cédric notredame (20/09/2015) finding what you need in biological databases cédric notredame

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Finding What you Need in Biological


Cédric Notredame

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Where is my Needle ?


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Our Scope

Give you means to answer simple questions


Give you an idea of what is possible

WHAT can you ask ?

HOW can you ask it ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


- An Overall view

- Asking a biological question to a database

- Turning a question into a query

- Bibliographic Databases: Medline, OMIM

- Gene Databases: GenBank, LocusLink, ENSEMBL

- Protein Databases: SwissProt, InterPro, Prodom


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What is a Database ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

DataBase Entries


1 entry = 1 File = Sequence +DocSEQ


= Flat File

Database = Collection of Flat FilesSEQ








Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

DataBase Entries: Flat Files

Accession number: 1

First Name: Amos

Last Name: Bairoch

Course: DEA=oct-nov-dec 2002



Accession number: 2

First Name: Laurent

Last name: Falquet

Course: EMBnet=sept 2000, sept 2001;DEA=oct-nov-dec 2000;


Accession number 3:

First Name: Marie-Claude

Last name: Blatter Garin

Course: EMBnet=sept 2000; sept 2001; DEA=oct-nov-dec 2000;



Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

DataBase: Relational Databases

TeacherAccession number


Amos 1 Biochemistry

Laurent 2 Biochemistry

M-Claude 3 Biochemistry

CourseDate Involved


DEA Oct-nov-dec 2000 1,3

EMBnet Sept 2000, Sept 2001 2,3

Relational database (« table file »):

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

To Summarize: What’s a database ?

Collection of Data that is:•Structured Data •Searchable (index) -> table of contents

•Updated periodically (release) -> new edition

•Cross-referenced (hyperlinks) -> links with other db

Collection of tools (software) necessary for:

Searching –Updating -Releasing

Data storage managment: flat files, relational databases…

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What’s on the Menu?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

A large amount of information

More than 1000 different databases

Generally accessible through the webEBI: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/

NCBI: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.org

Google: http://www.google.com

Variable size: <100Kb to >10GbDNA: > 10 Gb

Protein: 1 Gb

3D structure: 5 Gb

Other: smaller

Update frequency: daily to annually

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

A Non Exhaustive List

AATDB, AceDb, ACUTS, ADB, AFDB, AGIS, AMSdb, ARR, AsDb, BBDB, BCGD, Beanref, Biolmage,BioMagResBank, BIOMDB, BLOCKS, BovGBASE,

BOVMAP, BSORF, BTKbase, CANSITE, CarbBank, CARBHYD, CATH, CAZY, CCDC, CD4OLbase, CGAP, ChickGBASE, Colibri, COPE, CottonDB, CSNDB, CUTG, CyanoBase, dbCFC, dbEST, dbSTS, DDBJ, DGP, DictyDb, Picty_cDB, DIP, DOGS, DOMO, DPD, DPlnteract, ECDC, ECGC, EC02DBASE, EcoCyc, EcoGene, EMBL, EMD db, ENZYME, EPD, EpoDB, ESTHER, FlyBase, FlyView, GCRDB, GDB, GENATLAS, Genbank, GeneCards, Genline, GenLink, GENOTK, GenProtEC, GIFTS, GPCRDB, GRAP, GRBase, gRNAsdb, GRR, GSDB, HAEMB, HAMSTERS, HEART-2DPAGE, HEXAdb, HGMD, HIDB, HIDC, HlVdb, HotMolecBase, HOVERGEN, HPDB, HSC-2DPAGE, ICN, ICTVDB, IL2RGbase, IMGT, Kabat, KDNA, KEGG, Klotho, LGIC, MAD, MaizeDb, MDB, Medline, Mendel, MEROPS, MGDB, MGI, MHCPEP5 Micado, MitoDat, MITOMAP, MJDB, MmtDB, Mol-R-Us, MPDB, MRR, MutBase, MycDB, NDB, NRSub, 0-lycBase, OMIA, OMIM, OPD, ORDB, OWL, PAHdb, PatBase, PDB, PDD, Pfam, PhosphoBase, PigBASE, PIR, PKR, PMD, PPDB, PRESAGE, PRINTS, ProDom, Prolysis, PROSITE, PROTOMAP, RatMAP, RDP, REBASE, RGP, SBASE, SCOP, SeqAnaiRef, SGD, SGP, SheepMap, Soybase, SPAD, SRNA db, SRPDB, STACK, StyGene,Sub2D,SubtiList, SWISS-2DPAGE, SWISS-3DIMAGE, SWISS-MODEL Repository, SWISS-PROT, TelDB, TGN, tmRDB, TOPS, TRANSFAC, TRR, UniGene, URNADB, V BASE, VDRR, VectorDB, WDCM, WIT, WormPep, YEPD, YPD, YPM, etc .................. !!!!

