che pianist's

Post on 15-Mar-2020






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  • che____




    peEL/SHED BY

    FOURTH AVE.CARL FISCHER 6-12 NE'" YORK(Cooper Square)

    AUG :.' 1915 ; : '"~''' r _'

    The Carl Fischer Establishment offers one of the largest and most carefully seleded stocks of Foreign and Domestic Music in the World. 4][ All orders receive prompt and careful attention. • . . • . .

    The Universal Piano Music Catalogue

    represents doer 50,000 Compositions, Methods, Studies, etc., for Piano. 4][ Mailed anywhere for 50 cents, or free with order for $1.00 worth of music.


    THE CARL FISCHER MUSIC LIBRARY is designed to meet present-day requirements as to practical teaching purposes, and has gained the unqualified approval of

    Leading Teachers. ... . Ask for "The Carl Fischer Edition." Send for Complete List.


    M L. V·I ~ ...

    ~r:.f "P¥

  • Valse Boston

    PRice (05 c.EXTRACT ONLY

    Copyright 1909 by Jul.Heinr. Zimmermann,Leipzig. Rich. Drigo. arr. par Th. Lumbye.

    Valse boston . ~ -, I , , /:/ -......I

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    It f r r 'r p callt,!hzle I I == ~

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    (~ t ,~ .. r r ( " ','/ I '! ~ 0

  • In a Garden of Melody.


    (Extract on1y) PrictO' SOc.

    Allegretto con gU8tO.(J=I~ to 13kJ W. F. SUDDS, Op. 316.



    - -\".

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    ~ I :----. - 1 ..--.... """t: r -r ~-- ~r7 ~ - f--== == ~ _J ~ ~ -... I .. ~ ~

    I T ..,. ~ ""=' etc.

    ~ I I,,,l . . . ~L .--'" - ....,...,..., ,.. .. . .I ..

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    ~I lr. _ I • - • (""~ (2. n ---.... ~~~ ~ --/ . , f.. r • .. ,

    The PianIst's Hand

    .. .. ~ I • c.;~~.t-__ -= f ,.....--==J. ~~ = '!!-. ... H..... ~ .J----J

    ft 14 Ie;" r etc.L---1 L---1 Copytight MCMVII by Carl Fischer, N.Y.

    International Copyright secured.

    a book of iDtenae ineer.,. and exceptional worth which will improve )'Our .kill in playinl far beyond your preaent capac. ity. A ec:ienti6c and practical method of improTiq technic; and uWtic 1IDderatanding. fully illuatrated. Mailed poe.

    paid for $'.00 Det.

  • __ ______ __


    Mexican Kisses.


    (Extract only i PricE' 5Oc.


    Allegro morierato. !\ !\ A In Hnhanf'ra11 - ~'.........-~-":::;;::--:+:~==:::


    Slowly and Sustained,~ :1

    -_0- "

    .---.. -

    ....~ - _-..::..-."_-_-._-=-_._ -__--+-....h-r-" -_-_-"_~~ ~

    A httle faster. >


    COjlfr;Kltt, I/CJ(l711, by Carl Fische.,., New Yo.,.k.2 International (opvright ~e("ur.·r1

    Send Ten Cents for 8 ... mpl., wPy of the Mu';c.aI Observer, th" moe( inter.,.ting and tnstructiv., monthly published. Free Mueical luppl". mt"'nt In eA(' h laue.


  • The Top Notch.

    ~lareh and Two-Step.

    (Extract onl.) :>nce SU('



    > >

    Don't fail to Subscribe for the "Musical Ob...rv.. r.·· America·" fastest growi"" mlilica.llllOnthly Nmt to MY I\cldreu for $100 • year. EA"h "Rue contams free mu.,c .upplement

  • Diabolo.


    (Extract only) Price SOc.


    / " i\ ..

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    .. JIII!" " .. • -

    oft A " A A h .. A ~ ". f!I ~ f" ~ ~ .. --

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    .t; -A ~ nff.. »> ~•• .. .. .. • • ....

    • -...&...J > .. • •


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    (!OPlIriKItI, KCJIV/U, bN Carl J'isc"er, NellJ Tof"k. International Copyright Secured.

    a'J~~ bow ~,\ \, ,t.. A ahort. practical treatise on thia eubjecl by Chaa. E. Moecow. A ~ for ...ery piaaia. PricePiano Tuning £',~ ~·.Ot",:, ..iI,')

  • --- -------------

    Resp.ctfully de4icated to Mr. Alu. Lyon.

    My Maryland

    (Extract only) Priel' SOc.March and Two-Step

    Sol. \Volerstein



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    til .. : ~. f

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    OOJlYNg-Itl MC/,IX by Carl "'ischer, New York IIIt0rllalioltul 00PYNKItI Secured

    EYery mlUician should secure a copy of this Pocket Standard Dictionary of Musical Terms by O. Coon. Shortest, mostDictionary of Music compact and complete of all similar works. Mailed postpaid for 25c.

  • "The 400"

    '1':Xlract ollly) Pnce SOc


    COPyri6ht MCMIX b;..· Cad l

  • "Ye Merry Birds"


    (Extract ooly) Pnce SOc.

    Theo. M. Tobani.




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    . ~. t~ ?;. #-. .... • +t. -#

    ----.:: -=n::::=:__


    7 Copyrigh\ MCMVIlI by Carl Fisc~~r, N Y

    Do not fail. to eecure a copy of our National Waltz Album contaUung eighl waltz medley. of American, Engliah. Scotch.Famous Waltzes RUAian. ltahan. French. Geffil&n. and lnah favonles. Pnce net. SOc.

  • --- ----

    The Marathon.

    March.(Extract only) Price sOc.

    Mark Phillips.


    !1 1








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    , .1 -I f I I etc. 8 Copyright MCMIX by Cart Jr'il;cner, New York. International Copyright Secured.

    n,,, complete catalog of Piano 8010 mUllic, containing all the compoaitiona by the moll famoue writeN. ... upoa recehiDa theIt is Free CARL ~ ISCHEH EDITION of atandard favoritell. It is the beat.

  • --

    "The Aeroplane" (Extracts only) March and Two-Step. Price 5Oc.


    Tempo di Marcia. .:>>:> :> >:> :> - :> ~,/ '\ I -

    Plano.< . \. I ·

    "'- -:> • -V

    :> ; .:> h l .. · · - [7 -

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    MARCH. .:>:> - - ::::,.... - - :>

    \. · •r: r' .. 1 - "l~ ~ ~ ) "if .............., ............., ............., ..........., ( · · · ·

    I -- • --. - • ~ -.- - -:> >---. -.;;;;;> -,........"..~ I ~ > :> > - ...--.

    ~ @ r· I ,............, • etc. ..........

    • -j.j' T ~ r· orr (> = > ~~:> ~ ~ I:-· . ·

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    '--- ~-Maestoso, marcato.

    > > > :>~ I .~ . . ... -~--

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    · ~~~. ~. ~ Trio. nif-./:/'

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    .· -·~ · -=· · -6 • >>->>- >.T etc.T------ -j .. >- >- > COP1rigitt KCX/X bJl Carl Fisclte,", New York. 9

    International Copyrig-ht Secured.

    Music Tom 1 Do you ever to aeareh everywhere before you can find one of the milsing sheeta? Send us ISc for a roll of CARL FISOiER'S MENDING TAPE. which you can obtain in nil color., Good strong linen, neat in appearance, and just the thing to keep JOUr mu.ic: in perfect ordor.

  • Miss Liberty" .,

    (Extracts only) ~Iarch - Two -step Price, SOc.

    Sid. Leroy.

    -~".... :::... ~ ~ -r ::>. ::>. .:;::.. ;;". -.,~~-, -f=f=~~~~;;: 1 .~-~_ -

    ~ ~ 1I-4!' ~J. ~ ff:;:... ~ : .I.h

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    . .ff .. l.lh .. 1!! -It t ~ ... ..

    I . . · '. · - - ~ ......

    -~::1" 0" . '-' . -- ..

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    etc .

    Trio. .ft p


    J0 f'opyrigld NOfI by ('arl Fisch~r) Hew York. International {'oJlyright Secured.

    It will buy a &ample copy of the Musical ObHl'Tor, tho bee musical monthly publiahec:l ill the Uaitec:l States; What Ten Cents Will Do • with ita ~lendid reading matter, coneiating of intereating and educational article. on mU8ie and muaiciana and a free mu.ic .upplement. Better .end for it to-da".

  • G ret chen. (Jbtracts only) INTERMEZZO. Price 5Oc.

    Carroll Martin. Piano Solo arrangement

    by Gustat) Saenger. Allegretto grazioso . ~- -fJ

    ~ * 1~ S

    -t: f~ ti~ f~ il-a ii 3 iii Piano. ~ ~--==-, =

    j 1 9\

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    a le'mpu. 1

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    selterzan-do ... ~.


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    a tempo. S 15

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    t Trio.

    Un poco piu mosso ~ I J 1~ S

    . ~ .....,.~t. ~---.111, 68.p!!!..8StVo -l r ~ ... .... ,..., \ 1, ~5



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    2 5 a 1 3


    * Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y. II

    International Copyri2"ht !1eclJred

    Everyday Album ·or Piano Solo A collection which will prO't"e the mOllt attractive k.i~d of a purchase for every player of the piano. l' • Contain. a number of the moet popular and best lIked of the standard piano solos. all of medium

    diSicuity. or moderatelv eaay. The molt dair.ble collection publiahed. Mailed upon receipt of 4Oc.

