
Post on 23-Aug-2014






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Did you know that your pet cat is related to big cats like lions and leopards? All members of the cat family, including the domestic cat, have similar physical traits. They all have soft fur, sharp claws and teeth, and excellent eyesight and hearing. They also are carnivores—meaning they only eat meat.


Wild members of the cat family are found everywhere except Australia and Antarctica. The tiger, lion, leopard, and jaguar are known as the big cats. Other cats in the wild include the cheetah, the lynx, the ocelot, and the puma.


*It has been scientifically proven that owning cats is good for our health and can decrease the occurrence of high blood pressure and other illnesses.


*Stroking a cat can help to relieve stress, and the feel of a purring cat on your lap conveys a strong sense of security and comfort.


There are over 40 different breeds of cats. Many cats, including the Maine coon pictured here, are very affectionate and have fine, soft.

Cats are small, furry mammals that are often kept as pets.


Cats closely resemble their fossil ancestors of 34 million years ago. A cat’s skeleton has more than 230 bones. (A human being’s has 206.) Its hips and shoulders are loosely attached to its spine. Its tail provides balance


This build makes cats extremely nimble. A cat can survive falls by twisting in the air and landing on its feet.


A cat’s powerful muscles aid it in leaping and running. Its claws are attached to muscles that can extend the claws from the cat’s paws. The claws are designed for catching and holding prey. A cat has strong jaws and sharp teeth. It uses its teeth to kill and to rip apart its prey. It uses its rough tongue to strip meat from bones, as well as to clean itself.

A cat’s senses are well adapted for hunting. It can pick up smells hundreds of yards or meters away. It can hear a wide range of sounds, including those too high for human ears.

It can turn its ears to focus on sounds. It has excellent eyesight, especially at night. It can see well to its sides and can accurately judge distances.



A female cat gives birth to kittens that have developed inside her body for nine weeks. After birth, the kittens feed on their mother’s Milk


Cats were objects of worship in ancient Egypt. This statue shows Beast, an Egyptian cat goddess of fertility and childbearing.

*Facts about cats

Scientists are not sure why, or how, a cat purrs. It is not even certain whether a cat controls its purring.Cats living in large numbers on farms form family groups, like the prides of their cousins, the African lions. No other member of the cat family behaves this way.Your pet cat probably hates to get wet. But cats are natural swimmers.Cats were once feared and hated in Europe. They were believed to be connected with witches and the devil. Fear of cats led to the superstition that a black cat crossing your path brings bad luck.

Cat Family

*Domestic Cats

* Domestic cats, no matter their breed, are all members of one species. Felis catus has had a very long relationship with humans. Ancient Egyptians may have first domesticated cats as early as 4,000 years ago. Plentiful rodents probably drew wild felines to human communities. The cats' skill in killing them may have first earned the affectionate attention of humans. Early Egyptians worshipped a cat goddess and even mummified their beloved pets for their journey to the next world—accompanied by mummified mice! Cultures around the world later adopted cats as their own companions.

The Cat Breeds....

Persian Cat

The Persian is a long-haired breed of cat characterized by its round face and shortened muzzle. Its name refers to Persia, the former name of Iran, where similar cats are found.


The Siamese is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. The breed originated in Thailand, where they are one of several native breeds and are called Wichian Mat. 

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon, also known as American Longhair, is a breed of cat with a distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills.

Rag Doll

The Ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct colorpoint coat. It is a large and muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat.


The Bengal is a hybrid breed of domestic cat. Bengals result from crossing a domestic feline with an Asian leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis.

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a domesticated cat whose features make it a popular breed in cat shows. It has been the most popular breed of cat registered by the UK's Governing Council of the Cat Fancy since 2001, when it overtook the Persian breed.


The Abyssinian is a breed of domesticated cat with a distinctive ticked coat. There are many stories about its origins, often revolving around Ethiopia, but the actual origins are uncertain.


