chaos to miracle law - clover p.m....

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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Chaos to Miracle Law

The past several months have been an intense battle for life at the Capitol, both physically and

spiritually. For the first time Texas and our nation were confronted with a spiritual war led by paid,

experienced pro- abortion protestors with a goal of destruction – property and/or lives of unborn


The Regular Session

During the regular legislative session, multiple pro-life bills were filed but only three became hot topics.

The first bill would require all abortion facilities to meet the regulation standards of Ambulatory Surgical

Centers, bringing them up to a higher standard of care, and likely closing many of the facilities. The

second would require that physicians performing abortions have admitting privileges to a hospital within

a 30 mile radius of the clinic. The third would prohibit abortion after 5 months, based on the medical

knowledge that an unborn baby is able to feel pain by this point (preborn pain).

The bills were heard and passed out of House State Affairs Committee but died in the Calendars

Committee. In the Senate, the Democratic Caucus came out strongly against all life- affirming bills.

Only one Democrat - Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. - had the courage to stand for his convictions and support

life issues. With the support of all 19 Republicans and one Democrat in the Senate, bills were still one

vote short of the necessary two-thirds majority to get to the floor. Pro-life bills sat on the Senate

calendar for weeks. Because we were never able to secure that one additional vote, the bills died with

the session.

Senator Lucio w/ Governor Rick Perry (Photo: Laura Skelding)

Although there was a lot of debate, there was no real media coverage and neither side of the debate

appeared in great numbers. That was to change dramatically in the next weeks.


The First Special Session

Different rules govern Special Sessions. The Governor designates all issues to be addressed during any

Special Session. The first Special Session began with a renewed excitement and energy but no pro-life

issue on the Call. Two weeks into the 30-day Special Session, Governor Rick Perry’s office called pro-life

leaders in to say he would add the life issue to the Special Session Call if pro-life leaders would commit

to work together. We all publically agreed. In a meeting with Lt. Governor Dewhurst, we agreed to

combine four pro-life bills into one large omnibus piece of legislation covering the Ambulatory Surgical

Center regulations, hospital admitting privileges, and the preborn pain issue as well as requiring RU-

486, the abortion inducing drug, to be dispensed according to FDA standards. Suddenly, the bill

received media coverage as Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion supporters began to publicly protest

the bill. While the regular session had seemed mild and the two-thirds rule in the Senate minimized the

threat to abortion supporters, the different rules of the Special Session (no two-thirds rule to reach the

Senate floor) and the impact of the omnibus bill had now become a real threat.

The Senate Committee on Health & Human Services listens to testimony on abortion bills (Photo: Todd Wiseman)

The first round in the Senate was relatively quiet. The Health and Human Services Committee hearing

had almost equal testimony from both sides and was over after about five hours. On the day scheduled

for Senate floor debate, the fetal pain portion of the bill was removed, leaving only three sections of the

bill. Senator Glenn Hegar stood and passionately defended life for six hours of intense interrogation.

The bill passed smoothly through the Senate and moved on to the House.

Once the bill reached the House the intensity escalated. Pro-abortion protestors showed up in force at

the House State Affairs Committee hearing. We were greatly outnumbered as there were around 800

of them and only a few of us. (We count our votes before hearings and attempt to limit testimony to a

few to keep the hearings short for the benefit of the Committee members who work almost 24 hours a

day.) Pro-abortion activists disregarded the rules and made multiple scenes. Pro-lifers quietly sat by,


gave our testimonies, and prayed. Pro-lifers had pizza in approved designated areas while pro-aborts

illegally brought food to the area outside the hearing room. Food was everywhere and the body odor

was overwhelming! As late as 9:00 P.M. some pro-aborts went to a gay and lesbian banquet to invite

attendees to come to the hearing to sign in as witnesses. After 10 hours of hearing public testimony,

the Committee had to cut off the witnesses at 3:30 A.M. The Senate version passed out of House State

Affairs Committee a few hours later (with the pre-born pain portion now included) and the bill moved

on to the House floor.