  • The Suffragettes (Extracts only) Price SOc.MARCH

    Otto F. Schreiner.



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    J., l- I-I .,. .. .. I ~ ~

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    .- -Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N.Y.

    12 International Copyright secured.

    Pu iI'S Pum'0 Album A collection of Teaching Pieces in the lirst and second grade••elected for the early e/forte of young piano pupil..P with, view to instructive usefulness as well as melodic beauty. Carefully lingered and phrued•. Crade one 12 piece. 4Oc. net. Grade two 24 pica in two volumes @ 4Oc. net.


  • Social Life

    (Extracts only) . MARCH and TWO-STEP. Price SOc.

    J. G. Boehme.


    ~ -r""'" - - ..::.. 1\ -. ~ , . :., .... k .... =-.:. ........ -~• ... fi.0: h .. ..... -r- ~•• _. • . ..


    • • .... "111 --... ~ > - ,. -- -·\. · ::r -f

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    r:.....- I - f_ .. -- r;........ - etc. - - -- -Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y.

    International Copyright secured. '3 . .....mlWW1lft• Worth Ham'ftd We have a specially interesting pamphlet of pr~miums for "II mu~ic lovers which we offer in conjunction ... .I-iIIiO. MA.... "u..,. with aubecriptiona for the Musical Observer. All of theae article. are of real practical value and you will becWiPted w~ the Iar.e vuiety. Scud for this'li.t today. it is free

  • The Great Conquest. (Extracts only) Military March. • Price SOc:.

    Frederio D.Wood. Op.69.

    Tempo di Marcia . ,\ \fj I LA-

    P· \1anO)

    . .) I "+ ...... -

    ff n.



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    @ I 4~V '- v '1": . -====.. I - I I I I •. -t -.:' ~ • t- -.. • •.. I

    ~ ! f.. I .. ~ etc.

    14 Copyright MCNX by Cnrl Fiseller,Ne:r York.

    t:Hi4-4 Intant/ti(/I/a/ Copyright St:Cured.

    In 8 Garden of Melody the charming little intermezzo by Sudd. ia canaidered by moat pianiata one of the mo.t heaQtifuI and catchy little concert numbeu publial1ed. Many thouaand. of capie. have already been aold and if you WBIlt IOmethiD. atra sooJ th~n "end 25c for", piano 11010 copy.

  • ---

    On the Fl"Ontier. (Extracts only) March. Price SOc.

    CHAS. ARTHUR, Op. 14,.

    IIII Ill!! ~ ~~ 1Il

    ~ I - !!! ! ~ ~t; ..

    Piano. ~ --. .~ -,

    f ... I I ..


    == ~ ~ ~ ~I ;;: == a -, :v

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    ~ = == ~ = ~ .== : 1".. 1"__ ~-- ... ... ,.a ... ...t-z: •-- . t etc.


    Trio. I I ~ q. ~ e ~ ~ I!rI~ I I I I I I I - I

    .~ I -,-vpdolce .. ~ ... ~ ... -t .. .. ... .. ......


    .n. ~ v-....... ~~e:j~ I - ---I~

    1 -",,, @. I :...,....-... <

    II fI. .. fI. II fI. fI. fa. " • ... ..t . -6iI .. ete.

    COP!lrigltt JlCJfIX 6,1 Carl Fisc/un; New rot·k. 15 International Copyri~ht Secured.

    If You Want to Buy mu~c, muaical instrument•. or anythi~g in fact which hu to .do with ~ulic. th~n be lure to obtain our price. before purchUlng e!.cwhere. Ours'l one of, If not the largest, eatabliahmente In Amenca. and we can save money for you on all ,your purdl_. Catalop Eor the ..kinS.

  • To my Wtfe.

    ( Extracts only) Price SOc.Spirit of Peace.

    March and Two-Step.

    Edwin Franko Goldman. >

    ::> ::> ~))>- ~::> ~ ~ >- tJ ~~ PI. ~ l) TI) ',) ... ,:;ffrPiano. !- ~ :::>..> ffi. ~b~ >- 1.>- 1\k~.. l) l) -17 V :> ~~ ~

    ~ :> :> fJ .J7J .,~ ~

    ~ • .,. ,,#.

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    {-'rTJ ::> ::>

    ~;---:b ~ ~ ~-= ~ ~ :> I .,.

    1# ... I .. .. ~ 1 ---... I -- . Trio.




    t .. tl ,~ :> I • .

    \- 1st time p (2d time .IT) . . . .

    ~ : 1 -j -I Gi....... • ~ c.. • r

    • • I- l- 1 • • I- ",l-

    ii 1 r

    - ---- ~-__-----4-~+L-/ :>

    I :> ~ ~~ ~ ~- r ~ ~ 'I ~ etc. :> CopYl'ight MCMIX by Carl Fischel', N.Y.

    16 International CopYI'ight Aecured.

    Twelve Poetic Album Leaves an album cont~in!n~ twelve original compoaitio~ for the Piano ~Y G~v SaeD8el' which wiD aurely , plea.e every p.amet. Not only are the compOllbOlUl of rare mU.leal merit, but the whole _Ir. u. far

    "bove the ftver"j(e and lheir charm of lOelody haa made them favoritea everywhere. Price net 94c.

  • --

    A Cyclone in Darkto\vn

    (Extracts only) Price. 50c.

    Just Rag Geo. D Barnard


    . >>>- --- I~ I ~-.~~.u_ • u_ ~ ,. L I J~ -

    II~ - ~ ff

    > >- = >- I- > >- ... >h:>- > \. • ~ i11 i i.~


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    T I'>

    ~ = ~ ~ i "it ill i 111 i.. i

    -II .. I , IIIIIi

    i - • etc.

    ('opyright ,W'J!X by Carl Pischer, A'ell! York 17 Internotiollal Cupyrig/tt ,""ecured

    t to Buy mu.ic, mueical inmument~ or anyth.i~g in fact which has to .do with ~u.ic, th~n be .ure to obtain ollr prieee befOl'4 pur.If YOU Wan chuina elaewhere. Ou..... one ,of. If not the large., eat,abl..hmeat. In Amenca, and we can _ve __, for yotl On aU your purch-. Catalogs for the ..king.

  • March in F. on l_-.L_


    Pupil's Piano Album A collection of T"achi'lg Pieces in the lirst and second grades selected for the early efforts of young piano pupils, with a "iew to instructive usefulness as well a.. ml)l • .iic beauty. Carefully lingered and phrased. Grade one 12 pieces

    40c. rl4"'t. C.r,\(lc tw~ 24 PJrC~ in two vnlu'lll">O:; (U) 40('.. net.

  • Hearts and Flowers. (Extracts only) 1nc('. SOc,Ba.rn Dance.

    'l'HEO. M. TOBAN!.

    Tempo di Schottische. ::>

    ,..-:I .!fl a ~ ::> ::> ::>- ::> I ::> ~ ::> t..-..:.....--.. ~ -~ F~--. . . , .

    -.-: ~ - ~. 1/ I~ ~------f ~ :1 !!

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    f ! ! I I .... .. :;: b~ :> ::> .,. If -. · · .. .. • I ! ~ etc .

    Trio. ::>~ ~~: ~~ > -> r-i -.r-"'=i •fj ~ ,. ,......--.;.·a_ •. ~ ~,.-:,.. v . ..- . . . · . . . · . .. .

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    Covyright MCl\lIX hy Carl Fischer. N.Y. 19

    International Copyrig'ht secured. . T 1 Do you ever have to search everywhere before you can find on~ of the missing sheets? Send us 15c to-day for " roll uf CAl~LMUSIC om FISCHER'S MENDII':C TAPE, which you can obtain in all

  • --


    The Bandoliero. (Extracts only) lfarch and Two Step. Price, SOc•.

    ALBERT C. SWEET. Tempo di Marcia.


    .f1 I A • .... ~- -t.) • -6 • - • - v c;

    .q ./zA • b~ 1.. ... L-""" ,j

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    11:1' ~ ! ! ~ !" A A A A A !" !" I!" I ~· •

    .L J:>. ...:: , .. .. ... .. IJI .. ~1r b"il .. .. etc TRIO.

    Copynght MC~IYJlI hy Hdf "" H~gt'r Co. Inc. 43 \V. 28th St. N. Y. International Copyright Secured. Tht' l'uhli~hlTS n's"rn: tht'right to lilt.' ust; (If thi~ Music or melorly for any mechanical Instrumcntt:i.

    20 C"p.l/riKltt MCNX by Carl Ji'ischer, H. Y.

    What Ten Cents Will Do. It wil~ buy a ~mpJe c.opy of the MU8ical Obaerver, the bee muaical monthly publiahecl ia fL. IL!...• G•.• . WIth Its Bplendld readmg matter, consisting of intereatina aDd educational artiaI. . -~ _-.

    " frtot' tn",ic ,uppl,·rne,,'. Beller "'nd for" to.d".y. - mllllk aad muaaaa.. aDd

  • To my very dear friends Luis and Sonia Mora

    Sevilla (Bxtracts only) Valse Espagnole Price, 65c.

    Andantino quasi aneg~ Port Cl' Stee e. op.•5


    · .. -. I ·

    4 ~ #t~~4_.fl ~ I, .2 3 1 :l. 1 ~ ~ ~. -

    · , - 4J.~pPiano I'-a:~:

    -"" ~ .,.- '-- ......r.;:: • I. .. .~ · .. u 7 · "

    3 .2 1 4 Tempo di Valse

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    mp =:::-p r- mp~ . I!!II!!"!III .. . . =J • :-;. • I..- -~ • ~ -. •......

