chapter 9. 1 large apple 55 calories 1250 calories big mac without cheese 590 medium french fries...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Cellular RespirationChapter 9

How many calories are in1 large apple55 calories

Guess: How many calories are in this picture?1250 Calories Big Mac without cheese 590 Medium french fries 450 Medium regular soft drink 210

How many calories are in1 cheesesteak from Pats767 calories

Small Chicken Caesar Salad596 Calories

How many calories are inPeanut butter and jelly on wheat400 calories

How many calories are in24 regular cheese Doritos300 calories

How many calories are in24 Baked nacho cheese Doritos144 calories

How many calories are in1 spicy tuna roll450 calories

How many calories are in1 - 32 ounce bottle of Gatorade200 calories

How many calories are in1 - 16 ounce Starbucks caramel Frappuccino380 calories

How many calories are in1 bag of skittles250 calories

How many calories are in1 baked potato with cheese and bacon600 calories

How many calories are in2 tablespoons hidden valley ranch dip200 calories

How many calories are in2 stalks celery17 calories

Watch How Cells Obtain Energy from 0-3:45Cellular RespirationDefinition: Process that releases energy by breaking down food in the presence of oxygenOccurs in your mitochondria

Equation:Watch How Cells obtain Energy from3:45-5:40 How much energy is in food?calorie energy needed to raise the temp. of 1 g of water by 1 degree CelsiusCalorie measures food energy (aka kilocalorie)1 Calorie = 1000 caloriesFood packages use kilocalorie1 kilocalorie = _______ calories?EX: Can of soda = 200 food Calories

Why is soda so bad?10003500 Calories = 1 pound of fatTo lose 1 lb reduce diet by 3500 CaloriesLose 2 lbs? ________Lose 10 lbs? _________

1 gram carbs = 4 Calories1 gram protein = 4 Calories1 gram fat = 9 Calories

Calories generate ATP700035,000How many calories do our cells need to function per day?3 factors impacting calorie intake:Basal metabolic ratePhysical activityThermic effect of food

Lets calculate your BMR:Convert your height to cm: ____ in x 2.54Convert your weight to kg: ____ lbs x 0.454Females:BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg.) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years).Males: BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg.) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years).Why are marathon runners able to run for such long periods of time?How do sprinters run so fast?Can someone whos a talented sprinter also be equally talented at running long distance?

Cells Harvest Chemical EnergySlow twitch musclesFast twitch musclesSustain repeated, long contractionsDo NOT generate quick energySlow/steady muscle activityUsed in endurance

Contract quickly and powerfullyFatigue easilyShort bursts of intense exerciseEx: weight lifting, sprinting

Slow twitchFast twitch

Muscle Background InfoAll muscles contain slow & fast% of each depends on muscle type and personQuadricepsMarathon runners = 80% slow twitchSprinters = 60% fast twitchWhat makes this types of muscle fibers ideal for these types of runners?

Life Requires EnergyWe eat food (calories) in order to generate ATP using a process called cellular respiration.GrowthMoveReproduceTransport materialsManufacture productsBuild/maintain structureWhat does respiration mean?Respiration synonym for breathingExchange of gases (take in O2 release CO2)

NOT the same as CELLULAR RESPIRATIONAerobic harvesting of energy from food molecules

Cellular Respiration2 Types of Cellular RespirationAnaerobic respiration: When no oxygen is presentAerobic respiration: When oxygen is presentGlycolysisBoth start with Glycolysis: splitting of sugarsOccurs in CytoplasmGlucose PyruvateInvest 2 ATPGet out 4 ATPWhats the net profit? 2ATP

FermentationAerobic RespirationGlycolysisNo O2 O2After Glycolysis, 2 options:FermentationIf no oxygen is present in the organism, then its best option is a simple process called fermentation.Definition: releases energy from food molecules by making ATP in absence of oxygen2 types:Lactic acid fermentationPyruvate Lactic acid + 2 NAD+Alcohol FermentationPyruvate Alcohol + CO2 + NAD+

FermentationLactic AcidAlcoholLactate (lactic acid) producedUsed by humans in lack of O2Soreness in musclesUsed in dairy industry by bacteria to make cheese & yogurtEthanol and CO2 producedYeast single-cell fungi Usually uses aerobicCan survive without oxygen with high amounts of glucoseUsed in brewing, winemaking, and baking

Diagrams of FermentationLactic AcidAlcohol

Aerobic RespirationOption 2: If oxygen is present, then the organism will use aerobic respiration to get a lot bang for its buck.

Aerobic Respiration Overview

Step 1Step 2Step 3Watch: 6:30 8:22 Stages of Aerobic RespirationGlycolysisKrebs CycleElectron Transport Chain


Glucose Pyruvate + 2 ATP2. Krebs Cyclea.k.a Citric Acid CycleAerobic requires oxygenOccurs in Matrix of Mitochondria



6 CO2 (waste)8 NADH (goes to electron transport chain)2 FADH (goes to electron transport chain)

3. Electron Transport ChainUses high energy electrons8 NADH/2 FADH2 from Krebs Cycle2 NADH from GlycolysisOccurs on the inner membrane called the cristaeOxygen is the final electron acceptorProduces a whopping 34 ATP!

Claymation ETC

Electron TransportHydrogen Ion MovementATP Production through ATP synthase

Click on photo show without soundSummary of Cellular RespirationGlucose(C6H1206)+Oxygen(02)GlycolysisKrebsCycleElectronTransportChainCarbon Dioxide(CO2)+Water(H2O)= 2 ATP= 2 NADH (3)

- 2 ATP= 2 ATP= 8 NADH (3)= 2 FADH (2) = 34 ATP= 38 ATP - 2 ATP

Totals = 6 CO2, 10 NADH, 2 FADH, 36 ATPNet Reaction = 36 ATPPoisons

Active ArtFermentation vs. RespirationCharacteristicFermentationAerobicRespirationStarting ReactantsPathways involvedEnd ProductsNumber of ATP producedPyruvatePyruvate + O2Alcoholic or Lactic AcidKrebs Cycle andETCAlcohol or lactic acidCO2 + H2O 236PhotosynthesisRespirationFUNCTIONEnergy StorageEnergy ReleaseLOCATIONChloroplastMitochondriaORGANISMSPlantsPlants and AnimalsREACTANTSCO2 and H2OC6H12O6 and O2PRODUCTSC6H12O6 and O2CO2 and H2OEQUATION6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O26O2 + C6H12O6 6CO2 +6H2O

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