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To what extent does Christianity influence the behavioural patterns of 6th form students at the Glenmuir High School?

Name: Rochelle Edwards

School: Glenmuir High School

Registration Number: 1000390672

Territory: Jamaica

Year of Exam: 2013



The completion of this Caribbean studies project could not have been done properly

without support from a number of people. Firstly, I would like to thank God for sparing my life

and guiding me through this project with ease. I would like to thank my parents for always being

at my side and helping me whenever I was in need. Lastly, special thanks to my Caribbean

Studies teacher Mrs. Wolfe who stuck behind me and gave me the motivation to succeed as she

made proper provision in giving all of the students help and tips on completing this project with

a view to achieve full marks.


Table of Contents

Chapter Page

Introduction and Purpose of Research……………………………………………… 4

Literature Review…………………………………………………………………….. 6

Data Collection Sources…………..……………………………………………………9

Presentation and Interpretation of Findings….……………………………………..10

Discussion of Findings…………………………………………………………………22



Appendices …………………………………………………………………………..…26


Introduction and Purpose of Research

Research Statement

To what extent does Christianity influence the behavioural patterns of 6th form students at the

Glenmuir High School?

Sub problems

1. What percentage of the 6th form population are Christians?

2. In what ways does Christianity influence the behavioural patterns of the students?

3. What other factors influence the behavioural patterns of these students?


The 6th form community at the Glenmuir High School is made up of over 250 young adults

most of whom have some belief in the Christian faith or parts of it. These beliefs can be shown in

the formation of clubs such as the Inter-school Christian Fellowship (ISCF) of which a majority

of its members are 6th formers.

This research is aimed at finding out to what extent does Christianity or religious beliefs

influence the behavioural patterns of these 6th formers. The researcher chose this topic because it

is very appealing and the findings are bound to be very debatable and can be related to from a

universal point of view.


The researcher assures that the education value of this investigation will be copious and will

bring great awareness to the features of the Christian faith along with the impacts on not just the

6th formers at Glenmuir but youths in general.


In doing this research, the researcher will focus this study on the 6th formers at the Glenmuir

High School in Clarendon. The researcher will collect data from 20 students for this research.

The main area of focus for this research will be on Christianity and its effect on these students’


It will be carried out over a two month period between January and February 2013.

Definition of Key Terms

Behavioural patterns - A response of an individual or group to an action, environment, person, or stimulus.

Christianity - The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices.


Literature Review

According to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Christianity is one of the

world’s major monotheistic religions. Christians believe in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings.

The definition shows that the fundamentals of Christianity are centred on the teachings of Jesus


Around the world, matters of faith vary greatly, with no one thing sacred to everyone on

earth. Because religion deals with ideas that transcend everyday experience, neither common

sense nor any scientific discipline can verify or disprove religious doctrine. Religion is a matter

of faith. Religion encourages people to look hopefully to a better world to come, minimizing the

social problems of their world. A link exists between religious beliefs and societal benefit. But is

there a link between religion and adolescent behaviour, such as sex, delinquency, and the media's

effect on adolescents? Several decades of social scientific studies have shown that religion is

often a factor in the lives of American adolescents, influencing their attitudes and behaviours in

ways that are commonly viewed as positive and constructive (Smith, 2003). This shows that

indeed religion or in this case Christianity will have an effect on choices the 6th formers at

Glenmuir High School make especially for baptised Christians. Some adolescents will look into

the teachings of Christianity before making a drastic decision as some of the features of

Christianity are highlighted in everyday society in the form of moral values.

A study conducted at Fordham University established a relationship between the strength

of a college freshman's religious faith and sexual experimentation (Zaleski & Schiaffino, 2000).