On the day of the House floor debate, the pro-abortion protesters arrived in even greater numbers, all

dressed in orange. They packed the House Gallery and lined up outside. Pro-life groups had also called in

supporters to pray and watch the House debate, but were still greatly outnumbered, about 8 to 1. The

debate started hot and intense as the pro-abortion Democrat representatives did everything in their

power to stall the debate. They attempted to add amendments, made countless parliamentary inquiries

and, raised points of order (claims of violating parliamentary procedure which would terminate the

legislation from consideration) and asked pointless questions. They effectively stalled for hours. Pro-life

representatives called the question about 2:30 A.M. The bill passed the third and final reading at 10:30

A.M. the next morning, with only a day and a half remaining in the Special Session. If the bill had passed

out of the Senate and the House in the same form, it would have gone directly to the Governor’s desk.

However, with fetal pain added back in on the House side, it now needed to return to the Senate floor

for a second debate. The bill was no longer filibuster proof!

After passing out of the House, there is a 24 hour waiting period before a bill can be heard on the Senate

floor. Following this mandatory waiting period, the bill became eligible to be heard on the Senate floor

with only 13 hours left before the end of the session. Democrats viewed this as an opportunity to kill

the bill with a filibuster. The day was intense. The pro-abortion supporters again showed up in orange, in

far greater numbers than in the House. The angry mob packed the Senate Gallery and formed a line at

the doors that grew as the day progressed. They were rude, vulgar and dirty. They had instructions to

watch the filibuster and to protest when the third point of order was called or if the bill reached a vote.

Pro-life supporters had also shown up, much more subdued and wearing blue. We were far fewer in

number, but were covering the Senate in continuous prayer.

A family prays outside the Senate gallery as Senator Davis filibusters life-saving legislation (Photo: Eric Schlegel)


Senator Wendy Davis began with clear filibuster instructions from Governor Dewhurst and the Senate.

She talked for nearly 11 hours about the bill. She read testimony from women that had not been heard

during the Committee hearing, letters from groups that opposed the bill, and the text of the bill itself.

The only way to stop the filibuster was if she violated the filibuster rules three times. She could not eat

or drink, sit down, touch her desk, receive help from another member, speak off the topic of the bill, or

pause longer than to turn a page. It was reported that she used a catheter in order to extend the length

of the filibuster. The first violation of the day came fairly early as she moved off topic and began

discussing family planning. The second arose when she was assisted by another member while putting

on a back brace. Pro-aborts in the Gallery were protesting sanctions and generally disruptive. Just after

10:00 P.M. Governor Dewhurst ordered the Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers, to clear the

Gallery. There were too few officers and they were not successful. The Gallery was full of orange shirts.

Those wearing blue shirts (pro-lifers) occupied only one and one-half sections of the twelve-section


The final violation came with only an hour and a half left before the midnight deadline. Senator Donna

Campbell called the third point of order when Senator Davis again spoke off topic by discussing the

sonogram law passed the previous session. The Senate floor became alive as Democrats began to use

stall tactics to run out the last hour. Protestors in the gallery chanted “Let her speak!” Senator Kirk

Watson demanded that Governor Dewhurst be removed as President of the Senate and temporarily

replaced by Senator Robert Duncan. 15 minutes before the final deadline, Senator Hegar moved that a

final vote be taken on the bill. The Gallery immediately erupted in screams and a deafening roar as the

pro-abortion protesters drowned out the senators and caused mass confusion. Strong pro-abortion

House members such as Representative Jessica Farrar were legally standing in the back of the Senate

and encouraging the mob by motioning for them to continue the disruption. The sound was deafening.

