catalogue of books recently added to the university

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GASSIZ (L.) Etudes sur les Glaciers. 8vo. With plates in folio. 2 vols. Neuchatel, 1840

AGASSIZ (L.) Nouvelles Etudes et Experi-ences sur les Glaciers Actuels, leur Struc-

ture, leur Progression, et leur Action Physique sur le Sol. 8vo. With Atlas in folio. 2 vols. Paris, 1847

AIRY (Prof. G. B.) On the Algebraical and Numerical Theory of Errors of Observations, and the Combination of Observations. Crown 8vo. London, 1861

AIRY (Prof. G. B.) Gravitation ; an Elementary Explana-tion of the principal perturbations in the Solar System. Crown 8vo. London, 1834

AINSLIE (J.) A Treatise on Land Surveying ; a new and enlarged edition, embracing Railway, Military, Marine, and Geodetical Surveying. By W. Galbraith. 8vo. With a 4to. Atlas of plates. 2 vols. London, 1849

ANNALEN der Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte. 2 vols. 4to. Wien. 1836

ARAGO (François). Astronomie Populaire. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860-1.



ARAGO (François). les questions â figues. 8vo.

ARAGO (François).

ARAGO (François).

ARAGO (François).

ARAGO (François).

ARAGO (François).

Instructions, rapports, et notices sur résoudre pendant les Voyages Scienti-

Paris, 1857

Mélanges. 8vo. Paris, 1859

Mémoires Scientifiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858-9

Notices Biographiques. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-9

Notices Scientifiques. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-8

Tables. 8vo. Paris, 1862

ACON (Francis), the Works of. Collected by. J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1857-62

BAGAY (Prof. V.) Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques et Hydrographiques, contenant un traité abrégé des Cer-cles de la Sphère, la description des Instruments â Réflexion, une nouvelle Table des Logarithmes des sinus, cosinus, tangentes, et contangentes de seconde en seconde pour les quatre-vingt dix degrés du quart du cercle. 4to. Paris, 1829

BASHk'ORTH (Francis). A Practical Treatise on the Con-struction of Oblique Bridges with Spiral and with Equi- librated Courses. 8vo. London, 1855

BASHFORTH (F.) A General Table for facilitating the Cal-culation of Earthworks for Railways, Canals, &c., with a Table of Proportionate Parts. 8vo. London, 1855

BEER (G.) et MADLER (J. H.) Mappa Selenographica. Imperial folio. Berolini, 1834


BERGHAUS (Dr. H.) Physikalischer Atlas, oder Sammlung von Karten, auf denen die hauptsachlichsten erschein-ungen der anorganischen und organischen Natur, nach ihrer geographischen verbreitung undvertheilung bildlich dargestellt sind. 4 vols. Folio. Gotha, 1849-52

BESANT (W. H.) A Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydro- dynamics. 8vo. Cambridge, 1859

BLOXAM (M. H.) The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, with an explanation of Technical Terms, and a centenary of Ancient Terms. Crown 8vo.

London, 1859

BOOLE (George). The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, being an essay towards a Calculus of Deductive Rea- soning. 8vo. Cambridge, 1847

BOOLE (G.) A Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differ- ences. Crown 8vo. London, 1860

BOOLE (G.) A Treatise on Differential Equations. Crown 8vo. Cambridge, 1859

BREWSTER (Dr. D.) A Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments for various purposes in the Arts and Sciences, with experiments on Light and Colours. 8vo.

Edinburgh, 1813

BUCHANAN (R.) Practical Essays on Mill Work and other Machinery, together with Tools of modern Invention, with notes and additions by T. Tredgold. Edited by G. Rennie. Royal 8vo. With folio Atlas of plates. 2 vols. London, 1841-50

BUCK (G. W.) A Practical and Theoretical Essay on Oblique Bridges, with an addition of description to diagrams for facilitating the construction of Oblique Bridges. By W. H. Barlow, C. E. Imperial 8vo.