    Goody Two Shoes. , Extracts only) CAPRICE. Price, SOc.

    ARTHUR PRYOR,Allegretto. tr,......... ..

    ~-,.. ... .tJ;----:; ~. -J5~~r1 ~

    P · ~ !ano. ~ • ~ U ~ ~ 11t:fp

    , P 'rat!. =: = . I~ •..


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    .,.. --~ mp -=== ==-p " ~-~- ~ E;- • ~ ~~-4-:.r . "'7 '--'" L:.- =i


    .. '~ ~ =i c,• et " CO! ',VI'iglit MCMX by Cad Fi!'~her, ~. Y.

    Illtt'I'IlDtiollal CO/',nig'ht ~erlll't·J.22

    PrenliunlS Worth Havind • We haw a specially interesting pamphlet of premium~ fr all. music which offer illlovers we conjunction . .• " 0 with .qUhSCTlptiOns for the Observer. All of '. ·C' "rtleles are of real practIcal value and you will be

    dc1'ghkd ""tl. In.. larw' vane.y. Send for tlllS liS' today, It IS free.

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    The Arcade Girl (Extracts only) March & Two Step Pric::. 51)

  • 7'0 Wm. Pink, a friend since boyhood, this ~Var,.h is dedi(;ated.

    AFIFI. Price. SOC.

    (Extracts only) MARCH.


    ~ I .. -Piano.

    \ .) ~ T ~ ~ I -- -.ff ~~ ~~~ ~ ~.. •

    I , , \ - - I

    - -.,~. ~ ~ A~.- .' - - •• ~fL ~

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    ~' Ill. ~ I - .. ~. _. -I

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    ) fi - fi - A fi i' It its slid ing glid- ing

    ~ :: :=~ ~-~ ~ I.i~ !: l....;~ - ...:..-I . \ - L..- - --- c...- - ---".i'"" \ ) ~ \

    ~ , .. _l I - .. ~~ ~~~~ ~ [9-'-- "-~r •. • ..... ., l) I)

    Bump-;:"de 1 umpsand its Rag-a-de Jag-a-de san - dy jumps,! got mine and ....... t , t ~ .. ~ ~ ::~ 0. L-. .IL.

    I - i..--- etc Copyright, MCMX, by Carl Fischer, N.Y.

    24 Internation:d Copyright Secured.

    ber's L10brary Editl'On of educational works for piano solo and other instruments i. the 6neat coHection ever preaented to the1 F· Car lSe musical public. In 9urc~ing the work. of the muter. like Beethoven. Bach, ChOl'i'l, SchumlUl, etc" INSIST UPON EXAMINING THE CARL FlSCHER LIBRARY EDITION.


  • The Peacock. (&tracts only) Badinettc. Price, SOc.

    L. P. Latirendeau.

    .Allegretto quasi Moderato .(J -- 96)

    ~ Piano.

    f}~ :1 3 ~ ~ _ .~~ s--~ ~~ ~ ~ f-~ - ,..

    @ · -.".- ~ • 9 .. ••• • • • p < ,


    f ~ t •. .t:'\~~?,~ .1 _

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    fJ jj. ~ 'ilL 7.~~~~ - /!) 7 ~ •~*J"J"'"t · : ·

    'VI@ .~~ ~~ -p molto erese. P,....l .... ~~ ra- /&.. · · .

    ...jf....L. 11' ...::,.....'niJ j;...~ 11 -#. 1-'-3if-- ~ '-'"

    lIlolto erne.

    ~ etc.

    Trio fJl. 1 I .. I • ~ ~~ ~ ~ -~ - '-V - ~ !!!:;iii ~

    P/~. /~ ~~ f~ /-. ....--. .....-. ....--.. ,,----. ,,----. ~ t:.- ....-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !:..- c;....... etc.

    Copyright MCJ/X by C:lr! Fischa, Nt'1(' York. 25

    Illternational C(lj.vright ,"'

  • --

    ----- --

    La Pepita (Extracts only) Intermezzo Price, 'iOc.

    Alleg'l'o moderato Theo. 1\1. Tobani, Op. 5104 .)


    1 I ':' 1

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    r . r3 etc. Propiedad para]a Republica Mcxicana, de Carl Fischer, New York, Depositada con forme a la ley

    ('op.lJright .,,('J/X by ('url Fisch"I', ,rem YOTh' 26 I ..iler-llatiolial (~Jjl.'/rigld Secul'ed

    5000 Piano Compositions are listed in our catalog, wh~ch will be mailed free of charge to any address. It contains pcnitively all the Idlest and be~t published. Send for It to-day. ,


  • Illusion Intermezzo

    (Bxtracts only) Price. 40c.

    Ruth Bustanoby

    Moderato schel'zando 8---···------····-···~

    t:J I • __ 1: ~


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    I . •. :! ~ '£w.

    .. ~ ~~ - b.. ~ ~,,:,,-,: f:. .. .L ,-;: V

    n tempoPiano rail.= ~ 1\- ~.--,. • 1-+, u :~111 t-41:~...= 11 ~..


    ~. ~ ;n ~.~ ."j~. " "Xw.

    a tempo con moto

    ..:.:...:;....;..-.--It:J f... {.\ -+--- I-- ~. -:;r -a:~~~-~ , 1 lITI I -.~ ~r i ~ , ~~@i ~lF~ ~ r~~ r~ p I Iratl. ....----..... (.\ ..... ; .. .I .. .J.. .l .. J. ------a;-.. ....-f---. -

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    1'" '7 f' P I ~J I ~ D ~ ~ etc. " 'tw.



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    ropyr(l:ld JIC,JIX by f"JrZ Fiscller, J'f'Ui York 27/lItt:rnutio!lul ('op.lfr(.:;:lrt Secured

    an adaptation of the world-famous "Serenade" of Drigo, is the d"I1CC hit of the sedson_Valse Boston This ;s the favorite with all the dancing , schools and one of our best sellers. Mailed postpaid for 25c.

  • Irresistible.


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    Ruth Bustanoby.INTRODUCTION. Moderato. .~

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    Tempo di Valse.


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    p 11.



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    28 Copyl'ight MCM X h,Y Cad Fbcher. N. Y. Tnternat jona I Cup,Y"ig-llt "e{~HI·ed.

    Carl Fischer Library Edition the finest and ~ost carefully edited edition of the famous works of the masters. All the well.known methods. studIes and solos are represented. Complete catalog free upon request.

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    Lure of the Night.

    \ Extracts only) Valse lente. Price, 60c.

    EDMUND BHAHAM, Op. ;j55. INTRO£).

    A ndan t e con eSllresslolle fJ ~ ~ ..------;;;- J-- ~I ~ 1. :J.


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    • ",~, -c:r i 'j ...~ -- ~ 1 r I "if ~nTn ~r11.. ~e- ______- ~.~.1 /' ..... .

    I - ~L....oI I ~L- _........ r' etc.-Yalse lellte

    'l ~ ~ -....... F==I I I ~ 1 !=I L I }. I . . • .. --- .~ t -,I~ fj' ~ L i-r- imf ~

    J J )j ~-y01 ~ I;' 1 ~---I )~ " " . ..

    f-I- I r..... . -1 1- .:.-r

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    " .. ." I I F T I ....... l ' etc

    . ... -- , r l< r 1 f [ """f T 1.J ~rr ifr JJ ~I) l ~ ~.1 I I ~ ~.

    con es resstone ' detzcato em 0-~I a

    \ 7J~' • ~ 1-v I ~ rit.~J.

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    j ~. -. ........ .. ./::::-~ -I r• rI ~ a tempo rtt'lt;"I. I ~ I -.I J~ ~ ..

    -.:-T. . -- " . •

    T - . ..1 etc.f" T' I Copyright MCMIX by Carl Fischer, N. Y. 29

    International Copyright secur~d.

    Adoration the new Flower S~ng by ~eo. D. Barnard. t~e most delightful and charming of all the recent 8010s for Piano. A composition which youwill thoroughly enJoy. m81led for 30c postpaId.

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    The Naughty Nymphs. Vlaltz.

    (Extracts only) Price, 65c.

    Alfred Roth. Op. 5H. ( . (And'lUte :\Iodf'l'ato - i ~


    Piano )



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    Copyrigld llfCllfX by {'(( rI Fischer, J\'ew }()rk.30 llllnllfltiollal Copyright Secured,

    In a Garden of Melody is the name of the prettiest intermczz~ published. This is really a musical gem and if you like something extra good then send for a copy. Maded postpaId for 25c.

  • Bonds Of Love. CExtrJlcts only) Waltz. Price, 6()c.

    Al fred Roth,Op.66


    ( T r -.

  • ---

    Suzette. (Extracts only) VALSE. Price, 150c.

    Alfred Margis.

    Valse Moderato

    I '\ I ~-.---- -~ . . . · \ oJ ?;I-t =r~ ~~ ~If ! .. Jlr ~-6 •r r rr r r ~ ny

    I .I · .. ....· \ ~. '---... - ~*"---

    fl L~ ----- -- -~ . . ?F.. r r ~ ~ =J r r ~ :. i =r r 3~. < ..--~

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    Trio ~ I .. --,

    ~~ r ~ t. ~3ce. r =J v~ T-_ ~ "?!~ t ~ < ~. I . : .. .

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    I · · bo--. . ,


    I I ~~ r r, -6 r -".

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    v- -·"'r1l 1 "II ... -.

    ... etc.

