cathedral of the immaculate sunday in ordinary...

Post on 22-Mar-2018






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CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION in the city and Diocese of Albany

Established 1848 • Corner of Eagle Street and Madison Avenue (at the Empire State Plaza), Albany, NY

Mission Statement We, the worshipping community of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, rooted in the Gospel and the

celebration of the Eucharist, seek to make known God’s love in the world through serving one another, sharing our faith and welcoming all.

Schedule of Liturgical Celebrations The Holy Eucharist (Mass) Sunday Masses: (Anticipated Mass) 5:15 p.m. on Saturday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday Weekdays: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 12:15 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 7:15 a.m.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. and by appointment

Please pass the bulletin on to a neighbor or friend.

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Religious Education To register, and for information, call:

Parish Food Pantry 93 Park Avenue; Basement, Entrance at north side of building Food and personal care items collected on the last Sunday of the month. Food distributed Monday-Friday l0:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.

Pastoral Visits

Contact the rectory office to schedule a tour.

Tours of the Cathedral available by appointment

Personal amplifying units for the hearing impaired are available in the sacristy.


The Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. Bishop of Albany The Very Reverend David R. LeFort, S.T.L., V.G., Rector The Reverend John Tallman, Parochial Vicar

In residence The Most Reverend Howard J. Hubbard, D.D. Bishop Emeritus

Religious Education and Faith Formation Dr. Thomas Fowler

Cathedral Social Services Department Sister Margaret Mary Hohl, D.C.

Director of Music and Organist Dr. Brian F. Gurley

Coordinator of Development / Public Relations / Events Mr. Thomas M. Prindle

Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lucy McHenry

Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Kathy Zorian

Facilities Manager Mr. Kurt Schlachter

Sacristans Mr. Brian Cosgrave Mr. Martin Powell

Trustees Mrs. Debra Bleezarde Mr. Claude Rounds

Parish Council Chair Mrs. Gerry Johnson

Rectory and Cathedral Offices 125 Eagle Street Albany, New York 12202-1718 Phone: 518-463-4447 Email: Fax: 518-514-1441 Web address: Follow us on facebook ! https:://

Religious Education Office Email:

Church Music Office Phone: 518-463-4447 ext. 5 Email:

Social Services/Food Pantry Office Sister Margaret Mary Hohl, D.C. 93 Park Avenue, basement office Phone: 518-463-2279 Email:

Cathedral Convent 93 Park AvenueAlbany, New York 12202 Phone: 518-436-7697

Development / Public Relations / Events Office Mr. Thomas Prindle Phone: 518-453-6657 Email:




God has raised up one like Moses and greater than Moses. Jesus is understood as good news for those who are willing to receive him. He is a threat or a matter of indifference for those who will not. In Mark’s Gospel, the first miracle is a casting out, an exorcism. The simplest and the most sophis-ticated listeners understood that they were witnessing a new time. Sin had overstayed its time and lost its power. There was someone new under the sun, and he would change the world.

Authority The word “authority” comes from the Latin word auctor, which means “author.” The word doesn’t mean that a person with authority must be a writer. But it does mean that the person with authority must be an artist—someone who “authors” something. But what does that person author? Jesus knew the answer: life. The bringer of life has authority to change the world.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Comment In today’s Gospel, we see that the authority of Jesus was clearly grasped by the opposition. The cry from the demon, the spirit of evil, is unmistakable and chilling: “I know who you are!” This is to say, “You are the ultimate threat to us.” Evil will no longer have its way. Jesus has served notice, and the spirit of evil knows it. The lines are drawn.

It is characteristic of Mark to draw the battle lines early in his Gospel. He shows us that the embodiment of God’s goodness is diametrically opposed to the power of evil that is tolerated in the world. The collusion of systems and institu-tions that drives the people to distraction and keeps them poor and ignorant goes on and on and on. The words coming from the mouth of the single tormented man in the syna-gogue are startling, to say the least. But the great wonder is the durable hope of the people at large. Finally, at long last, could this be the author of life? The creator of something new under the sun? The crowd was held spellbound by Je-sus. He spoke of newness. He did not sound like the tired, soulless teachers the plentiful poor had grown so weary of. Jesus was not the “same old, same old.”

The first reading would have prepared the people at Caper-naum. They knew by heart the grace and beauty of the book of Deuteronomy, literally, the “second law.” This book gave them the great Shema: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!”(6:4) The revered Moses has primacy of place in this book.