London, 1857


AMUS (W.) A Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels, demonstrating the best forms which can be given to them for the purposes of Machinery,

such as Mill-work and Clock-work, and the art of find-ing their Numbers, with details of the present practice of Mill-wrights, Engine Makers, and other Mechanists, edited by J. J. Hawkins. 8vo. London, 1842

CODDINGTON (H.), On Optics. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1830

r. A Treatise on the Reflection and Refraction of Light. n. On the Eye and on Optical Instruments.

COURSE OF MATHEMATICS prepared for the use of the Royal Military Academy. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. London, 1853

CYCLOPIEDIA (The English) of Arts and Sciences, by Charles Knight. 8 vols. 4to. London, 1859-61

E MORGAN (Prof. A.) The Book of Almanacs, with an Index of Reference by which the Al-manac may be found for every Year, whether

in old style or new, from any Epoch, ancient or mo-dern, up to A. D. 2000, with means of finding the Day of any New or Full Moon from B. C. 2000 to A.D. 2000. 8vo. London, 1851

DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE (Some Account of) in England, from the Conquest to the end of the Thirteenth Century, by T. Hudson Turner. 2 vols. 8vo. Oa, ford, 1851-3

DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE (Some Account of) in England, from Richard II. to Henry VIII. 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1859


ARNSHAW (S.) Dynamics, or a Treatise on Motion ; to which is added, a short Treatise on Attractions. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844

EARNSHAW (S.) A Treatise on Statics, containing the Theory of the Equilibrium of Forces, and numerous examples illustrative of the General Principles of the Science. 8vo. Cambridge, 1845

ENCYCLOP2EDIA METROPOLITANA; or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge, on an original plan ; comprising the two-fold advantage of a Philosophical and an Alpha-betical Arrangement, edited by E. Smedley, Hugh J. Rose, and Henry J. Rose. 29 vols. 4to. London, 1845

Pure Sciences, 2 vols. Mixed Sciences, 6 vols. History and Biography, S vols. Miscellaneous and Lexicographical, 12 vols. Plates, 3 vols. Index, 1 vol.

ENGEL (F.) and SCHELLBACH (K.) Darstellende Optik. 8vo. with plates in folio. Halle, 1856-61

AIRBAIRN (Dr. W.) Treatise on Mills and Mill-work, the principles of Mechanism and Prime Movers ; comprising the accumulation and

estimation of Water Power, the construction of Water-wheels and Turbines, the properties of Steam, the varieties of Steam Engines, and Boilers, and Windmills. 8vo. London, 1861

FERGUSON. (J.) Handbook of Architecture (illustrated), being a concise and popular Account of the different Styles of Architecture prevailing in all Ages and all Countries. 8vo. London, 1859


EPLER (J.) Opera Omnia, edidit C. Freisch. 4 vols. Royal 8vo. Frankofurt, 1857-63

ACROIX (S. F.) Traité du Calcul Différentiel, et du Calcul Intégral. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1810-19

4: LAMONT (Dr. J.) Handbuch des Erdmagnetis- mus. 8vo. Berlin, 1849

ODFRAY (H.) An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, with a brief sketch of the his-tory of the problem up to the time of Newton.

Crown 8vo. London, 1859

GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURE. A Dictionary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architec-

Oxford, 1850

GROVE (W. R.) The Correlation of Physical Forces. 8vo. London, 1855

ART (John). A Practical Treatise on the Con-struction of Oblique Arches. Imp. 8vo.

London, 1848

Hinsca (M.) Integral tafeln oder Sammlung von Integral formeln. 8vo. Berlin, 1810

HODGKINSON (E.) • Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals, containing practical rules, tables, and examples founded on a series of experiments; with an extensive table of the Properties of Materials, by T. Tredgold; to which is added, experimental researches on the Strength and other Properties of Cast Iron. 8vo.

London, 1861

aure. 3 vols. 8vo.