Governor Dewhurst actually stepped on to the floor to pull senators up to the Senate Secretary for their

votes to be recorded before midnight. Senator Duncan was unable to quiet the crowd. DPS officers

would ask a protestor to leave and they would cling to each other. When the DPS officers could finally

separate them, they would fall as dead weight, requiring several DPS officers to remove them. At

midnight, no one knew what had happened. Had the bill actually passed? At first we heard that the final

vote was at 11:58 P.M. and the bill passed.

Senator Tommy Williams raises a point of order against Wendy Davis's filibuster (Photo: Alberto Martinez)


Just after midnight, DPS officers moved pro-lifers to an office and locked us in for safety while they

attempted to clear the protestors. Throughout the riot, we never felt threatened. It was clear that the

protestors were there to disrupt the process and not to cause harm to pro-lifers or members of the


Carol & Elizabeth Davidson hide out in a legislative office as the pro-abortion protestors riot outside

After hours of waiting, Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst announced that although the bill had passed, the

process had not been completed before the midnight deadline, thus the bill died.

The Second Special Session

Although Planned Parenthood and the pro-abortion protesters won that round, the fight was not over.

Governor Perry, Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst, and the pro-life supporters in Texas would not allow

mob rule to make the final decision on this bill. The day after the first Special Session ended, Governor

Perry called a second Special Session with the pro-life issue on the Call. The battle began again.

DPS officers from all over the state arrived in Austin to protect our Capitol and elected officials. Pro-life

bill authors and supporters had received an untold number of violent threats to their person and that of

their families. Can you imagine going forward with threats to you, your children, and your spouse? Only

the Lord could have sustained them under the enormous pressure and attack.

House Bill 2, the new omnibus pro-life bill, was to be assigned to its appropriate House committee on

July 1st. By invitation of many prominent pro-life organizations and national media coverage of the

events of the previous Special Session, many pro-lifers and prayer warriors were in attendance, wearing

blue, carrying signs, and donning the famous red “LIFE” tape over their mouths. Pro-lifers came from all

over the nation.


Lt. Governor Dewhurst, Carol, Jacob Aschmutat, and Ann Hettinger pray over the Texas abortion controversy (Photo: David Dewhursts' Facebook)

The amount of blue not only made the Capitol a pleasant sight, but an enjoyable sound as well. The pro-

life advocates gathered on the second floor of the rotunda and began singing Amazing Grace. In light of

the recent turmoil present in Texas politics, the reverberating hymn in the large, stone building was like

a lullaby. Nevertheless, the orange-shirts were not pleased with this hymn. Expecting us, the few orange

pro-aborts that were present in the Capitol that morning were carrying signs that appeared to directly

refute the spiritual aura surrounding the blue-shirts. They utilized signs and chants that included phrases

such as, “Keep Your Religion out of My Body,” “Church & State—Separate,” and “Keep Your Rosaries off

My Ovaries.”

The peaceful and resonating ocean of blue was soon overtaken by a tidal wave of orange. A rally for the

pro-choice movement in Texas had been scheduled for that afternoon, and thousands of pro-aborts

gathered outside the Capitol to hear officials deliver their messages in opposition to the bill. The

speakers included Senator Wendy Davis, actress Lisa Edelstein, Senator Kirk Watson, and actress

Stephanie March. It appeared that one object of this rally was to keep the pro-abortion protestors

engaged and ready for the events that would culminate the following day: the House State Affairs

Committee hearing on HB 2.

Occupy Wall Street, The International Socialist Organization, and NARAL Pro-Choice Texas had paid pro-

abortion protesters to come to Austin. The protesters were given instructions not to engage with pro-

lifers, but still the Lord opened the doors for some unusual conversations. On Tuesday as pro-lifers

stood in line beginning 5:00 A.M. to fill the Gallery, I walked down the line speaking with pro-lifers. As I

stood in the rotunda, a group of five women dressed in orange approached. “I am a UT professor.

