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Magazine for today Christain woman


2 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

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Christ ian Womanhood Contents

05 Notes | From the EditorThoughts on Good HealthBy Cindy Schaap

07Precepts | Principles for LifeLove Is Not Easily ProvokedBy Cindy Schaap

09Hints | HomemakingHomemaking Hints

10 Talks for TeensNever Take a Vacation From GodBy Jaclynn Weber

11 Feature | HealthGeneral Tips for PregnancyBy Cassie Bachman

12Feature | HealthHelp for the SkinBy April Cuozzo

13School | Teacher’s ToolsAn Apple a DayBy Pastor Steve Christner

14Marriage | A Wife’s PurposeSchool of MarriageBy Vicky Mutchler

16 Feature | HealthBald & 21!By Johanna Forster McCroskey

18Feature | HealthTerrible Too’sBy Robin Ogle

20 Feature | HealthThe Quiet YearsBy Molly Audiss

22 Missions | “Go Ye…”“Iyuvay!” By Sarah Glover

23 Perspectives | From Men for WomenWork Hard!By Brian Hasse

24 Precepts | Principles for LifeHis Wonders in the DeepBy Rena Fish

25School | Teacher’s ToolsHip, Hip, Hooray! There’s Homework…By Robin Ogle

26 Perspectives | From the Pastor’s HeartSome Words to Guide Music Choices By Dr. Jack Schaap

28Recipe | From the Kitchen of…Best Barbeque BeefContributed by Cassie Bachman

29 Children | They Call Me MomPreparing Five Loaves & Two FishesBy Eliza Beth Christensen

30 Salvation | Let’s Go Soul WinningA Double Heart TransplantBy Linda Hoover

4 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

I Corinthians 9:24, 25, “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.”

The theme of this issue is health. I have always been interested in the subject of health. I have often said that had God not called my husband and me into full-time Christian work, I would have enjoyed being a nutritionist. My mom and I enjoy talking about our health. It is almost comical; if there is nothing else to talk about, there is always the subject of health. Though I enjoy the subject of health, I also enjoy the subject of food. The fact that I love to cook is probably connected with the fact that I love to eat. Love of food is a quality that runs in our family, so I can always blame my parents. My husband and I often tease about how many of my father’s sermon illustrations revolved around food. One of his most well-known poems, “I Love America!” contained a lot of references to food. His love of food is just one of the many reasons I think my father was a smart man. I am blessed in that I love a lot of healthy foods. My mom cooked almost every type of vegetable when I was in her home. But I also have somewhat of a man’s appetite. My favorite meat is beef. I would love to have a steak over chicken or fish any day. My all-time favorite food is chili. My husband once teased me that it is not feminine to have chili for one’s favorite food. Soon after, I discovered that the late Mrs. Lee Roberson, the wife of a well-known pastor of a mega church, Dr. Lee Roberson, considered chili to be one of her favorite foods. Mrs. Roberson and I had a lively conver-sation once about where the restaurants with the best chili were located all over America. Mrs. Roberson’s love for chili was some-thing I reminded my husband of regularly.

“All great women love chili,” I would tease. I also love gravy! My Texan mother is a Southern cook, and I loved everything she cooked—more if it was covered in gravy. I adore candy! I never went for jel-lybeans, circus peanuts, gummy worms, or

August 2012 Vol. 38 Num. 4

Senior Editor: Mrs. Cindy SchaapCindy Schaap is the wife of Dr. Jack Schaap, the pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. She is the author of 14 books and has been the senior editor of Christian Womanhood since 2001.

PUBLISHERA ministry of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana


SENIOR EDITORMrs. Cindy Schaap

ASSISTANT EDITORMrs. Linda Stubblefield


FOUNDER/EDITORDr. Marlene Evans (1933-2001)

Single issues–$3.50 each plus $1.50 postage

Send orders to Christian Womanhood, 507 State Street, Hammond, Indiana 46320 or order online at

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Christian Womanhood Issue 04 August 2012 (USPS 344-290) is published monthly for $29.95 per year by Christian Womanhood of Hammond, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320-1533. Periodical postage paid at Crown Point, IN, and additional mailing office in Fort Atkinson, WI. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Christian Womanhood, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN, 46320.

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any “childish” candies like those. No, I have loved chocolate and caramel for as long as I can remember, and no other type of candy would do. Secretly, I wonder if my mother put caramel and chocolate in my bottle when I was a baby; it must be her fault! The love for nutrition and the love for all things high in cholesterol often clash in my life, and so I often have to remind myself that my body is not my own. Jesus sacrificed His body for me when He died on the Cross, and He asks me to repay Him by giving Him mine. Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reason-able service.” We are blessed to live in America, where no one is asking us to die for Jesus, but He does ask us to live for Him. We are also blessed to live in a country where every type of food imaginable is avail-able to us. I believe that a part of living for Jesus is to yield my bodily appetites to Him. I have even thought about putting a sign on my refrigerator that says, “My body belongs to God.” I would also need to put the same sign on my pantry where the salty foods are. The word temperate in I Corinthians 9 means “self-control.” The word self-control does not have a fun sound. I like the sound of “Cheez-It” better. But the word mastery in I Corinthians 9 means “victory.” I love the sound of victory, and that word prize doesn’t

Notes From the Editor

Christian Womanhood is designed by Jeff Hanson • 5Toll Free 855-214-6551

6 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

From the Editor Notes

sound bad either. It kind of reminds me of what I might find in the bottom of a Cracker Jack box. I Corinthians 9 is teaching that in order to have victory in our lives, we must strive for self-control. This thought process helps me. I haven’t had a donut in years, and I love donuts—especially warm and glazed. Sometimes I think about all of the treats that I have been missing through the years. I must not stay there long. Rather, I must ponder all of the fatigue, extra aches and pain and disease I might be missing by skipping sugar and other chemi-cals in my diet. A thought that motivates me is this: the boring self-control it takes to choose a common sense meal over a self-indulgent comfort food is bringing me closer to my goal of victory. I for one have learned that if my body feels defeated, so will my mind and spirit shortly. Does this thought help me to always choose the right foods? No, I am afraid not! I still find Cheez-It crackers awfully appealing, and sometimes I feel that I deserve them. I still indulge in too much food and in foods that are not good for me from time to time. Often I find myself needing to push the reset button again regarding the choices I make for my body. The

best reset buttons I can push are the ones that say, “Jesus gave His body for me.” And “I can give my body back to Him—as a LIVING sacrifice.” When I see Jesus, I hope that I can stand before Him having given Him my best with my body. That, my friend, will require self-control, but it will lead us to the most awesome victory celebration that we could ever imagine. Pray about your diet—how much you eat and how healthy you eat. Ask God to lead you to some good re-sources so you can educate yourself about nutrition. God has a right to take our health, but we don’t have a right to trash it. I wish you a happy rest of the summer, and I wish you victory in your eating today and then one day at a time.

Losing Weight~Gaining Control by Jane Grafton $20Feeling Great & Looking Good… for the Cause of Christ by Jane Grafton (eBook) $

RESOURCES: 7Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Cindy SchaapSenior Editor Christian Womanhood

Precepts Pr inciples for L i fe

Love Is Not Easily Provoked

The Bible definitions of the word provoked are “easily angered, touchy, irritable, quick-tempered, and to take offense.” In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, provoked is defined: “to incite anger, to irritate.”

A person who is easily provoked may express anger because of some daily irritation such as being cut off in traffic or having another person to delay him. All of us become angry at the daily irritations of life from time to time. Yet a person who is easily and consistently angered by daily irritations is probably consumed by a more deep-rooted anger.

The Most Common Cause of Deep-Rooted Anger Is Rejection.

The first angry person in the Bible was Cain. Cain’s anger caused him to kill his brother Abel. Cain’s anger was caused by rejection. God accepted Abel’s obedient sacrifice, but He rejected Cain’s disobedience (Genesis 4:1-15).

Joseph’s brothers felt rejected by their father Jacob, so they became angry and sold Joseph into slavery (Genesis 37).

Jonah felt rejected by God. Jonah had preached that Nineveh would be destroyed if its people did not repent. When the Ninevites did repent, God decided to spare their nation, so Jonah was angry.

It is easier to love those who are easily provoked when we remember that most people who are easily provoked are that way because they have suffered some form of rejection. People from dysfunctional families and unhappy marriages are much more likely to “fly off the handle” than those who are not.

If Rejection Is the Cause of Anger, Then the Cure for Anger Is Acceptance.

