美国波特兰州立大学孔子学院2016 年大事记 · 2 月6...

Post on 02-Jun-2020






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1. 1月28日: 波州大孔院与Aosom公司中国文化与商务汉语班学员共迎2016春节。孔院教师南 俊军介绍了中国的春节文化习俗。龚晴晴、华梅玉两位老师及Aosom公司总经理及学员20余人参加了此次活动。

2. 1月30日:波州大孔院与波州大中国学生学者联合会(CSSA)联合举办了“2016中国之夜”春


学副教务长Margaret Everett博士、孔子学院外方院长王建教授、中方院长高明强博士、中 国学生学者联合会顾问李斧教授、及波州大孔院下设多个孔子课堂的校长。参加此次活动的

观众有八百余人。 3. 2月6日:波州大孔院赞助并参加2016年俄勒冈州Chinese New Year Fair。近1万名游客光顾

孔院展台。 4. 2月6日:波州大孔院与MIM研究生在SMSU多功能厅共庆春节,到场观众60余人。 5. 2月14日:波州大孔院赞助与波特兰中国联谊会(PCFA)在Lake Oswego高中礼堂联合举办


华人华侨致以春节的问候。俄勒冈州议员Val Hoyle, Brian Clem, CFPA杨维强会长、 CIPSU外方院长王建教授分别上台致辞。中国侨联海外委员Timmy Tso以及CIPSU中方院 长高明强博士等600余名嘉宾及观众一起欣赏了这台浓聚中国特色的联欢晚会。

6. 2月19日:波州大孔院在SBA190举办2016年元宵节庆祝活动。孔院老师龚晴晴向观众介绍了


7. 2月20-21日:孔院举办HSK和YCT汉语水平考试,共有12人报名参加考试。 8. 2月26日:波州大孔院邀请旅美著名华人画家钱自奋先生室举办了一场个人当代水墨画展,同


者前来欣赏与听讲。 9. 3月4日:波州大孔院邀请日本爱知大学教授,中国民俗专家周星教授在SBA190做了一场题

为“从供奉祭品到无形的文化遗产”的讲座。主要讲授了陕西花馍的历史起源和发展。 10. 3月4日:波州大孔院龚晴晴和徐雯两位老师在兰苏园开展了以“剪纸”和“中国结”为主题的中


11. 3月20日:波州大孔院举办HSK汉语水平考试,共计4人报名参加考试。 12. 3月31日:波州大孔院老师在Aosom公司讲授中国文化课程。主题:“十大中国最值得去的

地方”。主讲人:南俊军,助教:龚晴晴。 13. 3月31-4月1日:应Bend-La Pine学区邀请,波州大孔院院长王建教授和中方院长高明强博

士访问了该学区,与学区副学监Jay Mathisen和中文项目主任Mark Molner进行了会谈, 双方就建立孔子课堂达成一致意见。这是孔子学院下设课堂建设的又一突破。

14. 4月1日:波州大孔院教师王荣荣和徐雯主持了兰苏园的中文角。本期中文角主题为“清明


外,两位老师还带领大家学习了剪纸。参与此次活动的观众有40余人。 15. 4月8日:波州大孔院邀请俄勒冈大学的李磊教授为当地观众带来了一场关于中国导演李安电


的思考。前来参加讲座的观众有40余人。 16. 4月11日:波应西林威尔森学区邀请,波州大孔院教师南俊军、常瑶、徐雯在高明强院长带

领下,为高中部的同学们做了两场“汉语桥夏令营”推介报告,并向师生赠送了文化礼品。 17. 4月15日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院与商学院MIM共同举办的亚洲之行报告会在商学院490报

告厅举行。 MIM的同学们用视频、幻灯片等多媒体方式分别从文化、商务两个方面讲述了 中国、日本、越南三个国家的考察感悟。商学院MIM主任Piman Limpaphayom教授和孔院 中方院长高明强博士参加了本次报告会,高院长代表孔院向同学们赠送了中国文化礼品和中

文学习教材。 18. 4月22日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院在Smith Memorial Student Union(Room236)成功

举行了由Dr. Jeffrey Kinkley主讲的“Some Other Chinese Dreams: Chinese SF(“Science Fiction”&”Speculative Fiction”)”主题讲座。吸引了全场四十多位科幻小说 及中国文化爱好者前来听讲。Jeffery Kinkley 教授(中文名金介甫)是一名杰出的 Guggenheim 学者,著名美国汉学家,被誉为国外沈从文研究第一人。

19. 4月23日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院联合美式太极协会举办第二届世界太极日活动,其主题

为“平衡• 健康•快乐”。本次活动在Urben Center举行,持续了1个多小时,吸引了当地市 民、孔子学院课堂老师、孔子学院太极课学生及协会会员近50人前来参加。大家在共同体验四种不同太极风格的同时,表达了对中国太极文化的喜爱和对本次活动的谢意。

20. 4月26日:中国驻旧金山副总领事任发强到波特兰州立大学访问。 任发强副总领事首先会见 了波特兰州立大学负责国际交流的副校长Margaret Everett 博士。两人就双方的交流合作 交换了意见。任发强副总领事随后到历史文化学院与学生们进行了交流,并就中国地缘政治

的情况回答了美国学生的提问。 21. 5月1日:2016波州大孔院中文大赛在波州大商学院报告厅成功举办。本届中文大赛吸引了波


文听写,中文演讲,才艺表演以及摄影和微电影的8个项目的比赛。 22. 5月5日:波特兰州立大学孔院全体教师在Aosom公司进行了本阶段最后一次商务及中国文化

授课,并举行了结业仪式。结业仪式由孔院中方院长高明强主持。孔院王建院长和Aosom 公司总经理Wayne Li进行了结业仪式讲话,并颁发结业证书。

23. 5月6日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院王荣荣和南俊军两位老师到波特兰市中心的兰苏园举行每


功,同时也受到兰苏园管理单位的好评。 24. 5月9日:波特兰州立大学孔院下设孔子课堂俄勒冈路径学校(Oregon Trail Academy)在



学部两场,近40名同学参赛,主要考察学生的中文词汇量和简单句子的运用。 25. 5月13日:受国际管理研究生院的邀请,波特兰州立大学孔子学院老师在其活动室互动展示


,国际管理研究生院主任Piman 教授致辞。接着,孔子学院的王荣荣老师和徐雯老师一起 为大家泡花茶,并聊了有关茶文化的6个问题;最后,日语课老师Koro还为大家展示了日本