It may come as a surprise to us that Moses is described as a prophet. Not only that, he is the standard by which all other prophets are measured. There is often widespread confusion about the vocation of the prophet. An authentic prophet is not one who sees into the future, but rather one who speaks for God. Moses, the great one who speaks for God, reminds the people that God will raise up a prophet like Moses him-self. This prophet will speak in God’s name and only in God’s name.

We can easily make the transition to Jesus himself. We see him stand up to read the Scriptures in the synagogue of Ca-pernaum. Those who heard him were astonished. The spirit of evil was enraged. The time was ripe. The Author of life was ready for battle.

A mere fifty-six years after Jesus’ resurrection the world was changing. Paul writes a letter to the Church at Corinth, the second reading today. He understands that with baptism comes a new day that would yield to the supposedly immi-nent second coming. In the face of this grace-filled time of great expectation, we sense Paul’s urgency. He counsels the Corinthians to be free of anxiety and to realize that they are called to devote themselves entirely to the Lord. For all his sense of urgency, Paul nonetheless bears within himself an assurance and serenity born not of self-confidence but of grace. He wishes this for the Corinthians and for us.

Eucharistic Adoration Opportunities: Blessed Sacrament Church First Fridays: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. His-toric St. Mary’s Church First Fridays: 7:30 a.m. –12:00 p.m. Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas: First Saturdays: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi Parish-Delaware Ave. Site. Sundays: 8:00a.m. – 8:50 a.m. , 3:00 p.m. —6:00p.m., Wednesdays: 5:00 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.

2018 Eucharistic Congress Save the date: join Bishop Scharfen-berger and Catholics throughout the diocese for an historic Diocesan Eu-

charistic Congress, a day of inspiring talks, worship and Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on September 22, 2018 at our own National Shrine of the North Ameri-can Martyrs in Auriesville, NY.



WE PRAY TO THE LORD…For Our Sick: Jeffrey Abraham, Peter Brosnan, Robert Buell, Loretta Carney, Shirley Anderson, Lucy Apisa, Stephen Beattie, Grace Isabelle Caruso, Carmella Cervera, Mary Faith Colvin, Theresa Cooney, Sr., Gertrude Cosenke, RSCJ, Marc Daniels, John Dare, Jr., Denise Degasparis, Michael Dolan, Ann Doherty, JoAnn DeLucia, Susan Dzurica, Diane Fontanelli, Angelo Frattianni, Peter Fulgan, Janette Fusco, Michael Gilman, Bernice Girma, Karen Goral, Carol Greenshields, Jean Gutbrodt, Bryan Hanley, Sophie Hanley, Jacqueline Heisler, Kenneth Hockeson; Douglas Hoffeler, Dorothy Jordan, Reny Jose, Bill Keane, Amy Keegan, Mary Lauria, Donald Law, Gayle Leonard, Rebecca Leno, Diane Lo Prete, John McGrath, Sr., Maria Mercurio, CSJ, Stephanie Merenda, Diane Mueller, James Murphy, Mary Murphy, Joseph Oathout, Shane O’Donnell, Josephine Pitcherale, Marcia Pedone, Catherine Rappazzo, Mark Roman, Matthew Rosato, Anna Ruggeri, Megan Ruthman, Joe Shea, Elaine Spoor, Jane Strodel, Adam Ventura, Sebastian Vicencio, Richard Warner, Raphael Warner Due to HIPPA regulations, we are not always aware of parishioners who are in the hospital or nursing homes. If you know of a parishioner who would need a Priest or Deacon to visit, please call the rectory at 518-463-4447 or email the rectory office at 2

For Our Soldiers:

Anthony S. Royal, Richard Powell, Jessica Cameron, Nicole Dunford, Tara Kinchen

Stewardship of Treasure The collection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary time was not available for this weeks bulletin. Next week’s 2nd Collection is for Utilities. Thank you for all you have given to the Cathedral.

Social Services/Food Pantry When we have inclement weather and schools are closed our guests need more food and snacks for their families. We are especially in need of : peanut butter, ce-real, hearty soups, microwave popcorn, and indi-vidual size fruit cups. We really need warm gloves for men, women and children, socks espe-cially for men and a set of queen size sheets. Our volunteers are the best! Serving our guests in many ways, five days a week through all types of weather conditions. Many of our recent immigrants have already got-ten jobs! This helps them become independent of the Food Pantry. Your donations assist these ref-ugees as they adjust to their new country We are always in need of volunteers, please call Sister Margaret Mary at 518-390-3655 or email the rectory at Thank you and God Bless you, SISTER MARGARET MARY

Year of the Dog

On Sunday, February 18 the Vietnamese Communi-

ty at Sacred Heart, North Albany will celebrate

“Tet”- the Vietnamese New Year (this is the year of

the dog-find out why). You are invited to attend the

Vietnamese Mass at 10:30 a. m., and then partici-

pate in the celebration that will follow in the parish

hall. The Mass is always a colorful and splendid

service in Vietnamese and there will be fun, food,

raffles and prizes for all who participate. For infor-

mation, call Deacon Walter at 518.434.0680.

