chapter 27 – human impacts on earth resources

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Chapter 27 – Human Impacts on Earth Resources. Resources and Organisms. The oxygen you breathe in and the carbon dioxide you exhale are examples of natural resources you use everyday Most organisms have adapted to their particular environment and live in balance with it - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 27 – Human Impacts on Earth Resources

Resources and Organisms• The oxygen you breathe in and the carbon

dioxide you exhale are examples of natural resources you use everyday

• Most organisms have adapted to their particular environment and live in balance with it

• Other organisms change the environment to meet their needs– Some positive, some negative

Asian Carp

Resources and Population Growth

• Any type of organism can have an impact if the population becomes too large

• As population grows, the demand for resources increases

• Population growth is defined as an increase in population size over time

J-shaped Curve

• Normally, a growing population can be shown by a J-shaped curve

Limits to Population Growth

• Earth’s resources are limited, so population cannot grow forever

• Limiting factors can be: food, water, or clean air

• Number of organisms an environment can support is its carrying capacity

S shaped curve

Carrying capacity

Environmental Factors

• Storms, extreme changes in temp, droughts, floods and pollution can all affect population size

• Disease, parasites, and lack of food can also affect it

Urban Development

• 70% of the North American population live in either urban or suburban areas

• Development of land or new construction can cause environment problems– Destroys old habitats

• Development also takes away from farmland and adds pressure to remaining farmland– Increase chance of flooding because of increase of

asphalt and concrete– Increase in solid waste


• Developers put barriers around new construction

• Modern landfills

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