There Exists A Specialized Database on Almost anything you can think of

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

A database of databases

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What’s on the Menu:The Art of Eating Well

Always Use Fresh Data: The Latest Update of your DataBase

Make Sure The DataBase is Maintained: Many Databases are poorly maintained

Treat DataBases like Publications: Some Journals are Better than Others

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


How Can I Search a Database ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Searching Databases

There are 2 ways to search databases

Text based queries: Medline, EntrezSEQ

DOCSearch For « Smith AND dUTPase>


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Searching Databases

Each database is a little kingdom…

Has its own query system

Has its own information structure

The main databases are well documentedand this documentation is available online

Most databases can be searched using SRSor Entrez

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Databases: Asking the right Question

Databases ARE NOT meant for browsing

When you search a Database you must have an idea of what your Needle-in-a-hay-stack looks like

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Databases: Asking the right Question

Browsing a database is like Using your

phone book in place of a dating agency…

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Databases: Asking the right Question

Finding Data: Database Search

Finding Questions: Data Mining

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

The Kind Of Questions We Can Ask:


InterPro Any Known Domain in my Protein ???

SwissProt Any Protein like mine ???

These ARE Predictions

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

The Kind Of Questions We Can Ask:

TEXT Based

Medline Who Worked on my Protein ???

SwissProt Function of My Protein ???

PDB Structure of My Protein ???

These are NOT Predictions

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Just like When You Google up

Specific Queries give Precise Answers

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Who worked on my Protein ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Medline (PubMed)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What is in Medline ?

MEDLINE covers the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences

more than 4,000 biomedical journals and More than 10 million citations since 1966 until now

Contains links to biological db and to some journals

nMany papers not dealing with human are not in Medline

nBefore 1970, keeps only the first 10 authors !

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Asking a question

During the last Lab Meeting, I heard the word dUTPase.

What can it be ? What has been published on this ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Asking a question

By Default, Medline Assumes you mean:

Abergel AND dUTPase

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Asking a question

I have found the reference I wanted.

Now I want to save it so that I can use it later, For instance to Import it in ENDnote my Reference Manager

Save Your Data in the Proper DataBase format

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Storing your results

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Storing your results

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Retrieving EXACTLY the Information that you need

[AB] [AD]

Restricted fields

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Storing your results



Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Looking for a Review

I Want to Find the LATEST REVIEW on the dUTPase.

Use The Limit Option of Medline

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: Looking For a Review

LanguageTitle OR Abstract

Article type


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: A Few Tips

•Quoted queries (e.g. «down syndrome» ) behave as a single word, and are great to improve the relevance of your search

•Adding initials to names (e.g. “Abergel C” ) (if you can) also reduces your output

•Write down the PubMed Identifier (the number in the PMID field) of that interesting paper you just find. It could be very useful in your subsequent search for related items such as associated gene and protein sequences

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: A Few Tips

•Spelling mistakes, wrong field restrictions or Limits setting can occur. These may be the problem.

•Use abstracts to enlarge your vocabulary and look for synonyms: some papers on dUTPase might use dUTP pyrophosphatase instead!

•The “related papers” button (on the extreme right of the PubMed output). Try it from time to time, to enlarge a search that is not giving you enough references

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Medline: A Few Tips

•Storing your PDFs,•Memory is cheap, access is sometimes strange…•Storing your favourite PDF is a good idea

•Which name on your disk?


•With a reference manager like EndNote

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What is the Sequence of my

Gene ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

GenBank: an Overview

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

GenBank: an Overview

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

GenBank: an Overview




EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ are the same database. They are synchronized every day.

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

GenBank: an Overview

GenBank contains EVERY piece of DNA that has been sequenced and made publicly available.

It contains GOOD and BAD data

There is a Historical Aspect in the GenBank data:

-Complex Genes are spread in many entries:

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

GenBank Entries Are Complex because Genes are complex

Prokaryotic Example

GenePromoter RBS




Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

GenBank Entries Are Complex because Genes are complex



Protein (form2)

Protein (form1)

mRNA (form1)

mRNA (form2)

exonexon exon exon exonexon

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What is the Sequence of the E. Coli dUTPase ?

Using GenBank: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: Asking a questionThe Naive Way

This search reports EVERY GenBank entry that contains these two words.

Most Bacterial Genomes Entries (annotated by similarity) Contain these two words

Escherichia coli dUTPase

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: Asking a questionThe Right Way

Escherichia coli[organism] dUTPase[definition]

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: And There Is Plenty More where It comes from…

If a Gene is published more than once, Each publication gets its own entry

This can mean MANY ENTRIES if you have SNPs or ESTs

GenBank Is Redundant:

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

HeaderContains all the practical Information

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

FeaturesContains Experimental

Information and Predictions

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Extra GeneThis is common in GenBankentries

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What is the Sequence of the Human dUTPase ?