Everyone will experience some form of rejection in his lifetime. Most people will suffer many types of rejection. If rejection is the source of anger, then without Christ, our so-ciety is doomed to anger and violence (which, by the way, explains the rise of anger and violence in our media and in our society in general).

If a Christian is to overcome rejection and live above an-ger, he must learn to find the cure—acceptance—in the right place. The right avenue for obtaining acceptance is the love of God. God’s love is an accepting love. Ephesians 1:6, “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

“Charity…Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked.…” (I Corinthians 13:4, 5)

8 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Precepts Pr inciples for L i fe

when they saw some deer. One of them shouted to their aunt, “Look, there are some deer! God loves us!”

Kinda’s purpose in sharing this story was to thank me for teaching the concept of looking for God’s love in a way that even children can practice it.

This story brought tears to my eyes. It is my hope and prayer that the children who call me their pastor’s wife will learn from a young age to find their love and acceptance from God. Of course, a relationship with the Word of God and prayer is the great enhancer of our love relationship with God.

I recommend memorizing passages like Ephesians 1:3-6 which remind us that God chooses us, adopts us, and ac-cepts us. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: 4According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.” No child of God has any valid reason to allow rejection to anger him and to make him irritable. God’s acceptance trumps any other rejection that we may have received in life. It reveals our true worth. Remember to find your security and your happiness in your relationship with Christ. How else can we overcome anger?

2Don’t take other people’s anger personally. Remember that people are angry because of rejection. I was in the dry cleaner’s recently when the lady

at the counter shared that she had had to call the police just before I came in. A customer became so angry that his shirt was not cleaned correctly that he threatened to physically harm the young girl who was working there. Either this man has a mental illness, or else I guarantee you that he has suffered some major rejection in his life.

The person who displays road rage by shaking his fist in my direction is not my personal enemy. I can smile and continue driving with a good spirit when I recall that all anger is a result of rejection.

Whether it is a close friend or a stranger on the road, no one needs his anger to be reciprocated by my own anger. Rather, their anger reveals that they need my love more than the average person.

3 See people as broken and not bad. My husband and I live in the limelight or in a fishbowl, so to speak. We have been on the receiving end of much love that we

feel we do not deserve. On the other hand, we have been publicly maligned over and over. In our discussions about these rejections, we have reminded each other time and again that the very people who have most vehemently attacked us or our ministry are those who most need God’s love to be expressed through us. Feelings of hurt and rejection are always behind vehement displays of anger.

Allow me to use a similar illustration to one found in the book A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado. Suppose I were to pin a Gerbera daisy on my jacket lapel one morning. The Gerbera daisy is my favorite flower, and having one on my lapel would set me in a good mood for the day.

Imagine that I met several people throughout the day who leaned against and smashed my daisy. Worse yet, what if people repeatedly took a petal from my daisy throughout the day? I would come to the end of the day with an annihilated flower which was lacking in beauty. I could become very irritated, quick-tempered, and angered toward those who had their part in destroying my daisy. I might find myself avoiding people and defending myself from their attacks in order to preserve my daisy.

However, if I were the owner of a florist shop or if I had a garden that was full of thousands of Gerbera daisies, I would not react to people in the same way. I would just put a fresh daisy on my lapel each morning and let people do with it what they might. My openness and friendliness with others would be unhindered by what happened to my daisy.

Acceptance is a delicate flower for which people search in their lives. Each person is prone to hang onto what accep-tance he has found in life and to guard it from destruction.

Life itself and people in general can carelessly smash and remove our feeling of acceptance through their carelessness and sometimes through their outright rejection. If we carry only a little bit of acceptance around with us, then we will allow the carelessness and rejection of other people to anger us. If we possess a storehouse of acceptance, then we can love the most careless of people, and we can overlook the most blatant of rejection by retaliating with love.

Storing up God’s acceptance is the secret to avoiding anger in our lives.

How Can We Avoid Anger in Our Lives?

1Open your heart and receive God’s love and acceptance every day. Then you will be able to heal from rejection. Being a pastor or a pastor’s wife, or living in any kind

of limelight, opens one up for more rejection. More people are watching us and determining whether or not they want to accept us. I am learning that it is possible to truly love those who reject me as a pastor’s wife by keeping my spirit full of the acceptance of God.

Living for God can bring rejection. Those who do not share our faith or our standards may reject us because of our lifestyle. Sometimes this rejection can come from people we love and whose acceptance we crave. We must instead crave God’s ac-ceptance. His acceptance gives us the ability to love those who reject us for the choices we feel God has led us to make.

Again, looking for ways God shows you He loves you and learning to “perceive” the love of God are unbeatable methods for feeling the acceptance that overcomes anger and rejection.

Kinda Carpenter Clifford, my husband’s correspondence secretary, shared a sweet story with me. She was driving her elementary school-aged niece and nephew down the street 9Toll Free 855-214-6551

4 Remember that anger always says to the person receiving it, “You are not loved.” There is never a reason to punish a child in anger. I believe that

punishment is an important part of child rearing, especially when it is balanced in a proper ratio with love. However, a parent can punish a child without frowning, yelling, or expressing anger. A parent must realize that when he expresses anger to a child, he is saying to that child, “I do not love you!” At least, that is what the child hears in his heart.

If I have only one Gerbera daisy and you smash it or steal its petals, I may become very angry, disappointed, or unhappy with you. I may even avoid you or push you away, but if I own a vacant lot that is full of thousands of Gerbera daisies, you can smash and destroy my daisy. I can easily remain loving in my spirit. I will not avoid you, nor will I push you away.

So it is with the acceptance of God, which is the only place where true acceptance can be found. If I have just a

small amount of acceptance, I must guard it from destruc-tion or harm. I must avoid people, push people away, and become angry with people so that they will not hurt my small feeling of worth through their rejection.

However, if I am full and overflowing with God’s accep-tance, then you can poke at my acceptance, and you can try to steal my acceptance, but it will not affect my love for you.

You can do whatever you want to my acceptance—even try to destroy it with public displays or rejection, but I can still love you. You see, I have a place where I retreat and a Person I meet there Who gives me a new daisy every morning and several times throughout the day.

God weeds away the rejection and the anger from life’s garden every morning and adorns it with a fresh bouquet of His love and acceptance. For this reason, I can avoid anger. Because of God’s acceptance, I can bear your rejec-tion, and I can love you because God has filled me with His love—and love is not easily provoked!

Hints Homemaking

Homemaking Hints

Get rid of any excess clutter. This suggestion hits home with most people. Trying to clean effectively with clothes and towels on the floor, magazines piled up, or dishes everywhere is frustrating at best. Do a quick pick up and make it a goal to have a clutter-free house.

Turn up the housecleaning music. You will no doubt be amazed at how much faster cleaning will go when you play fast-paced, happy music.

Seasoning a cast iron pan: Wash pan in warm soapy water. Use a scouring pad to remove all manufacturing residue; this will also roughen the surface and prepare it for seasoning. Fill pan with salt and leave on a gas flame for at least one and a half hours (medium flame) without disturbing. Remove pan from heat (handle will be extremely hot) and empty salt into sink. (The

salt will be of extreme temperature, so do not empty into a plastic bin or bin liner! Remove any residual salt by rubbing pan with paper towels (remember pan is still red hot!!) Half fill pan with cooking oil (use one with a high flash point—for example, soya) and place on a low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and discard the oil. Remove any residual dirty oil with paper towels. Rub or wipe with fresh oil before storage. After repeated use, pan will turn black; this is a sign of a durable, natural, non-stick surface. Repeat at regular intervals.

ResourceTaste of Paradise Cookbook ($10)A comprehensive section of homemaking hints is included in this cookbook.See page 31 for ordering informationor order online at

“Bondage to sin has always been the first choice of man—not God.”~ Dr. Jack Schaap

10 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Jaclynn WeberPianist, First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana

Never Take a Vacation From God

My dad took our whole family to Florida for spring break this year, and we had a blast!! It was sunny and in the 80s the whole week, and we stayed in a huge home right on the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, we could walk out the sliding glass doors off the deck, through the sandy yard, and be in the ocean within a few seconds! It was pretty amazing! We saw some really incredible animal life: three sharks that we snorkeled with in the ocean; the trail from an 11-foot crocodile (named Tic-Toc) that stayed under our house and swam in the pool at night; huge stingrays called “manta rays”; lots of fish, crabs, lobsters, and lizards; some dolphins, a big iguana, and a black snake in the backyard! There was definitely a lot of “wildlife” there, and it was so fun! We also got to do some really fun things, like boating, snorkeling, trying new foods like conch fritters (conch shells are the ones that you can hold up to your ear and hear the ocean sound in), swimming in the ocean, fishing, and watching the sooo bright stars at night. You can actually see shooting stars and constellations, unlike in Indiana where you are lucky if you see one star at night!

