chapter 16. study guide

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The Civil War and Reconstruction. Chapter 16. Study Guide. Mr. Woodward , Old KY Home Middle School Bardstown, KY. Northerners fought in the Civil War because they thought it was wrong for the Southern states to leave the. Union. The four border states were:. Kentucky. Maryland. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 16.Study Guide

Mr. Woodward,Old KY Home Middle School

Bardstown, KY

Northerners fought in the Civil War because they thought it was wrong for the Southern states to leave the

The four border states were:

They were considered border states because they didn’t leave the Union, but some of them owned

Some people in the border states fought for the North while others fought for the __________.

People in the border states remained citizens of the __________ ________ instead of joining the Confederacy.

What is the name of the system developed in the South to keep the plantations operating after slavery ended.

The organization set up to help former slaves was the

General Sherman’s march to the sea was an effort to destroy everything in _______________ that could help the South in the war.

When the Union army captured ______________________, the south was cut in two at the Mississippi River.

The most successful Union general during the Civil War.

Which battle in 1862 convinced President Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

Africans formed every kind of regiment except cavalry in the Civil War.

True or False

Reconstruction ended when the last ____________________ troops left the south in 1877.

One state split in two over the slavery issue and became the states of ___________ and ________ ______________.

Who took over factory, business, and farm jobs when the men from the North and the South went to war?

Why were most Southerners willing to fight in the Civil War?

_______________________ was led by President Johnson as an effort to bring the country back together after the Civil War.

People who were not in the military are known as ___________________. (mostly women, old men, and children)

The name insultingly given to Southerners who supported the government after the Civil War.

What is the practice of separating people in schools, churches, and other public places known as?

What is the murder of a political leader called?

Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?

What was the name of the famous speech given at Gettysburg?

Which amendment ended slavery?

Which amendment gave ALL people the right to vote regardless of race?

Which amendment gave citizenship to all people born in the United States including former slaves?

Once Reconstruction ended, white southerners again took political control and passed the ________ ________ to limit the rights of former slaves.

Some southern states elected _____________ Americans to Congress after the war ended.

Southern states were allowed to hold ______________, and choose their own state leaders after the Civil War was over.

The Confederate leader who chose not to lead the north because his home state, Virginia had joined the Confederacy.

After President Abraham Lincoln was killed, his Vice President, ________________________ became the seventeenth President of the United States.

Which Confederate state was the first to rejoin the Union after the Civil War ended?

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