The study found that students “who strongly identify with religious teachings and traditions”

were “less likely to engage in … sexual activity”


Jennifer Elliott in here Yahoo article states “Adolescence is a time when everything is

questioned, including culture and religion. There are so many influences on adolescents today,

television, music, movies, the internet, that it is hard to believe that religion can make that much

of a difference.” This sentiment is very true as teenagers tend to gravitate towards these things

nowadays rather than religion. We can also often see where nowadays where religion and

popular culture seem to be entwined and how religion is portrayed nowadays will have an effect

on how Christianity affects the 6th form population at Glenmuir.

The article also continues to say “Religion has become more marketable in the past few

years………… In bookstores, the Religion section grows larger. Publishing companies are

producing brightly-coloured bibles as opposed to the traditional black leather. As long as religion

and its purpose are not misrepresented, the popularity of religiosity will continue to grow.”

A major influence on how the followers of the Christian faith live their lives is The Ten

Commandments, British Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon once said of The Ten

Commandments “I find sometimes profitable to myself to read the Ten Commandments and to

think over my sins against each one of them. What a list it is, and how it humbles you in the dust

to think it over”. What Mr. Spurgeon was showing is how important these commandments are to

Christians. In order to really follow those commandments, persons have to really adjust their

personal and social lives in accordance to them. Do the 6th formers at Glenmuir do that?

Then there is the argument about moral values, in its article titled Influence of

Religion on Daily Life states that the laws and social customs that exist in society are almost all

based on religious teachings. There is no doubt that growing up, parents have taught their


children what is deemed socially acceptable behaviour using the teachings of Christianity to help


Again, another article published by entitled “Why Society Needs Religion”

explains the importance of religion in general in society. Reasons given were: it regulates

behaviour, it teaches self sufficiency, the fact that society is largely based on the idea or

cooperation which is also taught by religion and lastly, religion gives society something to

believe in.

An article on the site entitled Faith Has a Limited Effect on Most People’s Behaviour

states that Notional Christians – people who say they are Christian but have never made a

profession of faith in Jesus Christ represent almost half of all people attending Christian

churches in the U.S. In total, they are about one-third of the adult population. The study also

indicated that even though the Bible and churches encourage fasting for religious reasons, the

people most likely to engage in religious fasts are adherents of non-Christian faiths. In fact, the

non-Christian people of faith are twice as likely as Christians to engage in fasting.


Data Collection Sources

So as to carry out this research the researcher will utilize information from several data

collection sources. The type of research to be carried out is applied research and it will be

descriptive in nature. The presentation of data will be done using both the qualitative and

quantitative methods.

The research instrument that will be utilized is the questionnaire. This instrument will be used as

it provides a quick, efficient and cheap method of data collection as well as allows larger

numbers of information to be collected that can be easily sorted, summarized and analysed. The

twenty questionnaires were issued on February 2, 2013.

The researcher will also employ the use of secondary sources which includes books and

websites. This is to ensure that the researcher is well acquainted with studies of similar subjects

done by others. The researcher will then present the finding using illustrative methods such as

graphs and charts.

The sampling method that will be utilized by the researcher is known as stratified random

sampling where the objective 6th form population will be broken down into the subsets of teens

who had a strong Christian background and those who did not. Individuals were randomly

chosen from those subsets. This method was utilized as it provided the researcher with the most

competent manner in which to obtain the necessary information. Twenty individuals will be

used to collect this information. They will be chosen as this allows the researcher to make

assumptions that can be generalized to the entire target population.


Presentation and Analysis of Data

Presentation of Findings

Question 2: Are you a baptised Christian?



Yes No

Figure 1

Figure 1 show that eight of the twenty respondents which amounts to 40% were baptised

Christians and 60% or the remaining 12 were not.


Question 4: How often do you go to church?

Rarely Often Occasionally Holidays0







Figure 2

Figure 2 is a column graph showing the response to question 4 “How often do you go to

church?” The answers shows that two of the respondents said rarely, twelve declared often, four

said occasionally and two said they attended church only on holidays.


Question 7: What Christian clubs are you a part of?