Something else I love about vacation (besides the palm trees!) is being outside so much and having extra time to

talk to God. There is just something about sitting on a dock by the ocean listening to the waves and seeing the brilliant stars that makes God seem so much closer than He does in my living room inside my house. Looking up at the endless blue sky makes me feel so much closer to Heaven than looking up at my white ceiling. It is so easy to think about God when I am watching dol-phins jump out of the water, bald eagles fly through the air, and seagulls swoop down to catch fish in the water. God just seems so close that I can almost reach out and jump into His arms (but I think I’d actually fall right into the ocean!).

You know, I love taking vacations and trips. It’s always fun to go somewhere you have never been before, but there is one vacation I never want to take, and that is a vacation from God. My least favorite part about going on a trip is coming home and unpacking! I hate unpacking! And it always takes a few days to get back into normal life again and used to the routine. Well, a vacation from God is like that but ten times worse. It takes work to be close to God, and once you have a relationship with Him, it gets easier and easier to spend time with Him. But once you leave Him for a while, it is harder to feel close to Him right away. Friendships take work, relationships with family take work, and so does a close walk with God.

My dad tells a story about a high school guy he taught in Sunday school many years ago. It was the end of the summer

Talks For Teens 11Toll Free 855-214-6551

Talks For Teens

when school was about to start again. As my dad was talking with the young men before class had started, one of them told about cleaning out his locker. He said, “Hey, guys, guess what I found in my locker?” Before they could guess, he laughingly said, “My Bible! I was wondering where that went!”

They all laughed. My dad asked if he had any other Bibles, to which he responded that he did not. Dad asked, “So you have not read your Bible at all for the past three months?” The boy responded that he had not. That guy had taken not only a vacation from school, but also a vacation from God, and while everyone loves summer vacation, a vacation from God is not “cool.”

Just think what would happen if God took a vacation from us. Who would we turn to in our darkest times, and who would give us the strength we need to make it through? What if we went to talk to Him, but He wasn’t listening because it wasn’t “His time” to talk to us? What if we had to take a number like we do at customer service or wait in line like we do for a ride at an amusement park? What if we cried out to Him, but He didn’t answer? That sounds absurd because we

know He doesn’t do that to us, yet we do that to Him. It’s a good thing God treats us better than we treat Him, or we would not have Someone Who cares for us and answers us every time! We never have to wait our turn to talk to God or fly somewhere to visit Him. He’s always there for us when we need Him.

The Bible says in Psalm 56:3, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” The Bible also says in Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” He is there seven days a week, 365 days a year, rain or shine; whether we think we need Him or not (we always do!), HE IS THERE.

So treat Him like He treats you—be there for Him, spend time with Him, and never take a vacation from Him. Because once you do, it will only be harder to get back to Him.

“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee….” (Hebrews 13:5)

By Cassie BachmanCassie is the wife of Dr. Mark Bachman, the leader of a team of missionaries to Eurasia. Dr. Bachman and his team plan to leave for the field in 2013. The Bachmans are the parents of 15 children.

Feature Health

General Tips for Pregnancy

1Be active. Staying active during pregnancy will help keep up your strength. Walking is one of the best

exercises any time and especially during pregnancy. Lounging around doing nothing is never a good idea. If your doctor has cautioned you to take it easy, ask what you would be allowed to do for exercise.

2Be happy. Proverbs 15:13, “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance….” Have a positive

attitude. Listen to good, godly music and uplifting sermons. Read good books. Stay away from gossip, criticism, and negative people. Your attitude does affect your baby.

3Eat healthy. Many women have a certain “glow” about them during pregnancy. Some of that is due to the eager anticipation of a new life growing within, but most of it is due

to being more health-conscious. You become more aware of what you are eating. Fruits, vegetables, and salads are excellent snack foods. These foods will keep you awake and alert longer than the temporary “high” foods like chips, chocolates, and pastries give.

4Get proper rest. Your body will require more rest than usual, especially toward the end. If you are expecting your first baby, enjoy! If you have one or two preschoolers running

around, you’ll need to use your imagination to snatch rest times. Retire for the evening at the same time or shortly after the children do. Nap while they are napping. Sit down while doing the everyday, necessary tasks—folding laundry, preparing meals, changing diapers, etc. You can even purchase a high stool or a stepladder to sit on while washing dishes or ironing clothes.

“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee….” (Hebrews 13:5)

12 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Feature Health

By April CuozzoApril is married to Dr. Mario Cuozzo, a member of the music faculty at Hyles-Anderson College and the adult choir director at First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana.

Help for the Skin

Most American women are obsessed with looking younger and are spending millions of dollars a year to smooth out wrinkles. Turning back the clock does take some effort, but it does not have to cost a lot of money! The following simple beauty tips do not cost a lot of money:

1Go for a brisk walk outdoors. Nothing can give the skin a healthy glow and pretty color like walking in the fresh air!

2 Drink 6 to 8 glasses of purified water every day. Water moisturizes the skin from within! We dry up and wrinkle like prunes because we

have turned our back on God’s moisturizer: water!

3 Only put natural moisturizers on the skin. Pure coconut oil makes a wonderful, inexpensive moisturizer. It doesn’t take very

much to make the skin soft and smooth, and it will last a very long time.

4 Use only natural makeups. There are several kinds of healthy, natural makeups available. To see if the makeup you are using is non-

toxic, go to, type in your brand, and the experts will tell you how it tests. The Environmental Working Group did a six-month investigation into the health and safety assessments of more than 10,000 personal care products’ ingredients. This Web site reveals the results of their study. Burts Bees has a good line of moisturizers and cleansers that seem to be very natural. Almay also had some good test results.

5 Stay away from harsh chemicals. The skin reacts adversely to toxins. American women are exposed to some powerful substances that eventually

show up in the bloodstream. A short list of the worst ones include nail polish, nail polish remover, bathroom cleansers, oven cleaners, hair sprays, and air fresheners. Go natural with all household cleaning jobs. Use water, vinegar, and baking soda to clean the house. These cost so much less and work just fine!

6 Try to laugh more often. Record some clean, funny television shows that make you laugh. Some of the old comedy shows are good beauty treatments.

7 Get a good night’s sleep. The body heals while we sleep. Try to do relaxing activities in the evening that will slow down the heart rate and help sleep

come naturally. Don’t eat in the evening as it prevents the digestive tract and heart from resting.

8 Try to get a little nap in every afternoon. It does not have to be long. Putting the feet up and closing the eyes for just ten minutes will make a


9 My mom’s favorite inexpensive beauty tip is to take some deep breaths several times a day. Try it right now. It is relaxing and refreshing, and it

helps with circulation. It’s also free! American marketing and sales have perverted our thinking and cost us more than is necessary. Go back to basics, use only natural products and see what happens. 13Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Steve ChristnerPastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Turner, Maine

School Teacher’s Tools

T he wisest man in the world tells us that “…the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.” From

our lips come words, communication, instruction, and teaching. Proverbs 16:24 reads, “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” These sweet words increase learning. As a teacher, my goal is to increase learning. Teachers use many different means to increase learning such as curriculum, teaching aids, projects, tests, quizzes, along with other and various methods. However, we find that God gives us a sure means that will increase learning, and that way is “sweetness of the lips.” Therefore:

1Always greet your students in a positive and friendly way. DO NOT greet students with past problems or negatives. When your students arrive, do not ask about unfinished work,

forgotten papers, homework not done, or unprepared supplies. There is a place, a time, and a way to deal with these issues, but when the students first arrive is not the time to do so.

2 Do not end the day on a negative or confrontational manner. DO NOT “catch” parents as they come to school to pick up their children and tell them the woes of the day. Have a

positive and orderly manner of dismissing your students. If a student has had a problem during the day, the time to discuss this is not with the parent in front of the student when the parent comes to pick up the child. If there is a problem, it will be made known to the parent and dealt with in a manner that is already in place, such as a parent-teacher meeting, a report card, or a private appointment.

3 Use “sweet words” during the day in your teaching as a means to increase learning. Although there must be negatives and confrontation at times, a Bible-teaching

method is to speak sweet words from the lips. Sweet words will help the negative to be accepted and have the right outcome. Teachers, the words we say with the taste of sweetness are what will help our students to learn. Parents, the words we say with the taste of sweetness are what will help our children to learn.