LLOYD (Dr. H.) A Treatise on Light and Vision. 8vo. London, 1831

LLOYD (Dr. H.) Elements of Optics. -8vo. Dublin, 1849

LLOYD (Dr. H.) Lectures on Physical Optics, the Wave Theory of Light. 8vo. London

LUND (T.) Elements of Geometry and Mensuration, with easy Exercises; designed for schools and adult classes. Crown 8vo. London, 1859

z. Geometry as a Science. n. Geometry as an Art.

zn. Geometry combined with Arithmetic (Mensuration).

LuNN (J. R.) An Elementary Treatise of Motion. 8vo. Cambridge, 1859

ACNEILL (Sir John). Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Earthwork in the Cuttings and Embankments of Railways, Canals, and other

Public Works. 8vo. Dublin, 1846

MAIN (R.) Rudimentary Astronomy. Crown 8vo. London, 1852


First Series. Vols. 1-5. Second Series. Vols. 1-6.

MOSELEY (H.) Illustrations of Mechanics. Crown 8vo. London, 1839

MOSELEY (H.) The Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture. 8vo. London, 1855

MOSELEY (H.) A Treatise on Mechanics applied to the Arts, including Statics and Hydrostatics. 8vo.

London, 1839

11 vols. 4to.



St. Petersbourg, 1809-62

Fifth Series. Mémoires. Vols. 1-11. 11 vols. 1809-1830

Sixth Series. Mémoires de Sciences Mathematiques, Phy- siques, et Naturelles. 2 vols. 1831-32

Mémoires de Sciences Mathematiques et Physique. 7 vols. 1833-59

Mémoires de Sciences Naturelles. 8 vols. 1833-59

Mémoires de Sciences Politique Histoire et Philologie. 9 vols. 1831-59

Mémoires présentés â l'Academie par divers savans et lus dans ses assemblées. 9 vols. 4to. 1831 -59

Bulletin Scientifique. 10 vols. 1836 -42 Physico-Mathematique. 16 vols. 1843 -58 Historico Philologique. 16 vols. 1844 -59

Seventh Series. Mémoires de Sciences Mathematiques, Phy- siques, et Biologiques. 4 vols. 1859-62

Bulletin. Sciences Mathematiques, Phy- siques, et Biologiques. 4 vols. 1859-62

MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE (Annales du), par les Professeurs de cet Etablissement; avec Table des Auteurs qui ont inséré des articles dans les vingt volumes avec leur enoncéj suivie d'une Table générale et analytique des Matières, par ordre alphabétique comprises dans cette Collection. 21 vols. 4to. Paris, 1802-13

MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE (Mémoires du), par les Professeurs de cet Etablissement. 20 vols. 4to.

Paris, 1815-32

MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE (Nouvelles Annales du), ou recueil de Mémoires publiés par les professeurs de cet etablissement, et par d'autres naturalistes sur l'His-toire Naturelle, l'Anatomie, et la Chimie. 4 vols. 4to.

Paris, 1832-5


EWTON'S PRINCIPIA. The First Three Sec-fions, with an Appendix, and the Ninth and Eleventh Sections; edited by J. H. Evans. 8vo. Cambridge, 1855

NICHOL (J. P.) A Cyclopmdia of the Physical Sciences; comprising Acoustics, Astronomy, Dynamics, Electricity, Heat, Hydrodynamics, Magnetism, Philosophy of Mathe-matics, Meteorology, Optics, Pneumatics, Statics, &c. 8vo. London, .1860

NOAD (H. M.) The Improved Induction Coil ; being a popular explanation of the Electrical Principles on which it is constructed, with the description of a series of beau-tiful and instructive Experiments illustrative of the In- duced Current. Crown 8vo. London, 1861

Nox1E (J. W.) A Complete Epitome of Practical Naviga-tion ; containing all necessary Instruction for keeping a Ship's Reckoning at Sea, with the most approved me-thods of ascertaining the Latitude by Meridian single or double Altitudes, and the Longitude by Chronometers or Lunar Observations; including a Journal of a Voyage from London to Madeira, &c. 8vo. London, 1860

NoRIE (J. W.) A Complete set of Nautical Tables, con-taining all that are requisite, with the Nautical Almanac, in keeping a Ship's Reckoning at Sea, and in ascertain-ing the Latitude and Longitude by Celestial Observa-tions ; including an accurate and extensive Table of the Latitudes and Longitudes of the principal Ports, Har-bours, Capes, &c. in the world. Royal 8vo.