    Copyrigh MCMX by Jul. Weiss, Berlin. (jopyright assigned MCMX to Carl Fischer, N.Y.32

    Published MCMXI by Carl Fischer, N. Y.

    Vocal Music studies, methods, and SOlo8.-we have them all in stock. Send us your orders and we will give them our prom"t and careful attention. , Catalog. for the aakmg.

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    :1 2 5 'l

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    \\Tild Rosebud

    (Extracts only) A 11elody. Price, 50c:.


    rloler: eOn espreJ·s.

    .Ili i) .'jj ., ., 1'; 'l .., CO

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    Pensee d'amour (Extracts only) MELODIE. Price. SOc.


    p dolce can/{[lldo Andantino con moto. -------..


    'fu. * • . ~---- ,I - ~ I~ ~ +l ~ ., . .,., ~ ., r r r P., ~ ., r~ 't #~f = < :

    .. ~ .. J 11 ... ~ J ..~.. J ~ . LI. .. I J .~ ~ ---t . . I r , ...-~.!. - etc.I I Ir

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    pendosi 'tw. * 'fu. * ~).:i{: 'fu. * ~. *




    - -a tempo -~ u +l ~ 11!- h.~•• - ... - ~ ...


    . I r ,. -" .. --.:....---lIlf f .ff

    ) ~ ~ "1 .JI ....D "1 +lJJ "1 .J.1- D "1 hll "1~ ~ ~- "ill ;.

    V V I ... !; :Jr:'tw. -=

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    -~ ~ -, 'In u +t .. ~ .. .. -~ L--- 1- 1. . "

    II ~ r . "----' L I I. ;;----::----=


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    "!:f -= =-P "1.r-Jij I I ~

    . r V ., f f



    ) -,------:h"; ). 'fro. .:y:.34 Copyright MCMIX by Cad Fischer, N. Y.

    Internat jonal Copyright securt'd. Hajnalka. Hungarian Folksong and Czardas ... '.. 60 Tendre Amour (Tender Love), Waltz..... .. ... 60 Rozsika. Hungarian Fantasia and Czardas. . . . . .. 65 African 400 Rag ........................ " 50 Flower of Love, Wahz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 Stand Pat. March......................... 50

  • The Motor Maid (Bxtracts only) March and T,vo .. Step Price, SOc.

    Introduction Edmund BrahamJ Op. :n5 Tempo di l\larcia

    .;: -


    , fl I ....--.... ./ :>. :>.__ JI! --.. . -'!:

    @, ""'"'"'"-I :>. L 1 :::>~ . , 1IfI' t


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    ~ ~ ~ ... ::> - :::>I '. > :::> .-Me10'" ia ben marcato · . •

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    Cuf>yri;(/d JICMXI hy Carl Fisc/iel) Nt'«" J'urR 35 1111,'r lint if) /If11 C"j>\'ri![ld Sa-1frl'd

    Eldorey. Ballet. Intermezzo.................. Railed Thoughts. A Black Coffee Sketch. Ragtime,

    Intermezzo. March-Two-Step.............



    Southern Hospitality, Rag-time, Cake Walk ..... . Teddy After Africa, Humoresque Two-Step ..... . The Kentucky Club, March-Two-Step ......... .

    50 50 50

  • Die Luftschwarlner (The Aero-Travelers)

    ( Extracts only) Price, 60c.

    \VALTZ Anton WeissIntl'od.

    'Y"\ LTZ. soaad hb- . -


    .-----a ~-4-!1 * A ~ I I..~. I I I .-,";-$" 0 .-~ . .., . Ff

  • ----


    The Life Preserver. (&tracts only) Price, SOc. Claude d'AlbretMARCH. Compo~er of:

    "Cupid and Butterfly"

    "Ch imes of Love"

    "Jute t, mezzo S i'l!.li)'f~ico"

    " ..;>vferry Jla,,;den .\!rJ,rch"


    -~ . - ,.," Jft\. · -"" .· ",.. . - .: .. ..t.., .....


    "if ... It #1 t a • •. • I · .. · ~~ - etc--

    -0-. t--. I:~~t: h. • • ... ~.. - '" 11 - - -.,--, - - - .. < :.> >----.

    ~~. ~-. :>; -.... :::>u. ~ tr~ ~-h.

    . . · .. .. ,) ~. ~ . ~ -- -I I "'> ,.J etc, :::>basso marcato



    fl I -' . ... -' - .-' - .. , ..... · · - · - •• a •• • •• ..... •. • · · · · · · · · · 3 . · · · · · · · · · · IS· · · · · t.., .....:: : ~ ~ !

    I - ~ ....... '-iii - '-iiiii -ffmarcato _.-......__ ...._----- _........................ - --............ _--- ...... ..8 7,-a ..__ ..._-_ ....-_.... ..-_ .. ----_ ... _.. ....... _-_ ....... .... -_ .................. _.---- .. _-- .. _.....__ ........ _-.. _.... _-- ..... .. '. · · -'!. ~ = - ~i :4j ~ "I' :4j - ~ ~~ -. ~=i '11 ..: etc. 1 T' -=i .. ~ ~ 11

    ('0l'yri1:-ht M('A1X hy ('nrl Fischr'/' Np1I> Yo/'/e 37 Tnternationa I Copvrig-ht S,'~ur('d,

    Hurricane. March-Two-Step.................. 50 Dwarf Dance, Characteristic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Lone Star, Two-Step-Intermezzo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Elly. Gavotte. .............................. 40 March in F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Mazurka. Caprice .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50

  • Longing for Thee.

    (Extracts only) SONG. Price, SOC.

    E.H. FREY.

    Andante passionato.




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    -, ~ "'n" ..~ 1 ----=mp ~,..~#~ rail. e dim. ~~~-- /ji" 11'" I- ~ ..

    3 ~ • ... ~ .. '-,j~ ~ .It 1--- --':::..

    -..: 1. Long - - ing for thee, 2. Long - - ing for thee,

    11 .. 1- ---... c; 11' - -

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    . ~ IIII!!!!! - ;ijjII"'" ~ I..--p c;iiII

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    @. I I When sweet morn - ing springs, When so soft and wide,

    f1! .u I I I .

    it I I ~ .. ~.. • i. .~.. ~~ .. ~~ ......-- .. -=- ;;-......... -~-~..

    --III"!i:O i lflii!:: r - 1'...--~ - etcpJlll' r;:iiiii'I"'" P'""'" ~ ....


    Copyri~ht 1903 by Carl Fischer,N.Y. Vive I'Amour. Waltz ..... " .. "'.'.",..... 50 Irish King. March-Two-Step ............... ,.. 50 On the Frontier. March .. , . , , , .. , , , . , , .... ,. 50 On Jersey Shore. March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 The Top Notch. March-Two-Step .. , , , , ... , , " 50 Razzazza-Mazzazza. (an Extranganza) , .. ,', . .. SO

  • ••

    ---- -

    High Voice in B~. Medium Voice in F. Low Voice in D.

    ,~~ J.. -t I ~ ~ 1,"4~ "f-:1JJ Pedicated to and sung by Margaret KC,1fe.t:. Price, SOc.(Extracts only)

    When Love is in Thine Eyes.

    Words and Music by


    ~ Con molto animato

    Voice. e.



    I e.

    "" / rL< I

    I.. •

    .... -i_r~ T

    ~fr - ir~ :r ~ -,

    ~ l

    . e. -:~ • •• ----,..'When love is m thine eyes;-


    ~ e. p/ rt ~..' _r f~100.. •< -~

    I r-, ~ p:5 /' ~ ~

    " r_ I .J-../ r~ -(jjIIII"""" - ~~

    cresco _I'} - - - .

    - It. r What JOY of life for me, The

    ~ ~ .. -·

    ~ · I

    eJ ... · JI~--------.-/ L 1~ j r"--:---~ -j~ ~ cresco _1 -J. - •...t ,

    ~ etc.

    ~~ ~

    Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y. 39 _ International Copyright secured.

    Velvet of the Rose, Waltz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 Canoeing Idyl. . ............ 50

    Blackberry Bill, March..................... 50 Skipperjack Dance .............. , . : ... , . . .. 50

    Light of Heart, March Intermezzo. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Frau Louisa, A Comedy Waltz .. : : : : : : : : : : : : :: 50

  • -----

    High Voice in A~ Low Voice in P.

    t31g;~ After Sunset. Extracts only) Price, SOc.

    Words by Music by ALICE XATTULLA1'H. ARTHUR PRYOR.

    Moderato con amore. fl I



    ~ I





    ~ I



    • ~--.~ ;;==---. "I f~·;)1 J!JJ rI~ ~I

    j ~ --.;: 17 -- ~ r r I t-t. If ~~:~ ~t~to~: ~~~ A- I ~ . ..t

    ,,----,-. ~"

    I I I ,... t t .. :! ::..ii

    ~t:'\. dolce, e~pressivo .

    . ~

    '"'" Give me your hand and ~ --......

    . .,-...-/ , I prom-lse youll be true! Give me your heart and

    --- ~ ...~ - r:r ~-I~-41'-. Jt ~

    1.---- .. -- f-- . """"-: ~ /:-- c;~ I

    G 1 ....... ~~ etc.~

    ,.. ~ ..

    - ~t:'\ --- ---- --....... ~ I .-J .J I ~ --f-. ~

    \ \ ~ .. .. .. q"1 .~ • til "11 • • I'~~

    rall. Watempo

    -- -t--.... I l-6 V

    " ~

    ~ I

    ~~ <

    i·~ i-~t ~.------T.

    r-r .. ~

    40 Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y. International Copyright secured.

