celebration of reconciliation welcome to … · mark lucas, cello onelicense.net #a-721176...

Post on 25-Apr-2018






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Third Sunday of Lent


We are glad you have come to join us in worship today! Please sign the guest book

(located at the back of the sanctuary) before you join us for coffee and fellowship

in the North Hall.


Prelude: Corrente ........................................................................ Archangelo Corelli

Intermezzo ..................................................................................... Brahms

Chiming of the Hour

*Opening Hymn: How Lovely Is Your Dwelling ............. Lift Up Your Hearts #507

*Call to Worship

*Song of Praise: Ten Thousand Reasons ............................................. see screen

*God's Greeting

*We Greet One Another


Call to Confession:

Truth be told, Jesus,

There are lots of tables that need overturning in our lives;

Beneath the veneer of respectability

the tidy rows and neat regulations

hide dark addictions and angry judgements

hungry greeds and heartless rejections

We know the pain—and so do those around us—

of keeping up the facade;

What a relief it would be to have it all upset,

smashed, scattered, destroyed

So, perhaps, Jesus, today you could pay us a visit

and help us to radically rearrange the furniture of our lives

Amen. -John van de Laar, Sacredise

Prayer of Confession: Kyrie Eleison ................................ Lift Up Your Hearts #637 (3x)

Assurance of Pardon:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, behold: new creation!

The old has gone, the new is here!

Christ has done a new thing in us.

In that certainty we are assured of our forgiveness.

Thanks be to God.

Children’s Message ........................................................................................ Beth Cooke

Children ages 3 years old through 1st grade

are invited to follow the banner to the Worship Center downstairs.


Prayers of God’s People

Offering: Friendship Ministries (local)

The loose offering next week is for Friendship Club, a ministry of

Second CRC since 1983.

We resume March 13. Please pray for the health of the friends during

this season of sickness as many of them have fragile health to begin with.

Pray for the upcoming spring session and that their hearts will be open

to hearing God's word and feeling his love. Pray that the relationships

we build at our club can bring them joy and security.

Offertory: Passacaile ...................................................................................... G.F. Handel


*Hymn of Preparation: Show Us Christ .......................................................... see screen

Scripture: John 2:13-25 (page 1111)

Sermon: “Jesus And ___” ............................................................... Pastor Laura de Jong

Prayer of Application

*Hymn of Application: All I Have is Christ ...................................................... see screen



*Closing Hymn:

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow ............... Lift Up Your Hearts #965

*Postlude: Gigue ............................................................................................. G.F. Handel


Laura de Jong, pastor

Ralph Van Duyn, organist

Rick Geertsma, prayer

Luke Enders, director - Praise Team

Lydia Goorman, soloist

Heritage String Quartet:

Natalie Hockamier, violin

Ryan Pott, violin

Jenny Alman, viola

Mark Lucas, cello

OneLicense.net #A-721176


SUNDAY - MARCH 4 Ushers: Team 5 (Stan Boelkins) Les DeVries, Art Ruiter, Jeff Erickson Projectionist: Dan/Sam Braak Sound System: Jim Warners Video System: Dirk Weesies, Mark Boelens Jacob Weesies, Ethan Hodge Coffee Hosts: Dan & Melissa Meindertsma Dan & Cheri Holtrop Nursery: Kim VanStratt, Cindy Brace, Annika Erickson Welcome Desk: Carol Ruiter

SUNDAY - MARCH 4 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School, Catechism Classes 11:30 a.m. - Adult Enrichment 6:00 p.m. - Focus MONDAY - MARCH 5 9:00 a.m. - Love to Learn - Parlor 9:30 a.m. - Ride the Road 1:30 p.m. - Pickelball/PingPong 6:30 p.m. - GEMS 6:30 p.m. - Cadets 7:00 p.m. - Shepherd Elder, Service Deacon Deaconess Meeting TUESDAY - MARCH 6 7:30 a.m. - Prayer Group 9:45 a.m. - Connections/Story Hour 12:15 p.m. - Connections - Parlor WEDNESDAY - MARCH 7 10:00 - 12:00 noon - Parish Nurse 1:00 p.m. - Knitters Group 6:45 p.m. - CHAOS THURSDAY - MARCH 8 8:00 a.m. - Exercise Group SATURDAY - MARCH 10 7:30 a.m. - Tool Time

We express our sympathy to Bud Bleyaert and family in the passing of Bud’s wife, Rebecca. We pray for God’s peace.

“We want to extend a huge thank you for all the meals, gifts and support we’ve received after the birth of our son Micah. We are overwhelmed by the love of our congregation. We feel lucky and blessed to be apart of this wonderful church family.” David, Sandra, Cora and Micah

Kase and Laura Knochenhauer welcomed a little boy, Alton James, into their family. There are a few dates remaining for you to sign up to bring a meal. Click on the link to access their meal train. Thank you! https://mealtrain.com/1282m3

March 11 - Rev. Matt Tuininga, from Calvin Theological Seminary, will be leading us in worship. His sermon entitled “Today is the Day of Salvation” is based on Mark 5:1-20.

