christ lutheran church women€¦  · web view2013-09-28 · a treat for you this sunday . . .the...

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The MessengerThe Newsletter of Christ Lutheran Church

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey

The Church: Proudly Proclaiming Christ since A.D. 33

October 2013

The Care CommitteeRemember the date! October 6th—Care Sunday.

We extend a warm welcome to Heidi Rispoli, who will be our guest speaker at the 10:30 am service. Heidi is the mother of the beautiful little girl, Josephine, who fought bravely as she battled brain cancer.

It is the Committee’s tradition on Care Sunday to ask that you bring a loaf of sliced bread to the narthex. The bread will be delivered to the Center For Food Action where it is always thankfully received.

A treat for you this Sunday . . .the Knit 1 – Purl 2 ladies of Christ Lutheran will set up a table in the narthex featuring knitted and crocheted items for sale. Among the items will be hats, layettes and novelties. The ladies will also be taking orders for future sales. All the proceeds raised from the sale of these items will be donated to the Center For Food Action to help in their ongoing battle to feed the hungry.

The Knit 1 – Purl 2 ladies are always looking for crafty ladies who like to knit and purl and crochet. Join them on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am in the Sonshine room. If you would like more information, you may call Dot Haslun at 201-391-3849.

That’s not all for this Sunday! It will be topped off with coffee and delicious cakes baked and served by the Committee.

Mae Hulburt

An Opportunity for MissionThe Special Gifts Disbursement Committee needs your help! We are expecting a check from the Dominick and Anna Ricci Foundation and need some new ideas for spending it. So download an application from the CLC website or pick one up from the mailboxes near the office and return the completed form to the Committee’s mailbox. The deadline for any new applications which will be voted on at the 2014 Annual Meeting is November 15, 2013. (In order to be considered the application must be signed by a member of Council.)

Remember, per our charter we must allocate at least 10% of the monies received from the Ricci Foundation in each of the following areas.

1. Outreach Ministry or Benevolences to local Community or worldwide2. Special Congregational Ministries3. Capital Improvement or Asset Replacement

Bill Hoenigmann, Special Gifts Disbursement Committee

Malawi – A Touching StoryMy daughter Josette is 10 years old. This past year in Girl Scouts her troop took part in World Thinking Day and the theme was “Empowering girls will change our world.” Each troop was assigned a country to study and learn about. Josette’s troop was to study Malawi, a country of which none had ever heard. They needed to study many things about Malawi: geography, climate, education, economics, food, and fun. What did the average day of a 10 year old girl in Malawi look like? How were the girls of Malawi different than them and what things did they have in common?

During one meeting we showed the girls a video from UNICEF and MSNBC K.I.N.D. Desks campaign. The video showed Malawi children sitting on a dirt floor shoulder to shoulder with their legs sticking out in front so they could be used as desks. The campaign asks for donations that go to building desks for the children of Malawi. All the girls were affected by what they saw. “Why were the students sitting on the floor?” “Why were there so many kids squished together?” “Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to sit like that for the whole day?” So many questions the girls asked. This video really touched Josette and for days she asked me questions about the children in Malawi.

Life moved on and she stopped asking me questions about it, but I was glad she cared. Now about a year before Thinking Day Josette asked her Dad and me for an IPod; we said no! Next holiday she asked us again if she could have an IPod. No way did we want her to start in on one of these silly hand held devices so we said no again. Then she asked if she could have one if she used her own money. Well, the newest IPods cost $300 and, to be honest, Rob and I did not think she could save up that much money. So we said sure (let this be a warning for all parents!! Ha ha!). Well guess what Josette did? She saved up birthday money and allowance and finally had $300. Soooooo I had no choice and took my little money manager to the store for her to buy her IPod.

The newest model came in her favorite color pink and had all kinds of great new features. She looked at it a long time and then asked how much last year’s model cost. $200 they told us. Josette asked me if she could buy last year’s model and donate $100 to the Desks Campaign so the kids of Malawi could have some desks. Wow! I was really struck that a little girl who had worked hard to save up a considerable amount of money to get something she really wanted, was willing to give away a big chunk of it and be satisfied with something that was not quite what she was dreaming of. When we got home and told Rob and Josette’s brother Matt what Josette had done, Matt went to his room and took a $100 bill out of his piggy bank that he was saving for buying model trains. He wanted to donate too. He had also seen the video. Rob and I were so proud we matched the kids’ donations; so we are really hopeful that our family made a difference.

