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Post on 30-Aug-2019






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Centro Educacional Sesc Cidadania EEnnssiinnoo FFuunnddaammeennttaall AAnnooss FFiinnaaiiss

Goiânia, ____/____/2019. 7º ano Turma: ____

Nome do (a) Aluno (a): ___________________________________________________________ Professora: Lívia

Lista de revisão para recuperação 2º trimestre - Disciplina: Inglês Objetivos 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 7.1 e 8.1

A. Find and number these places in Starville.

1. Bank 4. Movie theater 7. Police station 10. Airport

2. Post office 5. Museum 8. School 11. Hospital

3. Supermarket 6. Cyber café 9. Church 12. Gas station

B. Look at the map. Then complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. Some

prepositions will be used more than once.

a) The flower shop is _____________________ the church and the subway station.

b) The bank is _____________________ the Italian Queen Street and Jackson Road.

c) The drugstore is _____________________ Jackson Road.

d) The hotel is _____________________ 345 Evans Avenue.

e) The Natural History Museum is _____________________ the movie theater.

f) The subway station is _____________________ pet shop.

g) The supermarket is _____________________ the hospital.

C. Write the means of transportation from the box in the correct column.

Airplane – bike – boat – bus – car – helicopter – motorcycle – ship – subway – taxi – train – truck


D. Look at the pictures and match them to their corresponding actions.

1) ( ) wash the bike 4) ( ) wash the dishes

2) ( ) watch TV 5) ( ) work on the computer

3) ( ) listen to music 6) ( ) take a shower

E. What are they doing? Make statements in the Present Continuous, according to people in

exercise F. Use the structure in the box.

Subject + to be + main verb (-ing form) + object + room.

At • between • near • next to • on • on the corner of • opposite

a) ________________________________________________________________________________

b) ________________________________________________________________________________

c) ________________________________________________________________________________

d) ________________________________________________________________________________

e) ________________________________________________________________________________

f) ________________________________________________________________________________

F. Write interrogative, short negative and affirmative sentences about the picture in exercise H. For

the affirmative sentences, use the actions in parentheses.

1) Is the woman walking? _______________________________________ She is running.

2) What is the cat doing? _______________________________________ (sleep on a tree)

3) _______________________________________? He is listening to music.

4) Is the girl drinking soda? No, she isn’t. _______________________________________ (eat ice


5) Is the salesman making popcorn? _______________________________________ He is making a

hot dog.

6) What are the kids doing? _______________________________________ (play in the sand)

7) _______________________________________? They are flying.

8) Is the man talking on the phone? No, he isn’t. _______________________________________

(read a newspaper)

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