cellular structure and function review. this organelle contains dna and controls the cell this...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Cellular Structure and Function Review

This organelle contains DNA and controls the cell


Which scientist said “All animals are made of cells”?


This organelle produces ATP (energy) for the cell Mitochondria

List the three parts of the cell theory!

All living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic units of

structure and function in living things.

All cells come from pre-existing cells.

Which organelle is this?

Golgi Apparatus!

This organelle is present only in plant cells


This is the part of the microscope that controls the amount of light that is focused onto the stage


This is a membranous sac that transports proteins and lipids

– vesicles

Who discovered cells and named them “cells” after monk’s rooms?

Robert Hooke

This is an organelle that helps make proteins


The total magnification of our classroom light microscope is 400x. How is the total magnification calculated?

Multiply the eyepiece magnification by the objective lens magnigication (10 x 40 = 400)

Which organelle is this?

The nucleus!

Stores food, water, and waste


Who was the first scientist to observe living microorganisms (bacteria and protists)?

Anton Von Leeuwonhoek

Which organelle is this?

Cell Membrane

List three differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

1. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus and eukaryotic cells have a nucleus

2. Prokaryotic cells do not have any membrane bound organelles and eukaryotic cells have many membrane bound organelles.

3. Prokaryotic cells are much smaller and less complex than eukaryotic cells.

Which type of microscope is used to observe nonliving things only?

Electron Microscope

Which scientist said “All plants are made of cells”?


What are three differences between plant and animal cells? Plant cells have a cell wall and animal

cells do not. Plant cells have chloroplasts and

animals cells do not. Plant cells have a central vacuole and

animal cells have several small vacuoles to store food, water and waste.

What is the main difference between a scanning electron microscope and a transmission electron microscope?

Scanning = 3D image, outside of the object or specimen

Transmission = image of the inside of the object or specimen (2D)

Which organelle is this?

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum!

Which scientist said “All cells come from other cells”?


This organelle makes ribosomes


This organelle makes proteins and lipids and packages them for transport

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which organelle is this?


Organelle that is lined with ribosomes and helps make protein Rough ER

Cell structure that controls what enters and exits the cell

Cell Membrane

Which organelle is this?


List 3 things both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have.

DNA Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Ribosomes Cytoskeleton

Made of microfilaments and microtubules cytoskeleton

Jelly like substance that makes up the contents of the cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus.


Which structure is this?

Cell Wall!

Structure that is used for movement of the cell.Flagella

Genetic material that contains the code for making proteins.


Organelle that contains digestive enzymes to clean up dead or old cell parts


What organelle am I?


Modifies proteins and lipids and packages products to send out of the cell

Golgi Apparatus

Which organelle is this?


Green oval shaped organelles

Which organelle is this?

Cell Wall!

What are 3 similarities between plant and animal cells?

nucleus. membrane bound organelles Cell membrane DNA Cytoplasm ETC

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