的茶道,让大家真切感受到了不同国家文化的相似性与差异性。 26. 5月14日:波州大选送的两位选手杨林希(Lindsay Stewart)和窦雨涵 (Supichaya

Sunthornjittanon) 参加了由中国驻旧金山领馆承办的第十五届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比

赛旧金山赛区决赛。杨林希获得二等奖,窦雨涵获得三等奖。 27. 5月20日:克利夫兰高中汉语课堂的40余名学生在两位中国老师周丽叶和方洪生的带领下,


Mandarin House)和兰苏园。此外,波州大孔院还安排了茶艺、剪纸、太极、竹笛演奏等 中国特色文化活动。

28. 5月20日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院成功邀请到Junghee Lee 教授在波州大Smith

Memorial Student Union 236室举办了一场“Stories of Buddha from Kizil caves and

Khotan in Taklamakan Desert”的主题讲座。本次活动由波州大孔院中方院长高明强博士 主持。有近30人前来参加此次活动。

29. 5月21日:波州大孔院举办2016年度大规模汉语水平考试。本次报名人数192人,共210场次

考试,创该考点历史新高。其中YCT报名人数为147人,HSK报名人数为45人。 30. 6月2日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院和俄勒冈国际事务委员会共同主办的“2016年俄勒冈-中国



设孔子课堂的发展为题致开幕词。中国驻旧金山总领馆教育参赞杨军和波州大副教务长Margaret Everett博士均向大会致词。此外,塞沃尼南方大学Scott Howard Wilson博士、 美国华盛顿州立大学孔子学院中方院长王文秋女士、波特兰公立学区双语项目副主任

Michael Bacon先生、俄勒冈路径学校校长Ginger Redlinger女士、波特兰安溪中学董庆媛 老师、俄勒冈本德高中Mark Molner老师等应邀出席论坛并做主题发言。

31. 6月3日:波州大孔院教师常瑶和龚晴晴一同前往兰苏园开展本月的“中文角”活动。本期主题


32. 6月3日:波州大孔院庆祝“端午节”的文化活动在SBA190顺利进行。外方院长王建博士和中



午节的传统食品“粽子”。 33. 6月6日:应SBA MIM中文项目负责老师的邀请,波州大孔院教师常瑶、华梅玉、王荣荣、


外方院长王建博士、中方院长高明强博士及商学院MIM主任Piman Limpaphayom教授均出 席了该活动。共计12位学生参加了演讲比赛。

34. 6月12日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院在波特兰州立大学Neuburger Hall成功举办了俄勒冈地

区第九届教师职业发展论坛(1)。来自波特兰州立大学教育研究生院的高级讲师Howard Yank、来自波特兰公立学区的双语指导教师宓文蓉以及Dr. Bob Bacher和30余名来自大波 特兰地区孔子学院、孔子课堂及本地的汉语老师们一起分享和探讨了“美国课堂的创新性思

维教学技巧”、“有效课堂管理”以及“太极的艺术”等主题。第一部分的主讲嘉宾是Howard Yank。他通过PPT展示、互动提问、小组讨论等方式一起探讨和分享了“如何培养创新性思





类型进行深入而又生动的讨论。最后,宓老师还总结提出了高效课堂管理的方针,并对老师今后日常教学提出了宝贵建议。Dr. Bob Bacher是“太极的艺术”的主讲嘉宾。他不仅向大 家分享了太极中蕴含的核心哲学,个人的经验心得,并带领全体老师一起学习基本的太极招




论框架有所提升,又对日常教学实践有所裨益。老师们都感到收益颇丰,不虚此行。 35. 6月24日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院举办了“2016汉语桥美国高中生夏令营”行前培训会。来






令营守则和注意事项等内容。孔院老师为营员及家长创建了微信共享平台。 36. 7月16日:“美国波特兰州立大学孔子学院暑期汉语桥夏令营”正式启程。该活动得到了来自




中国文化。 37. 7月31日:“美国波特兰州立大学孔子学院‘2016美国高中生汉语桥夏令营’”凯旋返美。波州大





作,更感谢汉办的大力支持和接待方苏州大学的精心安排,使得夏令营活动圆满成功! 38. 8月5日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院在当地中国城的兰苏园内开展了本月以“中国情人节—七





惬意,并且希望能有机会亲自去中国感受一次! 39. 8月 20—29日:新任孔子课堂教师和孔院教师陆续抵达波特兰,王建院长和中方院长高明强

博士以及部分孔子课堂负责人和老师前往机场迎接新教师。 孔院教师如王茜、左步雷、李明以及青年教师周吉争、贾枭等在安顿好住宿后便 很快投入

到了孔院的日常事务中来,如整理新学期办公室,文件图书归类,制定九月 文化活动计划 等等。本年度也是波大孔院历年来赴任新教师人数最多的一年,相信这必会是不同凡响的一

年! 40. 8月31日:中方院长高明强博士离任并返回其国内单位苏州大学,高明强博士在波州 孔院工

作三年,大家对高明强博士为孔院工作一直以来的支持和服务表示衷心的感谢。 41. 9月3日:2016年秋季孔院教师专业发展论坛在波州大Neuberger Hall 304会议大厅举行,参

加本次培训的教师分别来自波大孔院和俄勒冈州k-12年级所有中文教师,与会人数多达32人。培训主讲人是波州大教育研究生院的Howard Yank 教授。培训从上午九点一直持续到 下午四点,内容涉及到“如何在探究式课堂管理中培养学生的思辨能力”、“如何高效组织管


跃参与讨论,积极分享心得体会,为新学年孔子课堂注入新的理念和新鲜血液。 42. 9月6日:波洲大国际留学生办事处为孔院新任教师举行了迎新会。国际学生与学者服务顾问

David 组织了本次会议。新任教师一共七人,认真学习并了解波洲大的建校历史,如何更好 的利用波洲大资源,如何办理保险、如何提高安全防范意识等等。新任教师了解到了很多有用信息,为海外生活提供很大的便利。



的工作中来。 44.9月10日:2016年秋季孔院教师专业发展论坛第二阶段的会议在波州大Neuberger Hall 304


动。Howard Yank 教授生动有趣、新颖独特的教学方法为广大年轻教师提供启发。活动过 程中教师们展示自己的作业、交流课堂设计心得,还就不同座次排列的优缺点进行深入探

讨。培训中Yank 教授介绍的Rose and Onion,(一种活跃课堂气氛的头脑风暴法),“倒 推式课程设计”的理念,“倒推式教案“设计对于如何权衡教师的”权力意识“和”影响力意识“有积极的促进作用。

