cex sells @ bienalto

Post on 12-May-2015






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In this presentation you will see expert opinions on the value of research, measuring the success of design, and design leadership. Customer satisfaction, throughout every experience of interacting with a company, has become essential to achieving a meaningful and loyal relationship with customers. Dr Zafer Bilda has just completed a research project to uncover best practice in Customer Experience Design involving 15 Customer Experience Experts from some of the most respected companies, both in Australia and in the US


CEx SellsBreakfast BriefingWhat we learned from interviews with 15 experts

Dr Zafer BildaExperience Designzafer@bienalto.com

February 2011

Confidential Information This document is provided for client use only and is not for distribution with third

parties without permission of Bienalto.

Interviews in USA & Australia

Background15 Participants’ Job TitlesUX Designer/ Architect/ Lead / DirectorCEx Consultant/ ManagerInteraction DesignerResearch ScientistService Designer

Interview Structure11 Controversial Statements

Agree, Disagree, Challenge

1.You may design great experiences without any user research

2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher number of clicks to a site or increased sales of the product show the

success of the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research

2.The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design

3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher number of clicks to a site or increased sales of the product show the

success of the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design

3.UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions

4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher number of clicks to a site or increased sales of the product show the

success of the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions

4.With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design

5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX practitioners

6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher number of clicks to a site or increased sales of the product show the

success of the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design

5.When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX practitioners

6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher conversion or increased sales of the product show the success of

the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX


6.Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing

7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes the CEO

8. A higher number of clicks to a site or increased sales of the product show the success of the design

9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing

7.Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes the CEO

8. A higher number of clicks to a site or increased sales of the product show the success of the design

9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO

8.A higher conversion rate or increased sales of the product show the success of the design

9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher conversion rates or increased sales of the product show the success

of the design

9.Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners

10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels 11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher conversion rates or increased sales of the product show the success

of the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners

10.UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels

11. UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

1. You may design great experiences without any user research2. The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred Design3. UX was invented to stop programmers making important design decisions4. With or without developing Personas you may end up with the same design5. When all clients learn to practice UX, there will be no need for UX

practitioners6. Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing7. Companies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes

the CEO8. A higher conversion rates or increased sales of the product show the success

of the design9. Non-designers cannot be UX practitioners 10. UX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels

11.UX is not a job, it is a way of thinking

6 statementsCompanies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketingThe ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver User Centred DesignYou may design great experiences without any user researchUX practitioners should be involved in all customer service channels A higher conversion rates or increased sales of the product show the success of the designCompanies can only become customer centric if a UX practitioner becomes the CEO

Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing

Would you like customer experience

with that ?

Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in marketing

Somewhat true12


Yes, the whole UX thing has become topical. But I don’t think companies are doing it because they want to be trendy. It started 15 years ago when we were promoting usability; now we are promoting UX. In couple of years, someone will come up with another label. But it’s all about understanding the philosophy behind that label (AU)



That is quite possible. It’s a scary thing to be part of a commercial organisation – to stay ahead of the wave. But I don’t care whether it’s a trend or not. When we get that message to them about what difference UX will make, it’s not the trend anymore, it’s a foundational thing (US)



Companies promote UX because it is the new trend in Marketing

Summary of ResponsesUX is foundational, not a trendCompanies use buzzwords, without truly understanding what they mean.UX needs to be given equal, collaborative footing within the marketing function.

My ConclusionMarketing and UX should work together

Don’t want marketing to take over UX How about “Experience Departments” delivering experience and service design?

The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver the user centric design

The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver the user centric design

Partly Agree3


For the most part, I agree. It’s how we try to differentiate ourselves from developers, marketers and managers. We are more compassionate towards our users and what they are looking for in a product or its features. (US)

“Agree UX practitioners have a

variety of goals, such as communicating to and educating clients, maintaining relationships, creating business value, and efficiently delivering answers. (US)



The ultimate goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver the user centric design

Summary of ResponsesThe goal of a UX practitioner is to deliver:a good design, a loveable design a design that lends itself to “use in practice” business value

My ConclusionThis statement is a myth

UX expert has to convince, balance, and compromise It is not only to deliver good design but also the politics of design that a UX practitioner has to deal with.