Would you mind telling us why you are pro-life?” I shared my testimony and went a bit further with the

inability to properly sterilize instruments on busy days. When I finished, one of the women burst into

tears and said, “I had an abortion and it was the worst thing that ever happened to me.” I was the only


one in the circle who reached out to comfort her. Her associates seemed a bit shocked but moved on


The Committee hearing was scheduled to begin at 2:00 P.M. Tuesday afternoon. The hearing posting

stated that the Committee would cease all oral testimony precisely at midnight. There was debate on

this limitation by the Committee members, but Chairman Byron Cook was adamant on the cut-off time.

The testimony before the Committee appeared divided in terms of supporters and opponents; each side

wanting to make certain their voice was publicly heard. As the arguments raged onward, so did the

protestors outside the hearing room. There was a colorful blend of orange and blue mingling throughout

the Capitol building, engaging in conversation, recorded interviews, debate, and—believe it or not—

occult chants. As you may have heard, the phrase “Hail Satan” was trending in the media due to public

footage of pro-abortion advocates chanting during a pro-life speech outside the Texas Capitol. However,

what was even more bizarre was the group of pro-abortion protestors arranged in a rough pentagram

reciting what appeared to be occult incantations. The opponents of the bill also carried with them vulgar

and offensive signs and costumes throughout the Capitol expressing their opposition.

As the day progressed into evening, the protestors appeared to shift from individual, banner-toting

proponents and opponents to collective groups of advocates unafraid to speak their position on both a

larger and louder scale. In the outside rotunda on the lower floor of the Capitol’s extension, the blue

team positioned themselves in its center. Throughout the day, courageous men and women from across

the state and the nation delivered their personal pro-life testimony or simply argued in support of the

bill. They spoke boldly for all to hear as their testimonies were recorded and broadcasted to reach a

larger audience. Unfortunately, the high volume of their speeches did not last long as the orange team

caught wind of their organized protest and arrived to cause disruption. While the speakers in blue

prayed, presented, and peacefully protested, the pro-abortion side rallied, ranted, and roared all around



Pro-abortion protestors attempt to drown out the rallying pro-life activists (Photo: Eric Gay)

At times, the rage and disgust directed from the bill’s protestors toward its supporters was incredible.

One pro-life woman offered to pray for an orange-shirted young lady, in addition to passing along the

comment that “Jesus loves you.” She received an unkind vocal response and a written note with a

request to stop imposing religious beliefs on others. Other pro-life speakers received boos, hisses,

screams, and profanities as they attempted to deliver their speeches that day. Despite these

disappointing interruptions by the pro-abortion crowd, the pro-life response was courteous and Christ-

like. Pro-life Representative Bryan Hughes spent hours passing out cups of water to the bill’s opponents.

One young man in a blue tie offered to engage in an informal, one-on-one discussion with an older man

wearing an orange bandanna. A young woman in a blue shirt was seen standing outside of the crowd,

praising Jesus and thanking God for loving all of the people at the Capitol that day. Pro-lifers came from

Abilene and Houston to testify only to be unheard. Despite additional protests from House members

who opposed the bill, it passed out of Committee around midnight by a vote of 8 to 3.

The Senate Health and Human Services Committee began its public hearing the next week on the

afternoon of Monday, July 8th. That day, 3,861 supporters and opponents of the bill gathered to speak

on the issue of abortion. Thankfully, this hearing was tamer than the House companion. Chairwoman

Jane Nelson required strict decorum. There were no cries of “Hail Satan,” very little screaming from the

opposition, and a general sense of amiability from both sides, but still some body odor.

Monday hosted more for the pro-life advocates than just the Committee hearing. That evening, a

massive pro-life rally was organized by several pro-life organizations. The featured speakers were

renowned for their contribution to the pro-life movement on both the national and state level:

Governor Mike Huckabee, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, Peggy Nance with Concerned Women

for America, Attorney General Greg Abbott, Pastor Robert Jeffress with First Baptist Church in Dallas,


Pastor Steve Washburn with First Baptist Church Pflugerville, four members of the Duggar family of 19

and Counting, and many more. Considering the political leanings of the city where the rally was held, we

had an incredible turnout! The speakers were powerful, articulate, and excellent at kindling a great

spark among the supporters of the pro-life legislation.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott speaks at the pro-life rally outside the Capitol (Photo:

The Heidi Group worked with Ann Hettinger of the Texas chapter of Concerned Women for America and

Kyleen Wright of Texans for Life to organize the rally in eight days at absolutely no cost. Speakers paid

their own way, and approximately 5,000 Christian pro-lifers showed up to pray and hear the messages.