    The Court of Love, "'·ahz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lure of the Night, Valse lenle. .............. .'cflsee Intime (Secret Thou

  • ------- -


    FolIe Extclse.

    (Extracts only) Price, 60c.

    Englif'h Tl'anslation by (Dream of Delight.!ALICE MATTULLATH.


    VALSE CHANTEE."'ords hy Music by GASTON DEVAL. E. MILOK.

    Mouv\ de Valse.

    P · lRno. ( ~ ~~

    ~. (T' ! ~~. p..' -----... ::::;. 1;;". .. - b' ""J-' ,"C) • --• . .. r-19-'le-- . IE . __ "'__ - 1- . -


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    ~~ #~ .. ~,., !-! ~~ : ~-. r- ,. !"': I"": 1"":W~ f-4I

    1- -..e-~--

    11 = .. - i .. ~ :4j t; ~

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    I~~: ~ ~ A -- -"---", {.\I- ~ • L>.' 1 1 I I ...... I I. . --.t . . .

    • ~ !="I'

    rz't. rail. ~ 'I ~ b'~ !-! ~ ~. {.\

    r- l'"" l'"" . ~f~ = = ?: 11i '1 ~

    t ( ILent emen . soU' )t; ~ ...-------I I• . ':J' --I I .. · · . •

    Hold me close to your heart, let me hear it beat -Pres - se - moi sur ton ()(Cu )' .ie ~'eu.J: ta ca - res

    ~ ~ i I I I

    \ I . ---- -.· ·..~ .::.-I~ i i i i ~~ r~ ~#~~ I <

    , p ff

    I . ~ ~ • - . -· ·

    II I I I

    t; ~ ....--I. . .L~_' @) I I +t... ~

    ing, Tell me, tell me once more that yon l:Wt; but se, Sreur de t'en- chan - te . ment qui ui(', lit me gri

    t;~ ..--.. I • I I , :=::::::""_,./ ~r . . ~ -.~~ .-..... ff

    · Tf ~ f f

    ~ ~ ~ 1."J i i ~ rr ~ r fI I It .~ -. -I ~~~~------'\ --'-1-~---· . ----::

    I I ---... .------etc. Copyright, MCl\IVII, fly Cad Fiseher, N. Y. 41

    Publi~llCd hy PcrmiRsion of P"ul Del'ourcdle, OWl"'" (If ",·i".ina] r"pY';:'~1

    The Avenger, March....... ,............... Cliek-i-ty-Clack. March-Intermezzo. . ...........

    50 50

    Trinity, Sacred Intermezzo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Warbler's Farewell, Chara,=ttri,tic on Tyrolean


    ~1eJodies. . . ......................... 60

  • --


    IJedicated to my mother.

    (Extracts only) Price. SOc.BR ritone

    iJEJ r Sleep. Song. -~~ J rWords and Music by


    Andante .~ ~ Voice.

    ~~l .J. I •. J. ~

    r ~


    ~./---~ - -_~ ~ . . I

    ~ •• ":-J! ~ Piano. < "If i ~. dim. e rail. i~·pp

    -:--, ~:~: .. .I . .... ... . .... i"Z: ::-- -----... \;"I ~. ~.

    ~- ~ .. P~ ~ ~ ~I r. · ... - -

    Sleep,my lit - tie one, sleep,_'_ The sha-dows round thee creep;_ The.

    ~ ~ ~L"'~l ~ ~ ~~l ..~~ l ~------ ~I _!\ .

    \ ' =: - = < p ~. J~. I·· I:a tempo .: ~: i: .I · · . . . ·

    ~. .... .... "iI · 'fro. 'fro. 'fro. ~ _.,.~resc. r--. ~ ~ ----

    • I r • -,j-I sun has gone be - yond the sea To find in far E -

    I'j ~ / _i"-""'"

    \ · . . . .• $-1 :! • if: ..... J:j : ~:... f~cresco t · · · · . . . . ·- f •• l ... "iI. I ... "I. etc.

    42 Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y. International Copyright secured.

    Miss-Ouri. Two-Step. ...................... The Observer March.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Present Greeting, March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

    50 50 50

    The Love Kiss, Waltz".......... . . . . . . . . . .... Love Thoughts, Waltz......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ali/i March ...•........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

    60 50 50

  • --

    Sop.or Ten.Low'ItVoice J'; I Summer. ~ ~~ J rPrice, SOc.(llxtr.... only) It Words by Music by

    Lillian W. Havens. J. Louis von der Mehden, Jr. Op.16.

    Moderato con moto poc0 a poc0 rt'tar:d . ~ I "'-= Voice.

    ~ Piano. <


    ~ I I k

    .. Moderato con moto. ~ e ~ ~,.. ~ ~ ::> I ::>-



    .IT 9 9 3 3 JJJJJ~~~~~~..

    E..~ g'-ocoso

    ::> ~ n .

    . boco a poco rtf, ra. ~ ~ ~ ~

    L n ..


    nJTJ-I ~.tD --

    I \;.I

    ~ <



    ap - pte tree's In bIos I'l 1 giocoso


    - - sam, fhe per

    •• ... - ... ~ ~.. - -*-1 -:;'T .."lI - - -,t.. .. 11~ ~ ~~ mp~ · -

    =t!i ~ --- -:;;j r

    ,~ I. I .


    fume so rich and rare, Floats



    Copyright MCMIX by' Ca.rl Fischer, N. Y. 43 Interna.tional Copyright secured.

    The Golden Av.e. Waltz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6S Diabolo March-Two-Step. .................. 50

    Passions of the Heart. Waltz... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 The Commodore. March.................... ~u

    Rein of Youth. Waltzes......... " . . . . . . . .. 6S An Egyptian Love Dance .................. " 50

    r1 ~~ ~ ~ "..l ".. ,~ r-

    -- ~--- Y=i l ..~ r-..- "!f - - ------------ -r-~W-~IJ I~ rJ-;J- • ]- J~- J]· · ~ lr -U etc.

  • --

    Ded/catcd to Jfl'ss Ahce D,anbl,} .lIe Farland.

    Until God's Day.

    Price, SOc.(Extracts only)

    Music byWords by FR'ANK STANTON, ALDRIDGE B. KIDD.

    t\.ndante e recitativo.,Ij ~ r;--r,~~. ~I~

    .. ., I ) i ) J. Ij' ~1Voice. - - J J l A lit - tie while to-



    !J ~ ..".. ~ •. o· .

    ~ ...

    ~rL-- 11 -. • f--- --;I ,II: -J = ;, #I!. .. ~ · · ""



    · . ~-f----I --

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    t\ b••

    . ~ ... .. ... ..1------

    • . --r---

    v v

    !J P

    ~ ........ . ., 1 - c.I___.../ - - - - jt., walk with you my own on - ly a lit - tIe way

    !J I n

    ~rL-- - ::- ~r-.. .,.. .. ~ r ~ pp · ~ #:~-r-£_._-~-· -

    c.I --1 etc.v -:£

    ~.- --- - '( '( Then one of us must weep and walk a - lone

    4: I 1 ~-~- . ---.~I _:": ~. --1-.- .--41'- -~ .L:i. .-.- I-i - .. - - ~

    I 11 . ~ · -""' · . _.-~. ., :.' . l

    ... un - til Gods day.


    _.. ' .L -~77

    ~IJ ~ --:V-

    Copyright MCMVIJ by CuI Fischer, N.Y.44

    (ht/owt"UNO/ Cup.lfrignt secured. The Silvery Brook, W allz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 The Muqueraders, Waltz................... 60

    Slumbering Embers. 'Waltz. . ........ 60 Such is our Pleasure, Waltz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65

    Th.-: Aeroplane, March-Two-Step .......... , . .. SO We of the U. S. A.. March .... ;. . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.

    . .~ J. ..1 1 1 J


  • - -

    I. Ii(1-' · · •

    • Low Voice in F High Voice. Love IS Triumphant.,. J r Le Triomphe d'Amour.

    (Extracts only) Price. SOc.


    Tempo di valse lento. (J-104 )-V;oice.




    f} a -• ten . fj a ~~f~SI- ~~ ~ .I .. {,..t.,..

    ~ '- c;:

    \ • --- -. "'~- ~-II ~.- ... P _ tJ


    ~ I. ~J ) ~. sJ d~n~JtJ.- ) ~.J ~-I ) !~iLJl) . .. . . . . ~ ~. t:: if·~ ~ f!;' ~. ~. ~. #~. ~.


    I ~ V I I.fl Love is tri - umph - ant, love holds full sway, L'a - mournous con- vain-ere Ie tri - om-phe dh - mour, L'a

    ~ a >- I nil I. + +-+-. r I• I I -V ! I Love binds our hearts . for ev - er and aye, Love bids us

    mOUl" li - l' les e(£tU'8 pour tOll - jour's, L'a - moul' nous re -f} a

    \ I

    • ~-+

    -:;;r' ... ~.:aS· r~

    II . . .~ .· .· I I

    I.J ~~ s... r'~$=i W

    ... .. - "'"·t~ .-r • ~-+==



    Copyrig-lit MCMIX hy Carl Tnternational Cu)Jyright

    Fischer', N. Y. St;cuft,d.


    The Malqueraders, Waltz....... . . . . . . . . . . .. Such i. our Pleasure, Waltz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. We of the U. S. A.. March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

    60 6S 50

    Ciribiribin. Waltz. ......................... Santanelia, Valse Espagnole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Silhouettes (Nebelbilder), Waltz..............