You may design great experiences without doing any user research

You may design great experiences without doing any user research



You may design great experiences without doing any user research

There are some applications we built for general use (internally) – because we are users ourselves. It gets harder when the application is used by a special small group of people. We don’t know anything about their lives – so we need to talk to them, yet sometimes we don’t get to. We need to pick up all the things they hate and do.” (US)

“Partly Disagree


I agree. It’s possible if the person who is doing the design has amazing insights and is a great visionary. Just take Apple – they don’t seem to be listening a lot. Sometimes, listening to users may limit thinking outside the box… (US)



Summary of ResponsesPossible on the condition that:

You are highly familiar with the domain or productYou are an expert or visionary You know your users – you, as the designer, are the user of the product.

My ConclusionDetailed insights into human behaviour is essential

Good design decisions to create great user experiencesInformed decision OR gamble on your intuition?

UX practitioners should be involved in designing all customer service channels

UX practitioners should be involved in designing all customer service channels

Agree 12


Yes. Every touchpoint is a design opportunity, and each should be coherent and support each other. That is the goal.


Certainly not. Most UX practitioners I know do not understand what it really means to engage in customer service, or to maintain a customer relationship and add value to the company at a strategic level.




UX practitioners should be involved in designing all customer service channels

Summary of ResponsesThree different views

1 UX cannot stop with one channel, because it encapsulates the overall experience for the product - “UX should go where the product goes”.


Summary of ResponsesThree different views

UX can be a resource at any of the touch points because each one is a design opportunity.

Summary of ResponsesThree different views

3 UX practitioners’ strategy and approach may not be suitable for customer services.

My ConclusionUX should go where the product goes It is a UX expert’s preference whether to transition to service design or not. I believe service design should become part of what we do.

Higher conversion rates and increased sales show the success of the design

Emotional Connection

Higher conversion rates and increased sales show the success of the design



Higher conversion rates and increased sales show the success of the design

I agree. I believe that design has to be tied to business strategy, or at least designing towards a business strategy. Design is for a purpose. It’s not just art – it’s business (US)


Customers may buy the product, but they may not use it. The UX metrics should be whether it is useful, usable, and desirable. After that, it is profit. So it is dangerous to define success with such a high level goal. It is also affected by marketing, engineering and management (US)



Summary of ResponsesThere are other factorseconomy, price, market competitionoverall customer satisfactionsocial currency comfort and aesthetics brand aspects & awareness eco-social responsibility

My ConclusionDesign is successful when it is taken up by the people.

evaluation is complex and psychological success is multi dimensional: business, marketing, services, technology and design

Companies can only become customer centric if the UX practitioner becomes the CEO

Chief Experience Officer

Companies can only become customer centric if the UX practitioner becomes the CEO

Partly Agree4


I think it is a very good idea that a CEO cares and knows about UX, or they have a flair for it. Steve Jobs definitely does. As long as they trust somebody who does UX. (US)


No, not at all. You need the vision from the top. But just having the CEO is not going to guarantee anything. It has to be at all levels – from the bottom as well. People who are in the trenches doing the work have to have the appreciation, just as the people managing those people. Likewise, the project managers who do the planning have to learn about UCD, as do the product designers (AU)




Companies can only become customer centric if the UX practitioner becomes the CEO

Summary of ResponsesUX is a leadership fieldCEO with an understanding of UX can be quite successful

Summary of ResponsesBut UX is not enough...Leaders have to value design and be open to change

Even CEO is not enough...UX needs to carry weight at all levels of the organisation

My ConclusionThis is obviously a myth And of the question, how can companies become customer centric?It almost needs magic at all levels to achieve this feat – which no company has yet truly mastered.

UCD and research are only tools to help us create a good design Everyone in your team have the potential to make good design decisions.

Executive Summary

Good design requires collaboration at all levelsExperience designers should get involved with service design

Executive Summary

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