chapter 22 assessment

Post on 13-May-2015






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Chapter 22


The Scientific Revolution

• Root of Modern Science– Looked to the Greeks (Aristotle) and the Bible to

answer questions about the world– Medieval Times

• Earth was unmovable and center of universe– Geocentric theory

» Moon and sun moved around earth

– Mid-1500’s• Scientists begin to publish findings

– Based on observation and willingness to question accepted ideas

– Later is known as the scientific revolution

The Scientific Revolution

• Causes of Scientific Revolution– Translation of Muslim texts– Academic courses in Astronomy, physics and math– New discoveries through out the world

• Opened the possibility that there were more unknown truths

– Exploration• Fuels scientific research

– Printing Press• Spreads ideas- Fast

The Universe

• Challenging accepted science– Astronomy

• Heliocentric Theory of the Universe– Nicolaus Copernicus– 25 years of planetary research – Reasoned that the planets, and stars revolved around

the sun – Didn’t publish because of fear of ridicule and

persecutions» His idea would contradict the idea that God put the

Earth in the center of the Universe

The Universe

• Challenging accepted science– Galieo

• Discovered– Law of the pendulum– All things fall at the same rate– Other astronomical things

• Church was threatened by his findings– Made him renounce his findings– Kept him under house arrest till the end of his life

The scientific method

• Logical procedure for collecting and testing ideas– Start with a problem– Come up with a hypothesis– Test hypothesis with experimentation– Analyze and interpret the data

Scientific method, Bacon and Descartes

• Bacon– Refined the idea of empiricism

• Observe, collect data and draw conclusions from data

• Descartes– Developed analytical geometry– Link algebra and geometry– Doubt everything until proven by reason– “I think, therefore I am”

Newton explain gravity- Hooray

• Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy– Very influential scientific books– Universe worked similar to a watch

• God was the creator of the watch (universe)

Scientific instruments

• Zacharias Jenssen– Created first microscope in 1590

• Evangelista Torricelli – Created the first barometer in 1643

• Necessary in the prediction of weather

• Gabriel Fahrenheit– Created first thermometer to use mercury in glass in


• Ander Celsius– Created another scale for measuring temperature in


Medicine and the Human Body

• Andreas Vesalius– Mid-1500’s

• Dissected human bodies• Published detailed drawings of human organs, bones and


• William Harvey– 1628

• Published book on the heart and circulation

• Edward Jenner– Late 1700’s

• Introduced a vaccine to prevent smallpox

The Enlightenment in Europe

• Scientific Revolution pave the way for “new” thinking in government, religion, economics and education

• Reaches its height in the mid-1700s

• Also known at the Age of Reason


• Hobbes’ social contract– Thomas Hobbes

• Leviathan (his writings)• Convinced that all people are selfish and wicked• Only an absolute leader could control the behavior

of his citizens• Social contract

– People give up their rights to a strong leader and in turn gain law and order


• Locke’s Natural Right– John Locke

• People could learn from experience and improve themselves

• Criticized absolute rule• Advocated for self-rule• Natural rights (all people are born free and equal)

– Life– Liberty– Property

• Government’s role is to protect those rights

The philosophes advocate reason

• Mid-1700’s– Paris becomes meeting place for people who

want to discuss politics and ideas– Social critiques become known as the

philosophes– People could apply reason to all aspects of


The philosophes advocate reason

• Turn to page 552, summarize the 5 concepts that form the core of the philosophes philosophy

Extra space to write

• Reason– Truths are discovered through reason or logical thinking

• Nature– Natural=good and reasonable– Natural laws of economics/politics

• Happiness– People who lived by natural laws=happy– Didn’t want to accept misery for happiness after death

• Progress– Humankind can be perfected

• Liberty– Freedom on the liberties they believed to be inherent– No restrictions on speech religion, trade, personal travel