London, 1858

NovEAUx MUMoIRES de la Societé Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 18 vols. 4to. Neuchatel, 1837-61

NOVA Acta Academim Cmsarim Leopoldino Carolinm Naturm Curiosorum. Vols. ix.-xxiir. Verhandlungen der Leop. Carol. Acad. der Natur-forschungen. Band 1-15. 35 vols. 4to. Bonn, 1818-52


ALEY (F. A.) A Manual of Gothic Mouldings ; a practical Treatise on their Formations, Gra-dual Development, Combination and Varieties,

with full directions for copying them, and for determin- ing their dates. 8vo. London, 1847

PARKER (J. H.) An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Crown 8vo. London, 1861

PARKINSON (S.) An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics for the use of junior Classes, at the University, and the higher Classes in Schools, with a collection of examples. Crown 8vo. London, 1861

PEARSON (W.) An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. 2 vols. Imperial 4to. London, 1824-29

i. Tables recently computed for facilitating the reduction of Celestial Observations, and a popular explanation of their construction and use.

is. Descriptions of the various Instruments that have been usefully employed in determining the places of the Heavenly. Bodies, with an account of the methods of adjusting and using them.

PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon-don, for the years 1751-1858 ; together with Dr. Low-ther's Abridgment from the year 1665 to the year 1751, and Dr. Maty's Index to 1788. 114 vols. 4to.

London, 1749-1858

POTTER (R.) An Elementary Treatise on Hydrostatics, for the use of Junior University Students. 8vo.

Cambridge, 1859

POTTER (R.) Physical Optics. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856-9

s. Nature and Properties of Light. II. The Corpuscular Theory of Light discussed Mathe-



POTTER (R) An Elementary Treatise on Optics. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847-51

a. All the Requisite Propositions carried to first Approxi-mations, with the construction of Optical Instruments, for the use of Junior University Students.

u. The higher Propositions, with their Applications to the more perfect forms of Instruments.

ANKINE (Prof. W. J. M.) A Manual of applied Mechanics. Crown 8vo. London, 1861

RANKINE (Prof. W. J. M.) A Manual of the Steam Engine and other Prime Movers. Crown 8vo.

London, 1861

RANKINE (Prof. W. J. M.) A Manual of Civil Engineer- ing. Crown 8vo. London, 1863

RAPER (H.) The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1862

RICHARDSON (C. J.) A Popular Treatise on the Warming and Ventilation of Buildings, showing the advantage of the improved system of heated water circulation. 8vo.

London, 1856

RICKMAN (T.) An Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England from the Conquest to the Reformation, edited with a sketch of the Grecian and Roman Orders, and considerable historical additions by J. H. Parker. 8vo. London, 1862

RoUTH (E. J.) An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies. Crown 8vo.

London, 1860


ROYAL ENGINEERS. Papers on Subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1839-49

RusKIN (John). The Seven Lamps of Architecture. Royal 8vo. London, 1849

COTT (G. G.) Remarks on Secular and Domestic Architecture, present and future. 8vo.

London, 1858

SCHLAGINTWEIT (Hermann & Adolph). Untersuchungen über die Physicalishe Geographie der Alpen in ihren Beziehungen zu den phænomenen der gletscher zur Geo-logie, meteorologic, und pflanzengeographie. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. With plates in folio. 4 vols.

Leipzig, 1850-54

SHARPE (E.) A Treatise on the Rise and Progress of de-corated Window. Tracery in England. 8vo.

London, 1849

SIMMS (F. W.) A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Levelling, showing its application to Purposes of Railway Engineering, and the Construction of Roads, &c., with Mr. Law's practical examples for setting out Railway Curves, and Mr. Trantwine's Field Practice of laying out Circular Curves. 8vo. London, 1856

SIMMS (F. W.) A Treatise on the principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling, and Astronomy, explaining their construction, adjustments, and use, with an appendix and. tables. 8vo.

