chapter 6………. wars, wars and more wars…. french and indian war

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Chapter 6……….

Wars, Wars and More Wars….

French and Indian War

St Bartholew’s DayMassacre, 1572

10,000 Hugenots massacred

Louis XIV, The Sun King


Champlain’s Explorations including Quebec, 1608

French Distinctives

1.Along rivers: St Lawrence, Ohio, Mississippi2.Allied w/ Huron, hated by Iroquois3.Autocratic, no representation, no trial by jury of peers4.Slow growth rates 5.Only Catholic families (no Hugenots)6.Caribbean Colonies favored by French Government7.Fur trapping was primary economic activity8. Fur Trapping and Catholicism eased Indian relations

1688-1763 Four World Wars……1688-1763

•King William’s War (1688-97)Deerfield, Schenectady Massacres

•Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713)Brits take over Acadia “Nova Scotia”

•King George’s War (1744-1748)fought in Georgia vs Spaintook over Louisbourg, then returned

•French & Indian War (1754-1763)7 Years’ War, major British victory

… And 5 more: America was in them all???

War of Jenkin’s Ear, 1739 (not a World War)

War of Jenkin’s Ear

GW, 22 year old kid who sparks a World War at Fort Necessity, 1754

Expulsion of Acadians, 1755

“America was conquered in Germany”-William Pitt

Terms and Names from the F&I War………..

•Edward Braddock, Fort Duquesne, 1755

•William Pitt

•Treaty of Paris (1763)

Ben Franklin,Architect of the Albany Plan of Union1754

7 of 13 Colonies show, approve the planRejected by all Colonial legislatures

General Wolfe, British general killed in victory at the Battle of Quebec, 1759

Proclamation Line of 1763

Pontiac’sRebellion, 1763

Effects of the French and Indian War

•Created British Empire and all its challengesFrench a minority in Canada, Indian policy new challenge

(Pontiac, Proclamation Act, Quartering Act)•Spain takes over New Orleans•1755 Acadians removed from Nova Scotia (Arcadia)- 4000 move to

Louisiana•Albany Congress attempted unity- though unsuccessful, a step closer to America•Colonials see British defeated (Braddock at Ft. Duquesne)- British

are beatable gain experience as guerrilla fighters•GW gains combat experience, rebuffed on officer’s commission•Salutary neglect of the early 18th Cent. Led to increased smuggling

with Spain and France (esp in West Indies)•British incur large debt from F&I War that impacts future

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