Voltaire Combats intolerance

• Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)– French philosopher

• Humanities worse enemies– Intolerance– Prejudice– Superstition

• Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers– Division of power between different branches of a

government– Separation of Powers– Outlines the idea of checks and balances that is a

basis to our govrnment

Rousseau: Champion of Freedom

• Jean Jacques Rousseau– Believed that all people should consent and

agree on forming a society- Social Contract– All people are equal and titles of nobility

should be abolished – Inspires leaders of the French Revolution

Beccaria Promotes Criminal justice

• Ceasre Beccaria– Laws exists to preserve social order not

avenge crimes• Against common abuses of justice

– Torture – Irregular proceedings in trials– Cruel and unusual punishments

• Advocated– Speedy trials– Punishments that fit the crimes– Abolition of the death penalty

Impact of the Enlightenment

• Belief in progress– Through reason a better society was possible– End of slavery– Better education

• More secular outlook– People begin to question religious beliefs– Religious tolerance is explored

• Importance of the individual– Look inward for guidance– Examine right and wrong for themselves

Sread of Enlightenment Ideas• Denis Diderot

– spread enlightened thinking in all areas by publishing the Encyclopedia

• Franz Joseph Hayden– broke from traditionally ornate musical forms and developed the

sonata and symphony• Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart

– set a new standard for elegance and originality with his varied and numerous musical compositions

• Ludwig van Beethoven– exhibited great range in his works; moved from the classical

style of Mozart to begin new trend that carried music into the Age of Romanticism

The Spread of the Enlightenment ideas

• Samuel Richardson – wrote Pamela, the first English novel

• Frederick the Great– committed himself to the goal of reforming and strengthening

his country; granted many religious freedoms, reduced censorship, improved education and the justice system, and abolished torture; considered that the king should be “first servant of the state”

• Joseph II – Abolished serfdom, initiated legal reforms, introduced

freedom of the press, supported freedom of religion • Catherine the Great

– tried to modernize and reform Russia according to the writings of the philosophes; accomplished limited reforms


• Salon– social gathering in a person’s home at which enlightened

thinkers shared ideas and enjoy artistic performances

• Baroque– grand ornate style of the arts that was popular before the


• Neoclassical– simple and elegant style of the arts that emphasized order and

balance and borrowed ideas and themes from classical Greece and Rome

• Enlightened despot – absolute monarch who reflected Enlightenment ideals of reform

and reason



Name three developments in the arts during the Enlightenment

• Arts reflected order and balance

• Artists and architects borrowed ideas from classical Rome and Greece

• Novel developed

What sorts of reforms did the enlightened despots make? In what respects did their

reforms fail?

• Greater religious tolerance

• Reduced censorship

• Reduced torture

• Many were limited or temporary

• Failed to improve lives for the peasants

Causes Events Effects

British needs to pay of French and Indian War

British parliament passes the Stamp Act

Colonist boycott manufactured goods in protest: Parliament repeals the Stamp Act tax

Colonists protest an import tax on tea and dump tea off British ships

British close Boston harbor and station troops in the city

First Continental Congress meets to protest punishment of Boston

British soldiers and American militiamen exchange fire at Lexington and Concord

Second Continental Congress votes to form an army under command of G. Washington

American Revolution beings

France wants to weaken its enemy Britain

France enters the war in 1778 Combined forces result in victory for the Americans

States need a plan for a national govt. but want to protect their own authority

By approving the Articles of Confederation, states create a weak national govt.

National government is set up but is powerless to govern

Congress unable to pay debt-ridden farmers for services in the war

Daniel Shays leads a rebellion in Massachusetts

Congress approves a Constitutional Convention to revise the Articles of Confederation

How do the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution reflect the ideals of the Enlightenment?

• D of I uses the political ideals of John Locke to defend the rebellion against a govt. that abuse the natural rights of its citizens– Written by Thomas Jefferson

• Constitution contains a series of checks and balances and a federal system that divides power– Montesquieu’s idea

• Bill of rights guarantees many rights and freedoms advocated by the philosophes– Freedom of speech, religion, and protects the right of

people accused of crimes

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