chanukah booklet and songs

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Copyright © 2005

, לצלם, להעתיק, אין לשכפל, כל הזכויות שמורותלשדר או , לאחסן במאגר מידע, להקליט או לתרגם

אופטי מכני או , לקלוט בכל דרך או אמצעי אלקטרוניכל חלק שהוא מהחומר של הספר הזה ללא , אחר

למעט מבקר שרוצה , אישור בכתב של המוציא לאורשר לכתבה שהוא כותב לצטט פסקאות קצרות בהק

.עבור עיתון או שבועון או לשידור

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מ"המרכז הבינלאומי ללימוד הקבלה בע

Published by The Kabbalah Centre International Inc.


א"ברג שליט. פ.הרב ש

Director Rav Berg

155 E. 48th St., New York, NY 10017 1062 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035

First printing 2000

Second printing 2005

Printed in USA



The holiday of Chanukah has once again arrived. While modern technology made awareness of this holiday, known as the “Festival of Lights”, more widespread, nonetheless, the majority of Jews still remain indifferent to its place in Judaism.

Traditional observance of this once joyous event never really caught on as part of western tradition. As Rabbi Ashlag predicted, Judaism devoid of meaning or reason will ultimately be abandoned by the larger segment of Jewry. Chanukah, unfortunately, has fallen amidst the forgotten rubble of modern Jewry.

Despite the overwhelming rejection of the Torah as the foundation of religious Judaism the, so-called, authorities still pretend that this is what the message on Mount Sinai was all about. I believe the time has finally come when an acceptable Judaism, one that does not require any change or modification of the Torah itself, can be presented to the people.

The Torah has been the accurate roadmap for human progress and will be the tool used to bring an end to the chaos of misery, pain and suffering. The choice whether to accept its disciplines and teaching must, of necessity, be left with the people and not the authorities.

Because Chanukah occurs during the Christmas season, many Westerners see a likeness between Chanukah and Christmas - as a holiday in which gifts are normally shared with relatives and friends. Little do these people realize that the idea of gift sharing began some 400 years prior to the establishment of Christianity. The concept arose during the Purim event.


What the Kabbalist gleaned from Purim was not that it was merely an occasion for a masquerade party nor was Chanukah a time to eat jelly rolls. When Jewish holidays and celebrations are denigrated to such lowly standards and distorted principles, the inevitable result must end in an abandonment. What has unfortunately been forgotten is the fact that the Lord did not thrust his creatures onto a chaotic planet to face a life that is filled with pain and suffering all supposedly from a compassionate G-d. This dichotomy is not accepted by the sophisticated and more educated people in this twentieth century.

Consequently, we must seriously consider withdrawing

back to the original purpose and intent of revelation on Sinai. From a Kabbalistic perspective, Sinai, Purim or Chanukah were devices and instruments provided by the Creator for the express purpose of supporting and assisting all of mankind in the battle to remove chaos from the human landscape.

Having said that, what is Chanukah all about. Traditionalists have placed the importance of Chanukah as two miracles that occurred during the period of the Second Temple. The first was the remarkable victory, by a handful of Jews, over the mighty army of the Greek Empire. The second miracle was over the vial of untouched, undefiled temple oil that should have lasted only one day of its lighting and it extended to a full eight days.

And therefore, some 2300 years later, Jews, not

Gentiles, were required to observe this memorable occasion as a remembrance of God's divine interference to aid the Jews. After so long a period of time, I feel it safe to conclude that the traditionalist has lost the battle to maintain the faith - for this precise reason, the reduction of Chanukah to an irrelevant event.


However, when we understand that these miracles occur as a result of a prior, major cause, then we really discover the relevance that Chanukah can have for each and every single person today.

Chanukah was the occasion for an awesome Lightforce to become revealed. This particular month and day was part of the Creation process in which the Lord infused the cosmos with the energy to bring about miracles. This energy of miracles existed in a potential form - for mankind to tap into, so as to create miracles in his/her life, and was available long before Chanukah appeared on the scene of history.