45.当地时间9月16日下午六点半,波特兰州立大学孔子学院在SMSU 101成功举办中秋节文化盛 典活动。波特兰州立大学孔子学院外方院长王建出席盛典并致欢迎辞。本次盛典的主题为“唐韵中秋·情满波大”。于2016年8月和9月新赴任的波特兰州立大学孔子学院汉语教师李




在节日氛围中,全方位体验了中国传统文化。 46.9月17日:2016年秋季孔院教师专业发展论坛第三阶段的会议在波州大Neuberger Hall 304


动。Howard Yank 教授首先要求八个小组成员列举至少三个Facts and Fictions, 随后引入 三个事例(Willie Mays, 1957; Greek Marathon, 1979; Contra War, 1987)引导学员通过 提问方式探知哪一件事例的陈述是虚构,哪些陈述是真实的。这种开启课堂会话模式很快引

起学员的兴趣,驱使学员运用有效提问策略把握问题关键,构建良好的课堂文化。 47. 9月23日:上午,暮秋夜长,清风习习。波特兰州立大学孔子学院109厅喜迎AEEC美国教育



波特兰州立大学国际特别项目主管 Jeff Baffaro向来宾们介绍了国际合作项目的政策方针。 最后宾主双方在友好的气氛中就近期迫切需要执行的项目签订了意向书。

48. 9月23日:晚6点半,波州大学recreation center 230 多媒体大厅举办波州大孔院2016汉语




给在座的老师及其家长们讲述了他们在中国北京,上海,苏州的经历。学生代表Lucas , Sabrina 等描述了她们愉悦的中国之旅。纷纷表示要努力学好汉语,为中美学习剪纸的过程 ,并惊叹剪纸是多么神奇,就这样一折一剪打开就为文化交流献一份力量。分享活动结束后


求等,并热情的解答了同学和家长们的疑问。 49.9月24日:2016年秋季孔院教师专业发展论坛第四阶段的会议在波州大Neuberger Hall 304


动。第四周的教师职业技能培训重点介绍“特使标尺”(ENVoY:Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks)“特使尺度”是一种非语言交际标尺。作为很重要的课堂管理的方法,教师运用


的有效标准。 “特使尺度”是使用非语言策略,形成积极影响力的最强大课堂杠杆。Howard

运用系列案例模拟额,让学员体验不同 “特使尺度” 对师生关系的影响。围绕七个"特使尺 度”的“宝石策略”和四个阶段的”程序训练“来实现有效课堂管理之目标。


Hall 音乐大厅举办中国古典音乐会。邀请了两位世界著名的表演艺术家周懿(琵琶演奏家) 和李瑞思(古筝演奏家)登台献艺。王建院长亲自联络活动场所,节目内容和细节安排。王


州大演出的第二天,委派周吉争和左步雷两位老师驱车派送周懿去孔院课堂Sisters and Bend High School 做巡回演出。王建院长联络课堂负责人David先生,并为具体事宜做沟 通。25日是周日,孔院老师放弃休息时间,及时为孔院课堂的巡演提前设计制作海报,并交

付对方及时宣传,有望获得预期的人气效果。 51. 9月26日:孔院教师龚晴晴、徐雯老师分别在9月22日和25日探亲归来,很快投入孔院的日


师安排新学期的课程,确认学员报名分班等事宜。 52. 9月28日: 波州大城市中心广场二楼(PSU Urban Center),一群中国武术爱好者在鲍勃 ·贝

克(Bob Bacher)太极拳教练的带领下,练习陈氏太极。陈氏太极被列为中国国家级非物 质文化遗产,是中华民族辩证的理论思维与武术、艺术、引导术、中医等的完美结合,它以

中国传统儒、道哲学中的太极、阴阳辩证理念为核心思想,集颐养性情、强身健体、技击对抗等多种功能为一体,是高层次的人体文化。鲍勃 ·贝克作为西方太极拳教练,更多的融入 了当地人强身健体的“热身文化”,将陈氏太极最难的动作分解出来,让学员知晓其所蕴含的


习练,以进入太极妙手一运一化之实用境界。部分学员还与鲍勃 ·贝克切磋太极的攻防技 艺。这次由波州大孔院面向市民提供的太极拳免费教学服务,是第十届全球孔子日活动的一

部分。该活动将持续到12月7日。 53. 10月5日:10月5日下午五点三十分,美国波特兰州立大学孔子学院在该校的林肯大剧院为





热烈掌声,庆祝活动拉开了序幕。招待会首先由波特兰州立大学教务长Margaret Everett博 士致开幕词。此后,波特兰市Hillsboro学区负责双语教学的官员Sonta Thompson做了简 短发言。波特兰公立学区孔子课堂项目协调员戴丽红老师为因故未能出席的该学区双语教学

副主管Michael Bacon先生代读了致辞。嘉宾致辞结束之后是为孔院庆生的蛋糕分切仪式, 与会人员发出阵阵喝彩,共同庆贺这个特殊的日子。招待会在欢快喜庆的氛围中进入了文艺表演部分。来自孔子课堂的老师和学生献上六个曲目,之后进入“中国古典音乐会”两个部



息。 54. 10月7日:10月7日上下午,波特兰州立大学孔子学院资助并安排华裔琵琶演奏家周懿女士来

到本德高中孔子课堂和姐妹高中孔子课堂。在汉语教学主任大卫.佩金斯(David Perkins) 的引领下,给两百多名高中生乐队和合唱团成员,以及中文课堂孩子们举办了琵琶乐器的展

示与演示。 晚七点,周懿为当地三百五十多当地民众带来了琵琶独奏曲目《阳春白雪》, 《春江花月夜》,《新疆舞曲》,《关山月》,和压轴曲目《绿腰》。音乐会之后,大家观看孔子课堂孩子们的书法才艺表演,品尝张文强﹑铁艳凤﹑刘丽娜等老师们的烹饪的中国水

饺。随后与马克.莫勒(Mark Molner)共进晚餐。本次送演奏家周懿女士去姐妹本德两所 高中孔子课堂参加演奏和讲座活动是由波特兰州立大学孔子学院组织和赞助的,波州大孔院


第二天上午,周懿结束姐妹市的演出,驱车前往俄勒冈大学孔子学院做巡回演奏。 55. 10月7日:10月7日周五兰苏园文化活动如期举行。徐雯和贾枭在兰苏园中华文化厅作剪纸和


个星期五的例行节目,是兰苏园管理事务部与波州大孔院长期合作的文化推广项目。 56. 10月16日:波州大孔院举办HSK考试。参加本次考试的共有5名考生,共计6场考试,其中



