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  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD





    4 DELTA

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD


  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    (H 4SO 4) USES OF SULPHURIC ACID1. Sulphuric acid is used to produce chemical fertilizer such as ammonium sulphate and

    potassium sulphate, which are highly soluble in water and can be easily obsorbed byplant.

    2. Car batteries contain sulphuric acid which is used as the electrolyte.3. Sulphuric acid also used in the making of artificial silk-like fibres and rayon.4. Chemical like paints, dyes and drug use sulphuric acid as one of their component


    MANUFACTURE OF SULPHURIC ACID1. Sulphuric acid is manufactured in industry though contact process 2. The process contain three stage

    STAGE1: Production Of Sulphur Dioxide From Sulphur

    i.Combustion of sulphur or sulphide ores in the air produce sulphur dioxide SO 2.

    S(s)+O 2(g) SO 2(g)Sulphur

    ii.sulphur dioxide is dried and purified.

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    STAGE2: Production Of Sulphur Trioxide From Sulphur Dioxide

    i.The purified sulphur dioxide SO 2 and excess air are passed over vanadium(V) oxideV2O5 at controlled optimum condition optimum condition to produce sulphurtrioxide SO 3.

    2SO 2(g)+O 2(g) 2SO 3(g)

    ii.The optimum used area) Temperature:450-500Cb) Pressure: 2-3 atmospheresc) Catalyst: Vanadium(V) oxide

    iii.Under controlled optimum conditions, 98% conversion is possible. Sulphur dioxide andoxygen that have not reacted are allowed to flow back again over the catalyst in theconverter.

    STAGE3: Conversion of trioxide to sulphuric acid

    i. Sulphur trioxide SO 2 is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid H 2SO 4 to form oleumH2S2O7 which is then diluted with water to form sulphuric acid H 2SO 4.

    SO 3(g)+H 2SO 4(l) H2S2O7(l)Oleum

    H2S2O7(l)+ H 2O(l) 2H 2SO 4(aq)

    ii. The two reactions in stage3 are equivalent to adding sulphur trioxide directly into water.

    SO 3(g)+H 2O(l) H2SO 4(aq)

    iii. The addition of sulphur trioxide directly into is not carried out because the reaction isvary vigorous; a lot of heat is given off. As a result, alarge cloud of sulphuric acidfumes is produced, which is corrosive and causes severe air pollution.

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    In the converter

    Sulphur Oxygen

    S(s) + O 2(g) SO 2(g)

    SO 2(g) + H 2SO 4(aq) H2S2O7(l)H2S2O7(l) + H 2O(l) 2H2SO 4(aq)

    2SO(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)Temperature: 450-500CPressure: 2-3 atmospheresCatalyst: Vanadium(V) oxideOxygen

    Unreacted2%so 2 isflowed back to convertertogether withoxygen

    The Contact Process

    Outline Of Contact process

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    SULPHUR DIOXIDE AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION1. Sulphur dioxide is one of the by-product of contact process. It is a colourless and

    poisonous gas with a vary pungent smell. 2. Sulphur dioxide which escape into the air causes air pollution. 3. Sulphur dioxide is an acidic which dissolves in water to form sulphurous acidic, H 2SO 3.

    In the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide dissolve in water droplets to form sulphurous acidic.

    SO 2(g) + H 2O(l) H2SO 3(aq)

    4. Oxidation of sulphur acid by oxygen produce sulphuric acid, H 2SO 4, which falls to theearth as acid rain. Sulphur trioxide is also easily oxidised in the air to form sulphurtrioxide. Sulphur trioxide dissolve in rainwater to produce sulphuric acid.

    SO 3(g) + H 2O(l) H2SO 4(aq)

    Acid rain and environmental pollution

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    (NH 3) USES OF AMMONIA1. Ammonia that is produce commercially has many uses.2. It uses:

    i.In the manufacture of chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, ammonianitric, ammonia phosphate and urea.

    ii.To manufacture nitric acid and explosive.iii.In the making of synthetic fibre and nylon.iv.As a degreasing agent in aqueous form to remove greasy stains in the kitchen.

    PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA GAS1. The physical properties of ammonia gas include the following:

    i. It colourless and has a pungent odour.ii. It is vary soluble in water and form a weak alkaline solution.

    iii. It less dense then water.iv. It easily liquified (at about 35.5C) when cool.

    2. The chemical properties of ammonia gas:a) Ammonia gas dissolves in water to form a weak alkali.

    NH 3(g) + H 2O(l) NH 4+(aq) + OH -(aq)

    b) The presence of hydroxide icon causes the aqueous solution to become alkaline. Thusaqueous ammonia solution:i. Turns red litmus paper blue.

    ii. Reacts with acid to form only salt and waterin neutralization reaction.

    NH 3(aq) + HCI(aq) NH 4CI(aq)

    2NH 3 + H 2SO 4(aq) (NH 4)2SO 4(aq)

    iii. Reacts with solution of metallic cations to produce precipitates.

    Fe +(aq) + 2OH - (aq) Fe (OH) 2(s)(Form ammonia solution) Dirty green precipitate

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    MANUFACTURE OF AMMONIA IN INDUSTRY1. Ammonia is manufacture on a large scale in industry through the haber process. In this

    process, ammonia is formed form direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gas inthe volume ratio 1:3.

    2. The gas nitrogen obtain form the fractional distillation of liquefied air. The hydrogengas is obtained form the cracking of petroleum or from the catalysed reaction of naturalgas, CH 4, with steam.

    CH 4(g) + H 2O(g) CO(g) + 3H 2(g)

    3. The mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen gases is passed over an iron catalyst undercontrolled optimum condition as below to form ammonia gas.

    i. Temperature: 450-500Cii. Pressure: 200-500 atmospheres

    iii. Catalyst used: Iron fillings

    N2(g) + 3H 2(g) 2NH 3(g)

    4. Under these control optimum condition, only 15% of the gas mixture turn into ammoniagas. The nitrogen and hydrogen that have not reacted are then flow back over the catalystagain in the reactor chamber.

    5. The ammonia product is then cooled at a low temperature so that it condenses into aliquid in the cooling chamber.

    The Haber Process

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    AMMONIUM FERTILIZERS1. Nitrogen is required in large amount by plant to make proteins which are necessary

    for growth and cell repair.2. Most plant are not able to get a nitrogen supply directly from the air although it is

    abundant in the air (78%). Plants can only absorb soluble nitrogen compounds fromsoil through their roots.3. The nitrogen compounds are usually soluble nitric salt, ammonia and ammonia salt

    which are manufacture as chemical fertilizer.4. Reactions of ammonia with acids produce ammonium fertilizers.

    NH 3(aq) + HNO 3(aq) NH 4NO 3(aq)Ammonium nitrate

    3NH 3(aq) + H 3PO 4(aq) (NH 4)3PO 4(aq)Ammonium phosphate

    2NH 3(aq) +H 2SO 4(aq) (NH 4)2SO 4(aq)Ammonium sulphate

    Nitrogen Hydrogen

    N2 and H 2 are mixed in the proportion of 1:3

    N2(g) + 3H 2(g) 2NH 3(g)Temperature: 450-500CPressure: 200-500 atmospheresCatalyst used: Iron fillings

    Li uid ammonia

    In cooling chamber

    Unreacted N 2 and H 2 gases

    In the reactor chamber

    Outline Of Habert process

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    ARRANGEMENT OF ATOMS IN MATELS1. The atom of pure metals are packed together closely. This causes the metal to have a

    hight density2. The forces of attraction between atoms (metallic bonds) are strong. More heat energy

    is needed to overcome the metallic bond so that the atoms are further apart during themelting. This is why metals usually have hight melting point.

    3. Heat energy can be transferred easily from one atom to the next by vibration. Thismake metal good conduct of heat.

    4. The freely moving outermost electrons within the metals structure are able to conductelectricity. Metal are, therefore, good electrical conductors.