The methodology by which mankind could rise from

the normal to the paranormal (otherwise known as miracles) became revealed on Chanukah. When the vial of oil lasted eight days, the Jews then knew that the miracle of victory over the Greeks is available each and every year for a period of eight days. The military awareness was not the significance of Chanukah, but rather it only substantiated the power that existed in a potential state. When properly connected “victory over the Greeks” or miracles are only an effect and are available at any time in the future. Access to this awesome power was and is up for grabs when miracles are needed in our lives.

When the oil was lit on the 25th day of Kislev, the

Hebrew or lunar month of Sagittarius, the miracle was confirmed because only a fraction of the oil was needed for a full 24 hour lighting period. One vial usually contained sufficient oil to last 24 hours. On the 25th day, one eighth of the vial was consumed for the entire 24 hours. And when the same vial lasted for an additional seven days, the Kabbalist then knew that in these eight days the cosmos were infused with the power of miracles.


The power of mind over matter was once again demonstrated to be truth at the splitting of the Red Sea–when the Jews were also threatened with imminent disasters and they caused the sea to split. One merely needs to be aware that these windows of time opportunities exist as they were placed within our universe so that humankind could overcome the chaos that forever plagues us. Oil was the essential tool by which we could properly connect with the awesome power of miracles.

If this was the significance behind Chanukah then why was the explanation that this was an observance no different than other events of distinction such as Passover or Shavuot? Why has there never been any mention of the unusual opportunity Chanukah affords each and every person-to bring the power of miracles into our lives? Why had the authorities rested on the old-type reasoning of “tradition,” remembrance or commemoration when they could have provided a more meaningful reason as to why a person living in the twentieth century would look forward to the lighting of the Chanukah candles?

The reason why, over the millenniums, mankind did not enjoy this extraordinary opportunity to manifest the power of miracles, can only be attributed to a program ingrained in our consciousness-one that states “religion is based on tradition.” “Forget the reasons and explanations.” Only now, in our day, with a people rebelling against the traditional “no questions asked” attitude, membership to religious persuasions has dwindled down to a fraction of what it was only forty years ago.

On the other side of the coin, the thirst to know has increased in phenomenal proportions. The wellspring of Kabbalistic knowledge has appeared at the right time to quench the thirst of the inquisitive mind.


Consequently, by addressing the need to know, The Kabbalah Centres have looked to the Book of Formation, for the primary causes, that always transcends the limitations of time, space and motion. The Chanukah event is but one example that reveals the truth about the futile expressions of tradition and its empty promises.

Abraham, the Patriarch, reveals an astounding piece of information concerning the awesome internal energy that is present during the month of Sagittarius. The two prevailing celestial entities, Jupiter and Sagittarius, during the month of Kislev, were created and structured by the Hebrew letters of Gimel ג and Samech ס respectively. By virtue of these two letters in which is contained the entire DNA structure of the month of Kislev, these two celestial bodies received their internal energy.

These two influential entities provide the awesome energy of truth of the Tree of Life reality. In this month the chaotic reality of corruption, deceit, pain and suffering referred to as the Tree of Knowledge reality will simply not exert its influence as it normally does, provided we connect with the potential power of Jupiter and Sagittarius.

When Avraham designated the planet of this month with the Hebrew name Tzedek, he was in effect signaling the secret code of original creation. The word was not merely a “name for the baby.” It was the perfect description of the awesome Lightforce energy being transmitted this month, namely, the absence of chaos or what we sometimes refer to as miracles. The truth of the cosmic matter is that miracles should be the norm. However, because we have not learned how to connect to this awesome energy of miracles, we always await the intervention of “higher authorities” or the Lord Himself.


Consequently, our lives over the millennia have been filled with chaos. The Hebrew name for Sagittarius designated by Avraham is Keshet, which means rainbow. Now, what do we know about Keshet? Well, it was God’s way of telling Noah that there would never again be a flood that would totally wipe out civilization. While there have been countless interpretations of this promise made by the Lord, simply stated, it implies stability with the three color column system.

Therefore, the month of Kislev has the potential ability to provide the energy of miracles. When proper meditation is applied, the wondrous power of miracles replaces the usual incidents of chaos. These factors have been around with mankind since Creation. It was not until Abraham that the knowledge of cosmic influences became known.

With the coming of the Chanukah event, the people could and can prepare to personally bring miracles into their lives by properly connecting with this awesome power. So what happened the past 2400 years? Simply stated, the authorities did not want to relinquish their hold over the people. However, since the authorities have been slowly but surely losing their control over the people, Kabbalah has been seen as a significant factor in improving the lives of mankind.