An Apple a Day

“…the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.” (Proverbs 16:21)

14 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Marr iage A Wife’s Purpose

By Vicky MutchlerPastor’s Wife, Grandview Baptist Church, Beavercreek, Oregon

School of Marriage

Here it is, time for school to start again! You may think the days of “readin’, writin’, and arithmetic” are over for you, but school is still in session if you are married! A wedding lasts only one day, but a marriage lasts for the rest of your life.

When two people get married, they join themselves to each other to become one. Becoming one doesn’t happen overnight. It is something that is learned and that the couple becomes better at as they share their married life together. Hence —“the school of marriage.” Becoming one means loving each other, sharing your lives with each other, and taking each other into consideration. Let’s take a look at our subjects:

History Remember your first date? You could think of nothing else! You

had to choose just the right outfit, and your hair and makeup had to look perfect! What was it that attracted you to him? His smile? His personality? The way his eyes lit up when he saw you? Was it love at first sight, or did he “grow on you”? Never get too far from the HISTORY of your relationship.

Math1+1=1 ä Husband + Wife = One flesh

Genesis 2:24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

1+1= 2 ä Husband + Wife = Couple Genesis 2:22, “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken

from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

1+1= 3 ä Husband (God) + Wife (God) = TriuneI Corinthians 11:3, “But I would have you know, that the head

of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

EconomicsMoney can become the “root of all evil”—forget the LOVE

part! Finances can quickly be the downfall of a marriage. Money is something everyone has to deal with on a daily basis…bills! It can be a sore subject! Many find themselves having more month than money! Don’t paint yourself into a corner with debt. 15Toll Free 855-214-6551

School of Marriage

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) Science

There is a “science” to a happy marriage and many great benefits. Children who are the result of such a home are less likely to repeat a grade in school. They are health-ier. Depression, lying, and the use of alcohol are greatly reduced when things are happy at home!

EnglishFirst, always speak well of your spouse. We live in a day

and age in which cutting each other down seems regret-tably accepted. Remember that your spouse is the only relative that you get to choose. When you talk bad about your spouse, you are saying in effect, that you cannot pick out a good one! Secondly, remember that men and women speak two different languages! You may have to call in an interpreter from time to time!

ReadingYou CANNOT read each other’s minds! (I have found

that when I try, I am usually way off base!) It is better to ask “dumb” questions and always keep communication lines OPEN! Talk about things like you did when you were dating!

RecessEver get tired of playing games like “Follow the

Leader”? God placed the man as the leader of the home! We will not experience the blessings of God if we try to take that position over. How about “Hide-and-Seek”? Ever withdraw? Pout? Remember “Mother, May I”? Does your husband feel like he is married to his mother? I’ve seen grown men ask their wives for their allowances so they could buy something at the store! (If you take care of the finances, please give him his allowance at home!)

Let’s give ourselves as lifetime students! Marriage is ordained by God and something worth working on. It does require work! There is little place for coast-ing through. Sharpen your pencils, read, and study your subjects well! Try your best for an A+ in the school of marriage!

16 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Feature Health

By Johanna Forster McCroskeyJohanna is a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College. She became the wife of Dave McCroskey in July 2012.

“Bald” and “21” are two terms that usually do not go together, but in my life they do. Six months ago I was diagnosed with stage-four cancer. This was actually my second battle with cancer. In June of 2007, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called nerve sheath tumors. These tumors travel through the bloodstream and attack the nerves. I had two surgeries and 25 treatments of radiation to get rid of the cancer. The doctors told me that the chances of the cancer’s coming back were .1 percent. That fall I became a student of Hyles-Anderson College and went through four years of college without a cancer scare. I graduated from college in May of 2011 and went home to enjoy the summer with my family.

I had no idea that this summer would be so life-chang-ing. In May, I felt what I believed to be a new tumor in my arm, and so began the never-ending doctor appointments. I find it quite funny that in order to find out you have cancer, you have to go through such a series of doctor’s appoint-ments. It takes months to actually get in to see the doctor, and then once you see him, you have to wait for your test results. You would think it would only take a couple of weeks to know if a tumor in your arm was cancerous, but it ended up taking me about two months.

To make a long story short, the doctors found that I not only had one tumor in my arm, but I also had nine tumors in my lungs. My lungs had also begun to fill up with fluid, which was making it very difficult for me to breathe. I remember going to the doctor and knowing in my heart that he was about to tell me some really bad news. I kept trying to tell myself it was going to be okay. I remember he came in, looked at my father and me, and said, “It doesn’t look good. You are going into the hospital tomorrow, and we are going to start you on an intense dose of chemo-therapy.” That was it! So many thoughts raced through my mind at that moment.

“How is chemo going to make me feel?”

“When will I lose all my hair?” “Am I going to survive through all of this?” The fear of the unknown has always been scary for me, but here

I was at that moment in my life when I couldn’t turn to anyone and say, “I pass.” This was my life, and nobody could change it. I remember praying, “God, I do not know why I have to go through this. I do not know why You chose me, but I must be able to handle it. So please, please, help me!”

After the doctor’s appointment, the first thing I did was cut my hair short. I always wondered what I would look like with short hair, and if I didn’t like it, it would just fall out anyway after che-mo. Mine was a win-win situation! I remember being very scared when I went into the hospital the next day, but I knew that God was with me, and with Him it was all going to be okay.

That first round of chemo was horrible! I have never been so sick in my life. When I got out of the hospital, it became worse. I became so dehydrated that within a week, I had to go back in the hospital. I lost about twenty pounds in two weeks (chemo is also a great weight-loss plan.) I thought, “If this is how it is going to be every time I have chemo, there is no way I will survive.”

I am now writing this article after receiving my fifth round of chemo, and let me tell you they have not all been that bad. I am not an expert at trials, but I can tell you that God is so good—no matter what. I have seen Him perform miracles in this trial, and

Bald & 21!

Dave & JohannaMcCroskey 17Toll Free 855-214-6551

I just thank Him for allowing me to go through it. If I had never gone through cancer, I would have never known what a God of miracles we serve. The doctors told me that the kind of cancer I had is incurable, and basically the odds were not in my favor.

I remember that Brother Chris Tefft, a Bible teacher at Hyles-Anderson College, once said: “God excels in statistical impos-sibilities!” As I sat there in that doctor’s office that day, I had a peace that even though these doctors could not cure me, my God could! My doctors didn’t expect me to live past August, but God knew that I would. Two months after starting chemo, God showed up and performed a huge miracle. The doctors were stunned that they could not find any tumors in my lungs. Medically, that was not supposed to happen, but it did because of God. God performed that statistical impossibility in my life. And that is exactly what He can do for you too.

I just want to encourage you who may be going through a trial today or sometime in the near future. You may not know how you are going to get through, but with God you can get through it! If I have learned anything through this trial, it would be these fol-lowing thoughts.

One, God is a God of miracles. You may not always see the miracle right away, but one day you will. And when the Devil comes and tells you that you are losing this battle and to just give up, remember Whom you serve. You serve the Almighty God;

there is nothing He cannot do! Two, live a positive life. This lesson is not always easy,

but life is so much better when you live with a smile and not a frown. At times it would be so much easier to give up, but always try to look on the bright side. One of the assets about my not having hair is that I never have a bad hair day! I get ready a lot faster in the morning. If I want to be blonde one day and brunette the next, I can! I love trying on wigs, and it is fun to have a new hairstyle every day. Take the trials that God brings in your life and make the most out of them. You will never know whom you can reach by just being nice.

Third, take the trial God has given to you and let Him turn it into a blessing. I look back at this battle that I have been facing, and you know what I see? I see God giving me blessing after blessing. I remember the little ways God would show Himself to me during the darkest days of che-mo. I consider it an honor to go through cancer; I would not change it for the world. The darkest times of your life are when you find out what a great God you serve. There will be hard times, but the good days and blessings will out-weigh the bad days. Go through your trial with God and let Him pour out His blessings upon you. Let Him turn your darkest days into blessings.

Bald & 21!

18 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Robin OglePastor’s Wife, Calvary Baptist Church, Canton, Illinois

Feature Health

Terrible Too’s Ladies, it happens to all of us. Right when our life seems a little more settled, our finances are a bit more secure, and our time is a little more open to do what we have always dreamed of…it happens. Our children are grown, and they bring bundles of joy for us to embrace and…it happens. We are struck down in the prime of life and zapped with a horrible affliction called the TERRIBLE TOO’S!