London, 1850

Simms (F. W.) Practical Tunnelling. Edited by W. D. Haskoll. Imperial 8vo. London, 1860


SMILES (S.) Lives of the Engineers, with an Account of their principal Works, comprising also a History of Inland Communication in Britain. 3 vols. 8vo.

London, 1862

STEPHENSON (George). The Story of the Life of the Railway Engineer. By S. Smiles. Crown 8vo.

London, 1862

STRUVE (F. G. W.) Beschreibung der unter allerhóchstem *Kaiserlichen schutze von der universit t zu Dorpat veran-stalteten Breitengradmessung in den ostseeprovinzen Russlands ausgeführt und Bearbeitet in den Jahren 1821 bis 1831. 2 vols. Royal 4to. Dorpat, 1831

STRUVE (F. G. W.) Description de l'Observatoire Astro-nomique central de Poulkova. 2 vols. Folio.

St. Petersbourg, 1845

STRUVE (Dr. W.) Vorlufiger bericht von der Russischen Gradmessung auf veranstaltung der Kaiserlichen univer-sitat zu Dorpat w6,hrend der Jahre 1821 bis 1827, in den ostseeprovinzen des reichs. Royal 4to. ' Dorpat, 1827

AIT (P. G.) and STEELE (W. J.) A Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle, with numerous ex- amples. Crown 8vo. Cambridge, 1856

TODHUNTER (J.) Algebra for the use of Colleges and Schools. Crown 8vo. London, 1862

TODHUNTER (J.) History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations during the 19th Century. 8vo.

London, 1861


TODHUNTER (J.) An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations, with a collection of examples. Crown 8vo. London, 1861

TODHUNTER (J.) A Treatise on the Differential Calculus. Crown 8vo. London, 1860

TODHUNTER (J.) A Treatise on the Integral Calculus and its applications, with numerous examples. Crown 8vo.

London, 1862

TODHUNTER (J.) Examples of Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions. Crown 8vo. Cambridge, 1858

TODHUNTER (J.) Plane Trigonometry. Crown 8vo. London, 1860

TODHUNTER (J.) Spherical Trigonometry for the use of Colleges and Schools, with numerous examples. Crown 8vo. Cambridge, 1859

Towsox (J. T.) Tables to Facilitate the Practice of Great Circle Sailing, and the determination of Azimuths. Royal 8vo. London, 1861

TREDGOLD (Tho.) Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals ; containing practical rules, tables, and examples, founded on a series of Experiments, with an extensive table of the Properties of Materials ; to which is added experimental researches on the strength and other qualities of Cast Iron, by E. Hodgkinson. 8vo. London, 1861

TREDGOLD (Thos.), On the Steam Engine. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1861

Vol. 1. Locomotive and Stationary Engines. 2, 3. Marine Engines and Boilers.


ATT (James), Life of; with Selections from his Correspondence. By J. P. Muirhead. 8vo.

London, 1859

WEBSTER (T.) The Principles of Hydrostatics; an ele-mentary treatise on the Laws of Fluids and their practical applications. Crown 8vo. London, 1847

WEISBACH (J.) Die Experimental-Hydraulik. 8vo. Frieberg, 1855

WEISBACH (Prof. Julius). Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1847-8

WESTON (H. B.) Tables for Finding the Longitude by Chronometer at Sunrise and Sunset. 8vo. London,1856

WILME (B. P.) A Hand-book for Plain and Ornamental Mapping, Engineering, and Architectural Drawing, con-sisting of every style of embellishment-writing used by Surveyors and Civil and Mechanical Engineers; contain-ing many original designs and sketches for hills, trees, cliffs, rocks, north points, scrolls, borders, and titles for estate and parish maps, railway plans and sections, and every description of ornament required in the above professions. 4to. London, 1846







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Author/s:University of Melbourne. Library.

Title:Catalogue of books recently added to the University Library, Melbourne, Victoria


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