christ is coming again be significant apostle sarah 102115

Post on 13-Jul-2016






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8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds

it? 9 And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me

because I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels

when even one sinner repents.”

13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the

end will come.

39 Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus

because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever


20 Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by

their actions.

9 And as they went, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they ran to him,

grasped his feet, and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid! Go tell my brothers to leave

for Galilee, and they will see me there.”

11 As the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and told

the leading priests what had happened. 12 A meeting with the elders was called, and they decided to give the

soldiers a large bribe.

13 They told the soldiers, “You must say, ‘Jesus’ disciples came during the night while we were sleeping, and they stole his body.’ 14 If the governor hears about it, we’ll stand up for you so you won’t

get in trouble.”

15 So the guards accepted the bribe and said what they were told to say. Their story

spread widely among the Jews, and they still tell it today. 16 Then the eleven

disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.

17 When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted! 18 Jesus came and told his

disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.

19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with

you always, even to the end of the age.”

10 And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each

other. 11 And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many


12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of

many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end

will be saved.

14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.

a. From self- centered to God- centered

b. From a taker to a giver (John 4:39)

39 Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus

because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever


Significant -something you will be remembered of.

- go beyond you usually do.

- go for extra mile

a. Make sharing God's Word to others part of your life. ( BMW )

b. Go for Missions.

c. Give significant giving.

1. Buy tickets for bus, ship , plane for those who will go for Missions.

2. Pay tuition fees for those who cannot go to school- family Salvation

d. Open your house for Cell Group meetings & invite.

e. Vacation with a Mission

f. Feeding Program

a. Let us make disciples of Christ - through cell groups - Seminars for foundation available (LIC,GTM,SOM,CPT,BMW)

19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end

of the age.”

b. Be willing to always go for training. - LIC, GTM, SOM, CPT,BMW

c. Never stop sharing God's Word. Grow, Glow ,Go !!!

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