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows the responses to the question “What Christian clubs are you a part of?” Ten of

the respondents said that they were a part of the ISCF body; two said they were a part of the

Alphas and the other eight were not a part of any Christian clubs.


Question 8: What are your views on devotion?

It is necessary It is unnecessary0











Figure 4

Figure 4 displays the respondents’ views on devotion. Eighteen of the respondents said devotion

is necessary and the other two thought it was unnecessary.


Question 10: How does the Christian belief affect your academic performance?

Work harder for success Honour the efforts of your parents Proper time management 0







Figure 5

Figure 5 shows the results to question 10 which asked the effect the Christian belief has on the

respondents’ academic performance? Eight persons said that the belief allows them to work

harder for success; ten said it makes them honour the efforts of their parents and two stated that it

helped them to practise proper time management.


Question 11: What are some of the activities that your church does not support?

Wearing pants Going to parties Having intimate sexual relationships outside


All of the above 0







Figure 6

Figure 6 displays the answers to question 11. Nine persons stated that their church forbids all of

the named activities while the other nine stated that their church only forbade having intimate

sexual relationship outside of marriage.


Question 14: Would you prefer going to a party or prayer meeting?

PartyPrayer Meeting

Figure 7

Figure 7 represents which past time the respondents preferred. Eleven of them would rather go

to a party, this number includes four of the teens who said that they were baptised Christians.

The other nine stated that they would rather go to a prayer meeting.

Question 16: In what ways do your friends influence you?


0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Figure 8

Figure 8 shows the type of influence the respondents’ friends have on them. Three persons said

that their friends influence them into having intimate sexual relationships; twelve said their

friends influenced them into becoming better persons and five stated that their friends influenced

them into listening to secular music.

Question 19: Do you obey all the rules of the school?


Yes 25%


Figure 9

In response to question 18 as shown in figure 9, a minority of 25% stated that they followed all

the rules of the school while the significant 75% stated that they did not. It should also be noted

that of the 25%, only two of the baptised Christian were included.

Analysis of Findings


The 6th form population at the Glenmuir High School has both nominal and baptised

Christians. The researcher asked the question “Are you a baptised Christian?” as opposed to

“Are you a Christian?” because as long as a person believes in the Christian faith generally they

would classify themselves as Christians. Hence, the researcher wanted to observe the differences

in behaviours between the two groups. It is shown in Figure 1 that eight of the twenty

respondents which amounts to 40% were baptised Christians and 60% or the remaining 12 were

not. This piece of information would give rise to assumptions that Christianity would have an

effect on the behavioural patterns of a lesser number of 6th formers but saying that would suggest

that nominal Christians were less of a believer than baptised Christians. Is this a fair assumption?

When asked how often they went to church, two of the respondents said rarely, twelve declared

often, four said occasionally and two said they attended church only on holidays. It is necessary

to state that all half of the respondents who said they were baptised Christian stated that they

attended church occasionally. It is arguable that one doesn’t have to attend church regularly to be

a good Christian but a majority of the things that these 6th formers learn about the Christian faith

will have to come from the church and so, what is learnt will be reflected in their behavioural


Why do you go to church? A majority of the 6th formers gave the reason that they wanted

to be closer to God and this was the best way of doing so while a few stated that they didn’t have

a choice as their parents “forced” them to go. These are mostly the teens who said that they came

from a strong Christian home. So it can be said that from the use of the word “force” that some

of these 6th formers are just expected to follow their parents’ religious beliefs rather than

formulate a religious knowledge on their own.


Eighteen of the respondents said devotion is necessary and the other two thought it was

unnecessary. Devotion is just one of the means used at Glenmuir High School to get closer to

God and it is believed that the closer one is to God then the more satisfactory that person’s

behaviour will be. The fact that two persons saw devotion as being unnecessary does not exactly

mean that their behaviour will be any different from the others.

