chapter 8 section 2 stephen f. austin in texas. the story continues… erasmo seguin (mayor of san...

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Chapter 8 Section 2

Stephen F. Austin in Texas

The Story Continues…• Erasmo Seguin (mayor of

San Antonio de Bexar) had traveled to Louisiana to meet with Moses Austin and he never showed

• He wrote Stephen, Moses’s son, to see if he knew anything

• Suddenly Stephen arrived wanting to help out his father

• The two of them headed to Texas when a rider caught up with them telling them Moses had passed away.

Tomb of Moses Austin in Potosi, Missouri

Stephen F. Austin Goes to Texas

• 27 years old when he learned of his father’s death

• Was determined to carry out his father’s plan to bring U.S. settlers to Texas

• As he entered Texas in 1821 he promised himself, “I determined [decided] to fulfill rigidly all the duties and obligations of a Mexican citizen.”

• He arrived in San Antonio de Bexar in August 1821. Erasmo Seguin the alcalde led Austin to governor Martinez who gave him a warm welcome.

• Because Mexico had won its independence from Spain since Austin’s contract, a new one would have to be made with the government.

• In just a few days Austin had a proposal worked out and Martinez helped him get the approval from the officials in Mexico city.

Time to Check It Out

• After he received approval, Austin spent the next few months exploring the land east of San Antonio.

• He picked the rich farmland in the area of the Brazos and Colorado River Valleys

• 11 million acres in the Gulf Coast Plain

Austin Readies His Colony

• Austin hurries back to the U.S. to make final preparations

• Once back in Louisiana he writes a report to Governor Martinez specifying the colony’s location, how much land a person could get based on different terms.

Different Amounts for Different People

• Austin gave land to people based on different circumstances:

• Head of household= 640 acres of land

• Married man= additional 320 acres and 120 acres for each child

• Slave holders= 80 acres per slave

Terms of Land- U.S.

• In the U.S. land cost $1.25 per acre

• U.S. law stated a minimum of 80 acres

• Pay the full price in cash up front

• Not many people had $100 in cash after the Panic of 1819

But… He had strict guidelines for his settlers

You Had To Be…• Hard working• Law abiding• A Mexican citizen• Willing to convert to


Final Preparations

• Austin goes to New Orleans to make final preparations for the colony’s finances

• Forms a partnership with Joseph H. Hawkins who is a friend and a lawyer

• Hawkins gave Austin financial support

The Lively

• Austin uses some of the funding to buy and outfit a small ship called the Lively

• Late 1821- the Lively sails from New Orleans with colonists, cargo of seeds, tools, and building materials

Slight Change of Plans

• Austin was to meet the Lively at the mouth of the Colorado River

• The crew had accidentally landed at the mouth of the Brazos River

• Unable to find Austin the crew left the settlers and supplies to return to New Orleans

• Many settlers eventually made their way back to the United States

• The Lively takes a second attempt at reaching Texas but wrecks near the tip of Galveston Island

• This loss of supplies was very hard on Austin’s colony

• By March 150 people had settled along the Brazos and Colorado Rivers

• Austin tried to help them adjust to the hardships of life in the Texas wilderness

• Food and supplies were scarce because of the shipwreck

• Austin returns to San Antonio to report on the colony’s status

• He finds out he has to reaffirm his contract with the Mexican government

• He decides to go to Mexico City to convince the government leaders to approve his colony

• He leaves Josiah Bell in charge

• Over a year will pass before he sees Texas again

• Because the government was trying to organize they had little time for Texas affairs

• Austin faced many delays so he studied Spanish and met with officials

• January 1823- Mexican government passes the Imperial Colonization Law

- Secured Austin’s land grant and allowed him to continue bringing in settlers

• But Agustin de Iturbide fell out of power and the new government canceled the colonization law

• Austin continued pressing the issue with the officials

• His patience paid off because the new government decided to uphold the contract under the terms of the cancelled law

Imperial Colonization Law

• Couples= 4,428 acres for ranching, 177 acres for farming

• Settlers are exempt form paying taxes for 6 years

• Austin receives 100,000 acres once he completes his contract for settling 300 families

• He also received the power to organize a militia

• April 1823- Austin heads back to Texas

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