国学习打基础。 57. 10月18日:10月18日,孔院教师联络苏州大学国际交流合作处黄处和陆处,以及吴磊、徐


出活动安排;翻译活页广告(event flyers)成中文,去印刷公司印制校样,协助办理签证与 机票等信息。

58. 11月10日:11月10日晚6:30,在波州大史密斯学生活动中心296-8教室,一场关于中国文化

主题的讲座正在别开生面的进行。人文艺术史专家柯玉珊(Heather Clydesdale)博士主 讲了“早期六朝绘画的挖掘——中国西部河西走廊一次大胆的前沿探索”。她讲述中国酒泉河











设孔子课堂教师浓墨重彩,报道典型人物事迹;波州大音乐学院歌剧代表团赴苏州演出活动的准备工作;龚晴晴老师负责的HSK考试和 YCK 考试的组织实施工作等做了明确细致的安 排。

60. 11月11日:11月11日上午,波州大孔院推出的下设孔子课堂教师专题事迹报道在侨声报见




院长评价道: 李美艳老师只是对外汉语教师的一个个案。然而,她们的工作是平凡而伟大 的。我们的孔子课堂老师,远离自己的故乡和家人,千里迢迢来到异国他乡,在平凡的工作





61. 11月19日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院于11月19日下午1:30在Cramer Hall Room 11顺利举


此次考试的监考老师有龚晴晴、贾枭和李明。 62.11月30日:美国西海岸时间2016年11月30日下午6点,波特兰州立大学孔子学院全体成员在

院长办公室为该院汉语学生毕文博(Rob Bitter)获得国家汉办全额奖学金举行庆祝会。毕 文博在波特兰州立大学攻读经济学和中文双学士学位。在波州大中文系学习的同时,他坚持






诚态度。 63. 12月2日:美国西海岸时间2016年12月2日,波特兰州立大学孔子学院派出欧昱兰、贾枭、







文化佳酿。 64.12月3日-12月9日:波州大孔院组织波州大音乐学院赴苏州表演。波州大教务长Margaret





,本次交流演出取得的巨大成功与他们的无私帮助及支持是分不开的。 65. 12月4日:波特兰州立大学孔子学院顺利举办汉语水平考试。本次考试于12月4日下午2:00

在CH 1如期举行。共有9人参加本次考试,共计11场考试。孔院教师龚晴晴、贾枭和周吉争 负责组织并监考。感谢李明老师在考前对电脑进行测试以保证考试顺利进行。


Margaret Everett、波特兰州立大学孔子学院院长王建和候任中方院长张健参加会议。2016 年12月11日上午,第十一届孔子学院大会校长论坛 “示范孔子学院成功案例及评价标准”成 功召开,来自美国、英国、新西兰、智利、加纳、喀麦隆、赞比亚和中国等8个国家的12位大学校长参加论坛并发表演讲,就示范孔子学院的办学经验、作用功能、评价标准等多个方



波特兰州立大学副教务长Margaret Everett认为由于中美之间在教学方法、环境、学生管理 等方面存在巨大差异,孔子学院应根据美国实际情况,开展教师培训,组织研讨会,提高学

生的思辨能力,加强教师的课堂管理能力 67. 12月20日:美国西海岸时间12月20日上午10点到至下午4点,波特兰州立大学孔子学院在史









CIPSU Journal, 2016

English Version


1. January 28: The Confucius Institute at Portland State University (CIPSU) and the Aosom employees, who were receiving training in Chinese language and culture, held a

Spring Festival (also known as “Chinese Lunar New Year”) celebration. At the celebration, Junjun Nan, a Confucius Institute (CI) teacher, presented information regarding the customs and traditions associated with the Spring Festival. Qingqing Gong and Meiyu Hua, both CI teachers, helped out at the event. More than 20 Aosom employees attended the Spring Festival Celebration.

2. January 30: CIPSU and the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) of Portland State University (PSU) worked in cooperation to sponsor and host a Spring Festival Gala called the “2016 Chinese Night.” Renzhu Li and Yang Zhang, both consuls from the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in San Francisco; Margaret Everett, Vice Provost for the Department of International Affairs at PSU; Professor Jian Wang, CIPSU Director; Dr. Mingqiang Gao, co-director of the CIPSU; Professor Fu Li, CSSA adviser; and principals from CIPSU-affiliated schools were all in attendance at the “2016 Chinese Night” celebration. In all, more than 800 people attended the celebration.

3. February 6: CIPSU set up an information booth at the annual “Chinese New Year Fair” at the Oregon Convention Center. More than ten thousand of the fair attendees visited the CIPSU booth.

4. February 6: CIPSU staff members celebrated the Spring Festival with Masters of International Management (MIM) students from PSU. The Spring Festival took place in PSU’s Smith Memorial Student Center (SMSC), where more than 60 students, faculty, and staff members attended the Spring Festival celebration.

5. February 14: CIPSU and Portland Chinese Friendship Association (PCFA) cooperated in hosting a Spring Festival Gala in the auditorium of Lake Oswego High School. Linquan Luo, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in San Francisco, though not in attendance, did send his regards via letter. Val Hoyle and Brian Clem, Oregon State House Representatives; Weiqiang Yang, PCFA President; and Jian Wang, CIPSU director, all delivered speeches at the beginning of the celebration. Timmy Tso, member of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese; Mingqiang Gao, CIPSU co-director, and more than 600 others attended the Spring Festival Gala.

6. February 19: CIPSU staff members held a Lantern Festival (Yuan’xiao) celebration in the School of Business building at PSU. At the event, Qingqing Gong, a CI Teacher at PSU, gave a presentation describing the Lantern Festival’s origin, development, and customs. After the presentation, Qingqing went on to provide instructions on how to make a Chinese lantern, sweet sticky rice dumplings (yuan’xiao), and regular dumplings. At the end of the Lantern Festival (Yuan’xiao) celebration, freshly made dumplings were available for the attendees to taste.

7. February 20-21: CIPSU held the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) and Youth Chinese Test (YCT) at PSU. There were 12 test takers.

8. February 26: CIPSU invited Zifen Qian, a Chinese-American painter, to exhibit his contemporary ink paintings, and to give a lecture in Portland. Mr. Qian’s talk focused on

traditional and contemporary innovations in Chinese ink paintings. More than 20 art-enthusiasts from the Portland-area attended the exhibition and lecture.