A majority of the baptised Christians also stated that they would classify their closest

friends as unsaved so apparently the fact that they are baptised does not mean that they only tend

to form friendship with other Baptised Christians. This reveals that one of the other factors that

would influence the behavioural patterns of the 6th form students would be their friends and to an

extent, whether or not these friends are baptised will also determine the type of influence

A majority of the baptised Christians also stated that they listen to Dancehall music but it has no

effect on them. So we see that them being “Saved” does not have a significant difference

between their activities and those of the unsaved. Again it can be said that friends might a great

influence in this as it is noticed that those who answered yes to listening to dancehall music also

stated that this is one of the ways in which their friends influenced them. Three persons also said

that their friends influence them into having intimate sexual relationships.

Despite being a baptised Christian or not there are certain activities and behaviours which

most teenagers are bound to partake in that are termed adolescent. It is similar to the popular

saying “Boys will be boys”. As shown in Figure 7 a majority of the 6th formers would rather go

to a party, this number includes four of the teens who said that they were baptised Christians.

The other nine stated that they would rather go to a prayer meeting. There are times when

teenagers will be teenagers no matter how much of a Christian they are, it’s in their nature.


Finally one could look at the results to the question “Do you obey all the rules of the

school?” Only a minority of 25% stated that they followed all the rules of the school while the

significant 75% stated that they did not. It should also be noted that of the 25%, only two of the

baptised Christian were included. At Glenmuir there are many rules and with the 6th formers

being adolescents most of the 6th formers are bound to break at least one of the rule, it might be

intentionally or accidentally. As teenagers it must be understood that Christianity in itself does

not detain you from breaking rules or behaving unscrupulously but it is the amount of faith you

have in Christianity, or any other religion that regulates how one behaves.


Discussion of Findings

“Adolescence is a time when everything is questioned, including culture and religion. There

are so many influences on adolescents today, television, music, movies, the internet, that it is

hard to believe that religion can make that much of a difference. It is indeed shown that at the

Glenmuir High School Christianity was not the only thing affecting the behaviour of the 6th

formers. The research shows that the impact of friends play a major influence on how most of the

respondents behaved the influence varied from both positive to negative. As one would imagine,

a lot of the 6th formers at the Glenmuir High School are not particularly religious but they do

engage in religious activities such as conducting and having respect for devotion. Most of the

respondents thought that devotion was necessary because they wanted God to be a part of every

aspect of their lives especially academically.

A lot of respondents thought that following the Ten Commandments was a very important thing

in living a fulfilling Christian life. There were a few who admitted to not following these

commandments each day especially in the sexual aspects of their lives as some of these

respondents stated that this is one aspect of their lives in which their friends influence them. It is

also seen where 75% of respondents also said that they do not obey all the rules of the school. As

said before, persons have to really adjust their personal and social lives in accordance to these

commandments. It is clear that some 6th formers try to do this but it is not always achievable.

The researcher does see in the findings that a majority of the respondents were notional

Christians who do engage in fasting. What difference does it make? Would a “saved” Christian

person get a better treatment in the afterlife than the Notional Christian even if they both have


the same behavioural patterns? Is it fair to say that those 6th formers who are baptised Christians

behave better than the others? Not in all cases.

As said before, laws and social customs that exist in society are almost all based on

religious teachings, the majority of the respondents disclosed that they do attend Sunday/Sabbath

school and in these lessons are teachings of morality and correct social behaviours.

Parents and teachers alike have instilled in these set of teens qualities that are morally right

which is brought out by the teaching ideologies such as turning the other cheek and of bible

sayings such as “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (NIV, Luke 6:31).

As for the belief that religion especially Christianity regulates behaviour, it is popular belief that

religion is one of the reason even if distant, for many of the wars that have been fought in this

our era. However, despite these sentiments it is also very agreeable that it does regulate

behaviour. Just try to think of a world without religion. What would people believe in? What

would give the society hope?

