating principle and structure is similar to the circuit in Fig. 6.1(c).

Nevertheless, the process variation effects can be overcome by tuning the bias voltages.


Figure 6.3 Monte Carlo simulation results of process variation effects on inductance of

the circuit shown in Figure 6.1 (c) with 500 runs at 8 GHz when I1=100 uA, I2=15 uA,

V2=0 V.


To further demonstrate the performance and applicability of the proposed circuits,

the proposed active inductor is used to realize a phase shifter with wide frequency band.

A 3-bit digitally-controlled phase shifter, Fig. 6.4(a), is proposed and designed with the

active inductors discussed in Section 2. Fig. 6.4(b) is a conventional high-pass phase shift

cell. A fixed Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) capacitor (CH), instead of a varactor, is used

due to insertion loss considerations [6.7]. However, the use of a fixed CH limits the phase

shift range although our proposed active inductor can operate in a much wider operating

frequency range and with a larger inductance tuning range. Simulated results indicate that

a single phase shift cell in Fig. 6.4(b) can only provide ~40° phase shift at the designed

center frequency under matching conditions. Therefore, the digital control technique is

exploited to extend the phase shift range. The diagram of the phase shifter is shown in

Fig. 6.4(a).


Figure 6.4 (a) A phase shifter; (b) A phase shift cell (D in (a)); (c) The switch (S in (a)).

Fig. 6.4(c) is the switch used in Fig. 6.4(a). To minimize the insertion loss caused

by the switch, the switch transistor size should be large. Then, the gate-drain/source

parasitic capacitors are large. To reduce the coupling from the signal path to ground

caused by the parasitic capacitors, resistors are added on purpose at the gates of the

transistors in switch transistors as shown in Fig. 6.4(c).

In Fig. 6.4(a), there are three digital inputs (V3, V2, V1) acting as coarse phase

shift controllers. They control exactly the 8 phase shift cells. For example, digital input

(0, 0, 0) means only one phase shift cell works, and (1, 1, 1) means all 8 phase shift cell

work. The fine phase shift controller is I1 and I2, which tunes the inductance value and Q-



When the return loss (S11) and the insertion loss (S21) are set to be better than -10

dB and -4 dB, respectively, the simulated results are shown in Fig. 6.5. It indicates that

the phase shifter can provide a phase shift range larger than 180° from 1.5 GHz to ~4

GHz by controlling digital inputs (V3, V2, V1) and tuning the current source I1. The power

consumption is less than 0.96 mW, which is much lower than 31.5 mW in [6.7]. If the

high-pass capacitor CH can be tunable, a wider operating frequency range can be

achieved. One possible application of this phase shifter is for on-chip six-port calibration,

in which sliding loads are needed [6.8].

Figure 6.5 Simulated results of tunable phase range with digital control (V3, V2, V1).



A tunable, low-power, high-Q, single-ended active inductor is proposed and

designed in this work. By introducing a feedback transistor, a negative resistor is

generated and therefore the Q-factor can be increased to a few thousands without

additional DC power consumption. The simulated results also verify that the equivalent

resistance can be tuned close to zero when operating frequency is lower than 8 GHz. In

other words, extremely high Q-factors up to a few thousands can be achieved. The

maximum self-resonance frequency of the inductor is about 17 GHz. The Monte Carlo

analysis results show that the proposed structure is reasonable stable. Since the

performance of the proposed structure is sensitive to the bias voltage, a high precision

and well-controlled bias voltage source is needed. To demonstrate the application of the

proposed active inductor, a 3-bit digitally-controlled phase shifter using the proposed

active inductor is designed. It can provide a phase shift range larger than 180° from 1.5

GHz to 4 GHz.


[6.1] Thanachayanont, A., Payne, A., ―VHF CMOS Integrated Active Inductor,‖

Electroncs Letters, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 999–1000, 1996.

[6.2] M. M. Reja, I. M. Filanoovsky, K. Moez, ―Wide Tunable CMOS Active Inductor,‖

Electronics Letters, vol, 44, no. 25, pp. 1461–1463, 2008.

[6.3] Yue Wu, Xiaohui Ding, Ismail, M., Olsson, H., ―RF Bandpass Filter Design Based on

CMOS Active Inductors,‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst. II: Analog and Digital

Signal Process, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 942–949, 2003.


[6.4] A. Tang, F. Yuan, E. Law, ―A New constant-Q CMOS active inductor with

applications to low-noise oscillators,‖ Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal

Processing, Vol. 58, pp. 77-80, 2009.

[6.5] Chaochih, Hsiao, Chinwei Kuo, Chienchih Ho, Yijen Chan, ―Improved Quality-

Factor of 0.18um CMOS Active Inductor by a Feedback Resistance Design,‖ IEEE

Microwave and Wireless Components Letter, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 467–469, 2002.

[6.6] Adriana Becker-Gomez, T. Lakshmi Viswanathan, T. R. Viswanathan, ―A Low-

Supply-Voltage CMOS Sub-Bandgap Reference,‖ IEEE Trans. on Circuits and

Systems-II: Express Briefs, Vol. 55, No.7, July 2008.

[6.7] M. A. Y. Abdalla, K. Phang, G. V. Eleftheriades, ―Printed and Integrated CMOS

Positive/Negative Refractive-Index Phase Shifters Using Tunable Active Inductors,‖

IEEE Trans. MTT, 2007, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1611–1623, 2007.