Individuals and families from all over Texas and country gather to express support for HB 2 (Photos: Texas Tribune, Texas Right to Life)

What happened after the rally essentially ended the “amiability” between the two sides that had

endured throughout the day. Following the conclusion of the final speaker’s presentation, the pro-

abortion protestors gathered in downtown Austin, steadily marching toward the south steps of the

Capitol, where the rally was being held. They surrounded the few dozen pro-lifers who had been brave

enough to stay for the post-rally worship service. One pro-life woman said she was terrified by the

people who quickly surrounded her. She said they were screaming at her and her sister, that the

beautiful music seemed to have enraged them even more. The DPS officers had formed a ring around

those wearing blue, to keep the orange protestors at bay. The band ceased playing after about 45

minutes, resulting in cheers from the orange crowd. They continued to chant and roar their outrage

until after 9:30 P.M. that night.


DPS Officers carefully watch the pro-abortion protestors as they overtake the peaceful pro-life rally (Photo: Eric Gay)

From the pro-life perspective, the House floor debate on HB 2 on Tuesday was the best thus far. The

pro-abortion legislators threw out every trick they knew to terminate consideration of that bill: points

of order, numerous amendments, loaded questions, and ferocious ad hominem attacks to author Jodie

Laubenberg. This incredible godly woman stood firmly against those attacks and refused to relinquish

the sanctity of that legislation to the opposition’s amendments. Also impressive about this debate were

the pro-life legislators who seemed to be more vocal about their position on the floor than before. This

time, the representatives came forward to cross examine their opponents, delivering their arguments

with both passion and reason. The exceptional turnout by the bill’s supporters likely encouraged the

representatives to stand strong. Blue shirts filled the House Gallery that day, with hundreds still waiting

in line to watch the debate. That morning there were only about six orange shirts present and as the day

progressed, the number never rose above 20. After enduring 27 amendments, Representative

Laubenberg stood firm and they passed the bill that evening with a vote of 98 to 49.

Pro-abortion legislators brandish coat hangers as they oppose life-saving legislation (Photo:


The House met the following morning for their third and final vote on this historic piece of legislation.

The bill passed quickly and smoothly by a vote 96 to 49. As if on cue, the few pro-abortion protestors in

the House Gallery pulled out their scripted messages and loudly exclaimed their outrage. More than one

woman refused to lower her voice and sit down, so the DPS officers had to carry her (by her hands and

feet) out of the Gallery. Five arrests were made in the Gallery that day – right in front of us. It is hard to

believe we just sat there and watched! Another woman delivered some extremely unkind words to pro-

life observers as she was escorted out of the area.

A woman is removed from the House gallery for unruly behavior during the passage of HB 2 (Photo: Texas Tribune)

The Final Showdown

On Friday, July 12th, HB 2 arrived in the Senate for the final debate. The air was thick with anticipation as

both supporters and opponents of the bill showed up to watch. Security was tight as DPS officers

searched bags and confiscated items. Occupy Austin, International Socialist Organization, and had taken up residence over the past two weeks and arrived for the final debate carrying

paint, feminine products, confetti, and jars of feces and urine. I was forced to surrender my B-12 drops

and Kleenex tissues before they would allow me to enter the Gallery; I was unhappy about this. These

and other items were confiscated at the door and the crowds were watched closely. Emotions were high

and tempers flared as the debate began. Throughout the day, the Gallery was packed and there was a

line at the door. In order to maintain or seats, many of us did not even leave to use the restroom for 10

hours. Pro-abortion protestors chanted from the rotunda and did their best to promote chaos while the

pro-life supporters watched the debate from the Gallery or in legislative offices. During the hours of the

debate, the rotunda roared!