Julie Audi

This year we have set up the Sunday School lessons to mirror the readings from the Bible in church each Sunday.  By teaching this way it will help reinforce what the children hear in church, increase their understanding through age appropriate activities, and allow parents to talk further at home with them about what they learned.  

In September, the kids learned about some of Jesus' parables from Luke, including the lost sheep and the lost coin, the parable of not serving two masters, and the parable of the rich man.  In October, we will be covering when Jesus healed ten men but only one returned to thank him, the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, and Jesus meeting Zacchaeus the tax collector.

Also throughout the year the kids will be working on memorizing some of the main cornerstones of our Christian faith.  Each of the older groups will also be reviewing the areas from earlier years.  The Pre-K and Kindergartners will start to learn the Lord's Prayer.  The 1st and 2nd graders will be working on the Ten Commandments.  The 3rd

and 4th graders will be working on the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  And the 5th and 6th graders will be learning Psalm 23 and the Apostles’ Creed.  

Martin Thalmann

Check Out Our Church LibraryThis year both the Sunday School and Confirmation classes are focusing on the Bible.  Do you know your library has almost 20 different versions?  That's not counting the many, many books explaining and commenting on the Old and New Testaments.  The display this month will keep changing so that you can get a sense of all that's available.

Also out for your browsing, are a wide selection of books on Martin Luther and the Lutheran Church in honor of Reformation Day.

Dot Dohrmann, Librarian

Christ Lutheran Church Women

Mark Your Calendars Now For These Two Events!

The Wine & Cheese program with pottery expert, Ray Boswell is soon . . .Friday, October 11th @ 7:30 pm

For 30 years, Ray Boswell, potter, teacher and artist, has shared his unique merging of creativity and spirituality with people throughout the Tri-state region. Join CLCW for a Wine & Cheese event, featuring Ray and his work on Friday, October 11th, beginning at 7:30 pm. For more information on Ray, go to . Please see the full page ad with the RSVP form in this Messenger—fill it out and drop off in the Narthex. You can bring a friend or two!!

Fall is here! Join us November 1st to 3rd Women’s Annual Retreat Weekend at Camp Koinonia.

It is open to all women of the church and is a nice opportunity to meet other women and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of Koinonia. Come join us for all or part of the weekend filled with fun, food, and fellowship (along with time for individual pursuits). The cost is only $95 for the weekend and includes food. See Kim Kearns or Ann Christensen if you are interested in attending or have any questions. Carpooling is easily arranged. People usually go up on Friday afternoon/evening. If you can only make part of the weekend, that’s ok too.

Carla Hoenigmann

To all the Women in the Congregation:

You are invited toA Special Evening of Wine & Cheese

with a presentation byRay Boswell, potter, teacher & artist

For 30 years Ray has been blessed to lead retreats and days of reflection in churches and schools.

He has shared his unique merging of creativity and spirituality with thousands of adults.

Our evening will be interactive and if you’d like, you can choose to make a Tea light Luminary—see picture above.

Join us on Friday, October 11th @ 7:30 pmin the Opsal Room for some Wine & Cheese and Fun

Please RSVP to Christ Lutheran Church Women (see below), so we will have enough for everyone. Or just come if you can!

We look forward to seeing you !

Yes, bring a friend!

Free will offering—proceeds to Center for Food Action

******* Return form below to basket in Narthex by October 6th *******

Name ________________________Phone # ________________Number of People attending _________Wine preference: White ___ Red ___ White Zinfandel ___Do you plan to make a Tea light luminary? ___Yes ___No

(please bring $10 to cover the cost)

Join These Exciting Advent ActivitiesYour friendly Evangelism Committee is sponsoring some exciting activities for our church this Advent season, and we would love your participation! On Friday, November 22, 2013 we will be showing a movie called, “The Star of