Too Tired. Let’s be honest! We gals have been

tired ever since our firstborn had colic! The world is run by tired people. But your offspring want to shop, cook, and get together. Your grandchildren want to play hide-and-seek, ride bikes, and throw rocks. Folks under 30 like to DO things! Please get in bed early, take a nap at a scheduled time, and then GO spend time with your family. One day you will be in Heaven. Will you be happier that you went to the zoo with your family or watched reruns of “Gunsmoke”? Activities will cause you to feel younger, look younger, and act younger. Do not use being tired as an excuse to sit around the house. “…for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) 19Toll Free 855-214-6551

“Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

Too Sick. Gals seem to collect health problems as they travel “over

the hill.” Take your medicine, take your vitamins, eat your fiber, drink your prune juice, and then focus on what you can do. If your illness keeps you housebound, get a ton of messy supplies from the craft store for grandchildren to play with. Have your adult girls over for a DVD night. Plan a family scrapbooking party. Learn how to knit and then teach your granddaughter. You can be sick at home or sick at the mall. Don’t let your illness consume your life. “I am afflicted very much: quicken me, O Lord, according unto thy word.” (Psalm 119:107)

Too Busy. It looks like the new retirement age is about 99 years

old. Grannies have jobs, activities, clubs, condos, and travel trailers. What they do not have is time for their children and grandchildren. How sad to see a senior citizen get bit by the selfishness bug. “I reared my kids; now it’s time for me” is the new grandmother’s battle cry. Fight this by scheduling time with your loved ones. Plan when you will take your son to lunch. Organize when you will call, skype, or write an email. Attend ball games, recitals, weddings, gradua-tions, and birthday parties. Of course, it’s inconvenient, time-consuming, and expensive, but you will be giving your children memories. Stay busy loving and caring for your family! “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” (Psalm 37:23)

Too Impatient. So where did your patience go? Pray for the Lord to help

you find it again! Being around little ones and big ones is a wonderful opportunity to exercise your Christianity! Show off your “mature” fruits of the Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, good-ness, faith, Meekness, temperance.…” (Galatians 5:22, 23) Does spending time with your grandchildren leave your nerves frazzled? Then give your nerves to Jesus. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7) Remember that impatience is an adult problem—not a child’s.

Grandma, thank God you have the opportunity to influ-ence the next generation. Enjoy every second you get to spend with your wonderful family. Don’t be too tired, too sick, too busy, or too impatient to be a “…joyful mother of children.…” (Psalm 113:9) Ditch the “terrible too’s” and become terrific too!




20 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Molly AudissMolly is the author of Christian Womanhood’s free weekly evotions. To sign up for evotions, go to Choose the “free resources” tab and then click on “Evotions.”

Feature Health

I am a curious person—a very curious person. Being a curious person can be a strength and a weakness. I love to know the details about people, where they come from, what makes them tick, what are their goals, their preferences—everything. For this reason, I love biographies. Unfortunately, in my curiosity, I may come across as pushy or blunt when I am actually trying to show interest or concern. For example, a few times during a dinner with relatives or friends, I have started asking them questions about themselves. To me, that was showing love to them, but my husband and mom have called it “grilling.” Yikes! I guess I would make a good police investigator! All I need is a dark room and a bright, hot spotlight! I’m working on softening my tactics.

However, this little quirk has helped me in my study of the Bible. When I read God’s Word, I try to wrap my-self up in the lives of the characters. My imagination thinks through all the details of the stories until I make the characters come alive. The people in the Bible were real people with real emotions. When I personalize Gos-pel stories, they mean so much more to me. I can learn so much more if I look at the Bible as a biography instead of a dusty history book.

This past week I have been consumed with a particular detail in the life of Christ. It is so intriguing to me that God chose to keep most of Christ’s life on earth a mys-tery. In fact, we know absolutely nothing about his life from the age of 12 through the age of 30—the greatest portion of His time on earth. The Gospels only reveal to us what Jesus did for the last three years of His life. Why is that? Do you ever wonder what He did for all those years? Why did He have to be separated from His Father in Heaven that long? Could He have died on the Cross at

age 21 and “sped up the process” for our salvation? I am sure that many smart theologians have theories about this subject, but I am just a curious housewife who loves the Lord and finds relevance in God’s Words for my own life.

Jesus Christ chose to come to earth in a time before cameras, computers, and televisions. He came to a very remote location. It is obvious that He wanted to be anonymous. He could not have made Himself of less significance than to be a carpenter’s stepson in Is-rael 2,000 years ago. On top of that, He chose to keep most of His earthly life a secret from those who would be His followers through the centuries. All that we know about Christ’s teen years and His 20s is that He fully realized Who He was and why He was sent at the age of 12. He knew then Who His true Father was when Mary and Joseph found Him in the temple at Jerusalem. (Luke 2:49) Yet He went back home with them and spent the next 18 years increas-ing “…in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” That is so very encouraging to me! Why? Because the Lord puts each of us through “dry” or “quiet” years in our lives. Often when we are children or teens, He puts a dream in our heart of great things we want to accomplish for Him. We have so many hopes and plans! Then, at some point in our lives, we come to the place when we feel that we must have been mistaken in our lofty goals. We go through the seeming death of our dreams. I do not know of one single adult who is doing exactly what he planned to do when he was a child and who got there exactly as he planned. God always seems to take us to our destinations in a different way than we would have chosen, and it sometimes seems that we are traveling through the desert. Each person ex-periences what feels like unproductive years in his life. It may seem that the Lord has “set you aside” due to health, age, fi-nancial circumstances, failed relationships, or a stagnant career; even the joy of rearing young children may sometimes make a mom feel like she is watching life from the sidelines.

The Quiet Years 21Toll Free 855-214-6551

Do you ever feel invisible, anonymous, completely hid-den in the shadows?

Missionary wife, do you feel forgotten by the entire world? Pastor’s wife, have you struggled in your little corner of

the world, wishing you could have more help, more under-standing from others?

Stay-at-home mom, have you caught yourself at the end of a trying day wondering if “this is all there is to life”?

Single lady, do you ever feel that your contributions are unimportant?

Childless lady, do you feel insignificant without a baby? Working lady, do you feel unappreciated at your job? Dear divorced lady, do you feel that God no longer wants

to use you? Chronically ill one, do you struggle with envy over all the

healthy people around you? The Lord has His purposes, though we may not under-stand what they are. It is so important to look at the life of Christ and realize that God works in ways that do not make sense to us. If I had been asked to orchestrate the earthly ministry of Jesus, I would not have left Him in a carpenter’s shop for 18 years; I would have had Him doing “important” things, like preaching or performing miracles, by the age of 20. But I look at the end result, the Cross and the Resurrec-tion, and I realize that God knew what He was doing. Jesus patiently waited for the will of God to come to Him at the right time, and that has made all the difference in our eternity. Don’t quit while you are struggling with negative emo-tions! You have not been cast off by the Lord because you do not see any progress. God is silently working together all things for good. Keep trusting Him! You may never under-stand God’s ways while you live on earth, but have faith that He loves you and He IS using your life for His Glory. Please do not give up, or you will never see what great things He has planned for your future. Though Christ is God, He submitted Himself to living as a human being while on earth. He had the same feelings that every other person has had. He must have felt misunderstood so often! He probably tired of answering questions of oth-ers who did not know Who He was. He knew Who He was, but Mary and Joseph were the only other people who knew He was the Son of God. Everyone else probably thought He was very unusual; surely He did not fit in with His peers. He stayed single while they married and had children. He had no best friend to dump on in those difficult teenage years. But He taught us through example how to handle the “quiet years.” What did He do? What should we do when we go through those times? We know He did four things to prepare Himself for God’s will:

He grew in wisdom. Jesus spent those years growing more and more wise. Yes, God in flesh was less wise at 15 than at 20, less wise at 20 than at 25, and so on. Jesus, as a man, gained in those

silent years all the wisdom He would need for His ministry. Wisdom comes from fearing the Lord. (Proverbs 9:10) If you feel “set aside” at present, use this time to gain wisdom. Draw close to the Lord. Draw close to the Bible. Increase in your knowledge of God.

He grew in stature. Stature is both physical and emotional. Work on gaining maturity in both areas. Physically, keep yourself healthy and in shape. A temptation for some ladies struggling through trying times is to ignore their health and appearance. If you feel insignificant, do not give in to that feeling by ignoring diet, exercise, or personal hygiene. This will only make you feel worse. If you feel that no one cares about you, continue to care about yourself. Also, each year should find you more mature emotionally. To prepare for God’s will, you will need emotional maturity. Get past the selfish, short-tempered way of treating others the way young children do. Grow up to become a stable, controlled lady who is not easily rattled by circumstances. Quick tempers and screaming fits do not de-scribe the woman who is wanting to be used by God. Could Christ have handled the horrors of the Cross without being extremely controlled in His emotions? Never. God needs you to be strong inside and out for the task He has for you. Get ready to be used by God.