9. March 4: CIPSU invited Xing Zhou, a Professor of Chinese folk customs and traditions at Aichi University, Japan, to present his lecture titled, “From a Sacrificial Offering to an Intangible Cultural Heritage.” Dr. Zhou’s lecture focused on the origins and developments of the “flower steamed bread” (hua’mo) found in Shanxi Province.

10. March 4: CIPSU Teachers, Qingqing Gong and Wen Xu, hosted a Chinese Corner event at the Lan Su Garden in Portland. Both Qingqing and Wen instructed attendees on how to make paper-cut art and Chinese-style knots. 20 people attended the event.

11. March 20: CIPSU held HSK examinations at PSU, and four students took the test.

12. March 31: CIPSU teacher, Junjun Nan, gave a presentation to the Aosom staff of Lake Oswego entitled, “Ten Most Popular Scenic Spots in China,” and CIPSU teacher, Qingqing Gong, assisted with the event.

13. March 31- April 1: CIPSU directors, Professor Jian Wang and Dr. Mingqiang Gao, were invited to meet with representatives from the Bend-La Pine school district to discuss the possibility of establishing a Confucius Classroom (CC) in the Bend-La Pine district. The representatives from the Bend-La Pine school district included Jay Mathisen, District Vice-Superintendent, and Mark Molner, District Chair of the Chinese program. During the meeting, the representatives agreed to establish a Confucius Classroom in the Bend-La Pine District.

14. April 1: CIPSU teachers, Rongrong Wang and Wen Xu, hosted a Chinese Corner event in the Portland Lan Su Garden. The theme of the event was Tomb-Sweeping Day (also known as Qingming Festival). At the event, the two CIPSU teachers shared information related to the origins and customs of Tomb-Sweeping Day. The teachers also demonstrated a tea ceremony, and the art of Chinese paper cutting to the visitors. More than 40 people attended the event.

15. April 8: CIPSU invited Dr. David Li, an English Professor at the University of Oregon, to give a lecture at PSU. Dr. Li’s lecture provided a reading of, “Eat Drink Man Woman,” a film directed by Ang Li. Dr. Li’s reading suggested that Ang Li’s film is a representation of the transformations that take place as Chinese families become modernized. 40 people attended Dr. Li’s lecture.

16. April 11: Invited by Wilsonville School District, CIPSU representatives Mingqiang Gao, CIPSU co-director, Junjun Nan, CIPSU Teacher, Yao Chang, CIPSU Teacher, and Wen Xu, CIPSU Teacher, visited West Linn High School to share information related to the Chinese Bridge Summer Camp program.

17. April 15: CIPSU teachers and MIM students from the Business School at PSU co-hosted a colloquium entitled, “MIM Students of 2016’s Trip through Asia.” At the colloquium, the MIM students presented video clips and PowerPoint presentations

detailing their experiences travelling through China, Japan, and Vietnam. The students focused their presentations on the cultural and business practices of varied countries in Asia. Professor Piman Limpaphayom, MIM Academic Director, and Dr. Mingqiang Gao, CIPSU co-director, attended the colloquium. At the end of the colloquium, co-director Mingqiang Gao presented the MIM students with cultural gifts and Chinese textbooks.

18. April 22: CIPSU invited Dr. Jeffrey Kinkley, retired Professor of St. John's University, New York, to give a lecture at PSU. The lecture was entitled “Some Other Chinese Dreams: Chinese Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction.” Professor Kinkley is known for his work as a Guggenheim scholar, an American Sinologist, and a scholar of Shen Congwen’s works. More than 40 people attended the event.

19. April 23: CIPSU organized the second “World Tai Chi Day” celebration in collaboration with the American Style Tai Chi Association. The “World Tai Chi Day” celebration was held in front of PSU’s Urban Center building. Approximately 50 local community members, staff, and students attended the celebration. Many of the attendees expressed their gratitude to the Tai Chi instructors at the conclusion of the event.

20. April 26: Mr Faqiang Ren, Deputy Consul General of the Chinese Embassy in San Francisco, visited Portland State University to meet with Margaret Everett, Vice Provost for the Office of International Affairs at PSU. During the meeting, Faqiang Ren and Margaret Everett discussed exchange and cooperation between China and PSU. After the meeting, Faqiang Ren met with students from PSU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to field questions related to Chinese Geopolitics.

21. May 1: The “Confucius Institute Chinese Language and Arts Competition” was successfully held at PSU. 120 contestants from 22 schools in and around Portland participated. There were eight separate competitions in all. The competitions included drawing, fountain pen calligraphy, brush calligraphy, spelling bee, oratory, miscellaneous talent, photography, and short filmmaking.

22. May 5: CIPSU staff held the final class and a closing ceremony for students at Aosom. The class focused on Chinese culture and business. The closing ceremony was led by Dr. Mingqiang Gao, CI co-director. During the ceremony, Jian Wang, CI director and Wayne Li, Aosom president, awarded the students with certificates of completion.

23. May 6: CIPSU teachers Rongrong Wang and Junjun Nan hosted a language and culture event at the Portland Lan Su Gardens. The theme of this month’s event was “Tai Chi and Chinese dancing.” At the end of the event, staff members of the Lan Su Garden complimented the CIPSU teachers on their hard work.

24. May 9: The CC-affiliated Oregon Trail Academy (OTA) held a Chinese writing contest. The contest tested the students’ Chinese vocabulary and grammar. Mrs. Shen, CIPSU teachers Junjun Nan, Yao Chang and Qingqing Gong participated in the event. Mrs. Shen, Director of the Oregon Trail Academy’s Chinese program, hosted the contest.

Elementary school and middle school students competed separately at the contests. In all, approximately 40 students participated.

25. May 13: CIPSU teachers were invited to host a tea ceremony for the PSU MIM students. The tea ceremony was held on PSU campus, and over 30 teachers and students, all from different parts of the world, attended the ceremony. The ceremony began with an opening speech delivered by Professor Piman Limpaphayom, academic director of the MIM program. After Professor Piman’s speech, Rongrong Wang and Wen Xu, CIPSU teachers, began brewing tea and sharing information related to tea for the audience members’ enjoyment. During the latter half of the ceremony, Koro, a Japanese language instructor, demonstrated a Japanese tea ceremony. The tea ceremony was a great success as it pushed the audience members to appreciate the similarities and differences shared between Japanese and Chinese culture.

26. May 14: CIPSU selected and recommended Lindsay Stewart and Supichaya Sunthomjittanon as the contestants to represent CIPSU in the “Chinese Bridge” proficiency competition. The proficiency competition was held at the Chinese embassy in San Francisco on May 14. At the completion, Supichaya won third place and Lindsay won second.

