chapter 5 power point review

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Chapter 5 Power Point Review. Use this to help you study for your test and the midterm. Where did the French and Indian War begin?. The Ohio River Valley. What was the cause of the French and Indian War?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 5 Power Point Review

Use this to help you study for your test and the


Where did the French and Indian War begin?

The Ohio River Valley.

What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

The cause of the French and Indian War was the fur trade with

the Native Americans. It was also part of a series of wars that had been going on for the last

100 years between France and Britain.

What territory did France claim before the war began?

France controlled much of modern day Canada as well as

the Mississippi River valley.

What tribes were allies of the French in the French and

Indian War?

The Algonquins and Hurons.

What tribe was an ally of the British in the French and Indian



What advantages did the French have in the French and

Indian War?

They fought like the Native Americans using the trees for cover. They also had only 1 government in North America which made decisions a lot

easier to be made.

What disadvantage did France have in the French and Indian


The French had a lot less people in the colonies.

What advantages did the English have in the French and

Indian War?

The British had the best army in the world. They also had

many more people in the colonies to fight the war.

What disadvantages did the English have in the French and

Indian War?

The English tried to fight the war as they would in the open fields of Europe. They did not take advantage of the cover

offered and were easy targets for the French.

What was the last battle of the French and Indian War?

The Battle of Quebec

What was the name of the treaty at the end of the French

and Indian War?

The Treaty of Paris

What did the Treaty of Paris say?

Most of the French land in the colonies was given to Britain.

Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union?

Ben Franklin

What was the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union?

To unite the colonies to plan for defense. It didn’t work because colonies didn’t want to give up

any power.

Why didn’t colonies pass the Albany Plan of Union?

Colonies did not want to give up their own rights and power.

This will still be true in the American Revolution and will

cause problems then.

What was the war called when Pontiac united many Native

Americans to fight against the settlers moving onto the frontier

in the early 1760’s?

It was called Pontiac’s War. It ended in 1763 right after the Treaty of Paris when Pontiac realized his group would no longer receive help from the


What act forbid settlers to move west of the Appalachian


The Proclamation of 1763 forbid settlers to move west of the

Appalachian Mountains. Many settlers ignored this

proclamation. Britain was trying to stop settler / Native American

conflicts over land.

What act, passed in 1765, placed taxes on legal

documents such as wills, diplomas, marriage papers,

newspapers, playing cards and even dice?

The Stamp Act.

What was the colonists reaction to the Stamp Act?

Riots broke out in cities like New York. Mobs harassed

British tax officials by throwing rocks and tarring and

feathering them. They hanged or burned effigies of the British


A huge complaint the colonists had was that of “No taxation

without representation!” What did this mean?

“No taxation without representation” arose because the colonists did not

elect anybody to the British Parliament. The colonists claimed that Parliament could not tax them because they were represented in


What was the Stamp Act Congress?

The Stamp Act Congress was when 9 colonies sent delegates to discuss what to do about the

Stamp Act. They decided to boycott British goods.

What does boycott mean?

Boycott means to refuse to buy certain goods. It was a very

common and successful means of colonial protest. The boycott

caused the Stamp Act to be repealed.

What does repeal mean?

Repeal means to cancel. The Stamp Act was repealed after

the colonial boycott.

In 1767 the Townshend Acts were passed. What did the

Townshend Acts tax?

The Townshend Acts taxed glass, paint, lead, paper and

tea. These were very important colonial goods.

What was the colonists reaction to the Townshend Acts?

The colonists responded to the Townshend Acts by getting

merchants to sign nonimportation agreements. Nonimportation

agreements said that these people would stop importing British goods that were taxed by the Townshend


The Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty were also formed. These were groups of

men (and women) who protested British actions.

Writs of assistance were another thing established

under the Townshend Acts. What were writs of


Writs of assistance allowed a customs officer to search a ship without giving a reason. Writs of

assistance were often used by the British to harass Sons of Liberty and other people thought to be

against the British actions.

This person was a failure on business. He lived in Boston where he was a leader of the

Sons of Liberty. He organized the committees of

correspondence. Who was he?

Sam Adams

What were the committees of correspondence?

The committees of correspondence were a group of people who wrote

letters telling people in other colonies what was going on in the writers colony. They were started

by Sam Adams in Boston.

This lawyer from Massachusetts was Sam

Adams cousin. His knowledge of British law was very helpful to the colonists. Who was he?

John Adams

The Quartering Act was passed in 1767. What did the Quartering Act say?

The Quartering Act said that colonists had to house and

feed British soldiers.

The Boston Massacre happened on March 5, 1770.

What was the Boston Massacre?

In the Boston Massacre, British soldiers shot and killed 5 colonists. They were mostly Sons of Liberty. The colonists provoked the British

into firing. The Sons of Liberty used this event to get people mad at the


Britain repealed much of the Townshend Acts in 1770. It did

keep the tax on tea. This small tax was designed to show the colonists that Parliament did have the right to

tax the colonies.

Parliament gave the British East India a monopoly of the tea trade with the Tea

Act in 1773. This put many colonial merchants out of work. It was a very small tax but the colonists believed in “no taxation without representation.”

What did this lead to?

The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party. 342 crates of tea were

dumped into Boston harbor. There were similar responses in several

other locations. Colonists throughout the colonies agreed to boycott tea, often making their own substitutes.

Britain was not happy with the Boston Tea Party. It responded with the Intolerable Acts which were designed to punish the colonists of Massachusetts.

What were the Intolerable Acts?

The Intolerable Acts shut down the port of Boston. Ships could not come into or leave the port

which made it very difficult for the citizens of Boston to get supplies. Other colonies sent supplies by


A new Quartering Act was also passed. This made colonists who weren’t too happy with the British house British

soldiers. This raised tensions in Boston. Town meetings were also

limited to 1 a year. This was designed to keep the people of Massachusetts from organizing against the British.

The Intolerable Acts also said that British officials would be sent back to British to stand trial if they committed a crime. It was widely believed that

these people would face no punishment in England since

witnesses could not afford to go to Britain to testify.

How did the colonists react to the Intolerable Acts?

The committees of correspondence sent supplies

to help Boston. The First Continental Congress also met in Philadelphia in 1774. What

was the first Continental Congress?

The First Continental Congress was a meeting of 12 of the

colonies. It agreed to boycott British goods. Each colony was urged to set up its own militia or volunteer army.

What was the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World?”

This referred to the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Colonial minutemen (soldiers who could be ready at a

moments notice) stood up to the British. Why did this battle take


The British were trying to destroy guns and ammunition at Concord

and capture leaders of the Sons of Liberty. The British were

unsuccessful and were attacked on the way back to Boston, being defeated by the Minutemen.

It was called the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” because

news of this battle spread to all corners of the Earth.

Who was the great speaker for Virginia? He had a fiery temper

and was a member of the House of Burgesses.

Patrick Henry. He was known for saying “Give me liberty, or

give me death!”

Who was the women who wrote plays mocking the


Mercy Otis Warren

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