[6.8] C. Li, H. Zhang, P. Wang, ―A Novel Six-Port Circuit Based on Four Quadrature

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This work investigated the circuit modules for CMOS six-port measurement

system, including a source generator, which can be implemented by a voltage controlled

ring oscillator, power detectors, a six-port circuit, and a phase shifter for six-port


In chapter II, the oscillation frequency and waveform amplitude expressions for a

differential N-stage ring oscillator are derived with large signal analysis. The equations

derived from the this new platform can explain the nonlinearity phenomena, such as

delay time td versus stage number N, and waveform amplitude Vp versus tail current Iss or

load resistance Rload. The equations can be used to guide the voltage controlled ring

oscillator design, such as the tradeoffs among power consumption, area, frequency,

output power, and phase noise requirements.

In chapter III, a low power wideband power detector with embedded amplifier

was proposed, designed, and measured. First, in the conventional power detector system,

the input matching network is off chip and not convenient. So, a 0.5 GHz – 20.5 GHz

quasi T-coil input matching network saving about 50% area was first proposed and

analyzed. Furthermore, there is less loss in quasi T-coil matching network compared with

the conventional T-coil network. Second, an amplifier is embedded in the power detector


system rather than following it in the conventional power detector system.

Simultaneously, the power consumption is decreased and the sensitivity is increased by

introducing the embedded amplifier.

A novel six-port circuit saving about 20% area is proposed in chapter V, while

keeping similar sensitivity when it is compared with the conventional structure. This

structure is analyzed and verified by a prototype circuit based on transmission line

techniques. To implement this six-port circuit in CMOS technology, lumped-element

technology was used. To introduce the tuning mechanism for expanding the operating

frequency range, an active inductor is needed. So a novel differential active inductor with

10.2 GHz self resonance frequency is proposed, analyzed, and designed in chapter IV.

The measured results show that the operating frequency range satisfies the design

requirement. The potential issues are the input dynamic range and intrinsic nonlinearity,

which still need further work and improvement. The CMOS six-port with the proposed

active inductors in chapter IV was also fabricated and measured. Due to the limitation of

the measurement equipment, a test bench was designed. However, the loss in the test

bench seriously shifts the q-point of the six-port system. Advanced equipment and a test

bench with low loss are required in further work.

Finally, a tunable phase shifter was also designed to be used for calibration loads.

To implement the phase shifter, a low-power 1GHz – 8 GHz high Q-factor active

inductor was proposed and verified by simulated results. The Q-factor of the proposed

active inductor was improved by introducing a feedback transistor based on the


conventional single ended structure. The only drawback of the proposed structure is the

additional noise by the feedback transistor.


Assume all the gate-induced and channel-induced noise sources, Ingi and Indi (i=1,

…, 6), are independent, and the DAI are symmetrical, then according to the noise model

in Fig. 4.2 for DAI circuit in Fig. 4.1a, the differential noise output introduced by each

noise source can be calculated.


2 2

, 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 2 2


1 1out ng ng

gs mA

s s s s


s C C gR sL R sL



2 23 5

, 1 1

3 3 3 1 5 1 1

1 1


m m

out nd nd

m gs gs gs gs mA

s s

g gV I

g sC sC s C C C gR sL



2 2

, 2 2

1 1 1

1 1 2 2


1 1out ng ng

gs mA

s s s s


s C C gR sL R sL



2 23 5

, 2 2

3 3 3 1 5 1 1

1 1


m m

out nd nd

m gs gs gs gs mA

s s

g gV I

g sC sC s C C C gR sL




3 5 52 2

, 3 3

5 3 3 1 1 1

1 1 2 2

1 1

m m gs

out ng ng

gs m gs gs mA

s s s s

g g sCV I

sC g sC s C C gR sL R sL



5 32 2

, 3 3

5 3 3 1 1 5 5 1

1 1


m gs

out nd nd

gs m gs gs gs m mA

s s

g CV I

C g sC s C C C g gR sL



3 5 52 2

, 4 4

5 3 3 1 1 1

1 1 2 2

1 1

m m gs

out ng ng

gs m gs gs mA

s s s s

g g sCV I

sC g sC s C C gR sL R sL



5 32 2

, 4 4

5 3 3 1 1 5 5 1

1 1


m gs

out nd nd

gs m gs gs gs m mA

s s

g CV I

C g sC s C C C g gR sL



2 25

, 5 5

5 1 1 1

1 1 2 2

1 1


out ng ng

gs gs mA

s s s s

gV I

sC s C C gR sL R sL



2 2

, 5 5

1 1 1

1 1 2 2


1 1out nd nd

gs mA

s s s s


s C C gR sL R sL



2 25

, 6 6

5 1 1 1

1 1 2 2

1 1


out ng ng

gs gs mA

s s s s

gV I

sC s C C gR sL R sL




2 2

, 6 6

1 1 1

1 1 2 2


1 1out nd nd

gs mA

s s s s


s C C gR sL R sL


Since the noise sources are independent, the total output noise is

2 22 6 6, ,

1 1

2 2

2 26 6

1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1

out ngi out nditotal

i i

ngi ngi ndi ndi

i i

ngi ndi

s s s s


f f f


f fM M

R sL R sL


where Nngi, Mngi, Nndi, Mndi are constants and can be determined by (A-1)-(A-12).

top related