27. May 20: Cleveland High School Chinese teachers, Liye Zhou and Hongsheng Fang, led more than 40 of their students on a field trip to the Portland Mandarin House and the Lan Su Garden. While on the field trip, the students of Cleveland High School enjoyed a tea ceremony, a Chinese paper cutting demonstration, a Tai Chi performance and a bamboo flute performance. Staff members and teachers at CIPSU organized all of these cultural activities.

28. May 20: Professor Junghee Lee gave a lecture at PSU entitled “Stories of Buddha from Kizil Caves and Khotan in the Taklamakan Desert.” At the beginning of the lecture, Dr. Mingqiang Gao gave a speech welcoming Professor Lee. Over 20 people attended the lecture.

29. May 21: CIPSU staff hosted the HSK and YCT exams at PSU. There were a total of 192 takers who took one or both of the YCT and HSK exams. 147 people took the YCT and 45 people took the HSK. This was the highest number of tests administered by the CIPSU staff to date.

30. June 2: CIPSU and the World Affairs Council of Oregon (WACO) co-hosted the, “2016 Oregon-China International Conference on Business, Education, and Culture.” At the beginning of the conference, Jian Wang, CI director, delivered an opening speech about the development of CIPSU-affiliated Confucius classroom. Jun Yang, education counselor at the Chinese embassy in San Francisco, and Dr. Margaret Everett, Vice Provost of the International Affairs office at PSU, also delivered speeches. At the conference, lectures were given on a wide variety of topics. The main lecturers included: Dr. Scott Howard Wilson, professor at the University of the South; Wenqiu Wang, director of the Confucius Institute at Washington State University; Michael Bacon, assistant director of bilingual studies at Portland Public Schools; Ginger Redlinger, principal at the Oregon

Trail Academy; Qingyuan Dong, CC instructor at Athey Creek Middle School and Mark Molner, English teacher from Bend High School.

31. June 3: CIPSU teachers Yao Chang and Qingqing Gong held a “Chinese Corner” event at the Lan Su Garden in Portland. The theme for the June event was the “Dragon Boat Festival.” Qingqing and Yao shared information related to the customs and traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival. The two CIPSU teachers also shared traditional food, such as zongzi, with the visitors. Over 20 people attended the event.

32. June 3: CIPSU celebrated the “Dragon Boat Festival” at PSU. At the celebration, CIPSU teacher Wen Xu shared information related to the Dragon Boat Festival. CIPSU teachers also demonstrated the process of making zongzi. At the end of the celebration there were zongzi for the 20 attendees to eat. Professor Jian Wang, CIPSU director and Dr. Mingqiang Gao, CIPSU co-director, both attended the celebration.

33. June 6: CIPSU teachers Yao Chang, Meiyu Hua, Rongrong Wang, Qingqing Gong and Wen Xu attended the “2016 Masters in Management Program’s Final Chinese Speech Contest.” Upon the request of the MIM faculty, the five CIPSU teachers also graded the MIM students on their speeches. Professor Jian Wang, CIPSU director; Dr. Mingqiang Gao, CIPSU co-director; and Professor Piman Limpaphayom, academic director of the MIM program; all attended the speech contest. A total of 12 students participated in the contest.

34. June 12: CIPSU held the “Ninth Annual Chinese Language Instructors’ Professional Development Training in Oregon.” The training was held at PSU’s Neuberger Hall, and consisted of discussions and lectures that focused on a variety of topics, including: “Teaching critical thinking in American classrooms,” “Effective classroom management,” and “The art of Tai Chi.” The main lecturers at the training were Howard Yank, senior instructor and cohort leader of PSU's Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP); Marilyn Mi, bilingual instructor of the Portland Public School District; and Dr. Bob Bacher. For the first part of the training, Howard Yank led the group in considering three questions: “How to cultivate critical thinking?” “How to distinguish and use three different types of questions?” and “How to use questions as a way of sparking a student’s interest?” For the second part of the training, Marilyn Mi shared her more than ten years of experience working as a bilingual instructor. Marilyn provided specific examples supporting a set of core principles for effective classroom management. Marilyn Mi summarized the principles and skills most essential to effective classroom management. For the third part of the training, Dr. Bob Bacher lectured on “The art of Tai Chi.” Dr. Bacher talked about the philosophy underlying Tai Chi, and he also shared stories about his experiences learning and practicing Tai Chi. At the end of the training, Dr. Bacher guided the group in practicing a set of basic Tai Chi movements. 35. June 24: CIPSU teachers held a training program for the “2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp.” More than 70 students from 14 separate high schools attended the training program. Professor Jian Wang, CIPSU director and Dr. Mingqiang Gao, CIPSU

co-director, both attended the training. They explained to the students that attending the “2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp” is a great opportunity to learn Chinese and to learn more about Chinese culture; they suggested that learning about Chinese language and culture is a means of contributing to improved future communications and exchanges between China and the United States. At the end of the training Marsha and Qing Tan, the camp chaperon from 2015, shared information specifically related to the “2016 Summer Bridge Summer Camp” itinerary. CI teachers created a WeChat group for the students and parents to use. 36. July 16: With the support of Hanban and CIPSU, the “CIPSU Chinese Bridge Summer Camp” sent 34 American high school students and 2 chaperones to Beijing, where they visited for two weeks. Besides learning the Chinese language, they were able to appreciate typical Chinese culture, and visit major cities, such as Beijing, Suzhou, and Shanghai. The students were excited about the trip to China and said that they cherished the opportunity to learn about China and Chinese culture. 37. July 31: The CIPSU “2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp” returned to Portland. CI co-director, Dr. Mingqiang Gao, and two CI teachers went to the airport to welcome the students. During the 14-day summer camp trip, the students visited Beijing, Suzhou and Shanghai, where they had a very full and busy schedule. In the classroom, the students were able to learn how to speak Chinese, sing Chinese songs, practice Chinese kongfu, write Chinese calligraphy, and draw Chinese pictures. Outside of class, they ate authentic Chinese cuisine, shopped, visited museums and Chinese gardens, and traveled to the Great Wall. Through these activities they experienced the essence of Chinese culture and learned Chinese customs. The students and their parents thanked CIPSU for preparing such an event. Thanks to the sponsorship of Hanban and Suchoo University, the “2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp” was held successfully. 38. August 5: CIPSU held the Chinese Culture Series at the Lan Su Garden. The theme was “Chinese Valentine’s Day--Qixi.” CI teachers, Meiyu Hua and Wen Xu, introduced stories and customs of the special traditional Chinese festival and demonstrated origami, traditional Chinese arts and crafts. Attendees said that they really enjoyed this kind of cultural communication. It not only enabled them to enjoy Chinese language and culture, but it also allowed them to appreciate the beauty of the garden. They continued by saying that they hoped they could experience even more Chinese culture by traveling to China someday. 39. August 20-29: New CC and CI teachers have sporadically arrived in Portland. CI Director Jian Wang, Co-Director Mingqiang Gao, Confucius Classroom program directors/coordinators, school principals, other CI/CC teachers, friends, and others greeted the newly arrived Hanban teachers at the Portland International Airport. New CI teachers including Xi Wang, Bulei Zuo, Ming Li, Jizheng Zhou and Xiao Jia. They arrived between August 22 and 29. They adapted quickly after arrival and started CI work in a timely manner. During their first couple of weeks, they helped to clean up the offices, reorganized files, and started preparing for various cultural activities scheduled

