choosing martial arts

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Choosing Martial Arts

Do you want to be like Bruce Lee? Are you getting bullied by other people? Do you want to learn how to defend yourself from harm? Maybe it’s time for you to enroll into a Martial Arts School or in a Mixed Martial Arts Gym. In a Martial Arts school, you will know how to fight and how to defend yourself. Some people who know how to fight sometimes use their talents to hurt and bully other people that are weak. When you join a martial arts school, your health and physical body will improve because of the training. You will definitely lose weight or strengthen your arms and legs if you do martial arts. Some people make martial arts as their own career, there are some people who join a competition and some became Martial arts instructor or trainer. You also gain self confidence and self discipline in a martial arts training. Before you gain all of those, you need to learn how to choose the right martial arts style for you.

Here are some TIPS and things you

NEED to consider on Choosing a Martial

Arts Style

Of course, the first thing you need is money for the fee in a martial arts school. You also need money to buy the tools in martial arts that you choose. Make a list of all the martial arts school near your place and know how much it will cost you for the enrollment fee. It is good idea if you choose a school that already builds up reputation and already running for many years. There are some martial arts school that has a high enrollment fee but don’t still have reputation. You also need to check every school if they have a good facility or training room. In order to find a good martial arts school that will suit your budget, you can ask someone like friends. You can also perform a research in the internet.


This will also help you decide on what martial arts style you will choose. You need to have an objective if you are planning to learn martial arts. Most people learn martial arts because they want to learn self defense and fighting. Do you want to have a fit and healthy body? Or do you want to win trophies and compete with other martial arts school? You definitely have reason why you want to learn martial arts. As mentioned above, some people learn martial arts because they are getting bullied by other people and they want to fight back. Learning martial arts will provide you lots of things, self defense, and good health. It can also improve your personality and set your mood in good condition.


If you already have objectives, it’s time for you to choose the martial arts style. You need to choose a martial arts style that will suit your personality or interest. For example, you like kicking in a hard style; you can choose Muay Thai that is originated from Thailand. If you like martial art that is not too hard, you can try Tae Kwon Do that is originated from Korea. There will surely one of the martial arts styles that will suit your interest and personality. If you want a ring match, you can try boxing. Every style of martial arts has their own different training. Are you familiar with UFC? If you want those types of fighting, you should learn Mixed Martial Arts. If you have a huge body and you want a style that prior’s power, you can try Wrestling, BJJ or Grappling.

Martial arts style

When choosing a martial arts style, you should also consider the type of body that you have or your physical limitations. As mentioned above (Martial Arts Style) if you have a big type of body, or if you are a heavy weight, you can try Grappling or Wrestling. If you have quick reflexes or you can punch or kick fast, you can try karate or Tae Kwon Do. If you really want a certain martial arts style and you think your physical body is not suitable for it, don’t be encouraged because you can still work out to achieve what you want. For example, you want to punch quickly; you can still train hard in order to do it. Always remember your entire objective why you join a martial arts school. You join a Martial Arts School to learn and everything can achieve by hard work.

Physical Limitations

You can watch your classmates in your school on how they interact with other students and in their superiors. Are they respectful or friendly? Do they help others on practicing a certain technique? Do you think you will feel comfortable with them? Remember that you will be spending a lot of time with them. You also need to understand their attitude or personality. If you find your classmates to be unfriendly or you don’t like their attitude, you can also start again and search another school wherein you will feel comfortable. It is important to have classmates that are friendly and helpful so that it won’t be hard for you to approach them and ask for help.

Choose a school wherein you are comfortable

When you already choose your martial arts style and you are already enrolled in a martial arts school. Set a small amount of time doing training at home. In that way, you will surely improve faster. If you really want to be a good martial artist, you need to improve your power and speed. There are exercises for every type of martial arts and you can do it when you are at home. You will learn martial arts in school and you will train at home.

Training time

When you already learn martial arts, you need to use what you learn in a good way. Don’t bully others just because you already now know how to fight. In a martial arts school, you will definitely learn self discipline as mentioned above. Your master will teach you all the things that a good martial artist need. Always remember that it is a better to avoid fighting especially if someone provokes you. If you want to know Mixed Martial Arts, I recommend Evolution Gym because they provide a high quality training and they have a good facility.

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