chapter 5&6 review. why did the french and indian war begin?

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Chapter 5&6 review

Why did the French and Indian war begin?

Why did the French and Indian war begin?

Fur trade and the Ohio river valley

Who were the French allies?

Who were the French allies?

Algonquin's and Huron's

Who were the British allies?

Who were the British allies


Who won the French and Indian war?

Who won the French and Indian war?

British they gained all French land east of the Mississippi river

What were the strengths of the French?

What were the strengths of the French?

It was a single government and more Native American allies

What were the weaknesses of the French?

What were the weaknesses of the French?

The settlement was spread out

What were the strengths of the British?

What were the strengths of the British?

15x more people and colonies are easier to defend

What were the weaknesses of the British?

What were the weaknesses of the British?

They had 13 separate colonies

What was the proclamation on 1763?

What was the proclamation on 1763?

It said that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian


How did the colonists respond to the Proclamation of 1763?

How did the colonists respond to the Proclamation of 1763?

They just ignored it and moved west anyways

What was the Sugar Act?

What was the Sugar Act?

It taxed sugar and molasses

How did the colonists respond to the Sugar Act?

How did the colonists respond to the Sugar Act?

They smuggled sugar and molasses into the colonies

What was the Stamp Act?

What was the Stamp Act?

It taxed paper goods such as newspapers, marriage certificates, wills, diplomas, dice, and playing


How did the colonists respond to the Stamp Act?

How did the colonists respond to the Stamp Act?

They tarred and feathered, riots, hanged effigies, burned their houses,

and the Stamp Act Congress

What was the Townshend Acts?

What was the Townshend Acts?

Taxed paper, glass, lead, paint, tea, established writs of assistance which

allowed British officials to search ships without giving a reason.

How did the colonists respond to the Townshend Acts?

How did the colonists respond to the Townshend Acts?Boycotts, son/daughters of liberty, hangings

in effigy, non-importance agreements-colonial merchants agreed to stop importing British goods, they also made homemade tea and


What does “No taxation without representation mean?”

What does “No taxation without representation mean?”

The colonists felt that parliament had no right to tax them if they did not elect

representatives to parliament

What were the sons and daughters of liberty?

What were the sons and daughters of liberty?

the colonists organization with the purpose of fighting against the British

taxes and the idea of “No taxation without representation.”

How many Quartering Acts were there?

How many Quartering Acts were there?


What was the response to the Quartering Acts that the British

passed on to the colonists?

What was the response to the Quartering Acts that the British

passed on to the colonists?

Riots, boycotts, and the Boston Massacre

What was the Boston Massacre?

What was the Boston Massacre?

It was in 1770 on March 5. 5 Americans were killed, they are not sure who started it but the sons of

Liberty blamed the Britsh.

When was the tea act?

When was the tea act?


What was the Tea Act?

What was the Tea Act?

It gave the monopoly of the tea trade to the British East India Company, cut local merchants out of the tea trade,

and it made the colonists boycott tea.

What was the Boston Tea Party?

What was the Boston Tea Party?

The sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawks and dumped tea into the


What was the Intolerable Acts?

What was the Intolerable Acts?

•Shut down the port of Boston•1 town meeting a year

•British officials tried in England•New Quartering act

What year was the first Contintal Congress in?

What year was the first Contintal Congress in?


What was the colonists response to the first Contintal Congress?

What was the colonists response to the first Contintal Congress?

They boycotted British goods, set up and trained militias

True or False:very few people were thinking about separating from Britain.

True or False:very few people were thinking about separating from Britain


What year was Lexington and Concord?

What year was Lexington and Concord?


What was the purpose of Lexington and Concord?

What was the purpose of Lexington and Concord?

The British were trying to get the sons of Liberty supply of guns and


Who warned the colonists the British were coming?

Who warned the colonists the British were coming?

Paul Revere

Where did the “shot heard round the world” happen?

Where did the “shot heard round the world” happen?

Lexington and Concord

Who won the battle at Lexington and Concord?

Who won the battle at Lexington and Concord?

The Minute Men

What was the date of Fort Ticonderoga?

What was the date of Fort Ticonderoga?

May 1775

Who were the American leaders in Fort Ticonderoga?

Who were the American leaders in Fort Ticonderoga?

Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, and Green Mountain Boys

What was the importance of Fort Ticonderoga?

What was the importance of Fort Ticonderoga?

They captured cannons

What was the date of the 2nd Continental Congress?

What was the date of the 2nd Continental Congress?

May 1775 also

What were the results of the 2nd Continental Congress?

What were the results of the 2nd Continental Congress?

Sent the Olive Branch Petition asking for peace and set up the Continental Army with George Washington as the


What was the date of Bunker Hill?

What was the date of Bunker Hill?

June 1775

Where was Bunker Hill?

Where was Bunker Hill?

Outside the city of Boston

What made the American loose the war at Bunker Hill?

What made the American loose the war at Bunker Hill?

They ran out of ammunition

Who said “Don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eyes?”

Who said “Don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eyes?”

William Prescott

What did Bunker Hill prove?

What did Bunker Hill prove?

That the Americans could fight bravely and that the British

wouldn’t give up

Who wrote Common Sense?

Who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

When was Common Sense written?

When was Common Sense written?

January 1776, half a year before the declaration of Independence

What did it say?

What did it say?

Common Sense said that it was obvious that the colonies had little

to gain by being a colony

How many copies were sold of it?

How many copies were sold of it?

500,000, like everyone read it and it was very persuasive

Who wrote the Declaration of of Independence?

Who wrote the Declaration of of Independence?

A group of 5 people and the main author was Thomas Jefferson

What did the Declaration of Independence say?

What did the Declaration of Independence say?

It said that colonists were free from Britian

Who signed his name really big on the Declaration of


Who signed his name really big on the Declaration of


John Hancock

How many parts were there in the Declaration of Independence?

How many parts were there in the Declaration of Independence?

There is 3 parts

If the war was lost what would of happened to the people that

signed the Declaration of Independence?

They would of traitors and killed

What were Patriots?

What were Patriots?

They were people who think that they would be better if the

colonies separated

What were Neutral people?

What were Neutral people?

They were people that on either side in the Revolutionary war, they

are undecided

What were Loyalists?

What were Loyalists?

They were the ones who want to stay as colonies

What was the purpose of the 3 fold plan?

What was the purpose of the 3 fold plan?

It was to capture the city of Albany

In the 3 fold plan what was General St. Legers goal?

In the 3 fold plan what was General St. Legers goal?

To follow the Mohawk river from lake Ontario

In the 3 fold plan what was General Howe's goal?

In the 3 fold plan what was General Howe's goal?

To go up the Hudson River

In the 3 fold plan what was General Burgoyne's goal?

In the 3 fold plan what was General Burgoyne's goal?

To go down from Canada by Lake Champlain

What was General St. Legers actual result?

What was General St. Legers actual result?

Defeated at the bloody battle of Oriskany

What was General Howe’s actual result?

What was General Howe’s actual result?

Captured Philadelphia first and then stayed there

What was General Burgoyne’s actual result?

What was General Burgoyne’s actual result?

Defeated at the battle of Saratoga

Who was Benedict Arnold?

Who was Benedict Arnold?

He was a very good American general and he and John Andre tried to give West Point to the British. He was unsuccessful, but he was the

most famous traitor

What was Guerrilla Warefar?

What was Guerrilla Warefar?

It was hit and run tactics that the people fighting in the South used

What was the last major battle of the war?

What was the last major battle of the war?

Yorktown in 1781 in Peninsula, Virginia

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