for September. This year, the CIPSU received the highest number of CC teachers compared to all previous years since the CIPSU was established in 2007. 40. August 31: The Co-Director, Dr. Mingqiang Gao, left CIPSU and returned to his home institution -- Soochow University in Suzhou, China. We appreciate his three years of service and support for the CIPSU. 41. September 3: The CIPSU hosted the Fall 2016 Professional Development Workshop Series designed for Confucius Classroom teachers who are teaching in Oregon K-12 schools. Prof. Howard Yank from the Graduate School of Education at PSU was the instructor for the workshops. The first session was held in Room 341 in Neuberger Hall at PSU from 9 AM to 4 PM. More than 30 CI/CC teachers participated in the first session on, “Building critical thinking skills in an inquiry based classroom.” Participants found the workshop interesting, engaging, and beneficial. They were actively involved in discussion and debate on how to apply an inquiry approach to critical thinking, how to “hook” students in classroom management, and how to make curriculum authentically engaging. 42. September 6: The new CI teachers received a new scholar orientation sponsored by the Office of International Affairs at Portland State University. David Brant, International Scholar Advisor, from International Student and Scholar Services, conducted the session. It was well presented, very informative, and helpful to the teachers. 43. September 10: We welcome Ou Yulan Laoshi as a member of the CIPSU teachers. She was able to settle into her new apartment on her first day of arrival with the help of Zuo Laoshi, Wu Mingkun and others. 44. September 10: CIPSU hosted the second part of the 2016 Professional Development Workshop Series for K-12 Confucius Classroom Teachers. 38 teachers from Oregon Confucius classrooms and CIPSU attended the workshop, which was given by Dr. Howard Yank, Senior Instructor, Graduate School of Education at PSU. The workshop focused on power and influence, and how to create influence in the classroom. 45. CIPSU held the Mid-Autumn festival celebration at SMSU 101 on September 16 at 6:30 p.m. CIPSU Director, Jian Wang, attended this event and gave an opening speech. This event was a Tang dynasty style Mid-Autumn festival celebration. Six CI teachers, Ming Li, Bulei Zuo, Yulan Ou, Xi Wang, Xiao Jia and Jizheng Zhou, who joined CIPSU in August and September 2016, provided this cultural event to over 100 PSU staff members, students and local communities. They introduced Mid-Autumn stories, customs, and literature related to the Mid-Autumn festival through operas, poetry-reading, mini-lectures and music, from which the audience not only enjoyed the atmosphere but also learned Chinese culture.

46. September 17: CIPSU hosted the third part of the 2016 Professional Development Workshop Series for K-12 Confucius Classroom Teachers. 34 teachers from Oregon Confucius classrooms and CIPSU attended the workshop, which was given by Dr. Howard Yank, Senior Instructor, Graduate School of Education at PSU. The workshop focused on classroom management strategies. 47. September 23: CIPSU hosted a visiting Chinese delegation sponsored by American Excellent Education and Culture LLC. The delegation was headed by Ms. Jenny Wang, President of AEEC, and also included Mr. Timmy Tso, President of Federation for The Unification of China in America; Mr. Roger Shinkle, Executive Director of English Language and Culture Institute; Ms Xu Huijuan, Chair of the Board of Directors of Guoqing High School; Mr. Liu Boxiao, Chair of the Board of Directors of Jincheng Foreign Language School; and Mr. Wan Bing, Headmaster of Jincheng Foreign Language School. Director Jian Wang of CIPSU, joined by Mr. Jeff Baffaro, Director of International Special Programs at PSU, presided over the meeting with the Chinese delegation. The three parties expressed great interest in establishing programs concerning teacher training, English language education for Chinese school kids, as well as short-term cultural exchanges. 48. September 23: Over 100 people gathered in Room 230 of the Student Recreation Center at PSU for the 2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp Presentations. The activity started at 6:30pm with an opening speech delivered by Director Jian Wang of CI-PSU. Oregon high school students and teachers who attended the July 2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp showed slides and shared stories about their experience of studying and traveling in China. Marsha and Qing Tan, who were the chaperones for the group, led the presentations while a number of students stepped up to the podium and described to the audience what they experienced during their trip to Beijing, Suzhou and Shanghai. The presentations ended at 8:00pm when Director Wang handed out certificates to the participants of the 2016 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp. 49. September 24: CIPSU hosted the fourth part of the 2016 Professional Development Workshop Series for K-12 Confucius Classroom Teachers. 36 teachers from Oregon Confucius classrooms and CIPSU attended the workshop, which was given by Professor Howard Yank, from the Graduate School of Education at PSU. The workshop focused on ENVOY, Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks, and other non-verbal communication skills. 50. September 25: CIPSU teachers made preparations for the upcoming 2016 Global Confucius Day Celebrations to be held on October 5. 51. September 26: Qingqing Gong and Wen Xu, two CI instructors on vacation, came back to PSU. 52. September 28: CIPSU offers a new non-credit Tai Chi class. From September 28 through December 7, Dr. Bob Bacher, a master of Chen Style Taijiquan / Tai Chi, will

