chapter 11-”the first world war” identifications

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Chapter 11-”The First World War”


• 136. nationalism-devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation.

• ***. imperialism-policy in which a stronger nation extends its economic, political or military control over weaker territories.

• 137. Militarism-development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy.

• 138. Allies-(see #140) + USA

• 139. Central Powers-(see #141)

• 140. Triple Entente-France, Britain and Russia (in WWI=Allied forces).

• 141. Triple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (in WWI=Central Powers…except Italy).

• 142. Archduke Franz Ferdinand-heir to Austrian throne…June 1914, he and wife, Sophie, assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, by Gavrilo Princip, a member of Serbian nationalist group, the Black Hand.

• 143. von Schlieffen Plan-German plan for invasion of western Europe…holding action against Russia…with defeat of France-combined German forces would defeat Russia.

• 144. “no man’s land”-barren expanse of mud pockmarked with shell craters and filled with barbed wire.

• 145. trench warfare-with the failure of the Germans to capture Paris, by spring 1915, fighting resulted in development of two parallel systems of deep, rat-infested trenches from Belgian coast to the Swiss Alps-opposing troops would leave their trenches to cross no man’s land to attack.

• 146. U-boat-(from unterseeboot, German for submarine…used by Germany to blockade Great Britain…unrestricted submarine warfare.

• 147. Lusitania-British passenger liner sunk off southern coast of Ireland on 07.May.15…1198 (128 Americans) died.

• 148. Zimmermann Note (Telegram)-from German foreign minister to German ambassador in Mexico…proposed alliance between Germany & Mexico and if war broke out Germany would aid Mexico in recovering lost territories of Spanish Cession.

• 149. “safe for democracy”-02.Apr.17, WW’s war message to Congress…neutrality ended as Congress declares war several days later—to make the world safe for democracy (and to ensure world peace and democracy).

• 150. Selective Service Act-May,1917, passed by Congress-men register with government for the draft-(24M registered, 3M called up, 2M sent to Europe).

• 151. convoy system-a heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships across Atlantic in groups.

• 152. AEF-US Army sent to join allies in Europe...commander: J.J. ”Black Jack” Pershing (San Juan Hill & Pancho Villa)…soldiers nicknamed “doughboys”…came from all backgrounds of US to see horrors of war.

• 153. Alvin York-from mountains of Tennessee to most decorated American soldier…originally sought exemption on grounds of

• 154. conscientious objector-one who believes that war is wrong morally…”Thou shall not kill”…

• 154. cont…08.Oct.18, armed with rifle and pistol 25 German soldiers and with 6 other doughboys captures 132 prisoners…promoted to sergeant & became celebrity.

• 155. armistice-truce ending fighting…signed on the 11th hour, 11th day, in the 11th month of 1918.

• 156. War Industries Board-regulated US industries during war-encouraged mass production, eliminate waste by standardizing products…production increased by 20%...applied price controls at wholesale level=higher retail prices=higher corporate profits.

• 157. Bernard Baruch-prosperous US businessman became head of WIB in 1918.

• 158. propaganda-biased communication designed to influence people’s thoughts and actions-

• 159. George Creel-former muck-raking journalist headed ”Committee on Public Information” (CPI).

• 160. Espionage & Sedition Acts-person could be fined $10,000 and 20 years in jail for interfering with war effort or saying anything disloyal, profane or abusive about government or war effort…1st Amendment Rights? Over 2000 prosecutions-Debs, “Big Bill” Haywood (IWW), etc.

• 161. “Great Migration”-tidal wave of large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of black Americans from the south to the north-trying to escape discrimination, and/or looking for jobs.

• 162. 1918 Flu Epidemic-fall 1918, world-wide epidemic struck-500T Americans and 30M people worldwide died.

• 163. Fourteen Points-WW’s plan for world peace; #1-5=preventing future wars, #6-13=boundary changes (principle of self-determination), #14=creation of League of Nations, a forum for nations to discuss/settle problems without having to go to war.

• 164. League of Nations-WW’s 14th point of plan for world peace…since the US Senate never ratified Treaty of Versailles-US NEVER joined League—became a paper tiger.

• 165. Georges Clemenceau-French premier-had lived through two German invasions of France and was determined not to let it happen again.

• 166. David Lloyd George-British prime minister had just won reelection on slogan “Make Germany Pay”.

• 167. Vittorio Orlando-Italian prime minister wanted control of Austrian-held territory.

• ***With Woodrow Wilson, Clemenceau, George and Orlando made up “THE BIG FOUR” and decided the fate of Germany at Versailles!!

• 168. Treaty of Versailles-Jun 1919, in the Hall of Mirrors @ Palace of Versailles: 1. created 9 new nations, 2. limits on Germany’s military, 3. forced Germany to return Alsace-Lorraine to France, 4. forced Germany to sign “war guilt” clause, 5. forced Germany to pay

• 169. reparations-war damages…a bill for $33 Billion was given to Germany…with her economy in ruins, paying this was an impossibility.

• 170. war-guilt clause-Germany was humiliated when forced to admit sole responsibility for starting WWI…while she shared the guilt all European nations were guilty of provoking diplomatic crises.

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