challenges of decision making by mirza yawar baig

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Challenges of Decision Making

Thinking the Unthinkable

Mirza Yawar BaigOpening the world, one mind at a time©


• International speaker, author, life coach, entrepreneur, photographer. 16 years in general management, 30 years in training. Trained over 200,000 managers, on three continents. International consulting practice. Specialize in Leadership Development, Family Business and Education.

• 1994 Founded Yawar Baig & Associates


Books include• Leadership is a Personal Choice• Leadership Lessons from the life of Rasoolullahملسو هيلع هللا ىلص• An Entrepreneur’s Diary• Hiring Winners• Understanding Islam – 52 Juma Khutbas• Fieldbook for the Khateeb – 52 Juma Khutbas• 20-10-2010, 55. Life lessons of 55 years

Member Panel of Consultants• Association of Muslim Schools, South Africa & UK• Jamiat ul Ulama, South Africa & Sri Lanka

• USA• GE Corporate University, Crotonville• AMA International, New York• Andersen Corporate University MN

• India• SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad• SSB Academy, Gwaldam, Uttar Akhand• LBS Academy of Administration, Mussoorie

Clients include

• GE, Oracle, Motorola, Microsoft, IBM, National Semiconductor, Unilever, BSNL, Tata Indicom, Colgate, Asian Paints, Siemens, Wartsila, MphasiS, EXL Service, World Bank-CGIAR, Tata Corporate, J & J, Accenture, Zeneca Seeds, Reuters, Air India, Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo, Olam, Regal Beloit, AMKA, Checkout, Suzlon, JP Morgan, SEW Infrastructure, SEAPOL, Expolanka, KAR Group, LANCO, Verizon, Mars Chocolates, Rahimafrooz, Utah Group

Your CanvasThe painting will be yours

It is not a sign of health to be profoundly adjusted

to a sick society. ~ J. Krishnamurthy

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out

why.” ~Mark Twain

The World Today

Tomorrow will be more For better or worse

A world of contrasts

That speaks to us in the language of signs – readable only

by those who can see.

“There's none so blind as those who will not listen.” ― Neil Gaiman, American Gods


• 3 billion live on less than $2.5 per day.• Tonight more than 1 billion children will go to bed hungry.• 22,000 children die everyday due to poverty• On this planet 805 million people do not have enough

food to eat.• More than 750 million of them lack adequate access to

clean drinking water.

Basic Necessities

What is a basic necessity?


• In 1998, the UN estimated that it would take $40 billion annually to offer basic education, clean water and sanitation, reproductive health, and basic health and nutrition to every person in every developing country. •That would be about $58 billion today.

What will it take?

Compared to $ 1.406 Trillion on weapons


•The World Food Programme says, “The poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty.” •Hunger is the #1 cause of death in the world, killing more than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.

Hunger kills

Believe it or not


• WWF’s (Worldwide Fund for Nature) Living Planet Report – 2014, the number of wild animals in the world has been halved during the last 40 years!

Our Dying Planet?

And that’s only the ones we counted



What to do?Become


2 – critical requirements

1. Be unrealistic2. Be unreasonable

Because our future depends on it

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world

to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw in  ‘Man and Superman’

Exercise• Please identify two crucial areas where you would like to make a change

1. Define the ‘Arrived State’ of your change2. Who else does it inspire?3. What are the Enablers and Inhibitors you anticipate?4. What resources do you need and how will you get them? 5. By when will you complete the task?


The Slide of LifeIdealist




You cannot light a fire from a dead lamp

Your ChallengesTo solve a problem you must first

recognize it

Change is a Process

Concept Pilot Roll-


6 – Imperatives 1. Redefine ‘Greatness’2. Redefine the narrative 3. Include the majority in the narrative4. Redefine wealth5. Do this within the boundaries of the law6. Take people with you

Redefine ‘Greatness’•What makes Alexander – The Great?•From conquering territory to social and economic development

From Alhambra and Taj Mahal to the state of the

common man

Redefine the narrative •From glorifying excess to applauding compassion•From the good of a few to the good of the many

Change aspirations

Include the majority• In the narrative as participants, not victims•Focus on ethics and morals because our sickness is not the result of lack of resources but of the corruption of the basis of decision making

Possessions add cost – not value

Redefine Wealth•Redefine the means of acquiring wealth•Redefine success and the means of achieving it

Change education

Redefine the Law•Do all of the above within the boundary of the law•Since the law was made by the 62 – see how you can redefine the law for the other 6 billion (less 62)

Because laws are made for the benefit of those in power

Take people with you•Don’t imagine that you will be welcomed with open arms•Help them to see WiiFM

Because it is about you, not about them

What to do?As individuals

7 - Checkpoints1.Passion2.Skill3.Justice4.Focus


Passion1.Define passion2.Do only what you are passionate


If it can’t make you cry, it can’t make you work

Skill1. Develop expertise in your passion2. 10,000 hour rule + thoughtful


Passion is not a substitute for skill

Justice1.Do what is just, even if you don’t like

it2.Stand for justice even if you stand


“I disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to differ.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Focus1.Keep focused on the real issues

and don’t get distracted by the noise

2.Look for leverage points

Focus is the art of ignoring fluff

Responsibility1.Own up and accept your

responsibility2.Look for solutions – not


Because you can’t change what you don’t own

Metrics1. Measure yourself2. What you don’t measure you don’t

know – what you don’t know you can’t influence

You can only fool yourself

Quality1.Objectively appraise performance2.Reduce mistakes

Expertise is repeatability

Because it is about youNot about them

Uنَّ Uْم بَِأ Uعْل Uْم ي Uل َأى UرU َّهU ي الل

Alaq 96: 14 Doesn’t he know that Allah is watching?

yawarbaig@gmail.comwww.yawarbaig.comTwitter : myawarbaig

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