He grew in favour with God. Jesus, as a man, learned the preferences of God. He learned not only His commandments but His desires. While you are in the silent years, make God your very closest Friend. Study the Bible to learn how to make the Lord happy. Strive to bring a smile to the face of the Lord each day you live. Keep yourself holy and pure and able to be used by the Lord.

He grew in favour with man. Gain people skills! Relationship skills are vital to the work of Christ. If you cannot get along with others, how is God going to use you to influence people? Hopefully, you are not the person who gets left out of social circles because of your attitude. Are you so sensitive that people would rather ignore you than to walk on eggshells around you? Determine that you will not let your personality keep you from being used by God. Old dogs can learn new tricks (no, you’re not old!). You can change with God’s help. You will not be use-ful to God’s work until others feel loved by you.

Take your “time in the shadows” and make the most of it! Grow and grow and grow in God’s Word and with His help. You will look back on these times someday with joy as you remember how God molded you into the person He needed you to be.

“Christ put up with more than all others put together. Why? Be-cause He has the greater love.” – Dr. Jack Schaap

22 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Sarah GloverA 1999 graduate

of Hyles-Anderson College, Sarah serves,

along with several couples, the Kamea

people of Papua New Guinea. Numbering

40,000 people, the tribe has no written language. Sarah is

involved with learning the tribal language to

eventually provide the people with a Bible in

their language.

Missions “Go Ye…”

Sometimes in the process of learning a language, you learn a new word and struggle for weeks to remember it. At other times, you hear a word just one time, and based on the context in which you hear it, you know you’ll never forget it. Iyuvay is one such word.

“Iyuvay! Iyuvay!” I heard the desperate cry again and again as I sat huddled against the bush hut wall. Just a mere three feet from where I sat lay a body surrounded by a new group of mourners.

“Margaret,” I whispered to one of my fellow missionaries with tears in my own eyes, “what does iyuvay mean?”

She replied, “It means, ‘sorry.’ ”His name was Andrew, and this was his haus krai (fu-

neral). He was from the village of Pangoni, a grueling eight-hour hike from our village. Pangoni—no roads, no airstrips, no aid posts, and no one trying to reach them with the Gospel. Andrew loved his people and did all he could to help them. He had been asking us for years to send someone to start a church in his village. His parting words to us were often, “Don’t forget Pangoni!” And now he was dead. He had sat on our clinic porch just the day before to get another supply of medicine for his chronic asthma. None of us ever imagined that he would die before the next sunrise. Praise the Lord, he was a believer, so al-though we grieved, it was not as others who have no hope. But as I sat there, I couldn’t help but wonder if I might not one day grasp Andrew’s glorified body and cry out as these mourners, “Iyuvay, Andrew! Iyuvay!”

“Iyuvay! Iyuvay!” We could not carry the Gospel to your village. It was too far away—too remote. There was no airstrip there. “Iyuvay! Iyuvay!” Men, women, and chil-dren from your village, for whom Christ died and shed His blood, died and went to a Christless eternity because there was no one there to help meet their physical needs and prolong their lives until they could hear the Gospel. There was no one with skin on to show them Christ’s love. “Iyu-vay! Iyuvay!” We had not even a Bible portion or Gospel tract in your language to send to your village so that they could know God’s Talk was for them too. Nor did we have anyone to come and teach them how to read it had it been written. “Iyuvay! Iyuvay!” There was no preacher to start a church in your village. No one to teach them what was really Truth. “Iyuvay, Andrew! Iyuvay!”

May our hearts cry “Iyuvay!” on this side of eternity and spur us on to action that we may not be found with that cry on our lips on the other side of eternity. “…The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his har-vest.” (Luke 10:2)

To Cross the Widest Ocean By Becky Martin ($18) (Wife of Dr. Rick Martin, missionary to the Philippines)See page 31 for ordering informationor order online at


“Iyuvay!”(SORRY) 23Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Brian HasseSenior High Youth Director, First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana

Perspectives From Men for Women

I was listening to a White Sox game on the radio when a commercial for Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance “interrupted” the game. A lady who hired people for her company was being interviewed on the commercial. She said, “The first thing people want to know is ‘What benefits do you offer?’ When I say, ‘Blue Cross/Blue Shield,’ they….”

The commercial continued, and I shook my head in disbelief at her statements. It is so sad to me that the first thing people care about when looking for a job is their own benefit package. They don’t care how they can benefit an employer who is willing to pay an incredible amount of money to give them an opportunity to earn a living. An employer has to pay a large amount of taxes, insurance, and salary in order to start and operate a busi-ness. It is no small task.

Yet most Americans expect higher wages, more ben-efits, and better perks. My answer to that philosophy is simple: work harder and longer than the person next to you. Nobody but you will keep you from being a success. If you want a raise at your job, my suggestion is for you to show your boss that you deserve a raise.

When I worked at Cub Foods during the summer of my junior year in high school, I started out bringing in

the grocery carts from the parking lot. About five or six guys on each shift worked the lot. Most of the guys would sit and complain about how much they hated their job and how they didn’t get paid what they were worth. While they were sitting and complaining, I was bringing in the carts from the lot.

It was no surprise to me at all when I was promoted to a stock boy only a week later. Some of those other guys had been pulling carts for six months. They whined about my promotion, but it was clear they had no desire to help Cub Foods become a better store. It was all about them.

Is the company for which you work a better company because of you? Is your family a better family because of you? Is your Sunday school class a better class because of you? Or do you simply look to see how others benefit you? Be a hard worker. Be diligent. Show up on time. Don’t call off. Your boss will beg you to stay as an employee, and then you will enjoy the benefits of working hard.

How to Rear Teenagers By Dr. Jack Hyles ($8)See page 31 for ordering informationor order online at


Work Hard!

24 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Rena FishFaculty, Hyles-Anderson College

Precepts Pr inciples for L i fe

Growing up not too far from the coast of South Carolina, I visited the ocean every summer of my life. Thanks to a wonderful aunt who had a deep love of nature and the opportunity to purchase a cottage on a small island near the seashore after Hurricane Hazel in the late 50s, my extended family has had the pleasure of seeing God’s handiwork revealed through the wonders of the ocean.

Last summer my immediate family, as well as my mother and my brother and his family, once again spent a refreshing week at the seashore. Before we left our home in Indiana, I read the following verses and asked God to show Himself to us in a definite way. “They that go down to the sea…These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.” (Psalm 107:23, 24) Now let me say that it is very simple to see God in the ocean and its surrounding landscapes. Every visit to the ocean is different. In fact, every walk along the seashore or each visit to the inlet waters around the island is exciting and new. God’s creation is boundless. Many and varied sea-shells and sea creatures are found washed ashore. Beau-tiful ocean birds are bountiful. But I was asking God to show Himself in a unique and unusual way.

One of the first days of vacation, we visited a small zoo so that my nephew could see a capybara, the largest member of the rodent family. He had read about them and wanted to see one firsthand. I was thrilled to see God fulfill the

desire of this young boy as he was able to both observe and feed a male, a female, and a baby capybara.

While visiting this zoo, we were able to walk through a rookery of large sea birds. These birds

are actually in their natural habitat and not enclosed at all. It was the nesting season, so hundreds of white egrets filled the area. Nests were filled with baby egrets almost ready to leave the nest. Such a display is so much bet-ter than any man-made attraction. It was as if God said, “Watch this!”

The day after our visit to the zoo, we went to the south-ern end of the island to walk and explore. Visiting the south and north ends of the island is one of my favor-ite things to do because of all of the seashells, shark’s teeth, sea urchins, crabs, and star fish that we find on these walks. However, during this walk around the south end, we saw something that I have never seen in all of my trips to the island. Scattered around the entire end of the island and in every tidal pool were thousands of star fish. I watched as my daughter, niece, and nephew gath-ered stacks of star fish, some measuring as much as ten inches across, and threw them back into the ocean. At one point they filled a plastic bag with as many star fish as my nephew could carry. Frantically they tried to “make a difference to that one,” as the story goes. I knew that God had sent this display just for me! It was truly phenomenal!

Another day as my daughter and I were walking along the shore, we started singing a beautiful Scripture song based on Psalm 139. We were singing the words of verses 17 and 18: “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.” As we were singing, my daughter reached down and picked up the largest shark’s tooth that I have ever seen anyone find on the island. She later told me that she had asked God to let her find a large shark’s tooth while we were on vacation. God showed Himself to my daughter.