Bethlehem.” It is an amazing documentary that explores the exciting truth of scripture using science and modern technology. (Not recommended for those under the age of 14, so hire a sitter!) Please come and bring a friend or two. It’s free! And it’s a great way to kick off the Christmas season.On Tuesday, December 10, 2013 we will need your participation in

our first ever (but hopefully not last) “Train Station Caroling.” We want to sing Christmas carols to the commuters getting off the train at Westwood, Hillsdale, Park Ridge and Montvale for one hour (5:30-6:30 pm). We will have glow sticks to help us light the way, and we will hand out handmade Christmas ornaments with an invitation to our Christmas Eve services attached. EVERYONE in the congregation can participate in this fun event, and it should be especially fun for children. We will sing one or two verses of one or two Christmas carols, (nothing too complicated or challenging). We need at least 10 people at each station, so invite a friend and “get on board”!

Linda Osolin

Mark These Sundays on Your December CalendarSanctuary Christmas Decorating – Sunday, December 1st at 3:00 pmAdvent Dinner – Sunday, December 8th at 5:00 pmSunday School Christmas Pageant – Sunday, December 22nd at 9:40 amChristmas Eve Worship Services -- Tuesday, December 24th

Christmas Carol Worship – December 29th, one service at 10:30 amPublished byChrist Lutheran Church RETURN

32 Pascack Road SERVICEWoodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 REQUESTED

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Ministers: the people of God at Christ Lutheran ChurchPastor: The Rev. Pat Olausen

Director of Music: Argine SafariDirector of Youth Choirs: David Scance

Musician: Fred MessnerAdministrative Assistant: Doris Crouse – 201-391-4224 –

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Welcome New Adult MembersErin Collins

Christopher DeCotiisMichael Jacobsen

Colin PostCase Ramhorst

Dear siblings in Jesus,On Sunday, October 13 five youth will affirm their Baptisms (say “YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!” to God for all God did when they were Baptized) and become adult members of the church. They are preceded in this by Bill Daub, an adult, whose life search within Judaism led to his desire to be Baptized into Jesus Christ earlier this year and to become an adult member of the church. And near the end of summer we witnessed Tyler Ritter’s Baptism, the start of his journey deeper into faith.

The waters that crashed over Bill & Case & Chris & Colin & Erin & Michael & Tyler drown and bring our old Adams and Eves to death, then raise us up as children of God, adopted by God as precious children. These waters crash at every minute around the world, in Baptismal fonts large and small, carved and glazed and pounded and polished…bowls once used as part of a china set (like Tyler’s) and bowls the size of swimming pools for total-head-and-full-body immersion. It doesn’t matter the size or stuff of the font; what matters is Jesus and God’s gift of water and the gift of the Holy Spirit that we receive that day.

Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) is not complete unless we recognize that in those moments of kneeling at the rail we are already claimed as Jesus Christ’s own. And we also recognize that God is not finished with us yet, and we are not finished with God. All of our lives are life-changing-knowing-embracing-learning moments with God. We will blink, and it will be the Annual Meeting, and five youth and one adult who have waited their whole lives will vote on church business. We will blink, and watch them all continue to grow in faith, to respond “Yes, Jesus,” to stay connected, to reach out as servants. And we will blink again, and Tyler will be learning to pray, listening in Sunday School. And then saying “YES!” himself.

So on the day of Confirmation, maybe, just maybe, you will echo the youth’s words. As Luther, and the whole Church proclaims

Remember Your Baptism! Yours in Jesus, <><PO

Confirmation Class and Confirmed YouthConfirmation Class provides teachings in the faith --- the Bible, and Luther’s Small Catechism. More importantly, Confirmation Class can provide opportunities for youth to deepen their faith in God, and their relationships with one another and the Church. Deepened faith in God comes from God, and is not upon our command. Deepened relationships with the Church and one another cannot be scheduled into a class. They cannot be taught, only caught. And they are caught most often when we rely upon God and the fellowship of believers. They are caught most often in “away places.”

It is my deep belief that people bond with God and one another more when away from home. People of all ages grow in new places, learning new things. For three dozen+ years I have participated in events that brought youth and adults into new places, and these situations have proven to be the greatest faith and relationship builders I have witnessed.