Using GenBank: Asking a question

What is the Sequence of the E. Coli dUTPase ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: Finding the Human dUTPase

2-Check box here to exclude ESTs

1-Request Limits

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: Finding the Human dUTPase

The Gene does NOT appear in a single entry

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: Finding the Human dUTPase

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using GenBank: Reconstructing your gene

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Some Good News…

-This Information is complicated because it is RAW Information

-It is necessary to keep UNINTERPRETED Experimental Information available

-There are SIMPLER alternatives to using this RAW Information:

-Gene Centric Databases-Protein Databases

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What Is There To know about This


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using LocuLink

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What Can I find about the DUT Gene ?

Using LocusLink: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

EnterGene name


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using LocusLink: Asking a question about a Gene

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using LocusLink: Asking a question about a Gene

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Is There A disease Associated to This


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

OMIM: Finding Out About The Phenotype of a Gene

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

OMIM: Finding Out About The Phenotype of a Gene

OMIM™: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

A catalog of human genes and genetic disorders

Contains a summary of literature, pictures, and reference information. It also contains numerous links to articles and sequence information.

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

OMIM: Finding Out About The Phenotype of a Gene

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What is the Context of my Gene In Its


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

NCBI-GENOME: The Virus Section

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

NCBI-GENOME: The Virus Section

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

NCBI-GENOME: The Bacteria Section

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

NCBI-GENOME: The Bacteria Section

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Where is my Gene in the Human

Genome (who are its neighbors) ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

My Gene:

A Summary

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Gathering Everything you need on a gene

GenBank: What is the Sequence ?

LocusLink: What about this Gene?

ENSEMBL: What is the Context?

MEDLINE: Are There Papers?

OMIME: Are There Illnesses?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What Do We Know About My Protein ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

The Protein Databases

GenBank: A Big Bag of DNA



Generic Non Redundant Protein


trEMBLSpecialized Protein



Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What Is SwissProt ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

What Is SwissProt ?

Fully-annotated (manually), non-redundant, cross-referenced, documented protein sequence database.

~100 ’000 sequences from more than 6’800 different species; 70 ’000 references (publications); 550 ’000 cross-references (databases); ~200 Mb of annotations.

Collaboration between the SIB (CH) and EMBL/EBI (UK)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Asking a question

We hear the word EPO quite often these days, but whatexactly is known about it ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Asking a question

A Simple SwissProt Text Query


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Reading an Entry

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Reading an Entry

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Reading an Entry

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Reading an Entry

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Reading an Entry

Structure Information

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SwissProt: Reading an Entry

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

The Protein Databases

GenBank: A Big Bag of DNA



Specialized Protein DatabasesSwissProt


Generic Non Redundant Protein



Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


How Good is Good ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


What is the Structure of my

Protein ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

PDB: The Protein Database

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

PDB: The Protein Database

Managed by Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) (USA).

Contains macromolecular structure data on proteins, nucleic acids, protein-nucleic acid complexes, and viruses.

Currently there are ~16’000 structure data for about 4’000 different molecules, but far less protein families (highly redundant) !

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Asking a question

Does tolB have a known Structure? And If the answer is Yes, How can I look at it ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Asking a question

Query: TolB

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Viewing a Structure

View Structure

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Viewing a Structure

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Viewing a Structure

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Viewing a Structure

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using PDB: Downloading Data


Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Are There Domains In my Protein ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Interpro: The Idea of Domains

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Interpro: The Idea of Domains

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Interpro: A Federation of Databases

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using InterPro: Asking a question

Which Domains does the oncogene FosB contain?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using InterPro: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using InterPro: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using CDsearch: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using CDsearch: Asking a question

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using Domains: Some Statistics

• 10 most common protein domains for H. sapiens

Immunoglobulin and major histocompatibility complex domainZinc finger, C2H2 typeEukaryotic protein kinaseRhodopsin-like GPCR superfamilyPleckstrin homology (PH) domainRING fingerSrc homology 3 (SH3) domainRNA-binding region RNP-1 (RNA recognition motif)EF-hand familyHomeobox domain

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

My Protein:

A Summary

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Gathering Everything you need on a Protein

trEMBL: What is the Sequence ?

MEDLINE: Are There Papers?

PDB: Which Structure?

INTERPRO: Which Domains?

SwissProt:What about the Function

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)


Can I search Many Databases

Simultaneously ?

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SRS

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Using SRS

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

A Few Databases in Bulk

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

A Few Addresses

Cédric Notredame (19/04/23)

A few Databases

top related