chemistry multiple choice questions(50) with answer

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Multiple choice questions

Q 1 Who is regarded as father of modern chemistry ?

• Ruterford

• Einstein

• Lavoisier

• C.V Raman

Answer: Lavoisier

Q2. Identify the wrong statement in the following?

• Atomic radius of the elements increases as one moves down the first group of the periodic table

• Atomic radius of the elements decreases as one moves across from left to right in the 2nd period of the

• Amongst isoelectronic species, smaller the positive charge on the cation, smaller is the ionic radius

• Amongst isoelectronic species, greater the negative charge on the anion, larger is the ionic radius

Answer: Amongst isoelectronic species, smaller the positive charge on the cation, smaller is the ionic radius

Q3. The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for

• Polyvinyl chloride

• Polyvinyl carbonate

• Phosphor vanadiu chloride

• Phosphavinyl chloride

Answer: Polyvinyl chloride

Q4. The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its

• Molality

• Molarity

• Normality

• Formality

Answer: Molality

Q5. The oldest rocks in the earth's crust were once molten, and came from deep inside the earth. The molten rock, called magma, spewed out in volcanic eruptions during the earth;s early life and solidified into hard rock's called

• Granite

• Basalt

• Igneous rocks

• Sedimentary rocks

Answer: Igneous rock

Q6. The octane number of zero is assigned to

• 2- methyl octane

• N- heptane

• Iso- octane

• 3- methyl octane

Answer: n-heptane

Q7. Which is used in preparation of dynamite ?

• Glycerol

• Ethyl alochol

• Methyl alcohol

• Glycol

Answer: Glycerol

Q8. Bleaching action of chlorine is by

• Decomposition

• Gydrolysis

• Reduction

• Oxidation

Answer: Decomposition

Q9. What is a mixture of potassium nitrate powdered charcoal and sulphur called?

• Paint

• Aluminium

• Brass

• Gun powder

Answer: Gun powder

Q10. Nail polish remover contains ?

• Benzene

• Acetic acid

• Acetone

• Petroleum ether

Answer: Acetone

Q11. The isotope atoms differ in ?

• Number of protons

• Atomic number

• Number of electrons

• Atomic weight

Answer: number of electrons

Q12. Natural rubber is polymer derived from ?

• Ethylene

• Propylene

• Isoprene

• Butadiene

Answer: isoprene

Q13. Which is also called Stranger Gas ?

• Xenon

• Neon

• Argon

• Nitrous oxide

Answer: Xenon

Q14. The chemical used as a fixer in photography is ?

• Sodium thio sulphate

• Sodium sulphate

• Borax

• Ammonium sulphate

Answer: sodium thio sulphate

Q15. Water drops are spherical because of ?

• Viscosity

• Density

• Polarity

• Surface tension

Answer: surface tension

Q16. he oxide of Nitrogen used in medicine as anaesthetic is ?

• Nitrogen pentoxide

• Nitrous oxide

• Nitric oxide

• Nitrogen dioxide

Answer: nitrogen pentoxide

Q17. Which one of the following metals does not react with water to produce Hydrogen?

• Cadmium

• Lithium

• Potassium

• Sodium

Answer: cadmium

Q18. The most electronegative element among the following is

• Sodium

• Bromine

• Fluorine

• Oxygen

Answer: fluorine

Q19. The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is ?

• Na

• Ag

• Hg

• Fe

Answer: Fe

Q20 The metallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called ?

• Roasting

• Calcinations

• Smelting

• Froth floatation

Answer: smelting

Q21. Which of the following is produced during the formation of photochemical smog ?

• Nitrogen oxides

• Hydrocarbons

• Methane

• Ozone

Answer: ozone

Q22. Which of the following gas is used in cigarette lighters ?

• Butane

• Propane

• Methane

• Ethane

Answer: butane

Q23. Iodine can be separated from a mixture of Iodine and Potassium Chloride by ?

a) Filtration

b) Sublimation

c) Distillation

d) Sedimentation

Answer: sublimation

Q24. The material which can be deformed permanently by heat and pressure is called a

• Thermoset

• Thermoplastic

• chemical compound

• Polymer

Answer: thermoset

Q25. . Conduction band electrons have more mobility than holes because they are

• experience collision more frequently

• experience collision less frequently

• have negative charge

• need less energy to move them

Answer: experience collision less frequently

Q26. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is ?