This morning in Adult Enrichment we switch gears by taking leave of the Book of Special Revelation, and opening the Book of General Revelation: from the Bible to Sleep-ing Bear. Combining camera and computer skills our own Bob deJonge will open our eyes to God’s breathtaking creation, and illustrate the beauty of our Michigan peninsula.

Pastor Laura will be holding a new members class after church today in her office during the Adult Ed hour.

Women’s Bible Hour will resume on Thursday, March 8 at 1:30 p.m. We will discuss Lesson 18 “The Arrival of the King” based on Matthew 20:17 - Matthew 21:32. If you plan to attend and need study material, please call Char at 842-0848.

EASTER FLOWERS: It’s time to order Easter flowers in memory/honor of loved ones. Order forms are on the Information Desk. All flowers are $7. Please return order forms with payment to the office by March 11.

Pastor Laura will be on vacation March 12 - 16.

SUNDAY - MARCH 11 Ushers: Team 6 (Ron Brouwer) Doug Diephouse, Zachery Diephouse, Rob Wagenmaker Projectionist: Sarah Keuning Sound System: Todd Cunningham Video System: Jay Brace, Jason Steigenga Chuck DeWitt, Mark Boelens Coffee Hosts: Don & Dottie Sikkema Fred & Marty VandenBrand Nursery: Sheila Warners, Lisa Alfree, Yasmin Vander Heide Welcome Desk: Agnes DeBoer

MARCH 11 - OFFERING Christian Schools International

MARCH 11 - Adult Enrichment: Matthew Tuininga: How is the Gospel good news for LGBT people? Would you like to pray with some-one today? Prayer will be available after the service today in the prayer room (front left exit). Join the email prayer line! If you have a prayer request, please contact the church office. 616.842.0710 or email: info@secondcrcgrandhaven.org

For more information on current events, please visit our website: secondcrcgrandhaven.org

You can access our service on youtube.com from our church website at: http:/www.secondcrcgrandhaven.org/ using the Media tab. You can also search for "2ndCRCGH" on youtube.

March 4 weekly news Pastor Laura de Jong 616.842.0710 pastor@secondcrcgrandhaven.org



Parish Nurse hours will be available on Wednesday, March 7 from 10:00 am- 12:00 noon.

The next blood pressure screening will be offered on March 11 after the service in the Parish Nurse office.

HERE’S TO YOUR HEALTH: Do you have Sabbath in your life? I have been reading through the beginning of the Old Testament recently, and am impressed by God’s attention to “rest.” I have been consider-ing how important rest may be to our lives today. He commanded us to set aside one day a week in which we can be refreshed. With regular rest, we will not be less productive but instead, healthier and perhaps more productive! In this busy and fast paced world, let’s encourage each other to take a Sabbath to refresh and restore on a regular basis! We will all be healthier for it!

Children and Worship (ages 3-1st grade)

Lesson: The Great Banquet

Teacher: Sheri VanDuyn

Offering: New City Kids - Grand Rapids They would like us to raise $150.00 for an acoustic guitar. We have collected $158.36 so far.

Memory Verse: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” Isaiah 43:5

Volunteers are needed to help with Loving Spoonfuls. There is a sign up sheet for either the first Sunday or third Wednesday of each month.

Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, our church service will no longer be broadcast on Charter/Spectrum Channel 189. You can access our service on youtube.com from our church website at: http://www.secondcrcgrandhaven.org/ using the Media tab. You can also search for "2ndCRCGH" on youtube to find our services.

church news parish nurse - Manette de Jonge

christian school news

children’s ministries - Mary Retsema

church news

community news

youth ministries—Rob Wagenmaker

Profession of Faith Class: If anyone is interested in making profession of faith, Rob and Pastor Laura will be holding a class after church on April 15 and 22.

If you're interested please talk to one us.

LOVE TO LEARN - "Love to Learn" tomorrow in the parlor 9:00 A.M - 10:00 A.M.

RIDE THE ROAD: Gathering in the North Hall from 9:30 -11:00 am every Monday for toddlers to come with their parent/caregiver to have a temperature controlled Place to use their riding toys.

Have you ever wondered what great things could be done at church if only there was money? The COG (Community Opportunity Grant) committee can help! There are funds available. All you need to do is have an idea. Easy applications are available in the office or at the Information Desk.

Great time of the year to read a good story. On Tuesday, March 13 at 1:30 pm Book Club will meet to discuss the book, "Ordinary Grace" by William Kent Krueger. Book Club has no formal membership. Open to anyone who enjoys reading and fellowship. Get the book and mark your calendars.

Focus: Our next Focus is March 4, 6:00 p.m. at church. Chaos: Our next CHAOS is March 7, 6:45-8:30 p.m. at church.

2,381 Box Tops were recently mailed in. This gives $238.10 to our school. We will be mailing them in again the middle of May. Update for D&W/ FAMILY FARE receipts- We currently have collected 70,609. When we reach our goal of 150,000, the school will receive $1,000. Keep turning in BOX TOPS and WHOLE receipts to the red box in the atrium. They're adding up!

Summer Camp Assistance: Application forms will be at the Information Desk

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