The Sphynx is a breed of cat known for its lack of a coat. The contemporary breed of Sphynx is known also as the Canadian Sphynx, which is distinct from the Russian Sphynx breeds like Peterbald and Don Sphynx.

BurmeseThe Burmese is a breed of domesticated cats split into two subgroups: the American Burmese and the British Burmese. Most modern Burmese are descendants of one female cat called Wong Mau, which was brought from Burma to America in 1930.

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat believed to be descended from European cats brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats, not a great variety of mixed breeds with short hair.

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a cat breed that has a silver-blue coat. They are very intelligent and playful, but tend to be shy around strangers.

Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is a breed of cat developed to be a shorthaired version of the Persian. The Exotic Shorthair is similar to the Persian in many ways, including temperament and conformation, with the exception of the short dense coat

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that makes its ear cartilage contain a fold, causing the ears to bend forward and down towards the front of their head


The Manx cat, in earlier times often spelled Manks, is a breed of domestic cat originating on the Isle of Man, with a naturally occurring mutation that shortens the tail.

Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat, combining the Siamese body type with a diversity of coat colors and patterns.


The Birman, also called the "Sacred Cat of Burma", is a domestic cat breed. It should not be confused with the Burmese, which is a dissimilar breed. The Birman has medium-long hair, a pale colored body with darker points and deep blue eyes. 

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a breed of intelligent, short-haired cat that emerged in England during the 1960s. They are known for their slender bodies, wavy coat, and large ears. These cats are capable of learning difficult tricks.

Cornish Rex

A Cornish Rex is a breed of domestic cat. The Cornish Rex has no hair except for down. Most breeds of cat have three different types of hair in their coats: the outer fur or "guard hairs"

Egyptian mau

Egyptian Maus are a small- to medium-sized short-haired cat breed. Along with the Bahraini Dilmun Cat, they are one of the few naturally spotted breeds of domesticated cat. The spots of the Mau occur on only the tips of the hairs of their coat.

Norwegian Norway Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of domestic cat native to Northern Europe. This natural breed is adapted to a very cold climate, with top coat of glossy, long, water-shedding hairs, and a woolly undercoat for insulation.


The Munchkin is a relatively new breed of cat characterized by its very short legs, which are caused by a naturally occurring genetic mutation.


The Savannah is a domestic hybrid cat breed. It is a cross between a serval and a domestic cat.

The Big Cats


A cheetah’s body is built for speed. During a high-speed chase, the cheetah’s spine arches in a way that helps the animal take long strides. Its tail helps it stay balanced while running.

*Cheetah is Endangered??

Although cheetahs can run fast, they can’t escape human hunters, who kill them for their meat or skin. People also build roads and towns that destroy the areas where cheetahs live. As a result, cheetahs are endangered that is, they are at risk of dying off.


*Bob cat

The bobcat, a type of lynx, is found in southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. It has a short tail and a spotted coat. Bobcats are good swimmers and can leap up to 10 feet (3 meters).


The leopard is a large, spotted cat of Africa and Asia. It hunts alone and at night and often stores its food in trees, away from other hungry animals.


The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.3 m (11 ft) and weighing up to 306 kg (670 lb). Its most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. It has exceptionally stout teeth, and the canines  are the longest among living felids with a crown height of as much as 74.5 mm (2.93 in) or even 90 mm (3.5 in).



The lion is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg in weight, it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger.


The jaguar, Panthera onca, is a big cat, a feline in the Panthera genus, and is the only Panthera species found in the Americas. The jaguar is the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere.


The cougar, also known as the mountain lion, puma, panther, mountain cat, or catamount, is a large cat of the family Felidae native to the Americas.

*Snow Leopard

The snow leopard is a moderately large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central Asia. The classification of this species has been subject to change, and as of 2000, it is still classified as Uncia uncia by MSW3. and CITES Appendix I.

*Clouded Leopard

The clouded leopard is a cat found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China, and has been classified as Vulnerable in 2008 by IUCN.

-The ENDMeow…Meow…MeowMeow…Meow…Meow

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