chapter 7 a attitudes

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes




    Multiple Choice

    1. A(n) ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues. a. principle b. belief c. personality trait d. attitude

    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%&

    2. Ruby believes that ice cream is fattening and therefore tries to avoid the temptation of eating it. hich of the follo!ing best describes the relationship bet!een Ruby and ice cream" a. #he ice cream is purely a product ($1). b. #he ice cream is an attitude object (Ao) because of Ruby%s feelings to!ard the product. c. #he ice cream is a fantasy (&1) for Ruby. d. #he ice cream is matched to a personality trait ($t) of Ruby and this is !hat causes her difficulties in rejecting the product.

    Answer: (') Diicult!: (H) Applic#tion P#$e: %%&

    '. hich of the follo!ing statements !ith regard to an attitude%s relationship to time ismost correct"

    a. Attitudes endure over time. b. Attitudes tend to be irrelevant !ith respect to time. c. Attitudes fade over time. d. Attitudes tend to be strong during one%s youth and then fade in one%s older years.

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (H) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %%&

    . #he functional theory of attitudes !as initially developed to eplain ho!*

    a. people buy products. b. people reject certain classes of products !ithout rational reasons. c. attitudes facilitate social behavior. d. global mar+eting can deal !ith cultural changes around the !orld.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%&

    . Attitudes eist becausethey serve some function for the person. #his statement is


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    representative of !hich of the follo!ing theories of attitudes" a. A- model of attitudes b. functional theory of attitudes c. lo!/involvement hierarchy d. latitude of rejection model

    Answer: (') Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %%&

    0. aniel at3 described a variety of functions of attitudes. hich of the follo!ing is45# one of those functions"

    a. #he +no!ledge function. b. #he utilitarian function. c. #he value/epressive function. d. #he gender placement function.

    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%&%%

    6. hich of the follo!ing general attitude functions is most closely related to the basic principles of re!ard and punishment" a. 7tilitarian function. b. 8alue/epressive function. c. 9go/defensive function. d. no!ledge function.

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %%&%%

    :. ;arah sees an ad for a popular deodorant. according to recent ads. anisha li+es the idea of a ne! nail polish but isunsure about the image that might be projected by the dull colors of the nail polishline. ith such names as ;treet ;lime, @arbage @oo, and #rash an, caution mightbe the right move. hich of the follo!ing attitude functions is probably in play !ithanisha and her purchase decision"


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    a. 7tilitarian function. b. no!ledge function c. 9go/defensive function. d. amaraderie function.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) Applic#tion P#$e: %%

    1. Bost researchers agree that an attitude has three components. hich of the follo!ing lists most accurately describe these three components" a. 8alue, ego, and intellect. b. $ositive, negative, and neutral. c. Affect, behavior, and cognition. d. Cocal, social, and cultural.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%7

    11. &rom the basic A- model of attitude components, ______________ refers to the !ay a consumer feels about an attitude object. a. affect b. behavior c. cognition d. affinity

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%7

    12. According to the basic A- model of attitude components, the component that refersto the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object is called*

    a. affect b. behavior c. affinity d. cognition

    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%7

    1'. Attitude researchers have developed the concept of a hierarchy of effects to eplain the relative impact of the three components of an attitude. All of the follo!ing are possible hierarchies 9D9$#* a. ;tandard Cearning Eierarchy. b. Co!/

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    ___________________________ to proceed !ith their decision. a. ;tandard Cearning Eierarchy b. Co!/

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    hedonic consumption (such as ho! the product ma+es them feel or the fun its use !ill provide). a. ;tandard Cearning Eierarchy. b. Co!/

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    b. #he attitude occurred because of instrumental conditioning. c. #he attitude occurred because of a comple cognitive process. d. #he attitude occurred because of a geodemographic process.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (H) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %.,

    2'. Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. #he highest level of involvement is* a. compliance. b. identification. c. information acFuisition. d. internali3ation.

    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.,%.%

    2. A person may eat ;nic+ers% candy bars because this brand is sold in the company

    cafeteria, and it is too much trouble to go else!here for a preferred brand. #his !ould be an eample of !hich +ind of attitude involvement based on degree of commitment" a. ompliance. b.

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    26. A smo+er is faced !ith a problem. Ee li+es to smo+e, but he +no!s that smo+ing has been lin+ed to cancer. Eis solution to this dilemma is to find a middle ground

    by smo+ing a lo! tar and nicotine cigarette. #his eample illustratesconsumer response based on !hich of the follo!ing theories"

    a. ;elf/perception theory. b. #heory of cognitive dissonance. c. ;ocial judgment theory. d. -alance theory.

    Answer: (') Diicult!: (H) Applic#tion P#$e: %..%.&

    2:. hich of the follo!ing theories states that !e maintain behavior consistency byinferring that !e must have a positive attitude to!ard an object if !e bought orconsumed it (assuming that !e made this choice freely)"

    a. ;elf/perception theory.

    b. #heory of cognitive dissonance. c. ognitive judgment theory. d. -alance theory.

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.&%.