    5. Since atoms of pure metal are of the same size, they are arranged orderly in a regularlayered pattern. When a force is applied to metal, layer of atom slide easily over oneanother. This make pure metals soft, malleable and ductile.


    La er o atom slide

    Metals are ductile


    The shape of the metal change

    Matel are malleable

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    WHAT ARE ALLOYS1. Pure metal are usually too soft for most uses. They also have a low resistance to

    corrosion. They rush and tarnish easily.2. To improve the physical properties of metal, a small amount of another element

    (usually metal) is added to form another an alloy.3. An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals (something non-metal) in a specific

    proportion. For example:a. Bronze (90% of copper and 10% of tin)b. Steel (99% of iron and 1% of carbon)

    4. The purposes of making alloys include the following:a) Increase the strength

    i. Pure iron is soft and vary malleable. When a small amount of carbon is added toiron, an alloy, steal is formed. The more carbon is added, the stronger the steelbecomes.

    ii. Pure aluminium is light but not strong. With a small amount of copper andmagnesium are added to aluminium, a strong, light and durable alloy callduralumin is produced.

    b) Improving the resistance to corrosioni. Iron rust easily but stainless steel which contains 80.6% of iron, 0.4% of carbon,

    18% of chromium and 1% of nickel does not rush. These properties makestainless steel suitable for making surgical instrument and cutlery.

    ii. Pure copper tarnish easily. When zinc (30%) is added, the yellow alloy which isknown as brass develops a high resistance to corrosion.

    c) Enhancing the appearancei. Pewter, an alloy of tin (97%), antimony and copper is not only hard but also has

    a more beautiful white silvery appearance.

    ii. When copper is mixed with nickel to form cupronickel, an alloy that has anattractive silvery, bright appearance is formed which is suitable for makingcoins.

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    Alloy Composition Properties UsesHigh carbon steel 99% iron

    1% carbonStrong,hard and high

    wear resistance Making of cuttingtools, hammers

    and chiselsStainless steel 80.6% iron0.4% carbon

    18%chromium1% nickel

    Do not rust andtarnish, strong and


    Making of surgicalinstrument, knivesforks and spoons

    Brass 70% copper30% zinc

    Hard, do not rust,bright appearance

    Making of ornaments,electrical wiringand plug.

    Bronze 90% copper10% tin

    Hard, do not corrodeeasily and durable

    For casting bells,medals, swords

    and statuesPewter 90% tin

    2.5% copper0.5% antimony

    Ductile andmalleable, white

    silvery appearance

    Making of ornaments,souvenirs andmugs

    Duralumin 95% aluminium4% copper


    Light, strong anddurable

    Making part of aircrafts and racingcars

    Cupronickel 75%copper25%nickel

    Attractive, silveryappearance, hard and


    Making of silvercoins

    Composition, properties and uses of alloys

    The formation of alloy

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    WHAT ARE POLYMER1. Molecule that consist of a large number of small identical or similar units joined

    together repeatedly are called polymer.2. The smaller molecules that make up the repeating unit in polymer are caller monomer.3. The process of joining together a large number of monomers to form a long chain

    polymer is called polymerisation.4. Polymer can be naturally occurring or man-made (synthetic). Natural polymer are found

    in plant and in animals for example of natural polymers are starch cellulose, protein andrubber.

    5. Two type of polymerisation in producing synthetic polymer are additionalpolymerisation.

    6. Double bonds between two carbon atoms usually undergo addition polymerisation.

    Some Common Addition Polymers

    Name(s) Formula Monomer Properties Uses

    Polyethylene low density(LDPE)

    (CH 2-CH 2)n

    ethyleneCH 2=CH 2

    soft, waxy solid film wrap,plastic bags

    Polyethylene high density(HDPE)

    (CH 2-CH 2)n

    ethyleneCH 2=CH 2

    rigid, translucentsolid

    electricalinsulationbottles, toys

    Polypropylene (PP) differentgrades

    [CH 2-CH(CH 3)]n

    propyleneCH 2=CHCH 3

    atactic: soft, elasticsolidisotactic: hard,strong solid

    similar toLDPEcarpet,upholstery

    Poly(vinylchloride) (PVC)

