#cidui16 #cocreatic. creative programming

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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#CIDUI16 @ACT_Concordia#CoCreaTIC

Presented by Margarida.ROMERO@fse.ulaval.ca@MargaridaROMERO

Romero1, Davidson2, Cucinelli2, Ouellet1, Arthur3

1Université Laval, 2Concordia University, 3Kids Code Jeunesse

Learning to code:

from procedural puzzle-based games to creative programming

#5c21: Five key skills for the 21st century

● Five key skills for the 21st

century life long learner:

○ Critical thinking

○ Collaboration

○ Creativity

○ Problem solving

○ Computational thinking

Romero (2016). Design : Dumont

● Computational thinking is defined as

○ a new literacy that uses the process of abstraction,

automation and problem solving (Qin, 2009; Wing, 2006).

○ a way to develop new thinking strategies to analyze,

identify and organize relatively complex and ill-defined

tasks (Rourke & Sweller, 2009)

○ a set of "concepts and process which are explicitly

related to computer science" (Tchounikine, 2016, p.2). ○ a “set of cognitive and metacognitive strategies linked to

the knowledge and process modelling” such as the

identification, decomposition and structural organisation

of items into logical sequences, the capacity of

abstraction, pattern identification and the understanding

and creation of algorithms (Romero, 2016, p. 4)

Visual programming: from Logo to Scratch

Logo (Papert, 1979) http://www.papert.org/ https://scratch.mit.edu/

(MIT, Resnick et al, 2003)

5 levels of learning to code activities

Passive or procedural learning to code activities

In some cases,

○ programming has been approached as a procedural task,

with little pedagogical interest beyond learning to code;

○ passive or procedural learning to code activities

Leaves no room for knowledge building and creativity;

○ learning to code is sometimes considered as an objective

per se, or as a market imperative, “motivated by a

shortage of programmers and software developers in the

industry, focussed especially on preparing students for

computer science degrees and careers, and they typically

introduce coding as a series of logic puzzles for students

to solve” (Resnick & Siegel, 2015, para. 2).

Programming as a knowledge modelling tool

○ Programming could be used as a knowledge modeling tool

(Jonassen, Strobel, & Gottdenker, 2005) with a huge creative,

cognitive (Lajoie, & Derry, 1993) and metacognitive potential

(Azevedo, 2005). However, like any other technology, it must

be pedagogically integrated in the classroom activities as a

mindtool, and not only a technical tool, to deploy its potential.

○ We favor teaching coding as a participatory process that

could be, in and by itself, a learning tool or a “mindtool” as

Jonassen (1996) called them.

○ Creative programming goes beyond the consumer approach

of technology and coding.

○ We also argue that coding could be used to (re)assess

intergenerational learning through joint creative programming


Intergenerational learning to code workshop

○ Within the ACT project (www.actproject.ca), we

also argue that coding could be used to (re)

assess intergenerational learning through joint

creative programming workshops.

○ https://vimeo.com/157339347

Creative programming with Scratch and #Vibot the robot


Studio #Scratch de #Vibot: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1999251/



Presented by Margarida.ROMERO@fse.ulaval.ca@MargaridaROMERO

Romero1, Davidson2, Cucinelli2, Ouellet1, Arthur3

1Université Laval, 2Concordia University, 3Kids Code Jeunesse

Learning to code:

from procedural puzzle-based games to creative programming

From passive ICT usage to participatory knowledge co-creation

Passive-participatory model (Romero, Laferrière, & Power, 2016).

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