    2?. #im Roberts is a great car salesman. Ee +no!s people accept and buy epensiveproducts gradually. #o ma+e a sale, #im tries to get consumers in a car for a testdrive. Ee +no!s that once the customer has complied !ith the small reFuest, theprobability of an actual car sale !ill increase. #im%s techniFue is an eample of !hichof the follo!ing sales strategies or techniFues"

    a. =&ollo! my orders> strategy. b. =;ho! me the money> strategy. c. =&oot/in/the/door> techniFue. d. =4ever stop selling> techniFue.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) Applic#tion P#$e: %.%.0

    '. ____________________ assumes that people assimilate ne! information about attitude objects in light of !hat they already +no! or feel. a. ;ocial judgment theory b. #he theory of relational objects c. -alance theory d. #he theory of cognitive dissonance

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %.0


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    b. Catitude of perception. c. Catitude of least resistance. d. Catitude of acceptance.

    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %.0

    '2. _________________ considers relations among elements a person might perceive as belonging together. a. ;ocial judgment theory b. #he theory of relational objects c. -alance theory d. #he theory of cognitive dissonance

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.0%.7

    ''. -alance theory perspective involves relations among three elements (a triad). hich

    of the follo!ing is not part of that triad" a. A person and his or her perceptions. b. #he mar+eter and their strategy of image building. c. An attitude object (the object to be perceived). d. ;ome other person or object.

    Answer: (') Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %.0%.7

    '. Eenry !ould li+e $hil for a roommate. #hey seem to get along fine and have many common interests. Eo!ever, $hil smo+es and Eenry does not. #he eventual solution to this potential problem is that $hil agrees to smo+e outside the apartment and tries to Fuit through a nicotine patch. Eenry agrees not to complain about the

    smell on $hil%s clothes and to be supportive of his attempts to Fuit smo+ing. #hisillustration is an eample of !hich of the follo!ing"

    a. ;ocial judgment theory. b. #he theory of relational objects. c. -alance theory. d. #he theory of cognitive dissonance.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) Applic#tion P#$e: %.0%.7

    '. ;ometimes consumers are just not sure about a purchase and need a =nudge> to move for!ard and complete a transaction. Bar+eters often use a celebrity pitch/ person to provide the needed =nudge.> -y using this techniFue, mar+eters are hoping

    that the star%s popularity !ill transfer to the product. hich of the follo!ing theories is most closely associated !ith the above statements" a. $ersonal relevance theory. b. #he theory of relational objects. c. #he theory of cognitive dissonance. d. -alance theory.


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    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %.-

    '0. A simple response does not al!ays tell us everything that !e need to +no! about !hy the consumer feels a certain !ay to!ard a product or about !hat

    mar+eters can do to change the consumer%s attitude. &or this reason and becauseattitudes can be comple, in recent years _______________ have become popular. a. multi/attribute attitude models b. demographic attitude models c. single/attribute attitude models d. psychographic attitude models

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %.1

    '6. All multi/attribute attitude models specify three elements. #!o of those elements areattributes and beliefs. hat is the third element"

    a. Action variables. b. Botivations. c. Recency of data. d.

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    . hich of the follo!ing is most closely associated !ith the &ishbein model" a.

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    Answer: (') Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %&%

    . #he theory of reasoned action is most closely associated !ith !hich of the follo!ingmodels"

    a. #he &reudian psychoanalytic model.

    b. #he &ishbein multi/attribute model. c. #he o!ard social dynamic model. d. #he 4orthland central theorem model.

    Answer: (') Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %&%

    0. hich of the follo!ing theoretical models measures attitude to!ard the act of buying(Aact), rather than only the attitude to!ard the product itself"

    a. #he theory of cognitive dissonance. b. #he theory of reasoned action. c. #he theory of attribute justification.

    d. #he simple theory.

    Answer: (') Diicult!: (H) "#ct P#$e: %&%%&&

    6. espite improvements to the &ishbein model, all of the follo!ing are considered to beobstacles to predicting behavior using this model 9D9$#*

    a. the model does not consider social pressure.b. the model !as developed to deal !ith actual behavior, not !ith the outcomes of

    behavior. c. some outcomes are beyond the consumer%s control. d. measures of attitude often do not really correspond to the behavior they are

    supposed to predict.

    Answer: (#) Diicult!: (H) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %&&%&

    :. hich of the follo!ing theories states that =the criterion of behavior in the reasonedaction model should be replaced !ith trying to reach a goal">

    a. #heory of cognitive pressure and discontent. b. #heory of failure. c. #heory of action and reason. d. #heory of trying.

    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (E) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %&

    ?. All of the follo!ing factors might be important to the theory of trying 9D9$#* a. attitudes to!ard success. b. epectation of success. c. attitude to!ard failure. d. attitude to!ard po!er and control.


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    Answer: (d) Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %&0* "i$ure 7+.

    . Attitude trac+ing helps to increase the predictability of behavior by allo!ingresearchers to analy3e trends over an etended period of time. All of the follo!ing

    are changes that researchers loo+ for over time 9D9$#*

    a. changes in different age groups. b. scenarios about the future. c. heredity. d. identification of change agents.

