character list

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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‘Absolution’ AS Media Character List

Ben Bampton – Eli

Reason –

I have chosen Mr Bampton to play the role of Eli as I believe that he portrays the character as needed. Due to his athletic build which is needed to show that Eli is and the top of physical fitness and because of the background of the character. He also brings the fact that he appears to be older than he actually is which gives a lot of possibilities but mainly makes the sequence more believable. He is also currently doing Drama as one of his A-level which gives him an advantage when performing in my piece.

Costume –

I will have in mainly comprised of a pair of dark coloured trousers, a plain white top with a blue/black bomber jacket and old tattered boots to show the comparison to the past where I will have him in a suit or business attire to show that he was a professional whereas now he is retired and left that life.

Gina Robinson – Annie

Reason –

I have chosen Miss Robinson for the role of Annie as she brings a presents of calmness in comparison to the other characters. Her innocence look, allows me to show this other side to the protagonist to show before the killing he was a lover. Miss Robinson looks older than her actually age which has a lot of advantages. She is also currently doing Drama as one of her A-level which gives him an advantage when performing in my piece much like Mr Bampton

Costume –

I will have her in casual clothes as in something she would wear around the house to give the impression of the homebound innocent wife which will help the audience see that she is special in the protagonist’s life.

Max Hofgartern – Bishop

Reason –

Will be my bad guy aka ‘Bishop’ as he retains the gritty British look and voice allowing him to pull off queen’s English and ultimately giving him the old bond ‘baddy’ persona which gives the audience the immediate impression of what this guy is like. Mr Hofgartern has played parts in other media pieces and shows, which also gives him an advantage in interacting to an audience.

Costume –

I will Mr Hofgartern in a grey suit and blood red tie to show he is at the top of his profession and that there is a danger about him. This will also help him stand out from the rest of the thugs to show he has a higher standing the company

Robin Holroyd – Henchman #1

Reason –

I have chosen Mr Holroyd as the part of Henchman # due to his height and structure are physical imposing allowing him to act a great henchman. Due to his size he will show to have an advantage over the protagonist and reinforces the skill of Eli.

Costume –

He will be wearing a white t-shirt and dark coloured trousers.

Gideon Lax – Henchman #2

Reason –

I will play the second henchman. I have chosen to do this because I have the experience of doing A-Level drama which gives me the advantage when it comes to working with scripts and also due to the fact I have hand to hand combat experience which I will use to choreograph the fights to make them realistic however still safe for the other actors.

Costume –

I will be wear a grey T-shirt and dark coloured trouser with a black bomber jacket.

Prop list –

M9 Beretta (replica) – standard Military issue pistol, easily hidden, compact and useful in close quarter movements. I am using because this quality and to show that the company has access to military grade items

Wooden Baseball bat – Classic gang weapon shows brutal nature and blunt attitude of the person holding it. It is also messier than a gun showing a less profession approach.

Pool cue – show the desperate attempt of a person trying to fight as there are no real weapons left it show they are unprepared and untrained compared to the protagonist

Cross Necklace – wore by the protagonist’s wife in the flash back to show purity and innocence and is a key reminder to the protagonist what he is doing it for in later scenes.

Bishop Chess Piece – main totem of the antagonist which reinforces his beliefs and ideas that this all a game and that he can control people like it was a chess name. Also represents the role and stature he is in.

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