chapter 6 section 3: the jefferson administration

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Reducing Government• Changes

–Refused to deliver speeches to Congress- too much like a king

–Asked to be addressed “Mr. President”

–Reduced the amount of taxes paid by the American people & severely cut the size of the federal bureaucracy

• Cut the number in the army by 3,000

• Goal was to limit national government in people’s lives

Jefferson & the Courts

• The Judiciary Acts

–Judiciary Act of 1789

•Created a national court system with 3 circuit courts & 13 district courts, all headed by the Supreme Court

•Court would settle differences between state & federal laws

Judiciary Act of 1801

• Decreased the # of Supreme Court justices & increased the # of federal judges

• Outgoing members of Congress were trying to limit Jefferson’s opportunity to appoint judges to the Supreme Court & leave Federalist judges in office

• Adams filled the posts before leaving office

• Known as midnight judges

• One of Adams’ appointments was John Marshall- sworn in as Chief Justice

–Helped establish many important principles of constitutional law

Marbury v. Madison

• Jefferson tried to deny the appointment of Federalist judges

• Adams appointed William Marbury as justice of the peace for D.C.

• Secretary of State James Madison never delivered the official papers (Ordered by Jefferson)

Judicial Review

• Marshall ruled against Marbury declaring it was against the Constitution for the Supreme Court to give this order to the Executive Branch

• Declared part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional

• Power enables courts to decide whether laws passed by Congress are constitutional

• Allows federal courts to review state laws & state court decisions to determine if they’re keeping with the Constitution

Jefferson’s Progress in the West

• The Land Ordinance of 1800–Northwest Ordinance of 1787-

established a process by which territories could become states

–Land Act of 1800- people were able to buy land in small parcels & on credit

Napoleon & the French

• Gained control from the Spanish of the mouth of the Mississippi River & New Orleans

• French used this control to extract large sums of money from American traders

• Jefferson sent Monroe as ambassador to buy New Orleans for up to $10 million

The Louisiana Purchase

• Napoleon planned on creating a French empire in the Americas

• His attempt to crush a rebellion in Haiti failed, so he changed his mind

• He wanted to sell all the French claims

• Monroe & Livingston offered him $15 million without Congress’ or President’s approval

• Constitution didn’t mention the purchase of foreign lands

• Dramatically increased both national debt & size of the US

The Lewis & Clark expedition

• Began spring 1804

• Goal was to search for river routes to the Pacific Ocean, make contact with the natives, & gather information about the region’s natural resources

The Election of 1804

• 1st term

–Succeeded in lowering taxes, acquiring new territory, & allowed the Alien & Sedition Acts to expire & kept the nation at peace

The Federalist Dilemma

• Only support came from the industrial centers of New England

Hamilton & Burr

• Burr decided in 1804 to run as governor of New York as a Federalist

• Hamilton opposed Burr’s governorship & urged friends & supporters not to support Burr

• Efforts were successful- Burr didn’t even receive a nomination

• Burr was furious

• Summer 1804- Burr wrote to Hamilton & challenged him to a duel

• Hamilton accepted to prove his courage to the nation


• July 11, 1804

• Both fired shots & Hamilton fell, mortally wounded

• Burr ruined his own political career

–Fled NY to avoid being prosecuted with murder

• Tried with treason in 1807

• Jefferson won a second term

–Defeated Federalist Charles Pinckney with 162 electoral votes to 14

Increasing Tensions in Europe

• The Chesapeake–Jay’s Treaty expired in 1805–Both France & Britain were

harassing trade ships headed for the opposite country

–British kidnapped America sailors to serve in their navies

• 1807- A British ship, the Leopard attacked the USS Chesapeake, inflicting 21 casualties & boarded it to search for deserters from their navy

The Embargo of 1807

• Outlawed almost all trade with foreign countries

• Both countries were largely unaffected

• Many Americans hated the embargo & led to smuggling

• Jefferson was forced to use the navy & federal agents to enforce the law

• Ruined Jefferson’s second term

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