chapter 10: nutrition for health terms –nutrients –calories –hunger –appetite –nutrition...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Chapter 10: Nutrition for Health

Terms– Nutrients– Calories– Hunger– Appetite– Nutrition– Carbohydrates– Food Intolerance– Dietary Guidelines for Americans– Nutrient-dense

Terms, cont.

– Proteins– Fiber– Vitamins– Minerals– Cholesterol– Osteoporosis– Food Allergy– Foodborne Illness– Cross-contamination

What influences your food choices?

Hunger vs. Appetite

Do you eat because of an emotion??

Factors that make a difference in your eating:– Culture– Family and Friends– Advertising– Time and money


How many should we eat??

Teenage girls = between 2000-2200 per day

Teenage boys = between 2400-2800 per day

More active = girls about 2500-2800…..boys about 3000-3500

Adults = about 2000 per day

Trying to lose weight = cut out 500 calories per day to lose 1 lb per week

Fuel for your Body

The nutrients you eat act like fuel for your body.

Getting the proper nutrients that your body needs also helps prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and stroke.

Essential Nutrients

Carbohydrates- teenagers about 55 percent of calories; adults about 50 percent of calories Proteins- between 10-20 percent of daily caloriesFats- between 20-30 percent of daily caloriesVitaminsMineralsWater


4 calories per gramShould make up about 50% of total calories.Simple Carbohydrates- sugars– Fruits (fructose)– Soda– Candy– Milk (lactose)

Complex Carbohydrates- starches– Breads– Beans– Pastas

Are Carbohydrates Bad??

No……complex carbs.= Energy

Too many Carbs. = excess body fat


4 calories per gram

Should make up about 20% of total calories.

Builds, maintains muscle, bone, etc.

Examples:– Chicken– Fish– Eggs


9 calories per gramShould make up about 30% of total calories.Saturated vs. Unsaturated– Saturated….solid at room temperature- examples: fat on

meat, coconut oil– Unsaturated….liquids or oils at room temp.- examples:

vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds

Average teenage girl needs 66 grams of fat daily grams of fat dailyAverage teenage boy needs 84 grams of fat daily grams of fat daily

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin D is the only vitamin manufactured by the body

How can we tell if we are getting the proper balance of nutrients??– Key thing to remember: MAKE YOUR

PLATE COLORFUL! (and Skittles do not count!)

Now That is Colorful!!!


Carries nutrients to and transports waste from your cells

Your body uses about 10 cups of water a day…..if you sweat, you use more.

Need to drink 6-8 8 oz. glasses of water each day…..that is about 48-64 ounces of water each day.

Eating Right When Eating Out

Watch your portions

Pay attention to how foods are prepared

Add fresh vegetables and fruits

Go easy on toppings

Don’t drink your calories

Reading a Nutrition Label

Look at:– Calories– Serving Size- single serving size and

servings per container/bag/etc.– Proteins– Carbohydrates– Sugars– Fats

Food Safety

Keep cold foods cold

Keep hot foods hot

Don’t keep foods in the temp. danger zone (40-140 degrees F) for more than 4 hours


Watch your portions!!!!

Make your plate colorful!!!!

Drink plenty of water!!!!



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