• Ethane

• Ethylene

• carbon dioxide

• Acetylene

Answer: ethylene

Q27. The main chemical constituent of clay is ?

• aluminium silicate

• Zeolites

• aluminium borosilicate

• silicon oxide

Answer: aluminium silicate

Q28. What is hottest part of the gas flame is called ?

• blue zone

• luminous zone

• dark zone

• non-luminous zone

Answer: non-luminous zone

Q29. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of ?

• Magnesium bicarbonate

• Calcium bicarbonate

• Sodium bicarbonate

• Calcium sulphate

Answer: Calcium sulphate

Q30. Sugars are converted in the liver into

• Glycogen

• Vitamin

• Monosaccharide

• None of above

Answer: glycogen

Q31. The ejection of electrons when a metal surface is irradiated is known as

• Black body radiation

• Photoelectric effect

• Zeeman effect

• Atomic spectrum

Answer: photoelectric effect

Q32. Which of the following gases is the most toxic?

• Carbon dioxide

• Sulphur dioxide

• Carbon monoxide

• Acetic acid

Answer: carbon monoxide

Q33. Which of the following elements behave chemically both as a metal and a non metal?

• Boron

• Carbon

• Argon

• Mercury

Answer: boron

Q34. Why is phosphorus kept under water ?

• to make it wet

• to make it durable

• water forms a protective coating on it

• to save it from catching fire when exposed to dry air

Answer : to save it from catching fire when exposed to dry air

Q35. What is extracted from Bauxite ?

• Mica

• Aluminium

• Copper

• Tin

Answer: aluminium

Q36. Brass is an alloy of ?

• Copper and Tin

• Copper and Zinc

• Copper and Aluminium

• Iron and Copper

Answer: copper and zinc

Q37. Contact lenses are made from ?

• Polyvinyl chloride

• Teflon

• Polystyrene

• Lucite

Answer: Polyvinyl chloride

Q38. The single acid which dissolves gold is ?

• Aqua regia

• Hydrochloric acid

• Nitric acid

• Selenic acid

Answer: aqua regia

Q40. How many different oxides are formed by nitrogen ?

• Two

• Three

• Four

• Five

Answer: two

Q41. The major component used in preparation of different types of glasses is :

• Sodium borate

• Sodium silicate

• Silica

• Calcium silicate

Answer: silica

Q42. What is metallurgy ?

• process of extracting metal in pure form from its ore.

• process of creating alloys of metals.

• process of making metals live long.

• None of above.

Answer: process of extracting metal in pure form from its ore

Q42. Which have maximum number of isotopes ?

• Bromine

• Aluminium

• Polonium

• Carbon

Answer: polonium

Q43. Which prefix is often used with scientific terms to indicate that something is the same, equal or constant

• Iso

• Mega

• Meta

• Quasi

Answer: iso

Q44. Superconductivity is a material property associated with

• cooling a substance without a phase change

• frictionless liquid flow

• a loss of thermal resistance

• a loss of electrical resistance

Answer: a loss of electrical resistance

Q45. Which of the following is primarily composed of calcium carbonate?

• Fish scales

• Shark teeth

• Oyster Shells

• Whale bones

Answer: oyster shells

Q46. Water flows through a horizontal pipe at a constant volumetric rate. At a location where the cross sectional area decreases, the velocity of the fluid

• Increases

• Decreases

• Stays the same

• None of the above

Answer: increases

Q47. Vacuoles are bound by a definite membrane in plant cells called

• Plasma membrane

• Tonoplast

• Cell wall

• None of the above

Answer: Tonoplast

Q48. The wonder pigment chlorophyll is present in

• Mitochondria

• Centrosomes

• Quantosomes

• Lysosomes

Answer: Quantosomes

Q49. The concept of carbon credit originated from which one of the following?

• Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro

• Kyoto Protocol

• Montreal Protocol

• G-8 Summit, Hciligendamm

Answer: Kyoto protocol

Q50. Select the one which is not a mixture

• Air

• Gasoline


• Distilled water

Answer: distilled water

Efforts byvibhor agarwal

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