If our goal in Confirmation Class is really to help our youth grow in their faith in God, and in relationship with one another and the Church, then we ought to be encouraging our youth to participate in trips and retreats. The annual “Among the Wolves” Retreat at Harvey Cedars by the NJ Synod of the ELCA is proof of much of this. In response to the needs of Christ Lutheran Church’s Confirmation Class, the Council set as a directive that 4 trip/retreat events would be held each year, and youth would participate in 2 each year. There would no longer be a September 9th grade retreat. Four would be offered each year, one of which will be “Among the Wolves.”

All retreats and trips sponsored by Christ Lutheran Church would be open to Confirmation class and post-confirmation class youth. The pastor can require individual supervision of any youth by a parent or guardian throughout the entire trip. Parents who wish to participate are welcome to do so, at their own expense and non-sponsored rate. These parents must participate in the trip fully, i.e. they cannot break curfew, go shopping, drink, etc. It is recommended that they let their child lead the way with them, instead of leading their child.

Washington, DC November 7 - 10 Justice and Servanthood: The Washington National Cathedral, Luther Place Memorial Church, Church of the Pilgrim, The Pilgrimage, The Memorials in detail, The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Servant Event. Made possible by Ricci FoundationNJ Synod’s “Among the Wolves” November 15 – 17

Philadelphia, PA March 29 – 30 The Birthplace of Religious Freedom: Mother Bethel A.M.E. Zion Church, Christ Church, Christ Church Burial Ground, the old Friend’s (Quaker) Meeting House, the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall The Luther Inn Summer TBA late February

<><POAnnouncing Christ Players!Throughout the centuries, drama, music, art, and speech have helped to pass along the Word of God. Before reading was common, before people held the scriptures in their hands in their own languages, the arts, including the performing arts, were a primary means of transmitting the knowledge of the faith.Argine and I (Pastor Pat) have been talking about creating a Chancel Drama Troupe, a performance group which would bring scriptures to life, and give renewed meaning to our faith journeys. Sometimes our familiarity with a portion of the Bible causes us to hear it the same way we always have; a Christian group performing the same story can open us to new and deeper meanings.

This group would need folks to serve as stage crew (dealing with simple sets, props, and costumes) as well as folks with skills in playing instruments, reading music, singing, acting, speaking, reading aloud, dancing, and movement. God has gifted and called many of us who have never thought ourselves gifted in these areas, but who do have energy and desire to learn.

This group will involve people of God grades 6 through senior citizens. Argine and I will lead it, using our gifts and skills together. Both of us have backgrounds in the performing arts, from the obviously different areas of music and speaking, but also we both have training and experience in directing, teaching, acting, writing, blocking, stage crew, props, costuming, set design and construction, voice, and movement.

Ideally this group will meet for introductory exercises and assessment of gifts for a particular drama, and go immediately – or almost immediately -- into several rehearsals before performing. These performances would be presented at all 3 services, and as we grow, we may be able to “take the show on the road” to places of ministry like Waterfront, and to other congregations and gatherings. We may even need to double cast to offer more opportunities to perform, and for performers to present.

We will all take turns “behind the scenes” --- costuming, make-up, simple sets, props, etc. Christ Players will be an equal share of gifts ministry. Sometimes a person may have a more coveted task, and sometimes that same person will have a minor part in the total production. People who work “backstage” may have a just right gift for a role “onstage.” And there may even be occasions when someone who usually performs

serves backstage. Christ Players is a Servant Ministry. Our model is Jesus, who washed his disciple’s feet. Repeat: Our model is Jesus, who washed his disciple’s feet.

We envision 3 – 5 performances per year (none over summer.) These will be brief performances, perhaps 10 – 15 minutes. Persons who move well but don’t like to speak can have roles where vocals can be provided by someone who does oral interpretation of drama, but doesn’t act. Two can work together to cover one part. One person can dance to express a Biblical theme, while at the same time another can use mime, and a third can use voice, a fourth can add music to tie it all together.

The ultimate goal would be a core group that is involved in every – or almost every – production over the years. And it would be good to develop several dramas that we can keep “in our back pocket” and perform again and again as requested.Give it a go!

In the great drama of life, God has gifted and called all of us, whether we make bells or hammers ring, whether we can fit costumes to others, or wear them ourselves, dance to the reading of scripture, sing with others, or sing solo, act, mime, freeze, or change props. May God Who creates, Jesus Who saves, and the Holy Spirit Who inspires, bless this new ministry!