It was not until the revelations of Rabbi Isaac Luria’s Gates of Meditation, that the precise channels to connect with these two celestial bodies appeared. And while these were available for the past 400 years it was not until the writings (of Rabbi Luria) were structured (by Rabbi Brandwein) and readable - and subsequently disseminated worldwide by The Kabbalah Centre - did people recognize the Chanukah event for what it truly stood for. Not a traditional celebration of the Maccabean victory but rather


a time to make manifest the awesome power of miracles in our lives.

The Ana B’koach and other Lurianic connections bring home the spirit and purpose of Chanukah. With so many participants worldwide tapping into the month which brought about the Chanukah miracle in the first place, a new critical mass will be established by our worldwide activities, this will without doubt result in positive changes for all mankind.

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א"קס גימטריא י"ד ה"י יו"ף ה"אל)First dayליום א(

א"קנ גימטריא ה"ה יוד ה"ף ה"אל)Second dayליום ב(

ג"קמ גימטריא א"א יוד ה"ף ה"אל

)Third dayליום ג(

ב"קנ גימטריא א"ד ה"י יו"ף ה"אל)Fourth dayליום ד(

ו"קנ גימטריא ה"י יוד ה"ף ה"אל

)Fifth dayליום ה(

ז"קמ גימטריא ה"א יוד ה"ף ה"אל)Sixth dayליום ו(

ב"קנ גימטריא י"א יוד ה"ף ה"אל)Seventh dayליום ז(

ו"קנ גימטריא י"ה יוד ה"ף ה"אל)Eighth dayליום ח(

ז"קמ גימטריא א"ה יוד ה"ף ה"אל

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ושכינתיה הוא בריך קודשא יחוד לשםl’shem yichud kudsha b’rich hu ushchintei

ורחימו )יאההויהה( ורחימו בדחילו )יאהדונהי( bid’chilu ur’chimu ur’chimu

קי ד"יו שם אליחד )איההיוהה( ודחילוudchilu l’yachada shem yud kei

בשם )יהוה( שלים ביחודא קי ו"בואb’vav kei byichuda sh’lim b’shem

לקיים באים אנחנו הנה ,ישראל כלkol Israel hineh anachnu baim l’kayem

כמו ,החנוכ נרות הדלקת מצותmitz’vat had’lakat nerot Chanukah k’mo

המצות כל עם ל"רז לנו שתקנוshetik’nu lanu razal im kol hamitzvot

שרשה את ולתקן בה הכלולותhak’lulot bah ul’taken et shora’she’ah

,ליוצרנו רוח נחת לעשות עליון במקוםb’makom elyionla’asot nachatruach l’yotzrenu

אדני נועם ויהי .בוראנו רצון ולעשותv’la’asot r’tzon bor’enu vihi noam Adonai כוננה ידינו ומעשה עלינו אלהינו

Elohenu alenu uma’aseh yadenu kon’nah

.כוננהו ידינו ומעשה עלינוalenu uma’aseh yadenu kon’nehu

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)חכמה(ימין Right Column (Chochmah)

יאהדונהיײיהו אתה ברוךbaruch atah Adonai

ה"אהי ה"יהו

)161(א "קס י"ה יוד י"ה אלף )72(ב "ע י"ה ויו י"ה יוד ".עד שתכלה רגל מן השוק"בסוד ) 161 ⊥ 72 = 233( ל"רג

אשר העולם מלך אלהינוElohenu melechha’olam asher

וצונו במצותיו קדשנוkid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu

הדליק ל l’hadlik

הכולל⊥) נפיןזעיר א(ה " מ⊥) בינה(ג " ס⊥) חכמה(ב "ע) = להדליק(=פ "ק

א"ה ואו א"ה יוד י"ה ואו י"ה יוד י"ה ויו י"ה יוד )נוקבא(ן " ב- ה"ה וו ה"ה יוד להשפיע את האור אל

