ch 17 sect 2 therapy

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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What is Psychoanalysis & Humanistic Behavior?

Ch. 17 Section 2

Can I psychoanalyze you?

*Among dozens of types of Psychotherapy, we will look at only the most influential

I.Psychoanalysis Based on the theories of Sigmund Freud

*He believed that *Psychological Disturbances are due to anxiety caused by hidden conflicts amount the unconscious components of one’s personality.

Psychoanalysis is therapy aimed at making patients aware of their unconscious motives- so they can gain control over their behavior. *Do we know the difference between

consciousness and unconsciousness? Iceberg example

Therapist are called psychoanalyst

I. Psychoanalyst

*They believe that if a patients can understand their unconscious motives, then have taken the FIRST step toward gaining control over their behavior and free themselves of their problems--- this understanding is called INSIGHT- or sudden realization of the solution to a problem.

*Few clinicians practice therapy as Freud did today, but his terminology has crept into our modern vocabulary.

I. Slow Procedure May take years of

50 min sessions several times a week-before fundamental changes

Three Different Types or ways to Psychoanalyze a Client

A. Free Association B. Dream Analysis C. Transference

A. Free Association

This is when the Therapist tells the patient to relax and talk about everything that comes to mind.

*The patient may consider some passing thoughts too unimportant, or too embarrassing to mention- but everything needs to be expressed! *It sounds easy, but soon you notice how

often you edit your thoughts as you speak- omitting things.

*As the Patient lies on the couch, he or she might describe dreams, discuss private thoughts, or recall long forgotten experiences * The whole goal of Free Association is to unearth the past in hope of

unmaking the present.

i. Resistance: The reluctance of a patient either to reveal

painful feelings or to examine longstanding behavior patterns. *difficult to reveal painful things Sometimes your mind goes blank

By analyzing and uncovering the resistances- both the therapist & patient can understand the source of anxieties- and how the patient deals. Or maybe uncover something the patient is

defending or hiding

B. Dream Analysis Where the Psychoanalyst interprets the

clients dreams Freud believes that dreams express

unconscious thoughts & feelings Latent Content: hidden meaning

represented symbolically in the dream

*Little evidence linking dreams to real life problems

C. Transference Where the analyst begins to appear in

the patient’s associations & Dreams The patients is beginning to feel

toward the analyst the way he or she feels towards some other important figure in their life.

*By understanding Transference, the patient becomes aware of hidden feelings and motivations

Remember: The role of Psychoanalysis is to show the role

of the unconscious and provide insight for the client.

*Its not for everyone- Requires an average of 600 sessions $100 a hour, 3 sessions a week- cost of $30,000 yr

*People who loose touch with reality-for instance, a person suffering from schizophrenia- will not benefit from psychoanalysis

II. Humanistic Therapy

Goal: Help people fulfill their human potential By 1. Personal Responsibility 2. Freedom

of Choice 3. Authentic Relationships *Given rise to several approaches to

psychotherapy- Known collectively as Client- Centered


Client- Centered Therapy Based on theories of Carl Rogers Depends on the person’s own

motivation toward growth. *All about words you used with the

Client! (Don’t say patient) Assumes that people are basically

good & can handle their own lives Psychological Problems Arise when the

true self becomes lost

Techniques of Client- Centered Therapy

Nondirective Therapy- client speaks freely about any troubling matters

Active Listening- echo back the possible feelings the client has expressed

ALL Of this happens in an atmosphere of emotional support Rogers calls- Unconditional Positive Regard

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