categories 2

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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CategoriesWhat do these have in common?

What do these have in common?Car, Bus, Airplane

A.Things that fly

B. Types of transportation

C. Things with 4 Wheels

What do these have in common?Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom

A.Places where you cook food

B. Rooms in your house

C. Places where you sleep

What do these have in common?Rainy, Windy, Sunny

A.Types of weather

B. Types of places

C. Types of temperatures

What do these have in common?Lettuce, Broccoli, Carrot

A.Types of desserts

B. Types of fruits

C. Types of vegetables

What do these have in common?Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter

A.Types of cookies

B. Types of meat

C. Types of drinks

What do these have in common?Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball

A.Types of places

B. Types of sports

C. Types of board games

What do these have in common?Rhinoceros, Goat, Antelope

A.Animals that live in the water

B. Animals that live on farms

C. Animals that have horns

What do these have in common?Calf, Kitten, Puppy

A.Types of baby animals

B. Types of food

C. Types of adult animals

What do these have in common?Sweater, Pants, Dress

A.Types of shoes

B. Types of clothes

C. Types of people

What do these have in common?Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio

A.Different countries

B. Different flowers

C. Different U.S. states

What do these have in common?Table, Centipede, People

A.Types of insects

B. Things that have legs

C. Types of furniture

What do these have in common?Cake, Pie, Ice Cream Sundae

A.Types of breakfast foods

B. Types of dinners

C. Types of desserts

What do these have in common?Monday, Thursday, Saturday


B. Days of the Week

C. Holidays

What do these have in common?Circle, Octagon, Triangle

A.Types of shapes

B. Types of numbers

C. Types of colors

What do these have in common?Blue, Red, Green

A.Types of shapes

B. Types of numbers

C. Types of colors

What do these have in common?Aunt, Brother, Grandfather

A.Family Members/Relatives

B. Types of animals

C. Types of friends

What do these have in common?Pigeon, Robin, Parrot

A.Types of food

B. Types of birds

C. Types of lizards

What do these have in common?Whale, Seaweed, Starfish

A.Things that live in ponds

B. Things that live in oceans

C. Things that live in swimming pools

What do these have in common?Doll, Train Set, Ball

A.Types of toys

B. Types of people

C. Things that bounce

What do these have in common?Blender, Toaster, Refrigerator

A.Things in your Bathroom

B. Things that keep food cold

C. Things in your kitchen

What do these have in common?Shorts, T-shirt, Sandals

A.Clothes you wear in the winter

B. Things you wear on your feet

C. Clothes you wear in the summer

What do these have in common?Ring, Bracelet, Necklace

A.Types of clothes

B. Types of jewelry

C. Types of food

What do these have in common?Violin, Guitar, Harp

A.Types of musical instruments

B. Types of toys

C. Types of video games

What do these have in common?Dolphin, Fish, Octopus

A.Types of land animals

B. Types of sea animals

C. Types of pets

What do these have in common?Roast Beef, Ham, Turkey

A.Types of meat

B. Types of vegetables

C. Types of desserts

What do these have in common?Hammer, Saw, Screwdriver

A.Types of tools

B. Types of musical instruments

C. Things that you write with

What do these have in common?Fly, Bee, Ant

A.Things that have fur

B. Things that have wings

C. Types of insects

What do these have in common?Daisy, Rose, Carnation

A.Types of food

B. Types of flowers

C. Types of grass

What do these have in common?Cow, Goat, Pig

A.Types of farm animals

B. Types of house animals

C. Types of sea animals

What do these have in common?Star, Moon, Clouds

A.Things that shine

B. Things on the ground

C. Things in the sky

What do these have in common?Bugs Bunny, Snoopy, Daffy Duck

A.Types of cartoons

B. Types of people

C. Types of pets

What do these have in common?Tony, Maria, Sharon

A.Types of numbers

B. Types of names

C. Types of flowers

What do these have in common?Apple, Acorn, Coconut

A.Types of chocolate

B. Things that are red

C. Things that grow on trees

What do these have in common?Pen, Pencil, Crayon

A.Things that you write with

B. Things that you cook with

C. Things that you sharpen

What do these have in common?Spring, Summer, Fall

A.Types of temperatures

B. Different seasons

C. Days of the week

What do these have in common?Table, Bed, Couch

A.Types of furniture

B. Things you find in your kitchen

C. Things you find in your bathroom

What do these have in common?4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving

A.Types of Holidays

B. Days of the week

C. Months

What do these have in common?Grocery Store, Mall, Pharmacy

A.Types of food

B. Types of places

C. Types of people

What do these have in common?Dawn, Afternoon, Night

A.Times of the day

B. Days of the week

C. Months

What do these have in common?Lizard, Snake, Fish

A.Animals that have scales

B. Animals that crawl on the ground

C. Animals that have fur

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