    50 60 65


  • Alia mia carissima Edviga dedica

    Edvig'a(Extracts only) Price, 65c Valse melancolique

    Yab(' Hans T. Sdfcl't.

    (I CIllo e m'din('onico11 ~ .' 4 5" 9


    ~ ~~. 7f ~ 4~ ~. ~ "iJ rJ -- / P dolee

    1 J 1 I - -;--

    • I I I I I #1 1 I I -tI .. ~ t~ 3 .~

    (J n 4

    I I IIt 1) ! t I I I I 11 I I • I I I 3 2

    ;;'1 I etc.'rw, 2

    . ~ u.

    ~ • '----- ~. -i -;;t -.. . 6- -r ~ .i'- 11 4.1

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    (w. ;~ ~1I.


    Lento (' maiill('olli('o

    (l ~ .... deNoato

    I @) ~

    3 'IT": ., . ~ ~/ ~2 2



    !~ /II ~ 1ft..I . . !. r r

    .~(l i it 1 fl ~ • • ./ --... ~ -.... ~ =-----,

    @J I

    P dolellte : = • .. ~~ ~ ~

    ..L! JL

    - I I I I -.. etc.Per/ale sell/pre ',./,vr(:;1rt MCJIXI by Carl Fisc/It'!') Nt'tt· lurk

    /1.'1,'1/111(,-011111 Cvpyn;:.:11f ."',·curt'd

    Artful Artie. March-Two-Step. ............... 50 Pro~it Descriptive March. . • . . • . . . • . . . • . . • •.• 50

    Champagne Spirits, Waltz................... 50 Bunker Hill. March-Two-Step. ............... 5

  • "0 Belle Nuit" Darcarolle


    (Extracts o.nly) "Tales of Hoffmann" Price, SOc. (Les Contes de Hoffmann)

    hy Transcription

    Jacques Offenbach by Hans 1'. Seifert.

    8········ ........... ····..······· .. ·;

    ---33 4

    Moderato I) ~ t .4 t.l" t

    4 •. . : ~ t ~ t .t .. ~ ..

    Piano pp a~

    I . ----.. . .1. '7A ~ 2---': - U

    ,... /!,..~ ~ .. 1-1 ....----:: ben cantando > > >-> >~


    polort"ta > > - Ii' .,I' > >rd 2 3

    '.12 2 ;. ~t~ #. ..1 .. -I . -a-.. .

    • I) i • ~ u 1!P :: u etc - "ill ~. ~.

    I ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ / .. .. ~l/~ .: 8····················· .. ··· ........ ·· .. ·, .

    --.;• - 7 .~ V \.... ./ mf > > > > > ;;> > > > > > >2~ td.~ !h ~i.~ J

    i J !~ I~ i. J iJ .~,.... - •~ .. - -; - - - -. . .. 'II~ II!' ~ 'II 4 la melodz'a marc.

    8············.... ········.. ·· ..·.. ···· ~ !. ~~! 1~! 2 (~/'.. ~l /'. ~ ~l i .. ~ "'l it. ~ :/' -



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    it~. jJ JJ .b> >

    l~ i. J J I t i. JJ j:: ~: .. Ii - - - - -I . #" .'To "7'

    4 "etc. 47

    Cop!/right -'/f'.ItX 1i.'I ('arl Fisd.I1r, ,Vnv Jilrk

    Captain Cupid March...................... Frozen Bill, RaIL................ . . . . . . . ..

    50 50

    The Baby Parade, A Characteristic Two-Step. . . .. Blood Lilies, A Japanese Two-Step. . . . . . . . . . . ..

    50 .50

    .. J~ The Gridiron, March-Two-Step ............. " 50

  • Price, lOc.

    Hans T. Seifert. (Extracts only)

    Alleg'l'ctto piiI tl'anr[lutlo-P· ~

    lano ~

    (J I ... ~~,. ~ -~ I ......... - -ltlf'-===-= =

    fII- .- : ., -1 I'"" r{


    \ .. f*-.. -\. - -. .. c. ~ -

    I'1tarrl. 1'!1' COlt OJ'PI'OSSI(mO

    !,.. ~ .. - -J c ~ = 4 4 iI

    ~~. ',-Xw. C£w.

    fJ I


    ;) :I 'i :l~. • -... --'! ,

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    ~ ~ ~~,. ~ ~ ~. ~ 1-,, .. . . ... • -- soston. ~ .. ! "t


    ~ ~ ~ i :4j 11




    L ~., - r .. i f '}J cresco

    • ,

    :± ':.: ~ ~ GI#%. selJlpr(~ sl'JJIIle

    COil eSjJJ'eSS1'OIl{'

    . . r f r . ! rd[","" ~ ~ "If

    ~ -~ 4

    --. ... = 7! ..s .,

    ,~~ I 'l ,> :; 0' 4 2 n


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    pO CO pI U mosso

    !J., f*-


    ~ -JIIf'-=::::::::. ~

    IL-~ft --f., =i= --~

    C:~, fill- ~. I -..-

    = rdard. • =:b ..

    ~ ,....-: J __ 21 . Ie ! "i • .. ..~.. .. • • . I

    'lIff cresco -, - - -

    ~- --+ z i I i i i I etc.



    CuPPIf;ht MCIIXIby Carl Fischa Nn,(' Yurk

    Ilitaltatiuna! CUPYfI:l{ht St'Crffol

    Dance of the Rose Maidens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 La Balladora, A Pirouette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >0 Moon Dance. ....................... 50 College Overture on- Students' Songs. . . . . . . . . . .. 7>

  • Dawn Of Hope. (Extracts only) (REVERIE) Price, SOC.

    Jean de Casella. Andante espressivo.

    tJ I


    j ..

    ~ t 5

    , i'--f- -u (2 P :r==:::sl - ~3

    {'; 5



    4L._:I 'lJ-3,

    u 1



    2 3 3 4 6 II

    .~~ ~ 1-------......... 3_21 - -.

    I) -..c.;: ~


    etc. 5 ~.

    Lento. 5 3 5 \ 5 5 5

    ~ <


    ~ ~ ~ itJ .. t.l

    2 ~ ! j1.. ~ 3... ~ ~


    j j: .

    P ~. .:1: !il- I .~Ll. I.. '0 ~4 4 r~ 4

    * 5

    ~. 4 5* ~.

    5 5

    * ~. * 'fro. * ~.

    f 32 ~ ! J', .. ~ f

    .. s .~


    * 5

    'foo. 5



    4 5 etc..It ~.~. * 5 B5 * 'fro.a * 3 8V,.a .--------__ -----________________ .______________ .. __________________________ _1 1 ~

    dolce e espl'eSsil!O 1 1 1


    Copyright MCMXI by Carl Fischer, N. Y. 49 International Copyright lIeeured.

    Send Us One Dollar and we ~ilI send. you a sp~cially s':.lected list of eight of our very best sellers. valued at $2.00 n t "Professional GUIde Bargam Offer. e . In ordering ask for

  • Pondering.

    (Extracts only) Price, 30c.

    J. Louis von der MehdenJr., Gp. 15, N91. Moderato grazlOSO.

    a~- .~ ~ .~ - 1-2 .~ 1-2 ,.. ~~ :.. ...



    \ 'Ftt~~· -====nif===-~ 1(1~, .J.... •

    11 *'


    = -


    ~ ~

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    ~ --===== :::==-.. I

    *' ~. ~.

    Andantl·no. 5poco aceel. _ 3

    ~ ~ . _1 1____. ,.....--..- -~. ~ 1 I . '--" .. . .\/

    -{ (1,)(2)

    1tff cresco ffi p r\ ~ i i~ ~ I Ip ~!- !.I, . II

    ~11 :}{: :;I= ~ *'*' ~. *' ~. ~.

    1-3 1-3

    ~. *' *'*'~. ~.

    1 .2 3

    1 2 3

    poco accel.

    1 1

    (2) _=========== (4)_====== p f poco a poco ritar. - = 1 2 3

    ~. :}{: :}{:


    1 3

    *' *' ~.*' etc.

    50 r'opyright JlCN1X by Carl Plscher, New Y01'k. International Copyright Secured.

    Don'~ Fornet lhil~y yo,u, wan~ to keep up tothe times, and know what is happening in the musical world. you should 8ubac:ribe for the MUSICAL . Ie f) .. OlbER'y ER ;:'Ub3CrIptlOn price $1.00 a year.

  • ------



    Sadness. (Extracts only) (TristesseJ Price, SOc.

    CHRISTIAAN KRIENS. Andante. (J = 80)

    :} 5 .11.11 5 2

    I ~ J. >-- - 2~i 2 J 3 ;; :> 4 2 i>\ .... LL -~ :1 • r... -6 rPiano.

    ...,.... .~ ~.L\ 1--- ---I 5 2



    .L ~L ,. ,.. -- --- --- .... · @.. 1 r~~ ~ · · --==== ~ p con molto sentimento 1~~2

    I .. I~J --- J ] I ~ }-1 I,.11 5 .11 5

    .11 2 ------~-3 2I/ ~

    ~. .•--- ~ ,,-~. ~:I~r~~ ~.. -'-"r _"If p ------ ==f .0;;;

    ~ 21~1 J J"I ~2~. o .....L.: fL -,.,. .\, I. _____________ I5--1 t'I :I5 5 5 52 3

    "1 1



    I ..


    .~ ... ~ r ...


    L• -6

    3 .11 5




    'rt I 1


  • Homeless. Ul~tracts only) Romance. Price, SOc.

    CHAoS. ARTHUR, Op.l'7. Andante can espreSSlone.

    Piano.! \

    5~ ~I::i ..~ I 2

    e.. - HI


    f ..

