[challenge:future] logic and creative thinking

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Make It WorkTSiBA IC02South Africa

TSiBA EducationReidwaan Jawoodien

The ProblemThe unemployment rate among all 15- to 24-year-old South Africans is 51%, more than twice the national unemployment rate of 25%.A survey published by the South African Institute of Race Relations revealed that an increasing number of South Africans were relying on grants, with the number of beneficiaries increasing by more than 300% in the past nine years. The survey found that the average job created by a government programme lasted just 46 days.

Demographics of Unemployed youth

Unemployment is highest among African women aged 15 to 24 years, at 63%. Youth unemployment is lowest among Indian men, at 15 %. The youth unemployment rate varies considerably between the races - it is 57% among Africans, 47 % among coloured youths, 23% among Indians, and 21% among whites. - Cape Times

EffectsO One third of South African youth want to emigrate due to job

availability and greater opportunities abroad. Respondents who choose to emigrate find that the countries most attractive are the United States, with Australia also being attractive generally to whites. (News24)

O Unemployment affects us and our peers by following suit and looking at emigration as a option instead of attempting to remedy the situation through entrepreneurship and other job creation tools.

DiscoveryCauses and conditions for continued unemploymentO Lack of jobs and infrastructureO Education curriculum provides for employment and

not employment creation eg: entrepreneurshipWho is responsibleO Department of education O Lack of initiative from citizens namely youthWhere do the reasons lieO In South Africa the reasons lie not only in the

education curriculum but in overall sense of self-responsibility and the thinking processes to create a solution.

Logic and Creative ThinkingProposed solution

O Compulsory additional subject that runs from grade 1 to grade 12

O Implemented by Department of Education in South Africa for both private and public schools

O Creating a culture of creativity and develop all types of thinking (concrete, abstract and analytical)

O Teaches learners how to develop an innovative and creative mind, empower themselves and make obsolete the mind-set of dependence on the people around them (parents, government and society).

Course ContentCourse content will differ from primary to high school level. It will range from basic theory requiring learners to think creatively and soundly as well as exercises which involve the need for all types of thinking to the application of what was taught by having debates around current affairs (eg: making a learner choose a side of an argument they don’t support but still have to defend). This is in an attempt to activate both sides of the brain, both analytical and creative, so that solutions are both well thought out and new.O Logic - forming arguments, thinking skills and pattern

identificationO Creative thinking - finding alternatives, use of

innovation in appropriate situationsCurrently schooling in South Africa has not required learners to be controversial but more along the lines of doing better what is already being done. This course will encourage learners to question the way they have been living their lives and look for alternatives or ways to improve them and those of the people around them.

Impact PlanO By implementing this subject into the

curriculum we are equipping learners throughout South Africa with the necessary skills to grow and develop as individuals and not have a conformist mentality. Through doing so, South Africa will begin to reach a new platform where not only job creation will occur but South Africa as a whole will be able to compete on an international level in terms of technological advances, industrial growth and eventually economic improvement.

Success IndicatorsO All 11.173 million scholars between the ages of 6 to

18 will be reached whether or not they feel they are in need of the subject at the current time in their lives.

O When these scholars leave they will look for alternative ways of employment and not wait for government or jobs to open up to them whether this be through entrepreneurship or looking for creative ways of becoming employable.

O The scholars will spend as much time on this subject as they do with any other but the benefits of the mind-set they will adopt is of much greater benefit than the time spent doing the course work.

OutcomesO New businesses who target gaps in the market

and use these to create employmentO A society of people who feel they have a social

responsibility not just to their families but to their communities as well

O A culture of looking for a solution analytically before laying complaints to the government and any other external factors

O Students who study with an ambition to better their country, whether it be a doctor or a lawyer. They do this with a goal in mind of doing what is beneficial to all

Planning and implementation

O Our team will spend a year developing the course with the help of university lecturers who specialise in the field and proposing the solution to the government. After this year we will assist the government in equipping teachers to implement the subject.

O South Africa has approximately 50.6 million of which 11.173 are still at school. This will reach the future generation of potentially unemployed youth and prevent further damage to the country’s current economic condition.

O We will indirectly engage more then the 11.173 million scholars by introducing this subject as it will affect the country with the ventures they pursue

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