It is my own belief that religion will play an eternal part in adolescents' lives. As teens are

burdened with the choices of right or wrong, good or bad, yes or no, we must believe that their

basis for decision-making comes from somewhere. Whether it is from societal standards,

parental guidance, or spiritual upbringing, the teen will do what is right for them in any specific



Conclusion, Limitations, Recommendations

It is fair to say that Christianity does influence the behavioural patterns of the 6th formers

at the Glenmuir High School even if it is to a small extent and some more than others. The

researcher sees that the larger percentage of 6th formers are indeed Christians (both saved and

notional included) and their religious beliefs do play a small part in how they act and think but

the researcher is led to believe than somehow the influence can become greater and more

positive if the students decide to take their religious beliefs more seriously. The researcher also

sees where other things such as the roles of friends and music play an equal part in influencing

these behavioural patterns. The behaviour of the students vary from good to bad although it can

be said that there is no one person who’s behaviour seem to be directly influenced by



A majority of the respondents did not properly answer the open ended questions or did

not attempt to answer them at all.

Some of the respondents misplaced their questionnaires and the researcher had to reprint


The respondents took a longer time to answer the questionnaires than was expected.


Upon observing the data acquired from this research, the researcher recommends the following:

1. That more persons get involved in Christian clubs.

2. That the 6th formers try to find insight from Christianity by educating themselves more.



1. Smith, C. (2003) Theorizing Religious Effects Among American Adolescents

2. Elliott, J (2005). How Does Religion Affect the Lives of Adolescents? Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Yahoo Voices website: religion-affect-lives-adolescents-11697.html?cat=72

3. Hemmingway, P. (2007). Faith Has a Limited Effect On Most People’s Behaviour.

Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Barna Group website:

4. Pritchett, R. (2008) Influence of Religion on Daily Life Retrieved February 21, 2013 from Credong website:

5. Salmon, T. (2008I Why Society Needs Religion Retrieved February 21, 2013, from Credong website:

6. Wellman, J. (2011). In Charles Spurgeon on the Ten Commandments. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Everyday Christian website:



Gender Male ( ) Female ( )

1. Do you come from a strong Christian home?

Yes ( ) No ( )

2. Are you a baptised Christian?

Yes ( ) No ( )

3. What denomination do you belong to?

Baptist ( ) Seventh Day Adventist ( ) Methodist ( ) Jehovah’s Witness

( ) Pentecostal ( ) other ______________

4. How often do you attend church?

Rarely ( ) Often ( ) Occasionally ( ) Holidays ( )

5. Why do you go to church?



6. Do you attend Sunday/ Sabbath School?

Yes ( ) No ( )

7. What Christian clubs are you a part of?

ISCF ( ) Alpha ( ) None ( )

8. What are your views on devotion?


It is necessary ( ) It is unnecessary ( )

State why



9. Do you engage in fasting?

Yes ( ) No ( )

10. How does the Christian belief affect your academic performance?

Work harder for success ( ) Honour the efforts of your parents ( )

Proper time management ( ) other _______________________

11. What are some of the activities that your church does not support?

Wearing pants ( )

Going to parties ( )

Having intimate sexual relationships outside of marriage ( )

All of the above ( )

12. Do you partake in any of the forbidden activities? I yes, which?



13. In what aspect of your life do you obey the Christian doctrine most?

Social ( ) Sexual ( ) Moral ( )

14. Would you prefer going to a party or prayer meeting?

Party ( ) Prayer Meeting ( )

15. How would you classify your closest friends?


Unsaved ( ) Christians ( ) God fearing ( ) Other ( )

16. In what ways do your friends influence you?

Having intimate relationships ( )

Becoming a better person ( )

Listening to secular music ( )

Other ______________________

17. What type of music do you listen to?

Gospel ( ) Reggae ( ) R&B ( ) Dancehall ( ) Other


18. Are you influenced in any way by the music?

Yes ( ) No ( )

19. Do you obey all the rules of the school?

Yes ( ) No ( )


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