    (CH 2-CHCl) n

    vinyl chlorideCH 2=CHCl

    strong rigid solid pipes, siding,flooring

    Poly(vinylidenechloride) (Saran A)

    (CH 2-

    CCl 2)n

    vinylidenechlorideCH 2=CCl 2

    dense, high-

    melting solid

    seat covers,


    Polystyrene (PS)

    [CH 2-CH(C 6H5)]n

    styreneCH 2=CHC 6H5

    hard, rigid, clearsolidsoluble in organicsolvents

    toys, cabinetspackaging(foamed)

    Polyacrylonitrile (CH 2- acrylonitrile high-melting solid rugs, blankets

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    (PAN, Orlon,Acrilan)

    CHCN) n CH 2=CHCN soluble in organicsolvents


    Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Teflon)

    (CF 2-CF 2)n tetrafluoroethyleneCF 2=CF 2

    resistant, smooth


    non-stick surfaces


    Poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA, Lucite,Plexiglas)

    [CH 2-C(CH 3)CO 2CH3]n

    methylmethacrylateCH 2=C(CH 3)CO2CH 3

    hard, transparentsolid

    lighting covers,signsskylights

    Poly(vinylacetate) (PVAc)

    (CH 2-CHOCOCH 3)n

    vinyl acetateCH 2=CHOCOCH 3

    soft, sticky solid latex paints,adhesives

    cis-Polyisoprene natural rubber

    [CH 2-CH=C(CH 3)-CH 2]n

    isopreneCH 2=CH-C(CH 3)=CH 2

    soft, sticky solidrequiresvulcanizationfor practicaluse

    Polychloroprene (cis + trans)(Neoprene)

    [CH 2-CH=CCl-CH 2]n

    chloropreneCH 2=CH-CCl=CH 2

    tough, rubberysolid

    syntheticrubberoil resistant

    Uses of synthetic polymers

    SYNTHETIC POLYMERS IN DAILY LIFE1. Synthetic polymers have many advantages over other type of materials:

    a. They are cheap, light-weight and translucent.b. They are easily coloured, easily moulded and shaped.c. They are non-corrosive, waterproof and good insulator.d. They are durable and long lasting because they are resistant to decay, rusting and

    chemical attacks.2. There are disadvantage using synthetic polymer:

    a. Most of the synthetic polymer are flammable. When a synthetic polymer materialcatches fire, poisonous fumes are produce causing air pollution.

    b. Synthetic polymers are non-biodegradable. When there are discharge, they causelitter problem and pollute the environment.

    c. Plastic container that are left aside in an open area collect rainwater whichbecomes the breeding ground for mosquitoes.

    d. There are limitation in recycle have to be separated out as the addition of non-recyclable polymers in the mixture affect the properties of the recycled polymers.

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    WHAT ARE GLASS1. Glass is one of the most useful but inexpensive materials in the world. Many products

    are made from glass because of its specials properties.2. Glass is:

    a. Transparent, hard but brittle.b. A heat and electric insulator.c. Resistant to corrosion.d. Chemical not reaction and therefore resistant to chemical attack.e. Easy to maintain.

    Type of glass Composition Properties UsesFused glass SiO 2: 100% Transparent

    High melting point Good heatinsulator

    Lens Telescope mirrors Laboratoryapparatus

    Soda-lime glass SiO 2: 75%Na 2O:15%CaO: 9%Other:1%

    Low melting point,easily molded intodesired shape andsize Low resistant tochemical attacks Brittle

    Drinking glass,bottles Electric bulbs Window glass

    Borosilicate glass SiO 2: 78%B2O3: 12%Na2O: 5%CaO: 3%Al2O3:2%

    Resistant chemicalattack and durable High melting point Good insulator toheat

    Cooking utensils Laboratoryglassware such asconical flaks andboiling tube

    Lead crystal glass(flint glass)

