chapter two review chapter two review (review – noun - a looking at or looking over again)...

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Chapter Two Review

(review – noun - a looking at or looking over again)

Mr. Wyka - World History Honors

Scandinavian representation of the god Tyr. Circa A.D. 9th century

Chapter 2 – Western Asia & Egypt3500 – 500 B.C.

Key Events• The Sumerians in Mesopotamia were among

the 1st groups to develop a civilization, and they were the first (TWKO) to develop a system of writing.

• Due in large part to the Nile, Egyptian civilization was stable and prosperous. – Massive monuments, the pyramids, were built in

the Old Kingdom to honor the pharaohs.

Chapter 2 – Western Asia & Egypt3500 – 500 B.C.

Key Events continued• The Israelites emerged as a distinct people.• The Phoenicians developed a phonetic

alphabet, the ancestor of our own alphabet. • Many other empires rose and fell in this area

during this time frame, but the largest and longest lasting of these were the Assyrian and Persian empires.

Complete the following Important Phrase from Chapter 2.1

Civilization begins in ….


Pg 37

The first civilization in Mesopotamia was that of the ….


Pg 38

Around 2340 B.C., Sargon, ruler of the Akkadians, conquered the Sumerian city-states and set up the world’s first ….


Pg 40

Cuneiform – “wedge” shaped

The Law Code of ___________ , a collection of 282 laws, was based on a system of strict justice.


Pg 41

Penalties in Hammurabi’s Law Code varied according to the _________ of the victim.

social class

Society in ancient Mesopotamia was _______ (dominated by men).


Pg 41

Egyptians called the rich land flooded annually by the Nile the _________Land.


Sumerians created this system of writing, meaning “wedge shaped” around 3000 B.C.


Pg 42

The name given to a large political unit or state, usually under a single leader, that controls many peoples or territories:


Four important Sumerian inventions:

• The Wheel

Pg 43

• The Arch• The Sundial• Bronze from copper & tin

• Number system based on 60

Mesopotamia civilization grew up between what two rivers?

Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

Pg 37

Egyptian civilization can be divided into 3 main periods…

Old KingdomMiddle KingdomNew Kingdom

Pg 47

The pyramids were built in which period?


Which Egyptian god was slain by his brother, only to be brought back to life by Isis, his sister-wife?


Pg 46Osiris, Isis and Nephthys – topOsiris and Aton - left

A government ruled by divine authority is a …


Pg 39

Four 65 ft tall statues of Ramses II

This age lasted from 2050 to 1652 B.C. and was marked by stability, a new concern for the common people, and the expansion into Nubia:

Middle Kingdom

Pg 49

The invasion of these people marked the end of the Middle Kingdom…

the Hyksos

Pg 50

Egypt created an empire and became the most powerful state in Southwest Asia during this period…

NEW KINGDOM 1567 TO 1085 B.C.

From the Hyksos invaders, the Egyptians learned to make ____?_____ weapons and tools, a dramatic improvement over their copper weapons and tools.


Pg 50 Khopesh

The last pharaoh; sought to ally Egypt with Rome but chose the loser in a war of Roman generals.


Pg 51

New Kingdom pharaoh Akhenaton is known to us for…

Introduced the worship of one god – Aton - and closed the temples of the old gods of Egypt.

Pg 50

The first woman to become pharaoh…

HATSHEPSUT of the New Kingdom

This term refers to a particular group of people who used a language derived from a single parent tongue. Greek, Latin, Persian, Sanskrit, and the Germanic languages are descended from this root language.


Pg 54

The first of the Indo-European peoples (TWKO) to make use of iron…


Pg 55

The Phoenician culture is best known to us today for its …


Pg 56

This group of Semitic speaking people lived south of the Phoenicians …


Pg 59

Israelites in Ninevah

Belief in one God…


This Macedonian conquered the Persian Empire in the 330s B.C.

Alexander the Great

Pg 64

The first empire (TWKO) was the _________ Empire.


Sargon of Akkad

The Nile River flows (north or south)? NORTH

Northern Egypt where the Nile flows into the Mediterranean is called…




The invention of cuneiform is credited to …

the Sumerians

Pg 42

Cuneiform payroll records of women in the temple service

for 2 months.

Which Persian king extended the empire to its largest extent – to the largest empire the world had yet seen?


Pg 63

The history of Egypt begins around 3100 B.C. when …Menes (Narmer) united Upper & Lower Egypt

Pg 47

King Menes (Narmer) subduing his foes. Narmer Palette.

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