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רנ ner

)250(ר "נ) = 91(א "צ ⊥) 112(ב "קי ⊥) 47(ז "מ

אדני-יהוה אלהים-יהוה אהיה-יהוה

נוכה ח Chanukah

ו" כ⊥ ⊥) חנה(=ג "ס =חנוכה

יהוה ⊥י "י ואו ה"יוד ה

נפיןהמשכת אור עליון של בינה אל זעיר א

א"ה' ו ,ה"אהי י"אה ה"א 'א א"ו ,א"ה ד"יו= ל"נח "ה בריבוע"ה ובתוכו שם אהי"סוד שם מ"

ש"מה) = שמות(' ו⊥ חנוכה ⊥ר "נ נר חנוכה= ר "תמשיכנו בנוקבא הנקראת נ) חנוכה(ו " כ⊥ג "ס

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)בינה(שמאל Left Column (Binah)

יאהדונהיײיהו אתה ברוך

baruch atah Adonai

ט"קמ= אלקים -י "ה ו"וא י"ה ד"יו

העולם מלך אלהינוElohenu melech ha’olam


למד אלף למד אלף - שע

ו" כ-הכולל + אותיות השם ' ד+ ו "כ= אל ג" ס-הכולל ) + ג"מילוי שם ס(י "ייא= אל

).אותיות שבשם אלקים' ועוד ה, ש(= מם יוד הי למד אלף - שה

בימים לאבותינו נסיםnisim lavotenu bayamim

הזה בזמן ההםhahem bazman hazeh

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"שהחיינו"בלילה הראשון מברך גם ברכת On the first night we add this third blessing:

)זעיר אנפין(אמצע Central Column (Center)

יאהדונהיײיהו אתה ברוך

baruch atah Adonai

אדני א"ה ו"וא א"ה ד"יו

העולם מלך אלהינוElohenu melech ha’olam

שהחינו ימין

Rightsheheche’yanu וקימנו שמאל

Leftv’kiy’manu והגיענו אמצע


הזה לזמןlazmanhazeh

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הנרות הללוHanerot halalu

על מדליקים אנחנו הללו הנרותhanerot halalu anachnu madlikim al

התשועות ועל הנפלאות ועל הנסיםhanisim v’al hanifla’ot v’al hat’shu’ot

לאבותינו שעשית חמותהמל ועלv’al hamilchamot she’asita lavoteinu

ידי על הזה בזמן ההם בימיםbayamim hahem bazman hazeh al y’dei

שמונת וכל .הקדושים כהניךkohanecha hak’doshim v’chol sh’monat

קדש הללו נרותה חנוכה ימיy’mei Chanukah hanerot halalu kodesh

להשתמש רשות לנו ואין הםhem v’ein lanu r’shut l’hishtamesh

כדי בלבד לראותם אלא בהםbahem ela lir’otam bilvad k’dei

על דולהג לשמך ולהלל להודותl’hodot ul’halel l’shimcha hagadol al

:ישועתך ועל נפלאותיך ועל נסיךnisechav’al nif’l’otecha v’al y’shu’atecha

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מעוז צורMa’oz Tzur


תיכון. לך נאה לשבח. מעוז צור ישועתיtikon l’shabe’ach na’eh l’cha y’shu’ati tzur ma’oz

. ושם תודה נזבח. בית תפלתיn’zabe’ach toda v’sham t’filati beit

מצר המנבח . מטבחלעת תכין tachin l’et ham’nabe’ach mitzar matbe’ach

Sing twice לשיר פעמים

:המזבח חנוכת. בשיר מזמור. אגמור אזhamizbe’ach chanukat mizmor b’shir egmor az

Gvurah גבורה חיי .ביגון כחי כלה. רעות שבעה נפשי

chayai kila kochi b’yagon nafshi sav’ah ra’ot . עגלה בשעבוד מלכות . מררו בקושי

eg’lah malchut b’shi’ebud b’koshi mer’ru .הוציא את הסגולה. הגדולה ובידו

has’gulah et hotzi hagdolah uv’yado

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Sing twice לשיר פעמים

:כאבן במצולה ירדו .זרעו וכל פרעה חילbim’tzulah k’even yardu zar’o v’chol par’oh che’il