    .. - .. It" 2 -II ,~ -i -

    = • p .-. .. ~ b.. 4 -6 .. i


    * * ~.~. 8····················································· ...................... : *..~~ ............................ :

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    , ~~"8·················································· ...................................................... If I _.... ~ . ~ .. . . i' - • ?:; •- ...... ~I :tlit -.. .

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    8······::.········1 ~~ II. ~(..--1 3



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    4 3 1

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    =k __ ! It" .

    i :::; etc. :ji

    2 22 1 3 :l 1 3 . 3 .2 t 3 4 . t


    --t----- 3 etc.

    Copgrigh t, MCMVlII, by Carl Fischer, New Y01·k. Intl'rlllltjflllal Copyright Secured.

    Carl Fischer Pianos r"pr"sent the ~n"st .tonal quality, t~" most hand8~m". app"arance, and the fin"st material and workman.hip eve' put into a moderate pnced lnstrum"nt. Pnc"s upon apphcabon.

  • -------- - --

    To ,.,rs. H. h.. Chadwick.

    L'amour d'une Marionette ~ Extracts only) Gavotte Price. SOc.

    Hem.)' Dellafield.Ol" 4~

    Tempo di Gavotte I) f

    ....~ "

    ~ .J J .J I ...~ Piano

    '£w. ~.

    fJ I i 21 1 1 ~

    [ .. ~ T P

    >-... It t TT. IN 3

    . ,

    >-. ;,. n

    , 5



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    '.i,t). I) 4 31;--:1 4~ b"~~ 1 IJ J .. r. b9- =Jl .... 3 121 . I~ I .:.. ~

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    f >fl I 11fI" :::> 2 ~ ~2I

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    u q.. .. n IS etc. 4

    5 3"

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    1110rcoto . L • 1 I I I I, :J. 3 ~ ~ I~ .. ~UI · · .

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    li4\legato espresso ~ ~ I J ~.fll 0..-

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    (JOP!lrigiet MCMX by Carl Fischer, hew York 53 International (Jopg'Nght Ser:ured

    Dlctionapv of Musical Terms An absolute necessity for every music lover. Contains over 5000 terms and F' . d' &-.-a J music. Mailed upon receipt of 2Sc in stamps. orelgn expreSSIOns use In



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    Dreamy Moments.

    (Extracts only) (Liebesfriihling.) Price, 60c.

    J. EHRICH.


    .2 4

    INTRODUZIONE. Andante.


    5 t 5 t.


    .2 8 5~ , s .........1. · - !:' ~~ ••- .2 .... n t •• ~!.~ A. ~!.. .a. ' -J.. •.... . ..~I"'" · ·

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    fl I t 15~ q~ b"3b·~ b~ 3~.1e. l !. .2 ~. :! ---.. . . I-\.(~...JL-.-f -~ ...... I

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    11 If 2 pooo piu ~ >- 5 4.5 5 >- 50·

    a1'limato . 5 --------., 3 .2 5 ~ 4 3

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    HI! l--+--- -. =M~


    2~ .2 3 1 --

    •- --i l- I-=t --


    4 etc.=ij ~


    ~ tt V 1 by I\]fr,.d Mar~is. the writer of the famous "Valse Bleu·· is one of the most delightful waltzes you ever heard. Send for a copy tr_t;tUZe ease day without faiL MaIled lor 30e postpaId.

  • Bitter Sweets. (Extracts only) Price, SOc.Intermezzo.

    INTRO. H. ENGELlVIANN. Moderato. ~--.... 1 2 4

    >- '3 14~-3 " ~ 2~ /fj'- 2 ;~ • I4~_.1 !\ ::==g. '1'''_'---~-.•~.I..- 3' ~ ~ ~ ~


    4 2



    Tempo Allegretto moderato, con espresso -- 3 t~ 5 2~~ ----.. ~ '1 5-1 2 >- 4 ,- --...t .Ii '1 1 0_. ~

    t '\ .. ...

    4 4 ~ 2 2.Ii :J

    r~ "-



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    -t--.. .- ....-- .. tJ ..~ VI etc.

    - = ~ = ~ P grazz"oso = ~ :> .

    I I I:


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    +-r+ -~ - ritard.~

    J #~~_ qf ~



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    Copyrigllt) JfC3!V/~ by CaTI pisc!Wr, ,Veil! rod. International Copyright SeCtFf.'o.


    -======== ======~


    Do You Ll"ke Two-Steps? Then do not f,,:il to obtain ~c"py of Chas.]. R"berts' .. Diabolo" March. Cone of the most melodiou, and catchiest two-3teps pubhshed. M'111ed for PH"10 solo for 25c.

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    (Extracts only) Reverie. Price, 5Oc.

    H. ENGELMANN. Moder/to con espresso 5 4 5~5 5 4 A 27'5 f 52~ 2 1 1 3 __ ,. __ '/-:;;; 1.,..-_

    , Piano.


    ~ I. • ~_ • 4 2M 31... -,. @.


    . . . ...::j Tl

    p c: Lot: ~ ~

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    r.::~~ ~~ ~--- '~~ etc.

    123 4~~ 'i'''1.--.-.


    56 Copyright, JfCMVlf, b.1I Carl Fischer, New.-York. International Copyrig>ht Secured.

    Everythinn in Music is our motto and whatever you want

  • I

    Dedicated to my niece, Joan Cotterell

    Trailing Arbutus (Sxtracts only) Price. SOC.

    A G arden Lyric Edited and lingered oy

    S. l. Hermann A. Selwyn Garbett

    Moderato molto leg'ato

    fa I .2 ------a li " 8 2 a • . --t '/ .

    --,;I t lflflf ~ i ,r~j ~ i ~ i ~ r T r f

    :mf marcato In me/odl'a J ... J ... ...Ll -, . .

    \ . . ~1312 Sf"



    la ----- 'fw.

    41 41 51 a ~ 51fl I I I Oii!. . ,'I 7 I.r I i1 J r Ii PJ I j I i ' i ~

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    1 .J I ...... .. ~ 3 • .. .,j - ... ... •6 3 .2 .~. _~ Ld J -~ 'L~~j ----. :--.-.. · · . \

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    Copyright HeAlX oy Carl Fischer Ne1IJ York 57 International fJopyright Secured

    In a Garden of Melody the charming little intermezzo hy Sudda is co••ide~d by moet pianiata one of tbe moat beautiful alld catchy little concert numbers published. Many thousand. of copies have already been 80kI aad if you __ .omotbing extra

    aood then selld 25c for a piano .010 copy,

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    Tn "'liss .Dorothy Cohn.


    (Extracts only)

    Flu!jered by CATHERI.KE M. BATE:Y1AN.

    NloQcrato misterioso.

    - ~I. >- ;; >-. , 4 >- 4 4 I !) >- J / ~ ~

    Piano. <

    2 ,

    \~ I


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    Itl~r -.; ==-t=.--I :...,... .

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    };.ff • I ,

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    (~-1h-._L~.L-=:2=t 'o' _~---1__~_- 1ip..;I -:=L- ';1-iJ I'~ '_" Copyright JICJn"f11 1).// Cm" Fisc!le1; KewYork.

    JC JutprnntionaJ (:npyri1:'ht Sectlreo.



    1>11;~1 .. L~~'

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  • (Extracts only)

    1'0 Miss Frances ,.t. (;ar/halls,

    The Cavalier's Bride. GAVOTTE. Price, SOc.

    Tempo di Gavotte. (M.M. J = 144)

    Carl Wilheim Kern,Op. 174.

    ~.! 5~ ~ ~ I. 4~ ... . )~~ -. V..... ~

    P qUflsi pizzicato

    54 5 ~ ~ 2 2

    2~ . 1 J\

    5 4 S 2


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    ..? :::> ~ ~.-•.7

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    * 'fw. * III ~ =J -I-I =j -: - ,1 ~~ 2~I ' -I

    · · I I lr-"f T r 'T1r1 iT f:;,' • • I g''--' '--' '--' '--' - ~-- r..:.. - r-. - - ~ - - ..:. >-- -- , · 'Ii': · ".

    1 i ~ I3 5 3 5 - 5 5


    1 I '-.,.....


    "T etc.


    I ,

    Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer,N.Y. S9 International Copyrig-ht secul·ed.

    Music Rolls, Leather Bags and Satchels, etc., of every deshcription and grade of price, can be obtained from us with th" guarantee t at &11 satchel or bag '11 b th 1 d I'k I hluperior ot any you can purchase at double the price, Send for complete list. 'WI e e equa an most ley t e

  • To Mlle. Wanda Svendsen.


    (Extracts only) Nocturne. Price. 5Oc.

    D. M. LEVETT, Ope 56.

    ~ I

    \T t. ..


    Allegretto espresslvo.


    . -

    "T' . ..........



    2 4 ~ 4~__ 3 -----.. .. 0r F' r

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    r r- JI r O.~O -; =:= == t= = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -)J+- jr~ t~ .-.=----,-,,+-

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    ~ ~ .. .~.. iR3 C~4 3 • .-32 .. ... - - P' v

    =f = a tempo f \= = lpoco rall. ,be~ ~ ~ ~ ,-,+ h: . :. . . . 5 2 t 5 etc!) 5 It t I)

    no Pede



    Copyright MCJlIX by Carl Pisone,", Hem York. 60 International Copyrig-ht Secured.