    SiO 2: 70%Pbo/PbO 2:20%

    Na2O: 10%

    High refractiveindex

    High density Attractiveglitteringappearance

    Lenses and prisms Decorative

    glassware and artobject Imation jewellery

  • 8/6/2019 Chemistry Form 4 PDF UPLOAD



    CERAMICS1. Traditional silicate ceramics are made by heating aluminosilicate clay such as kaolin to

    a vary high temperature.2. Ceramics have many special properties that make them one of the most useful materials

    in our everyday life. That:a. Are hard, strong but brittleb. Have high melting point and remain stable at high temperaturec. Are heat and electric instrumentd. Are resistant to corrosion and weare. Are chemically not reactivef. Do not readily deform under stress

    3. Ceramic play important role in our daily life. They are uses asa. Construction materials

    i.Ceramic are strong and hard, uses to make roof tiles, bricks cement, sinks, andtoilet bowls.

    ii.They are also used to make refractory bricks because high resistant to heat.b. Decorative items

    i.To make pottery, china plates, and porcelain vases since they do not tarnish easilyand are durable.

    ii.They are used to make bathroom fixture such as floor and wall tiles.c. Electrical insulator

    i.Ceramic are used to make electrical insulator in electrical items such as toasters,fridges and electrical plug.

    Materials Melting point/ C

    Density/ G cm -3 Elasticmodulus/ GPa

    Hardness/ mohs

    Oxide ceramicAlumina,AL 2O3 Beryllia, BeOZirconia, ZiO





    Non-oxideceramicsBoroncarbide,B 4C3 Silicon nitride,Si3, n4













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    WHAT ARE COMPOSITE MATERIALS1. A composite materials (or composite) is a structure of materials that is formed by two

    or more different substances such as metal, glass, ceramic and polymer.2. Some common composite materials are:

    a. Reinforces concreteb. Superconductorc. Fibre opticd. Fibre glasse. Photochromic glass


    1. Concrete is hard, fireproof, waterproof, comparatively cheap and easy to maintain. It ismore important construction materials.

    2. The reinforces is a combination of concrete and steel.

    SUPERCONDUCTOR1. Metal such as copper and aluminium are good conductor of electricity, but 20% of the

    electric energy is lost in the form of heat during transmission.2. Super conductor are materials that have no resistance to the flow of electricity at a

    particular temperature. Hence, 100% electricity transmission is possible.3. One of the most dramatic properties of a superconductor is its ability to levitate a

    magnet. Superconductor are used to build magnetically levitate high-speed train (atabout 552 km/h).

    4. Superconductor are used to make chips for smaller and faster supercomputer.Superconductor also play an important role in high speed data processing in internetcommunication.

    FIBRE OPTIC1. Fibre optic is a composite material that in used to transmit signals for light wave.2. Fibre optic is used in

    a. Telecommunicate where the telephone substation are liked by fibre optic cables.b. Domestic cable television network c. Closed circuit television security system.

    3. Fibre optic also used in medical fields. It is used in a number of instrument whichenable the investigation for internal body part without having to perform surgery.

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    FIBRE GLASS1. Fibre glass is glass in the form of fine threads. Molten gas is dropped onto a refractory

    rating disc when the glass flies off the disc glass to form fibre.2. Fibre glass is strong than steel, do not burnt, stretch or rot, resistant to fire and water but

    is brittle.3. When fibre glass added to a plastic, a new composite material fibre glass reinforces

    plastic is formed.4. Fibre glass reinforces plastic has more superior properties than glass and plastic. It is

    a. Extremely strongb. Light weighc. Resistant to fire and waterd. Can be molded, shaped and twisted

    PHOTOCHROMIC GLASS1. When 0.01 to 0.1% of silver chloride (a type of photochromic substances) and a small

    amount of copper (II) chloride are added to molten silicon dioxide, photochromic glassis formed.

    2. The photochromic glass has a special properties. It darken when exposed to strongsunlight or ultraviolet.

    3. Photochromic glass is suitable for making sunglasses.

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