    Answer: (c) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %&7%&-


    1. Botivation is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects,

    advertisements, or issues.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%&

    2. An attitude is lasting because it tends to endure over time.

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%&

    '. #he functional theory of attitudes !as initially developed by aniel at3.

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%&

    . According to the functional theory of attitudes, attitudes eist because they arehereditary.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%&

    . #he value/epressive function of attitudes is related to the basic principles of re!ard and punishment.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%&%%


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %%&%%

    :. Attitudes only serve one function at a time. #his is !hat ma+es them easy to study and chart.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%0

    ?. Affect, behavior, and cognition are the elements that form theABC model of attitudes.

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%7


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    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.,

    06. 5ne of the !ays an attitude can form is through classical conditioning. An eampleof this formulation !ould be !hen the $epsi name is repeatedly paired !ith a catchy

    jingle such as =Jou%re in the $epsi @eneration.>

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (E) Applic#tion P#$e: %.,

    0:. -ased on information provided in the tet, identificationis the lo!est level ofinvolvement !here an attitude is formed because it helps in gaining re!ards.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.%

    0?. Bany consumers reacted negatively !hen oca/ola attempted to replace thestandard o+e product !ith 4e! o+e. #hese consumers had a very strong allegiance

    to =old> o+e. This is an illustration of the compliance function as related toinvolvement with an attitude object.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (H) Applic#tion P#$e: %.%

    6. #he theory of cognitive dissonance states that !hen a person is confronted !ith inconsistencies among attitudes or behaviors, he or she !ill ta+e some action to

    resolve this =dissonance.>

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %..

    61. ;elf/perception theory helps to eplain the effectiveness of a sales strategy called the =foot/in/the/door techniFue.>

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %.&%.0

    62. Borris is considering joining the Barine orps. Eo!ever, he +no!s the orps has changed since his father joined. omen in the Barine orps is a ne! idea that Borris

    !ill have to thin+ about. Ee reali3es that to join the orps he !ill have to accept thisidea. Morriss situation is an example of social judgment theor in action.

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (M) Applic#tion P#$e: %.0

    6'. -alance theory reminds us that !hen perceptions are balanced, attitudes are li+ely to be less stable because of boredom.

    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.-

    6. -asic multi/attribute models specify three elements as being important. #hey are attributes, beliefs, and relative advantage of competitive messages.


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    Answer: ("#lse) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %.1

    6. According to the &ishbein model, salient beliefs are those beliefs about an object thatare considered during evaluation.

    Answer: (True) Diicult!: (M) "#ct P#$e: %&/

    Ess#! 3uestions


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    66. Bost researchers agree that an attitude has three components. Cist and brieflydescribe those three components. Eint* this has been described as theABC model ofattitudes.


    (a)Affect//refers to the !ay a consumer feels about an attitude object.(b)Behavior//involves the person%s intentions to do something !ith regard to an attitudeobject (ho!ever, an intention does not al!ays result in an actual behavior).(c)Cognition//refers to the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object.

    Diicult!: (E) "#ct P#$e: %%7

    6:. Attitude researchers have developed the concept of a hierarch of effectsto eplainthe relative impact of the A- model on attitudes. Cist and briefly describe each of thethree hierarchies that !ere presented in the chapter. -e eplicit !ith your description.

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    #he correct ans!er is the experiential hierarchMthis perspective highlights the idea thatattitudes can be strongly influenced by intangible product attributes (such as pac+aging).#he seFuence is affect (feelings) to behavior to beliefs to attitude (based on hedonicconsumption).

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    elements are inconsistent, creating a feeling of discomfort that the consumer is motivatedto reduce by ma+ing things fit !ith one another. issonance can be reduced byeliminating, adding, or changing elements. #he pressure to reduce dissonance is moreli+ely to be observed in high/involvement situations !here the elements are important tothe individual.

    An application of dissonance theory is that evaluations of a product tend to become morepositive after the product has been purchased. onsumers find even more reasons to li+esomething after it becomes theirs. An implication of this phenomenon is that consumersactively see+ support for their purchase decisionsG mar+eters should supply them !ithadditional reinforcement to build positive brand attitudes.

    Diicult!: (M) "#ct #nd Applic#tion P#$e: %.%%.&

    :2. -riefly eplain self/perception theory and relate ho! it might be useful to a salesstrategy.


    (elf#perception theorprovides an alternative eplanation of dissonance effects.

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 7 a Attitudes


    the relevant characteristics can be identifiedG that is, the researcher can includethose attributes that consumers ta+e into account !hen they are evaluatingthe attitude object.

    /Beliefs are cognitions about the specific attitude object. A belief measureassesses the etent to !hich the consumer perceives that a brand has a

    particular attribute./&mportance weightsreflect the relative priority of an attribute to the consumer.;ome attributes are more important than others to the consumer. #hese!eights are li+ely to differ across consumers.

    Diicult!: (M) "#ct Section: Multi#ttri'ute Attitude Models

    :0. -riefly eplain the &ishbein model.


    #he most influential multi/attribute model is the*ishbein model.

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