teach a series of Tai Chi postures and movements, such as how to stand, breathe, loosen up, and stretch your back as well as how to stand quietly. 53. October 5. CIPSU held a grand celebration of "Global Confucius Day in Lincoln Hall." The event was divided into two parts: the "VIP reception" and "Chinese classical concert." Hanban-delegated officials in Portland, leaders of PSU faculty, representatives of the local Chinese community as well as the director of CIPSU attended it. The CIPSU and CIPSU-affiliated Confucius classroom teachers put on a number of performances. Ms. Zhou Yi, a renowned pipa player, gave a splendid concert to all the guests. Dr. Margaret Everett, Vice Provost for the Office of International Affairs at PSU, delivered the opening speech. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the efforts and contributions made by CIPSU in promoting Chinese language teaching and cultural exchanges between China and the United States. She also expressed the hope that the Confucius Institute would continue to play an active role in promoting Chinese language education in the future. 54. October 7. CIPSU sponsored the renowned Chinese pipa player Zhou Yi to give a performance at the CIPSU-affiliated Confucius classrooms at Bend and Sisters High Schools. She gave a demonstration and performance of the pipa instrument to over 200 high school students and members of the choir. Ms Zhou performed pipa solos, "Spring Snow", "Spring River Moonlight", "Xinjiang Dance", "Moon over Guanshan" and "Green Waist" for the 350 attendees. After the concert, she watched children do calligraphy and perform a talent show in the Confucius classroom. She also tasted the Chinese dumplings made by Chinese teachers. 55. October 7. The monthly cultural program at the Lan Su Chinese Garden was held. CIPSU teachers Xu Wen and Jia Xiao demonstrated the art of paper cutting to a group of families with children, who subsequently tried their hand at the traditional Chinese handicraft. 56. October 16. CIPSU administered the first HSK test in the fall. Five people took the tests, which ranged from HSK 1 to HSK 5. One of the students took the HSKK, which is the speaking component of HSK. The test-takers, which included adults and secondary school students, expressed an interest in Chinese culture. They want to assess their level of Chinese proficiency to make preparations for studying in China. 57. October 18. CIPSU teachers coordinated with the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange at Soochow University by putting on a PSU Opera performance on December 7 and 9 in Suzhou, China. They helped with the translation of event flyers, visa applications, and flight bookings. 58. November 10. At 6:30 pm, room 296-8 at Smith Memorial Student Union was packed full of attendees. About 75 teachers, students, and members of the local community attended a lecture on Chinese tomb paintings by Dr. Heather Clydesdale, an art

historian and scholar. The lecture, titled, “Excavation of Early Six Dynasty Paintings in Western China Reveal a Bold Frontier,” was sponsored by CIPSU. 59. November 10. A CIPSU faculty meeting was held in Room 406 of Millar Library. Director Wang talked about the Hanban-assigned tasks, events organized by CIPSU, and the Spring Festival gala. In addition, she made clear and detailed instructions about a number of activities such as HSK and YCT to be conducted later in the same month. 60. November 11. A feature report about Ms. Li Meiyan, a CIPSU-affiliated Confucius classroom teacher, was published in the local newspaper Qiaosheng Bao. Ms. Li is a new CC teacher who was highly praised for her teaching even though she has only been there for several months teaching Chinese language and culture. She teaches effectively and uses immersion approaches in her classroom. Through the immersion approach, her students are able to improve their ability to speak Chinese. From now on, CIPSU will introduce one or two outstanding Chinese teachers to the public every month. 61. November 19. CIPSU held the YCT test on November 19 at 1:30pm in Cramer Hall. 13 test takers took 14 tests in total, and one of them took the elementary level YCT oral test. The monitors for this test were CI teachers Qingqing Gong, Xiao Jia and Ming Li. 62. November 30. The Confucius Institute of Portland State University (CIPSU) held a celebration on November 30 at 6:00 pm for Bob Bitter, a student from Portland State University (PSU) majoring in both Economics and Chinese. This celebration was in honor of Bitter because he won the general scholarship issued by Hanban, the headquarters of Confucius Institute, and was admitted by the Overseas Education College of Xiamen University. Not only was this a celebration to congratulate Bob Bitter on his talent and efforts, but it was also an honor and proud moment for CIPSU. 63. December 2. CIPSU teachers Ou Yulan, Jia Xiao, Wang Xi, Li Ming and Zuo Bulei held the monthly Chinese Corner at the Lansu garden. The theme of this month was “Wintersweet, Tea and Snowflake.” CI teachers demonstrated a tea ceremony, Chinese paper cutting and the customs of Chinese festivals. More than 30 visitors were attracted to the booth and participated in the activities that the CI teachers designed. 64. Dec. 3-Dec.9: Collaborated with Soochow University, CIPSU organized students from the School of Music at PSU to perform at Soochow University and Suzhou University of Science and Technology. Dr. Margaret Everett, Vice Provost of OIA at PSU, and Prof. Jian Wang, CI Director went to China leading a group of 14 PSU students, staff and faculty. The PSU Opera students led by Prof. Christine Meadow performed a world premiere opera "The Place Where You Started" at both Soochow University and Suzhou University of Science. and Technology. Their performances were well received. Over a 1000 people enjoyed the excellent show. Mr. Guocai Cao, a local Chinese community leader, and Jian Wang, director of CIPSU have respectively donated $200 and $100 to the opera trip to China. Their generous contribution is very much appreciated.

65. December 4. CIPSU held the HSK and HSKK test on Sunday at Cramer Hall room 1. Nine test takers participated in the HSK tests from level 2 to level 6, and HSKK tests from Elementary level to intermediate level. CI teachers Gong Qingqing, Jia Xiao and Zhou Jizheng have been in charge of the organization and monitoring of the test. A special thanks to Li Ming, who helped examine the computers before the tests began. 66. December 7-11. Dr. Margaret Everett, Vice Provost of International Affairs, Vice Provost for International Affairs & Dean of Graduate Studies, Prof. Jian Wang, Director of the CIPSU, Jian Zhang, Associate Director attended the CI Council meeting on 12/7/2016 at Soochow University, Suzhou, China. After the meeting, they traveled from Suzhou to Kunming for the 11th Global Confucius Institute Conference where Dr. Everett gave a presentation. 67. December 20. The Confucius Institute at Portland State University held a teacher development training and experience exchange meeting at the Smith Memorial Student Union in Room 238 on December 20, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. 13 CI and CC teachers participated in this event. The meeting started with a word of welcome by Director Jian Wang. She emphasized the importance of professional development training and appreciated the attendees for coming. Five CI/CC teachers gave presentations at the meeting including Bulei Zuo, Lei Ming, Yuan Guangbin, Guo Tiemei and Zhang Zeyao. They shared their experiences in teaching mandarin. Three breakout sessions were held in the afternoon with a facilitator for each breakout theme. Gong Qingqing, Zhou Jizheng and Xu Wen serve as a facilitator for each table. Topics discussed include "How to immerse Chinese Culture into Chinese Teaching," "How to Teach Chinese to Learners of Elementary Level," and "Methods and innovation of Classroom Activities." After the discussion, the representatives of each group did a summary show.

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