Congratulations to the family of Elizabeth Pratt who was baptized at the

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. May God continue to bless this beautiful child and her family. May she grow in grace, faith and holiness.

If you know of any of the persons listed having been re-stored to good health, or if any of our Soldiers are no longer serving, please contact the rectory office at 518-463-4447.

K of C “All You Can Eat” Breakfast Sunday, February 11, 2018 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM *PLEASE NOTE NEW EXTENDED HOURS* Menu includes: juice, coffee, tea or hot chocolate, fruit cup, scrambled eggs, pancakes with hot syrup, French toast, home fries, corned beef hash, bacon, sausage, cereals & banana, Danish pastries, bagels, toast plus an OMELET STATION. Come relax and let us do the cooking! All you can eat for only $9.00, children 5-10 $4.00 under 5 free. Latham Colonie Knights of Columbus 328 Troy Schenectady Rd. Latham, NY 12110 518-783-0572 or


January 28, 2018

Cathedral Liturgical Celebrations, meetings and Mass Intentions for the week of January 27-February 3, 2018

Saturday, January 27 11:00 a.m. Cathedral Tour with St. Thomas Youth Ministry 5:15 p.m. Vigil Mass

Sunday, January 28 9:00 a.m. Mass Intention Estelle Murphy Requested by Paul Stringer 10:00 a.m. Faith Formation 11:00 a.m. Mass Intention Michael Robert Murphy Requested by The Murphy Family 2:00 p.m. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS MASS

5:00 p.m. Mass . Monday, January 29 12:15 p.m. Mass

Tuesday, January 30 7:15 a.m. Mass

Wednesday, January 31 12:15 p.m. Mass 3:45 p. m. Training Choir

Thursday, February 1 7:15 a.m. Mass 5:00 p.m. Children’s Choir 7:00 p.m. Choir

Friday, February 2 12:15 p.m. Mass

Saturday, February 3, 2nd Collection Utilities 5:15 p. m. Vigil Mass, Intention Andrew Wagner Requested by Maura and Richard Moneymaker

Sunday, February 4, 2nd Collection, Utilities 9:00 a.m. Mass 11:00 a.m. Mass Intention Gary Becker Requested by Cathedral Choir Friends 12:00 p.m. Altar Server Training 3:00 p.m. Monday Musical Club Concert 5:00 p.m. Mass

"Catholics must never abandon the moral require-ment to seek full protection for all human life from the moment of conception until natural death." Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, USCCB

"Los Católicos nunca deben abandoner el requeri-miento moral de buscar la proteccion total de toda vida humana desde el momento de la concepcion hasta la muerte natural."


January 28, 2018

The Evangelist is the diocesan newspaper and is only $18 per year for 48 issues! Our parish is re-sponsible for each subscription that our parishion-ers receive. If you receive the Evangelist, please consider contributing toward its publication. It is a wonderful way to stay connected to the news in our Diocese and our church. The Evangelist is a wonderful way to keep up-to-date with news from Pope Francis, Bishop Scharfenberger and events throughout our Diocese.

From Father LeFort Altar Servers If you enjoy our liturgical celebrations, one of the ministries you no doubt find quite im-pressive is the ministry of altar server. The talented women and men, boys and girls, are a vital part of our liturgical life. On Feb-ruary 4th, following the 11:00 a. m. liturgy, Fr. LeFort and Judy Raphael will be updating current servers on the duties of their role. Additionally, if anyone is interested in join-ing the ranks of altar server, please do not hesitate to contact the rectory. We’ll enjoy some training and well-deserved pizza. And if you are unsure whether you would make a good server, not to worry, we love the fact that you wish to assist. And of course, Fr. LeFort’s motto for our liturgical ministers is always comforting: “This is the Cathedral: we don’t make mistakes here...we simply make adjustments!”

2017 Tax Statements As we end another calendar year, so too an-other tax year. For those who have shared financial gifts with our parish, “thank you”. If you wish to receive a statement of your contributions to the Cathedral made during 2017, please contact the office by phone.518.463.4447 or email

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