. לא שקטתי שם םוג .הביאני קדשו דבירshakat’ti lo sham v’gam hevi’ani kodsho d’vir

ויין .עבדתי זרים כי .והגלני נוגש ובא v’yein avad’ti zarim ki v’higlani noges uva

ברתיכמעט שע. מסכתי רעל she’avarti kimat masachti ra’al

Sing twice לשיר פעמים

:נושעתי לקץ שבעים. זרובבל. קץ בבלnosha’ati shivim l’ketz z’rubavel bavel ketz


.בן המדתא גגיא בקש .ברוש קומת כרותhamdata ben agagi bikesh brosh komat krot

. וגאותו נשבתה .ולמוקש לפח לו ונהיתהNishbatah v’ga’vato ulmokesh l’fach lo v’nih’yata

.תמחי ואויב שמו .נשאת ראש ימיני machita shmo v’oyev niseta y’mini rosh

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Sing twice לשיר פעמים

: תלית על העץ . וקניניו . רוב בניוtalita ha’etz al v’kinyanav banav rov


. שמניםבימי ח אזי .נקבצו עלי יוניםchashmanim biyemei azai alai nikbetzu y’vanim

. השמנים כל וטמאו .מגדלי חומות ופרצוhashmanim kol v’timu migdalai chomot ufartzu

.לשושנים נעשה נס. ומנותר קנקניםlashoshanim nes na’asah kankanim uminotar

Sing twice לשיר פעמים

:קבעו שיר ורננים. ימי שמונה. בני בינהur’nanim shir kav’u sh’monah y’mei binah benei


. שועהקץ הי וקרב . חשוף זרוע קדשךhaishu’ah ketz v’karev kodshecha zro’a chasof

. הרשעה מאומה .עבדיך דם נקמת נקוםharsha’ah m’umah avadeicha dam nikmat n’kom

.הרעה לימי קץ ואין .הישועה לנו ארכה כיhara’ah liymei ketz v’ein haishu’ah lanu archah ki

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Sing twice לשיר פעמים

הקם לנו רועה . בצל צלמון. דחה אדמוןro’eh lanu hakem tzal’mon b’tzel admon d’cheh


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Mizmor Shir מזמור שיר ארוממך: בית לדודמזמור שיר חנוכת ה

aromim’cha l’david haba’yit chanukat shir mizmor : איבי לי כי דליתני ולא שימחת)כתר(יהוה

li oivai simach’ta v’lo dilitani ki (Keter) Adonai :שועתי אליך ותרפאני אלהי )חכמה(יהוה

vatirpa’eni eleicha shiva’ti Elohai (Chochmah) Adonai העלאת העלית מן שאול נפשי )בינה(יהוה

sheol min he’elita (Binah) Adonai nafshi elevating . הנשמה מעשיהsoul from world of action

חסידיו)חסד(זמרו ליהוה : חייתני מירדי בורchasidav (Chesed) lA’adonai zamru vor miyardi chi’itani

כי רגע באפו חיים: והודו לזכר קדשוchaim b’apo rega ki kadsho l’zecher v’hodu

ואני: ברצונו בערב ילין בכי לבקר רנהva’ani rinah v’laboker bechi yalin ba’erev birtzono

: אמרתי בשלוי בל אמוט לעולםv’shalvi amarti emot bal l’olam

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ברצונך העמדתה להררי עז ) גבורה( יהוה he’emad’tah birtzoncha (G’vurah) Adonai oz l’har’ri

אליך : הייתי נבהל הסתרת פניך eleicha nivhal haiyiti paneicha his’tarta

) נצח( יהוה אקרא ואל )ארתתפ(יהוה Tiferet) Adonai( v’el ekra (Netzach) Adonai

אל ברדתי בצע בדמי מה : אתחנןb’rid’ti b’dami betza mah etchanan el

שמע: מתךהיודך עפר היגיד א שחת sh’ma amitecha hayagid afar hayod’cha shachat

לי היה עזר )יסוד( יוהוווהו וחנני ) הוד( יהוהli ozer heyeh (Yesod) Adonai v’chaneni (Hod) Adonai

שקי מספדי למחול לי פתחת הפכת saki pitachta li l’machol misp’di hafachta

כבוד יזמרך למען :שמחהותאזרני vat’azreni chavod y’zamercha l’ma’an simchah

:לעולם אודך אלהי ) מלכות( יהוה ידםולאidom v’lo odeka l’olam Elohai (Malchut) Adonai

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