First Drama: “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord”All those performing, or changing out props, working around the stage area,

or assisting Argine or Pastor Pat, will need: Black slacks, black socks, and black regular long-sleeved tee shirts (which we can order to match from Land’s End; the better quality ones sell at $5 off for each order three or more, and the shade of black would be the same.) It is important that these clothes be kept for Christ Players rehearsals and performances only to avoid fading. If possible, no neon sneakers. If you are uncertain, see Pastor Pat at the end of the first session, October 20.Christ Players Rehearsals : (initially we will probably meet for 75 – 90 minutes)

Oct 20 11:45 am Nov 3 11:45 amNov 10 11:45 amNov 13 TBANov 17 11:45 am (1 ¾ hours --- final rehearsal)

We will try very hard to stay within this rehearsal schedule.Performances: November 24 at all Worship Services. . .8, 9, and 10:30 am All absences and lateness must be cleared in advance with both Argine and Pastor Pat. Any absence or lateness creates problems for the rest of the group. EVERYONE must be present Nov 17 and EVERYONE must be able to perform at each worship service on Nov 24.

For more information speak to Pastor Pat at:Church, 201-391-4224 (messages); Home, 973-984-0248 (messages)

Cell, 973-769-9393 (please no message, no voice mail!)

Interested? Please e-mail Christ Lutheran Church at AND Pastor Pat at


October 6 Care Sunda y–Heidi Rispoli shares the story of her daughter Josephine’s faith and short life, and the time following.October 13 Confirmation Sunday – Case & Chris & Colin & Erin & Michael will say “YES!” to what God did in the waters of Baptism by adopting them as children of God.

All of these years of Sunday School and congregational events, confirmation classes and Christmases, and Lents and Easters and all the rest . . . and now their life as adult members of the congregation begins! (Yes, they get a vote at congregational meetings, and also big time adult responsibilities—worshipping, learning, serving in ministry, and using the big offering envelopes!) October 20 Blessing of the Animals–Bring your furry, scaly, hairy creatures large and small to be blessed individually. All must be on a leash or in a carrying case to be blessed. We’ll gather for worship in the Opsal Room. Well-behaved animals only: ornery critters like Pastor Pat’s 9 pound poodle (who thinks he’s a German Shepherd) should remain safely at home. October 27 Reformation Day—The “High, Holy Day” for Lutherans. A day that celebrates the beginning of the greatest Church Reform Movement the world has ever known, kicked off by an Augustinian Monk and Theologian, The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther . . . A day we will celebrate with a special visit from his dear wife, Katherine von Bora Luther (at each service).

Immediately after the 10:30 am Worship Service ends, we will proceed to the Opsal Room for a Ref Fest!!!!! (REFormation FESTival) . . . a wondrous repast, with games, jokes, and prizes for all ages. Luther’s arch enemy, the Monk Tetzel, will show up, complete with his Dispensations and Indulgences for sale. (Proceeds to benefit the Center for Food Action.) Last year was a wonderful day for all ages; don’t miss the fun! Watch for sign-ups!

Mark off these Sundays now!Make faith and joy a priority for yourself this month!


Genesis Garden Again Feeds the HungryAnother year is winding down. Thanks to the hard work of the dedicated group of people we had this year, we delivered over 1,100 pounds of produce to the Center For Food Action in Englewood.Starting in May and continuing each Tuesday, the Garden was turned over, planted, weeded, picked and the produce was then delivered to the CFA where it was distributed to those in need.

Thanks to all whose hard work made this possible. You may view a photo gallery of the garden in its various stages throughout the year by accessing our church website at

Jim Christensen

Stewardship FocusThe Stewardship Committee is gearing up for the 2013-2014 campaign. We had a wonderful past year, the first after several previous years that were not good. I thank you all for your support and blessings for your contributions.

I am looking forward to another great year, hopefully to surpass last years. The question this year will focus on:


Stay tuned for another stewardship campaign, to open our eyes, hearts, time and financial support to thank God for the many blessings we have even given.

God Bless, Mary Zeigler

A smile costs nothing, but gives much.It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it.

A smile creates happiness in the home,fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship.

It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give you a smile.

Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.

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