Standing in line for hours next to orange clad pro-aborts produced opportunities rarely found in our

world. The man in line watching our pro-life purses as we worked that Friday moved here from Chicago

for opportunities but was still a “died in the wool” liberal. I could not help but wonder how many of

those 1,500 people per day moving to Texas would bring values that could change the face of our

conservative, life-loving state if we do not evangelize for Him and life?

The protestors did everything in their power to disrupt the debate. One woman even handcuffed herself

to the Gallery rail and DPS officers had to cut the chain to remove her. Throughout the debate, Governor

Dewhurst remained calm and determined as he conducted the business of the Senate—even with the

woman still chained to the Gallery railing. (In my humble opinion, HB 2 passed because of Governor

Dewhurst’s leadership and dogged deamination.) Senator Hegar stood for close to 10 hours as he

strongly and courageously defended life. He did not back down or become angry, but calmly took the

questions and answered respectfully. The pro-abortion senators continued to do their part to disrupt

the debate and drag it out as long as possible. Pro-abortion Senator John Whitmire was gaveled down

for yelling in anger from the Senate floor.

One of the most courageous and inspiring demonstrations of the night came from Democrat Senator

Eddie Lucio, Jr. As the lone Democrat Senate supporter of this bill, he remained consistent throughout

the debate and showed up ready to defend his position. He arrived wearing a blue suit and tie, excited

at the chance to make his stand for life. He gave one of the most impassioned speeches of the day as he

stood on his convictions, not as a political statement, but of true commitment to his belief that the life

of an unborn child is sacred and should be protected according to direction from our Heavenly Father.

Just after midnight, the Senate finally reached the vote, and the bill passed by a vote of 19 to 11. The

Gallery was kept under tight control, but in the rotunda, the orange-shirts screamed in rage as the bill

was passed. The blue-shirt supporters, however, quietly left the Gallery and retreated to the lower

levels of the Capitol to avoid the chaos.


Governor Rick Perry signed the bill into law on July 18th, 2013.

Figure 1 The pro-life legislators watch as Governor Rick Perry signs HB 2 into law (Photo: Phil King's Facebook)

Over the past few months, we have seen God work in ways we could not even imagine. He has brought

people together and protected those who were obedient to follow His commands. He gave us the

strength and courage to continue in the face of severe opposition and gave Texas leadership the

boldness and determination to see this bill become law. The bill will still face court battles, but the first

step has been reached. It has made it through the Texas legislative process.

Jacob Aschmutat, Governor Rick Perry, and Elizabeth Davidson

So many deserve accolades for their work. Governor Rick Perry for adding the life issue to the Call. Lt.

Governor David Dewhurst for his strong leadership in prayer and deed to bring this bill across the line.

Representative Jodie Laubenberg and Senator Glenn Hegar for their commitment to life in the face of

unbelievable verbal attacks and threats to their persons and families. The wonderful DPS officers who


sacrificed their time to ensure our safety at the Capitol. The Democrats who were willing to stand for life

in the face of threats of losing their positions, and the Republicans who stood for life in spite of threats

and outrage from pro-abort associates. Most of all, we thank the Lord for showing up to bring Texans

together to stand for what they believe!

Left: Carol with HB 2 author Rep. Jodie Laubenberg; Right: Jacob Aschmutat, Elizabeth Davidson, HB 2 sponsor Senator Glenn Hegar, and Carol

Praise God for the work He is doing in Texas!

Thank you for your part in this work. Thank you, who prayed, sent others to Austin, came to Austin,

and/or watched on live stream. Thank you for your encouragement and investments. Lives will be

saved for years to come because you cared and invested prayer, time, and treasure!

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