    Barnains in Used Pianos If you want a real barg,,;in. in a used piano then be sure t? send for ~ll informati?D ~ to ~he special ~n.tru_ ~ • ments we have at our dl8posal. There are .orne extraordinary bargams to be obtamed m this way and It is no unusual thing to save from $100 to $ISO on such a purchase.

  • Thankfulness. (Bxtracta only) Price. SOC.


    Molto tranquillo. ______ 8----------------------. i 2 B .""

    Piano. I

    ~ : 126 Il • 2

    31 2 4, 'fio. *


    Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y. 61 International Copyright secured.

    Everyday Album for Plano Solo A col~ection which will prove the most attractive kind of a pun:haee for eve Ia h _f , • Contains a number of the most popular and beat lilted of th st d d ' ry p yer 0 t e P~o.

    ditlicuity. or moderately euy. The mo.c deeirable collection publiahed. Mailed upon receipt of 4Oc. e an ar plano Boloa, all of medium

  • A Heart's Melody. (Extracts only) (Eine HerzensmelodieJ Price, 6Oc.


    ~ PIANO.~ .. ~ ... -.~ III!.


    - I 5 4-1 -[) 2 5



    Andante espressiyo. 5

    61 .---- ;} ------- 2 3~~~- . -.) ~ - I - _I ;;;;;iiI . 1

    j.J ~~~J~ rl1,;/

    ~ ~ _~_ ~t·-- ~ Ii .. ~I •. . -.

    a tempo


    Tempo I. 4 !'i r1 5 3 ~ ~ fL1J". ~ ..1 - .~ 2 / .

    ~ ...

    ~ 2 1 , -

    ~t~l rill)'

  • Pressed Roses. (Extracts only j Album-Leaf. Price, 4Oc.

    GUSTAV SAENGER. Moderato sostenuto. Op. 106, Nt?

  • - -


    Je t adore Chant d' amour

    (Extracts only) . Price, SOc,

    Ossip stepanoff

    Moderato con moto


    fI I 4 1 I

    · .., - ... ... - - -.. ~r'r'rrirrr ~ i i '" p ! -~ ----• ·. ,

    · ben marcato. i

    a tempo


    ,.. I. 4";;;;;: :---

    \. I.




    " 1~1 if,.... "1 .....;

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    '7' "-f 1,,-., 1 I J J Ipdolce\;.I

    PO(}(J rd. ben calt1ando I 1 3

    ... :G 3 .. 'tw. 5 1 1 4_2 4~ 3


    '3:w. .>'.

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    ~ "If etc. ~,

    2 1

    {/op!Jri;.:,1d J{CMX by Carl Fischer, ,few York

    Illternational COjl.lfrigltl Secnred Fischer's Natl'onal Waltz Album the finest collection o~ Waltz~s ever publishc:d for PilUlo So~o. I;:very nation. i. repre_ ~ , sented. the waltzes belng typical of the Amencan. German, IrUlh and other nation.. con_ tainill( the favorite aira of eac.h country. This very attractive collection mailed for SOc.

  • Dolly's Lullaby (Extracts only) Pric~ 25c.

    Claude d' Albret.

    ~ Slowly .... -

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    119-~ f ,. t f: ,.• • ~ ~ •I " "


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    ~ ~ - ~ 19 bn - . c-- ~. ,... " · ·

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    fl -. ,-...... · ·• ::.-/ I ~ - :..-/ .. • 4· mf p p pp

    ,9 n n l.p '!"';) - n I?-" .. -". • .. ,, Cop11'ight MCMX by Carl Fischer, N. Y.

    International Copyright secured. 65

    The .Art of the Pianist an iDtereeting and helpful work for pia.lo teachers and students. A new book on piano playing which will appeal to aD playeR of artiatic culture and inclination. Profusely illustrated with rare photographs. artistically bound in

    cloth aDd IOId for 90c net.


  • I.Jilie s of the Valley Lilies. of the valley white,

    Close to the garden wall, Nestling there quite out of sight,

    Beside the sunflowers ta.ll; Who planted them none seemed to know,

    But at the dawn the~' woke to life, (Extracts only) And the big sunflowers looked down and smiled, Price 3Oc.

    And loving, took them a.ll to wife. Lilies of the valley white

    Close to the garden wall, Nestling there quite out of sight,

    Beside their husba.nds ta.ll.

    Gustav Saenger., N94Tempo di Valse 2"



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    t . . . y-~ . 3 ).." _ " 3 2 lS 3 " ..

    ~ P very da":nlily

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    1 2

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    8 232a 4:I" 1


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    3 I 2

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    ::> r-,I4 3~ ~2 3, ::>

    V. ~sc. I 'tr It Vf ::> ~ t!= ~ fL ~ fL tt..

    1 8

  • Evening Mood (E%tr4Cts only) (Abendstimmung) Price 4Oc.


    I ,,~

    f eJ


    f1~ , ,

    · · \

    Molto espressivo e sog-nando Rich. Czerwonky.

    ,,~ 3 2A 4_ a ~- ~ fI~ . 2 -..--.........t 4 . ~


  • ---- -

    H errn Otto Schall er

    freundlchaftlichat zugeeignet

    (Extracts only) Price SOc..Poema di Amore Hans T. Seifert

    Andante sostenuto

    '" I 9 .t ~ . It ! ! 1 ! -pY !" ~ ! '-~ ~ 'i~f ~p do!(~e . . . . . .

    In lIIelodl,·a be,""*'lIwt'oato

    1 _____ Ail 21 ] 2I--------11 1 -.

    -= :; ~D ~~ Ped C1. es npr 3

    f\ I 2

    , " t " !• 1I''1~t~ . '!" 'it !~ - -. ..-

    ~Jjl 21 ; .J J 1 ' 1 L---..1 21 .1------


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    " f} I 3_ 1\ _2 :J . -II 15 41~"'" I .J . . t !.. -. I b-J_ -, .t "P- .~-. . .

    (f1JWC.J r-1tiJ urJ h~ b~' .


    1 I I T \

    a tempo

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    dim. e r1~t

    Jt=JJt~tJJ t. ~ u., __~~_ , .,

    ~ u'i~ "i~li- i-- 11~ ~ :1 4>- :::> ~

    (J~t JC.ffX by Carl Fischer, Nev York 68 International Con"!:kt Sec"rt:d

    Carl Fischer Pianos represent the mo.t magnificent values ever offered to the mU8icai public and if you consider the purcha. of aa iu.uu. ment at any time you will do well to ...nd to us for complete information .. to our special sellin, piau. Catalo8 aad pri"M roailed free.

  • Moonrise. (Extracts only) Price 401e.

    J. Louis von der Mehden, Jr. Op. 20, I.

    Moderato tranquillo. 3s

    ~ 1 2


    ~ • - - -- -p. selllpre oen sostl ~uto = ==

    3n~ ,J J J 1 sJ -:Jj I J 8 1. -

    --- I 'fi(). * 4

    fl 3 1 1

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    ~ .:1 ..J J J .J 1:l ~ ~ ~ ..

    - - - ~ ----J etc. 'fw. * 'fw. *' 'two *' 'fro. *' 5

    ~o. 'feo.~. *' 'fro. *' *' 'fro. *'

    1 ~

    ,---rzlard. mp f.\ I} 3 2 1

    q~ urt:i~



  • ------I

    To Mill Rwth McClannin.

    (Extracts only) Price SOc.Souvenir Piano Transcription by

    (Franz Drdla) Hans T. Seifert.

    Tranquillo fl ~ .~


    1 • -~

    Piano p

    l . 3 \


    ~ :J 41

    I~~Q· I ---1' r-/


    ~ -77_

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    U 'fro. ,

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    ., . ~.Un poco pm VIVO___ _____ 4

    " .u -· · · • ~-=- 1---< P " ,.....,...., ., 1 ~ -.. I · ·7' -iT ...

    I.. , ~~-~~"Il 3 4 t 5-"• " ".

    rif 1 3 !- \~ 1 ., 1 ! ~....q~


    - w -2 ~ poco nt it basso ltlgato 5 4

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    jj .d.

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    5Ie d' ~ 'ttiff" poco tl poco ·111t. e rl., ~~ --~.~Jl . . .. \ . R'" "'" 4 ... r,lo

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    2 ! :tt - = ~: ~ " 2 ~" ~ 23 Ji. 71 5

    'AlIll'Pf'lat'l'lS m· Used Pianos If you want a real bu~ in a uaed piano then be sure t? .end for ~II informati?n as. to ~hc apeciaf m.tru~DU-LA' " r..!!iJta wc have at Olll" dwpoaal. There are aome extraordmary bargaJna to be obtamed In th.. way and it "' De lIDuaual thing to Ave from $100 to $150 au ouch a pl4rchaae.


  • Ilespectfullw dedicated to Jlr. fhtstafJ Sanpr.

    Discontent and C·ontenttnent.

    (Extracts only) Price 6Oc:.(Unzufriedenheit und Zufriedenheit.)


    Fiery and stormy. (Feurig und stiirmisch.) Ii

    . ,,>5111 -4> .. ~ rt~.. _.v ~ ~ •...

    "if ,~" 'f2J

    f . ... tr!' ~

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    " 5..~ 5 5_ ~I )

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    I 1 .. 1 ' L.:!Y'B ~f.2J "'tff -. . . . . . 3 • . t • •2


    VerN slowly and wllh expresMon. t



    :I etc. 3

    (Sehr lan?;sam und mit Empfindung.)

    fI .- ~ 3~5 5 ... ~ ~ I•

    \ • '-J - - - -ft - .. ~..... .. ~ ...... t t· •'1T ~ -e "tUI "If = = t..

    " ~ .. ~c;.

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