As we were driving through the mountains of North Carolina on our return trip to Indiana, an eagle swooped down right in front of our vehicle. Once again God showed Himself to our family!

Writing this article is just one more way to convince God that I am grateful for His creation and for His per-sonal display designed just for me and my family!

100+ Ways God Shows Me He Loves MeA compilation of heartwarming stories! ($10)See page 31 for ordering informationor order online at


His Wonders in the Deep

“They that go down to the sea…These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.”

(Psalm 107:23, 24) 25Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Robin OglePastor’s Wife, Calvary Baptist Church, Canton, Illinois

School Teacher’s Tools

I love when my children have homework because homework allows me to see all the stuff they neglected to do at school. It let’s me learn all kinds of new vocabulary and spelling words. I get to review wonderful, fun facts about Bernoulli’s Law. I really enjoy the “all-nighters” when kids “forget” about a special project. It is thrilling to go over division tables and spelling words—thousands, no trillions, of times. Isn’t it grand? Since I have been dealing with the homework issue for a whopping 23 years, including 69 science and history fair projects, I have learned a few things about homework.

1All kids, no matter what age, need a homework assignment book. Teach your children to write down their assignments each day. If you start this in

K-4, they usually get the hang of it by fifth grade! It is not the teacher’s responsibility nor my responsibility; it is their responsibility to get their homework written down. Train them to show you that little notebook every night—even if there is no homework due. Now, my teens do not have to show me their memo book. By high school, they know the wisdom of having a reminder of their work. If your child tends to lose his assignment notebook, buy a larger size that is easier to find.

2 Note the due date of big projects and reports on the family calendar. Youngsters may need help organizing their time. Oldsters may need some

help too. That is where parenting comes in. By junior high, you might just have to say, “Hey Bud, if that project is not totally finished by Monday, YOU ARE LIVING NEXT TO THE COMPUTER WITHOUT FOOD OR WATER ’TIL IT’S DONE.” Encourage and give suggestions, but let the kid do the work. Dr. Tom Vogel says, “The one doing the work is the one doing the learning.” That is the point of school work!

3 Make sure your child has all the tools available to do the job. Get the paper, scissors, glue, hole punch, folders, back boards, and colored pencils at the

beginning of the school year when they are inexpensive. If you don’t have access to books or a computer at home,

you need to arrange to get your child to the library. Don’t make your child feel “put out” because he needs to take out books, return books, renew books, lose books, and find books to do his project.

4 Have a set time and place for younger children to do homework. I like school work to be completed before dinner. The evening should be relaxing

and free from stress, i.e. homework. Most kids are in an entirely different brain zone by nightfall. The study place should be located where you can view the child. Then look at one subject that needs to be done. Figure out how long that should take and set the oven timer. This keeps the kid motivated and reminds you to check on him. If the timer goes off before he has finished, figure out why. Does he need help understanding the work, or does he need help understanding that the work needs to be done? Lazy students are “corrected,” and educationally challenged students are taught. Keep setting the timer until all the work for that day is finished. When the student shows enough responsibility, he can choose the time and place himself. Also, use the time driving to and from school to study or work on reading homework.

5 Check all homework every single day. Make sure it is neat and your child’s best. Once your children figure out that you care about their schoolwork,

they will start caring too. Also, give a look at their projects and reports. Make sure they are neat, have correct spelling and punctuation, and are done to the very best ability. If not, have your children work on them some more.

6 Mom, have a GREAT attitude about homework. If you rant and rave, your kids will fight and complain exponentially! If you voice your displeasure about

the amount or type of homework, guess what? They will hate it three-fold. Homework is a part of life. You had homework; the President had homework. All good Americans have homework!

Following these little tips will keepthe tsunamis of homework from drowning you!

Hip, Hip, Hooray! There’s Homework Today! I Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

26 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Perspectives From the Pastor’s Heart

By Dr. Jack SchaapPastor, First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana

“For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: 9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 10Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:8-11) Six words which can help guide the music lover’s choices apply to all genres of music. These six charac-teristics should be in the music to which a Christian chooses to listen—whether it is music in the church or music enjoyed in other venues. Last month I addressed variety and spirit, and this month I want to address four additional words.

Modesty At face value, the word modesty seems an unlikely description for music. People do not normally say, “That’s immodest music.” However, modesty is a Bibli-cal word that is sometimes associated with clothing, but usually the word is associated with a person’s character. Music has many facets to it—harmony, melody, rhythm, tune, etc. I find it amazing that people who know nothing about music know to tap their toes in the same way as people who understand music do. At the annual Youth Conference when thousands of teenagers gather together in the First Baptist Church main audito-rium, the song leader will unite them in singing a song such as “Ain’t God Good.” Without any training, they all know how to clap in the same rhythm and blend to-gether in one giant choir. “Modest” music should blend together like an outfit of clothing should blend together. Let me explain modest music in yet another way. Dur-ing the church services at First Baptist Church, usually 12 men, including myself, sit on the platform. All of us wear

Some Words to Guide Music Choices

suits or a sports coat and dress trousers. Suppose some of the men who regularly sit on the platform decided to wear what they wanted to wear. Suppose George Ranft, the director of the Reformers Unanimous program, de-cided to wear a Michigan Wolverines jacket. Suppose Mark Duff, the director of human resources, decided to wear an Indiana Pacers jersey. Brian Hasse, the senior high youth director, decided to wear a Youth Conference jacket. After all, he is a youth director, and why shouldn’t he wear a youth director’s garb? James Woosley, the principal of Hammond Baptist High School, decided he 27Toll Free 855-214-6551

would like to wear the burlap sack prayer outfit that was part of a prominent theme in a Youth Conference. After all, prayer garb does denote humility. Is there anything wrong with wearing a sports jacket or a jersey or a Youth Conference jacket or a burlap prayer outfit? No, of course not. Every one of these examples is appropriate in the proper venue, but wearing any of these outfits on the platform without being asked is an exam-ple of being immodest. These men are not blending with what I, as the pastor, wish to accomplish on the platform at church. They would be making themselves the issue. When all the parts of music are combined correctly, it is an example of modest music. At First Baptist Church, the orchestra, the three grand pianos, and the organ ac-company the basses, the tenors, the altos, and the sopra-nos in a choral number. One section of the choir, such as the male singers, might sing a portion of the song by themselves for a few measures, but all of the singers will blend together again. The orchestra might have a singular part to play. If the music is performed correctly and the microphones are set right, nobody will say, “Did you hear that blaring trombone?” If indeed one blar-ing trombone is heard, that one instrument not being in sync is an example of immodesty. Something stood out against the whole. But if all the parts of a musical composition fit together correctly, then it is a modest song or arrangement. What about the beat? All songs have a beat, and all songs have rhythm and a tune. The problem occurs when one of these facets of music stands out. Rock ’n’ roll, slow rock, and hard rock are all genres of music that center around the beat. People will argue all day about the right beat and the wrong beat. If the beat stands out above the tune, quite simply, the song is an immodest song. Allow me to refer to the example I shared of the men choosing to dress as they wish to sit on the platform at First Baptist Church. As I have already stated, these men would be immodest though their attire was completely acceptable to wear in public. When the word immod-est is used in reference to clothing, people automatically assume short shorts, muscle shirts, etc. Biblical immod-esty does not totally refer to what most people visualize as being Biblically immoral. Biblical immodesty means a person does did not fit into the context of that with which he was supposed to blend.

Music that does not blend is out of balance. A per-son’s music should be like a well-matched outfit. A lady’s jewelry, accessories, hosiery, shoes, and properly fitting garment should create a well-groomed look that blends together. If a complete outfit does not blend to-gether, then it has the wrong emphasis. There is a right way, and there is every other way. I feel that way about music: there is a right way to perform a song, and then there are all the other ways—some worse than others. I once chatted with the executive vice president of Hy-les-Anderson College, Dr. Tom Vogel, about the presen-tation of the national anthem. In the course of our con-versation, this former Marine readily stated, “There’s one way to do it.” Some people like to perform the national anthem to the point where it is nearly unrecognizable. Their performance is not about the privilege of singing “The Star-spangled Banner”; their rendition is all about them as the performers. Their performance is immodest! Some of the finest singers at times forget that it is the theme, the topic, the message of the words, and the pur-pose—not the dramatics—that are important! Some-one once countered, “Well, you hit the pulpit when you preach.” The Bible commands the preacher to “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression.…” (Isaiah 58:1) Smite the thigh! Clap the hands! Those are also real Biblical com-mands regarding preaching. God instructs the preacher how to preach! However, the Bible never says anything about showmanship in singing. The church platform is not a place to express the individuality of the performer. The church platform is a place for the singer or singers or instrumentalist or instrumentalists to exalt the per-son of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many singers have what I call a little performer in them. That ability to project a message is awesome, but a singer should never desire to be the central theme of his song. My goal is to have the music program at First Bap-tist Church of Hammond rock solid and straight down the line. I regularly receive letters from people who ask, “Why can’t we bring in a little more pizzazz to our mu-sic?” I receive just as many letters from people who say, “Why do we have so much pizzazz in our music?” If I have letters coming from both sides of the issue, our music program is probably right about where it should be. It must be constantly guarded and adjusted.

Music Choices

28 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Perspectives From the Pastor’s Heart

Association Music identifies. Ask yourself, “With what does my music identify? Where would the type of music I enjoy be found? Should I be where that type of music is found?” Musicians should be careful about bringing dif-ferent styles of music into the church. One piano style creeping into many churches is what I call the honky-tonk, bar-room sound. To be sure, that style should never be introduced into the house of God. Once in a while, I will hear a pianist go right to the edge, and I will think, “Careful, pianist! The church is not the place where that kind of music is the standard.” As I have already stated, I do not mean to imply that Christians can only listen to the kind of music being sung at church. At the same time, I do not think a Christian should ever listen to the kind of music that would be found in places that a Christian could not frequent or with which a Christian would not want to be identified.

Joy Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” The music a person enjoys should not violate the principle of joy. Some music is depress-ing music; it seems to draw the listener into a deep, dark hole that makes him more depressed. The Christian should instead refresh his spirit with joyful music.

Appropriateness Is your music appropriate for what you are trying to accomplish? These six words—variety, spirit, modesty, associa-tion, joy, and appropriateness—can guide the music lover’s choices in all genres of music. These six char-acteristics should be readily found in all the music the Christian enjoys.

The Bible and Music (From Creation to Revelation) By Dr. Jack Schaap ($7)

See page 31 for ordering informationor order online at


Recipe From the Kitchen of…

Like Us on Facebook

BEST BARBEQUE BEEFContributed by Cassie Bachman

1 can tomatoes or large tomato juice½ cup ketchup½ cup vinegar2 teaspoons salt½ cup Worcestershire Sauce¼ teaspoon pepper2 small onions, diced1 tablespoon margarine3½ pounds chuck roastCornstarch

Cook all ingredients in large kettle until tender —for several hours. Flake meat in juices. Thicken with cornstarch or flour if desired. Can also be cooked on low for 8 to 9 hours in a crock pot.Yield: 15 to 20 servings 29Toll Free 855-214-6551

By Eliza Beth ChristensenThe former Eliza Beth Stombaugh taught English at Hyles-Anderson College before she married her husband Chris in 2001. Chris serves as the adult Sunday school teacher at Northwoods Baptist Church in Gladstone, Michigan. Eliza is the nursery director/events coordinator. The Christensens are the parents of four children (with one on the way).

Children They Cal l Me Mom

Recently our church had the opportunity of having Dan Hubbard, the leader of a team of missionaries going to Peru, speak at the morning service. His topic was about the boy in the Bible who shared his lunch with Jesus. The Lord was able to perform a miracle and feed 5,000-plus people with five loaves and two small fishes. I got to thinking about this story and about someone who wasn’t mentioned, yet had a part as well—the little boy’s mother. Now this is speculative, but these are some thoughts I had.

1The little boy’s mother was not an idle mother. She made sure he was ready for the trip ahead. She baked him five loaves

(I’ve yet to see a small lad baking his own bread!) and made sure he had plenty in his lunch box. Proverbs 31:15 says that the virtuous woman gives meat to her household, and in verse 27 it states that she eats not the bread of idleness. The boy was prepared. As mothers, it is our job to prepare our children not only for the day, but for the journey of life.

2 She took time to meet her child’s needs. The thing about this story that amazes me is that out of 5,000 people, only one had a

lunch! The mother might have had a busy morning (this is back before the microwave oven!), but her child had his physical needs met. Often we get so busy cleaning or cooking that when our children interrupt us and ask for something, we look on it as an inconvenience. I heard a quote once that stated, “An interruption is a Heavenly command.” As mothers, we need to view interruptions from our children as teaching moments—for us (patience, unselfishness, etc.) or for them.

3 She must have taught him to look for the needs of others. I’m sorry, but this is not an inborn trait in children. As a nursery worker and the mother of four children, I’ve seen

them grabbing toys and saying “Mine! Mine!” from the time they can talk! As parents, we have to train them to share. Now back to the story. With that many people, there had to have been more food than one lunch. I’m sure there were many with something to eat, but they were unwilling to give up their meals. Not this kid. You don’t think this part was miraculous? Try to get a hungry kid to give up his cookie! Obviously this mother (or father) had done some training because this boy was willing to share with someone in need. How did he learn this? By his parents’ training and example. As mothers, we have the opportunity for our children to observe us every day. Let’s teach them the importance of meeting the needs of others and of the joy this can bring. We recently were able to put this to practice as we had a missionary family stay in our home. Our kids were able to see mom and dad seeking to meet their guests’ needs, and they were encouraged to find ways to meet their company’s needs as well.

4 She must have encouraged him to get around the “great men.” This kid wasn’t hanging around the back of the crowd. He was up front where the action was. How else

would he have known about the need? He heard them talking about it! As mothers, we should be encouraging our children to build a relationship with their spiritual leaders. Have your child do things for those in authority and seek to meet their needs. It may be as simple as a plate of cookies or an “I’m praying for you” note, but teach them to be a help to their leaders.

I wonder if this mother realized as she gave the boy his sack lunch, how many would be fed from that meal later that day. Did Coystal Mattie Hyles know as she gave little Jackie boy his lunch every day that one day he would grow up and with the Lord’s help spiritually feed thousands? Did Daisy Hawes, a simple Sunday school teacher, know this as she taught the famous pastor Lee Roberson? Do you know what great things your children or those under you will do later on life’s road? Think about that next time you hand your kid his sack lunch!

Preparing Five Loaves & Two Fishes

30 August 2012 Toll Free 855-214-6551

Salvation Let’s Go Soul Winning

As we watched her growing weaker by the minute, we knew she would not live through the weekend. I told my sister, “Jesus said in Matthew 18:19, ‘…if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.’ ” My sister and I prayed together, begging God to heal our mother immediately with a successful heart transplant. The phone rang! A voice on the phone told us that a heart was being flown into the New Orleans hospital for our mother. God had answered our prayers. The blood type matched perfectly with Mother’s blood type, and the surgery was a success! Praise God!

My mother was given a second chance to live. This was very important because if Mother had died that weekend, I would have never seen my mother again when I got to Heaven. Mother was not saved when she received her heart transplant. “The Lord is…longsuf-fering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (II Peter 3:9b)

Several years later I received an important phone call from my mother, telling me she was ready to be saved. She told me to come that minute. I dropped ev-erything, grabbed my Bible and drove to my mother’s house, praying with my sister the entire way there.

I explained to Mother how Jesus Christ came to this earth for the sole purpose of dying to save her from her sins. Jesus Christ has the perfect blood type. My mother got on her knees, confessed her sins, and trusted

You too can know 100% for sure, without a doubt, that you can go to Heaven. You need to know the following: Realize there is none good. Romans 3:10 says, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” See yourself as a sinner. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Recognize where sin came from. Romans 5:12 says, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”

Notice God’s price on sin. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Realize that Christ died for you. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Take God at His Word. Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Claim God’s promise for your salvation. Romans 10:9-11 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.”

Now pray. Confess that you are a sinner. Ask God to save you and receive Christ as your personal Saviour.

Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. I witnessed two wonderful, glorious miracles of God: a double heart transplant! “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26)

By Linda HooverLinda is a member of Gospel Light Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, pastored by Warren Johnson, a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College.

A Double HeArt transplant 31Toll Free 855-214-6551

Coming Next Month

Love Thinks No Evil By Cindy Schaap

The ABC’s of Child Rearing By Cassie Bachman

Waymarks for the Depressed By Robin Ogle

“Swallowed Up” By Billie Sloan

God Kept Our Marriage Strong…Through the Loss of Our Baby By Jennifer Streeter Marriage: Staying Connectedin a Disconnected World By Becky Yglesias

How God Showed His Love to Me By Jann Baker

Such Patriotism By Brenda Sharkey

The Right Kind of Spiritual Leadership By Helen Callaghan

The Heart of the Problem By Jaclynn Weber

The Role of Church Music By Pastor Jack Schaap

From Frog to Heaven By Rebekah Robbs

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